How old was Vale the cat. Educational resource "Pioneer Heroes" - Valya Kotik

This is a story about an ordinary schoolboy who had to grow up early and pick up a rifle. When the Nazis occupied his native Shepetovka, the boy was not yet fourteen years old. Together with the guys, Valya Kotik was constantly spinning in front of the Germans. Usually no one paid attention to children, and who would ever think to take a barefoot schoolboy seriously, in torn pants, and with knocked down knees. But the Germans constantly had some kind of miracles: either the machine gun would disappear, or the revolver would disappear from the pocket.

Valya gladly drove the cow out to pasture. The trick was that he did not grazed it in the forest, where lush grass grew, but drove it to a wasteland, where the Germans had warehouses with provisions that they sent to the front. A noisy gang of three guys constantly laughed, played, and ran around the sentry, who was used to children, and did not take them into account. But the partisans received important information.

One evening, a truck drove up to the warehouse, and dressed in German partisan uniforms, pointed the muzzle of a machine gun at the guards. Then he ordered the Germans to sit quietly, because the warehouse was allegedly mined, and with a company of comrades they quickly emptied the warehouse. In this group was also Valya Kotik, who pointed out to the partisans everything to the smallest detail. The car loaded with food left, and the warehouse was on fire.

Once Valya was going on a mission, and saw that the Germans, arms outstretched, were chasing chickens. The boy threw two grenades one after the other, and the Germans decided that they were being attacked by a whole detachment.

When the Germans retreated, Valya received a serious task - to guard the abandoned German warehouses. But tanks appeared from the western side. Closer and closer they crawled to the warehouses, and the Germans began to appear. Valya lay down in the bushes and began to shoot back. Then he heard the Soviet troops approaching to help. The boy threw a grenade, but a bullet overtook him. So Valya Kotik died heroically.

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One of the most famous child heroes of the Great Patriotic War is Valya Kotik. feat ( summary his biography and military activities is the subject of this review) this boy is probably known to every schoolchild. This paper describes his life and participation in the battles in the partisan detachment. His personality became an example of the courage and heroism of the Soviet people, shown during the years of the German invasion of our Motherland. The fate of the child was all the more tragic because he died at the age of fourteen, however, despite his young age, he did a lot to liberate his native city, for which he was awarded the highest military award.


In 1930, Valya Kotik was born into the family of an employee. The feat (a summary of which will be described below) of this boy had great importance not only in a practical, but also in an ideological sense, since his actions have become an example to follow. He was the youngest in the family and was in the sixth grade at the time of the enemy invasion.

At first, the child began to pay attention to the posts of the Nazis and distribute propaganda leaflets calling for a fight against the invaders. So, the student attracted the attention of the head of the local underground organization, who settled in his house. At first, the little hero of the great war, Valya Kotik, mistook him for an enemy spy and traitor, however, having learned the truth, he became a member of his group. They began to give him small assignments: to follow the German officers, to obtain and protect weapons. A capable child showed courage, quickness and ingenuity, so that he began to be given more responsible and serious assignments.

Participation in the partisan movement

The boy quickly got the hang of handling weapons and explosives. He was able to mine roads and highways along which patrols passed. One day, the child noticed in a car passing by the head of the local gendarmerie, who was driving to his hometown of Shepetovka. The student threw a grenade and the car exploded.

Thus, Valya Kotik made a great contribution to the liberation of the city. The feat (a summary of his military biography reflects the tragic fate of many partisan children) of the boy lies in the fact that he combined physical dexterity with ideological conviction, thanks to which he did not leave his detachment even at the time when he was offered to cross to safe areas of the country.


At first, the student served as a liaison in an underground group, but soon began to participate in battles. An important stage in his military biography was the transition under the command of Lieutenant Muzalev, who led the occupied territories. The teenager actively fought on the side of the Red Army and was wounded twice.

In 1943, Valya Kotik interrupted Warsaw's connection with the main German headquarters. The feat, the brief content of which allows only approximately to judge the significance of this step, facilitated the actions of the members of the underground organization in the liberation of the conquered territory. Also, the boy took part in undermining the German trains. In addition to observation and skillful organizational skills, he also proved to be an excellent sentinel. One day, he was one of the entire group of partisans who noticed an impending raid on his comrades and raised the alarm in time, thus saving all the people.


Valya Kotik, a feat whose biography in without fail studied in all Soviet schools, fought on Ukrainian territory. As mentioned above, he was offered to move to a safer area, but he did not want to leave his native squad. He took part in the liberation operation to remove the occupation from the city of Izyaslav. According to one version, the boy was sent to reconnaissance, noticed a German patrol, raised the alarm, but was mortally wounded, after which he quickly died. Some scholars believe that the young hero's wound was light, but he died due to shelling during the evacuation. He was buried in his hometown. Many streets of Russian cities, as well as pioneer camps, schools, squads, are named after him. Several monuments have been erected to him, including in the capital of our country itself. A number of films have been dedicated to his life.


Among the many partisans who made a significant contribution to the victory, Valya Kotik, a pioneer hero, stands out. Heroes of Russia, the USSR have always received the highest awards and orders. So the boy at first received partisan medals, and in 1958 he was awarded the main honorary title of the country. As mentioned above, a film was made about him.

According to the plot of the picture, the character is a young schoolboy who sacrifices his life by blowing himself up with a grenade so as not to be captured by the enemy. It is significant that many young fighters became famous after their tragic death. In this series, Kotik takes a place of honor, as he carried out a number of actions of strategic importance. Destroying the connection with the bet is a step whose significance went beyond local success. Therefore, on school lessons in history, attention should be paid to the importance of his underground activities in the liberation of Ukraine from German occupation.

Valya Kotik (or Valentin Alexandrovich Kotik) was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of. Khmelevka of the modern Khmelnitsky (former Kamenetz-Podolsky) region of Ukraine, in a family of peasants. The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War prevented him from finishing school - the young pioneer managed to get only five classes of secondary education at the district school in Shepetovka. At school, Valentin was famous for his sociability and organizational skills, he was a leader among his comrades.

When the Germans occupied the Shepetovsky region, Valya Kotik was only 11 years old. The official biography says that he immediately took part in the collection of ammunition and weapons, which were then sent to the front. Together with friends, Valya collected weapons abandoned at the scene of clashes, which were transported to the partisans in hay carts. Also, the young hero independently made and pasted caricatures of the Nazis around the city.

In 1942, he was accepted into the ranks of the Shepetovskaya underground organization as a scout. Further, his military biography was replenished with participation in exploits partisan detachment under the command of Muzalev Ivan Alekseevich (1943). In October of the same year, Valya Kotik accomplished his first high-profile feat - he managed to find an underground telephone cable at the headquarters of the German command, which was then safely blown up by partisans.

On the combat account of the courageous pioneer there are other feats - the successful blowing up of six warehouses and railway echelons, as well as numerous ambushes in which he took part. The duties of Valya Kotik also included obtaining information about the location of German posts and the procedure for changing their guard.

Another feat that saved the lives of many of his adult comrades was accomplished by the young hero on October 29, 1943. On that day, the guy was on duty, when suddenly he was attacked by the Nazi punishers. The boy managed to shoot the enemy officer and raise the alarm.

For the shown heroism, courage and repeatedly accomplished feats, pioneer Valya Kotik He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the Order of Lenin, as well as the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 2nd degree.

On February 16, 1944, the 14-year-old hero was mortally wounded in the battle for the liberation of the city of Izyaslav Kamenetz-Podolsky. He died the next day, February 17, and was buried in the central park of Shepetovka.

According to another version biographies of Vali Kotik from a direct participant in the battles for the city of Izyaslav, a veteran of the Second World War Murashov, the boy was wounded at first non-lethally, in the shoulder. The narrator's brother (who was with him on a mission) dragged him to the nearby Gorin valley and bandaged him. On the second day, during the evacuation of the wounded to the partisan hospital in Strigany, the carts with the cart, on which Kotik was, were subjected to German bombardment. The young hero received mortal wounds, from which he died on the way.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1958, Valentin Alexandrovich Kotik was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

AT Soviet years every schoolboy knew about this brave pioneer and his exploits. The name of the courageous guy was called numerous streets, both in Russia and in Ukraine, pioneer squads, detachments and camps. A monument to Valya Kotik was erected in front of the school where he studied, another monument stood at VDNKh. One ship was also named after him.

The biography of the pioneer Valya Kotko formed the basis of a feature film about Valya Kotko, which was released in 1957 under the title "Eaglet". The film tells about the struggle of the young pioneer Vali with the fascist invaders who occupied his hometown. The boy helps his partisan detachment to spy on the enemy and get weapons. One day, being surrounded by the Nazis, the schoolboy performs a feat by blowing himself up with a grenade.

February 11, 1930 was born Valentin Alexandrovich Kotik (Valya Kotik) - a young partisan reconnaissance partisan detachment named after Karmelyuk, operating in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kamenetz-Podolsk region of the Ukrainian SSR; the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union.

Times do not choose, says the well-known wisdom. Someone gets a childhood with pioneer camps and waste paper collection, someone - with game consoles and social media accounts.

The generation of children of the 1930s got a cruel and terrible war that took away relatives, friends, and childhood itself. And instead of children's toys, the most persistent and courageous took rifles and machine guns in their hands. They took it to take revenge on the enemy and fight for the Motherland.

War is not a child's business. But when she comes to your house, the usual ideas change dramatically.

In 1933, the writer Arkady Gaidar wrote "The Tale of the Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word." This work by Gaidar, written eight years before the start of the Great Patriotic War, was destined to become a symbol of memory for all the young heroes who fell in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

Valya Kotik, like all Soviet boys and girls, of course, heard the tale of Malchish-Kibalchish. But he hardly thought that he would have to be in the place of the brave hero Gaidar.

Valya Kotik was born on February 11, 1930 in Ukraine, in the village of Khmelevka, Kamenetz-Podolsk region, into a peasant family.

Valya had the usual childhood of a boy of that time, with the usual pranks, secrets, sometimes bad grades. Everything changed in June 1941, when the war broke into the life of sixth grader Valya Kotik.

The swift Nazi blitzkrieg of the summer of 1941, and now Valya, who by that time lived in the city of Shepetovka, was already in the occupied territory with his family.

The victorious power of the Wehrmacht inspired fear in many adults, but did not frighten Valya, who, together with his friends, decided to fight the Nazis. To begin with, they began to collect and stash weapons left at the battlefields that were in full swing around Shepetovka. Then they became bolder to the point that they began to steal machine guns from the gaping Nazis.

And in the fall of 1941, a desperate boy committed a real sabotage - setting up an ambush by the road, he blew up a car with the Nazis with a grenade, destroying several soldiers and the commander of a field gendarmerie detachment.

The underground learned about Vali's affairs. It was almost impossible to stop the desperate boy, and then he was attracted to underground work. He was instructed to collect information about the German garrison, put up leaflets, act as a messenger.

For the time being, the smart guy did not arouse suspicion among the Nazis. However, the more successful actions became on the account of the underground, the more attentively the Nazis began to look for their assistants among the local residents.

In the summer of 1943, the threat of arrest loomed over Vali's family, and he, along with his mother and brother, went into the forest, becoming a fighter in the Karmelyuk partisan detachment.

The command tried to take care of the 13-year-old guy, but he was eager to fight. In addition, Valya showed himself to be a skilled scout and a person who is able to find a way out of the most difficult situation.

In October 1943, Valya, who was on partisan patrol, ran into punishers who were preparing to attack the base of the partisan detachment. The boy was tied up, but, having decided that he did not pose a threat and could not provide valuable intelligence, they left him under guard here, at the edge of the forest.

Valya himself was wounded, but managed to get to the forester's hut, who was helping the partisans. After recovery, he continued to fight in the detachment.

Valya participated in undermining six enemy echelons, destroying the strategic communications cable of the Nazis, as well as in a number of other successful actions, for which he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree".

On February 11, 1944, Valya turned 14 years old. The front was rapidly rolling to the West, and the partisans, as best they could, helped the regular army. Shepetovka, where Valya lived, had already been liberated, but the detachment moved on, preparing for its last operation - the assault on the city of Izyaslav.

After her, the detachment was to be disbanded, the adults were to join the regular units, and Valya was to return to school.

The battle for Izyaslav on February 16, 1944 turned out to be hot, but it was already ending in favor of the partisans, when Valya was seriously wounded by a stray bullet.

Soviet troops burst into the city to help the partisans. The wounded Valya was urgently sent to the rear, to the hospital. However, the wound turned out to be fatal - on February 17, 1944, Vali Kotik died.

Valya was buried in the village of Khorovets. At the request of his mother, the ashes of his son were transferred to the city of Shepetovka and reburied in the city park.

A large country that survived a terrible war could not immediately appreciate the feats of all those who fought for its freedom and independence. But over time, everything fell into place.

For the heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1958, Kotik Valentin Alexandrovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In history, he never became Valentine, remaining just Valya. by the most young Hero Soviet Union.

His name, like the names of other pioneer heroes, whose exploits were told to Soviet schoolchildren of the post-war period, was subjected to defamation and scoffing in the post-Soviet period.

But time puts everything in its place. A feat is a feat, and betrayal is a betrayal. Valya Kotik, in a difficult time of trial for the Motherland, turned out to be more courageous than many adults, who to this day are looking for excuses for their cowardice and cowardice.

Eternal memory to him!

Soviet children, pioneers and not only those who fought on an equal footing with adults for the freedom of our country, who died in the fight against the enemy, who lived to see the Victory - they are all in the Immortal Regiment of a thousand-year Russian history.