Sample training agreement. Internship Agreement

A prerequisite obtaining a diploma of graduation is the acquisition of practical knowledge. This can be done through practice. In this article, we will tell you about useful information regarding what is required to draw up a special agreement through which the organization will take the student to practice.

In most situations, employers who accept students are wondering whether Do I need to sign a formal contract?. The answer to it will depend on what agreements are available with the university, as well as what the training cycle of young specialists includes.

The most common practice is to conclude a formal agreement with the university, a sample of which will be provided by the university. In some cases, the option of signing a tripartite agreement is envisaged. In such a situation, not only the company and the educational institution, but also the student (student) act as parties.

In practice, there are at least six reasons why a treaty should be signed.

  1. The agreement includes a condition according to which the employer is obliged to sign an agreement with the student. So, for example, the text says that some duties and rights are regulated by a number of separate agreements, additionally signed by the organization offering to take up the position, and the student who wants to do an internship.
  2. The agreement on the successful completion of the practical part of the training does not contain any points that are significant for the enterprise. The agreement does not make it clear that each trainee must fully adhere to the requirements of internal rules, it does not indicate what list of duties he should work, what the schedule is, and so on. To regulate these significant points, it will be necessary to draw up separate documentation.
  3. No agreement with the university. Often one has to deal with a situation when representatives of an educational institution refuse to sign a document with a company, arguing their position by the fact that the report compiled by the student is enough for them. To clarify responsibilities and personal rights, work schedule, the company must sign contracts with students directly.
  4. An intern gets a vacant position. If there is a free vacancy for which a specialist is required, while the trainee fully fulfills the proposed list of works, an internship agreement is filled out, and then a labor contact. The employer does not have the opportunity to refuse to sign papers, as this is considered a violation of labor laws.
  5. Work practice is underway. Quite often, one has to deal with situations when a student does not just come to the enterprise to observe the implementation of processes, but is responsible for the performance of work in accordance with a full-fledged position. In this case, he, in fact, receives the status of a work permit. If you refuse to sign the contract, a violation of the Labor Code will be committed.
  6. The company wishes to conclude an employment contract in the future. If an organization, for personal reasons, practices signing a contract, it reserves the right to apply for a job, regardless of the opinion of the educational institution.

Step-by-step design instructions

By itself, the procedure consists of three steps. Their features are described below.

Step 1. Agreement with the educational institution

Initially, one should take into account the fact that the relationship that arises as a result of the practical training is formed between the enterprise that accepts students and the educational body that is engaged in theoretical training. To simplify the search for companies willing to host students, a special cooperation agreement is usually drawn up in advance.

To create full-fledged conditions stipulated by the parties in the contract being concluded, the employer needs to develop appropriate conditions to allow safe internship, as well as pre-arrange all the necessary seats. In case of educational institution its representatives undertake to provide a full guarantee of compliance by students with labor discipline and the requirements prescribed in the internal regulations.

Step 2. With an intern

According to the requirements of the educational standard, two types of internship are provided - industrial or educational. Since in the latter case the student is not engaged in direct labor activity, the need to draw up an employment contract in without fail absent.

Accordingly, there is no need for payroll.

If the job offered to the specialist fully complies with the rules for passing the practical program and the characteristics of the qualification presented for the specialization, he is accepted into the staff if there is an appropriate free place in the state.

Note! If an employer from time to time accepts a large number of students who are doing an internship, it would be a logical decision to create appropriate vacancies specifically for them.

As practice shows, the best solution for a company is signing a fixed-term employment contract with a student, based on the requirements in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code.

It is possible to substantiate the signing of this type of document with reference to the need to accept a future specialist for the passage of activities for industrial practice.

If up to this point the student has not held another position (and this happens almost always), he is required to have a work book and an insurance certificate of pension insurance from the state.

From the moment the employment contract is concluded, the student receives the full rights of the worker.

This means that he is entitled to wages for work, full-fledged social insurance. If temporary disability occurs, the company must pay cash benefits.

To this list is also added the accrual of annual leave required by law, and so on.

On the other hand, a student who decides to join the company at the time of the internship, must first read the rules of the company relating to the schedule drawn up by the employer. A prerequisite for successful internship is compliance with the provisions of internal regulations and compliance with safety requirements.

Step 3. Hiring without employment

It also happens that a vacant position that fully meets the requirements of the internship program. There are situations when educational institutions insist in advance on the absence of the possibility of internship with parallel employment. In such cases, the possibility of signing an employment contract is not provided.

Inside the organization, an order or a corresponding order is drawn up and certified, according to which students engaged in internships can perform production work on the territory of the company.

Always in text the terms, the period of passing the established practice are indicated. A prerequisite is the appointment of a responsible person.

As such, the deputy head usually acts, or the head of the department of the organization on whose territory the practice is conducted.

Please note that the possibility of accepting underage students for work is only available subject to a preliminary medical examination in a specialized institution.

This requirement is spelled out in articles 266 and 69 of the Labor Code. Since persons have not yet reached the age of majority, they cannot work full-time.

An abbreviated schedule is required.

Note that in the situation under consideration, the trainee cannot receive a specific labor function. He only gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of the organization of production on the territory of the enterprise.

Although he can be assigned tasks, they can only have a reduced difficulty.

Nevertheless, in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, such an employee is fully subject to the internal regulations and labor protection rules developed by the company's management.

Contract template. How to fill?

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a typical model of a student internship agreement.

In accordance with the regulatory requirements of Russian legislation, send students for internships possible through an agreement between the educational institution and the host company. If the latter wants to recruit promising personnel, they will have to contact representatives of the university and conclude a formal agreement.

It also provides for the opposite situation, when a student wants to do an internship and turns to his supervisor at the university in order to helped to document the choice made. The Institute contacts representatives of the organization to sign the relevant agreement.

Higher education institutions, as a rule, submit their own sample for verification, according to which an internship agreement is drawn up. If, for one reason or another, the document is not available, or university representatives are ready to sign a self-written version of the document, it can be developed on their own.

As you can see from the example above, in the process of drawing up the contract, the following data is required:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the student, place of study, current course and full name of the faculty;
  • the name of the organization that accepts the trainee, its legal address and contact information for communication;
  • the period of time for which the student must complete the work practice;
  • the work schedule established by the organization;
  • the amount of wages, if such is provided for by the established legislation;
  • documentation, according to which the results achieved as a result of the work are indicated. As such, a report, a diary of an internship, a personal description from a manager or a responsible person, or other documents usually acts as such.

Regardless of where exactly the student chooses to go for practice, it is necessary to provide the name of the person acting as the curator. Otherwise, the contract will not gain legal force.

In most cases, this role is assigned to representatives of a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. It also happens that an acting specialist working on the territory of the enterprise acts as a curator.

A prerequisite in this case is the need for additional remuneration for the performance of new functions. This requirement is drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

After drawing up an agreement with the university, it is necessary to secure it with the help of the seals of the parties. Naturally, there are no clear restrictions in the legislation regarding the parties that can take part in the signing of the agreement.

This means that if the university refuses to conclude an agreement, this can be done with the student himself.

But in order to be safe from possible troubles, you will have to request an official certificate, which confirms that the person is really on the staff, and that in a certain period he needs to do an internship at the enterprise.


Sample!!! The contract must be filled in 2 copies!!! Agreement No.



AGREEMENT No. ________/blank/

about the organization of the internship

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education The Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the "Russian State University of Trade and Economics", hereinafter referred to as the "Institute", represented by the director of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) RGTEU Yuriy Nikolaevich Kleshevsky, acting on the basis of power of attorney No. 66 dated April 24, 2013, on the one hand, and Name of the enterprise, full name head of the enterprise ___________________________________________________________________________________,


acting on the basis __ indicate the document: power of attorney (No., date) / charter ,

on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into an agreement as follows:


    1. In order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained by the students of the Institute in the process of theoretical training; acquisition of the necessary skills, abilities and experience practical work by specialty / field of study _______ code and name of the specialty / direction __ . The company provides 1 place FULL NAME. student )_________________________________________ ,

a student of the Institute to undergo educational, introductory, industrial, undergraduate and other types of practice (hereinafter referred to as the "Practice").

      The Institute, taking into account the task of fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specified specialty / field of study, sends the student to practice in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

      The practice is carried out in accordance with the schedule of the educational process of the Institute, a continuous cycle on time with___start date of practice___ on end date of practice___

      From the moment a student is accepted for practice, he is subject to: labor legislation, labor protection rules and internal labor regulations in force at the Company.


    1. The Institute is committed to:

      1. Not later than two weeks before the start of the Practice, send to the Enterprise for familiarization with the program and schedule of the Practice;

        Appoint qualified teachers of the relevant departments as practice leaders;

        Conduct a preliminary conversation with the student sent for practice about the conditions for the practice in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

        Take action against a student who violates the Labor Regulations of the enterprise, the rules of labor protection and safety, rules fire safety;

        Organize the research work of the student on the subject agreed with the Enterprise.

    2. The company undertakes:

      1. To accept a student for an Internship within the period specified in clause 1.3 of this Agreement;

        Take the necessary measures to prevent the dissemination and protection of information about personal data that became known in connection with the performance of contractual obligations.

        Familiarize the student with the Internal Regulations of the Enterprise, conduct a mandatory briefing on labor protection, safety and fire safety;

        Appoint the head (leaders) of the practice, who is responsible for organizing the workplace, training and counseling, and also monitors and evaluates the work of the student-trainee;

        Provide the student with the necessary conditions for the implementation of the Internship program during working hours, as well as the student's research work on the topics agreed with the Enterprise;

        At the end of the Practice, submit a review of the student's work.


    1. The company has the right:

      1. Send the student to various departments of the Enterprise (in Kemerovo) in order to familiarize the student with the structure of the Enterprise and in-depth study of the technologies used, the available technical, technological, economic and other documentation, as well as for the student to acquire the skills of practical and organizational work in the specialty;

        Do not allow the student to take the Internship and inform the Institute if the student violates the Internal Labor Regulations of the Enterprise, labor protection, safety, fire safety, as well as in other cases of violation of the terms of this Agreement.

    2. The Institute has the right:

      1. To provide methodological assistance to the student in the performance of individual tasks and the collection of materials for the report and final qualification work.

        Evaluate the results of the student's implementation of the Practice program.


    1. The Parties shall provide the student with the Internship at the Enterprise in accordance with the internship program free of charge.

      The enterprise provides the guidance of the Practice and the preparation of reviews on the work of the student free of charge.


    1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signing by the Parties and shall be valid until

expiration date of the contract - the expiration date of practices.

      All changes and additions to this Agreement are made by agreement of the Parties in writing.

      Either Party has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally if the other Party violates its obligations under this Agreement, with written notification to the other Party.

      The Parties may, by mutual agreement, terminate this Agreement at any time.


    1. Disagreements and disputes arising on issues and in the process of fulfilling the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

      In matters not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


    1. This Agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies in Russian, each of which has equal legal force.

      For the prompt resolution of current issues, the Parties appoint responsible persons:

- from the side of the Institute - the head of the Practice from the graduating department _________________

Full name of the head of the practice from the Institute and telephone (required)

– from the side of the Enterprise ______________________________________________________________ FULL NAME. head of practice from the Enterprise and phone number (required)


  1. Competition

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  2. Document

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  3. Document

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  4. Document

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Other related documents..


The agreement on the practice of students an example of filling out - Legal assistance

If a company wants to attract young professionals, it needs to contact the university and sign an agreement. Fresh footage will be sent to the relevant departments as part of the distribution.

The opposite situation is possible: a student finds an organization in which he wants to do an internship, and applies to the university to document the choice made. In this case, the institute needs to contact the company to sign the agreement.

As a rule, universities have their own model of an internship agreement. If it is not there or the institute is ready to sign the version drawn up by the organization, you can make an agreement yourself.


Additional obligations of the "Institute": No 14. The contract comes into force from the moment of its signing and operates in accordance with the calendar plan.

15. The contract is made in two copies: one for each party.
16. All disputes under this agreement are resolved in accordance with applicable law. 17. This agreement may be extended, amended, supplemented, terminated by agreement of the parties with the preparation of a protocol, which will be an integral part of this agreement.
Legal addresses of the parties: “Institute” Postal address: Moscow, B.
Trekhsvyatitelsky per., 1-3/12, building 8, Tel. , tel. / “Enterprise” Postal address: st.

Usievicha, 3 tel./fax (0, e-mail: *****@***ru Signatures of the parties: “Enterprise”: “Institute”: i.

Agreement on internship by students

Accountant trainee

  1. Provide students with safe working conditions at every workplace.

    Provide students with overalls, special footwear and safety devices for the duration of the internship according to the standards established for the relevant categories of employees of a given enterprise, institution and organization at the expense of this enterprise, institution and organization.

  2. Investigate and record accidents if they happen to students during their internship at the institution in accordance with the Regulations on Investigation and Recording of Accidents.
  3. Create the necessary conditions for students to practice.

If it becomes necessary to appoint a sponsor from the side of the host company, the performance of additional functions by the employee should be paid.

This is reflected in the supplementary agreement to his employment contract and job description.
The agreement with the university is signed by both parties and secured with seals, after which it acquires legal force.

Employment under a fixed-term employment contract The legislation does not oblige a company to sign an internship agreement with the university where a particular person is studying. The firm has the right to sign an agreement with the student himself.

Internship Agreement

To provide the "Institute" in accordance with the calendar plan with jobs for the production practice of students: 1.

Code of specialty Course Number of students Term of practice Name of practice Note 230201 4 2 04.0 Production 2.

Create the necessary conditions for students to complete the practice program, namely: 2.1.

Allocate jobs and organize work that is fully consistent with the internship program.

2.2. Provide trainees with organizational and educational and technical guidance by providing qualified supervisors.
3. Do not allow the use of student interns in jobs not covered by the program of industrial practice. 4.

Section 1

  1. Send students to the enterprise (institution, organization) within the timeframes provided by the referral for internship.
  2. Select the most qualified professors, associate professors and lecturers as practice leaders.
  3. Ensure that students comply with labor discipline and internal labor regulations that are mandatory for employees of this enterprise (institution, organization).
  4. To provide the employees of the enterprise (institution, organization) to the leaders of the undergraduate practice of students with methodological assistance in organizing and conducting the practice.
  5. Investigate and account for accidents if they happen to students during their internship.
  1. Responsibility of the parties for non-performance of the contract:

The company wants to conclude an employment agreement If, for its own reasons, it is more convenient for a company to regulate relations with an intern by an agreement, it has the right to issue it, regardless of the position of the university on this issue. Fixed-term employment contract A completed sample contract for the practice of students can be found on the websites of information and legal systems.

The contract is usually drawn up for a fixed period. In the future, if the organization decides to continue cooperation, it is possible to sign an open-ended agreement.

The only feature of the contract is that the text states that the employee is accepted for internship. Otherwise, the execution of the agreement and the preparation of related documents are similar to the case of the admission of an ordinary specialist who graduated from a university.

The contract for the practice of students sample filling

Not to allow the use of student interns in positions not provided for by the internship program and not related to the specialty of students.

  • Appoint qualified specialists to manage undergraduate practice in departments of the enterprise, institution, organization.
  • To provide student interns with the opportunity to use laboratories, classrooms, libraries, technical and other documentation in the divisions of the enterprise (institutions, organizations) necessary for the successful development of the undergraduate practice program by students and the fulfillment of individual tasks by them.
  • At the end of the pre-diploma practice, give a description of the work of each student-trainee and the quality of the report prepared by him.

The agreement on the practice of students an example of filling

A completed sample group M AGREEMENT No. for internships for students of MIEM Moscow "" 2010 We, the undersigned, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics ( Technical University), hereinafter referred to as the "Institute" represented by and. about. rector acting on the basis

of the Charter on the one hand and “InterTrust” (the name of the enterprise (institution) hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise”, represented by the General Director of InterTrust” acting on the basis of the Charter (power of attorney, order) of the Charter, on the other hand, and in accordance with the Model an agreement for conducting internships for students, approved by order of the Ministry of Education (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 02, 2003

Registration No. 000), have entered into this agreement as follows: "Enterprise" undertakes: 1.
FGAOU VPO "Siberian federal university» Krasnoyarsk « » 2013

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University", hereinafter referred to as the "University", represented by Rector Evgeny Alexandrovich Vaganov, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and Ukom LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Organization", represented by the Director _ Lubysheva Tatyana Vladimirovna, acting on the basis of the Charter, concluded an agreement on the following:

  1. Provide the University, in accordance with the direction, with a place for the production and pre-diploma practice of the student (s) (full name, specialty /

direction, course) Isaev Oleg Vladimirovich 080109.65 "Accounting, analysis and audit", 3rd course, BAU-10-12 period of practice from April 08, 2013

SAMPLE COMPLETION OF THE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT No. ___ for the internship of students of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University" Tomsk "___" ____________ 201__ We, the undersigned, on the one hand, the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University", represented by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Solovyov, head of the educational and methodological department, acting on the basis of Power of Attorney No. 17 dated 12.01.2012, and, on the other hand, ________ Avangard LLC ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise", represented by __ director of the enterprise Petr Sergeevich Ivanov ________________________, acting on the basis of the enterprise's charter _______________________ ____________ in accordance with the Regulations on the industrial practice of students of higher educational institutions, have concluded an agreement on the following. 1. Subject of the contract 1.1. The University undertakes to send and the Enterprise to accept University students for internships. 1.2. The number of places and conditions for the internship are stipulated by the obligations of this agreement and the calendar plan for the internship. 2. The "Enterprise" undertakes: 2.1. To provide the university with one (two, three) places for students' work experience in accordance with the attached calendar plan. 2.2. Provide students with safe working conditions at every workplace. Conduct mandatory briefings on labor protection: introductory and at each workplace with the execution of established documentation; if necessary, train student interns safe methods work. 2.3.Create the necessary conditions for the students to complete the industrial practice program and complete an individual task. 2.4. Appoint qualified specialists to manage the production practice in the divisions (workshops, departments, laboratories, etc.) of the enterprise. 2.5. To provide student interns and internship leaders from the "University" with the opportunity to use technical and other documentation in the divisions of the enterprise necessary for students to complete the internship program report. 3. The University undertakes to: 3.1. Provide the "Enterprise" with programs and calendar plan passing the industrial practice 3.2. Appoint the head of the practice from among the highly qualified employees of the university. 4. Responsibility of the parties for the fulfillment of the contract 4.1. The parties are responsible for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them for organizing and conducting student internships in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. All disputes arising under this agreement are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law. 4.3. The contract comes into force after it is signed by the "University" on the one hand and the "Enterprise" - on the other hand. 5. Other conditions 5.1. Documents transmitted by fax have legal force. 5.2. Validity period of the contract _ from July to August 2012 _____________________ 5.3. The contract is made in 2 copies, one of which is kept at the "University", the other - at the "Enterprise". 6. Legal addresses of the parties: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University": 634034, Tomsk-4, Lenin Ave., 30. Enterprise: Avangard LLC, Tomsk, st. ..._______________________ ____________________________________________________ Signatures, seals: UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ___________________ ______________ P. S. Ivanov CALENDAR PLAN OF PRACTICE CARRYING OUT Students' specialty Course Nature and terms of practice Number of places Full name students 080503 "Anti-crisis management" 080300 "Commerce"_from July 4 to August 14, 2011 from July 4 to August 14, 2011 two three one two three Petrov Petr Petrovich SidorovPetrPetrovich Petrov Petr Petrovich SidorovPetrPetrovich Petrov Petr Petrovich Petukhov Vasily Nikolaevich full names of students

Industrial practice is an integral part curriculum at the university. In order for the process to pass in compliance with all the requirements of the law on education, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the practice of students with a specialized enterprise in a timely manner. As a rule, the signatories of such a document are a higher educational institution and a company, but there are cases when the second party is not the university, but the trainee himself.

What should be in the contract

Usually, companies and private entrepreneurs, if they want to attract students to practice, do not draw up contracts on their own: they just need to contact the university, which will prepare the necessary documents and develop general requirements, will establish the rules for the actions of trainees.

The internship agreement includes a standard set of information:

  • legal grounds for the conclusion;
  • name of the educational institution, faculty, course, specialty and group, list of students;
  • information about the host institution: name, address, telephone;
  • the period of the event;
  • duties of the parties;
  • work schedule (set by the host party);**
  • salary (if provided for under the agreement);**
  • the name of the documents, which will indicate the results achieved by the trainee (diary, characteristics, etc.);
  • Full name of the head from the institute.

** Optional items - are entered at the discretion of the enterprise.

The internship contract comes into force only after it is signed by both parties and sealed with the organization's seal.

Contract for the internship of the student and the company

If the student chose the company himself and the company is not opposed to accepting it, in order to conclude an agreement with the student on the internship, the administration (director) of the company or an individual entrepreneur should contact the university. As a rule, all institutes and universities have ready-made templates for such a case. If there are none, but the university does not object to the version of the agreement drawn up by the company, then the contract for the student's internship should reflect the following points:

  • the name of the company, state of emergency, individual entrepreneur with details;
  • Full name of the trainee, place of his study;
  • terms;
  • the procedure for registration - under an employment contract or by agreement with the university;
  • salary/gratuitous basis;
  • working hours (weekends, shift schedule);
  • who will perform the functions of a curator (a university teacher, an employee of an enterprise, or joint leadership is expected);
  • a list of documents on the progress and results of the practice (who is responsible for compiling them).

Some universities offer the use of a tripartite agreement signed by the host organization, the student and the university.

The agreement can be drawn up without involving the educational institution in signing - directly with the trainee. In this case, one of the grounds for concluding an agreement will be a certificate from an institute or university stating that the student really studies at the university and is obliged to undergo an internship in a certain period. It must also indicate educational profile(that is, faculty, specialty) and the exact dates of the internship.

Variants of situations when it is advisable to sign an internship agreement between an enterprise and a student:

  • the university obliges the employer to sign an agreement with the trainee;
  • the agreement with the institute does not regulate the provisions that are significant for the organization, for example, the work schedule, the obligations of the student are not defined;
  • the trainee occupies a vacant position, which obliges the organization to conclude an employment contract with him;
  • the active participation of the trainee in production activities is planned;
  • companies are more comfortable managing relationships.


Templates and examples available for download:

  1. Model agreement on the passage of practice by students: a sample of an empty form.
  2. The contract for the internship of students: a sample of filling.
  3. Agreement on the admission to the practice of one student (between the university and the enterprise).
  4. Individual agreement with the student on the passage of industrial practice.

According to the current regulatory requirements, an agreement is required for a student to complete an internship. The document regulates the obligations and responsibilities of the parties, and can be signed by the host company and the university, or concluded directly with the trainee.

Director of the recruiting agency "Libertran".

When accepting students for an internship, and subsequently for work, we pay a lot of attention to assessing the soft skills (over-professional skills) of candidates. Focus on tasks, speed of reaction, attention to detail and a good memory are essential for you to become part of our team.

For their development, I highly recommend using the free online simulator Wikium. There are statistics for 2017 - 2019. 94% of trainees and interns who passed full course students were hired by the largest companies in the country, and during the year they received a promotion and increased their salary by 1.7 times.

The student data is also interesting. Their average graduation score was 4.8. At the same time, many note that they began to spend much less time on study, because the material began to be absorbed instantly. And all this after classes just for…

Learn more >>

A prerequisite for obtaining a diploma of graduation is the acquisition of practical knowledge. This can be done through practice. In the presented article, we will tell you about useful information regarding what is required to draw up a special agreement through which the organization will take the student to practice.

When do I need to conclude an internship agreement?

In most situations, employers who accept students are wondering whether Do I need to sign a formal contract?. The answer to it will depend on what agreements are available with the university, as well as what the training cycle of young specialists includes.

The most common practice is to conclude a formal agreement with the university, a sample of which will be provided by the university. In some cases, the option of signing a tripartite agreement is envisaged. In such a situation, not only the company and the educational institution, but also the student (student) act as parties.

In practice, there are at least six reasons why a treaty should be signed.

Step-by-step design instructions

By itself, the procedure consists of three steps. Their features are described below.

Step 1. Agreement with the educational institution

Initially, one should take into account the fact that the relationship that arises as a result of the practical training is formed between the enterprise that accepts students and the educational body that is engaged in theoretical training. To simplify the search for companies willing to host students, a special cooperation agreement is usually drawn up in advance.

To create full-fledged conditions stipulated by the parties in the contract being concluded, the employer needs to develop appropriate conditions to allow safe internship, as well as pre-arrange all the necessary seats. In the case of an educational institution, its representatives undertake to provide a full guarantee of compliance by students with labor discipline and the requirements prescribed in the internal regulations.

Step 2. With an intern

According to the requirements of the educational standard, two types of internship are provided - industrial or educational. Since in the latter case the student is not engaged in direct labor activity, there is no need to draw up an employment contract without fail. Accordingly, there is no need for payroll. If the job offered to the specialist fully complies with the rules for passing the practical program and the characteristics of the qualification presented for the specialization, he is accepted into the staff if there is an appropriate free place in the state.

Note! If an employer from time to time accepts a large number of students who are doing an internship, it would be a logical decision to create appropriate vacancies specifically for them.

As practice shows, the best solution for a company is signing a fixed-term employment contract with a student, based on the requirements in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code. It is possible to substantiate the signing of this type of document with reference to the need to accept a future specialist for the passage of activities for industrial practice. If up to this point the student has not held another position (and this happens almost always), he is required to have a work book and an insurance certificate of pension insurance from the state.

From the moment the employment contract is concluded, the student receives the full rights of the worker. This means that he is entitled to wages for work, full-fledged social insurance. If temporary disability occurs, the company must pay cash benefits. To this list is also added the accrual of annual leave required by law, and so on.

On the other hand, a student who decides to join the company at the time of the internship, must first read the rules of the company relating to the schedule drawn up by the employer. A prerequisite for successful internship is compliance with the provisions of internal regulations and compliance with safety requirements.

Step 3. Hiring without employment

It also happens that a vacant position that fully meets the requirements of the internship program. There are situations when educational institutions insist in advance on the absence of the possibility of internship with parallel employment. In such cases, the possibility of signing an employment contract is not provided.

Inside the organization, an order or a corresponding order is drawn up and certified, according to which students engaged in internships can perform production work on the territory of the company. Always in text the terms, the period of passing the established practice are indicated. A prerequisite is the appointment of a responsible person. As such, the deputy head usually acts, or the head of the department of the organization on whose territory the practice is conducted.

Please note that the possibility of accepting underage students for work is only available subject to a preliminary medical examination in a specialized institution. This requirement is spelled out in articles 266 and 69 of the Labor Code. Since persons have not yet reached the age of majority, they cannot work full-time. An abbreviated schedule is required.

Note that in the situation under consideration, the trainee cannot receive a specific labor function. He only gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of the organization of production on the territory of the enterprise. Although he can be assigned tasks, they can only have a reduced difficulty. Nevertheless, in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, such an employee is fully subject to the internal regulations and labor protection rules developed by the company's management.

Contract template. How to fill?

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a typical model of a student internship agreement.

In accordance with the regulatory requirements of Russian legislation, send students for internships possible through an agreement between the educational institution and the host company. If the latter wants to recruit promising personnel, they will have to contact representatives of the university and conclude a formal agreement.

It also provides for the opposite situation, when a student wants to do an internship and turns to his supervisor at the university in order to helped to document the choice made. The Institute contacts representatives of the organization to sign the relevant agreement.

Higher education institutions, as a rule, submit their own sample for verification, according to which an internship agreement is drawn up. If, for one reason or another, the document is not available, or university representatives are ready to sign a self-written version of the document, it can be developed on their own.

As you can see from the example above, in the process of drawing up the contract, the following data is required:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the student, place of study, current course and full name of the faculty;
  • the name of the organization that accepts the trainee, its legal address and contact information for communication;
  • the period of time for which the student must complete the work practice;
  • the work schedule established by the organization;
  • the amount of wages, if such is provided for by the established legislation;
  • documentation, according to which the results achieved as a result of the work are indicated. As such, a report, a diary of an internship, a personal description from a manager or a responsible person, or other documents usually acts as such.

Regardless of where exactly the student chooses to go for practice, it is necessary to provide the name of the person acting as the curator. Otherwise, the contract will not gain legal force. In most cases, this role is assigned to representatives of a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. It also happens that an acting specialist working on the territory of the enterprise acts as a curator. A prerequisite in this case is the need for additional remuneration for the performance of new functions. This requirement is drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

After drawing up an agreement with the university, it is necessary to secure it with the help of the seals of the parties. Naturally, there are no clear restrictions in the legislation regarding the parties that can take part in the signing of the agreement. This means that if the university refuses to conclude an agreement, this can be done with the student himself. But in order to be safe from possible troubles, you will have to request an official certificate, which confirms that the person is really on the staff, and that in a certain period he needs to do an internship at the enterprise.

D O G O V O R No. ___

for the production and undergraduate practice of students

FGAOU VPO "Siberian Federal University"

Krasnoyarsk "___" ___2013

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University", hereinafter referred to as the "University" represented by Rector Evgeny Alexandrovich Vaganov, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and ___ Yucom LLC»__ , hereinafter referred to as the "Organization", represented by Directors_________

_ Lubysheva Tatyana Vladimirovna, acting on the basis___ Charter _______________________________________________________________, have concluded an agreement on the following:

    The organization is committed to:

    Provide the University, in accordance with the direction, with a place for the production and pre-diploma practice of the student (s) (full name, specialty /

direction, course)___ Isaev Oleg Vladimirovich____________________ 080109.65 "Accounting, analysis and audit", 3rd course, BAU-10-12_____________________________

Term of practice with " 08 » April 2013 on "21" April 2013 as

Accountant trainee ____________________________________________________

    Provide students with safe working conditions at every workplace. Conduct mandatory briefings on labor protection: introductory and at the workplace with the execution of the established documentation; where necessary, train student interns in safe work practices. Provide students with overalls, special footwear and safety devices for the duration of the internship according to the standards established for the relevant categories of employees of a given enterprise, institution and organization at the expense of this enterprise, institution and organization.

    Investigate and record accidents if they happen to students during their internship at the institution in accordance with the Regulations on Investigation and Recording of Accidents.

    Create the necessary conditions for students to practice. Not to allow the use of student interns in positions not provided for by the internship program and not related to the specialty of students.

    Appoint qualified specialists to manage undergraduate practice in departments of the enterprise, institution, organization.

    To provide student interns with the opportunity to use laboratories, classrooms, libraries, technical and other documentation in the divisions of the enterprise (institutions, organizations) necessary for the successful development of the undergraduate practice program by students and the fulfillment of individual tasks by them.

    At the end of the pre-diploma practice, give a description of the work of each student-trainee and the quality of the report prepared by him.

    The University is committed to:

    Send students to the enterprise (institution, organization) within the timeframes provided by the referral for internship.

    Select the most qualified professors, associate professors and lecturers as practice leaders.

    Ensure that students comply with labor discipline and internal labor regulations that are mandatory for employees of this enterprise (institution, organization).

    To provide the employees of the enterprise (institution, organization) to the leaders of the undergraduate practice of students with methodological assistance in organizing and conducting the practice.

    Investigate and account for accidents if they happen to students during their internship.

    Responsibility of the parties for non-performance of the contract:

3.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill their obligations to organize and conduct student internships in accordance with the Agreement and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

3.2. All disputes arising between the parties under this agreement shall be resolved in the prescribed manner.

3.3. The contract comes into force after it is signed by the University, on the one hand, and by the enterprise (institution, organization) on the other hand.

3.4. The term of the Agreement from the date of signing and until "_ _ » April 2013

Legal addresses:

Signatures of the parties: