Expert assistance with admission to master's programs at the world's best universities and business schools. The State Program for Studying Students Abroad is stalling The Presidential Program for Studying Abroad

Great news - Government program Global Education officially extended until 2025

"Global Education" is a government funding program for the education of citizens Russian Federation in leading foreign universities with subsequent employment, according to the qualifications obtained. Training levels include master's, postgraduate and residency in the following priority areas:

  • the science
  • pedagogy
  • the medicine
  • engineering and high-tech sphere
  • social management

The program is aimed at preserving and increasing scientific, pedagogical, medical and engineering personnel, managerial personnel in the social sphere, as well as supporting citizens of the Russian Federation who independently entered leading foreign educational organizations, and their subsequent employment.

The program provides for the payment of all expenses for training, flight and accommodation of the participant within the framework of 2 million 763 thousand rubles for one year of stay abroad.

The main points of the program "Global education" student funding:

  1. In order to receive funding, a student must have a letter of admission from one of the universities listed in the list of universities participating in the Global Education program for an approved specialization.
  2. Funding will be provided to students enrolled in full-time master's, graduate and residency programs lasting at least a year.
  3. Funding will cover not only the cost of studying, but also travel, accommodation during study, study materials, medical insurance, etc.
  4. Amount of funding: up to 2'763'600 rubles for 1 year of study.
  5. Funding does not apply to students of exchange programs and double degree programs with the participation of Russian universities.
  6. The selection of participants will be carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Upon completion of studies, the program participant must return to Russia and, within 3 months, get a job in a Russian company according to the profile of the education received and work for at least 3 years. During these 3 years, the participant can change the employer, but not more than 2 times.
  8. If the program participant does not complete the course or fails to fulfill the employment obligations, he will have to pay the full amount of the support received + a penalty of twice the amount received.

Program participants can study at 288 approved universities in 32 countries. Largest number universities approved by the Program - in the countries leading the international higher education A: USA, UK, Germany and Canada. All universities where you can get a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation here: USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, France, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Korea, Italy, Hong Kong, Norway, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil, Austria, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, South Africa, Finland, Ireland.

» allows students from different countries get an education in the best European universities. The peculiarity lies in the fact that students enrolled in the magistracy study for one year at one university in Europe, and the second - in another. Sometimes the program is divided among three or even four partner universities, so you need to be ready to pack your bags every semester.


Quite a bit of scholarships and grants provided by the Spanish government. Most financial opportunities are provided for postgraduate programs. Usually you need to know Spanish even if the curriculum itself is in English.

Deadline towards the end of summer - beginning of autumn.


German Academic Exchange Service brings together more than two hundred higher educational institutions and over a hundred student organizations. There are representative offices of DAAD in many countries of the world, including Russia. Every year, this foundation allocates about six thousand scholarships and grants. The most famous scholarships are for master's programs in Germany. In addition to master's scholarships, funding is allocated for study trips to Germany, teaching Russian as a foreign language, studying German language, research programs, postgraduate studies and much more.


Chevening Scholarship from the British government provides an opportunity to study for a master's degree at one of the leading universities in the UK. To participate in the program, you must have at least one year of work experience. Besides, required condition- the return of the scholarship holder to his homeland after graduation.

Funding is £12,000 for tuition and £12,000 for living expenses. Deadline - 15 November.


As part of Fulbright programs The US government provides Russians with great scholarship opportunities: different levels of education, academic internships for university professors and administrators, teaching Russian in the US, and conducting short-term research. The most popular program is a full scholarship to study at US universities for master's programs. Fulbright will also cover the cost of taking entrance tests such as the TOEFL and GRE.


Postgraduate Grants provided by the State Fund of Finland. The scholarship provides an opportunity to engage in research activities in one of the scientific institutes in Finland from three to 12 months.

Scholarship - 1,500 euros. Applications can be submitted all year round, but no later than five months before the expected start date of work.


Undergraduate students can continue education in Israel. Scholarships are available in two areas: summer courses and an academic year in your specialty.

Age limit - up to 35 years.


Swedish universities have programs for all levels of study(bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies). The scholarship covers tuition and living expenses. When applying, use courier services, as they are accepted and processed by a single center in a small Swedish town, and then the documents that have passed the initial selection are sent to universities. Reception of documents begins in December.


Seven scholarships in various fields offered by the Chinese government to foreign applicants. 279 Chinese universities are participating in the government program.

The deadline varies depending on the universities, but usually falls in the spring.


Scholarships of $50,000 per year provided to graduate students in Canada. The grant provides an opportunity to engage in research for three years. The government fund allocates 167 scholarships per year.


The Italian government proposes funding for international students. Training programs should be related to the culture and history of the country, and the main condition for participation is knowledge of the Italian language. Scholarships are available for all levels of study.


Malaysian government provides full scholarships for international students to study in master's and postgraduate programs. You can apply for one of three scholarship programs.


Program "Global Education" from the government of the Russian Federation. The grant allocated under the program allows you to study at one of the 288 best universities in the world in one of 32 specialties. The maximum grant amount is 13,800,000 rubles. An important condition is the obligatory return of the scholarship holder to the Russian Federation, as well as work for three years in one of the partner companies of the program.


Swiss government scholarships allocated differently for citizens of different countries. Russian students have traditionally been able to enroll in master's programs in fine arts only, as well as in all graduate, postdoctoral and short-term research programs in the country. Scholarships fully cover the cost of education and the cost of accommodation and meals. Deadline - October 30.

What is "Global Education"? If you have long dreamed of going to an Ivy League university, joining a fraternity or sisterhood, writing term papers and scientific work under the guidance of the best scientists in the world, but you have always been stopped by the huge cost of education and the great competition for scholarships, then we strongly advise you to take a closer look at this scholarship.

The Government of the Russian Federation allocates scholarships of up to 1,381,800 rubles per year for study and accommodation for 1,500 applicants entering master's and postgraduate programs at the best universities in the world as part of the Global Education program. The main advantage of the program is that the scholarship competition is held four times a year and only between citizens of the Russian Federation.

Terms of the Global Education Program

  1. The program pays for tuition at the university of the program on an approved specialization in master's, postgraduate and residency programs. Maximum amount grant: 1381800 rubles per year.
  2. The participant is obliged to return to the Russian Federation one month after graduation and work in accordance with the qualification obtained for at least three years in one of the companies approved by the program.

The list of organizations - employers, in which the employment of the participants of the Program is provided.

What you need to do to become a member of the Global Education program

To become a member of the Global Education program, the following conditions must be met.

  1. Enter one of the top universities in the world from the list of foreign educational organizations (universities participating in the Global Education program) that implement educational programs in specialties and areas of training, the quality of education in which meets the best international standards, for an approved specialization for a full-time master's, postgraduate and residency program duration of at least one year.
  2. Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. Have a completed higher education at the level of bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree;
  4. Register in the electronic queue on the official website of the Global Education program;
  5. Have a certificate of no criminal record;
  6. Have no formal obstacles to the fulfillment of obligations to the program (return to Russia after graduation and employment in accordance with the contract).

Global Education - How to Benefit from Competitive Selection

In the competitive selection for the Global Education program, you can get some advantages, the main of which will be the candidate’s place in the electronic queue:

  1. Place of the candidate in the electronic queue (date and time of registration on the site)
  2. Professional experience;
  3. Availability of publications on the results of research and development in scientific journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science (only in the direction of SCIENCE)
  4. Training at the time of application in foreign university and specialties that are included in the list approved by the program.

What else is important in Global Education?

The Global Education Scholarship does not apply to students absentee form training, exchange programs and double degree programs with the participation of Russian universities.

If a basic education was received outside the territory, then it is necessary to go through the procedure for recognizing a diploma in accordance with Russian law. A diploma from a foreign university must be recognized in accordance with Art. 107 federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. According to this law, the recognition of a foreign diploma is carried out in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of recognition and establishing the equivalence of a foreign education. If the candidate’s diploma should fall under the international agreement on mutual recognition (the list of foreign educational organizations recognized by the Russian Federation was approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2013 No. 1694-r), then the education received abroad is recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation without passing additional procedures. If the candidate's diploma does not fall under the scope of this agreement, then it is necessary to go through the procedure of recognition - nostrification. Recognition of documents on education is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2013 No. 1391 in accordance with the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor). All the necessary information is available on the Rosobrnadzor website:

The selection of participants in the Global Education program is held on a competitive basis.

If you have entered several foreign universities that meet the conditions of the program, then you can apply for a scholarship for several programs at once, indicating the priority university.

Citizens with dual citizenship, one of which is Russian, can take part in this program

If you are already studying at a foreign university that is on the list of approved universities, in a specialty that also meets the requirements of the program, then you can apply for a scholarship. However, in this case, the scholarship will only cover the remainder of the tuition. For the previous period of study, compensation is not provided.

The student may seek other sources of funding if the Global Education grant is not sufficient. In addition, a student can apply for a scholarship from the "Global Education" and if there is another grant. For example, if a university provides free tuition but does not provide a living allowance, then a grant from Global Education will cover these student expenses.

Additional Terms of the Global Education Program

If the student does not fulfill the obligations to the program, the participant will be required to pay a fine in the amount of twice the amount received.

If the organization in which you want to work on your return is not included in the list of organizations-employers of the program, then the company can apply to the appropriate authorities for inclusion in the list of organizations-employers. The list of these organizations is constantly updated.

Only 10% of program participants can get a job in organizations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the rest will have to work in other regions of the Russian Federation.

You can change jobs no more than twice within three years.

The scholarship competition takes place 4 times a year.

How to get into the Global Education program?

GSA helps to get into the Global Education program for FREE and deal with the nuances of filling out documents on the official website of the program. We will also help you understand for free how your work and study experience fits the requirements of the project, what are your chances of getting budget funding.

From 2014 to 2017 financial assistance The governments of Russia within the framework of the program "Global education" receive Russians, enrolled in the world's leading universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

The main points of the program "Global Education" student funding:

1 . In order to receive funding, a student must have a letter of acceptance one of the universities listed in the Global Education program for an approved specialization for the 2017-18 academic year.

2 . Funding will be provided to students enrolled in full-time master's, postgraduate and residency programs duration at least a year.

3 . Funding will cover not only the cost of studying, but and travel, accommodation during study, educational materials, medical insurance, etc.

4 . Amount of funding: up to 2 "763" 600 rubles for 1 year of study.

5 . Funding does not apply to students of exchange programs and double degree programs with the participation of Russian universities.

6 . The selection of participants will be carried out on a competitive basis.

7 . Upon completion of studies, the program participant must return to Russia and get a job within 3 months in a Russian company in the field of education received and work for at least 3 years. During these 3 years, the participant can change the employer, but not more than 2 times.

8 . Russian companies for the employment of graduates of the program must meet the following criteria:

A. registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;

B. carry out activities for at least 3 years;

V. is not in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy;

G. belongs to one of the following categories:

  • scientific organization;
  • leading classical university of the Russian Federation, federal university or a national research university;
  • organization selected based on the results of the competition provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures state support development of cooperation between Russian educational institutions of higher education, state scientific institutions and organizations implementing complex projects to create high-tech production";
  • Technopark resident in the field of high technologies;
  • an organization approved by the Program Supervisory Board.

9 . It is assumed that the participants of the program will work not only in universities and organizations in Moscow and the Central region, but also in the regions Far East and Eastern Siberia. No more than 25% of program participants should get a job in organizations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 75% - must find work in other regions of the Russian Federation.

10 . If the program participant does not complete the course or fails to fulfill employment obligations, he will be required to pay the full amount of support received + double fine received amount.

11 . To apply for a grant after receiving a letter of admission to the university, the student must register in the electronic queue on the official website of the program.

List of universities approved by the Global Education program, for studying in which Russians will be able to receive a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation

Program participants can study at 288 approved universities in 32 countries. The largest number of universities approved by the Program are in the leading countries of international higher education: the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. All universities where you can get a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation here: USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, France, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Korea, Italy, Hong Kong, Norway, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil, Austria, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, South Africa, Finland, Ireland.

Studying for a master's degree abroad is always a great investment of your time and money. Therefore, many want to know if these costs can be reduced (while, of course, maintaining the quality of education). But often students who, in principle, are interested in the possibility of studying in a foreign master's program, have a poor idea of ​​​​the financial side of education and sometimes even give up their dream, because they think that studying abroad is very expensive. (There is also the opposite misconception - that you can always find and easily get a scholarship that fully covers both tuition and living. The truth, as is often the case, is somewhere in between.)

There are 3 main ways to finance your master's studies abroad: enroll in a (sharely) free program, pay for your studies on your own, or receive a scholarship/grant. And in this article, we will go into detail about each of these options.

We write below only about master's programs on English language(not to be confused with a bachelor's degree!)

  1. (Conditionally-)free master's programs

Programs are considered free if they have a small tuition fee or a student fee, which can give you certain benefits (for example, in many states of Germany, a student card is also a travel card). Free education is possible because the programs are held in public universities and are subsidized by the government. They are free for both local and international students.

Such programs are available at public universities in France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Italy and Spain (at the same time, tuition is paid at private universities in these countries). Outside of Europe, shareware programs in English can be found in India, Taiwan, and Argentina.

An important feature: the tuition fee can vary greatly depending on the country and university. For example, in Germany, in public universities, the fee is usually 300-500 euros / year, while in Switzerland it is about 5000-6000 francs / year (or 4600-5500 euros).

The student pays for living expenses (accommodation, meals, transport, teaching materials, etc.) on his own. Therefore, if you do not have a very large budget for education, you need to pay attention not only to the cost of the program (fee), but also to the country / city in which you plan to study. For example, if we talk about Germany, then living in Munich or Berlin will be an order of magnitude higher in cost than in any other small city.

Applicants are often interested in whether it is possible to combine study with work? In many countries, this is officially allowed, but there is a limit for foreign students (for example, in Germany it is 120 full days or 240 half days a year). However, studying in a master's program is often very intensive and it is not always possible to combine it with work.

  1. Scholarship/grant funding

There are 2 main opportunities here - scholarships provided by state funds or private / public organizations, and scholarships from the universities themselves.

The former often refer to programs in one country - for example, DAAD for studying in Germany, Chevening for the UK, Fullbright for the USA, Visby for Sweden, etc. We talked about the main scholarship programs. It is also possible to receive funding from your own country - for example, for students from Russia there is the Global Education program, according to which you can win a grant for studying at a foreign university, subject to returning and working in Russia for a period of at least 3 years. Kazakhstan has a similar Bolashak program.

The competition for such scholarships is always quite strong, and the deadlines are often earlier than for the master's programs themselves. Therefore, we recommend that you always have a “plan B” - alternative ways to finance your studies if you fail to win a scholarship. It is better to think over several options than to place all bets on only one.

Many universities offer their own scholarship programs that fully or partially cover tuition. In our experience, they tend to be slightly less competitive, so this is a great opportunity for those students who are looking for ways to fund their studies. You can find such programs on the websites of universities (usually in the section Financing your studies, Tuition fees and funding, etc.) or by writing directly to the coordinator of the program you are interested in.

Fully funded scholarship programs (i.e. covering tuition and living expenses) for international students are quite rare, examples include Fulbright (USA) and Chevening (UK). There is always a huge competition for such programs, and in our experience, they also have some unspoken criteria. So if you have a strong enough profile, you can apply, but it doesn't have to be your main funding plan.

  1. Master's programs that you pay for yourself

In most countries, education is completely paid (for both local and foreign students). These are programs in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, as well as programs in private universities / business schools. The cost of education can vary significantly, including within one country - for example, from $ 5,000 (in Community colleges) to $ 50-70,000 / year (in the best business schools or universities) for the USA.

We hope this article has helped you deal with the issues of financing master's studies abroad. If you have any questions - ask in the comments!