The most cost-effective method is the organization of production. Types, forms and methods of organizing production

Type of production- this is a classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the breadth of the nomenclature, the stability of the volume of output and the specialization of jobs.

There are three main types of organization of production:

1)individual - piece production, it is typical, for example, for heavy engineering plants, shipbuilding; wide range, lack of deep specialization of jobs, long production cycle, large volume of production.

2) serial - simultaneous production of a wide range of products in series, deep specialization of jobs, the use of special equipment along with universal. A series is the production of structurally identical products, launching into production in batches simultaneously or sequentially, but continuously for a certain time. Divided by: small-batch, medium-batch, large-batch.

3) mass - involves a limited range of products manufactured in large quantities. It is characterized by continuity and a relatively long period of manufacture, the use of special equipment, and high automation. (food and light industry)

Production organization methods:

1. in-line (for mass or large-scale production)

Main link - production line(i.e. a group of workplaces designed to perform operations assigned to them, located along the technological process). For the first time the flow of passenger cars was modeled by G. Ford. The main characteristics of thread performance are beat and tempo flow. Tact This is the time it takes for one finished product to roll off the assembly line. Tem n - the number of products that leave the stream in one hour of work. The highest form of mass production is conveyor, where all operations are highly differentiated (as a rule, this is a labor-intensive assembly).

production lines:

- continuous production line - this is a conveyor on which the product is processed (or assembled) for all operations continuously, without inter-operational tracking. The movement of products on the conveyor occurs in parallel and synchronously.

- Discontinuous production line - a line on which the movement of products through operations is not strictly regulated. It happens intermittently. Such lines are characterized by the isolation of technological operations, significant deviations in the duration of various operations from the average cycle.

- Production lines with free rhythm - lines on which the transfer of individual parts or products (their batches) can be carried out with some deviations from the calculated (established) rhythm of work. At the same time, in order to compensate for these deviations and in order to ensure uninterrupted work at the workplace, an inter-operational stock of products is created.

2.serial. If the production program is not high enough (each product is produced in small quantities), then mass production, launched in batches. The consignment- this is the number of parts simultaneously launched into production. With this method specialized equipment is used. Processing of several products at the same time. Assignment to the workplace of several operations, the use of personnel of broad specialization. In terms of performance, this method inferior to the flow, but also quite effective.

3.unit. In cases where an enterprise produces an unstable range of products, but in units or small batches, in small quantities, on universal equipment, they speak of single production method. Production of a wide range, a small amount of production, universal equipment, the manufacture of complex or unique products.

9 .Forms of organization social production

1.Production concentration- this is the concentration of production within a large enterprise through the introduction of new equipment and technology


- aggregate ( increase in the unit capacity of technological equipment. is achieved predominantly in an intensive way, i.e. the use of more advanced, with increased unit capacity of machines, apparatus, units).

- technological ( manifests itself in an increase in production volumes, achieved by expanding the scale of its production based on an increase in the quality of equipment of the same type, as well as due to the qualitative improvement of the equipment used).

- factory ( new construction, enlargement of enterprises due to the merger of several related enterprises into one, without significant changes in technology and organization of production).

- organizational and economic (with creation of production associations and holdings. Horizontal integration is the merger of two or more enterprises that produce homogeneous products, which are essentially competitors in the market. The main goal of such concentration is to expand its own market niche and oust competing enterprises from it. Vertical integration, which ensures an increase in the concentration of production, involves the merger of several diversified enterprises and, in essence, is an independent form of organization of production, i.e. combination).


· The annual volume of products manufactured at the enterprise;

· The share of products manufactured at the enterprise in the total volume of output of similar products in the country or region;

· The average annual number of employees at the enterprise;

· The average annual cost of the main production assets.


1. Large capital concentrated within a single enterprise.

2. Ability to conduct scientific research.

3. The possibility of using high technologies.

4. Low cost of manufactured products.


1. Large capital investments for the creation of concentrated industries.

2. Inability to quickly restructure production for the release of new products.

3. Long terms for the creation of such industries.

4. High transportation costs.

2.Specialization there is a concentration of production of homogeneous, single-type products at one enterprise and the use of mass-flow production with highly productive equipment and technology, high labor productivity.

Forms of specialization:

- subject(an enterprise produces a certain type of product on a large scale.);

- detailed(the enterprise specializes in the production of parts, assemblies, which are then supplied to enterprises with subject specialization, for example, the production of bearings, bolts, etc.);

- technological(based on the implementation of certain operations or stages of the production process on an enterprise scale (workshop, site), the enterprise specializes in the production of technologically homogeneous work, for example, foundry production);

- functional(an enterprise specializes in performing any specific functions, for example, infrastructure enterprises: transport, communications enterprises).

3. cooperation - industrial relations of enterprises for the joint production of final products.

By industry:

- intersectoral

- intra-industry

On a territorial basis:

- interdistrict

- intra-district

By the nature of specialization of supplies:

- aggregate ( It manifests itself in the process of manufacturing complex products, the production of which is carried out at the parent enterprise on the basis of the acquisition from other supplier enterprises of various parts and components necessary for the acquisition of the profile products of this plant. The most prominent representative of aggregate cooperation is mechanical engineering.)

- detailed ( This is the supply to the head enterprise producing finished products of the individual units necessary for completing the final product: motors, electric motors, electric generators, compressors, pumps, etc.)

- technological ( This is a type of industrial relations, which is characterized by the supply of some enterprises to others by certain semi-finished products (forgings, stampings, castings) or the implementation of certain technological operations, the performance of certain works or the provision of certain services.)

Intra-factory cooperation manifests itself in the establishment of certain technologies for the production of links between individual workshops of the enterprise for the transfer of work in progress, semi-finished products and components for their further processing from one main workshop to another, in the performance of certain works and the provision of services by auxiliary industries for the needs of the main workshops.

The most important ways to establish cooperative ties between enterprises are: development and implementation of joint programs, conclusion of contracts for the specialization of production, and creation of joint ventures for the production of necessary products. The implementation of joint programs can be carried out in two directions - contract cooperation and production cooperation.

Contract cooperation is expressed in the conclusion of an agreement (contract) between two enterprises, one of which instructs (customer) to another (contractor, performer) the performance of a certain amount of work or the provision of services in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the contract in terms of time, volume and quality.

Industrial cooperation(joint production) is aimed at delimiting the production programs of the participants in such cooperation. The contracting parties conclude an appropriate agreement, according to which they eliminate or reduce duplication of production (output of the same type of product) in order to reduce or eliminate competition in the market among themselves.

4.combining production- a technological combination of interconnected heterogeneous productions of one or several industries within the framework of one enterprise - a combine.

most typically for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, textile industry and others


1. based on the integrated use of raw materials(petrochemistry, metallurgy, woodworking). The essence of this direction of combination is reduced to such an organization of production, which ensures a more complete use of the so-called complex types of raw materials in one enterprise.

2. based on the utilization of production waste for the development of other types of products. The implementation of such a combination is carried out by a kind of "lengthening of the technological chain" based on the organization of the production of new types of products from waste. In addition to providing protection environment and reducing environmental damage, this form of combination also allows obtaining the economic effect provided by reducing the costs of the enterprise for paying for environmental pollution, for transporting and maintaining waste in dumps, as well as by reducing the material intensity of production.

Copper ore - processing - copper - sulfur dioxide (waste - sulfur)

3. based on a combination of successive stages of processing of raw materials. Such a combination involves an increase in the technological stage or “lengthening of the technological chain” of processing raw materials at one enterprise in order to bring it to a semi-finished product or, if possible, to the final product with subsequent sale to the side. in non-ferrous metallurgy, the combination at one enterprise of blister copper with the processes of obtaining electrolytic refined copper, followed by the production of not only rolled billets from it, but also finished products from copper and sale on the market is a typical example of the direction of combining production.

Most typical and characteristic features combinations, providing an increase in production efficiency, are:

the continuity of the transition of objects of labor from one technological process to another;

commonality of auxiliary and service industries;

unity of the energy system;

spatial unity, provided by the location, as a rule, of all production facilities on one production site;

the presence of fairly close technical, technological and economic ties between industries;

unified management.

Combination level estimation in a particular industry can be produced using indicators such as:

the share of products produced at combined enterprises in the total volume of its production in this industry;

material efficiency indicator, determined by the ratio of the volume of production of marketable (sold) products from a unit of initial primary raw materials (for example, from a ton of crude oil, from a ton of polymetallic ores, from one cubic meter of wood, etc.);

combination coefficient, which is the ratio of gross turnover to the volume of gross output.

4.diversification- expanding the scope of the enterprise, expanding the range of products manufactured by specialized (monopoly) enterprises.

The set of methods, techniques and rules for the optimal combination of the main elements of the production process in space and time at all stages of production are methods of organizing production.

The organization of the production process at the enterprise is carried out by various methods: in-line, batch, individual or single, which differ in the level of specialization of jobs, types of combination of operations in time, the degree of continuity of the production process. Methods of organizing the production process depend on the type of organization of production, that is:

A single type of organization of production corresponds to an individual method;

Serial - batch method;

To mass - a stream method.

The most effective method of organizing production, providing a high level of continuity of the production process, is a flow line, where all work processes are performed simultaneously, in a single rhythm. A continuous movement of workpieces from one workplace to another is formed in the order of the sequence of technological operations.

The flow method of organizing production is economically feasible to apply under the presence of three conditions: firstly, mass or large-scale production, providing a high level of loading of jobs on the production line, for a long period of time; secondly, careful testing of the design and technological process, since a sharp change in the design and technological process of manufacturing the product leads to significant losses in production and due to the rearrangement (re-planning) of equipment, as well as due to the need to include new types of production lines equipment as a result of the emergence of new technological operations; thirdly, a clear organization of maintenance of production line workplaces, supplying them with materials, components in order to prevent unplanned downtime during a work shift.

The flow method of production has a number of characteristic features:

Assignment of individual operations of a dismembered production process to strictly defined jobs, equipment, fully loading them. Such consolidation of operations ensures the continuous repeatability of these operations, and, consequently, a clear specialization of equipment, jobs;

Location of equipment and workplaces along the technological process. Such a “chain” arrangement eliminates the need for return movements of parts around the workshop, which is inevitable with a group method of equipment arrangement. This characteristic feature makes it possible to transport parts between workplaces individually or in small lots (2-3-5 pieces of parts) and thus significantly reduce the amount of parts lying at workplaces in anticipation of the accumulation of a transport lot for sending it to a subsequent operation;

Mechanization and automation of the movement of objects of labor from operation to operation, which became possible as a result of fixing the execution of this operation strictly for a specific workplace and the “chain” arrangement of equipment in close proximity to each other, taking into account technical safety standards;

Synchronicity of operations, that is, their equality or multiplicity of tact. In other words: the establishment of an order in which, after a period of time equal to a cycle, a workpiece must arrive at the first operation of the production line, and a finished object of in-line processing or assembly must exit from the last operation. In this case, the flow cycle is understood as the time interval between two products produced one after the other from the last operation;

Continuity of movement of processed objects of labor. This feature follows from the joint action of the previous characteristic features of the flow method of organizing production.

Taking into account the above characteristic features of the in-line method of organizing production, we can give the following definition of in-line production. “In-line is such a method of organizing production, when the operations of processing or assembling a product are assigned to certain workplaces of equipment, which are located in the order of performing the operations of the technological process in close proximity to each other. Moreover, the workpiece or the assembled product is transferred from operation to operation immediately after the previous operation has been completed and, as a rule, with the help of transport devices.

Various types of production lines are used in industry. The classification is based on the features that most significantly affect their organizational structure: the degree of specialization of production, the level of synchronization of the production process, the method of maintaining a rhythm, the method of moving objects of labor, the nature of the movement of the conveyor, the location of the operation, the level of mechanization and automation of labor, the degree of production interdependence operations.

According to the degree of specialization of production, production lines are divided into single and multi-subject.

Single-subject production lines are called, on which the same products or parts are processed for a long time. Such lines are used in mass and large-scale production, that is, with a relatively stable production of products in large quantities. For example, one-subject lines are assembly lines for a car or engine, most of their components and parts.

Multi-subject production lines are called production lines, on which products or parts similar in design and processing technology are simultaneously or sequentially manufactured. This organizational form of production lines has found the widest use in medium and large-scale production.

Single-subject and multi-subject production lines, depending on the degree of synchronization of the production process operations, can be organized as continuous-flow lines with full synchronization of the production process operations or as discontinuous-flow (on-line) lines with partial synchronization of the production process.

Continuous production lines are characterized by the continuity of the production process of manufacturing products. On such a line, every detail moves without any interruption. This form has found the widest application in the assembly processes of assemblies and products.

If full synchronization of the operations of the production process is not achieved, then discontinuous flow (straight-through) lines are organized. On such lines, the movement of parts from the beginning to the end of the flow is interrupted in places of non-synchronism. In these places, parts periodically accumulate and lie for a certain time. Discontinuous flow lines have found wide application mainly in the processes of mechanical processing of machine parts and various devices.

According to the method of maintaining the rhythm, production lines are distinguished with regulated and free rhythm.

A regulated rhythm is achieved with the help of a certain conveyor speed. This rhythm can be supplemented by sound, light signals or conveyor markings, warning workers on the production line when the deadline for the operation is approaching.

Production lines with a free rhythm do not have technical means that strictly regulate the rhythm of work. Compliance with the rhythm is assigned in this case to the workers of this line or the master. For the transfer of parts, vehicles of periodic action are most often used.

According to the position of objects on the production line, they are divided into stationary production and mobile production lines. On stationary production lines, the object of processing or assembly is stationary, since its movement is difficult, while workers move from one object to another. On mobile production lines, the object moves with the help of various transport devices, and the workplaces are stationary.

Vehicles play an important role in the organization of in-line production methods. The product is usually moved from one operation to another on production lines using a conveyor or various vehicles (conveyors). A conveyor is such a vehicle that regulates the rhythm of work and distributes it between parallel workplaces in the case when a certain operation is performed at several workplaces.

If the vehicle only facilitates or accelerates the movement of objects of labor from one workplace to another, then this is just a conveyor. Conveyors or conveyors move either continuously between stationary workplaces, or their action is periodic.

Depending on the role of transport devices in the production process, they are of two types - working and distributive.

Working conveyors or conveyors are characterized by the fact that technological operations are performed on the conveyor itself, where there are special devices necessary for performing the operation. Working conveyors are widely used in the assembly of vehicles, motors, large components and assemblies.

Distribution conveyors or conveyors are used on production lines, where technological operations are performed at stationary workplaces and ensure the movement of workpieces between workplaces located near the conveyor.

According to the degree of production interdependence of the operations of the production process, production lines with rigidly connected and flexibly connected operations are distinguished.

Production lines with rigidly connected operations are characterized by the presence of only technological and transport reserves. As a result, random interruptions in work at any workplace lead to the shutdown of the entire production line. The advantages of production lines with rigidly connected operations are: the absence of cumulative working capital, the ability to use the simplest transport devices to transfer parts from operation to operation, and the reduction in the required production area for organizing a production line. This organizational form is widely used in automatic production lines, for example, in the processing of body parts.

Production lines with flexibly connected operations, in addition to technological and transport backlogs, are characterized by the presence of circulating and spare backlogs of parts that allow, within certain limits, to reduce accidental interruptions in the work of production lines, to continue working at many workplaces of the production line in the event of failure of some types of equipment . Production lines with flexibly coupled operations are widely used in the creation of small parts machining flows, as well as watch assembly flows.

In terms of the level of mechanization production processes There are mechanized-manual production lines and complex-mechanized (automated) production lines.

Mechanized-manual production lines - production lines in which most of the operations of the production process for the manufacture of products or semi-finished products, nodal or general assembly are performed by mechanisms, machines and other types of equipment and, in addition, the processes of moving products from one workplace to another are mechanized. At the same time, in some cases, it is allowed to move products, to perform certain operations manually.

Complex-mechanized production lines - production lines in which all operations of the production process for the manufacture of products or semi-finished products, nodal or general assembly are performed by mechanisms, automated types of equipment with interconnected productivity and, in addition, all processes of moving products or semi-finished products from one workplace to to another. At the same time, workers perform only the functions of setting up, monitoring, and controlling the system of machines.

A variety of production processes and production conditions in mechanical engineering, instrument making predetermined the presence of various types of production lines. However, they can be combined into the following four types of groups:

Single-item continuous-production lines, more often found in assembly shops with mass or large-scale production;

One-piece discontinuous production lines, which are typical for processing shops of mass and large-scale production;

Multi-subject continuous production lines, typical for assembly shops of serial and small-scale production;

Multi-subject discontinuous production lines, typical for processing shops of serial and small-scale production.

The main link in mass production is a production line, that is, a group of workplaces designed to perform operations assigned to them, located along the technological process. When creating a production line, the tact, pace, rhythm of the production line, the number of jobs, the speed of the conveyor, technological and transport, turnover and insurance reserves are calculated.

The main design value of the production line is the flow cycle. The production line cycle is understood as the time interval between two products produced one after the other from the last operation or between any adjacent operations. In general, the value of the cycle of the production line (T) is determined by the formula

T=Fpl/P, (1.2)

where Фpl - planned, useful fund of equipment operation time for a certain period of time, in hours and minutes;

P - production program for the same period of time in natural terms, in pieces, etc.

The flow rate (Tm) is the reciprocal of the tact, that is, Tm=1:T. The flow rate characterizes the intensity of the production process and is measured by the amount of products produced by the production line per unit of time of action.

When transferring parts piece by piece from operation to operation, the period between the transfer of two successive parts is equal to the set cycle. When transferring parts from operation to operation by transfer mini-batches (Pp), for example, when the dimensions of the part are very small or when the tact value is measured in seconds, the rhythm of the production line (P) is calculated:

P=T Pp, (1.3)

where Пп is the value of the transfer mini-batch of parts.

The calculation of the number of production line jobs (Kr) for each operation is made according to the formula:

Kr \u003d Tsht / T (1.4)

Where Tsht is the labor intensity of the production line operation in the same units as the flow cycle.

The conveyor speed of the production line (Sk) must correspond to the cycle of the flow. This correspondence is achieved if a path equal to the distance between two adjacent parts is passed by the conveyor in a time equal to the flow cycle:

Sk=Shk/T (1.5)

Where Shk is the distance between two parts processed one after another on the conveyor (conveyor step).

One of the most important conditions for the continuity of the production process is the maintenance of a certain amount of production reserves at all stages of mass production. Production backlog refers to work in progress in physical terms: blanks, semi-finished products, finished parts, assembly units that are at different stages of the production process (at different levels of readiness) and are designed to ensure the smooth progress of work.

After calculating the main indicators of the production line, a line schedule is drawn up, which is called the standard plan. For single-subject discontinuous production lines, a step-by-step standard plan is developed, for multi-subject continuous production lines - a detailed standard plan.

The widespread use of the in-line method of organizing production in various industries is due both to the need to manufacture products in large quantities and to the high efficiency of the production process.

The prerequisites for high efficiency in-line production are mass and stable production, a high degree of manufacturability and stability of product design, extensive mechanization and automation of all work, typification of technological processes and equipment, improvement of labor organization and workplaces, as well as uninterrupted maintenance of workplaces.

The efficiency of the in-line method of organizing production is manifested in the improvement of a number of important technical and economic indicators.

First, labor productivity is greatly increased. Secondly, the duration of the production cycle is reduced. Thirdly, the size of work in progress is reduced. Fourth, the size of working capital in stocks of inventory is reduced. Fifthly, the cost of manufactured products is reduced, and, consequently, profits and profitability of products and production are growing.

The batch method of organizing production is the construction of a production process in the manufacture of a batch of products. This method of production is economically justified when the enterprise has an extensive range of products, each of which is produced in small quantities.

This method of organizing production is used at serial enterprises and at individual sections of mass production and has the following characteristic features:

Production of products in series and launching parts into production in batches;

Periodic readjustment of equipment, the amount of which depends on the size of the batch of parts and the frequency of their repetition;

Location of equipment by groups of homogeneous machines and units;

Use of general purpose vehicles;

The use of universal and special equipment.

Achieving uniform work is ensured not by synchronization of operations in relation to the beat of the flow or rhythm, but by the development and observance in production of a number of standards that organize the production process; assignment to the workplace of several periodically repeating detail operations; a significant amount of work in progress both between jobs and between production sites.

There are three varieties of the batch method of organizing production:

1) small-scale, which approaches in its features to the individual method;

2) medium batch - this is the classical form of the batch method;

3) large-scale, which, according to the characteristics of its organization, approaches the flow method.

The most important organizational and economic significance for batch methods of organizing production is the size and repeatability of batches of parts launched into production. It is the size of the batch of parts that has a decisive influence on the efficiency of production in the workshop, at the enterprise.

The calculation of a batch of parts put into production is differentiated into three typical methods.

The first method is to find such a number of parts in the lot, in which the total cost per part takes the minimum value.

The second method of calculating a batch of parts is based on the condition of the most complete use of the equipment. The calculations here are based on the maximum allowable ratio between the preparatory-final time (Tpzv) and piece time (Tshtv) of the leading operation. The lead operation is the operation with the longest lead time. The calculation of the batch of parts (P) is carried out according to the formula:

P \u003d Tpzv / Tshtv Kn (1.6)

where Kn is the coefficient of equipment adjustment.

The third method of calculating a batch of parts is based on the condition that the processing time of a given batch of parts at any workplace should not be less than a shift. The calculation of the batch of parts is carried out according to the formula:

P \u003d Fsm / Tshtm Kn (1.7)

where Фсм - replaceable fund of equipment operation time, hours;

Тshtm - the minimum unit operation time spent in the manufacture of a part in a given workshop.

The result of calculating the batch size of parts for any method should be considered as preliminary. It must be specified, taking into account the requirements of an organizational, industrial and economic nature.

The trend of deterioration of the technical and economic performance of the enterprise with the batch method of organizing production compared to the flow method is a consequence of a decrease in the volume of output and an expansion of the range and range of products.

But at the same time, there are significant reserves for increasing the efficiency of the batch method of organizing production. First of all, these are reserves for increasing the uniformity of production, proportionality, parallelism, continuity, specialization of production in the direct flow of freight flows.

The efficiency of the batch method of organizing production is generally inferior to the flow method. But we note one advantage of the batch method of organizing production over the flow method of organization - the relative ease of transition from the production of one to the production of another type of product.

In cases where products are manufactured in units or small batches, an individual (single) method of organizing production is used.

The individual method of organizing production is typical for factories and workshops that manufacture various products in limited quantities, as a rule, without repeating their release in the future or with repetition after a short period of time, when the design of the product changes significantly. These are products of heavy engineering and shipbuilding.

The individual production method is also characteristic of factories and workshops, the production program of which includes the manufacture a large number systematically changing products in limited quantities, for example, pilot production, special tool production.

For a single production method, the following features are characteristic:

Products are put into production in the amount equal to the total number of products in the order;

Instead of a detailed technology, a route technology is being developed, in which only manufacturing shops, types of processing, and tools are determined;

The manufacture of parts and components of the product is not assigned to a specific workplace;

The equipment is located in groups of homogeneous machines;

As a rule, universal equipment is used, which ensures the manufacture of parts of a wide range, as well as unique machines, machines of high power and precision;

As a rule, universal devices are used;

At work, highly skilled general workers are used, who have certain skills to perform a significant number of various operations;

In the conditions of single production, logistics is complicated, since production requires a huge range of materials and high efficiency of supply agencies.

These features of the individual method of organizing production increase production costs due to the complexity of the work, the universalization of equipment and the increase in the production cycle.

In case of unit production, calculations of equipment loading are carried out, the size of the backlog of the duration of the production cycle is determined, and cycle schedules for order fulfillment are developed, providing for the maximum combination of individual works in time.

Ways to improve the unit method of organizing production:

Organization of parallel work, designers, technologists and combination of technical preparation of production with the implementation of the production program, which significantly reduces the duration of the production cycle.

The use of unified and normalized parts and assemblies as a prerequisite for the organization of the in-line method of organizing production, which leads to an increase in equipment utilization and labor productivity.

Typification of technological processes, that is, the choice of the most rational technological processes and their distribution for the manufacture of products of the same type according to the technology, which will reduce the cost of tooling.

To summarize, the methods of organizing production are a set of operations and techniques in the manufacture of products or the provision of services. There are three main methods of organizing production: single, batch and in-line.

Method of organizing production- this is a way of implementing the production process, which is a set of means and methods of its implementation. The method of organizing production is characterized by a number of features, the main of which are the relationship of the sequence of operations of the technological process with the order of placement of equipment and the degree of continuity of the production process. There are three methods of organizing production: non-flow, flow, automated.

The non-flow method of organizing production is characterized by the following features:

1) all workplaces are located in the same type of equipment groups without a specific connection with the sequence of operations;

2) Workplaces are processed various items labor;

3) technological equipment is basically universal, however, for processing parts that are especially complex in design;

4) the parts are moved during the manufacturing process in complex routes, and therefore there are large interruptions in processing due to waiting for them in intermediate warehouses and in the subdivisions of the technical control department (OTC).

The non-flow method is used mainly in single and small-scale production and is typical for mechanical repair and experimental shops, small batch shops, etc. Non-flow production is organizationally complex.

The main production of processing industry enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural raw materials is characterized by the widespread use of in-line methods. The predominant part of agricultural raw materials on processing plants almost all industries are accepted and processed in the flow. Therefore, the organization of the main production at processing enterprises is reduced primarily to the organization of in-line production.

Production flow- This is a special method of organizing production. It is characterized by a number of specific features.

The main ones are the following:

I) division of the general process of production of the product into separate components - operations;

2) the assignment of each operation to a separate workplace, machine and, as a result, the repetition of the same labor processes, that is, their clear specialization;

3) simultaneous, parallel execution at the workplace of operations that make up the process of manufacturing certain products;

4) the location of machines, groups of equipment of the same type and jobs in the order of the sequence of performing individual operations in the course of the production process.

In the presence of all the listed features, we can say that in this case, in one form or another, there is a production flow. The higher forms of in-line production are characterized by a number of additional features: continuity and strictly regulated rhythm of production; immediate transfer of raw materials after processing from one operation to another, synchronization of operations: narrow specialization of jobs and machines; use of specialized technological and transport equipment.

The main structural link of in-line production is production line. It is a series of interconnected workplaces and machines arranged in the order of the sequence of individual operations. The production line combines production operations that make up either a finished stage, or the entire main process for manufacturing finished products. In the chain of machines (workplaces) included in the production line, a leading machine (workplace) must be allocated. It is commonly understood as a machine, the performance of which determines the output of the entire production line.

It is necessary to distinguish between main and auxiliary production lines. In a simple line, one workplace or one machine is provided for each operation, in a complex part of the operations are performed on several workplaces or machines.

The main flow line, unlike the auxiliary ones, includes machines (jobs) that complete the process of converting raw materials into a finished product. Auxiliary lines can refer to both preparatory and final stages of production.

The production line unites several workplaces interconnected by various transport devices.

They are divided into several groups:

Continuous transport equipment (belt and scraper conveyors, horizontal and inclined augers, bucket elevators);

Vehicles of periodic (cyclic) action (forklifts, electric carts);

Driveless (gravity) transport devices;

Slopes, ramps, gravity pipes;

Pneumatic transport.

Conveyors are divided into working and distribution. On the working conveyors, not only the transportation of the object of labor is carried out, but also the performance of technological operations. They can be with continuous and pulsating motion. In the latter case, conveyors are automatically switched off for the duration of technological operations, and then switched on again to move semi-finished products to the next operations.

Distribution conveyors are intended only for the interoperational movement of semi-finished products. They can transfer products to one or a group of workplaces. Group transfer is made in a strict order, to a specific address.

Under the automated method is understood a process in which the operations of the technical process are performed by machines and are carried out without the direct participation of the worker. Only the functions of adjustment, supervision and control remain for the worker. Automation of the production process is achieved by using systems of automatic machines, which are a combination of heterogeneous equipment located in a technological sequence and combined by means of transportation, control and management to perform partial processes for the production of products. There are four main areas of automation.

The first is the introduction of semi-automatic and automatic machine tools, such as CNC machines. The use of CNC machines allows you to increase labor productivity at each workplace by 3-4 times.

The second direction is the creation of complex systems of machines with automation of all parts of the production process. An example is an automatic line (AL), which is a combination into a single production unit of a system of automatic machines with automatic mechanisms and devices for transportation, control, accumulation of backlogs, waste disposal, and control.

The efficiency margins are much wider for automatic rotary lines (ARL), which are a kind of automatic lines equipped with special equipment based on rotary machines and conveying devices. In a rotating cylinder - a rotor, as many nests are made as the technology requires operations for the complete manufacture of a part. Turning around the nest with the part means the completion of one operation and the transition to the next.

The third direction is the use of industrial robots that perform functions similar to the human hand in the production process, replacing human movements. An example is robotic complexes (RC) for performing various tasks.

The fourth direction is the development of computerization and flexibility of production and technology. The need for the development of flexible automation of production is determined by the intensification of international competition, which requires rapid development and updating of products. The flexibility of production is understood as its ability to quickly and at minimal cost on the same equipment to switch to the production of new products. The basis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is a flexible manufacturing module (FPM). GPS, being the highest form of automation, includes various combinations of equipment with CNC, RTK, GPM and various systems for ensuring their functioning.

Method of organizing production- this is a way of implementing the production process, which is a set of means and methods of its implementation. The method of organizing production is characterized by a number of features, the main of which are the relationship of the sequence of operations of the technological process with the order of placement of equipment and the degree of continuity of the production process. There are three methods of organizing production: non-flow, flow, automated.

non-threaded the method of organizing production is characterized by the following features:

  • 1) all workplaces are located in the same type of equipment groups without a specific connection with the sequence of operations;
  • 2) various objects of labor are processed at workplaces;
  • 3) technological equipment is basically universal, however, for processing parts that are especially complex in design;
  • 4) the parts are moved during the manufacturing process in complex routes, and therefore there are large interruptions in processing due to waiting for them in intermediate warehouses and in the subdivisions of the technical control department (OTC).

The non-flow method is used mainly in single and small-scale production and is typical for mechanical repair and experimental shops, small batch shops, etc. Non-flow production is organizationally complex.

The main production of processing industry enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural raw materials is characterized by the widespread use of in-line methods. The predominant part of agricultural raw materials at processing enterprises of almost all industries is received and processed in the stream. Therefore, the organization of the main production at processing enterprises is reduced primarily to the organization of in-line production.

Production flow- This is a special method of organizing production. It is characterized by a number of specific features. The main ones are the following:

I) division of the general process of production of the product into separate components - operations;

  • 2) the assignment of each operation to a separate workplace, machine and, as a result, the repetition of the same labor processes, that is, their clear specialization;
  • 3) simultaneous, parallel execution at the workplace of operations that make up the process of manufacturing certain products;
  • 4) the location of machines, groups of equipment of the same type and jobs in the order of the sequence of performing individual operations in the course of the production process.

In the presence of all the listed features, we can say that in this case, in one form or another, there is a production flow. The higher forms of in-line production are characterized by a number of additional features: continuity and strictly regulated rhythm of production; immediate transfer of raw materials after processing from one operation to another, synchronization of operations: narrow specialization of jobs and machines; use of specialized technological and transport equipment.

The main structural link of in-line production is production line. It is a series of interconnected workplaces and machines arranged in the order of the sequence of individual operations. The production line combines production operations that make up either a finished stage, or the entire main process for manufacturing finished products. In the chain of machines (workplaces) included in the production line, a leading machine (workplace) must be allocated. It is commonly understood as a machine, the performance of which determines the production of the entire treacle line.

It is necessary to distinguish between main and auxiliary production lines. In a simple line, one workplace or one machine is provided for each operation, in a complex part of the operations are performed on several workplaces or machines.

The main flow line, unlike the auxiliary ones, includes machines (jobs) that complete the process of converting raw materials into a finished product. Auxiliary lines can refer to both preparatory and final stages of production.

The production line unites several workplaces interconnected by various transport devices. They are divided into several groups:

  • -continuous transport equipment (belt and scraper conveyors, horizontal and inclined augers, bucket elevators);
  • - vehicles of periodic (cyclic) action (forklifts, electric carts);
  • - driveless (gravitational) transport devices;
  • - slopes, ramps, gravity pipes;
  • - pneumatic transport.

Conveyors are divided into working and distribution. On the working conveyors, not only the transportation of the object of labor is carried out, but also the performance of technological operations. They can be with continuous and pulsating motion. In the latter case, conveyors are automatically switched off for the duration of technological operations, and then switched on again to move semi-finished products to the next operations.

Distribution conveyors are intended only for the interoperational movement of semi-finished products. They can transfer products to one or a group of workplaces. Group transfer is made in a strict order, to a specific address.

Under automated method understand the process in which the operations of the technical process are performed by machines and are carried out without the participation of the worker. Only the functions of adjustment, supervision and control remain for the worker. Automation of the production process is achieved through the use of automatic machine systems, which are a combination of heterogeneous equipment located in a technological sequence and combined by means of transportation, control and management to perform partial processes for the production of products. There are four main areas of automation.

The first is the introduction of semi-automatic and automatic machine tools, such as CNC machines. The use of CNC machines allows you to increase labor productivity at each workplace by 3-4 times.

The second direction is the creation of complex systems of machines with automation of all parts of the production process. An example is an automatic line (AL), which is a combination into a single production unit of a system of automatic machines with automatic mechanisms and devices for transportation, control, accumulation of backlogs, waste disposal, and control. The efficiency margins are much wider for automatic rotary lines (ARL), which are a kind of automatic lines equipped with special equipment based on rotary machines and conveying devices. In a rotating cylinder - a rotor, as many nests are made as the technology requires operations for the complete manufacture of a part. Turning around the nest with the part means the completion of one operation and the transition to the next.

The third direction is the use of industrial robots that perform functions similar to the human hand in the production process, replacing human movements. An example is robotic complexes (RC) for performing various tasks.

The fourth direction is the development of computerization and flexibility of production and technology. The need for the development of flexible automation of production is determined by the intensification of international competition, which requires rapid development and updating of products. The flexibility of production is understood as its ability to quickly and at minimal cost on the same equipment to switch to the production of new products. The basis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is a flexible manufacturing module (FPM). GPS, being the highest form of automation, includes various combinations of equipment with CNC, RTK, GPM and various systems for ensuring their functioning.

Feodosia Polytechnic Institute

National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova

for the organization of production


Feodosia 2009

The concept of methods of organization of production. Factors influencing the choice of method of organizing production

The method of organizing production is a way of implementing the production process, a set and methods of its implementation characterized by a number of features, the main of which is the relationship of the sequence of operations of the technical process with the order of placement of equipment and the degree of continuity of the production process. Depending on the characteristics of the production process and the type of production at the workplaces of the site, the workshop, a certain method of organizing production is used non-flow or flow-line.

The choice of methods for organizing in-line or non-in-line production is influenced by various factors, these include:

Dimensions and weight of the product; the larger the product and the greater its mass, the more difficult it is to organize in-line production;

The number of products to be released for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month, day); with the release of a small number of products, as a rule, it is not advisable to organize in-line production (too high capital costs);

Periodicity of product release, i.e. they may be issued regularly or irregularly; with a regular (rhythmic) release, for example, 20 products per month, it is advisable to organize in-line production, and if the regularity is indefinite or after different periods of time and in different quantities, then non-in-line methods of organizing production have to be used;

Accuracy and surface roughness of parts; with high accuracy and low roughness, non-flow methods should be used.

As part of the production cycle, three main methods of organizing production processes are used: in-line, batch and single.

The flow method involves the division of the production process into small in volume and short in time relatively independent elements - operations and fixing the latter to jobs. Operations differ in two main features: purpose and degree of mechanization.

The production operations themselves, in turn, can be divided into separate elements - labor and technological. The former include: labor movement (single movement of the body, head, arms, legs, fingers of the performer during the operation); labor action (a set of movements performed without interruption); labor reception (a set of all actions on a given object, as a result of which the goal is achieved); set of work practices.

Production operations assigned to individual workplaces are arranged in a strict technological sequence, forming a kind of flow corresponding to the course of the production process. Within its framework, there is a movement of processed products from one workplace to another. At the same time, the execution of operations at the workplaces themselves can be parallel.

organizational form The flow method of production is a production line, which is a set of specialized jobs. Within its framework, there is a continuous selection, loading and movement of the object of labor through successive stages of processing. Often the production line serves as the basis for structures such as a site or workshop.

The batch method of organizing production differs from the in-line method by launching raw materials, semi-finished products into the technological process in certain parts - in batches at appropriate intervals, and not continuously. The size of the batches is not arbitrary, but is determined by the task of minimizing equipment downtime during changeover.

Finally, in the case of the manufacture of unique or small-scale products of a wide range with a long production cycle, the need for frequent equipment changes, a large proportion of manual work, long interoperational breaks and irregular output of finished products, a single method of organizing production is used, which is maximally individualized in relation to each specific instance. If the product is dimensional, heavy or spatially fixed, its processing is carried out by moving the workplaces themselves, for example, when building a ship on a slipway.

An integrated approach should be applied to the organization of all elements of the production process and methods of their interaction, ensuring their real unity. This complexity is the last of the fundamental organizational principles of co-production.

Organization of non-flow production. Forms of specialization of non-flow production

The non-flow method of organizing production is characterized by the following features:

1) objects of labor of different design and manufacturing technology are processed at workplaces, since their output is small;

2) workplaces are placed on the same type of equipment groups without a specific connection with the sequence of operations, for example, groups of turning, milling, drilling operations, etc.;

3) the parts are moved in the manufacturing process in complex routes, in connection with which there are large interruptions in processing. After each operation, the parts, as a rule, go to the workshop intermediate storerooms until a workplace is freed up for the next operation.

The non-linear method is mainly used in single and serial production. Sometimes, within the framework of non-flow, single and batch methods of organizing the production process are singled out.

With a single method, parts and products are manufactured in units or in small batches. This method of organizing the production process is typical for pilot production and for enterprises of single and small-scale production. With the advent of unique units, complex technical systems, the share of such production increases,

The batch method involves launching into production and manufacturing of parts, assemblies, products in periodically repeating batches of a certain size. This method is typical for mass production enterprises.

The number of equipment in non-line production is calculated by groups of the same type of interchangeable machines:

where n is the number of items processed on this equipment; N j - the number of parts of the j-th item, processed for the estimated period of time (usually a year); t j - processing time j-th detail, min; Ф eff - effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment for the billing period; K vn - the coefficient of fulfillment of time standards.

Since a large range of parts is processed at the same workplaces in non-line production, it is very important to determine the number of identical parts processed continuously in each operation, i.e. batch of parts. This is due to the fact that the size of the batch of parts affects the efficiency of production.

In non-flow production, as a rule, universal equipment is used. The development of technological processes for each product is individual. Fixtures, equipment, special tools are usually expensive and are written off when the product is discontinued long before they are physically worn out. All this increases the cost of production and does not contribute to production efficiency.

Non-flow production in organizational terms is quite complex and does not fully comply with the principles of rational organization of the production process.

Non-flow production can be specialized in the following forms: technological, subject and mixed.

The technological form of specialization is characterized by the creation of workshops and sites where equipment (jobs) are specialized on the basis of their technological homogeneity and size. For example, in machining shops there may be sections created by types of metal-cutting machines, which are also divided into groups of large, medium and small machines (turning, milling, drilling, etc.).

In technological areas (group arrangement of equipment), batches of parts can be processed simultaneously on several pieces of equipment (backup machines). In this case, a multi-machine service can be organized, in which the duration of the production cycle for processing a batch of parts is significantly reduced, and the cost of their processing is reduced.

With the subject form of specialization, production workshops and sections specialized in subjects are created. They can be subject-closed (ROM) and subject-group (PGU).

In subject-closed areas (in terms of technology), as a rule, all (from the first to the last) operations necessary for processing parts or assembling an assembly unit should be performed.

Since it is not possible to completely close the process of manufacturing a part in one section (in a workshop), in some cases, for a number of reasons, some cooperation with sections of a given workshop or other workshops is allowed.

The range of parts processed on the ROM is much smaller than in any technological area. The entire range of parts assigned to the workshop, with the subject form of specialization, is divided into several sections, each of which processes only this part (several or one nomenclature unit). In this regard, the organization of the ROM is based on the classification of parts and assembly units according to certain characteristics and the assignment of each classification group of parts to a specific group of jobs.

With the subject-group form of organizing non-flow production, subject, group or detail-group sections are created based on the use of group technology for processing parts. The advantages of CCGT include: 1) lack of time for equipment changeover, which leads to a reduction in the cost of processing parts, an increase in productivity and an increase in the equipment utilization rate; 2) simplification of intrashop operational and production planning and management by reducing the external relations of each site; 3) increasing the degree of self-regulation by the site due to the increase in internal communications in the site. However, in some cases, it is not possible to produce parts at one site (PZU or CCGT) for a number of reasons (too little loading of one or another equipment, the need to carry out individual operations for sanitary and hygienic or technological conditions in separate rooms etc.). In this case, a mixed form of production specialization is used, i.e. processing of parts is carried out in technological and subject-closed areas (subject-group) areas. This form has the same advantages and disadvantages as the two forms discussed above, but additional difficulties arise in the organization of production:

1. The technological route is broken into separate parts, if the selected operations are not initial and not final.

2. The route of movement of parts is significantly lengthened due to their entry into other shops (sections) and the duration of the production cycle increases due to the increase in transportation time.

3. The responsibility of a single person for the terms of manufacturing parts and their quality is reduced.

4. Backlogs appear between sites, which causes the need for storage space and leads to an increase in work in progress.

Features of the organization of subject-closed areas (PZU)

As noted above, in subject-closed areas, complete processing of parts (or almost complete, without separate operations) is carried out, as a result of which a finished product is obtained.

In practice, the following types of subject-closed areas for processing parts are distinguished:

1. areas with the same or homogeneous technological processes or traffic routes (for example, processing of cases of the same type, but of different sizes);

2. sections of various parts similar in configuration and processing operations (for example, flat parts, parts like bodies of revolution, etc.);

3. sections of parts that are similar in size and processing operations (for example, parts are large, small, etc.);

4. sections of parts made of materials and workpieces of a certain type (forgings, alloys, plastics, ceramics, etc.).

To organize the work of such sections, it is necessary to calculate the following calendar and planning standards: the size of the batch of parts of a specific name; periodicity (rhythm) of alternation of a batch of parts of this name; the number of batches for each item name; the number of pieces of equipment for each operation of the production process and its load factor; the duration of the production cycle for processing a batch of parts of each item; backlog and work in progress standards.

The basis for the calculation of calendar and planning standards are laid down: the program for the release (launch) of parts of each item for the planning period; technological process and time standards for processing parts of each item for a specific operation; norms of preparatory and final time for each operation for each item name; allowable loss of working time for readjustment and scheduled repairs of equipment; the number of working days in the planned period, the duration of the work shift and the mode of operation.

Characteristics of mass production and classification of production lines

Flow production is a highly efficient method of organizing the production process. In the conditions of flow, the production process is carried out in maximum accordance with the principles of its rational organization - direct flow, continuity, proportionality, etc.

The following main features are typical for in-line production:

1. a group of workplaces is assigned the processing or assembly of an item of one name or a limited number of items of items that are structurally and technologically related;

2. workplaces are located along the technological process; the technological process of manufacturing a product is divided into operations and one or more related operations are performed at each workplace;

3. items are transferred from operation to operation individually or in small transfer (transport) batches in accordance with the given rhythm of the production line, thereby achieving a high degree of parallelism and continuity;

4. The main and auxiliary operations, due to the narrow specialization of jobs, are characterized by a high level of mechanization and automation. Special interoperational transport is widely used, which performs not only the functions of moving processed items, but also maintaining the rhythm of production.

Elements of the flow organization of production took place already in the manufacturing period of capitalist industry. For the first time in-line production in its most perfect form was organized by H. Ford at the beginning of our century in the manufacture of automobiles. In the industry of pre-revolutionary Russia, mass production did not exist. After the October Revolution, along with the development of industry and technical progress, in-line methods were widely developed. During the years of the Great Patriotic War they played a huge role in the uninterrupted supply of ammunition to the front and military equipment. At present, in-line methods are widely used in many industries: in mechanical engineering, for example, production by in-line methods is more than 40%.

The main link in mass production is the production line, which is a group of jobs, which are assigned to the production of one or a limited number of items of labor and the production process, which is carried out in accordance with the signs of mass production.

Depending on the specific production conditions, apply different kinds flow lines.

1. According to the range of manufactured products, production lines are divided into single and multi-subject.

A production line is called a single-subject line, on which an object of the same standard size is processed or assembled for a long period of time. To switch to the production of an object of a different size, a restructuring of the line is required (rearrangement, replacement of equipment, change in layout, etc.). Single-subject production lines are used for the stable production of products in large quantities, i.e., in mass production.

A multi-item production line is called a production line, which is assigned to the manufacture of several standard sizes of objects similar in design and processing or assembly technology. Such lines are typical for mass production, when the volume of production of items of the same standard size is insufficient to effectively load line jobs.

Multi-subject production lines can be continuous-flow (group) and variable-flow.

Constant-flow (group) is a production line on which a group of technologically related items is processed or assembled without readjusting equipment. To do this, each workplace must be equipped with group devices necessary for processing products assigned to the line.

On a variable production line, various items are processed or assembled in successive alternating batches. After processing or assembling a batch of some items, the equipment is readjusted and the next batch is put into production.

2. According to the degree of continuity of the process, production lines are divided into continuous and discontinuous, or direct-flow.

Continuous is a production line on which the processed or collected items move through all operations of the line continuously, i.e. without interoperational downtime. Such a movement of objects through operations is called parallel.

The continuous movement of objects through operations is effective only with the continuity of the operation of equipment and workers. The condition for the continuity of the production line is equal productivity in all operations of the line. To create such a condition, it is necessary that the duration of each operation on the line be equal to or a multiple of a single cycle of the line.

Continuous production lines are the most advanced form of mass production. They provide strict rhythm in work and the shortest duration of the production cycle.

Discontinuous, or once-through, is a production line whose operations are not synchronized and, therefore, cannot be aligned in performance. Between operations, working stocks (stocks) of processed items are formed, as a result of which the continuity of the process is disrupted. Direct-flow lines are used in the processing of labor-intensive parts on different types of equipment, when the redistribution of work between operations for the purpose of synchronization is impossible.

3. According to the method of maintaining the rhythm, lines with regulated and free rhythm are distinguished.

On a line with a regulated rhythm, the processed or collected items are transferred from operation to operation after a precisely fixed time, i.e., with a given rhythm maintained with the help of special devices. As a rule, the regulation of the rhythm is achieved by a certain speed or frequency of movement of the conveyor, as well as by sound and light signaling, informing the workers about the end of this operation and the need to transfer the item to the next one. Lines with a regulated rhythm are characteristic of continuous flow production.

On lines with a free rhythm, the observance of the latter is assigned to the workers of the line and the master. The transfer of individual items can be carried out with deviations from the estimated rhythm of work, then inter-operational stocks of processed items are formed on the line. Lines with a free rhythm are used in both continuous-flow and once-through production. The given rhythm in the conditions of continuous-line production is usually ensured by the stable productivity of the worker in the first operation. Sound and light signaling can also be used to orient workers (the rhythm becomes semi-free).

4. According to the method of transporting objects between operations, conveyor and non-conveyor production lines are distinguished.

For transportation, as well as maintaining a given rhythm of work on production lines, continuous vehicles with a mechanical drive, called conveyors, are widely used. Conveyors can be of various designs: belt, plate, trolley, overhead, etc. The type of conveyor used depends on many factors, and primarily on the characteristics of the processed or assembled product: its overall dimensions, weight, etc.

On non-conveyor type lines (mainly discontinuous flow lines), a variety of vehicles are used, which are divided into non-driven gravitational action - roller tables, ramps, gutters, slides, etc. and cyclic action - cranes, electric carts, forklifts, etc.

It is not always advisable to move objects around the workplace. When assembling, for example, large and heavy machines, it is easier to organize a so-called stationary production line, on which the assembled product is installed motionless on the assembly stand, and specialized teams of workers move, to which individual operations are assigned. The number of brigades is equal to or a multiple of the number of assembly places on such a line. Stationary production lines are organized in aircraft construction, shipbuilding, and in the production of heavy machine tools.

5. Depending on the place of operations, there are production lines with working conveyors and conveyors with the removal of objects for processing.

The working conveyor, in addition to transporting and maintaining the rhythm, also serves as a place for performing operations directly on its carrier. Assembly lines are a typical example of such conveyors.

Conveyors with object removal are typical for processing parts on various equipment,

6. Depending on the nature of the movement, conveyors are distinguished with continuous and pulsating movement.

On a conveyor with continuous movement, its carrying part moves continuously at a set speed.

On a conveyor with pulsating movement during the processing (assembly) of objects, the carrier part of the conveyor is in a stationary state and is set in motion periodically after a period of time equal to the line cycle. Conveyors with pulsating motion are used in cases where, according to the conditions of the technological process, the object being processed or assembled must be stationary, for example, when assembling precision machines. The pulsating movement is typical for both working conveyors and conveyors with the removal of objects.

Preparation for implementation and calculation of parameters of production lines

The introduction of in-line production is based on the preliminary implementation of a large range of technical and organizational measures that ensure the efficient operation of production lines. The whole complex of activities carried out in the process of flow design should ensure the creation of the following conditions: 1) sufficient output in terms of volume and stability; 2) a high degree of manufacturability and stability (development) of the product design; 3) the use of progressive technology based on extensive mechanization and automation of processes; 4) expedient planning of workplaces and a clear organization of work on them.

Based on the analysis of production volumes, the state of the technological process and the possibilities for its improvement, the mass and overall dimensions of the product, one or another type of production line is selected. So, if the volume of output of products of this name is sufficient to load the equipment of the line, then a single-subject production line is used. If this is not possible, then multi-subject lines are organized under the appropriate conditions (sufficient production of structurally and technologically similar products, typification of technological processes, etc.).

Depending on the possibilities of synchronization of the operations of the technological process, a continuous-flow or discontinuous-flow line is designed and, accordingly, a way to maintain the rhythm is selected.

The mass, overall dimensions of the products and the nature of their processing (assembly) affect the choice of vehicles, the organization of the working conveyor or the conveyor with the removal of the product.

In-line production imposes a number of requirements on the organization of the production process. In the field of technological discipline - the precise implementation of all elements of the operation provided for by the process flow chart. The most important condition for the normal operation of the production line is the uninterrupted maintenance of workplaces with materials or blanks, adjustment and under adjustment of equipment, cutting tools and equipment. In the field of labor discipline, in-line production requires strict adherence to the labor regime. Highly skilled reserve workers should be available to replace those absent for any operation. All these issues should be resolved in the process of preparing mass production for implementation, strictly regulated in technological and organizational documentation (process charts, instructions, tool change schedules, maneuvering schemes, replacement of workers, combination of operations).

When designing a production line, a number of calculations of the production line indicators are made (see the collection of tasks, pp. 14-18; 21-22).

The layout of production lines may be different depending on the number of jobs, the vehicles used, and the area of ​​the site. The simplest layout is a straight-line arrangement of jobs along the technological process. However, this is possible when the number of jobs on the line is small. In other cases, two-row, zigzag, ring and other types of workplaces are used. Adjacent production lines should be located in such a way as to facilitate the transportation of products between them. When organizing in-line processing and assembly of products, the lines that feed the assembly line are usually arranged perpendicularly.

The transition to a flow improves the most important indicators of the enterprise: increased labor productivity and product quality, improved equipment utilization, reduced cycle times and reduced work-in-progress. Ultimately, the cost of production decreases and the profitability of production increases.

Organization of automatic production

The process of development of automation in industrial enterprises has gone through a number of stages. At the first stage, the automation of individual operations or their groups was carried out with the complete or partial release of the worker from the performance of labor-intensive, harmful, monotonous operations. Under these conditions, semi-automatic and automatic weapons were created.

A semi-automatic machine is such a machine, the cycle of which is automatically interrupted at the end of the operation being performed, and the intervention of the worker is necessary to resume it. The automatic machine is a self-regulating working machine that performs all processing elements, except for control and adjustment.

When using automatic and semi-automatic machines to perform individual operations, that is, with partial automation of the production process, as a rule, non-linear methods of organizing production are used, and multi-machine maintenance is organized.

The second stage in the development of automation is characterized by the appearance of an automatic line, i.e., an automatic system of machines located along the technological process and carrying out technological operations for manufacturing products without direct human participation in a certain sequence and with a given rhythm. A person performs the functions of adjustment and control.

Automatic lines are a further development of production lines. They, as well as streaming, can be single- and multi-subject. An important characteristic of automatic machine lines is the method of kinematic connection of equipment, which can be rigid and flexible.

With a rigid kinematic connection, all equipment of the line is connected to the rigid system by a single conveyor that moves the processed objects from operation to operation simultaneously in accordance with a given rhythm. The main disadvantage of a rigid link line is that stopping one of the machines requires stopping the entire line. If a fairly large number of machines with no a high degree reliability of their work, then such a line may be inefficient.

On lines with a flexible kinematic connection between each pair of adjacent machines (or their group) there is an independent transport device and a parts store (bunker). In case of failure of one of the machines, the rest work at the expense of the existing backlog and inter-operational drives. The line is less idle, but it is more complex in terms of design, more expensive and, in addition, increases work in progress.

The third stage of automation is the organization of complex-automated sections, workshops and factories as a whole using electronic computer science.

The possibilities of automating production processes largely depend on the type of production. The most easy to automate is mass production, characterized by a narrow specialization of jobs, a clear and stable flow of workpieces, materials, parts from one workplace to another, and also between workshops. Mass production is characterized by the production of products with a well-established, unchanged design (although it is possible to produce several modifications of the main product that are close in design), high stability of technological processes at all workplaces. Here, the development of automation follows the path of creating complex automatic lines that can be adjusted to different sizes of parts.

In mass production, the automation of production processes is associated with a large renewal of the production program (for example, in mechanical engineering, an average of 20% per year). At the same time, in order to improve the technological and operational properties of products, the design of products is changed during the production process; several series of different products can be in production at the same time. This requires the flexible use of production equipment, the creation of subject-closed sections and group production lines, assembled from quickly reconfigured single- and multi-position machines.

Great difficulties are encountered in the automation of small-scale and single-piece production. Their overcoming was facilitated by the creation of numerical control systems (CNC) for the working cycles of machine tools. In CNC machines, the work program of the machines is given by numbers obtained directly from the drawings of the workpieces.

In the USSR, serial production of CNC machine tools began in the late 70s, by the end of 1985 the number of pieces of equipment with program control in the industry amounted to more than 125 thousand. Currently, all the most common types of machine tools (lathes, turrets, milling, drilling, boring, etc.) are equipped with CNC systems. The practice of using CNC machine tools at domestic and foreign enterprises has revealed their huge technological, organizational and economic advantages: the productivity of such machine tools is approximately 3-5 times higher compared to conventional ones; the complexity of the changeover is 60-70% lower, since the changeover of machines consists in replacing the program recorded on the appropriate media, and in some cases - in replacing the tool; the need for production space is significantly reduced; less tooling costs are required; time for control is saved, quality of production increases. The wide range of work performed by these machines makes them indispensable in single and small-scale production. They are also used in serial and mass production, there is experience in incorporating CNC machines into production lines.

Automation of auxiliary operations performed in the process of machining parts on metalworking machines contributed to the emergence of multi-tool CNC machines, the so-called machining centers. They are equivalent in productivity to 3-4 CNC machines and 8-12 conventional machines. The expansion of the scope of CNC machines, the increase in reliability and productivity are carried out on the basis of combining CNC machines and computers into a single integrated system. The introduction of group control systems for CNC machines, in turn, leads to changes in the organization of production. There is a need for mutual coordination of the work of machines. Hence - the task of simultaneous automation of production processes and operational planning and management. At present, in our country and abroad, we are developing unified systems for computer-aided design, manufacturing parts on CNC machines and scheduling their production.

In solving complex automation problems, a special place belongs to the introduction of automatic manipulators with program control of industrial robots into production.

Industrial robots of modern designs are universal automated machines programmed to execute from several dozen to several hundred sequential commands. Their versatility, the possibility of quick readjustment when changing conditions or production facilities, high reliability, long service life allow for flexible automation of serial and small-scale production, free a person from performing monotonous, tedious operations, as well as processes occurring in a harmful environment.

The modern period of development of industrial production is characterized, as already noted, by a high degree of renewal of the object of production, which in all cases, without exception, turns out to be more dynamic than the conditions of production. Due to the fact that the production apparatus of industrial enterprises is updated more slowly than the products they are called upon to produce, one of the most acute problems arises. modern production- the problem of its adaptation to the rapidly changing requirements of the products to be released.

A production system that meets the requirements of the current stage of scientific and technological revolution, taking into account modern trends and prospects for a developed industrial production, should be; highly efficient - to be distinguished by high productivity at minimal production costs; highly adaptive, which implies a high level of equipment and technology flexibility, which ensures a minimum loss of labor and material costs when changing (updating) production facilities; stable - to be characterized by a constant composition and structure of technical means, technological process and organization of production for a certain period of time.

A modern production system must combine the flexibility of lower (single, small-scale) and high productivity, higher (large-scale, mass) types of production. At the same time, the flexibility of production is understood as its ability, without any significant changes in equipment, technology and organization of production, to ensure the development of new products in the shortest possible time and with minimal labor and material resources regardless of changes in the design and technological characteristics of products.

Flexible automated production is an organizational and technical production system operating on the basis of integrated automation, which has the ability (within the range of technical capabilities) to replace manufactured products with new ones at minimal cost and in a short time by restructuring the technological process (within the limits of the available machine park and service complex). ) due to the replacement of control programs.

The main levels of HAP development are the flexible production module or cell (GPM) and the flexible production complex (GPC).

GPM is a unit of automatic equipment (with CNC) capable of automatically readjusting and autonomously functioning, equipped with automated devices (robots) for loading workpieces, removing a machined part (assembly), waste (for example, chips), supplying and replacing tools, measurements and control in the process processing, as well as devices for diagnosing malfunctions and failures in operation.

GPC - two or more interconnected flexible production modules, united by automated control systems, a transport and storage system and a tooling system, the synchronization of which is carried out (as well as the management of the entire production cycle) by a single computer or a computer network that provides a quick transition to the processing of any other part (node) Within the technical capabilities of the equipment.

Flexible automated production - two or more interconnected flexible production complexes with automated engineering and technical preparation of production, providing a quick restructuring of production technology and the release of new products,

The GAP consists of three main components: an automated production control system (APCS), automated production preparation sites and flexible automated production complexes. The HAP integrates an automated control system for design and technology CAD, as well as an automated process control system (APCS). This structure of HAP is common for all types of industries (machining, foundry, welding) and is the same for both the main and auxiliary industries.

Depending on the structural level of the production unit, the HAP can be a section, workshop, plant. Therefore, an automated control system is understood as an automated control system for a production unit that is automated, while providing for links with an automated control system of a higher hierarchical level.

Flexible automated production involves the automation of almost all technological, auxiliary, transport operations. For example, in the HAP, machining can be automated: loading blanks on machines and removing parts from them; processing parts according to a given program; change of cutting tools; control of parts during and after processing; chip cleaning; transportation of parts from machine to machine in any given sequence; change of processing programs; management of the operation of the entire complex of equipment that is part of the GAP, according to the principle of flexible technology.

The flexibility of automated production, i.e., their ability to rebuild, is ensured by:

Communication of all units of automatic technological equipment into a single production complex using automated transport and storage systems and acquisition sites;

Widespread use of microprocessors; unified modular composition of all HAP components; forced synchronization of the operation of all production components from a computer:

Programmability of technology and management, etc.

All created HAPs still perform only a part of the listed functions. In particular, they do not have flexibly configurable automated production preparation sites. Nevertheless, it is already clear today that the difficulties hindering the creation of the GAP in full can be overcome. The implementation of the GAP, as shown by domestic and foreign experience, allows: to ensure a rapid restructuring of production for the production of new products and thereby better meet the needs of consumers; increase the shift ratio to 2.5-2.8, and the equipment utilization rate - to 0.85-0.9 and bring the indicators of small- and medium-scale production closer to the characteristics of mass production; improve working conditions, reduce the number of people employed in the second and third shifts, significantly reduce the amount of manual work; increase productivity and reduce production costs.

Automation radically changes the nature of the organization of the production process and labor. If in mass production labor is of a monotonous nature, since the worker performs a small operation of a differentiated technological process for a long time, then in automated production highly qualified adjusters and dispatchers control the operation of machines and regulate their actions. This requires great knowledge and skills from the workers, mastering them contributes to blurring the differences between physical and mental labor.

Main tasks, stages and stages of design preparation

The main task of the design preparation of production is the creation of a set of drawing documentation for the manufacture and testing of mock-ups, prototypes (pilot batch), installation series and documentation for the steady serial or mass production of new products using the results of applied research and development work and in accordance with the requirements of the technical tasks.

The terms of reference is the source document on the basis of which all work on the design of a new product is carried out. It is developed for the design of a new product either by the manufacturer of the product and is agreed with the customer (the main consumer) or the customer. Approved by the lead ministry (whose profile the product under development belongs to)

In the terms of reference, the purpose of the future product is determined, its technical and operational parameters and characteristics are carefully substantiated: performance, dimensions, speed, reliability, durability and other indicators due to the nature of the work of the future product. It also contains information on the nature of production, conditions of transportation, storage and repair, recommendations on the implementation of the necessary stages of development of design documentation and its composition; feasibility study and other requirements.

The development of the terms of reference is based on the performed research and development work, the results of the study of patent information of marketing research, the analysis of existing similar models and their operating conditions.

A technical proposal is developed if the technical task for the developer of a new product is issued by the customer. The second contains a thorough analysis of the first and a feasibility study of possible technical solutions when designing a product, a comparative assessment, taking into account the operational features of a designed and existing product of this type, as well as an analysis of patent materials.

The procedure for agreeing and approving the technical proposal is the same as for the technical specifications. After agreement and approval, the technical proposal is the basis for the development of a preliminary design. The latter is developed if it is provided for in the terms of reference or technical proposal, the scope and scope of work are also determined there.

The draft design consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.

The first part contains fundamental design solutions that give an idea about the product and the principle of its operation, as well as data that determine the purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions. Thus, it gives a constructive design of the future product design, including general drawings, functional blocks, input and output electrical data of all nodes (blocks) that make up the overall block diagram. At this stage, documentation for the manufacture of mock-ups is developed, they are manufactured and tested, after which the design documentation is corrected.

The second part of the preliminary design contains the calculation of the main design parameters, a description of the operational features and an approximate work schedule for the technical preparation of production.

The tasks of the preliminary design also include the development of various guidelines for ensuring manufacturability, reliability, standardization and unification at subsequent stages, as well as the compilation of a list of specifications for materials and components for prototypes for their subsequent transfer to the logistics service. The model of the product makes it possible to achieve a successful arrangement of individual parts, to find more correct aesthetic and ergonomic solutions, and thereby speed up the development of design documentation at subsequent stages of the SONT system.

The draft design goes through the same stages of approval and approval as the terms of reference.

The technical project is developed on the basis of the approved preliminary design and provides for the implementation of the graphic and calculation parts, as well as the refinement of the technical and economic indicators of the product being created. It consists of a set of design documents containing the final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the design of the product being developed and the initial data for the development of working documentation.

The graphic part of the technical project contains drawings of a general view of the designed product, assemblies in the assembly and main parts. Drawings must be coordinated with technologists.

The explanatory note contains a description and calculation of the parameters of the main assembly units and basic parts of the product, a description of the principles of its operation, a rationale for the choice of materials and types of protective coatings, a description of all schemes and final technical and economic calculations. At this stage, when developing product options, a prototype is manufactured and tested.

The technical project goes through the same stages of approval and approval as the terms of reference.

The working draft is a further development and specification of the technical project. This stage of the checkpoint is divided into three levels: a) development of working documentation for an experimental batch (prototype); b) development of working documentation for the installation series; c) development of working documentation for an established serial or mass production.

The first level of detailed design is carried out in three, and sometimes five stages.

At the first stage, design documentation is developed for the production of an experimental batch. At the same time, the possibility of obtaining some parts, assemblies, blocks (components) from suppliers is determined. All documentation is transferred to the experimental workshop for the manufacture of an experimental batch (prototype) on it.

At the second stage, manufacturing and factory testing of an experimental batch is carried out. As a rule, factory mechanical, electrical, climatic and other tests are carried out.

The third stage is to adjust the technical documentation based on the results of factory testing of prototypes.

If the product passes state tests (fourth stage), then during these tests, the parameters and indicators of the product in real operating conditions are specified, all shortcomings are identified, which are subsequently eliminated.

The fifth stage consists in updating the documentation based on the results of state tests and agreeing with the technologists on issues related to roughness classes, accuracy, tolerances and fits.

The second level of detailed design is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, an installation series of products is manufactured in the main workshops of the plant, which then undergoes long-term tests in real operating conditions, where they specify the durability and durability of individual parts and components of the product, and outline ways to improve them. The launch of the installation series is preceded, as a rule, by the technological preparation of production.

At the second stage, the design documentation is adjusted based on the results of manufacturing, testing and equipping technological processes for manufacturing products with special equipment. At the same time, technological documentation is being corrected.

The third level of detailed design is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the manufacture and testing of the head or control series of products is carried out, on the basis of which the final development and alignment of technological processes and technological equipment, adjustments of technological documentation, drawings of die fixtures, etc., as well as material consumption standards and working hours.

At the second stage, the design documentation is finally corrected.

This, at first glance, cumbersome, procedure for the implementation of design preparation for production in mass "" or large-scale production gives a great economic effect. Due to the careful development of the design of the product and its individual parts, maximum manufacturability in production, reliability and maintainability in operation are ensured.

The range of work performed at the stages may differ from that discussed above, depending on the type of production, the complexity of the product, the degree of unification, the level of cooperation, and a number of other factors.

Standardization and unification in the design preparation of production

The most important feature of the modern organization of design preparation for production is the widespread use of standardization, which avoids unreasonable diversity in the quality, types and designs of products, in the shapes and sizes of parts and blanks, in profiles and grades of materials, in technological processes and organizational methods. Standardization is one of effective means accelerating scientific and technological progress, increasing the efficiency of production and increasing the productivity of designers, reducing the SONT cycle.

Design unification is a set of measures that ensure the elimination of the unreasonable variety of products of the same purpose and the diversity of their components and parts, bringing them to a possible uniformity in the methods of their manufacture, assembly and testing. Unification is the basis of aggregation, i.e., the creation of products by assembling them from a limited number of unified elements, and structural continuity. Unification complements standardization, it is a kind of design standardization.

The state standardization system, having established the main provisions in this area, provides for the following categories of standards: state standards (GOST), industry standards (OST) and enterprise standards (STP).

GOST is one of the main categories of standards established by the state standardization system.

OSTs are established for products that are not related to the objects of state standardization, for example, for technological equipment, tools, industry-specific technological processes, as well as for norms, rules, requirements, terms and designations, the regulation of which is necessary to ensure the relationship in production and technical activities industry enterprises and organizations. OSTs are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations in this industry.

Enterprise standards are set for the products of one or more enterprises (factories).

The main task of factory standardization is to create the maximum number of similar, geometrically similar or similar elements in products not only for one, but also for various purposes.

Factory standardization greatly simplifies, reduces the cost and speeds up technological preparation and is an important prerequisite for the standardization of technological equipment.

The standard is a stable model, it consolidates the achievements in the field of technical progress and new technology that have been developed, tested and can be applied in industry, transport, and agriculture. It is strictly required. When designing new machines, first of all, products and norms from state standards should be applied.

The main types of state standards in mechanical engineering are:

Specification standards (define product quality, contain consumer characteristics, acceptance rules, quality control methods, requirements for labeling, packaging, transportation, storage);

Standards of parameters or sizes (contain parametric series of structures, i.e., series of basic indicators built in a certain mathematical pattern);

Standards for types and basic parameters (contain not only parametric series, but also additional characteristics, such as structural diagrams, layouts, etc.);

Structural and dimensional standards (set design solutions and basic dimensions for unification);

Grade standards (set the nomenclature and designation of grades of materials, their chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties);

Range standards (set dimensions, geometric shape, accuracy requirements, etc.);

Standards technical requirements(cover the operational characteristics of the structure - safety requirements, ease of use, technical aesthetics; standards of reliability, durability, resistance to external influences);

Standards for the rules of operation and repair;

Standards of typical technological processes;

Organizational type standards (introduction of best practices and work methods).

During the design process, the designer must widely use all standards related to the designed object. Especially effective is the use of standard parts, components and assemblies, manufactured in a centralized manner at specialized factories. The main methods of constructive standardization include: the introduction of constructive standards (normals); creation of parametric series (scales) of machines; aggregation; ensuring constructive continuity.

The introduction of design standards at factories is carried out in two directions: 1) development and implementation of standards; 2) normalization control (standard control of drawings and other design documents).

The development of standards is based on the systematization and generalization of advanced design experience, reflected in state, industry and factory standards; in free tables of applicability of individual grades of metals, bearings, fasteners, structural elements (gear models, tolerances and fits, threads, etc.); in the results of laboratory and operational tests of units, parts; in normalization control data.

The introduction of normative control is of great educational and organizational importance. Norm control encourages designers to respect standards and unification. Another task of normative control is to check the correctness of the execution of design documents in accordance with the requirements of ESKD.

Creating parametric series (gamms) is one of the most effective methods product design. A parametric range is a set of machines, instruments or other equipment manufactured at a given plant or in a given industry for the same operational purpose, similar in kinematics or workflow, but different in size, power or operational parameters.

Aggregation is a form of unification, consisting in the fact that rows of unified units and assemblies are created that are used to create a variety of products. Aggregation allows you to create collapsible equipment, consisting of interchangeable normalized elements, if necessary, it can be disassembled, and the units included in it are used in new combinations to create other equipment. At the same time, the number of types and sizes of the main elements of the equipment design is reduced tenfold.

Ensuring constructive continuity is another (after aggregation) method of constructive standardization and unification, which means the use in the design of a new product, components and parts of previously mastered products that have proven themselves in work and the use of which will not affect the quality of new designs.

Scientific, technical, organizational and methodological management of standardization work at enterprises is carried out by the design and technology bureau of standardization. Its main tasks are as follows: a) organizing the development and implementation of standards and other standardization documents for manufactured products; b) ensuring the compliance of indicators and norms established in standards and other standardization documents with the requirements of scientific and technological progress and current legislation, c) implementation of normative control of technical documentation developed by the enterprise.

Computer-aided design system in design preparation of production

Computer-aided design (CAD) systems are currently in many cases the only possible methods for designing new types of products (for example, integrated circuits).

Design automation is understood as an automated design synthesis of a device with the release of the necessary design documentation (CD).

Unlike manual design, the results of which are largely determined by the engineering training of designers, their production experience, professional intuition, etc., computer-aided design makes it possible to eliminate subjectivity in decision-making, significantly increase the accuracy of calculations, and select options for implementation based on rigorous mathematical analysis, significantly improve the quality of design documentation, increase the productivity of designers, reduce labor intensity, significantly reduce the time for design and technological preparation of production in the SONT cycle, use CNC process equipment more efficiently.

An important result of the introduction of CAD are sociological factors: an increase in the prestige and culture of work when replacing non-automated methods with automated ones; advanced training of performers; reduction in the number of employees involved in routine operations.

The greatest efficiency from the introduction of CAD can be obtained by automating the entire design process - from setting the task, choosing the preferred options for constructing a product to technological preparation for its production and release.

Prior to the introduction of CAD in an enterprise, it is necessary first of all to decide in relation to which tasks (or works) of design it is most effective to use it, formulate requirements for it, define the structure in a general way, highlight the stages of system development and compile a list of the studies necessary for this, as well as establish , in what volume and form it will issue the technical documentation of the project and its compliance with the current regulatory and technical documents (GOST, OST, STP, RTM, etc.). In addition, work should be done to formalize the tasks of selecting and optimizing design and engineering solutions, to form libraries of typical technical and design solutions, information bases, application software packages and computer-aided design technology.

CAD is an organizational and technical system consisting of a set of design automation tools interconnected with designers and departments design organization. The designer (constructor, technologist) is a part of any CAD and is its user, since an automated system cannot function without a person. The object of automation in CAD is the actions of designers developing products or technological processes. CAD cannot be created outside the specific production in which it will be used.

The complex of automation tools includes mathematical, linguistic, software, information, methodological, organizational, hardware and technical support.

Mathematical software consists of mathematical methods, models and algorithms necessary for the implementation of computer-aided design.

Linguistic support - a set of special language design tools designed for human communication with the technical and software components of CAD. The practice of using computers in design has led to the creation, along with universal algorithmic programming languages ​​(ALGOL, FORTRAN, etc.), of problem-oriented algorithmic languages ​​specialized for design problems. For example, to automate the drawing of images, the graphic languages ​​GP-ES, GRAPHOR, REDGRAF, FAP-KF, etc. are used.

The software is a direct derivative of the software and is a complex of all programs and operational documentation for them.

Information support is information about prototypes of designed products or processes, components and materials, about the cutting tool used, about design rules and standards, as well as any other reference Information used by designers to develop design solutions. The main part of the information support is contained in data banks, consisting of databases and database management systems.

Organizational support establishes the interaction of design and maintenance departments, the responsibility of specialists for determining the type of work, the priorities for using CAD tools and other organizational regulations. The corresponding set of documents consists of the necessary instructions, orders and staffing tables.

Technical support - a complex of all technical means used in computer-aided design and to maintain automation tools in working condition.

Some types of software are combined into groups corresponding to the simplest representation of the CAD composition, which is often followed in practice when not all CAD software is developed, for example, software and information software, which is embodied in the form of programs and accompanying documentation. This type of software, as a rule, accounts for the main labor intensity of development. In the total complexity of the development of complex CAD systems, its share reaches 75% or more. Organizational and methodological support includes the whole range of supporting measures, as well as documentation regulating and organizing the process of automated design in relation to the conditions of a particular design organization.

The conditions for the possibility and expediency of creating CAD are: a) the unity of the principles for constructing design objects; b) a high level of typification and standardization of the elements from which the design objects are composed; c) a high level of unification of design processes; d) a large amount of design work with individual requirements for design objects.

The evolution of design automation tools and methods is closely related to the development of computer technology and software. In the early stages of creating a CAD computer, it solved only individual engineering problems of high labor intensity. Then, with its help, the tasks of technical preparation of production began to be carried out in batch mode, including: development of planned indicators; rationing of resource consumption; drawing up schedules for the launch of new products, maps of the applicability of parts, assembly units, technological maps; calculation of processing modes of details.

However, this did not significantly reduce the time for launching new products into production, since it did not cover design work, which took a lot of time in the cycle of technical preparation for production.

With the advent of computer graphics tools - graphic displays, plotters, graphic printers (plotters), encoders and others - it became possible to automate the most labor-intensive processes of designing products and technologies. Such CAD necessarily includes advanced software, including universal and specialized application software packages, which, as a rule, ensure the operation of the system in an interactive (dialogue) mode.

In general, the design process includes three stages: drawing up a draft, technical and working designs.

Labor costs for the development of an object are distributed by stages approximately in the following ratio: 10, 25 and 65%.

The most creative stage is the preliminary design, which requires the use of interactive graphics tools. With their help, the designer can build a three-dimensional image of the part and simulate the trajectory of the tool for its processing (without drawings).

Technical design involves the execution of a specific idea on a given scale, as well as the implementation necessary calculations. This uses a significant amount of information about standard parts, commercial products, etc.

At the detailed design stage, working drawings and technical documentation are created. Detailing, definition and sizing, drawing up specifications are fully formalized and can be performed on a computer using computer graphics.

Feasibility study at the design stage of new equipment

Each newly created type of technology or measure to improve mastered technology should be better than previously mastered: it should give a greater economy of living and materialized labor, be better in quality and satisfy the needs for new or improved types of products to a greater extent. The quality indicators of newly created equipment should be at the level of the highest world achievements in this industry.

A new or improved technique must be better and more efficient than the one for which it is created and will be produced, from the production, operational, or both points of view.

In the first case, requirements are imposed on a new (improved) design as an object of production at the manufacturing plant. The main thing here is the cost-effectiveness of production and the minimum time for its preparation and development. The cost-effectiveness of manufacturing each new design depends on its manufacturability, on how progressive and productive the applied technological processes will be. A design is manufacturable if it is economical to manufacture.

If there are several options for the design of equipment that fully meet the operational requirements, preference is given to more technologically advanced.

To select the best design option, there are a number of manufacturability indicators:

Labor intensity of manufacturing - absolute (per one product) and relative (per unit of installed power, productivity, other indicator);

Material consumption or mass of the structure - absolute or relative;

The complexity of preparing the product for operation;

Degree of constructive standardization and unification;

Investments in the production of new products;

Cost and selling price of new products;

Profit and profitability of production.

The complexity of manufacturing products is determined in the process of its design and is a very important indicator. A more technologically advanced design is one that, ceteris paribus, is less laborious. Reducing the labor intensity of a product at the stage of its production is one of the most important tasks that is set for developers. Great opportunities for reducing labor intensity lie in the correct choice of modern progressive methods for obtaining blanks, the rational choice of qualities and roughness classes. The machining of parts by cutting (machining) is gradually being replaced by precise methods of shaping parts - stamping, pressing, injection molding, etc.

Material consumption characterizes the total consumption of material for the manufacture of a given product design or specific material consumption per operational parameter. In many cases, the designer has the opportunity, when designing a part, to choose from two or even many materials that provide the same operational properties of the part, but differ in cost, labor intensity of processing, and sometimes help reduce the weight of the product.

Increasing the key performance indicator of the product, as a rule, leads to a decrease in material consumption and labor intensity per unit of the main parameter. At the same time, the decrease in the specific material consumption per unit of power or another parameter occurs much faster than the decrease in the total material consumption per unit of product.

The complexity of preparing the product for operation is determined in the design process and depends on the complexity of the adjustment and adjustment processes carried out in order to obtain the necessary technical and economic parameters. Opportunities to reduce labor intensity are incorporated here in the quality of the instrumentation used and special test benches.

The degree of constructive standardization and unification is an indicator that characterizes the design of a product in terms of the implementation of standardized and unified parts in it, which leads to an increase in the output of similar parts, assembly units, products in general, as well as to the use of more advanced technology, and this as a consequence allows not only to significantly reduce the complexity of manufacturing, but also to somewhat reduce the consumption of materials.

Capital investment in the production of a new design characterizes the total cost of purchasing additional and manufacturing non-standard equipment and redevelopment in production shops, creating inventories. The lower the company's investment needs, the more technologically advanced the new product design.

The cost price, profit and profitability of a new product design are generalizing indicators of its manufacturability.

From a production point of view, a new design will be considered technological and, therefore, effective if the additional profit (ΔP) received as a result of the development, production and sale of new products will ensure a profitability not lower than the average existing profitability at the manufacturer. This condition must be satisfied by the inequality:

where ΔК - additional capital investments associated with the development of a new product design; P - the total annual profit of the manufacturer before the release of a new product design; About f - the cost of production assets of the manufacturer.

Additional profit (DP) is determined by the formula

ΔP = - ,

where N 1 and N 2 - the average annual output of a previously mastered and new product design; C 1 and C 2 - respectively, the prices for the previously mastered and new design; C 1 and C 2 - respectively, the cost of the previously mastered and new designs; З t - average annual costs associated with technical preparation and development in production of the design of a new product.

From the operational point of view of the consumer, the new design should have the following indicators: 1) more reliable (durable, trouble-free, maintainable and stored) in operation; 2) easy to maintain and repair, aesthetic and safe to use; 3) ergonomic (in terms of psychology, physiology and occupational health of service workers); 4) more productive per unit of time; 5) more economical in the consumption of electricity and capital investment of the operators of new products; 6) ensure the minimum cost per unit of work performed by the product.

If the operational properties of new equipment increase in comparison with the previously mastered (replaced), then its economic efficiency is determined by comparing the capital investments of the consumer with the reduction in the cost of work performed by the new equipment. The best option is the one with the least amount of reduced costs:

U i + E n K i → min,

where U i - annual operating costs of the enterprise-consumer of products according to the i-th option; K i - capital investments of the enterprise - the consumer of products according to the i-th option; E N - normative coefficient of economic efficiency.

After calculating the sum of the reduced costs by technology options, it is possible to determine the annual economic effect of using new or improved technology.