How much does it cost to install water in a private house? Video: How to bring water from a well to a house Types of pipes depending on the material

Water is needed in all aspects of human life, including domestic life. Before buying a plot to build your dream home, it is worth considering the water supply system in advance. This issue is more relevant than ever, as the number of people moving from city apartments to the private sector is growing every year.

Bringing water to a private home is not a cheap pleasure; it is better to calculate all the costs in advance and stock up on finances. The costs are due to the fact that the process itself is not easy. How much does it cost to install plumbing in a private home? What affects the final cost?

Costs of carrying water to a private house

A private house must meet certain technical and household requirements. The owners usually strive to bring the living conditions in it closer to those in a comfortable apartment.

And one of the key factors is the water supply in the house. The 21st century is sweeping the world, which means that “conveniences on the street” and trips to the well for water are a thing of the past.

The cost depends on which source you choose:

  • Backbone system.
  • Well.
  • Autonomous source.

Main water supply is not as good an option as it might seem:

  1. Uneven availability.
  2. Insufficient quality of services, for example, low water pressure in the house.
  3. The connection will turn into paperwork.
  4. Vodokanal's design service is paid separately (price can vary from 20 thousand rubles, the amount depends on the region of residence).

It will cost much less to install a well in a private house, including a battery tank and a pumping station. How much it will cost depends on the depth of the layer and finishing materials. Expenses can amount to from 5 thousand rubles, installation and supplies included.

The most expensive option for a private home is standalone source. As a rule, this is an artesian well. It is worth the money spent, as it gives access to an unlimited supply of quality water.

In addition, you can conduct water in this way without using a pump. Constant pressure in the well forces the liquid to gush to the surface without the use of additional devices.

The well will be expensive due to the need to register it and drill to an impressive depth. All the work together will cost from 100 thousand rubles and above.

The direct costs of wiring to rooms inside a private house depend on the technical design drawn up by specialists. It is also better to entrust all work to professionals.

Well in a private house

The simplest and least expensive way to provide a home with water is a well. Its installation is not a difficult job, therefore it won't cost much.

The water supply in the well is replenished, but only as long as it is fed by underground sources. In addition, it needs to be equipped filtration system and a storage tank to maintain good pressure. The quality of the water will depend on the type of groundwater.

Wells are exposed to natural precipitation and various runoff. Despite all its disadvantages, the well will not require huge costs and will last a long time. Still, the optimal type of water supply in a private home is an autonomous system.

Well for water

It's expensive to run a well, but it's worth it. Wells are divided into two types: artesian and sand.

The second is cheaper An analogue of the first, it is used to extract water at a depth of up to 35 meters from sandy aquifers.

This is a good option for a summer residence. Before carrying out such water supply, you should familiarize yourself with its nuances:

  • if the sand layer is deeper than 35 meters, then you will have to drill an artesian well;
  • if the soil is rocky, then drilling is impossible;
  • even if water is extracted from a sand well in the house next door, there is no reason to believe that drilling on your site will give the desired result;
  • the filter will have to be cleaned frequently due to the accumulation of sludge, the filter does not change, if it is completely dirty, a new well is drilled;
  • the filter does not provide complete cleaning, sand gets into the water, which has a bad effect on the operation of the pump;
  • service life depends on the frequency of use in a private home;
  • Water pollution in the upper layers varies and depends on weather conditions.

But it has one significant drawback: it can be use maximum 7 years. But the artesian well will be used for many more generations. In both cases, water quality does not depend on any external factors.

Now you know how much it costs to install water in a private house. Of course, everything is decided by the owner of the house, taking into account the available opportunities, including financial ones.

An artesian well is the best option, so it should be considered as a prospect.

Most residents of the private sector deliberately refuse to connect to the main system for objective reasons.

Experts advise take into account all the nuances and your plans for further living in the designed private house when choosing a water supply system. It is better to work out this issue in advance, even at the stage of purchasing a land plot.

Water supply from a well is sometimes simply necessary. But first you need to determine whether a well or a water supply is better. After all, the price of the structure will depend on this.

In this article we decided to analyze this issue. You will learn the difference between these two types of water supply. Learn how to install a water supply system at your dacha from a well. Find out what is needed for this and how it is done.

A diagram of connecting the water supply from the well will be given. Before starting work, it is worth watching videos and photos on this topic and correctly imagining what will be required of us during the work process.

Water supply

Water supply to a dacha from a well is done according to certain rules and technology. However, supplying water from a well is not fundamentally different.

Let's see how this is done and works:

  • Do-it-yourself water supply from a well begins with determining the place from which the water supply will be made;
  • After this, a diagram of the installation of the water supply from the well is made and the pipeline is laid;
  • Now you need a pumping station or just a pump. Everything will depend on the type of structure. The video in this article will help you understand this issue;
  • It is also necessary to install a coarse filter, and one should not forget about the check valve, which must be installed before the pumping station;
  • You will need a pressure gauge and a ball valve, this is necessary to determine the pressure and adjust it;
  • It is necessary to prepare a container for water; it is selected depending on the required volume;
  • To get hot water, you should immediately decide whether you will need a water heater or a boiler;

SES requirements for water

In order for no one to pick on us, we need to know the water requirements.

After manufacturing and supplying water to the room, it is necessary to take samples and take them for testing:

  • According to the platinum-cable scale, we should not have colorlessness of more than 30 percent;
  • There should be no foreign odors or other colors;
  • The percentage of nitrates should be no more than ten;
  • There should not be more than 10 bacterial bacillus per liter of liquid.

Selecting a source

A well or a central water supply can be chosen as a source, but a supply from a well can also be made and it will not cost much. This must be considered on a case by case basis.

It’s good if there is a high-quality well or well on the territory of the summer cottage that you purchased. But if it is missing, it must be created.

Attention: When choosing the type of source and its depth, consult with your neighbors. Find out what they use: a well or a well.
Inquire about water quality. Sometimes it is better to do without amateur activities and listen to the advice of more experienced people. In addition, you can do an analysis to finally make sure that it is really good.


A well is the most ancient artificial source that provides people with water.

Attention: It is constructed when the aquifer is located at a depth of 4-15 m. Moreover, the water must be of high quality so that it can be consumed for food.

What's good and what's bad

Before installing a well, make sure that the volume of water is sufficient for your family:

  • This option is cheaper than creating a well.
  • It is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists; you can purchase the necessary materials and carry out all the work yourself. This will save you a lot of money. The price of the entire structure will be significantly lower;
  • A well lasts longer than a borehole. Its maximum service life is 50 years. In addition, the well is independent of electricity, unlike a well.
  • But there is one drawback: it may contain perched water, which significantly reduces the quality of the water. But this only happens when waterproofing is performed incorrectly (see).

In some regions, drilling of wells is preferred. The reasons can be very different.
Perhaps there is a spring or underground river with high-quality water nearby, or perhaps the groundwater is at a depth of more than 15 m.

Well "on sand"

When creating it, water is taken from the upper layers of the soil. the first one is achieved. In this option, you only need to reach the first layer of water, which is suitable for consumption. Above it there is dense loam, which filters rain, melt and groundwater.


  • In each region, the aquifer lies at different depths, so the depth of a well “for sand” can be 10 - 50 meters.
  • This type of well contains 500 liters of water. Since they become clogged with silt and sand over time, this source can be used for about 5 years.
  • The terrain on which the well is located is of great importance. The source may turn out to be inexhaustible, because even with low groundwater (deeper than 15 m) you can stumble upon an underground river. In this situation, the filters will not become clogged, and the well will last for more than 20 years.

Attention: It is advisable to look for a suitable place using old-fashioned methods and drill the well manually. As a result of using such methods, there is a greater chance of finding an aquifer with good quality water. During machine drilling, it can be “slipped through”.

Artesian well

In this case, it is necessary to drill to the limestone rock, which lies at a depth of 35-1000 meters or more. An artesian well is a reliable and durable source with a minimum volume of 1500 liters.


  • The water found in the limestone layer of soil is of high quality. Typically, wells “for limestone” are not created for personal needs, and if they are created, then they are no more than 135 m deep.

Attention: The process of drilling an artesian well is complicated by the fact that the aquifer of limestone rock is a state property. Before carrying out work, you must obtain the appropriate permit. In addition, the well must be registered.

  • Its arrangement takes from several days to a month. In this case, much more money is spent than when creating a well “for sand”.
  • Groundwater and perched water cannot enter an artesian-type well. Its service life is approximately the same as that of a well.

Attention: To make drilling an artesian well the most profitable, do it together with other neighbors. After all, everyone needs quality water. And the price will then be significantly lower.

If you want to equip a water source such as a well, ask for a debit calculation. This way you can choose the right pump correctly. And if you do it together, then a pumping station. And these are costs that can be avoided.

Find out the productivity of the well

In order to find out the performance of a water source, you need to:

  • Pump out the water using a surface pump or motor pump;
  • Then you need to measure its quantity. Tie a string to the nut and lower it into a source of water, then measure the length.

In this way you will recognize the mirror of water. Having received the necessary data, you can proceed to purchasing the pumping station itself.

To familiarize yourself with the parameters, use the system passport. Pay special attention to the presence of an inlet filter and check valve.

Selection of pumping station

It is important to choose the right pump for your country water supply. Pumps are available in surface and submersible types.


  • Surface devices are suitable for installation in a home or utility room; they are capable of pumping water that is located at a depth of no more than 9 meters.
  • Installation is carried out in deep wells and wells; they can be used to pump water at a depth of 10-150 m.

Attention: Do not forget that in the upper layers there is not such quality water. Therefore, to use it in food, it is better to use a submersible design.

A pumping station is a more convenient option; it consists of elements such as a hydraulic accumulator, a pump, a supply hose and a pressure switch. Such stations are very common and are sold everywhere.

The most famous are those pumping stations that have a centrifugal self-priming pump and a built-in ejector:

  • They are designed for sources no deeper than 9 m and supplying water to a height of up to 40 m.
  • In order for the station to work, the filler hole must be filled with water so that it flows over the edge, then the lid must be closed and the pump turned on. First, air will be pumped, and eventually water will flow.
  • The sensitivity of this type of pumping station to air in the system is insignificant. To release it, simply open the valve (tap). This unit is suitable for collecting water located at shallow depths.
  • The pumping station is installed in a caisson or pit. Its installation can be done in the house itself, but only if there is a small distance between it and the well or well.

If you need a system that will purify water where the depth is up to 45 m, then it would be the best option to buy a pumping station with a centrifugal self-priming pump; it has an external ejector installed. It is also used in cases where the water is far from the house and the distance is 20-40 meters.

It is possible to install systems in utility rooms and residential buildings:

  • Two pipes are laid from the pumping station, they have an ejector at their end, and they are immersed in the water source.
  • One pipe supplies water to the ejector, and the second pipe supplies it to the house.
  • A station with an external ejector is sensitive to the presence of air inside the system, but it can be installed in the interior of the building. In this case, the ejector is at the source of water intake.

Attention: When choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the suction height. Some devices have a suction height of 8 m, others - 20-45 m.
If this figure is 8 m, then this does not mean that the pump cannot be used in wells that are 15 m deep. Our groundwater depth is significantly higher than the depth of the well itself.

Before arranging a water supply and purchasing a pumping station, check the performance of the source, the volume of water consumption, the pressure in the system, and the level of the mirror. In order for water to flow into the house uninterruptedly, then the pumping station should be selected so that it is not higher than the source of water supply, but must be higher than the level of possible water consumption.

Selecting pipes

Having correctly identified them, you can take them in the required manufacture; they differ in the angle of rotation and this will greatly facilitate the work:

  • The diameter of any pipes made of different materials (steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic) must be from 32 mm.

Attention: All connecting seams must be reliable and sealed, otherwise there will be a risk of pipe failure when the water pressure increases when using the water supply. Pay special attention to this.

  • When choosing pipes, you should pay attention that the material they are made of is food grade and not technical. Be sure to check this out;
  • We need to supply pipes to the premises; the trenches from the well to the foundation of the building must be at least a meter deep. It is important that the level of laying pipes in the trench is below the freezing point of the soil in your area. It is necessary to provide reliable protection by covering the pipeline with insulation (see). For this, mineral wool is used.
    It’s even better if you also lay a special electric cable for heating, which will provide heating and prevent the pipe from freezing;
  • An above-ground option for laying pipes is also available. In this case, measures to insulate the external water supply must be carried out. The pipes are laid directly on the ground, or in a preliminary recess. At the same time, a heating electric cable is laid, but in this version it must already be present.

We do our own water supply

Some people think that this is a rather difficult question. In fact, she is not.

If the water supply source has already been created by you or the former owners, all that remains is to install the pipeline, pump and other equipment. You can do all this completely with your own hands and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Water supply pipe layout diagrams

After a water well has been constructed, a diagram of the water supply elements is developed in one of two options:

  • Serial connection of pipes.
  • Collector distribution of water supply elements.

The first option is suitable for a small house.

The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Water flows sequentially into the house through the main pipeline.
  • A tee with an outlet is installed in the desired direction at the points of water consumption.

The disadvantage of this option is that when several water consumers use water, the pressure drops sharply at the most distant point. Therefore, such a scheme for supplying water from a well to a house is not acceptable for a residential country house and cottage, but is well suited for country housing.

Collective pipe distribution is suitable for a country house where people permanently live. With this connection, separate pipes are diverted individually from the main collector to any water intake point in the house.

Possible pressure losses are negligible. Although the cost of a manifold connection is higher, it is compensated by the quality, convenience and reliability of the plumbing system.

Well water supply system

The work of laying pipes and digging trenches is no different. If you plan to install a pump and pipes directly above the well, install a caisson or pit above it. This way you will provide protection against freezing.

Installation of caisson

This work is carried out in compliance with certain rules and technology:

  • Dig the well pipe to a height of 2.5 m. The width should be twice the diameter of the caisson;
  • After this, compact the bottom of the hole and fill it with a 20 cm thick layer of concrete.
  • Then install the caisson.
  • Cut the pipe, leaving 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson.
  • At this level, create a hole in the caisson through which pipes will be laid in the future.
  • Connect the pumping station, concrete the outside of the caisson (layer thickness - 30-40 cm), fill it with cement-sand mixture, and fill the remaining 50 cm with soil.

We connect the pumping station to the well

The remote pump can be installed directly in the caisson. If the well is located nearby, the pumping station can be installed in the house.


  • The supply pipe should be placed in a caisson or pit and installed in the well pipe.

Attention: There must also be a faucet designed to drain the system down.

  • Install a pump in the caisson, connect it to the well pipe, then connect the pipe that is connected to the house to the pump.

Install the remaining equipment, such as filters, control relays and a hydraulic accumulator, in an outbuilding or home.

We connect the well pumping station

If your well is located close to your house and there is a high water level in it, use a pumping station with a suction height of no more than 9 m.

An outbuilding, a house and the well itself are suitable for installation:

  • If the well is deep and remote from the house, use a remote ejector. Install the pumping station in the house, place the ejector in the well.

Attention: The room allocated for installation of the system must be heated. The temperature must be at least +2 °C.

  • In front of the pump, install a valve designed to drain liquid;
  • We are installing a filter, which will provide rough cleaning, and a check valve.
  • After this, install the pump and filter, which will be designed for fine cleaning.
  • As a result, if necessary, you can change the cartridge in the filter. Next, install the accumulator.
  • After this, the entire water purification and water treatment system is installed.

We make internal plumbing at the dacha


  • Run a 32 mm pipe to the cold water supply manifold.
  • Install ball valves in it, then connect 25 mm pipes. They will ensure the supply of water to consumers or their groups.
  • Corrugated stainless steel pipes, metal-plastic pipes, as well as pipes made of polypropylene and steel are suitable for internal wiring. Corrugated products are the most expensive, but they are easy to install. If you take into account quality and price, the best option is polypropylene pipes. They can be connected with an electric soldering iron and fittings. To work with an electric soldering iron, you do not need any specific skills. In addition, this tool can be rented.

Attention: Before purchasing, carefully consider what you need. After all, during work there will be waste. Write down how many elbows and angles you need to join the pipes.

Lead the pipe to the water heater, then connect, this should be done from the side of the collector, only from its reverse side. A pipe with hot water comes out of the water heater, we make its connection to the collector, after which we make a tap for water drainage and ball valves.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to decide correctly on the source and then select the right equipment and you can definitely handle it.

Seasonal options for plumbing systems

Various options can be used to arrange local ones. Taking into account their needs and living options, owners of suburban plots in the absence of centralized communications can independently equip their plots.

Summer design

Summer water supply schemes are represented by the following systems:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

The collapsible design is extremely easy to install and operate. With the arrival of the warm season, you can safely install the necessary set of elements on the site.

A configuration of plastic pipes and a hose are laid on top of the ground in the required directions. The design will be distinguished by high reliability when using high-quality connecting adapters and valves.

The stationary structure is a conventional water supply system laid in the ground. The depth of the bookmark may not be significant. Water taps are installed in the required places. The shallow depth will always allow such a system to be reoriented in the summer season.

However, it should be taken into account that the system may be damaged during frost. Therefore, there must be some slope of the highway to be able to release the system.

Winter design

For efficient and reliable operation of the winter version of the water supply system, it will require careful insulation. This guarantees its safety and functioning.

Work begins on the spot. Many owners combine the water supply with the power cable in a common casing.

Although a well can be considered an excellent source of drinking and household water for a country house or dacha, there are unlikely to be many who want to constantly carry this water into the house. That is why many well owners are wondering how to bring water from a well into their house. Water supply to a country house from a well or borehole is quite feasible. However, before bringing water into the house, you need to decide on a whole range of measures aimed at achieving the required cleanliness of the water intake. Video instructions for installing a water supply system at home from a well or borehole will help you better understand the principles of construction.

To connect the water supply to a well or borehole, the area of ​​a country house or cottage must be equipped with a well with a properly installed filter at the bottom. To ensure an uninterrupted year-round supply of water to the house for drinking and household needs, it is necessary to waterproof and insulate the structure, install a pipeline system, install a pump, filtration and treatment system.

Connecting water supply from a well or borehole to a dacha or country house requires mandatory waterproofing of the water intake structure. This needs to be done for several reasons:

  • First of all, over time, due to a violation of the sealing of the seams, contaminated groundwater (overwater), wastewater, melt and sediment water, organic decomposition products, ground salts and alkalis, chemicals, and bacteria can begin to enter any well. Such leaks can make the well water unusable for drinking. The same goes for wells.
  • Additional waterproofing of the walls of a concrete well will help protect structures from destruction under the influence of soil acids and salts.

External waterproofing of the concrete rings of a new well can be done at the stage of its construction using a coating method and several layers of roofing material or using penetrating compounds. The old well is dug out to a depth of 3-4 m and insulated from the outside with roofing felt on tar mastics.

For internal insulation of the walls of a well or well, two-component cement-polymer coating insulation is used. This environmentally friendly composition will in no way affect the quality of drinking water. In addition, bedding and a concrete seal are made around the water intake structure. The well must be excavated on the surface of the ground.

Components of a water supply system

To carry out water supply from a well to a dacha or country house, a different scheme can be used, but in any case the following components will be needed:

  • well or well;
  • pumping device;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • automatic pressure gauges and sensors;
  • water treatment devices;
  • water supply pipes;
  • shut-off valves;
  • plumbing fixtures.

In some cases, depending on the water use, collectors, water heaters, irrigation systems and pipes for watering the garden may be needed.

How to choose a pump?

The layout of the water supply from a well and a well is very similar, so in both cases you can use a submersible pump. For shallow wells (up to 10 m), you can purchase surface pumping devices or pumping stations. In a well, such a device is used with a small pipe diameter.

Advantages of using a pumping station:

  • Multifunctionality of the system. The station includes a pump, a hydraulic accumulator and automation.
  • Although the price of the station is higher than that of a submersible pump, you can save money because you do not have to purchase a hydraulic tank.
  • The station can be used when the water level in the well is low or when the diameter of the well casing pipe is small.

Disadvantages of the pumping station:

  • Depth restrictions. For wells in a country house with a depth of more than 10 m, you need to choose other equipment.
  • Too much noise during operation.
  • Possibility of air entering the system due to improper installation.

A submersible pump can operate properly only in conditions where there is at least 1 m of water above it, and at least 2-6 m below it. This will allow it not to scoop up sand and silt from the bottom of the well, which will protect against wear, burnout of the electric motor winding and will provide effective cooling.

Hydraulic accumulator

Many schemes for supplying water from a well to a house involve the use of a hydraulic accumulator. This way there will be no problems with the water supply to the house. Using a hydraulic tank will allow the pump to operate with less load. The device will automatically turn off when the hydraulic tank is filled and turn on when the water level in the tank drops below a certain level.

Hydraulic accumulators are divided into storage and membrane. Diaphragm units are small in size and are needed to maintain the required pressure in the pipeline. Storage tanks are very large and heavy. But if there is a power outage, the water in such a tank will last for a day.

Typically, the layout of water supply systems from a well to a house involves installing a hydraulic tank in the attic. In some cases, additional strengthening of house structures may be necessary. Especially when using a storage tank.

Pipe selection

To supply water to your home, you can use copper, steel, plastic or metal-plastic pipes. But HDPE pipes are in greatest demand. They are made from low-density polyethylene, so they are not inferior in strength to steel ones, but are not subject to corrosion, rot and do not freeze in winter. Other advantages of HDPE pipes:

  • such a pipeline can last 50 years;
  • low weight facilitates installation;
  • Unified connectors and fasteners speed up assembly.

To supply water to the house you will need pipes with a diameter of 25 and 32 mm.

Laying the external pipeline

To enter the pipeline, a hole is punched in the wall of the well. The inlet should be well sealed after laying the pipes and completing the installation work. The inlet is connected to the well via an adapter, pit or caisson. Typically, the connection point should be located no higher than 1-1.5 m from the ground level.

  1. First of all, you need to dig a trench from the well to the walls of the house. In this case, the trench should be deepened 40-50 cm below the soil freezing level. An approximate installation diagram can be found online.
  2. The pipes are laid so that for each meter of length the excess is 15 cm. Therefore, the trench is dug with a slope. This will provide the necessary slope towards the water intake structure.
  3. Then all sections of the pipeline are laid and connected.
  4. After the pipes, the cable from the pump is laid in the trench.

Attention: when laying, the pump cable must be carefully insulated.

  1. Before digging a trench, you need to test the system under pressure 1.5 times higher than the working pressure.
  2. If the system is functioning normally, the water supply can be buried. First, sand is poured to a height of 10 cm. The sand around the pipes should not be compacted too much so as not to damage them. Finally, the trench is filled with soil.

If your dacha or country house is located in harsh climatic conditions, then laying pipes from a well or well is carried out slightly differently. This option can also be used in mid-latitudes if you decide to arrange the input above the soil freezing level. Installation of external water supply pipes is carried out in the following order:

  1. A trench is dug to a depth of 60 cm.
  2. Its bottom is covered with a layer of expanded clay, slag or foam chips 150-200 mm high. The insulation is compacted.
  3. Pipes must be insulated. To do this, a special insulation is wound around them and secured with a corrugated casing. Also a good option for insulating pipes is to use a heating cable. It is laid in a trench along with pipes.
  4. Then the pipes are filled with the same insulation from above to a height of up to 200 mm, it is slightly compacted.
  5. The further scheme of work is similar to the previous installation method. The system is checked and the trench is backfilled.

Entering the house

To install a pipeline into a house, it is necessary to make a hole in the foundation, if it was not provided for during the construction of a country house or cottage. Typically, the water supply freezes at the point where it enters the house. To prevent this from happening, a coupling is installed around the pipe at the entry point - a small section of pipeline of a larger diameter. In addition, the insertion site is carefully insulated. As a rule, water supply pipes with a diameter of 32 mm will require a coupling with a diameter of 50 mm.

Important: the distance between the point of entry of water supply pipes into the house and the point of exit of sewer pipes should not be less than 1.5 m.

Insulation and insulation of the input is carried out as follows:

  1. A coupling is inserted into the hole in the foundation.
  2. The pipeline is passed through the coupling and insulated.
  3. To waterproof the input, a rope is hammered between the pipe and the coupling.
  4. Then this place is filled with sealant, foam or clay mortar.

Video instructions and diagram of laying pipes for supplying water from a well to a house:

Bringing water to a private house from a well means ensuring comfortable living for yourself and your family members. A well is not needed if you live in an apartment, because a city house is connected to the central water supply without our participation at the construction stage. However, for suburban real estate, a well becomes a vital necessity. In this article we will answer the question: “How to bring water into a house from a well?”

From this article you will learn:

    What you need to consider before bringing water into your house from a well

    How to bring water into a house from a well while simultaneously connecting to the main water supply

How to bring water into a house from a well: main points

Answering the question of how to bring water into a house from a well, let's look at the main types of wells. To do this, consider the types of groundwater. Shallow and relatively inexpensive wells are designed to extract more “accessible” groundwater that lies horizontally in the soil.

Let's consider the concept of “aquitard”. This is nothing more than a layer of dense, water-impermeable rocks. A dense layer of clay or rock stands in the way of a well being drilled at shallow depths. If a looser layer of soil is located above such an aquifer, for example, sand, limestone or gravel, and natural conditions allow moisture to accumulate, then an aquifer appears. Water can be obtained by drilling a borehole or a well.

The structure of the soil can be compared to a layer cake. As in “Napoleon”, in which layers of biscuit alternate with cream, in the soil aquifer is replaced by looser rock. It is in them, loose rocks, that aquifers of interest to humans are formed.

The water will be as clean as possible if such a horizon lies at a sufficiently deep depth. In order to supply water to a private house from a well, it is necessary to assess the properties of the soil of a particular area and how the structure of the soil changes depending on the level of precipitation in the area.

A well drilled at shallow depths can lead you to the following type of water:

  • Verkhovodka.

Groundwater located as close as possible to the surface may lie above waterproof lenses of limited area. They were called "verkhovodka". High water is not a universal phenomenon. It can be found fragmentarily, in certain areas.

Verkhodka has a serious nuance. Often, the filter layer that protects the perched water from biological contaminants is simply missing. As a result, in areas with active economic activity, water may be of poor quality.

The only source of replenishment for the aquifer is precipitation. In this regard, serious replenishment occurs only at certain moments, for example, during rain or melting snow. Cold winter or hot summer lead to a sharp decrease in the amount of water in the well, which was installed for high water. During this period, water may disappear completely.

However, overhead water is the simplest and least expensive method in which water can be supplied to a private house from a well. The water lies at a depth of only 2–8 meters from the surface of the earth. A well of this type allows you to provide the house with technical water intended for housekeeping.

  • Groundwater.

Answering the question of how to bring water into a house from a well using groundwater, let’s consider the features of this concept. Groundwater is nothing more than an aquifer that has a free surface and lies above a vast aquifer. Drilling a well to extract water of this type is usually not easy, because the water lies at a depth of 6–20 meters. This is how it differs from verkhodka.

A house in a village that uses a well usually gets groundwater. However, it should be noted that groundwater, as a rule, is not protected by a filter aquifer in the upper part. Often, water from such a source does not meet the requirements according to which it can be used for drinking and cooking. However, the quality of such water exceeds the quality of perched water, because the water is “filtered” by a thick layer of soil, which retains some of the contaminants.

The concept of water content of an open horizon is inextricably linked with seasonality. For example, in regions “rich” in precipitation, wells or wells are replenished with water all year round. In arid climates, groundwater appears periodically, seasonally, or is absent.

  • Interstratal waters.

Water flowing between two impermeable layers is called interstratal. This type of aquifer is characterized by its location in loose soil. The aquifer alternates with a permeable layer, and there can be either one or a dozen such layers. The water usually lies at a depth of 20–80 meters. However, there are exceptions when interstratal waters come to the surface, forming springs.

Overcoming a thick layer of soil and water-resistant rocks, water reaches the interstratal horizons. The quality of such interstratal waters is assessed quite highly, because the water undergoes natural filtration from contaminants. Geologists are looking for the most water-saturated layers. In the usual case, purity and water saturation are inextricably linked with the depth of the aquifers.

The water itself, squeezed by aquicludes, experiences serious pressure due to the weight of the soil. When water enters the working string of a well, it expands. Therefore, often the water level in the well is significantly higher than the level of the aquifer.

High pressure can cause water to gush out while drilling a well. This spontaneous outflow was called “artesian waters”.

  • Artesian waters.

When deciding to supply water to a private house from a well, keep in mind that aquifers capable of gushing out are not always found. However, the very fact of increased pressure and, accordingly, high water levels is a characteristic phenomenon for artesian sources.

Artesian waters, forming vast underground pools at relatively great depths (from 100 to 1000 m on average), are abundant and clean. Clear and abundant artesian waters are located deeper than other types of groundwater. As a rule, artesian waters are found in porous rocks. Artesian water “loves” limestone.

Artesian water extraction methods are usually expensive. This is due to the serious depth of the water. But there are also cases when artesian water is found at a depth not exceeding 25 meters. Typically, this phenomenon manifests itself in depressions in the terrain.

From which well can water be supplied to the house?

The continuity of water supply depends on the type of well used. You can supply water to a private house from a well using the following types of wells:

1. Sand well.

Sand wells are relatively shallow. They often reach a depth of 35 meters from the surface of the earth. Such a source can provide water to a large private house. At the same time, the water entering the house through pipes can be used not only for household needs, but also for food needs. Unlike a well, a sand well produces water that is cleaner in all respects, but in terms of the amount of impurities it cannot be called ideal.

It will take you only two or three days to bring water into your house from a well. The useful life of the well is about ten years. The period during which the well will function directly depends on the degree of pumping of the channel.

If filters are installed in sand with larger grains, the well is considered durable and productive. If the sand, on the contrary, has a fine fraction, the well promises to serve you for about two years. Often such wells quickly silt up and fail. The service life of a well directly depends on several factors, including both the sand fraction, which was mentioned earlier, and the thickness of the aquifer itself.

Before drilling a well into sand, it is necessary to detect a layer of aquiferous sand and only then proceed with the installation of the filter. In the thickness of the soil, sand is located in separate areas, lenses. So, if your house can stand on a site that does not imply the presence of water-bearing sand, then the neighboring one, on the contrary, has an abundance of it.

Such “oases” can be found by drilling. Before drilling a sand well, please note that it does not involve the use of modern high-performance pumps. Fluctuations in groundwater levels determine the productivity of wells. One of the advantages of such wells is the possibility of using borehole pumps.

Water extracted from a sand well requires additional purification. However, the well itself does not require significant costs. Wells of this type are not only easy to install, but can also be drilled by teams that do not have a special license to carry out work.

A sand well typically provides a small home. The resource of such a well is quite enough for a family of three people. If a large amount of water is required, such a source will not be suitable.

2. Artesian well.

Drilling an artesian well is a cost-intensive task. Such wells are laid at great depths. However, the main advantage of a well is its impeccable water quality. The water entering the house from an artesian well contains a minimum of impurities, and its reserves are considered limitless. The lifespan of such a well can reach fifty years.

A well of this type can be used in conjunction with a modern submersible pump. It will take more than five days to drill an artesian well. Bringing water to a private house from a well means facing a number of difficulties, including the large diameter of the well (ranging from 159 to 234 mm), as well as a greater immersion depth than in the case of sand.

In order to bring a source of this type into a house, a large number of casing columns are required. On the market, the price of one meter of drilling directly depends on the diameter and, as a consequence, the cost of casing pipes.

The cost of the well that you have to drill will consist of several components: the actual drilling, casing, pumping, which allows you to bring clean water into the house, and even the passage of a heavy drilling rig to the site. In order for the chemical analysis of water to be objective, it is recommended to carry it out at least two weeks after the start of pumping.

The work of bringing water into the house requires not only professional knowledge, but also the use of special equipment and accessories. You can design a well yourself or with the involvement of an organization specializing in water.

How to bring water into a house from a well with your own hands

To organize an autonomous water supply system for your home you will need:


    pump for water intake (feeding device);

    filters and water heaters (preparing devices);

    pumped storage tanks;

    automatic control system for pumping station operation;

    various pipes;

    plumbing fixtures;

    distribution and shut-off valves.

Before bringing water into the house from a well, you need to carefully evaluate the drilling depth and the power of the pump used. After installing the pump, additional work will be required to install a check valve; it is this valve that will restrain the flow of water, creating pressure in the pipes. Often the pumping equipment used requires a built-in valve.

Let's assume your house is located on a site with a well equipped with a high-quality pump. Now all you have to do is install and connect the pipeline to it. Operating devices usually already have casing and caps installed. To install the pipes, you only need to attach the locking coupling to the head. All pipes must be connected absolutely tightly, the diameter of the pipes should not be less than 32 mm. This scheme reduces the likelihood of pipe failures during system operation.

    Bringing water to a private house from a well means thinking through and preparing:

    System installation project. The project is compiled individually and requires an exact indication of the laying scheme, the number of pipes and fittings used.

    A system of filters and water softening equipment that may be required.

    In order to conduct water, you will also need pipes, fittings, a powerful hair dryer, and hacksaws for working on metal.

To install a water supply system means to combine the work of laying a well with convenient pipe routing. The pipes will run both in the house itself and in the adjacent area. Cold water is supplied directly to the kitchen and bathroom, the drains are connected to a local or public sewer.

Installing a pump in a well

The main requirement for a pump is its type. Submersible pumps are used in wells. Such systems are installed in wells that have been cleared of sand and debris. During installation, water is pumped out from the well. This is necessary in order to carry out installation without the effect of clouding the water from suspensions.

Bringing water to a private home means taking care of the filtration system. Special equipment can greatly increase the service life of the pump. The power of the device is selected based on the depth and performance of the system. Among other things, heavy structures will require special equipment for manipulation (lowering and lifting). Perhaps it will be a regular electric winch. Installation of the structure will require two specialists, the first removes the winch, the second manipulates the cable, feeds or receives it.

Do not use pump hoses or cables for lifting purposes.

Preparing the trench and installing pipes

After drawing up an individual project, you can begin laying a trench. The trench will connect the well and the house. The bottom of the trench is covered with sand. This creates a cushion into which plastic pipes are installed.

For a house in which up to 15 people regularly live, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm can be used. Pipes are usually laid below a one and a half meter level, this is where the ground freezes. To ensure that the pipeline is not afraid of bitter frosts, they resort to insulation; ordinary mineral wool is suitable for this. If the pipes are planned to be laid above ground, insulation will be required in any case.

In order to conduct a water supply system through the territory of a land plot, it must be buried, and a heating electric cable is laid parallel to the pipes.

Individual pipe elements are welded with a heat gun or a special soldering iron; it is soldering that ensures maximum strength and durability of the structural connections. To cut pipes, prepare a hacksaw. The best cutting method is considered to be cutting using a lever cutter; it is often combined with a construction soldering iron. The pipes are gradually laid in pre-prepared trenches and brought into the house through holes.

The installation of a pipeline into the house is considered the final stage of external work. Before installation, a hole with a diameter of 50 mm is drilled in the wall of the building. The gap is sealed with a sleeve into which the pipes are inserted. The hole is sealed with construction foam. Work can be carried out directly above the base of the earth.

Pump room arrangement

How to bring water into a house from a well without a special room? This is not possible because you will need enough space to install the equipment. If you plan to drill a small well, arrange a special pit.

The dimensions of all structures are determined by the type of equipment used and the conditions of its placement. At the initial stage of work, we install a container made of food-grade plastic. If your house is equipped with a shower, prepare a 500 liter container so that water will flow into the house in sufficient volume.

The float and tank system has become very widespread; it is this that allows the pump to operate smoothly, without jerking. The float regulates the pump response over a wide range. This determines the ability to configure pumping equipment optimally. The engine runs for the time necessary to supply water to the house, then shuts down for a significant period of time.

The system has a significant disadvantage - a possible decrease in water pressure. In order to supply water to the house and provide it with the required level of pressure, you will need: an additional pump, a special pressure switch, a membrane receiver and a pressure gauge for measuring pressure.

The relay helps restore water supply when pressure drops. As soon as the indicator drops below normal, the pump pumps up. The relay is adjusted using an adjusting screw. It is located in the pump electronics unit under the cover.

The receiver is designed to eliminate jerking in the engine; it is responsible for a smooth decrease in pressure in the system.

How to bring water into a house from a well (video)

How to bring water into a house from a well and connect to the main water supply

How to bring water into a house from a well and at the same time use a central water supply? Despite all the laboriousness of the work being carried out, creating such a system is not difficult. Together with the connection to the central water supply, your home automatically receives an alternative and rather a backup rather than the main source of water.

In order to drain from the central main line into the house, we dig a trench that originates from a street water source. We lay the pipes in the trench, and then cut them into the main line. Before installing such a system through which water will flow in the future, it is necessary to obtain approval of the project from the city or district water utility, the owner and controller of the main.

You will also need to obtain specifications and install a water meter. The pipe leading from the central line is connected to the water supply tank. As you already remember, a submersible pump is connected to the same tank. To make the connection, we use a special mechanical float valve or valve, similar to that used in toilet tanks. The valve is adjusted: the water is shut off at the moment the sensor is triggered by the float of the submersible pump.

Next you will need to conduct a tap. We connect an outlet with a valve and a valve that prevents the passage of water in two directions (nipple principle) to the pipe of the pumping station. In the event of a power outage, when the pressure in the system cannot be maintained by the pumping station, water flows under the pressure transmitted by the main line through the valve outlet. In the case when water from the main is not needed, we simply turn off the main valve. In accordance with the technical specifications, such a valve must be installed in front of the water meter.

Another reason for the frequent switching on of the pumping station may be a drop in pressure between the tank and the membrane. By default, a nipple is built into the end of the station tank. Through it, the pressure can be restored with a regular car pump. The pressure level is also checked with a car pressure gauge.

Water treatment kits in our catalog

There are many companies on the Russian market that develop water treatment systems. Without the help of professionals, choosing one or another type of water filter is quite difficult. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it all out.

Biokit offers a wide range of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

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Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

For some owners of private houses, a well is the only source of water supply. In this case, its uninterrupted supply to the house directly depends on the competent selection of equipment and the correct installation of it.

Necessary equipment

Let us briefly describe such a water supply scheme and the principle of its operation:

Caisson: a large container buried in the ground in which equipment is located (pump, automation, expansion tank, etc.); it is installed at a sufficient depth where the ground does not freeze, and is carefully insulated; the cable and water pipes must also be reliably protected from the cold, so their depth must be sufficient;

Caisson device

Borehole sediment for water injection; it is lowered into the hole through a pipe on a steel safety cable; electricity is supplied using a waterproof cable;

Automation unit for protection against voltage surges and engine overheating; since a well pump costs a lot, it’s worth playing it safe and installing this type of equipment on it; The simplest device is a pressure controller (relay); an extensive water supply system will require a more complex protection system;

Filters for water purification;

Check valve: responsible for stable maintenance of the liquid level, so that when turned off, the water does not flow back into the well by gravity; without it, every time you turn the tap you would have to wait for water to fill the pipeline again;

Check valve connection

If there is a boiler (water heater) in the house, a tee with an outlet for hot water supply;

Hydraulic accumulator (expansion tank): designed to ensure uninterrupted pressure in the system and protect against water hammer when turned on; outwardly it looks like a container with a float system that turns off the pump when the tank is filled; it is better to place it in a caisson, but sometimes it is taken out into the room; if there is no sewage system in the house, a tank of 50 liters is sufficient; If you have a bath or shower, washing machine and dishwasher, you need to install a container with a volume of at least 150 liters.

Connection diagram for hydraulic accumulator

Advice! To reduce pressure losses, the pumping station should be located as close as possible to the collector, so the caisson must be installed closer to the house.

Selecting a well pump

The power of this unit directly depends on:
volume of water consumption;

Distances to the building;

Lengths of horizontal sections of water supply;

Pipe slope - if it is insufficient, the pump will have to push “water”;

Floors of the building.

Based on the method of water intake, well pumps are divided into:

Centrifugal: ideal for home use; the impeller has the form of blades that create a turbulent flow, increasing the pressure, due to which the water rises; have sufficient efficiency and low cost of maintenance and repair;

Operating principle of a centrifugal pump

Vortex: pumping is carried out using wheels with radial trapezoidal blades; they are capable of creating powerful water pressure, but the price of such devices is higher;

Vortex pump device

Vibrating: easy to operate, reliable units, but they have low productivity; work is achieved by the movement of the piston.

For uninterrupted water supply to the house, you can purchase a ready-made pumping station, which is already equipped with a hydraulic accumulator, monitoring and control devices.

Caisson installation

1. The classic caisson looks like a cylinder 2 m high and about 1 m in diameter. These dimensions will be quite sufficient to accommodate the equipment and comfortably carry out its maintenance and repair work.

2. When digging a pit, it is simultaneously laid trench for water pipes.

The trench for the water supply is prepared simultaneously with the pit for the caisson

3. Pit depth for a caisson, it is calculated in such a way that the well head and the pipe insertion area must be located below the freezing level.

4. The caisson tank can be made of metal, concrete and brick. In recent years, structures made of thick-walled durable plastic or polymer sand have also begun to be used.

5. The caisson must be placed on a solid reinforced concrete base sufficient thickness (from 30 cm). Before pouring, it is arranged at the bottom of the pit drainage layer from sand and crushed stone.

Installation of caisson

6. When pouring pit walls To prevent liquid from concrete from escaping into the ground, the sides of the pit are covered with polyethylene.

7. The walls of the pit, as well as the concrete base, are required reinforced.

Waterproofing formwork

8. Such a container must be reliably protected from the penetration of groundwater.

9. For waterproofing For concrete, coating bitumen mastic or rolled materials such as roofing felt are used. When groundwater is close to each other, use special asphalt insulation, which is used to process the outer walls of the caisson.

10. Insulation of walls and lids The caisson is made using polystyrene foam or other foamed polymer - materials that do not rot.

11. Upper overlap can be made in the form of a concrete slab with a hole for the caisson cover or horizontal concrete formwork.

Arrangement of the caisson cover

12. To maintain a positive temperature in the system in areas with a harsh climate, heating with automatic thermoregulation is additionally installed in such a container.

Advice! It is better to place the casing pipe (a pipe inserted into a drilled well) not in the center, but at the edge of the structure so that it does not interfere with repair work.

Laying water pipes

1. To lay water supply in a private house, low-pressure polyethylene pipes of 25-32 mm are used. Their diameter selected according to size pump connection. Using pipes of the wrong size is not advisable. Through too narrow pipes, water will make noise as it passes. With a larger diameter, a loss of pressure will inevitably occur, and therefore unnecessary energy consumption. For a water pipeline length of up to 30 m, it is enough to choose 25 mm pipes.

2. The plumbing system must be completely protected from freezing in winter, so it should be located below freezing depth soil. On average, for central Russia it is 1.5-1.8 m.

3. Where pipes rise, they are carefully insulated. You can also additionally lay a heating cable along the entire length with self-regulation of temperature.

4. If when laying pipes it is necessary to change their direction (although this is highly undesirable), additional equipment manhole. In this case, if there are blockages in the bend areas, they can be easily eliminated.

5. To supply a large house consistent connecting pipes will not be enough, otherwise, when water is simultaneously drawn from several sources, the pressure in them will drop. Uninterrupted supply can only be ensured by using the scheme parallel connection using collector-distributors.

Manifold connection system

Scheme of water supply from a well

Video: How to bring water from a well to a house