Zambia mainland capital neighboring countries major river. Embassy of the Russian Federation in Zambia

Geography of Zambia

The state of Zambia is located in central Africa, in its southern part. There is no access to the sea. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to the south, and Angola to the west.

The main territory of the country is located on a plateau, and approximately 70% of the area of ​​​​Zambia is occupied by the Zambezi River basin, the rest belongs to the Congo River basin. Between Zambia and Zimbabwe there are waterfalls, in particular, the famous Victoria Falls.

State structure of Zambia

At the head of the state is the President, who personifies the legislative and executive power, and is also the commander-in-chief of all armed forces. Legislative power is also represented by the unicameral National Assembly.

Weather in Zambia

The climate of Zambia is mild, equatorial. Three seasons can be distinguished here. Winter, which lasts from May to August, is a cold and dry season. The hot and dry season is spring, which starts in September and ends in November. And finally, the warm and wet season is summer, which starts in December and ends in April. In the coldest season of the year, the average temperature ranges from +16°С to +27°С, and in the hot season from +27°С to +38°С.

Language of Zambia

The official language of Zambia is English, which can be spoken even in remote areas of the country. But local languages ​​​​and dialects are also common, of which there are more than 70.

Religion in Zambia

Three quarters of the Zambian population are Christians, but most of them combine Christianity and local cults, and approximately 17% of the inhabitants are Muslims.

Currency of Zambia

The monetary unit of Zambia is the Zambian kwacha, which is equal to 100 ngwee.

You can exchange currency at any of the banks, or at a Forex exchange office, in addition, at some large hotels and at the airport. Forex points offer the most favorable exchange rate.

If you plan to visit major cities Zambia, then there will be no problems with the provision of banking services. Large shops, restaurants and hotels, along with traveler's checks, will accept plastic cards of the most common payment systems Diners Club, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Access, but in small towns this may be difficult.

Customs restrictions

Import foreign currency It is possible without restrictions, subject to filling out the declaration. You can also take out the imported currency without problems, but there are restrictions on the export, as well as on the import, of the national currency.

Without paying a duty, you can bring into the country up to 200 cigarettes and within 450 g of tobacco, alcoholic beverages only one bottle can be imported, it should be noted that it must be uncorked. Other items and things are imported to the extent necessary for personal use.

Firearms and drugs cannot be brought into Zambia. It is forbidden to export unprocessed precious and ornamental stones, as well as ivory products (without the permission of the authorities), skins of wild animals, souvenir coins can be exported if there is an account from a special store.

Importation of animals

In order to bring pets into the country, you need to have a certificate from a veterinarian with marks about the vaccinations against distemper and rabies delivered to the animal.


Usually tips are 10% and are automatically included in most restaurants in the bill. When traveling by taxi, it is better to discuss the cost with the driver in advance, you can round the price up.


When shopping in small shops and markets, it is customary to bargain.

Office Hours

On weekdays, the working hours of banks are from 10.00 to 16.00, and on Saturdays from 8.30 to 11.00.

Zambia is a landlocked state in south-central Africa. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the north, Tanzania in the northeast, Malawi in the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia in the south, Angola in the west.

Most of Zambia lies on a rolling plateau that slopes southward. Areas of elevated relief include the famous Copper Belt and the picturesque Nyik Plateau on the border with Malawi, on which the country's highest point, Mwanda Peak (2150 m), is located. The territory is also characterized by flat tectonic depressions (Bangweulu, Luangwa Valley), which are part of the Great African Rift.

Almost all the rivers of the country belong to the basin of the border river Zambezi (Kafue, Luangwa, smaller tributaries), and the rivers of the north belong to the basin of the Congo River. On the Zambezi River (on the border with Zimbabwe), the largest Kariba reservoir has been created. On the border of Zambia with Zimbabwe, there are waterfalls on the Zambezi River, including the famous Victoria Falls.

Zambia has one of the largest and most compact copper ore deposits in the world.

Climate in Zambia

Zambia is located in the tropics (tropical climate), but due to its position (the country is landlocked and most of the territory is located above sea level), there are 3 specific seasons:

Dry season is from May to August. This is the coolest time of the year - the temperature during the day stays at +24..+28°C, at night it can drop to +7°C. This is the best time to visit the country, especially for animal watching.

The hot season is from September to November. The average temperature during the day is around +38..+42°С. At this time, there is a high probability of observing a large number of animals that have accumulated near water bodies.

The rainy season is from December to April. The average daytime temperature is +32°C. This is the rainiest period of the year, so roads washed out by the rains become impassable, and it is best to use four-wheel drive vehicles to travel through the parks.

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Population of Zambia- 12.1 million (2010).

Urban population - 35% (in 2008).

Average life expectancy - 38.9 years (in 2010, 223rd place in the world).

Infection with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - 15.2% (2007 estimate, 7th in the world).

Ethnic composition: Bemba - 35%, Tonga - 15%, Malawi - 13%, Lozi - 9%, other African peoples. Whites - 0.3%, Asians - 0.2%.

Christianity (Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Adventists, Pentecostals, etc.) and Christian-African cults are practiced by about 70% of the population. Muslims make up about 5%.

The official language is English, which is used in government offices and is the language of instruction in schools.

Local languages ​​are widely spoken: Bemba 35.1%, Nyanja 10.7%, Tonga 10.6%, Lozi 5.7%, Lunda 2.2%, Kaonde 2%, Luvale 1.7% and about 60 other indigenous languages. languages.

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About money

Zambian kwacha(ZMK or ZK) is the currency of the Republic of Zambia. 1 kwacha is made up of 100 ngwee.

Kwacha means "freedom" in one of the local dialects. In 2003, Zambia was the first African country to introduce banknotes made of polymeric materials into circulation - banknotes of 500 and 1000 kwachas.

In circulation there are coins in denominations: 25 and 50 ngwee, 1, 5 and 10 kvacha, banknotes in denominations: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 and 50000 kvacha. Due to inflation, coins are in circulation only nominally.

It is better to exchange currency in specialized points, currency exchange on the street is not safe, because. You can easily become a victim of scammers. It will be more problematic to exchange travel checks, because. only banks in Lusaka accept them for exchange (and only American Express checks), in addition, the exchange rate is very low and when selling travel checks you will also be charged a high commission for exchanging Usd/Euro for local currency.

Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 08:15 to 17:30; and on the first and last Saturday of the month from 08:15 to 11:30.

New denominations of $50 and $100 are mainly accepted for exchange, small denominations are more difficult to exchange. It is better to take dollars with you, because. exchanging euros in small towns is quite problematic, in addition, the exchange rate is very unfavorable.

Some hotels, restaurants and large shops accept credit cards. And some banks (for example, Standard Chartered, Stanbic and Barclays Banks) have ATMs where you can withdraw cash.

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Communication and communications

Phone code: 260

Internet domain: .zm

Phone codes of cities

Lusaka - 211, Livingston - 213

How to call

To call from Zambia to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

To call from Russia to Zambia, you need to dial: 8 - 10 - 260 - area code - subscriber number.

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Where to stay

In the national parks of Zambia, tourists live in "lodges" and "camps".

Lodges are usually one main one- or two-story building with 60-100 rooms plus several smaller buildings or detached houses. In general, something like the well-known holiday village in Turkey, but in the "African" version.

Camps are a kind of field tent camps, only the sizes and interiors of the tents are more like hotel rooms. The camp usually consists of twelve to fifteen tents.

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History of Zambia

The territory of modern Zambia has been inhabited since ancient times. Several thousand years ago, tribes of Bushmen (hunters and gatherers) lived there. About two thousand years ago, the territory of Zambia was settled by the Hottentot tribes (farmers and cattle breeders) who came from the north, they forced the Bushmen to the south.

Then, about a thousand years ago, the Bantu tribes came from Central Africa, displacing the Hottentots. The Bantu were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, blacksmithing. Later they began to develop copper mines, trade with merchants of the Indian Ocean coast.

In the 18th century, an early state formation was formed - Barotse. The supreme ruler (mulena) and the tribal nobility lived at the expense of the labor of community members and slaves. The slaves were mostly prisoners captured as a result of raids on neighboring tribes.

The first Europeans (Portuguese traders) appeared on the territory of modern Zambia in the 18th century. They (as well as Arab merchants) bought ivory and copper. In the 19th century, Britain, Germany and Belgium became interested in this region. The greatest success in Zambia was achieved by the British. Since 1891, Barotseland (now the Western Province of Zambia) became a British protectorate. In the same year, Britain and Portugal signed an agreement on the division of the Zambezi river basin.

Opening in that region in late XIX century of the richest deposits of copper and polymetallic ores stimulated the penetration into Zambia of the "British South Africa Company" (BSAC), created by Cecil Rhodes. The company began to develop mining and copper industries there, build cities and railways.

The company received from the British government a monopoly on the development of a vast territory - from the sources of the Congo to the Zambezi. In 1895, the territories where the BSAC worked were named Southern, Northwestern and Northeastern Rhodesia (a name derived from the name of Rhodes) - the last two were merged in 1911 into Northern Rhodesia. It was not until 1924 that Northern Rhodesia was given the official status of a British crown colony and a governor appointed (with the preservation of the Barotseland protectorate).

During the 1920s and 30s, the colony flourished thanks to mining and the immigration of white settlers who established farms.

In 1953-1963, Northern Rhodesia, along with Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, was part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

In 1963, Northern Rhodesia received a constitution and self-government. In early 1964, elections were held for the Legislative Council, in which the radical UNIP party, led by Kenneth Kaunda, won.

Independent Zambia

October 24, 1964 the country gained independence and the name - the Republic of Zambia. Kenneth Kaunda became president.

In April 1967, Kaunda proclaimed his concept of "building a Zambian humanism". This concept rejected the capitalist form of the economy, instead of which government regulation was introduced.

In November 1968, Kaunda dissolved parliament. Since 1969, the process of nationalization began, primarily in the key industry - the copper industry. In December 1972, a one-party system of government was introduced in Zambia. The process of nationalization was continued in various sectors of the economy.

With the beginning of the construction of "Zambian humanism", more and more intensifying difficulties in the life of the country began - the growth consumer prices, an increase in unemployment, a shortage of basic foodstuffs. Despite the ban on strikes since 1970, the number of such protests grew.

Zambia, having the largest natural resources, has become one of the poorest countries in the world. In 1991, Kenneth Kaunda allowed elections to be held on a multi-party basis. These elections were won by the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, and on November 2, 1991, Kaunda lost power. The era of "construction of Zambian humanism" has ended.

Frederick Chiluba, leader of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy, became the new president of Zambia and sharply criticized Kaunda's policies. He abolished the centralized management of the economy, abolished state subsidies and began the privatization of nationalized enterprises. Chiluba managed to maintain popularity and win presidential elections 1996, but already in the following year, dissatisfaction with his policy of part of society resulted in an attempted military coup, in which Kaunda was accused. After several years of martial law, Chiluba held new presidential elections.

On January 2, 2002, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, also a representative of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy, became the new president.

On June 29, 2008, in connection with the fatal illness of Mwanawasa, the vice-president, representative of UNIP, Rupia Banda, assumed the duties of the President. After Mwanawasa's death on 19 August 2008, he won the presidential election and became the new president of Zambia.

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When is the best time to go to Zambia

best time for animal watching in the Luangwa River Valley (North Luangwa and South Luangwa Parks) is a dry season from June to October, while it should be noted that the rainy season has its advantages: landscapes become more colorful, as well as an increase in bird populations, primarily turn due to migrating from the north of the country.

Victoria Falls, on the contrary, is recommended to visit during the rainy season (April-May), at this time of the year it is the most full-flowing, sometimes the waterfall is shrouded in such a dense layer of water dust that it is quite difficult to see it in its entire width. To see the bizarre rocky formations and gorges, as well as try to swim in the so-called "Devil's Font" above the cliff, you should go to the waterfall when the water level is low, i.e. at the end of the dry season (October-December).

The best time to visit Kafue National Park and Lower Zambezi National Parks is from May to October, when the roads are not washed out by rains and the heat is tolerated quite easily.

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Tap water in Zambia is not potable, so we strongly recommend that you use only bottled water for drinking.

In the markets and in small private shops, it is recommended to bargain - this is not only a common, but also an expected procedure.

If you travel by train in Zambia - we advise you to stock up drinking water. And also do not leave valuables at the windows during stops.

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How to get to Zambia

There is no direct air service between Russia and Zambia.

Zambia can be reached with 1-2 transfers at one of the European airports and South Africa. The most convenient connections are offered by British Airways (via London) and KLM (via Amsterdam). Some flights from Europe are operated not only to Lusaka, but also to the city of Livingston, next to the Victoria Falls.

Some local airlines, such as South African Airways, fly from Johannesburg (South Africa) to Zambia (travel time is about 2 hours).

By train

The only international line connecting Zambia with neighboring states is Kapiri Mposhi - Dar es Salam in Tanzania. Trains run twice a week in each direction. Travel time 38 hours.

The city of Kapiri Mposhi is located 200 km northeast of Lusaka.

Traveling by train is the most comfortable and fastest way to get from the capital of Tanzania to Zambia after air travel. Trains have three classes, while there are no berths in the third class.

By car

Zambia has many border crossings with neighboring states: Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Angola and Congo. The most famous and popular with tourists border crossings:

From Zimbabwe: Chirundu on the main highway between Lusaka and Harare; Siavonga/Kariba and the most famous crossing Livingston/Victoria Falls at Victoria Falls.

From Malawi: Mchini on the Lusaka-Lilongwe main highway.

From Namibia: Katima Mulilo, crossing the Zambezi River.

With Tanzania: Nakonde/Tunduma.

With Mozambique: Mlolo / Cassacatiza (Mlolo / Cassacatiza).

From Botswana: Kuzungula crossing the Zambezi River. Zambia's border with Botswana is considered one of the shortest in the world - only 750 meters.

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Zambia- a state in southern Central Africa. In the north it borders on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania, in the east - on Malawi, in the southeast - on Mozambique, in the south - on Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia, in the west - on Angola.

The name comes from the name of the Zambezi River.




9770 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 9 provinces.

Form of government


head of state

President elected for a term of 5 years.

supreme legislative body

Unicameral Parliament (National Assembly).

Supreme executive body

Government (Cabinet of Ministers).

Big cities

Ndola, Livingston, Kabwe.

Official language



60% are pagans, 30% are Christians.

Ethnic composition

98.7% - Bantu peoples, 1.1% - Europeans.


Kwacha = 100 ngway.


Despite the fact that Zambia is located in the tropical zone, the climate in the country is mild subtropical. The average annual temperature is + 19 °С. The rainy season lasts from November to March. The annual rainfall ranges from 700 mm in the south to 1500 mm in the north.


Almost the entire territory of the state is occupied by savannah, where a large number of baobabs and acacias are found, teak forests grow in the southwest. Tropical rainforests are common in the valleys.


The animal world of Zambia is characterized by an elephant, a lion, a rhinoceros, several species of antelope, a zebra, a jackal, a hyena, a crocodile. inhabits large quantities snakes and birds. Occasionally there are ostriches. Termites, mosquitoes, tsetse flies are common.

Rivers and lakes

The main rivers are the Zambezi and its tributaries the Kafue and Luangwa, as well as the Luapula and Chambeshi. The largest lakes are Bangweulu, the southern part of Lake Tanganyika, the eastern part of Mneru and Kariba - the largest reservoir.


National parks, Victoria Falls, as well as the city of Kabwe, near which the remains of the "Rhodesian man" were found, who lived at the same time as the Neanderthal. There is an Anthropological Museum in the capital.

Useful information for tourists

The most common type of dwellings are round huts with mud or wicker walls and conical reed roofs. Traditions and the consciousness of belonging to one's clan play an exceptional role in the life of Zambians, determining their daily behavior. Two systems of kinship are common: patrilineal - kinship through the male line and matrilineal - through the female line. The first is found in the Tonga, the second in the Bemba. Zambia attracts foreign tourists with its pristine nature: 19 national parks, one of the largest Victoria Falls in the world. Not far from Livingston is Cultural Center Maramba - an open-air ethnographic museum: more than 50 buildings represent typical dwellings different peoples. Around them, craftsmen demonstrate their art in traditional crafts.

Zambia is located in Africa, in GMT+2 time zone (with current time of 15:55, Wednesday). Offset from its time zone: h. The country is located on an area of ​​752614 km² with a population of about 13.5 million people. Neighbor countries: Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia, Malawi, Angola.

Capital of Zambia?

The capital of Zambia is Lusaka.

ZMB latitude and longitude

Zambia on the world map

Largest cities in Zambia

Kitwe Nkana

Zambia (Zambia) is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west.

The capital and largest city is Lusaka.



Catholic Church in Mansi.

Christianity (Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Adventists, Pentecostals, etc.) and African Christian sects 50-75% (including Catholics - 28% of the population, according to 2005 data), Muslims are about 5%.

There are followers of Hinduism and Sikhs.

In addition, there is a small number of Jews, mostly Ashkenazi. Members of the Baha'i faith make up 1.5% of the population (about 160 thousand people)).

Jehovah's Witnesses are widespread among anti-government figures. The largest number of issuers in 2008 was 144,649 (more than 1%). At the Lord's Supper in 2008

there were 657,519 people (5.25% of the population).

Administrative-territorial division

Zambia is made up of 9 provinces which are divided into districts.

Great Cities (2000)


Natural resources - copper, cobalt, zinc, lead, coal, emeralds, gold, silver, uranium, sources.

Zambia in the era of "building humanism" has become the poorest country in the world, 82% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Under the rule of Kenneth Kaunde, the country had a socialist type of economy.

Where is Zambia located? - country on the world map

After the transition to the multilateral system in 1991, the economy began to reform. The transition to private companies led to economic growth.

GDP per capita in 2009 - 1.5 thousand dollars (200th place in the world).

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Republic of Zambia

The name comes from the name of the Zambezi River.

Capital of Zambia. Lusaka.

Region Zambia. 752.614 km2.

Population of Zambia. 9770 thousand people.

Location of Zambia. Zambia is a country in southern Central Africa. It borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania in the east - with Malawi, in the southeast - with Mozambique in the south - with Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia in the west - with Angola.

Administrative Service of Zambia.

The country is divided into 9 provinces.

Uniform of the government of Zambia. Republic.

Head of State of Zambia. The President is elected for a term of 5 years.

Supreme legislature of Zambia. Unicameral Parliament (National Assembly).

Supreme executive body of Zambia.

Government (Cabinet of Ministers).

Big cities in Zambia. Ndola, Livingston, Kabwe.

Official language of Zambia. English.

Religion in Zambia.

60% are pagans, 30% are Christians.

Ethnic composition of Zambia. 98.7% are Bantu people, 1.1% are Europeans.

Currency of Zambia. Kwacha = 100 Pervei.

Climate of Zambia. Despite the fact that Zambia is located in the tropical zone, the country's climate is slightly subtropical. The average annual temperature is + 19 ° C. The rainy period runs from November to March.

The annual rainfall ranges from 700 mm in the south to 1500 mm in the north.

Flora from Zambia. Almost the entire territory of the country is occupied by the savannah, where many baobabs and acacias appear, and teak trees in the southwest. Rainforests are widespread in the valleys.

Fauna from Zambia. The animal kingdom of Zambia is characterized by elephant, lion, rhinoceros, several species of antelope, zebra, jackal, hyena, crocodile.

Zambia: map and country information

There are many snakes and birds. Periods found. Distributed termites, mosquitoes, tsetse flies.

Rivers and lakes in Zambia. The main rivers are the Zambezi and its tributaries Kafue and Luangwa, Luapula and Chambashi. The largest lakes are Bangvulu, the southern part of Lake Tanganyika, the eastern part of Tyru and the Caribbean are the largest reservoirs.

Interesting Zambia. National parks, Victoria Falls and the city of Kabwe, near which they found the remains of a "Rhodesian man" who lived at the same time as the Neanderthals.

The Anthropological Museum is located in the capital.

Useful information for tourists

The most common type of hull are round huts with clay or knitted walls and a conical hardtop. Tradition and the consciousness of belonging to their clan play a prominent role in the life of Zambians, which determine their daily behavior.

Two senile systems are common: patrilineal - male lines and matrix - along the female line. The first appears in Tonga, the second in Bemba. Zambia attracts foreign tourists with its untouched nature: 19 national parks, one of the largest Victoria Falls in the world.

Not far from Livingstone is the Marambe Cultural Center - an open-air ethnographic museum: more than 50 buildings represent typical dwellings of different peoples. Around them, folk artisans test their art in traditional crafts.

Zambia map

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September and October are also rainy months. At this time, it is best to visit the reserves (Luangwa to the north of the capital and Kafue to the west), but at the same time it is a high heat season.

Temperature records were recorded at this time in the Luangwa and Zambezi valleys.

It rains from November to mid-April in Zambia. Solar activity is significantly reduced. Humidity reaches its peak in February, especially in the north (Kasama) and in the Copper Belt region.

The Zambezi River often floods Baroceland during this time. In the south (Livingston) the rains are less plentiful.

Where is Zambia located?

At the end of the rainy season, Victoria Falls is most impressive. At the same time, only in September - October does the bottom of the gorge become visible, where the waters of the Zambezi fall.


At any time of the year, a summer uniform is most useful, and the advantage should be given to things made of natural fabric. For cool evenings in the west of Zambia, it is worth bringing warm clothes. In the rainy season, a waterproof cape is desirable.

To visit the reserves, you need to dress in neutral colors so as not to attract animals.

The risk of malaria persists year-round in the Zambezi Valley, in the rest of the country - only from November to May. Insects are active during the rainy season.

There are several main local languages ​​in Zambia, all members of the Bantu, along with English being the national language and the main language in business and education.

  • 1 Local languages
  • 2 List of languages
  • 3 notes
  • 4 Links

local languages

There are more than 70 approved languages ​​in Zambia (according to other sources - 46), although many of them can be considered as dialects.

Some of these languages ​​have a different history within Zambia, while others such as Lozi originated from 18th and 19th century migrations. All local languages ​​of Zambia are members of the Bantu family and are closely related to each other.

Seven local languages ​​have official status.

Together they represent the main languages ​​of each province: Bemba (Northern Province, Copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga), Nyanja (Eastern Province and Lusaka), Lozi (Western Province), Tonga (Southern Province), and Kaonde, Luvale, Lunda (Northern Province). western province).

These 7 languages ​​are used, along with English, in early primary school education and in some government publications.

According to the 2000 census, the most widely spoken languages ​​in Zambia are Bemba (spoken by 50% of the population as either a first or second language), Nyanja (37%), Tonga (15%), and Lozi (11%).

In some languages, notably Bemba and Nyanja, Zambians distinguish between a "deep" form of the language associated with the adult population and more traditional rural speakers (sometimes referred to as "urban language" or Chitauni), which include big number borrowings from of English language and other innovations.

The urban variety Nyanja is the lingua franca of the capital Lusaka and is widely spoken as a second language in Zambia.

Bemba, the country's largest local language, also serves as the lingua franca in some territories.

List of languages

  • English language
  • bemba
  • wandya
  • inavanga
  • yombe
  • cabende
  • kaonde
  • kwangwa
  • kwandi
  • kwandu
  • kunda
  • lamba
  • lenge
  • liyuva
  • luano
  • luvale
  • lumba
  • lunda
  • lundwe
  • lungu
  • lunda
  • luchazi
  • maqoma
  • mambwe
  • mashasha
  • mbwela
  • mbove
  • mbukushu
  • mbumi
  • mbunda
  • mukulu
  • mulonga
  • namwanga
  • ng'umbo
  • Ndembu
  • nsenga
  • nyanja
  • nyengo
  • nyha
  • swaka
  • senga
  • simaa
  • subiya
  • tabwa
  • tambo
  • Tonga
  • totela
  • cabinet
  • chikunda
  • chishing
  • chokwe
  • shanjo


  1. Ethnologue


  • Languages ​​of Zambia at Ethnologue
  • Joshua Project (all nations, languages, etc.)
Africa: LanguagesDependenciesUnrecognized and partially recognized states

Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Djibouti Egypt¹ Zambia Zimbabwe Cape Verde Cameroon Kenya Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Côte d'Ivoire Lesotho Liberia Libya Mauritius Mauritania Madagascar Malawi Mali Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Swaziland Seychelles Senegal Somalia Sudan Sierra Leone Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Central African Republic of Chad Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia South Africa South Sudan

Azores British Indian Ocean Territory Ascension Canary Islands Madeira Mayotte Melilla Reunion Saint Helena Ceuta Tristan da Cunha French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Saharan Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland

¹ Partly in Asia

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Ylgi:Infobox Country or territory

Zambia Republicas– Ortalyk Afrikada ornalaskan memleket. Zher kolemi - 752.6 myn km². Khalqy - 9.5 million Adam (1995). Turgyndarynyn 99% - Bantu tilinde soyleytin zhergilikt taipalar (Bemba, Tonga, Lozi, Lunda, Malawi, etc.). Elde 100 myңғa zhuyқ europalyқtar men aziyalyқtar turady. Memlekettik tili - agylshyn tili.

Turgyndarynyn 80%-ke zhuygy zhergіlіktі dіni senіmderі men christians dinіnіnprotestant tarmagyn ұstanady. Astanasy - Lusaka kalasy (1.6 million). Eldin 1996 zhyly kabyldagan Constitutions boyinsha zhalpykhalyktyk sailauda 5 zhylga saylanatyn president zhogary zan shygarushy (ulttyk assembly) zhane atkarushy (Minister of the Cabinet) biliktі, armymen tikeley қarady.

Zan shygaru president of the pen bir of the chamber of the Ulttyk Assembly (saylauda zhenіske zhetken 150 deputy zhane president bekitetin 8 deputy pen speaker) kolynda. Sonday-ak, aimak kösemderinen turatyn okilder of the palatasy president of the janyndagy kenesshi organ of the big tabylady. Ate 9 аkіmshіlіk aimakқa bolіnedі. Aksha birligi - kvacha.

Ulttyk merekesі– Tauelsizdik kүnі - 24 kazan.


Zambia zheri tauli, ustirt bolyp keledi. En biik zheri - Mumisu tauynyn soltustik bolіgі (1893 m). Climates of the subequatorlyk: en zhyly ayyndagy (kazan) ortasha temperature 23 - 27C, salkyn ayy - shildede 15 - 20C. Zhyldyk zhauyn-shashyn young. 600 - 1400 mm. Zherі kyzyl latarit zhane kyzyl topyraқty. Territory of synyn zhartysynan kobіn құrғak tropictіk “miombo” ormany alyp zhatyr.

Aumagy ozenderge bai. En ulkeni - Zambezi ozeni (basty salalary - Luangwa, Kafue).

Zambezi Ozeninde Victoria, Gonye, ​​Ngambv su құlamalary (sarkyrama) bar. Orman zhane savannada africa pili, buffalo, kerik, zebra, antelope, arystan, kabylan, shibori, etc. januarlar mekendeydi. Zherinen cape, myrysh, korgasyn, vanadium, cadmium, manganese, tas komir, t.b. paydaly kazyndylar ondіrіledі.


Zambia zherin adam balasy erte zamandard konystangan.

17 - 18 ғasyrlarda zhergiliktі taipalar algashқy memlekettik birlestikterge birige bastadi. 18 K-Dyan Ayagynan Bastap Zobykaa Europalyktar (Aldamen Portagghaldar, Kayin Ayylshyndar) Keldi 1880 Zhyldy Ayagynda Agylshyndar Kazhi Zbia Aumagyn Tolyok Alyp, “Britain Obtik Africa Seniysynyn” Iligyn ”Iligyna” Iligyna ”.

1911 - 64 Zhyldars Zambia Soltustik Rhodesia dep ataldy. 1924 zhyly bul el resmi turde Ұlybritaniya protectorates of the big zharialandy. Cape kenderi ashyluyna baylanysty zhergіlіktі halyk ken oryndary men shuraily zherlerden kuylyp, zhaldamaly zhұmysshylarga aynaldy. II-duniezhuZambia Sogystan keyin elde ult-azattyk kozgalysy kusheyip ketti.

Kazgalyska 1948 zhyly kurylgan Africa ulttyk congressi (AҰK) partysy basshylyk zhasada. 1964 zhyly 24 Kazakh Zambia Tauelsizdikke kol zhetkizdі. 1972 zhyly elde bir partiyaly sayasi zhүye kұrylyp, 1990 zhyldan bastap kөp partiyalyққka kөshtі. 1996 zhyly zhana constitution of kabyldanda. Zambia BҰҰ-na, British dostastygyna, Africa bіrlіgі uyymyna, t.b. köptegen halyқaralyk ұyimdarga mүshe.

Zambia economics[өңdeu]

Zambia - economics kenzhelep damygan el.

Zhyldyk ulttyk tabysy zhan basyna shakanda 400 AҚSH dollars shamasynda. Onerkәsіbіnіn negіzgі salalary: cape, cobalt, t.b. kenderdi ondiru. Bahan қSosa mұnai өractin, car carpet қrastyatyn, dөgin (tire) Shygaratyn, Ayyl Sharuyashlyk өnimdin өpeytin өndiris ryndara bar.

Turgyndarynyn 60% auyl sharuashylygynda enbek etedi. Birak elde bul sala nashar damygan. Tamaқ onimderі (negіzіnen, zhүgerі), kөbіnese, syrttan аkelіnedі. Exporttyn 90%-i tau-ken onimderinen (negіzinen, cape) құralady.

Shet elderden mashinalar, құral-zhabdyқtar әkelіnedі. Zambia zherі өsіmdіkter men zhan-zhanuarlar duniesіne bai zhane munda әlemdegi en іrі Victoria sarқyramasy ornalaskan. Birak karzhy tapshylygyna baylanysty elde tourism nashar damygan. Negіzgі sauda seriktesterі: Ulybritiya, АҚШ, Japonia, Germany, Ontustik Africa Republicas, Zimbabwe, t.b. Zambia men Kazakhstan arasynda 1996 zhyly 25 nauryzda diplomacy karym-katynastar ornagan.

Derekkozder [өңdeu]

  1. "Kazakh Encyclopedias", 4 volume 3 bolim

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Zambia a state in southern Central Africa. In the north it borders on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania, in the east - on Malawi, in the southeast - on Mozambique, in the south - on Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia, in the west - on Angola.

The name comes from the name of the Zambezi River.

Capital: Lusaka.

Square: 752,614 km2.

Population: 9770 thousand people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 9 provinces.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 5 years.

Big cities: Ndola, Livingston, Kabwe.

Official language: English.

Religion: 60% are pagans, 30% are Christians.

Ethnic composition: 98.7% - Bantu peoples, 1.1% - Europeans.

Currency: Kwacha = 100 ngway.


Despite the fact that Zambia is located in the tropical zone, the climate in the country is mild subtropical. The average annual temperature is + 19 °С. The rainy season lasts from November to March. The annual rainfall ranges from 700 mm in the south to 1500 mm in the north.


Almost the entire territory of the state is occupied by savannah, where a large number of baobabs and acacias are found, teak forests grow in the southwest. Tropical rainforests are common in the valleys.


The animal world of Zambia is characterized by an elephant, a lion, a rhinoceros, several species of antelope, a zebra, a jackal, a hyena, a crocodile. Inhabits a large number of snakes and birds. Occasionally there are ostriches. Termites, mosquitoes, tsetse flies are common.

Rivers and lakes

The main rivers are the Zambezi and its tributaries the Kafue and Luangwa, as well as the Luapula and Chambeshi. The largest lakes are Bangweulu, the southern part of Lake Tanganyika, the eastern part of Mneru and Kariba - the largest reservoir.


National parks, Victoria Falls, as well as the city of Kabwe, near which the remains of the "Rhodesian man" were found, who lived at the same time as the Neanderthal. There is an Anthropological Museum in the capital.

Useful information for tourists

The most common type of dwelling is round huts with earthen or wicker walls and conical reed roofs. Traditions and the consciousness of belonging to one's clan play an exceptional role in the life of Zambians, determining their daily behavior.

Two systems of kinship are common: patrilineal - kinship through the male line and matrilineal - through the female line. The first is found in the Tonga, the second in the Bemba. Zambia attracts foreign tourists with its pristine nature: 19 national parks, one of the largest Victoria Falls in the world.

Not far from Livingstone is the Maramba Cultural Center - an open-air ethnographic museum: more than 50 buildings represent typical dwellings of different peoples. Around them, craftsmen demonstrate their art in traditional crafts.