Why property is the main production relation. Question: Property as the basis of production relations

Property, as an economic category, expresses the relationship of appropriation (alienation) of objects and the economic benefits created with their help in the process of their production, distribution, exchange and consumption. That is, the fact of ownership of economic goods must be recognized not only by the owner himself, but also by other subjects, therefore, the right of ownership arises as a social relation.

Own- this is the relationship between people about the appropriation, possession, disposal and use of property, resources, means of production. These relations determine who and how assigns the results of production, carries out the management process.

An object property can be used by the owner himself or by another person. It is best when the owner, worker and manager are united in one entity - collective or individual. In this case, there is no profit sharing. In practice, as a rule, the object of ownership is separated from the owner, and therefore there is a division of profit between the owners and other entities. In this case, the owner is forced to transfer to them a part

its property.


- possession is the exclusive right physical control over goods, enshrined in legislation;

- order- the right to decide who and how will use the property;

- use- the right to use useful properties good for yourself;

- right to income from the sale of property.

To implement a property means to use its objects as you see fit. The economic realization of property means such use of its objects that allows you to receive income in any form.

Forms property realizations are:

1 rent.

2 Bank interest, that is, the interest paid to depositors by banks.

3 Loan interest, that is, the interest charged to borrowers for the use of a loan.

4 Product from the manufacturer's own business.

5 Profit as a result of the use of hired labor.

6 Dividends on shares and interest-bearing bonds.

An individual or legal entity that owns the rights to own, use and dispose of this property is called owner.

The owner of property located in economic management (ownership, use, disposal), solves the issues of creating an enterprise, determining the subject and goals of its activities, its reorganization and liquidation, appoints the director (manager) of the enterprise, exercises control over the use for the intended purpose and safety of the property belonging to the enterprise.

The owner is entitled to receive income from the use of property, an enterprise under economic management, which is not entitled to sell real estate belonging to it under the right of economic management, rent it out, pledge it, make a contribution to the authorized (reserve) capital of other enterprises, etc. without the consent of the owner.

Fruits, products and incomes, received from the use of property belong to the owner of the property and / or the enterprise in whose economic jurisdiction this property is located.

Russia recognizes private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership, while the legislation defines those types of property that can only be in state or municipal ownership.

Owned citizens and legal entities, who acquire and exercise their civil rights of their own free will and in their own interest, and who are free to establish their rights and their obligations on the basis of an agreement (including the determination of any terms that do not contradict the law), any property may be located, while the right of private property may be limited based federal law and to the extent necessary to protect the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of others, to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state.

state property is property owned by right of ownership Russian Federation (federal property) or its subjects - republics, territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous regions (property of the subject of the Russian Federation). State-owned property is assigned to state enterprises and institutions for possession, use and disposal.

municipal property is property owned by urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipalities, on behalf of which property rights are exercised by local governments (or authorized persons). Municipal property is assigned to municipal enterprises and institutions for economic management, while the funds of the local budget and other municipal property not assigned to these institutions constitute the municipal treasury of the corresponding municipality. State and municipal property may be transferred by its owner to the ownership of citizens and legal entities in accordance with the legislation on the privatization of state and municipal property.

Non-owners, however, may have real right, for example:

a) the right of lifetime inheritable possession of a land plot;

b) the right to permanent (unlimited) use of a land plot;

c) easement (the right to use someone else's property within certain limits, for example, the right to pass a water source through a neighboring plot);

d) the right of economic management of property;

e) the right to operational management of property.


Novosibirsk Command School named after S.I. Dezhnev

Control work on the discipline "Fundamentals of Economics"

Completed: Art. gr. EM-31

Yuriev Anton Anatolievich


Novosibirsk 2010

Option number 9

1. Property as the basis of production relations.

Ownership is central to the economic system. It determines the economic way of connecting the worker with the means of production, the purpose of the functioning and development of the economic system, the social structure of society, the nature of the incentives for labor activity, the way the results of labor are distributed. Property relations form all other types of economic relations.

Property is always associated with certain objects, things, but the concept of property is not reduced to its material content. A thing becomes property when people enter into certain relations with each other about it.

The main characteristic is not what is assigned, but by whom and how it is assigned.

Property is the relationship between people regarding the appropriation of the means of production and products of labor.

In the production process, material resources are used, i.e. means of production. However, the means of production by themselves, without close contact with human labor, cannot produce goods, it is the person who sets them in motion. In order for the production process to begin, it is necessary to combine the means of production with labor power, which together form the productive forces of society.

The productive forces are the means of production and people, with their experience and knowledge, and setting these means of production in motion.

Labor power is the main, decisive element of the productive forces, since:

The labor force contains all the production experience accumulated by many generations;

The means of production are created by people;

The means of production become an element of the production process only as a result of the labor activity of people.

The interaction between the labor force and the means of production reflects the technology of production, i.e. ways of human influence on the object of labor, therefore, the productive forces characterize production from the technical side. It is the development of productive forces that determines the improvement of human society, the criterion and indicator of social progress.

The productive forces express the relationship of man to nature, but, entering into active interaction with it, people simultaneously enter into relations with each other. A person cannot live and produce in isolation from society, alone.

Certain connections, relationships that people enter into in the process of production are called production or economic relations.

Production relations are relations between people regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.

Production relations are a social form of production, through which the appropriation of objects of nature by people takes place.

There are: organizational - economic relations and socio - economic relations.

Organizational and economic relations are relations between people in the process of organizing production as such, regardless of its nature.

Socio-economic relations are relations between people regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods. They are formed on the basis of ownership of the means of production.

The totality of all economic processes taking place in society on the basis of property relations operating in it and organizational forms, represents the economic system of society.

The main elements of the economic system are:

Socio - economic relations;

Organizational forms of economic activity;

economic mechanism;

Specific economic relations between economic entities.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of property as an economic category and the legal right of ownership.

In the economic sense, property is complex economic relations between people that develop in social production.


1. Relations of appropriation of property. Appropriation is an economic bond between people that establishes their relationship to things as if they were their own. The opposite of appropriation is the relationship of alienation.

2. Relationships for the economic use of property arise when the owner of the means of production does not himself engage in productive activity, but grants others the right to own his property under certain conditions (lease relations).

Lease - an agreement on the provision of a person's property for temporary use to another person for a certain fee.

3. Economic realization of property. It occurs when it brings income to its owner (profit, rent).

The legal side of ownership is manifested in the presence of the subject of certain rights to the object, guaranteeing him the opportunity to own, dispose of and use the property.

Possession is a property relationship that characterizes the belonging of an object to a certain subject from the legal side.

Disposition is a type of property relations, through which the manager has the right to act with the object in any desired way (within the framework of the law and the contract).

Use is the use of an object of property in accordance with its purpose.

There are two sides to a property relationship:

· The subject of ownership (owner) is the active party of ownership (physical, legal entity).

· The object of ownership (property) is a passive side, i.e. what belongs to the owner.

Property relations have come a long way of development, on which there have been repeated changes in the forms of ownership and the evolution of types of ownership.

There are the following types and forms of ownership:

· Common property exists when people united in collectives treat the means of production and other material goods as belonging to them jointly. There is an equality of owners in relation to the conditions of life support. The main forms of this type of property are primitive communal and family.

· Private property is a type of property when a private person has the exclusive right to own, dispose and use the object of property and receive income.

Basic forms: labor and non-labor private property.

Labor property develops and multiplies from entrepreneurial activity, running one's own economy and other forms based on the work of a given person.

Unearned property arises from the receipt of property by inheritance, dividends from shares, bonds, income from funds invested in credit institutions, and other sources not related to labor activity.

· Mixed ownership is a type of ownership in which general and private appropriation are combined in different variants.

Basic forms: joint stock property, rental property, cooperative property, property of business associations and partnerships, property of joint ventures.

· State property is the property of all the people of a given country. Management and disposal of property objects here on behalf of the people are carried out by state authorities.

There is currently no state in the world where there would be only one type of property in its classical form, on the contrary, their interweaving is observed. Various types and forms of ownership form different kinds business (state enterprises, joint-stock companies, cooperatives, private enterprises, etc.), which, as world experience has shown, is effective in the development of productive forces and production relations in society.

2. Economic growth

The economic life of society is in constant motion, which manifests itself in many quantitative and qualitative changes.

The economic development of society, its dynamics is the evolution of the productive forces and production relations, usually going on the basis of expanded reproduction. In the course of the process, there is an increase in labor productivity, its ability to create everything large quantity benefits for both society and the individual.

Based on this, economic development society presupposes economic growth.

Economic growth means the forward movement of the economy, its progress and development.

Economic growth is needed because the needs of society grow and change quantitatively and qualitatively (the law of the rise of needs).

Economic growth on the scale of all social production is represented by an increase in the annual volume of production of goods and services.

There are two main interrelated ways to measure economic growth:

· Determining the degree of increase in the total volume of real GNP, GDP, ND for a certain period of time (per year).

· Determining the degree of increase in GNP, GDP, ND per capita.

The pace and nature of economic growth is determined by a number of factors, the main of which are:

Natural resources;

Labor resources;

Fixed capital (renewal of fixed capital, increase in investments in the economy);

Scientific and technical knowledge (one of the main driving forces of economic growth);

The structure of the economy;

Aggregate demand;

Type of economic system (experience shows that market and mixed systems of the economy provide higher economic growth);

Socio-political factors (stability of the political situation in society, entrepreneurship, etc.).

All these factors of economic growth can be combined into two groups, depending on the nature of growth (quantitative or qualitative).

Quantitative (extensive) growth factors include:

Increasing the volume of investments while maintaining the appropriate level of technology;

Increase in the number of employed workers;

Growth in the volume of consumed raw materials, materials, etc.

Qualitative (intensive) growth factors include:

Acceleration of scientific and technical progress, i.e. introduction of new equipment and technologies;

Raising the qualifications of workers;

Improving the use of capital;

Increasing production efficiency.

Based on this, there are two types of economic growth:



Extensive growth is a process of increasing production by increasing factors: fixed capital, labor and expanding the consumption of material factors of production: natural raw materials, materials, energy carriers.

Extensive growth has both positive and negative aspects.

Positive sides:

· Relatively easy to obtain the desired result in the presence of sources of expansion of production;

· Creation of conditions for rapid development of natural resources;

· Because of the great need for labor - the reduction, and sometimes even the elimination of unemployment.

Negative sides:

· Growth dynamics depends on the costs incurred by the society;

· The constant involvement in the production process of more and more natural resources makes production resource-intensive and leads to their exhaustion.

· The rate of economic growth is directly dependent on the quantitative (rather than qualitative) involvement in the production process of the means of production and labor.

Economic growth built on the extensive method is costly. A long-term orientation towards a predominantly extensive type of growth leads the country to a dead end.

Intensive economic growth - it is based on the highly efficient use of all factors of production.

Positive sides:

· Intensive economic growth provides for the expansion of production through the introduction of completely new, progressive technologies and new equipment corresponding to them; technology and technology are based on the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress;

· Widespread use of new management approaches, marketing, cooperation, etc., improving the organization and management of production;

· Improving the organization of labor and training more skilled workers who meet the requirements of the applied equipment and new technology.

The use of intensive economic growth allows the economy to achieve better results based on the widespread introduction of scientific and technical progress and the use of scientific and technical information.

In the modern economy, there are no intensive and extensive types of production in their pure form. As a rule, the country itself chooses the path of development, depending on the circumstances, it may be closer to one or the other type.

In the real economy, extensive and intensive types of economic growth are interrelated.

All available resources affect economic growth differently. Some have a direct effect, others indirectly.

3. international trade

International trade occupies one of the leading positions in foreign economic relations.

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between state-national economies. It appeared in antiquity, but only by the 19th century takes the form of a world market, because. all developed countries are elongated in it. International trade in modern conditions is the result of a deep international division of labor and specialization. various countries in the production of certain types of goods in accordance with the level of technical and economic development of each country and its natural and geographical conditions.

Export (export) of goods means that their sale takes place on foreign market. The economic efficiency of exports is determined by the fact that the country exports those products whose production costs are lower than world ones. The size of the economic effect in this case depends on the state of national and world prices for this product, on labor productivity in countries participating in the international exchange of this product as a whole.

When importing (importing) goods, the country acquires goods, the production of which is currently economically unprofitable, i.e. products are purchased at lower costs than are spent on the production of this product in the interior of the country.

The total amount of exports and imports is the foreign trade turnover with foreign countries.

There are a number of indicators characterizing the degree of participation of the country in foreign trade economic relations:

The export quota (share) shows the ratio of the value of exports to the value of GDP;

The volume of exports per capita of a given country characterizes the degree of "openness" of the economy;

Export potential (export opportunities) is the share of products that can be sold given country on the world market without harming their own economy.

The dynamics and structure of world trade depend on the location of the main factors of production between different countries, from the structure of world production. So, if in the 19th century raw materials, foodstuffs, products light industry, then in modern conditions the share of industrial goods, especially machinery and equipment, has increased. At present, the scope of international exchange includes the achievements of scientific and technical thought, technologically complex products, licenses, design work, leasing, etc.

Thus, international trade:

Contribute to technological progress and economic growth of the country;

Provides consumers with a wide choice of goods and contributes to a more complete satisfaction of their needs;

Based on the principles of comparative advantage, i.e. the lowest costs of production of goods, contributes to the most efficient use of the resources of the entire world community, and thus, the achievement of the material well-being of people.

At the present stage, states are pursuing a rather flexible trade policy, combining protectionism and the free market. All countries are actively working to expand the boundaries of exports and imports, during which all possible barriers are removed and a policy of mutual favor in trade is established. To resolve this issue, states consolidate their economic (trade) relations with agreements.

Used Books

1. E.F. Borisov, Fundamentals of Economic Theory, M., 2002.

2. A.M. Kulikov, Basics economic theory, M., 2002.

3. V.G. Slagoda, Economic theory, M., 2007.

4. V.G. Slagoda, Fundamentals of Economic Theory, M., 2007.

5. M.N. Chepurin, E.A. Kisileva, Course of Economic Theory, Kirov, 2002.

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Resources are the potential opportunities that a society has at the time of its development. These are all types of source used in the process of creating wealth.

Resources are divided into:

1) Natural - land, forests, water, air, climate, resources;

2) Labor - all able-bodied population (16 - 60 ). They share:

a. The economically active population is engaged in general production.

b. Economically passive population, part of the population that is not employed in general production due to the army, home. farms;

3) Material - the means of production used in the service sector;

4) Financial - is derivative in relation to basic resources. This is a set of financial resources used to solve the problem;;

5) Information - a young look, they provide the enterprise with valuable information. They can be divided:

ü Information of a business nature: social, statistical, financial.

ü Information for specialists: economic, scientific and technical, educational.

ü Information of a mass nature: legal, socio-economic, educational.

The main economic problem facing society is the conflict between limited economic resources and unlimited needs.

Society uses scarce resources efficiently, i.e. it wants to get the maximum number of useful goods produced from its limited resources. To achieve this, society must ensure full employment, i.e. full use of all economic resources; it is necessary to ensure the employment of all workers who are able to work. Full volume means that resources must be distributed efficiently, i.e. be used in such a way that they make a valuable contribution to the volume of production. To analyze samples. economy, the following assumptions apply:

I. Economic efficiency is the ability of the system in the process of its operation to create an economic effect.

II. constant number of resources.

III. An unchanging technology, applied constantly.

IV. two products: means of production, necessities.

Property is the axis around which all legislation revolves and with which, in one way or another, the rights of citizens are related. Property, in general, is such a relationship between people that determines who owns the goods. For entrepreneurship, ownership of the means of production (land, buildings) is of primary importance. Ownership of the means of production is the appropriation of the means of production, the use of the means of production. The starting point is the relationship of appropriation of the means of production. Through these relations, the rights of various subjects (individuals) are established and consolidated. Owner relations. use of the means of production arise when the owner of these means does not use them, but predet. other relations of economic realization of property is manifested when the means of production used bring income (profit) to the owner.

Property - it is an enterprise recognized by society and protected by law, to own, use some kind of resource.

The property has features:

1. material form

2. the presence of a relationship associated with assignment

3. the presence of dependence on income received by the owner of the property

4. availability of legal documents governing property relations


1. organizes and manages objects owned by the owner

2. distributes benefits

3. saves goods

4. Connects means of production and labor

Ownership lines:

Ø 1 by subjects (who?)

Ø 2 by objects (what?)

Line 1 is important for the economy. Can see different kind property.


I. private property

Features of private property: powerful incentives to work, the foundations of material well-being, moral satisfaction.

Forms of private property:

1. property of the citizens themselves

2. property of legal entities

3. common property joint appropriation of the means of the results of production

Common forms:

I. collective ; its types

A) rental

B) cooperative

B) stock

D) property of general associations and religious organizations, created at their expense

II. state; its forms

A) federal (land, its subsoil)

B) regional

B) municipal

Public property is needed in the areas of science and education. For social and other purposes of the rule of law countries, it conducts the nationalization and privatization of the population. Nationalization, nationalization of property and its transfer to ownership; privatization transfer of state property to citizens or legal entities. The transfer of ownership takes place at auction. The essence of the market and the main elements.

The exchange can be carried out in 2 forms

barter (exchange of goods for goods)

ü commodity-money exchange consists of 2 phases

A) buying phase

B) sales phase

Commodity-money exchange (TAR) is a more progressive form of exchange because it has a number of advantages:

I. shorten exchange time

II. reduces exchange costs

III. measures the cost of goods most accurately

Exchange is the basis of the market mechanism. The emergence and development of the market can be determined by the following reasons:

1. social division of labor (collaboration of people in which they perform types of strictly defined work, the division of labor leads to an increase in its productivity, which allows not only to satisfy the needs of the production owner of the product, but also to create a surplus of goods that can be exchanged.

There are 3 types of division of labor:

a. separation of livestock from agriculture

b. allocation of craft to the industry

c. formation of the merchant class

2. resource limitation

3. economic isolation of producers, which is due to private property

4. freedom of competition i.e. the desire of the participant to ensure their interests

Describing the market mechanism, its functions should be characterized:

1. regulating

2. stimulating - the market stimulates (development)

3. informing - the market informs entrepreneurs about the current state of the economy.

4. The pricing function of the market arises when commodity demand and supply collide.

5. intermediary - consists in the fact that the market directly connects sellers and buyers, giving them the opportunity to communicate with each other in eq language, free goods, sales, prices, free play of supply and demand

6. The social function of the market ensures social justice through the performance by the state of its functions

7. The wellness market encourages active entrepreneurs and forces them to leave unviable.

When studying the market mechanism, it is necessary to distinguish between subjects (individuals and legal entities) and objects (everything about which the purchase and sale relationship arose)

The market has a diverse structure in connection with which there are such differences as:

I. according to the economic purpose of objects of market relations

1. consumer market

2. market of means of production

3.slave force market

4. information market

5. financial market

II. 2 by spatial feature

1. world market (the market for a particular product in the world on a global scale)

2. regional (market of a number of countries)

3. national market(country market)

4. local market (market of the city of the village)

III. 3 in terms of relevant legislation:

1. legal

2. illegal

IV. 4 in saturation

1. equilibrium market

2. scarce

3. redundant

V. 5 on the mechanism of functioning

1. competitive

2. exclusive

Market for means of production are the equipment earth electricity markets.

Information market are the markets for scientific technical developments.

Financial market - This is a market for securities, credits, loans.

In a monopoly market, as a rule, 1 large manufacturer sells a unique product that does not have a substitute at its own price when entering this market. barriers. In a competitive market, as a rule, there are many sellers who sell a homogeneous product that has a substitute for total absence The dictate of prices on the market is easy to enter, just as easy to exit.

Market infrastructure- a system of organization that ensures the free movement of goods and services . In infrastructure allocate:

1. organizational base

2. material base (warehouse and commodity economy)

3. Credit and settlement base

4. banks insurance companies

5. public finance

6. The system of legislation regulates legal relations

As an element of infrastructure, we can distinguish:

1 fairs 2 general markets 3 auctions 4 exchanges

The main elements are:

1 demand 2 supply 3 price 4 competition, their interaction is called the market mechanism.

The most important role in the economic system is played by property relations, they determine the real power in society: who commands production and how the product is distributed. The material well-being, freedom and independence of each person largely depend on them.

Own in general, these are relations between people that determine who owns certain things. Relationships are key to business ownership of the means of production(for land, industrial buildings, structures, equipment). These relationships are very complex and multifaceted, but three key points can still be distinguished from them (Figure 2.8).

The starting points are ♦ relations of appropriation of the means of production. Through them, the right of various subjects (individuals, their associations, the state) to be the owners of the corresponding means of production is established and legally fixed, namely: (a) own them, (b) use and (c) dispose. So, for example, having bought a plot of land, a novice farmer enters precisely into a relationship appropriations land property.

Rice. 2.8 - Ownership structure

In contrast to this ♦ relations of economic use of means of production arise when the owner of these funds does not use them himself, but rents, say, for rent, leasing, that is, on a temporary basis possession and use other persons or organizations (with the right orders them behind them).

Finally, ♦ relations of economic realization of property. They manifest themselves whenever the means of production used (by anyone) bring them to the owner income- profit, tax, rent or other types thereof.

Types of ownership can be distinguished along two main lines: (a) by entities ( who owns) and (b) by objects ( how owns). For the economy, first of all, the first line is important - according to the subjects of ownership. Here in economic practice you can find a variety of forms of ownership. However, all of them, in essence, are varieties of its two main types: private and public (Figure 2.9).

Rice. 2.9 - Main types and forms of ownership (by its subjects)

In its turn private property covers two main forms: the property of themselves citizens and property created by them legal entities(enterprises, firms, organizations, institutions). The two main forms and public property. So, for example, in Russia it is represented (a) state property (including the property of the Russian Federation, or federal property, and the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions, etc.); (b) municipal property - the property of urban, rural and other municipalities.

There is no ideal form of ownership in the world. Historically, the best reputation both in life and in business has been acquired by private property with her obvious p l u with a m and, although without m i n u s o v not done (Fig. 2.10).

Rice. 2.10 - Pros and cons of private property

The second line of types of property suggests distinguishing them according to objects property, that is, depending on whether what is in possession. From this point of view, it is possible to allocate real, intellectual and management property (Table 3).

Table 3 - Main types of property by its objects

Yes, ● physical property is the most traditional and familiar property on material objects (things) - enterprises, equipment, financial resources, residential buildings, household items, etc. Their main owners are landowners, manufacturers, merchants and other entrepreneurs.

In turn ● intellectual property is the property of various authors(scientists, inventors, designers, architects, etc.) on the spiritual, immaterial values ​​- ideas, knowledge, discoveries, know-how, design projects, literary, musical and other works of spiritual and creative activity. At the same time, many of the above can ultimately be embodied in material forms - into new devices, technological lines, buildings, structures, books that already live their own material life.

Finally, ● ownership of control (power) . This type can be called property only conditionally, since its object in this case is formless and cannot be “touched”. This is where "ownership" comes into play. management process society, on leadership in him. In other words, this power those who actually carry out state administration, that is, the power of officials.

As a result, the three types discussed above can be reduced to two positions: on the one hand, there is property in society (for various material and intellectual objects), and on the other hand, the power of the bureaucracy that manages the state. It is important for society that they be separated, that is, that officials cannot dispose of someone else's or common property, because this threatens to infringe on the rights of other citizens.

Certain types and forms of ownership (according to its subjects) are also associated with certain forms business organization. Turning to their description, we single out four main types of business enterprises (Table 4).

Table 4 - Main types of enterprises and their a brief description of

5 Resources as a source of production, their classification. Problems of scarcity and scarcity of resources

To meet the needs in the process of economic activity, people use a variety of economic resources. economic resources as necessary condition productive activity of a person - these are the conditions that society has at the moment and which are embodied in natural, labor, material and other means. We classify economic (production) resources (Figure 2.11).

Modern (marginalist) theory distinguishes four groups of resources or factors of production.

Natural resources that are not the result of human activity, the free goods of nature that are used in the production process: arable land, forests, mineral deposits, water resources, etc. They constitute the natural basis for the production of material goods. The main natural factor Earth . This concept includes not only agricultural land and urban land set aside for industrial and residential development, but also other natural benefits derived from nature - oil, gas, coal, wood, ore, river water, which produces electricity, etc. .d.

Rice. 2.11-Classification of economic resources

Capital. In economics, the term capital is used to define two concepts - real capital and financial capital. Under real capital refers to produced material goods that are used to produce future goods, i.e. the material resources of society are converted into capital. financial capital includes financial assets such as stocks, bonds, bank deposits, etc.

Human (labor) resources population capable of socially useful work. The main factor is labor, which is represented by intellectual or physical activity aimed at producing goods and providing services.

Modern economic literature highlights in the composition of human resources entrepreneurial activity. This is a specific factor of production, involving the use of initiative, ingenuity and risk in the organization of production. Entrepreneurial ability is special kind human capital, the activity of coordinating and combining all other factors of production in order to create goods and services.

Production is possible only with the introduction of manufacturing process certain set of factors, but the main ones are land, labor, capital.

Further characterization of economic resources is related to the problem of their limited or rare. The relative scarcity of resources is expressed in the fact that at any given moment the available resources are not enough to produce such a quantity of goods that would satisfy the needs existing in society, i.e. all economic resources or factors of production have a fundamental property: they are scarce or available in limited quantities.

1.5 Property as the basis of industrial relations

productive forces- this is a system of personal and material factors of production in their interaction, the functional purpose of which is the transformation of matter and the forces of nature to meet the needs of mankind. The level of development of productive forces expresses the degree of knowledge and mastery of the laws of nature, is the most important indicator of social progress. Productive forces are a self-developing system in which in the course of a person's labor activity there is an impact on the object of labor, its transformation. The productive forces include the simple moments of the labor process:
1) the object of labor - that element of nature, which is directed by the influence of man in order to transform it;
2) means of labor - tools of labor, with the help of which there is an impact on the object of labor (mechanical, physical, chemical).
The objects of labor and the means of labor together constitute the means of production. The means of production form the material and technical base, the productive wealth of society.
The productivity of social labor means the presence of living and past labor, that is, socially necessary labor time for the production of a unit of goods, a decrease in its value.
Production relations - a set of relations between people that develop in the process of social production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods and services.
Among the diverse desires and aspirations of a person, representing a reflection of his economic nature, a worthy place is occupied by an interest in the possession of material wealth. This interest developed over the centuries, which has entered the flesh and blood of people, finds its manifestation in the birth and existence of a special sensation - the feeling of the owner, the owner.
If the objects of the material world need to be taken care of by people, then they have fallen into the orbit of human activity and, moreover, are the product of such activity, these objects must inevitably become the object of someone's property. The antipode of this approach is mismanagement, irresponsibility.
Types and forms of ownership, the nature of property relations serve as defining features of the economic system. So, if the centralized-administrative, command-and-distribution system is characterized mainly by the so-called state form of ownership of the means of production, then the market economy most often relies on the entire spectrum of forms and relations of ownership, proceeds from the principle of their equal rights to existence.
Own there are relations between people about the use of material and spiritual goods and conditions of production, or a historically defined social method of appropriating goods.
We present the property relations in Figure 6.

Fig.6. Scheme of subject-object and subject-subject
property relations

The existing property relations are fixed and protected by the state. Legislation establishes legal norms that regulate property relations between people and in society. As a result, property relations acquire the form of legal relations, or legal form. And the subjects of ownership are endowed with the right of ownership.
With the help of legislation, the state can actively influence the actual distribution material wealth and competitive forms of its use. But in the final analysis, the distribution of objects of property among subjects depends on the results of social production. Since it is here that the right of ownership is economically realized, and above all in the process of production.
It is necessary to highlight the forms of restriction on the disposal of property, called the right of economic management and the right of operational management, such forms are provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The range of proprietary powers of state and municipal enterprises that have been granted these rights is determined by the charters of these enterprises, approved by authorized state bodies or by law.
The economic understanding of property reflects the coercion to work that comes from ownership of the conditions of production or from ownership of capital. In accordance with the laws of commodity circulation, the presence on commodity market the worker who created the product is optional: the subjects of the market are the owners of the goods. It is enough to be the owner of the conditions of production: the alienated labor power is regarded as belonging to capital, and the created product as its fruit.
Ownership of capital makes it possible to overcome the "alienness" of alien labor and to appropriate a new value that exceeds the monetary equivalent paid for labor power, without resorting to violation of the laws of commodity circulation.
Forms of ownership:
1) Private property - any non-state form of ownership. It can be single (individual), joint (divisible and indivisible), general;
2) State property. State form property is used in those areas of the economy in which there is an objectively great need for direct centralized management, the implementation of public investment, in which the focus on profitability is not a criterion sufficient for functioning in the public interest;
3) The collective (group) form of ownership is presented in the form of cooperative ownership of collective farms, consumer and other forms of cooperation, as well as joint stock ownership and ownership of joint, mixed enterprises.