Ways to save money on building your home. Frame house: what you can and cannot save on during construction

Construction of a residential building is a relatively long and expensive process that requires a lot of effort, time and money. Customers are usually interested in only one question: how and on what to save money when building a country house? But many people forget to ask themselves: what should you never save on? Sergei Vasyankin, director of construction at the Moscow construction company Dachny Season, will have to answer both questions.

Location of the house

Speaking about the location of the house on the site, it is better to choose a place with a minimum difference in height. This will help avoid high costs for installing the foundation (a larger volume of concrete or other materials will be required to compensate for the difference). You should not build a house in a lowland, since when the snow melts, water will collect there. It is best to build the building on a hill.

Determination of groundwater level

Of course, the most reliable way is to contact specialists and conduct test drilling in several places. However, if there are built-up areas in the vicinity, you can save on the procedure by simply talking with your neighbors. There are also “botanical” methods for determining soil. A close groundwater level is indicated by the following: factors:

  • If reeds grow on the site, then the depth of water is from 1-3 meters, cattail - up to 1 meter, wormwood - 3-5 meters, licorice - 1.5-5 meters;
  • When the waters are shallow, the grass in the area is bright compared to the neighboring area;
  • Willow, alder, currants and meadowsweet grow well in moist soils;
  • The level of humidity can also be determined by trees: the tilt of several trees in one direction indicates a high aquifer;

House project

You shouldn't skimp on this item. High-quality design helps to avoid many mistakes when building a house and, compared to construction, is quite inexpensive. In an effort to save several thousand rubles, people forget about engineering work, which is critically necessary during construction. And after a few years, the house is demolished, and the customer either says goodbye to the idea of ​​country life forever, or turns to a construction company, losing hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Today, many self-respecting companies offer home design studies completely free of charge. Perhaps the best way to save on this item is to contact one of them.

Purchase of materials

It may seem that it is much easier and cheaper to buy all the materials yourself, but there are several reasons why you should not do this.
Firstly, during construction you need not only well-known materials, such as roofing, lumber, bricks and blocks, but also various hidden elements necessary for the installation of certain structures. A person without knowledge of construction technologies will not be able to calculate and purchase them in the required quantity. This means that most likely he will be faced with overexpenditure or, conversely, a shortage of material and subsequent waste of time on additional purchases.
Secondly, it’s no secret that construction companies receive discounts from manufacturers by purchasing materials in large volumes and on an ongoing basis.


If the customer does not plan to build a four-story mansion, it makes sense to choose a tiled foundation. In this case, the easiest way to save money is to replace metal reinforcement with composite reinforcement. This step will reduce costs by 35-40%.

House shape

The most economical house shape is a square. This is due to the fact that, given equal areas, a house with non-standard projections and bay windows will consume several times more material than a square or rectangular one.

Of course, each person has his own taste, challenging and trying to change it is pointless. If a buyer has wanted to spend at least half of the day in his own garage since childhood, it is unlikely that a small price change will stop him on the way to his dream. Beautiful loggias, large open terraces, and built-in garages are no longer considered elements of luxury. Today, such parts are in trend, which means that companies are reducing prices on them, trying to stand out among competitors. Non-standard elements remain expensive, requiring large amounts of expensive material and highly qualified personnel. It is most reasonable to save on them.


Today there are 3 types of floors: monolithic, reinforced concrete and wooden. The most affordable option, which is 2-2.5 times cheaper than analogues, is wooden beams. They do not create a serious load on the walls and foundation of the house, and for small spans they are inferior to reinforced concrete slabs except as sound insulation, which, by the way, is easily improved by using mineral wool. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load and approach installation wisely: for spans of more than 4 meters, you should not neglect the cross-section of beams and their spacing specified in the project.

The more complex the roof shape, the more expensive materials and highly skilled workers will be required. The most economical option is a simple gable roof. You can reduce costs by using Russian analogues of expensive imported materials, the best of which in terms of price-quality ratio is metal tiles.

Home decoration

It is not necessary to rely on natural materials such as wood, lining or natural stone. By finding quality substitutes, you can cut at least 50% of your costs. For example, siding, facing and ceramic bricks, and facade plaster are excellent inexpensive options for exterior work. For interior decoration, you can safely use drywall instead of natural wood.
Several tens of thousands of rubles can be saved due to seasonal factors. For example, houses made of stone can be left unfinished for a long time, without compromising quality, and houses made of frames can be finished with OSB boards and also left for further work at other times of the year.


When constructing individual residential buildings, there are 2 basic rules for saving:

  1. "Price quality". Having greatly saved on the quality of materials or, for example, the layout of a future house project, the customer risks getting a building in which living will be not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. It is important to remember that the cheaper the house at the construction stage, the more expensive it is to operate;
  2. "Price-quantity". Don't give up on making your long-awaited dream come true. The market dictates its own rules and many companies today offer comprehensive solutions for a minimal price premium. You can reduce the cost by giving up luxury elements, which would require tons of material or, for example, landscaping. The desire to save on everything will lead to the fact that the house will not meet even half of the expectations.

The construction of a country house is a multi-stage process that involves the coordinated work of craftsmen from various disciplines, from architects to finishing craftsmen. The final result depends on the quality of each stage of work and the selected materials. But the question often arises: how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, and is this possible?

Contrary to popular belief, building a country house can cost a small amount of money. To do this, it is enough to competently approach each of the stages of construction, reducing its cost without losing quality. Let's try to figure out how to build a house cheaply, what you can save on, and what you absolutely cannot, in our article.

Each element of a country house can be reduced in price Source coolhouses.ru

Savings start with project creation

As a rule, ready-made projects have complex layouts and are expensive to implement. The final result looks good in the picture, but they do not solve the main problem: how to build a house yourself cheaply, because many additional architectural structures will cost a considerable amount of money.

Affordable architectural projects are characterized by:

  • A simple rectangular shape without protrusions, bay windows and other expensive elements.
  • One floor. The absence of expensive floors and stairs will reduce the final cost of the home.
  • Shallow foundation - a concrete structure dug under the base of the house. Installation of this type of foundation does not require extensive preparatory work, so it will cost a reasonable price.
  • Standard roof shape with two slopes. Complex structures with round roof windows and multiple slopes increase construction costs.

The simpler the box at home, the more reliable and cheaper it is Source kz-news.info

    Traditional window shape. As a rule, rectangular double-hung windows are much less expensive than any custom modifications.

    Laconic interior decoration. The most budget-friendly and functional construction option is a Scandinavian-style house with a minimum of intricate decorative elements.

    Easy to implement exterior decoration. For example, finishing a façade with plaster is a durable and aesthetic method of decoration that does not require lengthy and expensive construction work.

Which foundation is more economical?

The type and depth of the foundation are determined by the final weight of the house, the quality of the soil, and the proximity of the reservoir. Foundation costs account for an average of 40% of the cost of all work. It is generally accepted that it is impossible to save on the foundation and it is really stupid to dispute this statement. But, nevertheless, there are ways to build a house inexpensively, without losing quality, and saving on the foundation. True, in this case you need to know exactly what kind of soil is on the site, and for this you will have to order geological exploration. Based on its results, the following options can be considered:

    If most often for country houses a strip foundation is used, laid to the depth of soil freezing, then in some cases you can get by with its shallow variety. As a rule, such a structure “sits” 0.5-0.7 meters into the ground, which significantly reduces the amount of concrete required for pouring.

Traditional strip foundation for suburban construction Source sazhaemvsadu.ru

    Also, in addition to the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the future house and the topography of the site. If the design allows you to install the house on a pile foundation, then this will significantly reduce the burden on the budget.

    A compromise option is a pile-grillage foundation. The technologies for laying shallow and pile foundations are combined here. First, a shallow foundation is dug, and then holes are dug or drilled at support points to the depth of freezing of the soil. After installing the formwork, everything is poured together with concrete and the result is a shallow foundation, which with support pillars stands below the freezing point of the soil.

    In some cases, it is possible not to pour the foundation, but to lay it out of ready-made reinforced concrete slabs.

    Additional savings may include not ordering concrete from a factory, but it must be taken into account that preparing it yourself in a concrete mixer will take an order of magnitude more time and effort. As a result, everyone must decide for themselves what is more important – time or money.

We must always remember that all methods of saving on the foundation must be carefully calculated and approved by specialists. Otherwise, there is a risk of confirming the proverb about the miser who pays twice.

Pile and pile-grillage foundations Source assz.ru

Choosing materials for walls - which is cheaper and better

The largest amount of building material is spent on the construction of walls, so you should carefully choose what is cheaper to build a house from.

    A brick house is the most durable, reliable construction option. Properly made buildings made of this material last for hundreds of years, without requiring any repairs or maintenance of the facades. The brick wall is environmentally friendly, creates good air exchange and is not susceptible to moisture, fire and temperature changes. The main disadvantage of brick is its heavy weight, which requires the construction of a strong and expensive foundation. The next feature of a brick structure is the need for careful thermal insulation of the house, especially in harsh northern climatic conditions.

    Modern wooden dwellings are made from laminated veneer lumber, which consists of small dried blocks glued together. This material provides good thermal insulation, is quick to install, and also creates a favorable indoor microclimate. The disadvantage of the material is its susceptibility to moisture and fire. Therefore, it is necessary to thoughtfully design electrical and heating systems. In addition, after several years of operation, walls made of laminated veneer lumber may require additional impregnation with antiseptic compounds.

House made of laminated veneer lumber with two floors and a small terrace Source market.sakh.com

    Frame houses are structures assembled from ready-made insulated blocks. Construction takes a minimum amount of time, but at the same time requires significant financial costs. The main advantage of the technology is the absence of shrinkage of the finished structure, so finishing work is carried out immediately after the walls are erected. The disadvantage of constructing a frame is the complexity of the technological process. Thus, it is necessary to pay for the services of qualified builders in order to ultimately obtain a reliable structure. When building a spacious house, it is also necessary to design an air exchange system, since the artificial materials of the blocks do not allow air to pass through well.

Classic frame house - strict and original architecture Source chrome-effect.ru

    A building made of aerated concrete blocks weighs significantly less than a brick one, while its thermal insulation properties are similar. The porous material allows air to pass through well, provides sound insulation, is easy to install, and does not shrink. Thus, budget houses made of aerated blocks are built quite quickly, a good microclimate is formed inside the premises, and no additional ventilation is required. On the other hand, the blocks also allow water to pass through well, so high-quality waterproofing is the main condition for a durable aerated concrete structure. For durable construction, it is also necessary to select a qualified work team to build the house in compliance with the technology of fastening and waterproofing the blocks. Otherwise, the structure may be easily blown out or have a high level of humidity.

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Visually about the pros and cons of aerated concrete in the video:

Comparison of prices per square meter of construction from different materials

Pricing when building a house depends not only on the selected materials, but also on the condition of the soil, the necessary costs for providing thermal insulation, as well as the skill level of the team that is engaged in the construction of the building.

For example, the construction of a brick building will cost an average of 2,300 rubles per square meter, but this does not take into account the costs of thermal insulation and the construction of a reliable foundation.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber will cost 1,900 rubles per meter of finished structure, and the quality of the wood and communications is of decisive importance.

The most affordable option is frame houses, the cost of which is 875 rubles per meter of finished housing. But if there is no desire or opportunity to build a house yourself, then you will need to hire a qualified team of builders, whose services are quite expensive.

Buildings made of aerated concrete will cost customers 2,000 rubles per square meter, and it is necessary to use special adhesives to create a durable structure that is resistant to moisture. Also, the porous material of aerated blocks requires careful waterproofing.

Pricing depends on many factors Source makemone.ru

Budget options for building a roof

The most affordable option is a gable roof without wide gables and additional decorative elements. The structure is installed on wooden beams and supplemented with metal rods (reinforcement) for strengthening. On the basis of an insulated roof, full-fledged attics or attic spaces are constructed.

Slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets are used to cover the outer surface of the roof. The latter material is the best option for roofing due to its low cost, lightness and strength. The only drawback of corrugated sheeting is the need for thorough sound insulation in order to protect the residents of the house from the noise of rain and similar sounds. Classic slate is expensive to operate and not an environmentally friendly material; in addition, it requires lengthy installation. Aesthetic, durable metal tiles are a good option for creating a roof, but such material will require significant financial investments from the owners.

A simple roof design is the key to saving money on construction Source pinterest.com

Is it worth saving on a vapor-permeable membrane?

Many owners are thinking about reducing their construction budget. The desire to save money is reasonable, and the calculation is obvious: you can purchase middle-class materials, since a roof made of corrugated sheets, slate or metal tiles will reliably protect the interior space. The truth is that high-quality materials are the key to the reliability of the design, and the result of such a strategy is unplanned expenses.

For example, to ensure the economic benefits of using a high-quality membrane, it is enough to conduct a comparative analysis using the example of a house with a classic pitched roof with an area of ​​150 m2. For such an area you will need 3 rolls of hydro-windproof membrane. The cost of material from various manufacturers will be:

Tyvek® Soft,
DuPont™, Luxembourg
Izospan AM (“Gexa”),
Yutafol N110 (JUTA),
Price/roll, per roll 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 2700 rub.,
70 m2
From 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 3800 rub., 75 m2
Total price 21000 rub. 10500 rub. From 21,000 rub. From 11,400 rub.

Source iclub.in.ua

If we take into account only the financial side of the issue, then the choice is obvious. But the primary task of a diffusion membrane is to preserve the properties of insulation and roofing structures. The vapor permeability of non-woven fabric (the ability to release steam in a timely manner) not only protects the underlying layers. It directly affects the likelihood that major repairs to the roof structure will have to be made within the first ten years.

Analysis of the two tables shows that the materials have different price/permeability ratios, respectively: 12-13.1-50.6-12.7. The lower the coefficient, the less likely it is to carry out major repairs in the first 5-10 years of roof operation (in the worst cases, the probability increases to 60-79%.).

Based on the totality of their characteristics, the highest quality products considered were Tyvek and Yutafol. In addition, Tyvek® membranes from DuPont, which meet all the requirements of SNIP and SP, are the only ones that have a manufacturer’s warranty for 10 years, which means they will not cause repairs during this period.

Source happymodern.ru

Dismantling the vapor barrier can be done in two ways. The first, the most financially intensive, is the replacement of the outside of the roof of the house (in fact, a complete overhaul); it includes:

    Removal of roofing. From 100 rub./m2 (depending on the material).

    Dismantling the insulation. From 45 rub./m2.

    Replacing a damaged membrane. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. 1.5 t - from 2800 rub.

    Installation of new insulation. From 60 rub./m2.

    Installation of new roofing material. Slate - from 180 rub./m2, soft tiles - from 380 rub./m2.

The cost of the work will be comparable to twice the cost of a new roof; In most cases, it is easier to tear down the old roofing pie and replace the entire roof.

The cost of replacing the diffusion membrane using the second method, from inside the house, consists of the following operations:

    Removing the ceiling trim(attic, attic, etc.). Wallpaper, plaster - from 70 rub./m2.

    Dismantling of floors. From 450 rub./m2.

    Replacing the membrane itself. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. From 360 rub./m3.

    Installation of new floors and partitions. From 270 rub./m2.

    Installation and finishing of new interior trim(ceiling repair). From 250 rub./m2.

Source econet.ua

This option is less expensive, but in this case the new membrane will not be installed using the same technology. Violation of SNIP and SP standards means improper operation, and, as a result, another repair ahead of schedule. As a result, short-term savings of a maximum of 10 thousand rubles. the difference in prices of different membranes will result in significant financial expenses and loss of time. Thus, purchasing quality materials allows you not only to protect your home, but also to avoid unplanned expenses.

Construction of internal partitions

The construction of a budget home involves the use of thin plasterboard partitions, as well as soundproofing materials. Such walls are quickly installed, look aesthetically pleasing, but do not provide additional strength to the structure.

For owners of plots with silty soil near water bodies or in hilly areas, it is recommended to build internal load-bearing walls. Thus, the structure will be more stable and, when choosing a buried foundation, will not succumb to adverse influences (for example, soil displacement).

Internal partitions made of any materials can be easily strengthened using metal profiles installed in places with the greatest load on the walls.

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Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable saving).

Window options

The most budget-friendly and durable option is metal-plastic windows. Ready-made or made to order, such structures can be of any size and modification, are perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions, and look aesthetically pleasing. The main advantage of PVC windows is ease of installation and maintenance. Unlike expensive wooden windows, metal-plastic windows do not require periodic restoration and are less susceptible to moisture and temperature changes. Modern designs are equipped with several tilt-and-turn structures to provide ongoing ventilation.

Classic double-glazed windows in a country house - reliable and inexpensive Source okna-odintsovo.ru

Will it be possible to save on utilities?

Contrary to popular belief, even the cheapest house functions well if its utilities work properly. On the other hand, budget options for installing electrical and water supply networks lead to additional costs in the future. For example, cheap wires, as well as junction boxes with poor insulation coating in a wooden house can lead to a fire and the need to restore the entire structure. Plumbing systems installed without compliance with the technology can be destroyed under the influence of harsh weather conditions, which will affect not only the comfort of the owners, but also future repair costs.

Installation of utilities is the basis of a comfortable life in a country house, so the opportunity to save on this aspect should be confirmed by careful calculations. This stage of work should be entrusted only to professionals in order to avoid unnecessary costs, as well as unpleasant situations during operation.

Interior decoration

A good way to save money is to choose a laconic, simple interior decoration of a country house. A wide variety of finishing materials will allow you to create cozy rooms at minimal cost. To save money, it is recommended to choose a laconic interior style with a minimum number of decorative elements.

A laconic interior means a minimum cost of finishing materials Source pinterest.com

Popular furniture made from natural materials looks aesthetically pleasing, but is more expensive than composite materials and also requires careful care.

Tips for saving on building a house: what you can and cannot save on

When thinking about how to save on building a house, you should not forget about the guarantee of its quality. Professional supervision of a technical engineer over the construction process is a guarantee of compliance with the technology of all work, so you should not skimp on these procedures.

Attractive finished projects of country houses are a beautiful picture, which can turn into impractical, expensive housing to operate. It is recommended to save on external decorative elements and order a house project with simple and clear architecture.

The foundation and communications are the “skeleton” of a durable home in which you will live comfortably, so it is worth spending the maximum amount of money on these aspects in order to use the services of professionals with many years of experience.

Finishing materials and additional lighting inside the house are more decorative than functional elements. Therefore, it is possible to reduce costs to a minimum using the principle of sufficiency.

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Is it worth ordering technical supervision for construction? This question interests almost everyone who builds a house, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control a construction company? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? Let’s also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?


Construction of a country house for permanent residence requires a consistent, thoughtful approach to all aspects of construction. In general, the answer to the question of how to build a house inexpensively, and which house is cheaper to build, will be the competent allocation of the budget and the use of the services of professionals, where possible, to select materials and carry out work. We must always remember that illiterate savings here and now often manifest themselves in a negative way during the further use of the house.

Today, the process of building a house requires a lot of money, so every person strives to save money when building a home. The concept of saving here should not be understood as the purchase of low-quality materials, because in a couple of years this will lead to their destruction, and after that to overpayment for construction. There are several options that describe how you can save money when building a house. If you want to build a house from timber inexpensively, then you should prepare the material in the winter, because at this time the demand for all construction supplies falls, which leads to lower prices. In addition, wood will last you much longer, because it is more resistant to damage by pests and mold.

You can and should save money

You can save money when building a house by accurately calculating the area you need, because people often build large cottages, most of the rooms in which they do not use. Therefore, you need to decide how many rooms will be enough for your family.

You can also save on building materials if you buy them in the same place, thus, when purchasing for a large amount, you can get a decent or discount card, which will allow you to purchase materials at reduced prices in the future. When you are planning to build, you are already saving money, because the timber has high thermal insulation properties. In this case, you don’t have to buy insulation or finishing materials, because such houses already look attractive. Thus, you will save your money on this.

You can save on almost everything if you carry out the construction process yourself. As a result, you will find other uses for the funds that you can spend on ordering the services of a construction company. But, in this case, you will have to learn a lot, and perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but you cannot experiment in this matter, so it would be better to hire one specialist who will supervise your construction.

The only thing you shouldn't skimp on is the foundation and walls.

Foundation and walls of a timber house

To build houses from timber they use:

  • slab,
  • columnar and
  • strip foundations.

They are represented by “floating columns” (the simplest foundation of this type), “grillage on pillars” and their subtypes. These foundations have proven themselves well on loose, weak-bearing soils.

The slab foundation is a reinforced concrete slab, which serves as the foundation for houses made of timber. It is best to use slab foundations on heaving soils with a high groundwater level. These structures are characterized by increased resistance to horizontal and vertical vibrations. It is worth noting that such reliability is inexpensive, since the construction of the foundation requires a lot of concrete and reinforcement.

They are reinforced concrete structures that have a cross section of the same shape both under the internal load-bearing and under the external walls. These foundations are highly reliable and relatively low cost, and perform well in heaving soils.

About the timber

Today you can find timber with different sections on sale, but recently timber 150 × 150 mm and 150 × 100 mm have been the most popular. For rafter systems and floor beams, timber 200 × 150 mm is used. To make this material, selected round timber is required, so it is quite expensive.

Previously, houses made of timber were often built from material with a cross-section of 100 × 100 mm, but today it is recognized as unprofitable. The 150 mm standard came out on top in popularity. Walls of this thickness retain heat better, their construction is less labor-intensive, and the number of crowns laid on the wall is reduced. Accordingly, the number of seams that need to be caulked is reduced.

In most cases, timber walls are made on site. Assembly is carried out using the “in the head” and “in the paw” methods. In the first case, the ends of the beams extend beyond the planes of the walls, in the second, not. In fact, this is the main difference between the methods. The choice depends not only on aesthetic considerations, but also on how the timber houses will be insulated. Cutting “in the paw” is necessary if in the future they plan to sheathe the walls with something else and additionally insulate them.

The height of the walls of the first floor should be within 2.4-3 m. Then the floors for the first floor are installed, and then the second floor or attic is built. Their walls can be constructed in timber or timber form, depending on the wishes of the customer.

Is lathing included in the construction of a house under the roof?

Quite a decent saving can be achieved when choosing a budget roofing material. However, here too it must be remembered that “clean”, untreated wooden walls need protection, which can be provided in an optimal and constructive way. For example, make the roof slopes wider on the windward side and choose the right roofing material.

Is lathing included in the construction of a house under the roof? Undoubtedly. But its design completely depends on the characteristics of the roofing material. So for a bitumen roof you need a continuous sheathing, but for a bitumen roof you need one step at a time. For continuous sheathing, smooth edged boards are used, which are laid parallel to the roof ridge. Under the slate and tiles, a lathing made of measuring bars is used. All lumber that is supposed to be used for sheathing must be thoroughly dried, since the durability and geometric shape of the roof depend on their quality.

In many respects, not only the service life and aesthetics of the roof, but also the degree of comfort and reliability of the attic, as well as the possibility of living in it, depend largely on the installation of the sheathing.

Any construction, as you know, requires a large budget. And, if you are not a Rockefeller, it is advisable to save this very budget. But the economy of economy is different. For example, if you save on the foundation, that is, take low-quality cement, dilute the mortar in a small proportion with sand and similar “tricks”, such savings threaten over time to turn into large cracks in the wall, or even to its destruction. Therefore, let’s leave aside such everyday tricks, because we want our house to be durable and consider ways of “legitimate” savings, using which it is possible to save on building a house without causing damage to its other qualities. So what are these ways? Let's get started.

Project selection

To realize your dream of owning your own home, you must start by choosing a project. When looking for the best solution, you must first take into account the rules and principles contained in the local development plan, or development regulations. Only after these adjustments can you focus on matching the design to your needs. If low construction cost is the main selection criterion, special attention should be focused on projects that will provide economic feasibility and low operating costs for the finished building. If you do not have too high requirements for sophistication and you are not building a mini-palace, you can choose completely ready-made house designs, which will save you a lot of money.


When choosing between three types of houses of the same size - a one-story house, a multi-story house and a one-story house with an attic, the best choice, from an economic point of view, is to choose a house with an attic.

Compared to a simple one-story house, it has a smaller roof and foundation area, and, unlike a multi-story house, there is no need to build additional floors. These factors will significantly reduce construction costs.

You can also save on compact forms with a simple design, without unnecessary architectural details that increase the cost of construction - bay windows, balconies, loggias, cornices.

The roof also plays an important role - the cheapest to implement will be a regular pitched attic roof; an attic roof is a little more expensive. If a basement is not a necessary part of the house, it is preferable to avoid it - as building one is a much more expensive option than building a similar space at ground level.

A very important element that you need to pay attention to when choosing a project is the number of risers in the building. It is preferable to place rooms in close proximity to each other, to which water, sewerage and a ventilation system should be installed.

It will also be economical to abandon large areas of terraces. You should also consider replacing your garage with a carport. Keep in mind that each completed project can be modified to fit within a limited budget, although this will cost you extra. But it is certainly better to spend a few hundred dollars to customize a project than tens of thousands on expensive designs and materials.

Construction Materials

The stability of the building, heat and sound insulation, and the aesthetics of the entire structure depend on correctly selected materials. However, even before purchasing a project, it is worth reviewing the list of materials and thinking about which of them can be replaced with cheaper alternatives.

It should be borne in mind that you need to find materials that, despite the low price, will meet all technical standards, and will also ensure the long-term use of the building without the need for repair work. Investors often choose to change the materials used to make the building's walls, the type of roofing material, and simplify the windows. Custom-sized windows tend to significantly increase construction costs.


House designs, inspired by current trends in the construction industry, involve the use of various facing materials such as stone and wood. You can easily abandon them in favor of less expensive materials, such as locally sourced wood or regular plaster.

A particularly interesting visual effect can be achieved by using plaster of various, often contrasting colors and textures. In this case, investors are limited only by their own imagination, because the choice of facing material does not affect the parameters of the building. It is only important that the changed material matches everything else from an aesthetic point of view.

Construction method

You should also remember that it is advisable to build using well-known and available materials that do not require individual orders or the involvement of individual specialists with experience in construction using a given technology and with specific materials.


Before choosing a project, you should make an estimate of the cost of building a house. This will help you accurately estimate costs and provide confidence in your project, which will undoubtedly lead to its speedy implementation. With a range of cost-effective solutions, you can make a real difference in reducing the cost of building your dream home.

Construction of housing against the backdrop of limited financial resources is a reality. Typically, private builders only have an approximate idea of ​​how much it will cost to build a house and think that such costs cannot be afforded. However, you can save money without even starting the work process.

Construction is a step-by-step process, and at each stage there are benefits to be gained, regardless of the technologies and materials chosen. Experienced builders know how to save money on building a house.

If you decide to build your own home from scratch, You should prepare for the following actions:

  • purchase of land;
  • project development;
  • purchase and delivery of materials;
  • foundation work;
  • installation of frame and roof;
  • external networks;
  • external and internal finishing.

A modest country house can be very cheap. Housing intended for permanent residence requires a slightly different approach and higher costs

Construction site

If the land was not received under any government program, as a gift or as an inheritance from relatives, it will have to be purchased. At this stage, you can save a significant amount of money by following the recommendations presented.

Communications supply:

  • the most expensive is gas supply, which depends on the distance at which the gas pipeline is located;
  • provision of electricity;
  • water supply;
  • on average, all presented communications can be installed for an amount equal to 450 tr. To build economically, it is recommended to purchase those areas where all the networks are located as close as possible to the future home (within reason, living under power lines is dangerous to health);
  • It is no less profitable to purchase a house for demolition, which has long since fallen into disrepair or was damaged after a serious fire. Such houses are often supplied with all supplies - this is more profitable than carrying out work in undeveloped territories.

Next, you need to check the groundwater level. When choosing a site, you can pay attention to a number of signs that hint at a high penetration of the aquifer.

In particular, worth considering:

  • the presence of abundant succulent vegetation on the territory, for example, sedge;
  • the presence of natural bodies of water nearby: rivers, streams, lakes, swamps;
  • there may be a well nearby, where the level is clearly visible to everyone;
  • It’s a good idea to chat with your neighbors, asking if they have any trouble with the seasonal scooping of water from the cellar or basement.

In this context, it is important to pay attention to the terrain. This will allow you to understand how melt and rainwater will flow. It is recommended to inspect the site in the spring.

If the territory is suitable in all respects, it remains to understand whether the access of heavy construction equipment is possible here. Having weighed all the criteria and considered the decision, you can safely acquire ownership of the land.

Cheapest project

During the project development stage, you can save a significant amount of money.

The most budget-friendly house can be built by choosing a standard project for work, which is freely available on the Internet

Today, the choice of standard design solutions is so large that you can choose the right option without much difficulty.

Given limited financial resources, you can take a ready-made solution for building the cheapest house from the Internet. This is rational and not as expensive as developing an individual project in an architectural bureau.

It is impossible to build housing without a project - this is a risky step, especially for a person who does not have sufficient experience in this matter. All such attempts in 99% of cases end in reconstruction/remodeling, where serious design errors are eliminated by professionals. These are direct time and financial costs that were not initially foreseen.

Constructive decisions

How to save money when building a house? It is important to choose the right design features for your future home. This is no less effective in reducing the overall costs of implementing the work.

Can use these tips:

  • It is better to abandon the basement, that is, choose a shallow strip foundation. In addition, if mistakes are made during the construction of the basement, this will become a source of serious consequences - damage to the interior decoration, flooring, and constant dampness. Fixing such problems is expensive and difficult;
  • if there is a need to lay out a basement due to the placement of a boiler room in it, it is easier to add a small technical room;
  • it is more profitable to build an attic roof, which will become a bright, spacious, comfortable room in which you can live peacefully;
  • from the point of view of economic efficiency, the shape of the box should be rectangular or square. With this shape of the walls you can get an excellent ratio of usable area to perimeter. The size of the perimeter is directly proportional to the amount of materials that will be required for the work;
  • By complicating the shape of the box, you can not only increase the costs of its construction, but also lead to a further increase in the cost of work. This approach entails the need to install a complex roof configuration, etc.;
  • The most economical is the construction of a simple ridge, gable roof. The more complex this element, the more expensive the work, the larger the area of ​​the slopes, therefore, more materials are required, by the way, their costs will be higher.

The cost of construction greatly depends on the technology. The increase in costs is revealed as follows: frame houses, the use of permanent/removable formwork, block cellular concrete, brick

Search for a construction team

The cheapest way to do all the work yourself. However, many years of practice show that it is still impossible to do without a brigade of shabashniks or at least two or three assistants. The search for a team, even just two or three people, can begin after purchasing a plot and preparing a project.

However, even here there are some subtleties that will help you save money:

  • As a recommendation, it is worth accepting that it is better to search for workers in the second half of winter, for example, in February. This is not the season and many specialized teams are idle and are ready to get down to business at minimal prices;
  • It’s good if friends or acquaintances have recommendations regarding certain builders. If there are none, you should familiarize yourself with the projects that they managed to build and, if possible, communicate with the owners of these houses;
  • experience shows that friends, relatives and friends who lead the work are not the best helpers. Despite the obvious savings, this is an ineffective solution that will ultimately result in downtime and costs;
  • It is optimal to hire people who will help build a turnkey house. Thus, for a large volume of work, prices can be further reduced and the team will work more efficiently, since they will be the ones who will have to do the finishing. It is not profitable for workers to allow defects to occur and subsequently correct them on their own and for free. It is unlikely that with this approach mistakes will be made during the construction of the house;
  • An exception may be excavation work and the construction of a load-bearing foundation. Here it may be rational to hire cheap labor, but under the supervision of a good foreman who will check the geometry, the quality of the reinforcement, and the stage of concrete pouring. As a rule, qualified specialists charge inflated fees for this amount of work, since it is hard and “dirty” work.

How much money does it take to build a house - cost structure

Many private builders are interested in whether it is necessary to draw up an estimate before starting work. Of course, it is not necessary to contact professional estimators, but it is still useful to estimate the cost plan even when building cheap country houses. The total cost of construction depends on the project, the amount of preparatory work, salaries of assistants and other factors.

The cost structure is as follows:

  • construction of the house frame - 40% (differentiated - foundation 15%, walls 30%, stairs, floors 12%, roofing 18%, openings, facades 25%);
  • heating organization – 9%;
  • sewerage/water supply – 7%;
  • electricity – 6%;
  • finishing – external and internal – 38%.

Examples of available house plans

The buildings that are most affordable from an economic point of view are the simplest.

When choosing a project, you should consider its purpose. It is unacceptable to use the project for a frame house under brick or aerated concrete

Among the variety of planning solutions, you can pay attention to those discussed below.

Country house 50 m²:

  • in a summer house it is optimal to have two bedrooms, a living room, a modest combined bathroom, a utility room and a kitchen;
  • in such houses there is a miniature hallway that smoothly turns into a corridor;
  • the largest room is allocated as a living room, where a stove or fireplace is placed;
  • the minimum cost of such projects is 700 tr.

Small buildings for seasonal residence:

  • these are modest one-story houses with a usable area not exceeding 50 m²;
  • such a structure is optimal for seasonal residence of a family consisting of 2-3 people;
  • similar houses are built according to the “living room + bedroom” scheme, sometimes there is a combined bathroom;
  • the kitchen occupies ¼ of the entire area;
  • The estimated cost starts from 550 tr.

To summarize, it can be noted that an inexpensive house is built from affordable building materials, does not have expensive finishing and has a small usable area.

How to save money when building a house at all stages of its construction and arrangement is described in the video: