Working curriculum "international trade" name of the discipline. Work program for the discipline of international trade Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

"WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE B1.V.DV.03.01.05 INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES Direction of study 38.03.01 Economics Direction (profile) of the program" World ... "


federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Krasnodar branch of the Russian Economic University and m. G. V. Plekhanov


B1.V.DV.03.01.05 INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES Direction of study 38.03.01 Economics Direction (profile) of the program "World Economy"

Level of higher education Bachelor's degree Program of preparation academic bachelor's degree Krasnodar 2016


1. Frolova V. V., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Krasnodar Branch of the Russian Economic University named after

G. V. Plekhanova

2. Filobok A. A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography of KubSU

Annotation of the work program of the academic discipline "International trade in services":

The purpose of studying the discipline is to assimilate the essence and main directions of development of international trade in services, methods for analyzing the processes occurring in international trade in services, as well as to get acquainted with the principles of its functioning and gain the opportunity to use theoretical skills in practical activities.

The objectives of the discipline are to reveal the features of the functioning of international trade in services, its structure and dynamics of development; - to identify factors influencing the development and expansion of international trade and economic relations in the field of services; to study the structure of the world market of services, the dynamics of its development; - consider the classification of services in the international trade system; - characterize the main provisions of the GATS in the field of international trade in services; - determine the place of Russia in the system of international trade in services.

Working programm academic discipline is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Compiled by:

D. S. Veselov, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics ___________________________

(signature) The work program of the academic discipline was approved at a meeting of the Department of Enterprise Economics Minutes dated February 25, 2016 No. 7


1.1 The purpose of the discipline…………………………………………………………………………...4

1.2 Educational objectives of the discipline…………………………………………………………………4

1.3 The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program………………………….4

1.4 Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline………………………….5

1.5 Forms of control……………………………………………………………………………….6

1.6. Requirements for adapting the educational and methodological support of the discipline for students with disabilities and disabled people………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………….8 III.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES……………………………………………………..10 IV.EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL, INFORMATION AND MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE…………… …………………………..10

4.2 List of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for the development of discipline .........................................................................................

4.3 List of information technologies used in the implementation educational process by discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


4.5 Logistics of the discipline (sections)…………………………..16 V. THEMATIC PLAN FOR STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17 VI. EVALUATION FUND………………………………………………………….18


6.2 Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation, description of assessment scales ………………………………………………………..18

6.3 Typical control tasks or other materials necessary to assess knowledge, skills and (or) experience of activity that characterize the stages of formation of competencies in the process of mastering the OBEP HE ………………………………………………… …………18 VII. METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS ON MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE ………………………………………………………………………………………….21



1.1 The purpose of the discipline The purpose of the academic discipline "International trade in services" is the assimilation by students of the essence and main directions of development of international trade in services, methods of analyzing the processes occurring in international trade in services, as well as in getting acquainted with the principles of its functioning and obtaining the opportunity to use theoretical skills in practical activities . As a result of studying the discipline, the student must acquire skills that allow the use of theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

The study of the course is built on the principle: from the most general fundamental concepts that give an idea of ​​modern international trade in services, as a form of economic relations, to specific information and recommendations on the organization of foreign trade operations and foreign trade policy.

1.2 Educational tasks of the discipline

Discipline tasks:

To reveal the features of the functioning of international trade in services, its structure and dynamics of development;

To identify factors influencing the development and expansion of international trade and economic relations in the field of services;

Describe a set of measures to regulate trade in services at the international level;

To study the structure of the world market of services, the dynamics of its development;

Consider the classification of services in the international trade system;

To characterize the main provisions of the GATS in the field of international trade in services;

Show the composition of participants from among the largest exporters and importers of services in world markets;

determine the place of Russia in the system of international trade in services.

1.3 The place of the discipline in the structure of the OBEP HE (the main professional educational program of higher education) The discipline "International trade in services" refers to the variable part of the curriculum and is a discipline of choice. The discipline is based on the knowledge of the following disciplines: "The world economy and international economic relations”, “International trade”, “International trade in tourist services”.

Table 1 - The volume of discipline and types of educational work Total hours Indicator of the volume of discipline Full-time education

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For the successful development of the discipline "International trade in services", the student must:

1. Know the place and role of the service sector in the global economy (GPC-2, PC-7).

2. Be able to assess the potential for the development of exports of services in the state (PC-2, PC-4).

3. Have the skills to classify services in international trade (OK-3).

The discipline "International trade in services" is studied in the 8th semester and has no subsequent disciplines.

1.4 Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline in accordance with the types professional activity for which the undergraduate program is oriented, the following professional tasks should be solved and the following general cultural (OK) and professional (PC) competencies should be formed: (according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education):

Types of activity: accounting and economic, analytical, research, organizational and managerial.

OK- 3 - the ability to use the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity

As a result of mastering the competence of OK-3, the student must:

1. Know: the principles of using economic knowledge in various fields of activity

2. Be able to: use the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity

3. Possess: the skills of using economic knowledge in various fields of activity PC-2 - the ability, based on standard methods and the current regulatory framework, to calculate economic and socio-economic indicators that characterize the activities of business entities

As a result of mastering the PC-2 competence, the student must:

1. Know: the methodology for calculating economic and socio-economic indicators

2. Be able to: calculate economic and socio-economic indicators

3. Possess: the skills of carrying out calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators that characterize the activities of economic entities.

PC-4- the ability to build standard theoretical and econometric models based on the description of economic processes and phenomena, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained

As a result of mastering the competence of PC-4, the student must:

1. Know: methodology and principles for describing economic processes

2. Be able to: build standard theoretical and econometric models

3. Possess: the skills of analysis and interpretation of the results.

1.5 Forms of control

Current control (control of the student's independent work) is carried out in the process of mastering the discipline by the lecturer and the teacher conducting seminars in accordance with the calendar-thematic plan, in the amount of hours planned in the calculation of the pedagogical load on the discipline in the form of the following works:

1. Abstract.

Criteria for evaluation:

Excellent: the abstract is prepared in a volume that reveals the topic.

Good: the abstract as a whole has been prepared, minor errors have been made, some questions of the topic have been omitted.

Satisfactory: the abstract is prepared at a fairly low level, there are no actual examples, the topic is not disclosed.

Unsatisfactory: the content of the topic is not reflected in the abstract, the topic is not disclosed, or the abstract is not prepared

2. Interview

Criteria for evaluation:

Excellent: The student answers questions fluently, shows deep knowledge of the topic.

Good: The answer is given at a fairly high level, up to 4-5 factual errors are allowed Satisfactory: Up to 8 factual errors are made, the level is not high enough Unsatisfactory: More than 8 factual errors are made, does not understand the subject

3. Creative essay.

Criteria for evaluation:

Excellent: the student freely expresses his thoughts, offers the right solution to the problem, problem.

Good: The student is generally correct in expressing his/her thoughts, but there are slight errors.

Satisfactory: the student tries to express his thoughts, but he manages to do it at a fairly low level.

Unsatisfactory: the student is actually unable to express his thoughts on the topic of the issue.

4. Testing

Criteria for evaluation:

Excellent: 100-90% correct Good: 89-70% correct Satisfactory: 69-50% correct Poor: 49% or less correct

5. Case study

Criteria for evaluation:

Excellent: The student actively participates in the discussion of the case, expresses the right thoughts and offers the right solutions Good: The student actively participates in the discussion of the case, expresses generally correct thoughts and tries to find a solution Satisfactory: The student tries to participate in the discussion of the case, but the level of knowledge does not allow to do the right and reasonable conclusions Unsatisfactory: The student does not try to participate in the discussion of the case.

Intermediate certification in the 8th semester - exam The results of the current control and intermediate certification form a rating assessment of the student's work. The distribution of points in the formation of a rating assessment of a student's work is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students' knowledge in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov". The distribution of points for certain types of work in the process of mastering the discipline "International trade in services" is carried out in accordance with section VIII.

1.6. Requirements for the adaptation of educational and methodological support of discipline for students with disabilities and disabled people

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In the process of mastering the discipline "International trade in services" the following educational technologies are used:

1. Standard teaching methods:

practical lessons, which discuss the main problems disclosed in lectures and formulated in homework assignments;

written or oral homework;

teacher consultations;

preparation of abstracts;



independent work students, which includes the development of theoretical material, preparation for practical and (or) laboratory classes, the implementation of the above written or oral tasks, work with literature.

2. Teaching methods using interactive forms of educational technologies:

interactive lectures;

business and role-playing games;

discussion of essays prepared by students.


2. Rudneva A. O. International trade: Textbook. - M.: NITs InfraM, 2013. - 234 p.

3. Khalevinskaya E.D. World economy and international economic relations / INFRA-M, Moscow, 2013. 400 s.

1. "Customs Code of the Customs Union" (annex to the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union, decision Interstate Council of the EurAsEC at the level of heads of state dated November 27, 2009 N 17) (as amended on April 16, 2010).

3. the federal law dated December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2011, as amended on November 21, 2011) “On currency regulation and currency control» (as amended and supplemented, effective from 29.09.2011).

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 718 (as amended on December 8, 2010) "On the Customs Tariff of the Russian Federation and the Commodity Nomenclature Used in Foreign Economic Activity"

5. General agreement on trade in services. Adopted by the WTO in 1994

additional literature

3. Dumoulin I. I. International trade. Tariff and non-tariff regulation. M.: GOUVPO VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2011.- 520 p.

4. Polyakov V.V. CD-ROM: World Economy and international Business: Electronic training course / Polyakov V.V., Shchelin R.K..-M.: KNORUS, 2010.

5. Skobkin S. S. Service practice in the hospitality and tourism industry: Textbook / S.S. Skobkin. - M.: Master: NITs INFRA-M, 2014. - 496 p.

4.2 The list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet", necessary for the development of the discipline

1. Actual problems and prospects for the development of the hospitality industry [Electronic resource]: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the X international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of the development of the hospitality industry at the present stage." - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014

2. Baranova A. Yu. Organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism:

Textbook / A.Yu. Baranov. -

3. Mozhaeva N.G. Organization of the tourism industry and the geography of tourism: Textbook / N.G. Mozhaeva, G.V. Rybachek. - M.: Forum: NIC INFRAM, 2014.

4.3 The list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including the list of software and information reference systems As part of the study of the discipline "International trade in services" are not used.

4.4 The list of educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline

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Regulatory documents:

Federal Law No. 164-FZ of December 8, 2003 (as amended on July 11, 2011) “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities”.

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Questions for self-examination:

1. When international trade in services was born.

2. What factors influenced the accelerated development of international trade in services in the second half of the 20th century?

3. Name economic methods state regulation of international trade in services.

4. Name the administrative methods of state regulation of international trade in services.

5. List the leading countries in the export of services.

6. List the leading countries in the import of services.

1. Place of international trade in services in the system of international economic relations.

2. World market of services, its characteristics.

3. Current trends in the development of the global services market.

4. Features of the global services market.

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1. Golovanova S.V. International trade in the development of Russian commodity markets/ FORUM, INFRA-M, Moscow, 2012 192 p.

Regulatory documents:

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 718 (as amended on December 8, 2010) "On the Customs Tariff of the Russian Federation and the Commodity Nomenclature Used in the Implementation of Foreign Economic Activity" Additional literature

1. Polyakov V.V. CD-ROM: World Economy and International Business: E-learning course / Polyakov V.V., Shchelin R.K..-M.: KNORUS, 2010.

2. Skobkin S. S. Service practice in the hospitality and tourism industry: Textbook / S.S. Skobkin. - M.: Master: NITs INFRA-M, 2014. - 496 p.

Questions for self-examination:

1. What services are classified as transport services?

2. What services are classified as financial services?

3. What services are related to international services accompanying foreign trade operations?

4. What is international franchising?

5. Describe the features of international engineering services.

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. World market of services, its structure and dynamics of development.

2. The role and place of business services in the structure of international trade.

3. The role and place of TNCs in the global service market. Their characteristic.

4. Structure of export of services of the USA, EU, Japan.

6. Classification of international services in the provisions of the GATS.

7. Characteristics of the service sector for the provision of foreign trade transactions and operations: business, financial, transport.

Topic 3. The role and place of GATS in the international regulation of trade in services

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additional literature

1. Baranova A. Yu. Organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism:

Textbook / A.Yu. Baranov. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2014.

2. Bogdanov E.I. Economics of the tourism industry: Textbook / E.I. Bogdanov, E.S. Bogomolova, V.P. Orlovskaya; Ed. prof. E.I. Bogdanov. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 318 p.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Decipher the term GATS.

2. Expand the main directions of the GATS agreement.

3. Why in modern conditions need an agreement like GATS?

4. Trade in what services is regulated by the GATS?

5. Does Russia currently participate in the work of the GATS?

Tasks for independent work:

Working with literary sources

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. History of GATT/WTO development.

2. Place and role of GATS in the WTO system.

3. History of Russia's accession to the WTO.

4. Consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO.

5. Features of the regulation of the GTS of international trade in services.

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additional literature

1. Bogdanov E.I. Economics of the tourism industry: Textbook / E.I. Bogdanov, E.S. Bogomolova, V.P. Orlovskaya; Ed. prof. E.I. Bogdanov. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 318 p.

2. Skobkin S. S. Service practice in the hospitality and tourism industry: Textbook / S.S. Skobkin. - M.: Master: NITs INFRA-M, 2014. - 496 p.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Name the countries - the largest providers of transport services.

2. Name the main components of the Common Transport Space of the CIS countries and the reasons for the formation of this Agreement.

3. Show specific examples of the export activities of Russian transport companies.

4. Explain why tanker shipping is on the rise.

5. Describe the role of container shipping in international trade.

6. How does the transport service affect the quality of the transport service?

7. Why is Russia's share in the value of trade via maritime transport decreasing?

8. Why do transport services need international regulation?

Tasks for independent work: Working with literary sources

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. Characteristics of the sea mode of transport.

2. Characteristics of the railway mode of transport.

3. Characteristics of the inland waterway transport.

4. Characteristics of pipeline transport.

5. Characteristics of the automobile mode of transport.

6. Specifics of intermodal transportation.

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Regulatory documents:

Questions for self-examination:

1. Describe the place of international tourism in the system of international trade in services.

2. Which countries are leading in the export of tourism services.

3. For which countries are revenues from the export of tourism services budget-forming?

4. What are "invisible" exports and "invisible" imports?

5. What conditions are necessary for the development of exports of tourism services?

6. How do incomes from international tourism affect the balance of payments of the state?

7. Which services belong to the main tourism industry, and which to the "marginal"?

8. What is the multiplier effect of tourism development?

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. Multiplier effect of tourism, its characteristics.

2. The role of tourism in the development of the state economy (on the example of the country).

3. The role of tourism in the formation of foreign exchange earnings of the state.

4. Taxation in tourism.

5. The role of tourism in the economy of developing and developed countries.

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Questions for self-examination:

Describe the main types of engineering firms operating in 1.

world market.

3. What trends are typical for the information services market in India, China, Russia?

Compare them.

Describe the main forms of technology transfer in the world market.

Show the structure of the global technology exchange market.

Describe the license exchange between Russia and EU countries. Identify the main trends of this trade.

Tasks for independent work: Working with literary sources

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. Modern aspects of international trade in scientific and technical knowledge.

2. Characteristics of the world market of licenses and know-how.

3. Features and specific features of international franchising.

4. The role of engineering services in international trade.

5. Trends and prospects for the development of international trade in services accompanying foreign trade operations.

Topic 7. Financial services in the international trading system

1. Rudneva A. O. International trade: Textbook. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013.

Regulatory documents:

1. Interregional harmonization of hotel classification criteria. Endorsed by the WTO Regional Commissions, Madrid, November 1989

2. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Approved by the WTO in 1994 Further reading

1. Dumoulin I. I. International trade. Tariff and non-tariff regulation. M.: GOUVPO VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2011.- 520 p.

2. Polyakov V.V. CD-ROM: World Economy and International Business: E-learning course / Polyakov V.V., Shchelin R.K..-M.: KNORUS, 2010.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Expand the modern role of international banking.

2. International trade in insurance services: current development trends.

3. Strengthening the importance and role of consulting services in the international market.

4. Features of regulating the access of foreign insurance companies and banks to the domestic market.

5. Expand the prospects for the development of international trade in financial services.

Tasks for independent work: Working with literary sources

Topics of abstracts, reports:

The role and place of the United States in international trade in banking services.

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Research: Textbook - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional (GRIF) M.: INFRA-M, 2013.- 400 p.

Regulatory documents:

Federal Law No. 164-FZ of December 8, 2003 (as amended on July 11, 2011) “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities”.

Additional literature:

1. Baranova A. Yu. Organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism: Textbook / A. Yu. Baranov. - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2014.

2. Dumoulin I. I. International trade. Tariff and non-tariff regulation. - M.: GOUVPO VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2011. - 520 p.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Name the value of exports of services from the Russian Federation and imports of services to the Russian Federation.

2. Describe the structure of exports of services from the Russian Federation.

3. Describe the structure of imports of services in the Russian Federation.

4. Name the largest trading partners of the Russian Federation in the service sector.

5. Describe the foreign trade turnover in services of the Krasnodar Territory.

Tasks for independent work: Working with literary sources

Topics of abstracts, reports:

1. Problems and prospects for the development of Russia's foreign trade in services.

2. Trends in the development of Russia's foreign trade in services.

3. Place of Russia in the world market of services.

4. The modern place of Russia in the world market of tourist services.

5. Features of the development of international franchising in Russia.

4.5 Logistics of discipline (sections)

The discipline "International trade in services" is provided by:

Auditoriums equipped with conventional and interactive whiteboards, educational furniture designed for lectures and practical classes;

Computer classes equipped with modern multimedia equipment with Internet access;

a library with a reading room, the fund of which is educational, methodical and educational literature, scientific journals, electronic textbooks;

Media library of university electronic materials, providing all participants in the educational process with free access to educational resources Internet;

A site that provides information about the university, faculty, graduating department, educational process, literature, teaching materials and regulatory documents, as well as the opportunity to communicate online.

The list of material and technical support of the educational process in

Krasnodar branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov includes:

7 computer classes with Internet access (speed - 30 megabits per second);

119 computers;

15 projectors;

18 scanners;

40 laptops;

1 interactive whiteboard;

46 printers;

15 plasma TVs.

The educational process uses licensed versions of software products that improve the quality of classes based on the use of modern computer technology: operating system WindowsXP, Microsoft Office 2007 package, anti-virus software Kaspersky Anti-Virus, FineReader 9.0, Project Expert 7.0, 1C: Enterprise 8-Set for education in higher and secondary educational institutions, Microsoft Visual Studio PRO 2008, C++Builder 2007 PRO, Delphi 2009 PRO, CorelDraw Graphics Sute X4, ABBYY.


Thematic plan studying the discipline "International trade in services"

for full-time students is the content of the discipline, structured by topics (sections) indicating the hours and types of classes, independent work and forms of control, table 5.1

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Evaluation tools for the discipline "International trade in services" were developed in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations "On the fund of appraisal funds in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "PREU named after. G.V. Plekhanov” dated 11/17/2014. FOS is stored at the department that provides teaching of this discipline.

6.1 List of competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering


Planned learning outcomes for students in the discipline "International trade in services" are presented in section II "Content of the discipline".

6.2 Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation, description of assessment scales Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation, description of assessment scales is presented in section II "Content of the discipline" and section VIII of this work program.

6.3. Typical control tasks or other materials necessary to assess knowledge, skills and (or) experience of activity that characterize the stages of formation of competencies in the process of mastering the main professional educational program

Prepare an essay on the following topics:

1. Problems and prospects for the development of export of services in the Russian Federation.

2. Problems of state regulation of international trade in services.

3. Evaluation of competitive directions for the export of services from the Russian Federation.

Abstracts (IR-4) on topic 7

1. International trade in insurance services.

2. Types of services in international insurance.

3. Insurance of political risks as a type of international insurance services.

4. Characteristics of the main activities of the largest exporters of insurance services: USA, Germany, Great Britain, France.

5. The main types of insurance companies providing international insurance services.

6. Classification of banking services involved in international trade.

7. The role of commercial banks in the provision of international services.

8. The role and place of the USA in international trade in banking services.

Interview (UO-1) on topic 6.

1. Describe the main types of engineering firms operating in the world market.

2. What is the place of Russia in the world market of information services?

3. What trends are typical for the information services market in India, China, Russia? Compare them.

4. Describe the main forms of technology transfer in the world market.

5. Show the structure of the global technology exchange market.

6. Describe Russia's place in international technology trade.

7. List the main types of licenses in the international trade system.

8. Show the role of patent exchange in trade between the US and EU countries.

9. Describe the license exchange between Russia and the EU countries. Identify the main trends of this trade.

10. Tell us about the Russian market of engineering services, show the prospects for its development.

6.3.1 Topics of term papers Course work in the discipline "International Trade" is not provided for by the curriculum.

6.3.2 Exam questions

2. World market of services, its components, dynamics of development.

3. International trade in services: export of services and import of services. The largest service providers to the global market.

4. Classification of services in international trade.

5. Engineering services, their content. The main types of engineering services in international trade.

6. The concept of international trade in technology. Main types and features.

7. International trade in intellectual property. Features of the sale of intellectual property.

8. The role of Russia in the international technology exchange market, prospects for presence.

9. Industrial property: concept, content. Protection of industrial property at the international level.

10. International trade in licenses, its dynamics. Major exporters in international licensed trade.

11. Information services, their types price of information services. The main forms of providing information services in the world market.

12. Russia's prospects for the formation and functioning of the national information market.

13. World market of leasing services, its structure and dynamics.

14. The concept of consulting services. Their types, characteristics.

15. Consulting services in international trade. Classification of consulting services.

16. Problems of formation of the Russian market of consulting services.

17. Franchising, its main types, their characteristics. Franchising agreement.

18. World market of franchising services, its structure and dynamics of development.

Brand strategy, its characteristics.

19. Activities of commercial banks in the global banking market.

20. World insurance market, its structure, main elements and development prospects.

21. International educational services: essence, types, forms of provision.

22. World market educational services, its structure. The impact of globalization on the development of the educational services market.

23. International market for medical services.

24. International banking services, their characteristics.

25. International trade in tourism services. Export of tourist services.

The prospect of development of international trade in the field of tourism.

26. International transport services, their types, characteristics.

27. World market of air transport services. Its structure and dynamics.

28. World market of transport services, its dynamics.

29. Place of Russia in the world market of transport services. Problems of presence and development prospects.

30. International regulation of trade in services. Main functions and principles of GATS.

An example of an exam ticket for the discipline "International trade in services"

presented in the Appendix to the work program of the discipline.

6.3.3 Examples of tests for knowledge control


Arrange the countries in descending order of export value:

B) Japan

D) Germany


Establish a correspondence between the state and the characteristics of the structure of its exports:

1. USA a) raw material exports dominate

2. Japan b) export of industrial equipment prevails

3. China c) exports of semi-finished products and electronics dominate

4. Russia d) a high share of exports of light industry products

3. Task Name the country that ranks first in the world in terms of exports.

4. Task What are the world's largest commodity exchanges?

A) New York

B) Sydney

B) London

D) St. Petersburg

5. Task What goods belong to the category of exchange?

B) furniture

d) wheat



Guidelines for students in mastering the discipline "International trade in services" are presented in the regulatory and methodological documents:

Regulations on interactive forms of education ( Regulations on the organization of independent work of students ( Regulations on term papers ( Regulations on rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students' knowledge ( Regulations on the educational and research work of students (

The organization of the student's activities by types of training sessions in the discipline "International trade in services" is presented in Table 7.1:

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8.1 Formation of a score for the discipline "International trade in services"

G.V. Plekhanov" the distribution of points that form the rating assessment of the student's work is carried out as follows, table 8.1:

Table 8.1

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8.2. Attendance In accordance with the approved curriculum in the direction of preparation Economics of orientation (profile) World economy in the discipline "International trade in services" provides:

8 semester 28 hours lectures, 42 hours. practical lessons. For attending one lesson, the student gains 0.57 points.

8.3 Current control

The calculation of points based on the results of the current control is presented in Table 8.2:

–  –  –

8.5 Intermediate attestation The exam based on the results of studying the discipline "International trade in services" in the 8th semester is held in writing and corresponds to 40 points. The examination ticket consists of two theoretical questions.

The assessment based on the results of the exam is set based on the following criteria:

Theoretical questions - 20 points each.

The final score is formed by summing the points for the intermediate assessment and the points scored before the assessment during the semester.

The reduction of the total score to a four-point scale is carried out as follows, table 8.5:

–  –  –

1. The concept of "service", its essence and content. Classification of services according to GATS.

2. International trade in tourist services. Export of tourist services. The prospect of development of international trade in the field of tourism.

–  –  –

The work program submitted for review complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (the degree of formation of students' competence and learning outcomes for the tasks of future professional activity), as well as the OBEP in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics, focus (profile) "World Economy".

The work program clearly defines the target settings for each topic, aimed at acquiring professional competencies, knowledge and skills that a student must master in the process of studying the discipline. The degree of assimilation of knowledge should be sufficient for further conscious study of special disciplines.

The thematic plan is meaningful, its construction is logical.

Sections and topics of the program allow you to fully reveal the essence of the discipline.

In order to develop students' interest in teaching and research work, the program clearly indicates different kinds independent extracurricular work: essays, practical tasks, work with literature, etc.

In general, the program allows you to implement a systematic and active approach to conducting classes at all stages of the educational process, to arouse students' interest in learning and future professional activities.

for the preparation of bachelors in the direction 38.03.01 Economics orientation (profile) "World Economy" can be recommended for use in the educational process.

–  –  –

The work program received for review, as a whole, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (the degree of formation of students' competence and learning outcomes for the tasks of future professional activity), as well as the OBEP in the direction of preparation 38.03.01 Economics, focus (profile) "World Economy".

The work program defines the target settings for each topic, aimed at acquiring general cultural, general professional and professional competencies, knowledge and skills that a student must master in the process of studying the discipline. The degree of assimilation of knowledge should be sufficient for further conscious study of special disciplines.

The thematic lesson plan is well thought out in terms of content and number of hours, is logical and consistent. Sections and topics of the program are compiled with the uniform requirements of the educational standard.

The program provides for a lecture-seminar form of training, which creates the possibility of using various teaching methods, activating cognitive activity undergraduates.

In order to develop students' interest in teaching and research work, the program clearly identifies various types of practical work:

essay writing, business games, essay writing, interviews, etc.

In general, the developed program allows students to master the discipline to the fullest.

Work program of the discipline "International trade in services"

for the preparation of bachelors in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics orientation (profile) "World Economy" can be recommended for use in the educational process.

–  –  –

6. Prevention of deviant behavior 6. 1. Mechanisms for the formation of delinquency and deviant behavior Until the beginning of the twentieth century in science and the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Russian Agricultural Academy ... "

Bulletin of PNRPU. Socio-economic sciences. 2016. No. 2 UDC 316.334.56 M.A. Kipriyanova SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF CITIZENS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR HABITAT Attention is drawn to the growth of publications related to the coverage of the economic side of the life of cities as modern urbanized settlements, and to the weak...»

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Department of Political Economy and World Global Economy


Head of the Department of PE and MGH

"___" ________ 20__


by discipline

international trade

Direction of preparation:

Qualification (degree) of a graduate bachelor

Forms of education (full-time, part-time)

Tambov 2011

The work program was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, taking into account the recommendations of the PEEP of the Higher Professional Education, by an associate professor of the Department of PE and MGH and discussed at a meeting of the Department of PE and MGH of the Academy of Economics and Management.

Protocol No. ___ dated "___" _________ 20__

Head department ________________

1. The goals of mastering the discipline

The objectives of mastering the discipline "International Trade" are:

· ensuring the training of a specialist capable of carrying out professional activities in the foreign economic field, in particular, in the trade sphere, both at the national and international levels;

· study of factors influencing the structure and dynamics of foreign trade of individual countries, forms and methods of export and import regulation, instilling skills in analyzing the effectiveness of national foreign trade policy.

2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP of the undergraduate degree

The discipline "International Trade" refers to the cycle of professional disciplines of the PEP for the preparation of a bachelor in the profile "World Economy". The course is a logical continuation of the discipline "World Economy and International Economic Relations", "Geography of Foreign Economic Relations", "World Commodity and financial markets”and is aimed at deepening, consolidating and practical development of theoretical material on the theory, development trends, practice of international trade relations and their regulation at the international and national levels.

Requirements for students: mastering in full the material of the courses of microeconomics and macroeconomics, the history of economic doctrines, institutional economics, world economy and international economic relations.

3. Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline "International Trade".

The course provides mastery of the following competencies:

Ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes taking place in - the system of the world economy, and predict their development in the future (OK-4);

· Possess: the skills of an analytical approach and apply them in various business situations to make decisions on topical and current issues of economic activity.

4. The structure of the discipline (module) "International trade"

Topic 1. Structure and dynamics of international trade

Commodity and geographical structure of international trade, their dynamics. Basic international commodity classifications and nomenclatures. Commodity and geographical structure of foreign trade of the Russian
Federation (RF), its dynamics.

Topic 2. Comparative and competitive advantages of countries in international trade.

Classical theories of international trade (theories of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, E. Heckscher-B. Ohlin). Modern (neotechnological) theories of international trade. The national market in conditions of autarky. Formation of the world market. Terms of trade and their meaning.

Topic 3. Changes in the nature of competition and a new theory of national competitive advantage (M. Porter's theory).

The competitive strategy of the company, the main points that determine its choice. Sources of competitive advantage. Determinants (defining moments) of competitive advantages. Dynamics of national advantage. Clusters of competitive industries. Models of national competitive advantages. Competitive advantages of the Russian Federation.

Topic 4. Tariff regulation of foreign trade

The economic role of customs duties, their functions. Customs tariff, its composition. Types of customs tariffs, basic principles of their formation. Nominal and actual level of protectionism. Classification of applicable customs duties. Quantifying the level of protectionism. The level of customs duties. Customs and tariff policy of the Russian Federation. Law of the Russian Federation "On the customs tariff".

Topic 5. Non-tariff regulation of foreign trade

8. International commodity exchanges and their specialization.

10. Ways of supplying products in exchange trading.

11. International commodity auctions and their specialization.

12. Organization of auction sales processes.

13. Trends in modern international auction trade.

14. Auction transactions and principles of registration.

15. Organizational system of international auctions.

16. International tenders and objects of their procurement.

17. Tender Committee and its functions in organizing and conducting tenders.

18. International practice of competitive bidding.

19. State tender purchases.

Intermediate knowledge testing tasks (tests)

Indicate all correct answers

The contract of international sale contains the following conditions (indicate the wrong answer):

a) the price of the goods d) sanctions for non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract

To conclude an international contract for the sale of goods, it is necessary:

a) agreement of the parties on all conditions existing for this type of contract

b) agreement of the parties on most conditions

c) signed by at least one party

d) true b) and c)

Structure and content of the contract:

a) cannot deviate from the standard

b) may vary depending on the nature of the goods

c) may vary depending on the terms of the agreement

d) true b) and c)

Basic terms of delivery:

a) determine the obligations associated with the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer;

b) establish the moment of transfer of the risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods from the seller to the buyer;

d) there is no correct answer.

In "Incoterms" - 2000, the terms are divided:

a) 4 groups b) 2 groups c) 8 groups d) 13 groups

EXW conditions (ex-works) is included in the group of terms:

a) C b) E c) A d) C

The object of the contract is:

a) goods, products

b) the result of industrial, scientific and technical cooperation

c) things planned for manufacture, i.e. non-existent at the time of the transaction

d) the type of action reflected in the name of the contract

Delivery time of the goods under the contract:

a) can be specified indirectly

b) can act as the date of crossing the border

c) allows the wording "as soon as possible"

d) allows the wording “as soon as it is ready”

e) All answers are correct.

When setting the price of goods in the contract, the following are specifically defined: Published prices include:

a) reference prices c) prices of actual transactions

b) tangible (things) or intangible (services) benefits that differ in physical nature and properties, location and time when they can be available to the seller and buyer

c) transactions related to the international exchange of goods, services, results of scientific, technical and industrial cooperation

d) an agreement under which the debtor transfers some property to the creditor as security for his debt

Special forms of foreign trade include:

b) foreign branches. e) freight trade;

c) licensed production; g) import trade;

d) cooperation; h) offset transactions;

i) international trade turnover associated with the processing of tolling raw materials;

Obligatory relations in foreign trade activity:

a) are formed between entrepreneurs, business entities various countries

Bidding organizers can be:

a) state institutions c) municipalities

b) large private firms d) no correct answer

Depending on the method of conducting, bidding is distinguished:

a) closed c) secret

b) open d) international

Tender Committee:

a) carries out all organizational work for the auction

b) is created by buyers who have decided to place orders through auctions

c) an authority representing the acquiring company

The main differences between tender and bilateral methods of concluding contracts include:

a) multi-stage transaction

b) the difference in the subjects of the transaction and contracts

c) pre-selection of applicants

d) commonality of requirements

The main goods that are sold and bought at international auctions include:

a) industrial products c) tea

b) unwashed wool d) fish

Organizers of commodity auctions can be:

a) individual large companies c) unions and associations of sellers

b) municipalities d) public organizations

The stages of the auction include:

a) preparation, inspection, auction, execution and execution of the auction transaction

b) preparation, inspection, auction, distribution of tenders, execution and execution of the auction transaction

c) auction, registration and execution of the auction transaction

d) submission of proposals, comparison of submitted proposals, auction

Registration of the auction transaction is carried out:

a) immediately after the end of the auction

b) when paying for the entire consignment of goods

c) when paying more than 50% of the transaction amount

Auctions are characterized by:

a) a way to raise prices c) a way to lower prices

b) selling at a fixed price d) selling at a predetermined price

The so-called "pure" types of resellers include:

a) agent b) principal c) consignee d) distributor

World prices for manufactured products are usually:

a) export prices of large companies producing and exporting these products

b) reference prices;

c) stock quotes;

d) auction prices;

When setting the contract price, first of all, it is determined:

a) price basis

Questions for self-control of the level of knowledge and preparation for the test.

1. Theories of international trade (be able to state the main theories).

2. Dynamics of international trade, its main indicators.

3. Commodity and geographical structure of world trade.

4. The role of the state in the regulation of foreign trade activities.

5. Liberalization and protectionism in international trade.

6. Instruments of foreign trade policy of the state.

7. Customs tariff.

8. Non-tariff restrictions in foreign trade.

9. Ways to stimulate exports.

10. Most Favored Nation Treatment.

11. International multilateral regulation of foreign trade.

12. Structure and functions of the WTO.

13. Russia and the WTO.

14. Importance of foreign trade for the Russian economy.

15. Goods in foreign trade.

16. Types of foreign trade. Forms of foreign trade.

17. Foreign trade transactions: concept, types, features.

18. International organizations and instruments to support foreign trade.

19. Reasons for the existence and prospects for the development of international counter trade. Types of international counter transactions

20. International commodity markets, their geography.

21. Current trends in the field of exchange trading.

22. Futures trading within commodity exchanges.

23. Commodities and their criteria.

25. Customs brokers and their role in stock trading.

26. Exchange transactions and their varieties.

27. The nature of the interaction of sellers and buyers in exchange trading.

28. The role of commodity exchanges in international trade.

29. Exchange goods, their nomenclature and features.

30. Classification of modern commodity exchanges.

31. Exchange prices and pricing mechanism.

32. Speculative transactions in stock trading.

33. Members of commodity exchanges, their characteristics and functions.

34. Exchange committees, their functions.

35. Regulation of the activities of commodity exchanges.

36. Auction goods and their classification features.

37. Modern centers of auction trade in the international system.

38. Founders of international commodity auctions.

39. Founders of international commodity exchanges.

40. Composition of sellers and buyers at international auctions.

41. The value of commodity auctions in international trade.

42. Organizational forms international auctions.

43. Principles of execution of transactions for auction goods.

44. Principles of registration of transactions on exchange goods.

45. Advantages of auction trade for the seller and the buyer.

46. ​​Benefits of exchange trading for the seller and the buyer.

47. Stages of preparation of the auction.

48. The principle of interaction between organizers and participants in international trading.

49. The role of international tenders in the system of sales and purchases of products and services.

50. Organizers of the auction, their purpose and conditions.

51. Tender documentation, its composition and content.

52. Classification of procurement models in modern practice.

53. Classifiers of the subject of international auctions.

54. Information technology in competitive procurement.

56. Competitive selection within the tender.

57. Methods for evaluating competitive proposals.

58. Foreign practice of public procurement of goods.

59. Principles for concluding a contract based on the results of a tender.

9. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline "International trade"

a) basic literature:

1. Ivanov trade organization: Proc. allowance / . - M.: Economist, 2007.

2. Minkova KV International multilateral trade: from antiquity to the WTO / . - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 2006.

3. Rudnev trade and world commodity markets. Analytical manual / . - M.: East - West, 2009.

4. Trukhachev trade: textbook. allowance for students studying economics. specialties / , . - Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics; Stavropol: Agrus, 2006.

5. Sidorova trade: a course of lectures: textbook. allowance for universities / . - M.: Exam, 2006.

b) additional literature:

1. Foreign economic activity: textbook / ed. , . – 4th ed., revised and supplementary. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 304 p.

2. Daniltsev trade: Instruments of regulation: Textbook-practice guide/. - M .: Business literature, 2004

3. Kireev economy: At 2 o'clock: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Intern. relations, Yurayt-Izdat, 2006.

4. World economy and international economic relations: [in 2 hours] Part 1, Part 2: textbook, ed. corresponding member RAS, Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. . – M.: Gardariki, 2006.

1. http://europa. eu/index_en. htm (Official website of the European Union)

2. http://www. ***** (Official website of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation)

3. http://www. imf. org/ (Official website of the IMF)

4.http://www. oecd. org/ (Official website of the OECD)

5.http://www. un. org (Official website of the UN)

10. Logistics support of discipline (module)





Work program of the discipline

in the direction of training

38.03.06 Trading business

Profile: Marketing in trading activities

Vladivostok 2017

The work program of the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 38.03.06 Trade and the Procedure for the organization and implementation of undergraduate programs, specialist programs, master's programs (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01 No. 000).

Compiled by:

Candidate of Economics, Professor, angelina.

Approved at a meeting of the MMT department, protocol No. 8 of 01.01.2001

Head of Department (developer) _____________________

signature surname, initials

"____" _______________ 20__

Head of Department (graduating) _____________________

signature surname, initials

"____" _______________ 20__

1 Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline (module)

The purpose of mastering the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" is to gain knowledge and competencies that provide an understanding of the impact of internationalization national economy and world markets on the activities of enterprises, as well as the formation of students' knowledge in the field of theory and practice of international marketing, the acquisition of skills and abilities of independent development and design of activities in the field. The study of the discipline should contribute to the formation of students' marketing thinking, which is necessary for successful work in modern business.

Discipline tasks:

Studying the specifics of international marketing;

International market research;

Study of marketing researches in the world markets;

Studying the features of segmentation, strategies for entering international markets;

Study of commodity policy in foreign markets;

Study of international communication strategies;

Study in international marketing.

2 The list of planned learning outcomes for the discipline (module), correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program

The planned learning outcomes for the discipline (module) are knowledge, skills, knowledge and experience that characterize the stages and levels of competence formation and ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program as a whole. The list of competencies formed as a result of studying the discipline is given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Formed competencies



Competency Name

Components of competence

Trading business

readiness to identify and meet the needs of buyers of goods, their formation with the help of marketing communications, the ability to study and predict consumer demand, analyze marketing information, product market conditions

Knowledge of the terms "international market", "international marketing", "product", "international marketing communications", "international market conditions", etc.

Statistical methods for analyzing and forecasting consumer demand

Study and analyze the market situation, assess the current and prospective demand potential


Analytical methods for analyzing marketing information, studying and forecasting consumer demand, market conditions

Methods of analysis and interpretation of economic, marketing information

to assess the state and forecast of the enterprise

3 The place of discipline (module) in the structure of the OBOR

The discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" refers to a part of the disciplines of the professional cycle. The discipline is based on the competencies obtained in the study of the disciplines "Legal regulation of marketing activities", "Marketing", "Trade" and "Advertising". At the same time, the competencies obtained during the development of the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" are necessary for studying the following disciplines: "Marketing in industries and fields of activity", "Marketing Management", "Marketing Research", "Marketing Analysis in Trade", "International Conventions and agreements on trade”, “International business activity basic course”.

4 Scope of discipline (module)

The volume of the discipline (module) in credit units, indicating the number of academic hours allocated for contact work with students (by type of training sessions) and for independent work in all forms of education, is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - The total complexity of the discipline

OBOR name

Form of training

Volume of contact work (hour)

Certificate form



5 Structure and content of the discipline (module)

5.1 The structure of the discipline (module)

The thematic plan, reflecting the content of the discipline (list of sections and topics), structured by types of training sessions with an indication of their volume in accordance with the curriculum, is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 - The structure of the discipline

Topic name

Number of hours in interactive and electronic form

The Essence of International Marketing

International Marketing Environment

Information support for decision-making in international marketing

Opportunities for the firm to foreign markets

Consumer behavior in international marketing (2 hours)

Commodity policy in foreign markets

Promotion policy in international markets

Pricing policy in international marketing (2 hours)

International Marketing Communications

Lecture Topics

Topic 1. The essence of international marketing.

Topic 2. International marketing environment.

Factors shaping the international marketing environment. Elements of the international marketing environment. Legal environment. Political environment. Political risks. Economic environment. Cultural environment. Technological environment.

Topic 3. Information support for decision-making in international marketing.

Marketing information system. Features and objectives of marketing research. The main types and features of international marketing research. Stages of the international marketing research process. Foreign market research as a basis for selecting target markets. Positioning of goods and firms in foreign markets

Topic 4. Opportunities for the company to enter foreign markets.

Ways to enter foreign markets. Market segmentation. Signs of international market segmentation. Positioning. Export: indirect (indirect) export; direct export; joint export; efficiency of export activity. Joint. Direct investment. Factors influencing the choice of a way to enter a foreign market.

With. 1
Non-state educational institution

higher professional education

"International Jewish Institute of Economics, Finance and Law"


MOSCOW, 2012

The program was developed at the Department of Economic Disciplines.

Program authors:

prof. Mikhnevich A.V.

Head of the Department _____________________ Assoc. V. I. Ginko

  1. Goals and objectives of the discipline

A specialist in the field of the world economy and foreign economic activity should be free to navigate in modern forms and methods of international trade at the present stage of development of the world economy. At present, international trade retains its leading position, despite the emergence of a number of new forms of establishing foreign economic relations between countries. Especially obvious is the need to familiarize students with the most important aspects of foreign trade relations of the Russian Federation, taking into account the priorities economic development country, as well as problems and prospects for deepening Russia's integration into the international economic and trade system.

Purpose of the discipline– the formation of students' fundamentals of economic knowledge about the main basic elements in the modern system of functioning of international trade, the features and trends of its development, which are formed in modern conditions under the influence of globalization and internationalization processes.

Tasks course are to:

To study the patterns, trends and principles of development of the international trade system;

Consider the concept of competition in international trade, its nature, manifestation factors, features and level in world export markets;

To acquaint students with the trends and prospects for the development of international trade at the present stage;

To form an idea of ​​the composition and condition of the main international commodity markets and the nature of their development;

To teach to analyze the features of foreign trade of various countries of the world.

  1. The volume of discipline and types of educational work.

Type of study work

Number of hours

Full-time education

8 semester

Classroom activities, including:


- lectures


- practical classes and seminars


- laboratory works

Independent work:


- course work(project)

- abstract

- control, settlement and graphic works


- other types of independent work


- exam preparation

Type of final control


Total for the semester:


The total complexity of the discipline:

90 hours

  1. The content of the discipline.

3.1. Sections of the discipline and types of classes.

No. p / p

Section of discipline




Practical lessons

Laboratory works

Independent work








8 semester


International trade system






Competition in the international trading system






Forms and methods of international trade






International trade organizations and international regulation of international trade






World commodity market. Conjuncture and forecasting of world commodity markets






International trade in commodities






World market of agricultural raw materials and food






World market for manufacturing products






International technological exchange. International trade in services






The role and place of individual groups of countries in international trade. Features of foreign trade of various countries of the world





Total per semester










3 .2 The content of the sections of the discipline.

Topic 1. International trade system

Subject, objectives and structure of the course "International Trade"

Patterns, trends and principles of development of the international trade system. Subjects and objects of international trade. Physical and cost volumes of international trade, their dynamics and structural changes at the present stage. Objective prerequisites and factors for the development of international trade. Stages of evolution of the international exchange of goods and services.

The modern meaning of international trade. The role of international trade in the development of the economies of individual countries.

Topic 2. Competition in the international trade system

The concept of competition in international trade. Its nature, features and level in the world export markets.

Determinants of national competitive advantage: characteristics of determinants, parameters of factors (hierarchy of factors, formation of factors, characteristics of negative factors), demand conditions (structure, magnitude and nature of demand), related and supporting industries (competitiveness of supplying industries and related industries).

Competitive advantage of firms on a global scale: competitive strategy of firms, structural analysis of industries, position of a firm in an industry, sources of competitive advantage of firms, competition in the world market, the influence of national conditions on the success of firms in competition.

New phenomena in the competitive struggle in the world commodity market (strategic alliances, transnational mergers and acquisitions, leading corporations and outsiders in capital-importing countries).

Trade and political means of forcing the export of goods in international trade. Commodity and currency dumping. Measures to counter competition in the world market.

Topic 3. Forms and methods of international trade

Characteristics of the main methods of international trade. Export. Import. Reimport. Re-export and the main purposes of the application of re-export operations; forced re-export; re-export as part of a more complex operation; re-export for the purpose of reselling goods to make a profit on the difference in prices. indirect export. indirect import. Cooperative export (import). International counter transactions. Features of the use of international trade methods in the practice of Russian enterprises.

Competitive methods of international trade. International commodity exchanges. Basic concepts. Exchange participants. Exchange Commodities. The main trends in the development of exchange trading. The main international commodity exchanges and their classification. Trends and prospects for the development of international auction trade. The specifics of goods sold through auctions. Types of auctions. Organization of auctions. Main international auctions (by groups of goods). International auctions, their types and international legal regulation. The specifics of goods sold through international auctions. Types of trades.

Electronic commerce as a fundamentally new form of enhancing the participation of various countries in world trade.

Topic 4. International trade organizations and international regulation of international trade

Trade policy and participation of the country in the international trade system. Features of foreign trade policies of various types of countries. International trade organizations as a result of the internationalization of world economic relations. Bilateral, regional and multinational regulation of international trade. GATT / WTO as the most important instrument of multilateral regulation of international trade. Regulation of international trade within the framework of the UN - the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Non-governmental international organizations. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its role in the regulation of international trade. Peculiarities and problems of application of international trade regulation instruments. Trade policy of Russia and accession to the WTO.

Topic 5. World commodity market.
Conjuncture and forecasting of world commodity markets

Commodity structure of the modern world market and its sector.

The most important conjuncture-forming factors, their interaction. The system of indicators for studying the conjuncture. Commodity forecast. forecasting methods.

Features of the conjuncture of individual commodity markets (raw materials, semi-finished products, machinery, equipment, food products, etc.).

Topic 6. International trade in commodities

general characteristics world market of non-energy raw materials. Commodity and geographical structure of the world market of raw materials, the dynamics of their changes, factors influencing the geographical and commodity structure of the market. Major countries- exporters and importers of raw materials. Place of Russia in the world market of raw materials.

General characteristics of the world gas market Geographical structure of the world gas market (current state, dynamics, factors influencing the geographical structure of the market). Leading Submarkets. Major exporting and importing countries of gas. Strengthening the importance of Asian countries as major gas importers.

General characteristics of the world market of oil and oil products. Geographical structure of the world oil and petroleum products market (current state, dynamics, factors influencing the geographical structure of the market). Leading Submarkets. The largest exporting countries of oil and oil products (OPEC countries, Norway, Great Britain, Mexico, Russia) and importers (USA, Japan, etc.). Strengthening the importance of Asian countries as major oil importers.

Foreign trade policy of the leading countries of exporters and importers in relation to the goods of the oil complex (tariff and non-tariff barriers). The role of OPEC, international corporations and financial groups in world trade in oil and petroleum products.

The current state of the Russian oil complex. Place of Russia in the world market of oil and oil products.

Topic 7. World market of agricultural raw materials
and food

International trade in agricultural raw materials and food (current state and dynamics). Features of the organization of international trade in agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs by type (cereals, sugar, coffee, meat, etc.). Submarkets. The largest countries are exporters of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs. Pricing in the world market of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs. The main current trends in international trade in agricultural raw materials and food. The role of Russia in the world food market (characteristics and volume of Russian food imports).

Topic 8. World market for manufacturing products

International trade in manufacturing products: commodity structure, trends and development prospects.

International trade in machinery and equipment (current state and dynamics). Features of the organization of international trade in machinery and equipment by type. Submarkets. The largest exporting countries of equipment and machinery. Pricing in the world market of engineering products. The main current trends in the arms trade and military equipment. The role of Russia in the world market of weapons and military equipment.

General characteristics of the world metal market, its features and development trends.

World market of precious metals and stones. Features of international trade in gold on the world market. The price of gold. World diamond market. Monopoly De Beers. The role and place of Russia in the global diamond market.

The world market of chemical goods, the nature and dynamics of its development.

International trade in light industry products.
Topic 9. International technological exchange.
International trade in services

The concept of technological exchange. The specifics of technology as a commodity. License trade. License objects. Patents. Industrial objects. Trademarks. International conventions for the protection of industrial property. "Know-how". Types of licenses. Peculiarities of pricing for licenses. The main participants and the current state of licensed trade.

Supply of complete equipment. Advantages and disadvantages for the customer.

Engineering services in international trade.

Other forms of international contacts involving the transfer of technology.

The specifics of international trade in services compared to traditional commodity trade. Structure and dynamics of international trade in services. Russia in international trade in services

Topic 10. The role and place of individual groups of countries in international trade. Features of foreign trade of various countries of the world

The role and place of individual countries and groups of countries in international trade. The role of transnational corporations in international trade.

Foreign trade of developed countries (EU, USA, Japan) and its dynamics.

Foreign trade of developing countries and its features.

Foreign trade of post-socialist countries.

Russia in the system of international trade.

  1. Practical (seminar) classes.

No. p / p

section number


Topics of practical (seminar) classes



Patterns, trends and principles of development of the international trade system.



The concept of competition in international trade.



Characteristics of the main methods of international trade.



Trade policy and participation of the country in the international trade system.



Commodity structure of the modern world market and its sector.



General characteristics of the world market of non-energy raw materials.



International trade in agricultural raw materials and food



International trade in manufacturing products: commodity structure, trends and development prospects.



The specifics of technology as a commodity.



The role and place of individual countries and groups of countries in international trade.

  1. Laboratory work (if available).
Laboratory work is not provided.

  1. Independent work of students.
Approximate essay topics
1. Modern world market, its structure.

2. International trade in goods, its place and role in the system of international economic relations.

3. Problems and prospects for the development of international trade.

4. Problems and prospects for the development of foreign trade (on the example of any country).

5. Developing countries in the international trade system.

6. Developing countries in the international trade system (on the example of any country).

7. Developed countries in the international trade system.

8. Developed countries in the international trade system (on the example of any country).

9. Qualitative changes in the structure of international trade.

10. Geographic directions of international trade and their changes. The scale of commodity flows.

11. Dynamics of the commodity structure of international trade.

12. Dynamics of the commodity structure of foreign trade (on the example of any country).

13. Protectionism and liberalization, their goals, methods, correlation in modern foreign trade policy.

14. Instruments of state regulation of foreign trade, their evolution.

15. Features of the foreign trade policy of developed countries.

16. Features of the foreign trade policy of developing countries.

17. Features of the foreign trade policy of the new industrial countries.

18. Features of the foreign trade policy of countries with economies in transition.

19. Features of Russia's foreign trade policy.

20. The specifics of pricing in various types of world commodity markets.

21. World prices and main types of foreign trade prices.

22. Features of the formation of world prices for raw materials.

23. Features of the formation of world prices for machinery and equipment.

24. Dynamics of world prices for various commodity groups at the beginning of the XXI century.

25. Dumping and dumping prices in international trade.

26. Anti-dumping policy in international trade.

27. The conjuncture of world commodity markets on the example ...

28. Place of commodities in international trade.

29. International food trade.

30. International trade in machinery and equipment.

31. Current trends in international trade in services.

32. International tourism as a specific form of trade in services.

33. Features of the development of the international technology market.

34. Electronic commerce - economic entity and importance in the global economy.

35. Regulation of international trade in services.

36. International trade in engineering services.

37. International trade in licenses and know-how.

38. International tourism as a form of international economic relations.

39. Outsourcing as a segment of the global services market.

40. International regional trade organizations and their role in the development of foreign trade relations of countries.

41. GATT/WTO as the most important instrument of multilateral regulation of international trade.

42. Problems and prospects of Russia's accession to the WTO.

43. Place and role of Russia's foreign trade in its modern economic development.

44. Dynamics of Russia's foreign trade in the late XX - early XXI century.

45. Geographical and commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade, its changes in the late XX - early XXI century.

46. ​​Russia's foreign trade with countries with developed market economies.

47. Russia's foreign trade with countries with developed market economies (on the example of any country).

48. Foreign trade relations of Russia with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

49. Foreign trade relations of Russia with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (on the example of any country).

50. Foreign economic relations of Russia with developing countries.

51. Foreign economic relations of Russia with developing countries (on the example of any country).

52. Foreign economic relations of Russia with the CIS countries.

53. Foreign economic relations of Russia with the CIS countries (on the example of any country).

  1. Sample list of questions for intermediate and final control

    1. An example list of questions to be asked.

1. The modern meaning of international trade. The place of trade relations in the IEO system.

2. International trade. Its main indicators and development trends.

3. Export and import quotas of the international trade system.

4. Dynamics of development of international trade.

5. Stages of evolution of the international exchange of goods and services.

6. The role of international trade in the development of the economies of individual countries.

7. The structure of trade in modern international trade.

8. Geographic distribution of world export flows at the present stage.

9. Commodity specialization of countries in the international trade system.

10. Competition in international trade and its content.

13. Factors of manifestation of competition at the present stage.

14. Stages of competitive development of states.

15. New phenomena in competition in the global commodity market.

16. Characteristics of the main forms of international trade.

17. Features of the use of forms of international trade in the practice of Russian enterprises.

18. The main trends in the development of exchange trading. Exchange commodities and the criteria for their ownership in international trade.

19. Trends and prospects for the development of international auction trade. Signs and properties of auction goods in the international trade system.

20. The essence of auctions and their fundamental difference from auctions. Types of trades and their features.

21. The system of indicators for the study of conjuncture. Methodology for studying the conjuncture.

22. The most important conjuncture-forming factors in the world market, their interaction. Commodity forecast.

23. Features of the conjuncture of individual commodity markets (raw materials, semi-finished products, machinery, equipment, food products, etc.).

24. Volume and structure of international trade in services.

25. International commodity markets, their characteristics and placement.

26. General characteristics of the world market for oil and oil products.

27. Place of Russia in the world market of oil and oil products.

28. International trade in agricultural raw materials and food.

29. Features of the organization of international food trade by type.

30. The role of Russia in the world food market.

31. International trade in machinery and equipment: current state and dynamics of development.

32. The main current trends in the trade in weapons and military equipment. The role of Russia in the world market of weapons and military equipment.

33. General characteristics of the world metal market: current state, trends and development prospects.

34. Features of international trade in gold on the world market.

35. World diamond market. De Beers. The role and place of Russia in the global diamond market.

36. World market of chemical products: current state, trends and development prospects.

37. International trade in light industry products.

38. The volume and structure of international trade in services.

39. The concept of technological exchange. The specifics of technology as a commodity.

40. Prospects of the Russian Federation in the international technological exchange.

41. International license trade.

42. International tourism as a specific form of trade in services.

43. Russia in international trade in services.

44. International regulation of world trade.

45. World Trade Organization and its role in the regulation of international trade.

46. ​​Actual problems of Russia's accession to the WTO.

47. Systematization and classification of goods and services in the international trade system.

48. Features of foreign trade of developed countries.

49. Features of foreign trade of developing countries.

50. Foreign trade of post-socialist countries and its features.

51. Place of Russia in the modern system of international trade.

52. Foreign trade turnover of the Russian Federation: its volume and structure.

53. Factors in the development of Russia's foreign trade relations.

54. Dynamics of Russia's foreign trade.

55. Geographical structure of Russia's foreign trade.

56. Commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade.

57. Features of Russian foreign trade policy.

58. Russia's presence in modern world export markets.

59. Russia's participation in international trade organizations.

60. Problems and prospects of Russia's accession to the WTO.

  1. Recommended reading

    1. Regulatory documents (if any).
Normative documents are not provided.

    1. Mandatory literature.

1. Trukhachev V.I., International trade. Second edition, revised and enlarged, Finance and Statistics, 2006

    1. Additional literature.

  1. Andrianov V.D. Russia in the world economy. – M.: VLADOS, 2002.

  2. Globalization of the Economy and Foreign Economic Relations of Russia / Ed. I. P. Faminsky. – M.: Respublika, 2004.

  3. Daniltsev A. V. International trade: instruments of regulation: educational and practical. allowance. - M .: Paleotype, Business Literature, 2004.

  4. Dumoulin II World Trade Organization. Economy. Policy. Practice. – M.: AERgroup, 2007.

  5. Competitiveness of Russia in the global economy. – M.: International relationships, 2003.

  6. International Economic Relations / Ed. B. M. Smitienko. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005.

  7. World economy: forecast until 2020. – M.: Master, 2007.

  8. World economy. Global Trends for 100 Years / Ed.
    I. S. Koroleva. - M.: Jurist, 2003.

  9. World economy and international business / Ed. V.V. Polyakova, R.K. Shchenina. – M.: KNORUS, 2005.

  10. Porter M. Competition. - SPb., M.: Kyiv, Ed. House "Williams", 2002.

  11. Sidorova E. Yu. International trade. Lecture course. - M .: Exam, 2006.

  12. Ulin B. Interregional and international trade / Per. from English. – M.: Delo, 2004.

    1. Internet- resources.

  1. www/ - data from The statistical review of world energy.

  2. www. cbr. Ru is the site of the Central Bank of Russia.

  3. www. cia/publications/factbook/ – data from the Central Intelligence Agency, USA (World Book of Facts).

  4. - website of the International Monetary Fund.

  5. www. metalbulletin. Com - data from Metal Bulletin and Metal Bulletin Monthly publ. By Metal Bulletin Journals LTD.

  6. www. - data from the US department of the Interior Bureau of mines.

  7. - United Nations website.

  8. www. - website of the United Nations Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

  9. www. is the website of the World Bank.

  10. www. worldsteel. org/steeldatacenter/ - data from the International Institute of Ore and Steel.

  11. is the website of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
With. 1


1 university "Department of Economics APPROVED by the Chairman of the Academic Council of the Economic Faculty G.M. Mkrtchyan 2014 Work program of the discipline International trade Direction of preparation ECONOMICS Qualification (degree) of the graduate Master Novosibirsk

2 Program training course"International Trade" is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of undergraduates in the direction of "Economics" in accordance with the third generation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Author(s) _ Kolyuzhnov Dmitry Vasilyevich, Ph.D. in economics (CERGE-EI) (full name, academic degree, academic title) Faculty of Economics Department of "Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Planning" 1. OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE (COURSE) empirical research in international trade. An equally important goal of the course is to familiarize students with promising areas of modern literature on international trade so that they can use the questions and techniques of analyzing the behavior of macroeconomic models to form the topic of their master's thesis. (A separate accompanying goal of the course is to raise the level of teaching international trade (at the second stage of education) in Russia to the level of leading Western universities, by adapting their programs, making wide use of the most modern (mostly foreign textbooks by leading authors and primary source articles related to the content course.) The main objectives of the discipline, which must be solved to achieve this goal within the framework of the course, are the following: - Formation of a holistic view of international trade among students as a historically established area of ​​microeconomics, but at the same time having a large (completely practically untapped) potential for application in international macroeconomics, by - systemic presentation modern concepts theory and analysis of existing empirical patterns, starting with the analysis of key empirical relationships and traditional theories of international trade, moving on to the analysis of the most modern theories in the field of international trade theories based on the behavior of heterogeneous firms, and culminating in the application of microeconomic theories of international trade in macroeconomic models of business cycles. - a comparative analysis of various (alternative) approaches to modeling the expectations of economic agents with a discussion of the main areas of discussion that has been and/or is being conducted between different areas. - Formation and consolidation of students' skills in theoretical analysis of international trade problems; students of a balanced whole position in relation to the policy of the state in the field of international trade. 2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program

3 ka. The discipline refers to the variable part (discipline of the student's choice) of the professional cycle of the Master's program in the field of Economics II", and "Macroeconomics I", "Macroeconomics II". Course participants must also have basic knowledge in the field of limit analysis, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, probabilistic processes and methods for their analysis, types of equilibria in non-cooperative games, obtained in the courses "Mathematical Analysis" and "Probability Theory", "Mathematical Statistics", "Econometrics I" and " Game Theory. It is assumed that students have English language at a level that allows them to freely read academic works published in periodicals. 3. STUDENT COMPETENCES FORMED AS A RESULT OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies (according to GEF): 1. General cultural competencies: the ability to improve and develop one's intellectual and general cultural level (OK-1); the ability to independently master new research methods, to change the scientific and scientific-production profile of their professional activities (OK-2); the ability to independently acquire (including with the help of information technology) and use in practice new knowledge and skills, including new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity (OK-3); the ability to freely use foreign languages ​​as a means of professional communication (OK-5); possess the skills of public and scientific speech (OK-6). 2. Professional competencies: research activities: the ability to summarize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, identify promising areas, draw up a research program (PC-1); the ability to substantiate the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the chosen topic of scientific research (PC-2); the ability to conduct independent research in accordance with the developed program (PC-3); design and economic activity: the ability to develop strategies for the behavior of economic agents in various markets (PC-7); analytical activities: the ability to prepare analytical materials for the evaluation of activities in the field of economic policy and the adoption of strategic decisions at the micro and macro levels (PC-8); the ability to analyze and use various sources of information for economic calculations (PC-9). 3

4 As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should: Know: the main approaches to modeling the behavior of firms and countries in international trade (OK-1); basic economic and mathematical models used to model the behavior of international trade entities and real data (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1, PC-2); basic economic concepts related to international trade (OK-1, OK-2, OK-5); the main trends and directions of modern economic and theoretical modeling of the behavior of subjects of international trade and real data, their relationship and differences (OK-1, OK-2, OK-5, PC-1, PC-2); basic philosophical and economic substantiations of modern theoretical concepts of economic and mathematical modeling within the framework of various schools and areas of economic science, their relation to the theory of international trade (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1, PC- 2); the names of leading modern (and not so) researchers in the field of international trade and the names of the main modern textbooks and scientific journals (including foreign ones), Internet resources, including databases, and international scientific conferences on international trade (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1, PC-2). To be able to: analyze in interconnection economic phenomena, processes and institutions at the micro and macro levels in relation to international trade issues (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-4, PC -7, PC-8, PC-9); write down any basic economic and mathematical model of international trade covered in the course and formulate the main assumptions of the model with their philosophical and economic and economic and practical justification (OK-1, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC- 9); give an opinion on a particular macroeconomic policy in the context of its consequences and effectiveness and suggest the best economic policy within the framework of these economic conditions (OK-1, OK-2, PK-1, PK-2, PK-3, PK-7, PK-8, PK-9); analyze the economic and mathematical model of international trade and give an economic interpretation of the results obtained within the framework of the model (OK-1, OK-2, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9); write down the economic and mathematical model of behavior of subjects of international trade, given meaningfully (OK-1, OK-2, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3); see the economic problem as a whole, weed out unnecessary factors and leave only those necessary for building a formal economic and mathematical model of the international economy that describes this economy and answers the specific question posed (OK-1, OK-2, PC-1, PC-2, PC -3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9); based on economic and mathematical models, predict the behavior of international trade entities, the development of economic processes and phenomena at the micro and macro levels (OK-1, OK-2, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9); present the results of analytical and research work in the form of speeches, reports, information review, analytical report, articles (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-8). Own 4

5 economic research methodology (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9); methods and techniques for analyzing economic phenomena and processes in the field of international trade using classical, neoclassical, Keynesian and modern economic and mathematical models of international trade (OK-1, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1, PC-2, PC- 3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9); skills of independent work, self-organization and organization of the execution of instructions (OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-8, PC-9). 4. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE "INTERNATIONAL TRADE" The total labor intensity of the discipline is 2 credit units, _72 hours. Types of educational work, including p / n Section of the discipline independent work of students and labor intensity (in hours) Semester Week of the semester Lectures Contact work practical for Laboratory. Self control. slave. Self control. slave. Forms of current progress control (by week of the semester) Form of intermediate certification (by semester) 1. Introduction. Basic models of international trade. Ricardian model. Heckscher-Ohlin model. Gravity equation. 2. Benefits from international trade and regional trade agreements. Trade policy. Cases of perfect competition, oligopoly and monopolistic competition in the markets. 3. New theory of international trade. Heterogeneous firms. Model Eaton-Kortum (2002), Model Melitz (2003) Homework 1 and its discussion at seminars Control of mastering the theory and preparation for the test 5

6 4. Multinational Firms and Manufacturing. Vertical direct foreign investments. Horizontal FDI Homework 2 and seminar discussion 5. International firm boundaries and off-shoring. 6. International trade and institutions. 7. International trade and endogenous growth. Theoretical models and empirical verification of their results. 8. International trade and business cycles. Model Ghironi-Melitz (2005). Model Atkeson-Burstein (2008) Streaming test and discussing it at seminars Control of mastering the theory Homework 3 and discussing it at seminars Control of mastering theory 4 16 Exam Total The labor intensity of the discipline by type of educational work is presented in the table. Type of study work Total, hours Semester, hours 2 Total labor intensity of the discipline Contact work including: Lectures 8 8 Seminars Self-control. student's work 2 2 Control 4 4 6

7 Independent work including: work with literature, problem solving preparation for tests 8 8 Preparation for the exam Form of intermediate control exam General cultural and professional competencies are formed in the process of studying various sections of the course. Contents of the section 1. Introduction. Basic models of international trade. Ricardian model. Heckscher-Ohlin model. Gravity equation. 2. Benefits from international trade and regional trade agreements. Trade policy. Cases of perfect competition, oligopoly and monopolistic competition in the markets. 3. New theory of international trade. Heterogeneous firms. Eaton-Kortum Model (2002), Melitz Model (2003). 4. Multinational firms and production. Vertical direct foreign investments. Horizontal foreign direct investment. Competencies Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK 5, OK 6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-8, PC-9 Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK 5, OK 6, PC- 1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9 Formation OK 1, OK-2, OK-3, OK 5, OK 6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3 , PC-7, PC-8, PC-9 Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK-3, OK 5, OK 6 PC-2, PC-7, PC-8 5. International borders of the company and off-shoring. Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK-3, OK 5, PC-2, PC-7, PC-8 6. International trade and institutions. Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK 5, OK 6, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8 7. International trade and endogenous growth. Theoretical models and empirical verification of their results. 8. International trade and business cycles. Ghironi-Melitz (2005) model. Model Atkeson-Burstein (2008). Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK-3, OK 5, OK 6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-9 Formation of OK 1, OK-2, OK-3, OK 5, OK 6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9 7

8 5. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES The course uses traditional teaching methods - lectures and seminars - and a point-rating system for assessing knowledge. All practical classes (10 classroom hours) are conducted in an interactive form based on the analysis of homework assignments and settlement assignments that students perform on their own, sent by e-mail to the group addresses. As less traditional teaching methods, one can name the stimulation of students' independent work in the sense of writing essays on certain issues of theory and their practical application based on special and expert literature (including foreign), data posted on the Internet, self-proving certain formal provisions of the theory. Successful independent work can be counted as part of the examination work. Separate seminars are devoted specifically to discussions among students and involved teachers on the issues of the adequacy of the studied theoretical concepts and models to current economic processes in Russia and abroad. A whole block of homework aimed at developing model economic thinking has been developed. The exam is conducted in writing and usually consists of 4 tasks, which include both theoretical questions and practical tasks that require the manifestation of knowledge in the field of higher mathematics, knowledge of previous courses and unconditional knowledge of the course material. 6. EVALUATION TOOLS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF PERFORMANCE, INTERIM CERTIFICATION ON THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE AND EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS' INDEPENDENT WORK After the end of the course, the degree of mastering the studied material is assessed. The score is calculated based on the sum of points scored on the basis of three written homework assignments (10 points each) of a streaming control (30 points) as part of the current control and one examination paper (40 points) as part of the intermediate control. The table shows the number of points that can be scored for each stage of control. Current control Written homework 1 10 Written homework 2 10 Written homework 3 10 Flow test 30 Total for current work 60 Intermediate control Written exam = theoretical questions + tasks 40 Total for the course 100 Final assessment of academic performance by points: more than 80 "excellent" ”, from 60 to 80 “good”, from 40 to 60 “satisfactory”, less than 40 “unsatisfactory”, is given in the table. Conversion of points into marks on a five-point system 8

9 Total score in % Score 40 2 From 41 to 60 3 From 61 to 80 4 >80 3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3 Kolyuzhnov D.V. (20 points) In the Ricardian model discussed in the lecture, let the home country have a comparative advantage in the production of the second good, i.e. a 2 /a 1 a 1, a 2 * >a 2). Which country has the highest equilibrium wage? 2. (20 points) Under the conditions of the 2x2 model discussed in the lecture, when the condition of the absence of reversibility of factor intensities is met, on the graphs in the coordinates (w, r), (L, K), depict how the demand for production factors in the first industry will change with an increase in the ratio between the provision of the economy with labor resources and capital resources (L / K), including beyond the “cone of diversification”. (For definiteness, assume that the first good is labor-intensive). 3. (20 points) Let in the 2x2 model considered in the lecture, under the condition of the absence of reversibility of factor intensities, the first industry is labor intensive (L 1 /K 1 >L 2 /K 2) and the relative price of the second product increases. How will this affect the distribution of income between workers and owners of capital? Prove it. Also depict and explain the result on the graph. 4. (20 points) Let in the 2x2 model considered in the lecture, under the condition of the absence of reversibility of factor intensities, the first industry is labor intensive (L 1 /K 1 >L 2 /K 2) and there is an increase in the provision of capital resources (K) with constant labor resources (L). How will production change in both industries? Prove it. Also depict and explain the result on the graph. On the chart in coordinates (y 1, y 2), plot the locus of points (GMT) of the equilibrium output for possible changes in K in this model, including for points lying outside the “diversification cone”. Justify the type of this GMT. What is this GMT called in the theory of international trade? 5. (20 points) Let in the model of Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson, considered at the lecture, the home country is redundant in terms of labor resources (L/K>L * /K *), and the stock of capital resources is 9

10 are the same in both countries. It is also known that the second industry is capital intensive. How will international trade take place? Prove it. Plot the production and consumption points and the "trade triangle" on the graphs for both countries. An example of homework in an interactive format sent to students by e-mail to the addresses of groups that form OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC -7 Kolyuzhnov D.V. International trade, magistracy, EF NSU Homework # 3 (by April 25) 1. The inverse function of demand for an imported product in a small country is given by the expression p = 4-2z, and the inverse function of the supply of goods by home firms has the form p=2+6y. Let the equilibrium world price be established at level 3. The home country introduces a specific tariff on imports in the amount of 1/4 per unit of goods. Calculate the change in the social welfare of this country. Draw and calculate on the graphs all changes in well-being element by element, explain the result. 2. The inverse function of demand for an imported good in a large country is given by p=5-(1/2)z, and the inverse function of the supply of goods by domestic firms is p=(2/3)+(2/3)y. The home country imposes an optimal specific import tariff. Calculate what the change in the social welfare of a given country is equal to if the export supply function is x=p 2. Draw and calculate on the graphs all the changes in welfare element by element, explain the result. 3. Let in the model of mutual dumping discussed in the lecture, the demand function for an imported product in the home country is z=1/p 2, and the demand function for this product in a foreign country is z*=2/p* 2. Let the number of firms the same at home and abroad and equal to 4. The marginal cost of all firms is the same and constant and equal to 8. Iceberg-like transport costs are characterized by the parameter T= Find the CIF and FOB prices of the product at home and abroad. Will there be mutual dumping? What should be the number of foreign firms producing this product in order to completely squeeze home firms out of business? 4. Let a domestic firm compete with a foreign firm in the domestic market, using the volume of output as a strategic variable. The inverse demand function for an imported good in the home country is given by p=8-4z. The (fixed) marginal cost of the home firm is 4 and that of the foreign firm is 2. The home country imposes an optimal specific tariff on imports. Calculate the change in the social welfare of this country, explain the result. Plot the initial and final equilibrium in the market on a graph. Will the value of the found optimal tariff lead to an increase in social welfare, if free entry of home firms into the industry is allowed? 5. Prove that when a home country imports a good produced by a foreign monopolist at constant marginal cost, then 10

11 a) a small specific tariff increases the social welfare of the home country if the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve, b) a small ad valorem tariff increases the social welfare of the home country if the absolute value of the elasticity of demand increases with a decrease in the consumption of imported goods, c) in both cases, the optimal tariff positive. An example of homework in an interactive format sent to students by e-mail to the addresses of groups that form OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC -7, PC-9 Kolyuzhnov DV International trade, magistracy EF NSU Homework # 2 (by March 15) 1. Let in the Ricardian model discussed at the lecture, a foreign country has a comparative advantage in the production of the first product. For the case when the value of the world equilibrium relative price of the first good is between the equilibrium prices of the home and foreign countries in autarky, determine how international trade will take place. Prove it. Plot the production and consumption points and the "trade triangle" on the graphs for both countries. Let the home country's economy have an absolute advantage in both goods. Which country has the highest equilibrium wage? 2. Under the conditions of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Wanek model of international trade with two factors of production, show that if labor (L) is surplus in relation to capital (K) in country i, then the ratio of K/L included in production for country i is less K/L ratios included in consumption. 3. We have the following data on nominal wages and labor productivity by country A B C D E F w i π i Build and run the Trefleur (1993) test to check whether the Heckscher-Ohlin-Wanek model statement is satisfied with the difference in factor productivity. Show the result graphically. 4. Suppose that in the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model considered in the lecture, the home country is capital surplus (K/L>K * /L *), and the stocks of capital resources are the same in both countries. It is also known that the first industry is capital intensive. How will international trade take place? Which factor gains in real terms and which loses from international trade? Prove it. Plot the production and consumption points and the "trade triangle" on the graphs for both countries. eleven

12 5. Let in the 2x2 model considered in the lecture, under the condition of the absence of reversibility of factor intensities, the first industry is capital intensive (K 1 /L 1 >K 2 /L 2) and the relative price of the first product increases. How will this affect the distribution of income between workers and owners of capital? Prove it. Also depict and explain the result on the graph. An example of an examination control that checks the formation of competencies OK-1,2,3,5,6, PC-1,2,3,7,8,9 Kolyuzhnov D.V. International trade magistracy EF NSU Examination control 1. (Checks the level of competence of OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-3, PC-8, PC-9) ( 10 points) The following data are available for the United States for 1947. Exports Imports Production Consumption Capital ($) billion 305 billion Labor (person-years) million 45 million the second two columns - the amount of capital and labor involved in the production and consumption of the United States. Check for Leontief's paradox using Leontief's (1953) and Leamer's (1980) tests. How can one explain the obtained results, their possible coincidence, difference? 2. (Checks the level of competence of OK-1, OK-2, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-9) (10 points) Let the home firm compete c and foreign in the home market, using output as the strategic variable. The inverse demand function for an imported good in the home country is given by p=7-3.5z. The (fixed) marginal cost of the home firm is 3.5, and the foreign firm The home country imposes an optimal specific tariff on imports. Calculate the change in the profit of the home firm, explain the result. Plot the initial and final equilibrium in the market on a graph. Will the value of the found optimal tariff lead to an increase in social welfare, if free entry of home firms into the industry is allowed? 3. (Checks the level of competence of OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7, PC-9) (10 points) Let in the model of mutual dumping discussed in the lecture, the demand function for an imported product in the home country is z=2/p 3, and the demand function for this product in a foreign country is z*=1/p* 3. Let the number of firms in the home country and abroad coincides and is equal to 1. Marginal costs for all firms are the same and constant and equal to 6. Iceberg-type transport costs are characterized by the parameter T=4/3. Find CIF and FOB product prices in your home country and abroad. Will there be mutual dumping? What should be the number of foreign firms producing this product in order to completely squeeze the home firm out of business? 4. (Checks the level of competence of GC-1, GC-2, GC-5, GC-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-7, PC-9) (10 points) Prove that when the home country imports goods produced by the foreign monopolist at constant marginal cost, then a small specific tariff increases the social welfare of the home country if the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve. 12

13 7. EDUCATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL AND INFORMATION SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE a) basic literature: Textbooks Krugman PR, Obstfeld M. International Economics. Theory and Politics. M., Peter, 2003 (49 copies) Thomas Chaney, Lectures on International trade (Ph.D.), manuscript, Last update, 2014, Gandolfo, Giancarlo, International Trade Theory and Policy, 2nd ed., Springer Texts in Business and Economics, EBS. b) additional literature: Kolesov, Vasily Petrovich. International Economics: Textbook: for Higher Students educational institutions students in economic specialties / V.P. Kolesov, M.V. Fists; Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Ekon. faculty, national preparation fund. frames. Ed. correct and additional Moscow: INFRA-M, p. Mikhailushkin, Alexander I. International economics: theory and practice: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)" / A.I. Mikhailushkin, P.D. Shimko. St. Petersburg [and others]: Peter, p. c) software and Internet resources: lectures for the ECON357 course of the University of Chicago by Thomas Cheney 8. LOGISTICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE Multimedia equipment, computers, multimedia boards, projectors, allowing presentations at lectures and seminars, developed using the MS application software package Power Point, use graphs, tables, illustrations and other visual materials, analyze statistical information. Computer classes with Internet access. Students have at their disposal modern software, Internet resources, including full-text databases. The program was approved at a meeting of the Department of Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Planning Protocol of 2014 13

14 Head. Department of Economics, Professor G. M. Mkrtchyan 14

History and methodology of economic science Purpose: development of an economic way of thinking among undergraduates, allowing them to master modern methods of analyzing economic behavior, taking into account their evolution,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Faculty

Abstract of the main educational master's program"Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial organizations", implemented by the university in the direction of preparation "Economics" - 80100, qualification


1 2 Additions and changes made to the work program, approved at the meeting of the department, protocol dated 201 _ Head of the department Approved by the faculty council, protocol dated 201 _ Chairman Additions

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Lipetsk State Technical University» APPROVED by Dean EF Moskovtsev V.V. 2011 WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE

Annotation of the research practice program 1. The labor intensity of the research practice is 9 CU. (6 weeks) 2. Goals and objectives of the research practice: The purpose of the research

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION SAMARA STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMY Institute of National Economy Department of Regional Economics, State and Municipal Administration ABSTRACT

Orenburg branch of the Educational Institution of Trade Unions of Higher Professional Education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations" Department of Trade Union Movement, Humanitarian and Socio-Economic

Description of the educational program "Financial Economics" Qualification (degree) - "Master" Code according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FGOS


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

Annotation BEP The main educational program for the preparation of masters in the direction 38.04.02 "Management" "Human Resource Management" 1) Qualification characteristics of the graduate of the program 1.1.

Description of the educational program Qualification (degree) - "Master" "Economics and Migration" Code according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FGOS

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Privolzhsky)" federal university"Master's Center

Description of the educational program "International Economics" Qualification (degree) - "Master" Code according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FGOS


Competency codes OK OK-1 OK-2 OK-3 GPC GPC-1 Competency name Ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline: Goals: the formation of theoretical foundations and applied knowledge in matters economic analysis using modern methods and techniques for assessing the financial and managerial

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY"


1 2 Contents 1. "Philosophy of science"... 4 2. "Methodology of scientific research"... 5 3. "Business foreign language"... 6 4. " Foreign language in professional activity"... 7 5. "Pedagogy of higher education"...

Annotation of the work program of the discipline Statistics of the market of goods and services 1. PURPOSE AND TASKS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. Purpose Development of analytical thinking among students for conducting independent information and analytical

CONTENT 1 Objectives of mastering the discipline 2 List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program 3 Place of the discipline in the structure

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education International Institute Management LINK "29" August 2013 Department "Business Management" The work program of the discipline

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

Practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity to solve the problems of professional activity (OPK-1); use quantitative and qualitative methods to conduct


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

CONTENTS A list of competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering the educational program 2 Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation,

Annotation Discipline: Statistical methods of forecasting in economics Direction of preparation: 38.04.01. Master's Program: Financial Economics Total Labor Intensity: Hours 108 credits (c.u.)

Description of the educational program "Information Technologies in Economics" Qualification (degree) - "Master" Code according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education

Professional skills and abilities. Tasks educational practice: consolidation of practical knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by undergraduates in the process of studying the disciplines of the master's program; familiarization

Codes Summary/ definition of competencies Name of competency and structure of competency 1 2 3



1. Goals and objectives of the discipline: The goal of the discipline "Economics of the World Economic" is an in-depth study of the theories of international trade, contributing to the formation of analytical and research skills,

ANNOTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE "MICROECONOMICS" 1. GOALS AND TASKS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE The work program "Microeconomics" was developed on the basis of the State educational standards and curricula in the direction

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint Petersburg State agricultural university» (FGBOU VO SPbGAU) Department


CONTENTS 1 The objectives of mastering the discipline.. 2 The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program.. 3 Place of the discipline in the structure

Codes Brief content / definition of competencies Name of competency and structure of competency 1 2 3

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics" Master's Institute APPROVED Director


SUMMARY of the work program in the discipline ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS

PROGRAM Name of discipline Management economics Recommended for the direction (s) of training (specialty (s)) 380402 Management (the code and names of the direction (s) of training are indicated

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics APPROVED Work placement program Undergraduate practice Directions

PC-30 have knowledge of the basics of behavior of organizations, have a Bachelor must Know: the requirements for knowledge of the basics of behavior of organizations, have Be able to: apply knowledge of the basics of behavior of organizations, have. Own:


Annotation of the work program of the discipline "Marginal analysis" in the direction of preparation 38.04.01 Economics profile (program) of training International accounting, reporting, analysis and audit 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES

Annotation of the work program of the discipline National Accounting 1. PURPOSE AND TASKS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. The goal is the formation of knowledge in the field of methodology national accounting, information capabilities



MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE MOSCOW REGION SBEE VO MO "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT" Department of Economics and Management Annotation to the work program of the discipline Research methods in management (name

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhnevartovsk State University" Faculty of Information

1. Type (type) of practice, method and form (forms) of its implementation Type of pre-diploma practice: Pre-diploma practice (type of research work) Ways of conducting educational practice: stationary. Form

Annotation to the work program for the discipline " Economic theory» 1. List of planned learning outcomes for the discipline The goal of mastering the discipline is the formation of economic thinking and

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Faculty


Annex 2 SUMMARY OF THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "MICROECONOMICS" (ADVANCED LEVEL) The purpose of the discipline "Microeconomics (advanced level)" is to expand and deepen the knowledge of students

Annotations to the work programs of disciplines Direction of study 38.04.01 Economics Orientation (profile) International economics and trade policy Annotation to the work program of the discipline


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF GEODESY AND CARTOGRAPHY (MIIGAIK) Annotation of the work program of the discipline "Economics" Direction of preparation 030900.68