Long-term plan for August 1 junior group. Calendar-thematic plan for the month of August in the younger group


first junior group

for September 2015



1 junior group

for 2015-2016 academic year

Day of the week

junior group


  1. Cognitive development:
  • speech development, reading fiction
  • drawing


  1. Cognitive development:
  • FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • modeling
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical


  1. Social and communicative development:
  • familiarization with the outside world, socialization, work, safety
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education

1 Week

Morning gymnastics complex No. 1 (for a week)

"Friendly family"

1. I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; clap in front of the face 3 times under the words of the teacher:

Dad, mom, brother and I are together - a friendly family!

Take your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. We bend over together, we do Physical Education!

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 3 times.

3. Dad is big, And I am small. I may be small, but I am remote.

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Perform 2-5 jumps; short walking (5-6 sec). Repeat 2 times.

5. We inhale air with our nose, we exhale air with our mouth. We are not afraid of a cold, we do not need to see doctors!

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Gymnastics of awakening after a daytime sleep (for a week)

"We woke up"

1. "Funny hands" - and. P.: Lying on your back. Raise your arms to the sides and lower down. (4 times)

2. "Sharp legs" - and. p: the same. Alternately raise one or the other leg. (4 times)

3. "Bugs" - and. p: the same. Rolls to the right, then to the left side. (2-4 times)

4. "Kitties" - and. p.: Standing on all fours. Move back and forth, lean down, bending your elbows, returning to I.P. (4 times)

5. Walking in place is normal, leaving the bedroom on socks.

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Tuesday " 01 » September


Happy morning meeting. Today is the holiday "Knowledge Day" Children are greeted by a toy cow.

Target: To evoke positive emotions in children.

Morning gymnastics.

Individual work c (knowledge of primary colors)

The game "Sun or rain?"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Short description:

The teacher says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.

Guidelines . The teacher plays the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Educational area:

cognitive development

  1. FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech development

Subject: familiarity with the details of the building material (cube, brick, plate)

Didactic game “Show a brick, a cube. What will you build from?

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the main forms of details, with the help of a teacher to build various buildings.

Working programm page no. 68

Educational area:

Physical development:

  1. Physical culture №1

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech

Program content: building a flock, exercise walking after the instructor, imitating the movements of the characters in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";

The main types of movements: rolling on the stomach, walking between objects, jumping on the entire foot, rolling the ball (kolobok) with one hand, the exercise "Crawl to the cube"

Mobile game: "Catch-up"

Work program page No. 8


Weather monitoring

Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.

Progress of observation

Invite the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds did (covered the sun), note what kind of sky (gloomy), what weather (gloomy).

Winds are blowing, violent winds, Clouds are moving, dark clouds.

Draw the attention of children to the tops of the trees (swaying), the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. Trees have colorful foliage. If the leaves on the trees turned yellow, If the birds flew to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if it rains, this time is called autumn.

Mobile game "Sparrows and car".

Purpose: to teach children to run fast on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Individual work with

Movement development.

Remote material

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.


Labor activity

Pouring sand for play.

Objectives: to teach to keep cleanliness and order on the site, to encourage

provide assistance to adults; to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if it is watered, it becomes wet and you can sculpt pies for dolls from it.

Mobile game. "Leaf fall"

Target: showcase the colors of autumn

Target: open the concept of "Leaf fall".

Sand games.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


An evening of soft toys. Games with soft toys. Role-playing game "Tea Party for Toys"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about tea utensils, activate their speech, cultivate a culture of behavior during tea drinking, teach them to take care of toys.

Interview with parents:"Day in Kindergarten"

WEDNESDAY « 02 » September


Conversation with children "What interesting things I did in the evening"

Target: Involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

Morning gymnastics.

A game low mobility"Find a rattle"

Inventory: one rattle (rattle on the handle, height 10-15 cm).

The rattle is hidden by the teacher in the group before the game. Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Holding hands, the children and the teacher walk in a circle. The teacher says the text:

We will go for a walk with you

We will find the rattle.

One two three four five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find a rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle!

Children disperse in a group, looking for a rattle. When one of the children finds a toy, he must bring it to the teacher. The game is repeated.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development

  1. modeling

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development

Subject: Introduction to plasticine

Target: showing the educator modeling techniques, examining the finished work of older preschoolers.

Work program page No. 85

  1. musical

Integration of educational areas: speech, physical development

Target: to form the ability and skills of listening;

Generate interest in musical instruments;

Arouse the desire to perform melodies on musical instruments.

1. Listening to L. Beethoven "Fun - Sad"

2. Consideration of children's musical instruments.

3. Independent games with sounding toys.

Work program page No. 85


Examining the flowerbed

Goals: continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to their color; develop a love for nature.

Progress of observation

On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where marigolds and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants, talk about them.

Marigolds are short and tall, in different golden-orange hues. The flowers are small and large, the leaves are dissected, variegated, with a pungent odor. Grow quickly, bloom until frost. marigolds - a low graceful plant with small yellow flowers. It blooms for a very long time, until late autumn. Grows well in sunny areas.

Labor activity

Digging up marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants.

Mobile game "Bird in the nest».

Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; to teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other.

Remote material

Scoops, small toys, sports hoops, molds, shovels, flower boxes.

Individual work with learning to jump on two legs, moving towards the goal.


Sky observation.

Purpose: To show the features of the autumn sky.

Observation: The sky is blue in early autumn. Clouds covered the sun in the sky. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a cat".

Objectives: to learn to jump off gently, bending the legs at the knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the driver; run away quickly, find your place;

be careful when taking a seat, do not push a friend.

Sand games. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


Examination of reproductions on the autumn theme based on the results of the observation "The Sun and Clouds"

Purpose: To cultivate the desire to see the beauty of nature in the drawings. To form the ability to express their emotions and impressions.

Materials: reproductions about nature.

Mobile game "Matryoshkas and carousels"

Purpose: To exercise the ability to play the game by performing actions in accordance with the text accompaniment.

Inventory: ribbons of different colors on rings (d = 4-5 cm) - in accordance with the number of children (ribbon length 20-25 cm, width - 3-4 cm); matryoshka toy.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to line up in a circle, shows them a nesting doll and says: “Look, children, a nesting doll has come to visit us. How beautiful and elegant she is! Matryoshka went to the fair, rode the carousels there. Fun on the carousels! She brought it to our kindergarten so that you could also ride on the carousels. Take a ribbon each and listen carefully.”

Quietly, barely

The carousels are spinning

They go in a circle one after another, shaking the ribbons, the ribbons below.

And then, and then

All run, all run.

They run in a circle one after another, waving ribbons, ribbons at the top in an outstretched hand.

Hush, children, hush, hush

Do not rush for the matryoshka,

Stop the carousel.

They go in a circle one after another, the ribbons are lowered down. Stop.

Working with parents: individual consultations on the topic "Formation of the cultural and hygienic skills of the baby"

Oksana Vladimirovna Oparina
Long-term plan for June (first junior group)

long term plan

on June first junior group


1st half of the day

1. Listening to songs from cartoons.

2. Morning exercises.

3. D / i: "What fairy tale am I from?", "Find the same", "Sort By Color", "Show a flower of the same color", "Find a bear".

4. Conversations: "We are a friendly family", "Mom and Dad", "Dandelion and Friends", "Where are the toys".

5. P / s: "Birds in the nest", "On a flat path",

"Crawl to the rattle", "Where does it ring?", "Catch me", "Aircraft".

6. Building games material: "Chicken Fence",

"The path for Katya's doll",

7. Examination of illustrations.

8. Consolidation of the CGT.


1. Observation: for insects, for birds, for weather, for trees.

2. P / s: "Bring an item", "Through the brook", "Find the flag", "Aim More Accurately", "Sparrows and the Car", "White Bunny sits".

3. D / i: "Hen and Chicks", "Orders", "Guess and name", "Who needs what?".

4. Joint labor activity.

5. Games with remote material.

2nd half of the day

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Reading fiction at the request of children

3. Building games material: "Chicken Fence", "The path for Katya's doll", "Building an Animal Fence".

4. D / exercises: "Let's dress the doll for a walk", "Cooking Dinner for the Dolls", "Circus of animals", "Let's shop".

5. Theatrical games: "The sun is rising", "Let's bake pies".

6. Games in fine arts: “We wind a ball of thread and select the balls by color”, "Rain is coming".

7. Sports leisure "Toys".


1. Conversations: "Where can I go by bus", "What are the shops", "We are friendly guys", "Who takes care of us in kindergarten", "Flowers".

2. D/exercises: "How to say hello", "How to Comfort a Doll".

3. Examination of objects.

4. P / i: "Who is quieter", "Step over the stick", "Train", "On the path".

5. Morning exercises.

6. Consolidation of the CGT.

7. D / i: "Find a Pair", "Whose children", "Leaves and Flowers", "Paired Pictures".


1. Observations: for the cat, for the grass on the site, for the flowers, for the wind, for the rain.

3. Experiments: wet sand, water helper, the wind blows - the boat floats.

4. P / i: "At the bear in the forest", "Chickens and Rain", "Aircraft", "Aim Better", "Catch the ball".

5. Individual work: d/i- "Sort By Color", "Find the same", "Berry-fruit".

2nd half of the day

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Reading fiction at the request of children.

3. S/r games: "Polyclinic", "Transport", "Family".

4. Finger gymnastics: "Hello finger", "Ooty-Ooty", "Tom Thumb".

5. Listening to children's songs.

6. Entertainment: "Visiting the Hostess".

7. D / i: "Collect By Color", "Balls", "Birds sleep, birds fly".

8. Labor assignments: washing toys, watering flowers.


1. D / i: "Let's dress the doll for a walk", "Wonderful bag", "Cut-cut pictures", lacing.

2. Conversations: "My family", "Here are some fruits", "Who lives in the forest", “We are not afraid of bugs and do not offend them.

3. Singing previously learned songs with children.

4. P / i: "Crawl into the gate", "Sparrows and the Car", "Where does it ring?", "Bring an item".

5 Morning exercises.

6. Looking at illustrations of the kids' favorite books.

7. Consolidation of the CGT.


1. Observations: behind the work of the janitor, behind the ants, behind the passers-by, behind the sky.

2. Joint labor activity with children.

3. D/exercises: "Up down", "Breeze", "Far close".

4. P / i: "On a flat path", "Step over the stick", "Birds", "Carousels".

5. Finger games: "Snail, snail!", "Where is your home?".

6. Games with remote material.

2nd half of the day

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. D / i: "What for what", "Guess who", "Show and name", "Paired Pictures".

3. Reading fiction literature: Russian folk tales.

4. D/exercise: "Let's show the dolls how we put the toys away", “How do we know how to properly place chairs”, "Show how the cockerel cries (an airplane flies, a bunny jumps, a bear walks)».

5. N/A: "Collect a picture", "Find a Pattern".

6. S/r games: "Mom, Dad and I".

7. Entertainment “In the footsteps of Kolobok.


1. Conversations: "Our friendly family", "Berries", "How to take care of a doll", How a mother takes care of children, "How we got vaccinated".

2. D/exercises: "How we wash our hands and squeeze our hands", "Bye-tea doll sing a song to her", "Let's iron things", "Let's measure the bunny's temperature".

3. Examination of illustrations.

4. D / i: "Who eats what?" "Collect a picture", "Find Similar", "Finish the drawing", "Orders".

5. Morning exercises.

6. Consolidation of the CGT.


1. Observations: behind the sun, behind the sand, behind the plants, behind the cars, behind the wind.

2. P / s: "Bring an item", "Through the brook", "Catch me", "Birds in the nest", "On a flat path".

3. D / i: "Guess and name", "Who needs what?", "Wonderful bag".

4. Experiments: footprints in the sand, sunbeams.

5. Joint labor activity with children.

2nd half of the day

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Reading fiction literature: riddles, songs, fairy tales (works of Russian folklore).

3. S/r games: "Family", Hospital".

4. D/exercise: "How to cook soup", "Big or small", "Who lives in the house".

5. P / s: "Catch the ball", "My cheerful sonorous ball", "Aim More Accurately", "Who is quieter".

6. Entertainment "Magical forest".

7. Labor assignments: watering flowers, washing toys.

Working with parents:

1. Consultation on the topic: Summer is the time for new discoveries! Simple games while walking; "Cruel treatment", "Convention on the Rights of the Child".

2. Conversation with parents on the topic "Harmless" fidget".

3. Folders-movers for legal education.

4. Parent meeting on the transition of the institution to summer mode work and acquaintance with the goals and objectives of educational work in the summer.

5. Involving parents in creating a developing environment groups: selection of games, sports equipment, making puppets for the theater, baby books, joint drawings and artworks from natural materials.

6. Folders-movers according to the legal education: "Tales of Children's Rights", "Adults on Children's Rights", “Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Galina Kudryashova
Long-term plan of work in junior group for the summer period (August)


No. Types of activities 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks


"Favorite toys" "If you want to be healthy" sports summer "Visiting a fairy tale"

1. Complex of morning exercises Complex No. 1 Complex No. 1 Complex No. 2 Complex No. 2

2. Walk.

observation. Shrub watching.

Target: expand children's ideas about shrubs (raspberry, currant).Show that berries ripen on bushes. Watching daisies. Find out what these flowers are good for health. Insect observation.

Consider the appearance of insects, how they move (fly, jump, crawl, etc.) Observation and consideration of vegetables grown in the garden.

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish vegetables by name, color, shape.

3. Their Labor - Offer to sweep the floor on the veranda and in the cabin.

Watering room plants and loosening the soil. -Collecting chamomile flowers for making a herbarium - washing toys with a teacher.

Offer to clean dishes after eating (collect spoons, take bread bins, napkin holders). - To develop the ability of children to wipe the dust in the play corner.

Offer to collect toys on the site after the game - to develop the ability to complete instructions, navigate in space as directed by an adult.

Collection of cones for crafts.

4. Individual PHYSICAL work on a walk. Improve walking skills on a limited plane. Throwing cones into the sandbox with the right and left hands at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m. Jumping on two legs across the track. Walking on the cord, putting the heel to the toe.

5. Independent games of children. - Games with remote material: scoops, buckets, molds. Drawing with colored crayons on asphalt. Games with balls, hoops, skittles. Modeling of plasticine vegetables and fruits.

6. Outdoor games. "Bring a toy", "To visit the dolls", "Crawl to the rattle", "Find a toy", "Aircraft", "Train". "Run to the Tree", "Sun and Rain", "Who is quieter", "Sparrows and the Car",

"Through the Brook".

"On a flat path", "Guess where it's hidden", "My cheerful sonorous ball", "Aim Better", "Monkey" "Cat and Mice", "Hen Corydalis", "Beetles", "The gray bunny washes"

7. Role-playing games

"A toy shop" "Hospital" “Dad, mom, I am a sports family” "Family"

Target: to stimulate conditional play actions in children with plot toys, substitute objects and imaginary objects. Continue to allocate a play role in children through a chain of specific play actions.

8. Entertainment games with water "Water toys"

Target: continue to introduce the properties of water. To develop the ability of children to observe the movement of various objects in the water. Games - fun with soap bubbles.

Reading a poem by E. Fargen "Bubble"

Target: develop the ability to blow bubbles, watch them. To form the correct nasal breathing. Contribute to emotional release, create a good mood in children. sand games "We bake pies for guests"

Target: to develop in children the ability to collect raw sand in molds, gently turn them over. game situation "Cooking Lunch"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the properties of sand, develop the ability to perform various buildings, crafts, use doll dishes in the game. To consolidate the ability to clear sand and collect toys after the game.

9. Didactic games "Whose house", "Lotto" on this topic "Toys", "Who's screaming", "Who Hid"- domestic and wild animals, "Magic bag" "Call it sweetly", "Magic bag", "Know the Taste", "Many and One",

"Let's dress the doll for a walk"- the name of the sportswear;

"Orders"- performing the movements named by the educator. "Whose item", "Magic bag", "Cubes" on this topic "Fruits".

10. Structural building games. "Matryoshka house"

Target: to continue to develop in children the ability to build a variety of buildings according to the model, to make them proportionate to toys. To form the ability to beat buildings. "Gates"

Target: to develop in children the ability to change the building, transforming it into height, length, width; tell what details it consists of. "Ball lane".

Target: to develop the ability of children to build paths from bricks, putting them together with narrow, long edges. To form the ability to beat buildings. "Cock Fence"

Target: to form the ability of children to build a fence by placing bricks in a row, combining their position and alternating in color.

11. Round dance games "Bubble" "We stomp our feet..." "Carousel" “The chicken went out for a walk ...”

Target: to develop in children the ability to correlate actions with words, to cultivate coordination of actions.

12. Parenting

cultural and hygienic standards. - P / y “Nose, wash yourself!

Reading a poem by E. Moshkovskaya "Nose, wash up".

Target: to develop in children the ability to wash, use an individual towel. Accompany children's actions by reading a poem. - P / y "The most accurate"

Target: to form self-service skills in children, a conscious attitude to order in clothes. Conversation "Table Behavior".

Target: Remind children of table manners. Develop the ability to eat independently, hold a spoon correctly, lean over a plate. -P / y "Get dressed".

Target: to form in children the ability to properly wear various items clothes, if necessary, ask for help from adults. Encourage independence, cultivate accuracy.

13. Work on life safety, SDA, PPB Target walk on the topic "Meet the Street"

Target: clarify with children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe street, the road. To give knowledge to children that the street is divided into 2 parts: carriageway (road) and sidewalk where people walk.

"Edible and non-edible mushrooms"

The teacher's story.

Viewing illustrations

Productive activity ness: "Beautiful but dangerous fly agaric".

Target: the safety of the child in everyday life. “We have grown and become strong and strong”

Health talk.

Familiar didactic games at the request of the children. "Benevolent attitude towards comrades"

Watching children play. The teacher's story about a benevolent attitude towards comrades, about the ability to share toys.

14. Artistic creativity Modeling "Treat for Dolls"

Target: to develop the ability of children to separate small lumps from a large piece of plasticine;

fasten different ways and molding techniques (rolling the ball and flattening with the palm of your hand); develop fine motor skills, interest in modeling.


"Stalks to flowers"- 1 ml. gr.

Target: continue to develop children's ability to hold a brush, draw straight lines.

"Dandelion in the Grass"

Target: arouse the desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination. Application

"Chickens in the Meadow"- 2 ml. gr.

Target: to develop the ability of children to compose a composition of several objects, freely placing them on a sheet.


Target: continue to develop the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine with direct movements; connect parts by crossing them with each other. Drawing by design.

Target: to develop the ability of children to independently choose an instrument for drawing: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens; choose a topic for drawing; enjoy the finished product.

15. Fiction - Reading and examining the book of A. Barto "Toys"

Racial tales by V. Suteev "Who said meow".

Reading a poem by Z. Alexander-ova "My bear" Reading a poem by L. Nekrasova "Car".

Reading r. n. nursery rhymes “Water, water…”- Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".

Telling a fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom" using flannelgraph. - Reading the story of O. Kapitsa "How Vasya fished".

Race fairy tales by L. Tolstoy "Three Bears"

16. Entertainment Cook / theater. Parsley on a truck brings gifts (toys, various cars).

Consolidate knowledge about the road, oh various types transport. Theatrical entertainment "Dirty Girl"

Target: to deepen children's knowledge about the world around them, about the elementary rules of hygiene. Raise the need to help. sports holiday “Together with mom, I want to play with dad” Target: get positive emotions, satisfaction from joint participation in the holiday. Entertainment according to traffic rules “How Matroskin got acquainted with the rules of the movement”

Target: continue to acquaint children with the elementary rules of the road. Create a good mood, a positive emotional mood.

17. Job

with parents Consultation on topic: "Traffic Laws. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? Target: Remind the rules of behavior on the roads. Encourage parents to talk with their children about safety rules on the carriageway, when playing near the roads. Consultation "Hygienic skills - from an early age" (D / in No. 9-93) Folder on topic: « Summer fun: crayons on asphalt"

Target: To introduce parents to a variety of games and tasks with colored crayons. Involve parents in joint creativity with children. Photo exhibition at topic: “Summer is a wonderful time. Summer, oh summer!

Target: photo report on the work done working with children during the summer.

Olga Kovaleva
Calendar-thematic plan for the month of August in the younger group

Compiled by: Vazhenina O. A.

Kovaleva O. A.


Theme of the week: We are friends with sports

01.08 Conversation with children about a healthy lifestyle, about the importance of hygiene procedures. "Sport equipment"

Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, to determine its purpose.

"Fold the picture"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports.


Target: learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

"Homeless Bunny"

Target: run fast; navigate in space.

Every day we guys

Starts with charging.

Make us a little stronger

Exercise will help.

Sun Watching #1

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the state of the weather in summer. Fix the names of seasonal clothes.

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun.

Outdoor games

1. "The mother hen and chickens" - To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

S. R. And "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce the life of the family in the game. To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter).

02.08 Sports leisure "Merry relay race"

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport it belongs to.

"Two halves"

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, the main types of movement.

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Target: learn to jump gently, bending your knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher.

"Run Silently"

Target: learn to move silently.

Who is boldly friends with charging,

Who will drive away laziness in the morning,

Be brave and skillful

And fun all day long.

Sun Watching #2

Purpose: Compare the season summer with other times, find similar and distinctive features. Give an idea of ​​the state of the weather in summer. Fix the names of seasonal clothes.

The sun is shining brightly

It's warm in the air

And wherever you look

Everything around is light.

I. Surikov

Outdoor games

S. R. And "Drivers" - familiarizing children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.

03.08 Game-lesson "About the amazing transformations of food into us"

(p. 24-26, Kozlova L. A. My world)

"Good and Bad"

Goals and objectives: to accustom children to a healthy lifestyle; to teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; to instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop thinking, logic, memory.

Rest actively (dice)

Goals and objectives: to form interest in motor activity; teach children to recognize and name species active rest; develop memory thinking, logic.

"Hares and the wolf"

Purpose: to learn how to jump on two legs correctly; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Sport is important for health

To resist disease.

Need to play sports

And stay healthy!

Watching the sky and clouds

Purpose: to analyze the concept of "cloud", the dependence of weather on the presence of clouds.

white horses,

What are you rushing without looking back?

S. Kozlov

Outdoor games

1. "Catch a mosquito" - Develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

2. "Sparrows and a cat" - To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

Independent play activity of children with external material

04.08 Game-lesson "What do our names mean"

(p. 33-35, Kozlova L. A. My world)

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: to teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.


Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention, memory

"Hunter and Hares"

Purpose: to learn to throw the ball at a moving target.


Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space.

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

Teach yourself to order -

Do exercises every day.

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sport - game, physical education. hooray!

E. Kurganova

Watching the sky and clouds

Purpose: to analyze the concept of "cloud", to reveal the dependence of the weather on the presence of clouds in the sky.

You see: the cloud is flying;

Hear: he speaks to us:

"In the clear sky I'm flying,

I want to grow up soon.

I will become a cloud, and then

I'll make everyone happy with the rain.

I will water the beds

I'll wash the weed."

Outdoor games

1. "Catch a mosquito" - To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

2. "Guess who is screaming" - To develop children's observation, attention, activity and orientation in space

S. R. And "Treat" - the development of children's ability to implement a game plan. Encourage children to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the game environment with missing items, toys.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Learning to do good 07.08 Conversation “My family is a world of good”

"Evaluate the act."

Purpose: with the help of plot pictures, develop children's ideas about good and bad deeds; characterize and evaluate actions; educate sensitivity, benevolence.

Material: plot pictures.

"Yes or no".

Purpose: to form in children a desire to protect the health and health of other children; learn to understand: what can be done and what is not.

"Fishing rod"

Purpose: to learn how to bounce correctly: push off and pick up your legs.

"Who is more likely to the flag?"

Purpose: to develop fast running, agility.

By bike

I will spin the pedals

The spokes flicker

I'll fly quickly, quickly

Light as a bird.

The bike will fly

My non-stop

And the flowers will nod after me,

Tilt your heads.

Wind Watch #1

Purpose: To repeat the concept of "wind". To reveal the relationship between trees, their condition and windy weather.

I saw how the breeze

To us flew to the light!

He creaked the window frame,

Quietly pushed the window,

Played with my Panama

Woke up and fell asleep.

G. Lagzdyn

Outdoor games

1. "Tram" - to develop the ability of children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.

2. "Get in the circle" - to develop in children the ability to throw at the target; dexterity; eye gauge.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, dolls dressed according to the season, cars.

08.08 Conversation about good and evil

"Little Helpers"

Purpose: to bring children to the understanding that you need to help your loved ones and give them your love; to teach children to talk about their help in their family; develop coherent speech, thinking.

"Sweet Nothing".

Purpose: to teach children to affectionately, lovingly address their relatives; develop coherent speech, thinking; develop love for your family.

"The Birds and the Cat"

Purpose: to learn to move on a signal, to develop dexterity.

"Don't get caught!"

Purpose: to learn how to jump on two legs correctly; develop dexterity.

Be healthy!

I will pour water into a basin,

Dissolve a handful of salt.

Better than salt is not simple,

And special - the sea.

Mama soft mitten

Wipe me with water.

Back, arms, neck, chest.

He will tell me: "Be healthy!"

T. Shorygina

Watching the Wind #2

Purpose: To continue to introduce the concept of "wind". Teach children to identify windy weather by different signs.

“Wind, wind! You are powerful

You drive flocks of clouds

You excite the blue sea

Everywhere you blow in the open…” A. Pushkin

Outdoor games

educator. To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Ex. in running and walking.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: spatulas, whisks, colored mugs, molds, seals

09.08 Watching the cartoon "Leopold the Cat"


Purpose: to teach children to compliment each other; develop speech, thinking; cultivate friendliness.

"Polite Words"

Purpose: to teach children to use polite words in their speech; learn to understand that politeness is good quality person; develop children's speech, memory, cultivate politeness and courtesy.


Purpose: to develop agility, speed

"Run to the named tree"

Purpose: to train in quickly finding the named tree; fix the names of the trees; develop fast running.

Try not to be lazy:

Every time before meals

Before you sit down at the table

Wash your hands with water.

And charge

Daily in the morning

And, of course, temper -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

When possible, always

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends!

I revealed secrets to you

Follow all the advice

And it will be easy for you to live.

Watching Rain #1

Purpose: To consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes occurring in inanimate nature. Continue to acquaint with such a phenomenon as rain.

Rain, rain, drop

water saber

He cut the puddle - did not cut it.

(Russian folk amusement)

Outdoor games

1. "Find your color" - to form the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish between the main colors of the spectrum.

S. R. And "Treat" - the development of children's ability to implement a game plan.

Encourage children to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the game environment with missing items, toys.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: shovels, bucket, molds, pencils.

10.08 Game-lesson "On the origin of the surname" (p. 35-38, Kozlova L. A. My world)

"A ball of magic words".

Goal: continue to teach children to use "magic" words in their speech; educate politeness, benevolence.

"Help the bunny."

Goal: continue to teach children to use "magic" words in their speech; develop memory, speech; cultivate kindness.

« Find a leaf like on a tree

Purpose: to teach to classify plants according to a certain attribute; develop observation.

"Who is more likely to collect?"

Purpose: to learn to group vegetables and fruits; to cultivate speed of reaction to words, endurance and discipline.

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal:

Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.

Such an animal in the stomach

Climb in and live quietly there.

Climb, fool, and where you want

Walks on the patient and tickles.

He is proud that so much trouble comes from him:

And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

Watching the rain #2

Purpose: To continue to introduce children to the seasonal phenomenon of rain. Discuss the effect of rain on plant growth.

The first thunder rumbled

The cloud has passed

The pure moisture of the rain

Weed got drunk. S. Drozhzhin

Outdoor games

1. "The mother hen and chickens" - To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

2. Sparrows and a cat "- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S. R. And "Dolls" - consolidation of knowledge about different types dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: shovels, brooms, scrapers, molds.

11.08 Viewing the production of the Kemerovo Regional Puppet Theater

"The Flower of Kindness"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to say compliments, polite words; develop the child's speech, memory, fantasy; cultivate kindness.

Material: toy Baba Yaga, vase, flowers.

"I can give in."

Purpose: to teach children to respect each other, to yield, to share; cultivate friendliness.

Material: toys, candy, apple, high chair.


Purpose: to teach to act on a verbal signal; develop speed, agility; practice dialogue.

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; develop orientation in space; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Don't catch them with a net!

Insects are busy

Filling the garden with life.

There the grasshoppers chirp,

Here the mosquitoes are ringing.

Everyone is busy with important work:

golden bee

She sat on a fragrant flower,

Collected honey juice.

Here in the bushes near the path

busy ant,

Clinging to the grass

Milking aphids with antennae.

Don't touch them, don't

Don't catch them with a net!

Let them live next to you

Moths and ants.

Thunderstorm Watching

Purpose: To introduce the phenomenon of a thunderstorm. Learn to recognize the approach of a thunderstorm.

knocking loudly,

screaming loudly,

And what does no one understand

And the wise do not know. (Thunder)

Outdoor games

1. "At the bear in the forest" - learn to run without bumping into each other.

2. Shaggy dog ​​"- to develop the ability of children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught and not pushing

S. R. And "Drivers" - familiarizing children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, dolls dressed according to the season, cars.

Flowers 14.08 Conversation "How flowers appeared on earth"

(p. 74-77, Popova T. I. The world around us)

"Where does it ripen?"

Purpose: to learn to use knowledge about plants, to compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.

"Flower shop"

"Find yourself a mate"

Purpose: to teach to run fast without interfering with each other; fix the names of the colors.

"Such a leaf - fly to me"

Purpose: to develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves by similarity; activate dictionary.


Two girlfriends, fidgets,

Two green dragonflies

We had a peaceful conversation

Sitting on a branch of a vine.

Dragonfly alone said:

In the morning I caught a midge.

And another interrupted:

It's cute, very cute!

Even though it's hot today

I caught a mosquito.

The duck entered the conversation:

Let me interrupt you

Time is moving towards dinner

It's time for me to catch dragonflies!

rainbow watching

Objective: To continue introducing seasonal summer changes: the rainbow. To consolidate knowledge of all the colors of the rainbow.

The sky cleared up, the distance turned blue!

The rain didn't seem to be

The river is like crystal!

Over the fast river, illuminating the meadows,

There is a rainbow in the sky! P. Obraztsov

Outdoor games

1. "Find your color" - to form the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.

2. "From bump to bump" - to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S. R. And “At the Doctor” - Familiarizing children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in an individual. games with substitute toys to play a role for yourself and for a toy.

Independent play activity of children with external material

15.08 Exhibition of joint works of parents and children "Paintings from flowers"

"Flower shop"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.

"Bees and Swallow"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

two magpies

Two magpies met

And they cracked right away!

I went to the fair

Bought some new stuff there.

scarlet boots,

With stone earrings.

And the second about her:

I was in the city during the day.

There she stoked the stove

And cooked buckwheat

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha!

The oven is very hot!

Two friends cracked

Forgot about each other.

Cracked very loudly

Goodbye very soon!

Observation of trees and shrubs

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about shrubs and trees. Learn to find similar various signs between trees and shrubs. Learn to take good care of trees and shrubs.

I am wandering through the green forest,

I'll collect the mushrooms in a box.

(Russian folk song)

Outdoor games

1. "Run to the flag." Purpose: to teach to perform actions strictly on a signal

educator. Development in children, attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

2. "The mother hen and chickens" - To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

S. R. And “At the Doctor” - Familiarizing children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in an individual. games with substitute toys to play a role for yourself and for a toy.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: spatulas, whisks, stretchers, molds, pencils, sheets of paper

16.08 Talk about meadow plants: cornflower, poppy, chamomile

(p. 89-92, Popova T. I. The world around us)

"What grows where?"

Target. To teach children to understand the processes occurring in nature; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.

"What's extra?"

Target. To consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts; develop auditory attention.

"Dragonfly Song"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

"The Cat on the Roof"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; develop rhythmic, expressive speech.

We paint on asphalt

We paint on asphalt

Multicolored crayons.

I am Malvina in a long dress

With lace sleeves.

Olya - the king on the throne

In a scarlet robe, in a crown.

Dima - sea, steamer,

And Serezha is a helicopter.

Whose drawing will come out better?

The asphalt was dull and boring.

Become festive, cheerful

Quiet courtyard near the school.

birch watching

Purpose: To introduce children to the seasonal changes that occur with wildlife. To consolidate knowledge about trees: birch.

My birch, birch,

My white birch

Curly birch!

You stand, birch,

In the middle of the valley

On you, birch

The leaves are green.

(Russian folk song)

Outdoor games

1. "At the bear in the forest" - learn to run without bumping into each other.

2. Shaggy dog ​​"- to develop the ability of children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught and not pushing

S. R. And "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce the life of the family in the game. To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: spatulas, whisks, colored mugs, molds, seals

17.08 Application from natural material "Summer Forest"

Target. To consolidate the ability of children to classify and name indoor and garden plants.

"When does it happen?"

Target. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.

"Crane and Frogs"

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity; learn to navigate by signal.

"Hare hunting"

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity, fast running.

Watercolor drawing

forest path

I paint with watercolors.

I'll dip my brushes in paint

I draw herbs, leaves,

Strawberry light,

Anthill and stump.

The white sheet comes to life

The cheerful whistling of birds is heard,

And in the distance they shout: “Au-u!”

I will follow this call.

If you want, then with me

You follow the forest path.

Observation of pine and aspen

Purpose: To introduce children to the seasonal changes that occur with wildlife. To consolidate knowledge about trees: pine, aspen.

Outdoor games

1. "Catch a mosquito" - To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

2. "Sparrows and a cat" - To develop in children the ability to accommodate themselves in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S. R. And "Drivers" - familiarizing children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, dolls dressed according to the season, cars.

18.08 Making crafts from natural material "Funny little men"

"Similar - not similar"

Target. Teach children to compare objects, recognize objects by description.

"Guess what plant"

Target. Teach children to describe an object and recognize it by description.

"What is this bird?"

Target. Teach children to describe birds according to their characteristic features.

"Zhmurki with a bell"

Purpose: to entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood in them.


Purpose: to develop dexterity, attention.

Morning on the lawn

Morning on the lawn

I run with the ball

I run, I sing

I don't know what.

And the ball is like the sun

Burning over me

Then it will turn

the other side

And turn green

Like grass in spring.

Examining rowan branches.

Purpose: to introduce children to the leaves and berries of mountain ash, to improve the research activities of children.

red berry

Gave me a rowan.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hina.

Is this berry

Just not mature

Is it a sly mountain ash,

Want to play a joke?

Outdoor games

1. "At the bear in the forest" - learn to run without bumping into each other.

2. Shaggy dog ​​"- to develop the ability of children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught and not pushing

S. R. And "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce the life of the family in the game. To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Independent play activity of children with external material

Remote material: spatulas, whisks, colored mugs, molds, seals

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of the tasks of preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends to a large extent on the quality of planning.

There are ready-made promising and calendar plans to some exemplary early childhood education programs. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number of important points: the current situation in the development of children, the characteristics of a group of children, the technologies being implemented, the regional component, the variable part of the educational program, and also do not always allow the implementation of such requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as taking into account the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the formation of the child as a subject of his education. Our planning notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, but:

ready-made plans can only partially be used to develop teachers' own plans. When downloading the plan, you should read it in detail and change it in accordance with your children, their interests and abilities.

The effectiveness of the implementation of educational areas as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Long-term planning of the educational process in age groups is an early determination of the order, sequence of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. Its basis is the main general educational program of a preschool institution. A long-term plan is drawn up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction is allowed in the course of work in a plan of this type).

The long-term plan is developed by educators and specialists independently for one academic year and is carried out on the basis of the curriculum approved by the head. Long-term planning of direct educational activities (GCD) is compiled for each age group, taking into account complex thematic planning.

The long-term plan includes (depending on the preschool program):

Implementation timeline;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (for a month);
types of children's activities
used literature and teaching aids,
work with parents for the academic year (parent meetings and consultations);
at the beginning of each month, the following is determined: complexes of morning gymnastics, a complex of gymnastics after sleep, work with parents and children for a month (individual and group consultations, group and general garden parent meetings, information stands, folders, folders, memos, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical and sporting events, open houses, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and long-term plan is 5 years.

Summaries of long-term plans for the year


The abstract includes:

  • Regime and regime processes (adaptation of the child, physical culture and health work, organization of daytime sleep)
  • Classes
  • Independent play activity
  • Working with parents, topics of consultations and conversations.
  • A set of morning exercises for every month.
  • Games-classes by day.


Author Lyamina Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodical work and long-term planning in the 1st junior group for the academic year.docx>>


Abstracts of long-term planning of classes for the year by months

One week - one common theme. Each week, classes are divided into areas: cognition, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, designing.

Planning for the program "Birth to School"

Developments according to the program "From birth to school" by N. E. Veraksa, Vasilyeva M. A., Komarova T. S. for the 1st junior group for the entire academic year, broken down by weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, gaming, labor and other activities. Author Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Long-term planning in the first junior group for the academic year (pdf file)>>

Another summary of planning for the program "From Birth to School". The work program is compiled in the educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (FSES DO). Educator Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna. Download abstract >>

Long-term planning in the 1st junior group under the program "Rainbow"

Teacher Osovskaya Natalya Alexandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" >>

Long-term planning of the first junior group based on an exemplary educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Synopsis 5 weeks

Planning classes and routine moments for the first junior group in 5-week cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. These are social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic and physical. Abstracts from mid-September to mid-October.