Production of window grilles by cold forging. Own business: Cold forging of metal products Wave and zigzag

Cold forging is impossible without special forging equipment. Let's look at the types of devices and the figures that can be obtained with their help. We have prepared drawings and thematic videos for you. We will also consider the sequence of making a cold forging machine with your own hands.

If you are just going to organize a cold forging workshop and want to avoid large expenses, then making your own machines and fixtures will help you create your own small business without excessive costs.

Basic devices and machines

Cold forging machines are mainly designed for arc or angle bending, as well as twisting. They can be manual or electrically driven.

The main types of machines and devices for cold forging:

  • Gnutik
  • Twister
  • Snail
  • globe
  • Wave
  • Flashlight

Device "Gnutik"

Purchased or made independently, the “Gnutik” is a universal device that allows you to obtain an arc or angle from a rod. It consists of a base with a slider, on which a stop with an angle (90° or another as necessary) and two cylindrical fixed stops are fixed. By moving the slider and the angle stop, the rod bends at an angle. To obtain an arc, a third cylinder is provided, rotating on the side opposite to the angle stop.

The device can be made on a horizontal or vertical platform.

Axonometry of the "Gnutik" device - vertical arrangement

To scale the dimensions, here is a drawing of the bottom bar of this “Gnutik”.

Bottom bar

This device is universal. With the help of attachments you can not only bend, but also cut and punch holes. But this will be the next step.

Getting an arc on "Gnutik"

Getting an angle on "Gnutik"

This is what a homemade “Gnutik” looks like:

Twister device

“Twister” is a tool for twisting rods, mostly square, along the longitudinal axis. This simple device can be manual or electric. Operating principle: both ends of the rod are secured, then one fastening begins to rotate, twisting the metal to the required shape.

Appearance of a purchased manual “Twister”

Look at the photo of a homemade “Twister” with an electric drive, assembled using used electrical equipment:

There is a special machine for making “Lanterns” and “Cones”, but for starters you can also use a “Twister”, as shown in the video (English, but everything is very clear).

Video: how to make a blank for “Flashlight” on “Twister”

Device "Snail"

The Snail Tool is designed to create curls (or spirals) and “currencies” (S-shaped pieces). There are various designs.

One of the design options: 1 - snail ploughshare; 2 - base of the machine; 3 — pressure roller; 4 — lever for controlling the pressure roller; 5 — fastening the base; 6 — finger for fixing the plowshares; 7 — groove for the pressure roller; 8 — control lever axis; 9 — spring for pressing the roller; 10 — clamp for the workpiece; 11 — leading ploughshare of the snail; 12 — main axis; 13 — levers

The result should be something like this:

Another lightweight design for bending rolled products with a cross-section up to 12 mm:

1 - cochlear segment; 2 - eccentric; 3 - handle; 4 - base; 5 — guide runners; 6 - axis; 7 - slider; 8 — axle nut; 9 — roller mounting axis; 10 - roller; 11 — drive axis; 12 — eccentric guide; 13 - central segment of the cochlea; 14 — eccentric wing; 15 — main leg; 16 — connecting pin of cochlea segments; 17 — adjustment screw; 18 - connecting ear of cochlear segments

Often the “Snail” device is made on a support, especially if you need to bend thick rolled products.

Several useful videos on homemade “Snail” machines.

Making a snail

Machine operation

We will talk more about such designs below.

"Globe" device

Such a device is similar in appearance to a school protractor and is designed for making arcs with a large bending radius from a strip, square, circle or hexagon. First, one end of the workpiece is fixed with a bend, then it is bent along its entire length according to the template. The principle of operation is somewhat similar to the operation of a canning machine.

Appearance of the device

Video of work at Globus

Using purely muscle power, a large diameter arc can be made on a template screwed or welded to a workbench. It is good for bending strips, thin-walled pipes, etc.


Device "Wave"

You can produce wavy products from a round, square, hexagonal cross-section or tube using the “Wave” device. The deformation of the workpiece occurs between vertical rolls by scrolling.

Wave device and resulting products

Device in action

Flashlight device

This machine produces blanks for “Lanterns” or “Pine Cones” elements, which can consist of 4, 6, 8 or more rods. According to the principle of operation, the machine is similar to the “Twister”, but here the workpieces are bent around the guide shaft, which forms a more correct and accurate configuration of the product.

Flashlight device

Operation of the device for making “Flashlight”

Device for cold forging of the “Clamp” element

The cold forging element “Clamp” is designed to fix other structural elements together.

The device for bending the “Clamp” can be made according to the attached drawings.

Devices for making crow's feet

“Crow's foot” - flattening with the application of beautiful notches at the ends of the workpieces to make the structure more elegant or to reduce the thickness for various joints.

The ends of the elements are decorated with “houndstooth”

This operation can be performed using a machine with a die or fixture and a heavy forging hammer on an anvil. We provide both options in the form of videos.

Machine for making houndstooth

Tools for forging crow's feet

Detailed stamp making process

Below is a rolling machine to perform the same operation.

Machine for rolling "crow's feet" (the distance between the rollers is adjustable).Materials for a rolling machine: gears and shafts - spare parts from a used combine

Operating principle

Making a "Snail" with a drive

The electrically driven "snail" facilitates the production of curls and "currencies". This is especially valuable when the work is not “for the soul”, but for the production of a large number of similar products on stream when working to order.

Below are the stages of assembling a machine for bending a rod with a maximum cross-section of 10x10 mm. The 0.5 kW/1000 rpm engine operates at the limit of its capabilities. Performs 6 shaft revolutions per minute. The snail segments are machined from a round blank St.45 without heat treatment, 25 mm high and 20 mm thick. The volute is mounted on a shaft on bearings from the rear wheel of a motorcycle - 7204. The support roller is firmly fixed in the groove. Pulleys are installed between the engine and the gearbox.

Below are drawings of the cochlea segments.

Snail element 1

Snail element 2

Snail element 3

Snail centerpiece

For a more massive rod (from 12 mm), the motor power should be more than a kilowatt. The photographs below show a machine with a 2.2 kW, 1000 rpm motor, giving a shaft output of about 10 rpm. This is already a machine for professional use. A used gearbox was used, the matrix was cut from a 30 mm thick workpiece - the most labor-intensive process.

For cold forging you will also need an anvil and a hammer. A forge is not needed, it is only required for hot forging.

Advice! Before starting work, draw a full-size sketch of the future structure. This will help you adjust the elements and not get confused during assembly.

Today we will show you how to make a decorative section for a window grille. We will produce the second version of the section. This is a sample for today. First part - .

To make a window grill section, you need to take 4 steel strips. First, cut the pieces to the required length. We made notes in advance. Using a punch and cut machine, we cut the strip.

This machine can be used to cut strips with a maximum size of 20 by 3 mm. Regular structural steel, hot rolled or cold rolled.

Now the scroll former will work to get curls on both sides. Making curls. Here in the center we have a clamping eccentric. It allows you to fix the part. A guide roller with a ring that allows the part to move strictly in one plane.

We put the element. We fix it and begin to twist it during the cold forging process. The number of revolutions is at our discretion. For example, twist until the yellow mark is aligned with the red one. We get this form. We can make a symmetrical shape on the other side of the part.

We twist until the yellow one is level with the green one. So, one part is ready. Now repeat with the next one. The second one is ready. So in less than a minute we can make 4 identical parts for the grille. So, we have 4 parts ready.

Next, bend the corners. Fold in the center. We place the blank. Next we bend it. In order to bend the corner by the same amount each time, we will adjust the limiter screw. Now the bending angle will be the same each time. Same. We just put it here. We bend it.

We use 4 parts. Straight in the center. To make our lattice more beautiful, it would be nice to add a lengthwise twist in these two areas. We mark the points between which twisting will occur. Next, turn on the twister machine. We put the detail here. We clamp strictly in the center. We can twist left or right. We can make one full revolution. One and a half turns. Or two. It turns out to be a spiral. The same can be done on the other side. We also make two full turns.

The result of cold forging was a strip with a double helix on both sides. Now we can apply it to the lattice. Let's put it here. Let's take steel rivets. First we mark the connection points. We punch holes. Hole diameter 3 mm. We use 3 mm rivets for connection. We also punch holes in the central part. Take the rivet. We insert it into the holes.

For connecting 2 crimp rollers. If other rollers interfere, you can temporarily unscrew them. Put away. Now we place our rivet between two crimping rollers. We use this handle to crimp it. This is how we got the connection. We do the same on the other side. Usually we crimp the rivet 3 times. The first one is strictly in the center.

So, we crimp on the left. A little to the right. We get a neat connection. We repeat the same on the other side of the part. We punch holes. On the central part. Take the rivet. We insert it into the holes. We compress. First, we compress strictly in the center. So, another section of the window grill is ready. It can already be used to create a window grille entirely using the cold forging method.

Business idea: cold forging of metal products
Where we do business from: garage, territory of a private house
Main costs: purchase of equipment
Necessary equipment: welding machine, cutting machine, vice, drill
Consumables: metal, varnishes, paints
Initial capital: no more than 30,000 rubles.
Payback period: several months
Possible profit: 50,000 rub. per month

A business idea based on cold forging of metal products. This idea can be classified as a business with small financial investments; at the initial stage, you will only need skill and no more than 30,000 rubles.

At the initial stage of organizing this business, it is better for you to learn for yourself all the intricacies of manufacturing cold forged items. To start, you will need a room that can be used as a garage or area near a private house. Also a set of equipment:

  1. Welding machine
  2. Grinding machine (grinder)
  3. Vise
  4. Drill, drilling machine
  5. Other small instrument

The main skill will be the ability to use a welding machine.

Once you become familiar with cold forging, learn how to make simple items, and perhaps find your first clients, you can purchase an additional set of bending equipment that will help you make complex items. The cost of such a kit is about 55,000 rubles. This kit will help you make complex objects, make bends of the same shape at the same angle, and many other useful things.

Basic decorative elements are purchased separately. Such elements include: flowers, peaks, monograms and others. All you need to do is weld them to the finished product, then clean the weld seams with a grinder and paint the product in the desired color. The main color in which products are painted is matte black, but the ability to work with paint will help you create truly unique products. By mixing paints, you can achieve the color of aged bronze or copper, which will give your product some special character.

Cold forging, unlike hot forging, gives many advantages and allows you to produce unique products, such as fences, gratings, fences, canopies, flower beds, door hinges, accessories for fireplaces, , smokehouses, chandeliers, candlesticks, figurines of people and animals as decorative elements and much more.

Find a good supplier of decorative elements, usually a good supplier will have over 1000 different elements.
The final price for metal cold forging products consists of the cost of raw materials, the complexity of the work, the resources spent (fuels and lubricants, electricity), plus 100% of your work. That is, the profitability of a cold forging business is at least 100%.

How can you realize your abilities?
At the initial stage, it is better to take a training course, at least self-training in forging. If your city has forging courses, or, in extreme cases, welding courses, take them. If there are no such courses, then study on your own. Surely in your city there are already companies that produce forged products; offer them your services as an independent craftsman, in case of a large number of orders. It will be good if you are offered a job, you can study and at the same time receive money; forging masters earn an average of 40,000 rubles. per month, with such an income, you can save up for a good set of equipment. When working in a company, keep in mind the main goal - to create your own company for the production of forged products.

Sales of cold forging products.
As a rule, all products are made to order according to individual wishes and sizes, so making products for sale is not the best option. It will be better if you start looking for clients. Which you can see in the faces of the owners of country houses. These are the main clients.

Legal entities can also become good clients, this is the design of cafes, restaurants, bars, the exterior design of buildings, from gratings to porches.

To summarize, we can say that the business of cold forging of metal products is not devoid of a creative process, not in the actual production of objects, but also in the options for selling finished products. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself - the more creative abilities you have, the more you can achieve in this business. Happy forging!

Admiring the beauty of an openwork metal fence or admiring the incredible twisted pattern on the railing of an iron staircase, few people think that they were made using the cold forging method. You can learn to embody beauty in metal without much effort. To do this, it is enough to have minimal skills in working with metal and have special machines for cold forging.
What is cold forging? What machines are needed for it? What can be made on these machines? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

It would be more correct to call cold forging - mechanical bending of a metal rod on specialized machines to give it the shape intended by the manufacturer. Bending rods in the machine can be done either manually using levers or using electric motors. In addition to metal rods, cold forging can be used to bend small-diameter pipes, narrow iron strips and fittings. Using the cold forging method the following are produced:

  • Twisted fences.
  • Decorations for residential buildings.
  • Patterned gate.
  • Railings for balconies and stairs.
  • Metal garden benches.
  • Decorations for gazebos and lanterns.
  • A large number of grating options.

Elements made by cold forging

Having mastered the cold forging method, you can easily start your own business producing metal products. At the same time, you will only need initial financial investments for the purchase of machines, and if you make the machines yourself, you can get by with minimal costs.

Below we will give you instructions on how to assemble cold forging machines yourself.

Machine "snail"

Making a snail machine is one example of independent design, and it makes no sense to give advice with an exact indication of the dimensions of all parts. You need to be guided by your idea of ​​​​the operation of the machine, how and what will bend, how many turns of the spiral will be enough for high-quality work, what size the lever with the tabletop will be. If you understand the essence of the machine manufacturing process, then the assembly itself will not cause any particular difficulties.

Machine “snail”

Manufacturing of main machine components


The process of bending an iron rod exposes the machine to heavy loads, so when making the frame for the “snail”, only a metal corner, channel or thick-walled pipe is used. Do not make a frame from wooden beams; such a table cannot withstand prolonged loads and collapses.


The tabletop for the “snail” is made of a metal plate cut in the shape of a circle, at least 4 mm thick. From the same slab, a second tabletop is cut out, repeating the shape of the first. The snail segments will be placed on the second tabletop and the products will be bent. During the cold forging process, the tabletop takes on the bulk of the load, so there is no need to save money and make it from a thinner sheet of iron.

Main shaft and lever.

The main shaft is placed centrally between the tabletops and is attached to the base using four right triangles. The shaft can be made from a thick-walled pipe of the required diameter.
The lever is attached to the shaft using a ring and rotates around it; in addition, a roller is installed on the lever for bending the rods on the upper tabletop.

Machine diagram

Marking and installation of attachments

Depending on whether you want to produce only the same type of samples or you need more artistic products, there are three options for the snail device.
Option #1.
This is the simplest of the three options; its essence is that the outline of a spiral is drawn on the tabletop.

Drawing of the snail segments

At its core, this is a drawing of future products that you will produce on the machine. After applying the diagram, it is enough to cut out several segments from thick strips of iron of different widths that follow the line of the drawing and weld them to the tabletop according to the markings. With such a static “snail” you can make simple bends.
Option #2.
The second option is the most popular among homemade machines; it involves making a collapsible snail from removable parts. Holes are drilled along the contours of the markings into which threads are cut. Next, templates for the stop segments are made from cardboard or plywood and metal overlays are made from them. Finally, holes are drilled in the pads, which should coincide with the mounting sockets on the tabletop. To secure the segments, bolts are mainly used, but you can also make cylindrical stops. This “snail” design will allow the production of spiral-shaped workpieces with different radii on one machine.

“Snail” made of metal strips

Option #3.
In the third option, instead of collapsible stop segments, several removable modules are made with different volute options, which change as needed. The module is made of a piece of iron onto which segments repeating parts of the spiral are welded.

Snail modules

Machine assembly.

  1. Install the frame in a place where you will have easy access to the machine from all sides.
  2. Concrete the legs of the frame in the floor or secure the frame in another accessible way.
  3. Weld the main tabletop to the frame.
  4. Install the main shaft by welding it to the tabletop and strengthening it with triangles.
  5. Place the rotating lever onto the shaft.
  6. Install the top tabletop by welding it to the main shaft.
  7. Place the snail segments on the tabletop.

After assembly, test bend the rod.
To learn more about assembling a snail cold forging machine, watch the video:

Torsion bar machine

This machine is designed for uniaxial longitudinal twisting of a workpiece from a transverse or square rod.

Torsion bar machine

A channel or I-beam is used for the base of the torsion bar machine. A thick iron strip is attached to it by welding, onto which a vice is installed to clamp the stationary part of the rod. The vice is secured with four bolts with a diameter of M16 or more. To increase the clamping strength of the bar, corrugated sheet steel plates are welded onto the vice. On the opposite side of the base, guide rollers are installed, to which a clamping unit for the movable part of the workpiece is attached. It is made of a steel bushing, in which it is necessary to provide holes for clamping bolts located at an angle of 120 degrees. The bolts must have a flat end and be made of high quality steel. Both clamping devices must be positioned coaxially; to do this, they must be checked using a level, a plumber's square and a caliper.

Types of machines

Next, you need to make a handle for turning the moving part of the clamp. Its lever should hit as long as possible to reduce the applied force. It is better to make the handle itself with a rubber bushing to prevent the hand from slipping during operation.
After the machine is fully assembled, it is checked for the reliability of the moving elements and the accuracy of the deformation of the bar. After checking, the machine is attached to the support frame.

A simple model of a torsion bar machine

How to make a torsion bar machine with your own hands, watch the video:

Machine "gnitik"

To qualitatively form a corner in a product produced by cold forging, you will need a machine called a “bend”. It consists of a steel plate with a movable stop on which there are two support shafts and a lever.

Machine “gnutik”

The workpiece is placed between the wedge and the support shafts. After this, with the help of a lever, the wedge is shifted towards the shafts, which leads to bending of the workpiece.

Computer model of the machine

Making such a machine is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the given drawing and use tool steel, since during operation a large load is placed on part of the device.
You can also watch how to make a “gnitik” machine in the video:

Wave machine

It would be more correct to call this machine a controlled wave. The equipment of the machine consists of a pair of steel disks with a diameter of 140 mm, which are bolted to the worktop. The axis of rotation of the universal wrench is fixed to the drive disk.

Machine “wave”

Wave control occurs as a result of changing the distance between the disks. When the bar is rolled around the drive disk with a knob, a pattern is formed, after which the bar is removed from the conductor and a pattern is formed on the other side.
You can watch the machine in action in the video:

Press machine

A press is needed to form the ends of the rods. This machine works on the principle of a flywheel; first, by rotating the bar with weights, the screw striker is pulled back until it stops. After this, a replacement stamp is inserted into the slot and the workpiece is placed. Next, quickly spin the bar in the opposite direction and leave it to rotate freely. Finally, the striker hits the stamp shank strongly, due to this, a force sufficient for stamping is developed.

Rolling press

As for the manual rolling mill, you can make it yourself, but you still have to order special steel rolls, bearing bushings and shafts, and buy gears in the store. Only “crow’s foot” and “leaf” tips can be produced on such a machine.

Connecting and painting parts

Elements produced by cold forging are connected in two ways:

  • Welding - the parts are welded to each other, and the scale is ground off with a grinder or other grinding machine.
  • Clamps - this type of connection looks much more beautiful. For clamps, stamped strips of metal with a thickness of 1.5 mm or more are used.

Finished products are painted using blacksmith enamels or acrylic-based metal paints.

Connecting parts using welding

Products produced by cold forging

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for products that you can make using the cold forging method:

  • The fence element is completely made using the cold forging method. Clamps are used to connect the parts. The following machines were used for manufacturing: “snail”, torsion bar, “bend” and “flashlight”.

  • Soda bench - made by cold forging and covered with wood. Welding and clamps are used to connect the elements. In production, machines were used - “snail”, torsion bar, press.

  • Balcony railings - production method - cold forging. The railing elements are connected using welding and clamps. The machines used in production are “wave”, “snail”, press.

  • Stair railings are produced using the cold artistic forging method. The parts are connected by welding. The machines used in production are torsion bar, flashlight, and snail.

  • Visor - the frame of the visor is made using cold forging. The parts are connected by welding. In the manufacturing process, machines were used - “snail”, “wave”, press.

  • The grill is a simple design made using the cold forging method. Clamps and welding are used to connect the parts. The barbecue elements were produced on machines - torsion bar, "snail".

  • Double bed - cold forging method is used for the backrests. Connections are made by welding and clamps. In the manufacturing process, machines were used - “snail”, “wave” and press.

As can be seen from all of the above, the cold forging method does not require large financial costs and is quite easy to learn, so if you decide to start learning blacksmithing with this method, then you did the right thing.

Looking at the fences, gates and gates, as in the figure, in houses that are clearly not of the elite class, a person who has some idea about the equipment of the forge and the nature of the work there may think: where did they get so much money? Those more knowledgeable in blacksmithing will not have such a question: these beauties, as well as the metal decor of furniture, light garden buildings, swings, benches, etc., are created by cold forging.

Prices for cold art forging are affordable because production costs and initial equipment costs are low, and labor productivity is not bad for artisanal conditions. Consequently, an individual blacksmith specializing in artistic cold forging can count on a fairly quick start and good profitability. Perhaps one of the owners of the samples in Fig. I made my own: cold forging with your own hands can be done in a garage or barn without experience, and forged parts for small pieces of furniture, balusters, barbecues and all sorts of other metal utensils (see, for example, the figure on the right) can be done even at home conditions.

The basis of a “cold forge” is a cold forging machine. For a complete production cycle, capable of satisfying any conceivable fantasies of yours or the customer, You will need 5-7 types of machines, 3-5 main ones of which you can make yourself. However, in the beginning, before spending money on a machine or materials for it, it is highly advisable to master the basics of blacksmithing. Therefore, further we will also consider some techniques for making artistic forging parts without a machine and equipment for them, which can be quickly made from scrap materials.

Stamping, forging and bending

So what is cold forging? It differs from stamping in that the metal hardly flows or flows weakly under the influence of the working element. Take a look at a beer can or, say, an aluminum or tin kettle. They are extruded with one blow of the punch of the stamping press; kettle, etc. products of complex shape - with a composite sliding punch. It is impossible to obtain the working force necessary to create such a high pressure at home, except in one case, see below.

Cold forging differs from hot forging, of course, in that the workpiece is not preheated. Actually, cold forging, which is forging, is the hardening (hardening) of a part with a long series of regular blows of a certain force. In this case, the structure of the metal changes significantly: the hardness of the surface layer increases, and the core provides overall toughness and fracture strength. Handicraftsmen - toolmakers and gunsmiths - literally hunt for buffers and wheel tires of railway cars, pieces of rails.

Steel hardening is carried out with a mechanical hammer. You can do it yourself, and it’s even easier than some types of machines for cold artistic forging. But this publication is devoted specifically to the latter subject, and cold artistic forging is essentially bending (bending) metal: its structure in the part does not undergo significant changes, and changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the metal are not significant for the quality of the final product. Therefore, we will leave cold forging, which is forging, until a suitable occasion, and Let's do forging, which bends. For brevity, let's just call it artistic forging, and where it is necessary to mention hot forging, this will be specifically stated there.

Machines and equipment for cold forging

The main equipment for artistic forging with your own hands consists of several types of hand-operated machines and devices. The electric drive is used infrequently, because the resulting increase in productivity is not always equivalent to the complexity of manufacturing and the cost of electricity. However, we will still remember about the electric drive for home forging machines while we are working on the “handbrake”. Almost all elements of the products in Fig. at the beginning can be done on the following types of machines:

  • Twisters (twists), pos. 1 in Fig. – form flat spirals and other curls with a narrow core (core).
  • Torsion machines, pos. 2– allow you to obtain a helical twist of a rod and elements from volumetric spirals, the so-called. filaments: baskets, lanterns, bulbs.
  • Inertial stamping machines, pos. 3- on them the ends of the rods are splashed into shaped ends (item 1 in the figure below), decorative clamps are stamped to connect the details of the pattern (item 2 in the same figure), a small wave and relief are squeezed out on long parts.

  • Bending machines are push, broach and combined, pos. 4. The first ones allow you to get only waves and zigzags; lingering - rings, curls and spirals with wide cores, and the latter - all these types of products.

Note: in technical literature, especially in English, all machines that form parts by torsion or winding are often called twisters. Initially, a twister is a machine for winding springs. But in relation to artistic forging, it would be more correct to consider winding machines as twisters, and torsion machines as torsion bars.

What are flexes?

In technical vernacular, bending machines are called benders. However, in amateur and private metalworking, the name “gnutik” was established for a table-top device for producing waves and zigzags, see fig. on right. By changing the roller or wedge in the bend, you can vary the pitch and height of the wave or the zigzag angle within certain limits.

A bend for rods/pipes up to 12-16 mm is relatively inexpensive, but it is difficult to make it yourself at home: it requires precise processing of special steels. Try using a regular electric drill and a regular metal drill to drill through a regular open-end wrench. And in a bending machine, the workloads are much higher than on its jaws. Therefore, it is better to buy a bend; in addition to forging on the farm, it is useful for the manufacture of elements of welded metal structures, as a pipe bender for small thick-walled durable pipes and in other cases.


Since ancient times, blacksmiths have cold-formed curls according to a template-mandrel using a horn lever grip, pos. 1 in Fig. This method is low-productive and not for wimps, but it allows you to quickly and easily make various bending mandrels from an ordinary steel strip: the end (thrust) horn of the lever prevents the template from yielding under the pressure of the workpiece. It is advisable to make the middle (bypass) horn sliding with fixation: the work will go slower, but, especially in inexperienced hands, more accurately.

Another simple device for manual shaped bending is a strong board with support pins - spacers, pos. 2; Ordinary M8-M24 bolts are suitable. Depending on how comfortable you are with your home exercise machine, you can work with a strip of up to 4-6 mm. They bend the strip by eye, the work goes slowly, but you can draw patterns up to Ilya Muromets on a horse in full armor or Buddha in a lotus flower. The latter, perhaps, is completely handmade: people who have fully mastered hatha and raja yoga are able to curl steel reinforcement bars into a pattern with their hands.


The snail twister machine is the most popular among those involved in artistic forging: its capabilities, in comparison with the simplicity of the design, the ease of making it yourself and the ease of operation, are amazing. Actually, the snail machine is a slightly mechanized and improved bending lever, but this “little” made it possible for beginners to work on it. Snail machines are, in turn, divided into machines with a collar and a rotating plowshare and lever machines with a fixed template and a deflection roller.

Snail with ploughshare

The device of a bending scroll with a plowshare is shown in the diagram below; The technology for working with such a machine is also described there.

The advantages of this type of twister bending machine are as follows:

  • It is possible to work on a scroll with a rotating share and a collar in an unequipped room: the vertical component of the workload is negligible, and its horizontal components are partially transferred to the support.
  • Due to previous point, the supporting structure can be quite simple and light, welded from ordinary steel profiles.
  • We can carry out the work process alone: ​​turning the gate with one hand, we press the rod or strip against the template plowshare with the other. As its links bend, they will fall into place on their own.
  • Using a cold method, you can twist spirals of up to 5 turns on a snail with a rotary plowshare.

Drawings of a snail machine for artistic forging with a specification of parts are given in Fig. We’ll talk about the dimensions of the links (segments) of the folding share later, but for now pay attention to the steel grades: the share bears heavy loads. If you make it from ordinary structural steel, the template will lead to the middle of the gate or fence section.

Note: For more detailed drawings of a snail machine of a similar design with description and detail, see the link: // There you will also find drawings of a homemade bender and a device for bending rings.

The material for the folding rotary share, as well as the complexity of its manufacture, are not the only weak points of the snail machine with a collar. An even more serious problem is the articulation of the ploughshare links (shown by red arrows in the figure on the right). The joints of the share segments must:

It is difficult to fulfill all these conditions together in a well-established and equipped industrial production, so the resources of folding templates for cold forging are generally much less than their material would allow on its own. Poor use of material properties is a serious drawback. In addition, for the same reasons, another weak point of the snail-type machine with a collar is the eccentric clamp of the part. Therefore, novice homemade blacksmiths work more successfully with homemade snail machines for artistic forging, made according to a lever design.

Snail with lever

The lever volute for cold forging is designed similarly to the well-known one. A homemade lever-type snail machine with a fixed template is significantly inferior in performance to a snail with a collar. The working load in it is more fully transferred to the base, so a strong frame made of special steel or a thick plate of ordinary steel, securely fixed to the supporting surface, is required. As a result, a workshop or outdoor production area is required. Work on the lever scroll progresses slowly: after turning the lever until it jams, you need to move the pressure roller. It is possible to curl up to 3-4 turns on a lever volute. Nevertheless, the advantages of a snail lever machine for home craftsmen are significant, especially when working for yourself:

  • All parts, except the pressure roller, can be made of ordinary steel.
  • It is possible to use a standard roller bearing as a pressure roller.
  • The use of the material properties of the parts is almost complete: the template and frame made of ordinary steel can withstand more than 1000 working cycles.
  • You can bend either according to a template (pos. 1 in the figure below) or using spacers, pos. 2 there.

In addition, the snail lever machine allows the use of a technological technique that is considered the prerogative of industrial twister machines: the template is shifted to the side, and a spacer is placed in the center, pos. 3 in Fig. This creates a small reverse bend in the core of the curl. The part looks more impressive and, when working for sale, the product is more valuable.

The lever snail has another rather fat plus: on such a machine you can bend flat curls with a small core from a strip laid flat. The snail with a collar and a rotating plowshare gives up completely here: the workpiece will go in a vertical wave. Wide curls and rings from the strip can be bent flat on a broaching machine with rollers in which grooves are machined, see fig. on right. But the drawing speed, so that the workpiece does not lead, requires a significant one, so you won’t get a narrow curl core.

On a snail lever machine, this problem is solved by installing a pressure roller with a height equal to the thickness of the strip and with a flange (edge), like a railway wheel, only wider. Bending using this method takes a lot of time: the lever must be applied a little at a time, otherwise the inner edge of the workpiece will wrinkle; The flange does not help from this. But it is impossible to obtain a curl from a flat strip with a narrow core in a handicraft production in any other way.

In general, at the start of blacksmithing and artistic activity or making a forged fence, gate, gate, bench, swing, gazebo, etc., arranging a garden for yourself, It’s better to use a snail lever machine for cold forging. Moreover, it can be made from scrap materials without accurate and detailed drawings, see for example. next video.

Video: a simple do-it-yourself artistic forging machine

How to build a curl?

There are plenty of sketches of curls for artistic forging on the Internet, but when you try to adjust their sizes to those required for yourself, it often turns out that the product loses spectacularly due to a seemingly insignificant violation of the proportions. Therefore, it is also desirable to be able to construct forging patterns of curls that obviously have aesthetic advantages.

Templates for cold forging of artistic curls - volutes - are built on the basis of mathematical spirals. The most commonly used is the logarithmic spiral; it is one of the widespread natural forms expressing the fundamental laws of nature. The logarithmic spiral is found in the shell of a snail, in our hearing aids, and in the form of a treble clef in musical notation; in the neck of the violin itself too.

The principle of constructing a logarithmic spiral by points is that when the radius that forms it is rotated, starting from a certain initial R0, by a fixed angle φ, its length is multiplied by the divergence index of the spiral p. For volutes p, as a rule, take no more than 1.2, because a logarithmic spiral diverges (unwinds) very quickly; on pos. In Fig. a logarithmic spiral with p = 1.25 is shown as an example. To make it easier to build a spiral at points with sufficient accuracy for forging work, take φ = 45 degrees.

In the case when a denser arithmetic spiral is required, when the radius forming it is rotated by the same 45 degrees, 1/8 of the spiral pitch S is added to the previous radius, pos. B. In both cases, R0 is taken equal to or greater than the diameter d of a workpiece of uniform cross-section, pos. A. If the initial end of the workpiece is pointed, R0 may be less than d, up to the plasticity limit of the metal.

It remains to decide how to lay a visually harmonious spiral with a given opening size a. To solve this problem analytically, i.e. using formulas with any precision specified in advance, you will have to solve cubic and higher-order equations. There are no computer programs for numerical technical calculation of volutes on the Internet, so we will use an approximate method that allows us to get by with one working and, possibly, one test graphical construction. It is based on the assumption that for small p the sums R2+R6 and R4+R8 do not differ much. The step-by-step algorithm for constructing a volute for a forging template follows from here:

  1. Based on the available material, we determine R0;
  2. we take the number of turns of the volute w according to the principle: as God puts it on the soul of the left hind paw of a beloved cat;
  3. Using the data from the table in Fig., we calculate the diameter of the volute b such that it is slightly smaller than the width of the opening under it a, see pos. G;
  4. We calculate the working initial radius R using the formula for pos. G;
  5. we build a volute profile on a scale point by point;
  6. if necessary, we accurately adjust R using the same formula and build the profile of the working template completely.

Note: If you use the table to calculate intermediate values, don’t forget – you need to take them in geometric proportion!

Torsion bars

You can twist rods with a screw for artistic forging without a machine at all, see fig. on right. To prevent the workpiece from bending at the root (clamped in a vice) end, you need to place a wooden block or something like it with a V-shaped cutout at the top under the end of the guide pipe farthest from them; It is better to secure the pipe to this support with a clamp, and secure the stand to the workbench. The pipe should be shorter than the workpiece and approximately 1.5 times wider inside than its largest diameter, because When twisted, the workpiece contracts and expands in width.

A torsion cold forging machine allows you to increase productivity and improve the quality of the resulting parts. The working force in it is transferred to the support to a significant extent, so a strong frame is needed, in the form of a spinal frame made of an I-beam from 100 mm or a pair of welded channels of the same size; the corrugated pipe will apparently be deformed. The frame must be securely secured to the supporting surface using paws from the same profile welded to its ends, pos. 1 in Fig.

The workpiece - a square rod - is held by mandrels-chucks with sockets also of square cross-section; they are visible there in pos. 1. Because When twisted, the rod shortens in length; the chucks in the spindle and tailstock must be securely fixed with screw clamps. For the same reason, the tailstock is made sliding. To allow twisting of individual sections of the workpiece, a sliding stop with an insert with a square hole is also used.

If you only need to make a fence for yourself or something smaller, you can quickly build a torsion bar machine from scrap and scrap materials, pos. 2. On both machines, in principle, it is possible to obtain filaments by placing a bundle of 4 rods half the size into the cartridges. But don’t think that you can make a good lantern or basket by simply pushing the tailstock with a lever. You will get something like the one in the inset in pos. 1 and 2. Blacksmiths call such incidents a word that is generally known, but not used in literary speech. The branches of the filament, when twisting it in a simple torsion bar machine, must be spread out in width with a hand tool, which is difficult and does not ensure the proper quality of work.

Beautiful filaments (pos. 3) are twisted on torsion bar machines with a fixed tailstock and a screw feed spindle, pos. 4. Now let’s return briefly to Fig. with types of machines at the beginning, to pos. 2 on it. See the thing marked with a green exclamation point? This is a replacement spindle. There are 2 of them in the set: smooth for spiral twisting along the long axis of the workpiece and screw for twisting filaments. In this design, the frame is welded from a pair of channels with a longitudinal gap, and a shoe with a threaded hole for a locking screw is welded to the tailstock. A shoe is needed with a sole from 100x100, because The tailstock fixation in filament mode is frictional and only partially jammed: the locking screw provides only an initial clamping force.

About the electric torsion bar drive

Working on a torsion bar machine with a manual spindle drive is tedious. But the main thing is stable quality of products such as in pos. 3 fig. with torsion bar machines, it is even more difficult to achieve. The reason is that it is difficult to create a uniform torque in a circle with your hands, like with any other lever drive. Therefore, a torsion bar machine for cold forging is exactly the case when the use of an electric drive is justified no matter what. The best option from available materials is the axle shaft of the drive axle of a rear-wheel drive car with a gear pair from the differential from the same place, see fig. on right; Just don't forget about the protective casing! Motor - 1.5-3 kW and no more than 900 rpm. Other design options are also possible, see eg. video clip:

Video: homemade electric cold forging machine

Spiral like a spiral

In some cases, ordinary smooth, straight, ascending spirals are used as an element of artistic forging. Making a spring twister machine for this on your own is absolutely unrealistic. But remember: the spirals in a forged pattern do not need to be springy and can be wound from ordinary ductile steel using a simple device (see figure on the right). The pitch (ascent) of the spiral is determined by the horn of the gate (filled in red); By bending the horn up and down, you can get thinner and thicker spirals. A square bar is taken onto the workpiece or a round one, it doesn’t matter. You can also twist spirals from a rod twisted on a torsion bar.

Wave and zigzag

Now we have tools and equipment for wave and zagzag bending of long workpieces. The bending machine and push-pull bending machine mentioned at the beginning cannot be reproduced with your own hands. In addition, the first allows you to adjust the pitch and profile within relatively small limits, while the second is expensive. However, you can still make a universal wave bending machine with your own hands, similar to the one on the left in Fig. You only have to order rollers; they must be made of chromium-nickel or tool steel; the rest is made of simple construction; for the staples and arch, a sheet (strip) of 8 mm or more is needed. Limiters are installed in the arc to accurately maintain the wave profile, but the workloads are transferred to it to a significant extent; in fact, the arc provides lateral rigidity of the structure.

You can bend only smooth, but very diverse, waves by adding a gate for waves to a snail machine with a rotating plowshare, on the right in Fig. The same handles are used, because they are screwed into threaded sockets on the head of the gate. It is advisable to make the main (central) roller separate and fasten it to the frame with bolts with countersunk heads. In this case, by placing rollers of different diameters (diameters), it is possible to form waves of variable and asymmetrical profile. And if the deflection roller is made adjustable (for which a number of holes are checked in its carrier), then the wave pitch can be changed within a fairly wide range.

About connecting elements and painting

Forged parts need to be assembled into a single composition. The simplest method is welding and subsequent smoothing of the seams with a grinder with a grinding wheel: it is thicker than a cutting wheel (6.5 mm) and can withstand bending forces. But connections with shaped clamps look much more impressive; they are stamped from a strip of 1.5 mm on an inertial stamp; You can also hot-forge quite quickly and without experience, see below. The clamp blank is made in the form of a U-shaped bracket on a mandrel to the size of the parts to be connected, and its wings are bent from the rear in place with a large plumber's hammer or a 1.5-2 kg sledgehammer when cold. The finished product is usually painted with blacksmith enamels or acrylic paints for metal. Enamels with pigment from forge patina are more expensive, but better: when dried, they have a noble, somewhat antique color, do not peel off, do not fade, are wear- and heat-resistant

How to get around a stone

Those. the stumbling block in all of the above: shaped ends of the rods; Without them, a fence is not a fence, a gate is not a gate, and a wicket is not a wicket. An inertial stamping press (item 3 in the figure with types of machines) is expensive, but effective. It works on the principle of a flywheel: first, by smoothly rotating the rocker arm (bar with weights), the screw firing pin is pulled back until it stops. Then a replacement stamp is inserted into the socket and the blank is placed. Next, they quickly spin the rocker in the opposite direction (this is a dangerous moment!) and leave it to rotate freely - the working stroke has begun. At the end of it, the striker hits the stamp shank very hard; Due to the inertia of the loads, a force sufficient for stamping is developed.

The loads, especially impact ones, in an inertial stamping machine are large and occur over small areas, and the precision of manufacturing its parts needs to be high, so it’s better to do it yourself and not try. It is possible to make a manual rolling mill yourself, see fig. on the right, but only partially: rolls made of special steel, shafts and bearing bushings will have to be ordered, and gears will have to be bought or looked for used ones. On such a mill, you can only produce goosefoot and leaf (spear) tips, and from their necks it will be immediately clear that this is machine work.

Meanwhile, the same, and some others, rod tips can be hot-forged without being an experienced blacksmith. A good, clearly handmade tip-sheet is simply forged with a sledgehammer and a hammer, and the forging stamp (stamp) for the legs is made from an unusable file, in which grooves are selected with a grinder. Do you need a forge for this? For occasional small work it is not at all necessary; the main thing is to heat the metal. A propane torch is not suitable; heating should be uniform on all sides and without burnout. So, we come to the conclusion that cold and hot forging are not mutually exclusive: in order to obtain high-quality products using simple machines for cold forging or even with improvised means, it would not hurt to add a small forge from scrap materials in addition to them.