Where do I want to start as a witch? How to identify a witch by date of birth and appearance, eyes, lines on the arm

A witch... Immediately, an image of an old crooked woman, who, somewhere in the wilderness of the forest, brews a witch's brew, appears in my head. This image is known to us from fairy tales. But is it so unambiguous? And how to become a witch at home?

What does the word "witch" mean?

Before answering the question of whether at home, it is necessary to understand the concept itself. The word "witch" means "knowing" and has the old Russian root "ved", which roughly means "know / know". In Sanskrit, the word "veda" means "sacred/sacred knowledge".

How to become a witch in real life? First you need to understand and realize the true meaning of this status. In Russia, the word "witch" was originally used to refer to a woman who knows everything. Then this word was transformed into "soothsayer". And today it has completely lost its original meaning, having transformed into a character from fantasy and horror films: a hunchbacked old woman with gray hair, who lives in an ancient hut, with a black cat, flies on a broom and brings damage to people. But a woman who is wondering how to become a witch at home would definitely not want to try on such an unflattering image.

Witchcraft in the ancient world

Greek witches worshiped the goddess of night and darkness, Hekate, and the goddess of hunting and forests, Artemis. Famous characters from ancient Greek epics, such as Circe and Medea, were also attributed to witches, since the first could turn people into animals, and the second sculpted wax figures and thus killed their enemies. It should be noted that there were also good sorceresses who worshiped the seasons and heaven, grew roots and herbs for the treatment of other people, had prophetic gifts, predicted fate. They were revered and feared. Naturally, many girls wanted to become the same and asked knowledgeable people about how to become a witch in real life. However, a lot has changed since then. Rites and rituals were declared ungodly actions, which are led by the Devil.

Witchcraft in Medieval Europe

The Judgment of Paderborn, issued in 785, officially forbade the belief in witches, and all people generally followed it. However, later Thomas Aquinas announced that witchcraft and witchcraft still exist and are aimed at harming people.

Since Thomas Aquinas was an illustrious and famous church figure, his words were heeded. In 1264, the first official witch trial in Europe and their first public burning took place. From that moment on, a bloody witch hunt began. Virtually all women fell under suspicion. Then no one had a question about how to become a witch at home. Rather, on the contrary - how to divert suspicions of witchcraft from yourself? In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries many thousands of women were burned at the stake.

How did people become witches during the Middle Ages?

Is it possible to become a witch at home? In the Middle Ages, ideas about this were more than specific. It all started with the Devil appearing to the girl. Usually he appeared in the form of a soldier, a handsome youth, a respectable gentleman or hunter, or her best friend. He consoled the unfortunate, offered money to the poor, food and all sorts of treats to the hungry. When the girl could no longer contain herself, he named the price for his services. Usually the payoff was carnal devotion, entry into a witch circle, and renunciation of God and all saints. If the girl agreed, then a deal was immediately concluded, as a result of which her soul passed into the power of Satan for centuries. It was necessary to sign the corresponding written document in blood. After that, a specific cut appeared on the arm of the future sorceress. Then the Devil explained to the new servant how to become a witch at home. He put a devilish mark on her body. How to become a witch in real life? In the Middle Ages, this was not a problem.

The life of a witch in the representation of the people of the Middle Ages

Some time after the conclusion of the deal, an assistant was assigned to the witch - the devil, who also served as a lover. He could enter the house through the windows and chimneys of stoves in the form of fire or smoke. These pipes, by the way, were the main move for witches, since the legends say that "if something is backwards, it's from the evil one."

Newly minted witches were taught various spells, harmful effects. They were taught how to make a woman barren, how to send illness, bad luck or misfortune. They were taught how to kill a person or cattle with the help of black magic, how to call a thunderstorm, how to lime milk, and so on. Thus, the answer to the question of how to become a witch or witcher, during the Middle Ages, was this: very easy. While legends and traditions say, devils and demons walked the earth everywhere, looking for the weak in faith in order to tempt and seduce them.

in the middle Ages?

There are two main methods for recognizing a witch: the test by water and the test by flight. In the second case, the girl was given a broom in her hands and led to a cliff. In the event that a young woman fell off a cliff and broke (which usually happened), then she was justified and found not guilty. In the water test, it was necessary to tie a stone to the suspect's neck and throw it into the water. It was believed that water, as a pure element, would not accept unclean people. If a woman drowned, she was declared innocent. If she was lucky enough not to drown, she was recognized as a witch and burned. In those days, the topic of how to become a witch at home was under the strictest ban.

Women's magic

Is it possible to become a witch at home and how to do it?

It is necessary to understand that female nature is magical in itself. The representatives of the weaker sex have a much more developed intuition, which means that it is easier for them to approach deep knowledge about the world and themselves. A woman is more closely connected with nature, with the Moon, it is easier for her to find a connection with secret and sacred forces.

Naturally, girls can use these innate abilities both for good and for harm. Women of antiquity knew a simple, intuitive "magic" - how to heal, help, protect your home and hearth, save a marriage. It was the weaker sex that was responsible for the rituals, magical rituals. It is known that women are more strongly associated with the Moon than men. But all the covens and rituals depend precisely on its position and phase. By and large, the answer to the question of how to become a witch at home is simple: just learn to listen to yourself, nature and trust your intuition.

Hereditary sorceresses

For such people, the question of how to become a witch at home is not relevant at all - they are already born that way. This kind of gift is passed down through the generations. Accordingly, if the grandmother has “Vedic” abilities, then the granddaughter will have them too. But the mother doesn't. Usually such a gift manifests itself in early childhood. There are entire witch families where the child is instructed and taught the magical art from a very young age. There is also a procedure for transferring a gift from a dying witch to her young chosen one, and there is absolutely no need for blood relationship.

How to become a witch?

However, what to do if there were no sorcerers in the family, but you want to conjure? How to become a witch at home today?

To do this, you will have to work hard and hard. First, you should reinforce your theoretical base by buying books about witchcraft and magic, witchcraft and quackery. It is also very important to learn to guess on the cards. Initially, these may be playing cards, but then you should deepen your skills and deal with Tarot cards. It is advisable to start with the usual layouts for the day / week. Then you need to learn how to unravel dreams and enter the state yourself, and then already engage in astral travel in subtle bodies. It is also important to study various rituals and spells. And, of course, practice them!

Is it possible to become a witch at home? Naturally, you can. But it takes a lot of effort and practice. We must not forget about and intuition.


Today there is an entire witchcraft religion called Wicca. This is an occult neo-pagan teaching, which is based on the worship of Nature, God and Goddess. At the heart of Wicca magic lies unity with the forces of Nature. Such magic is a natural and harmonious movement of energy for the necessary impact and transformations. This religion is distinguished by the practice of folk witchcraft, natural witchcraft rituals. Magic in Wicca is very diverse - these are talismans, and amulets, and conspiracies, and spells, and invocations. Wiccans are known for their healing abilities.

For many, the concept of a witch is exclusively mystical, coming from fairy tales and fiction. Although real story replete with descriptions of witches and their persecution by the Inquisition, few people believe in their existence in real life, especially in the present day. However, there are those who have no doubt that among the many charlatans posing as magicians, there are real sorcerers. And, of course, there are those who wonder how to become a witch if the power was not bestowed at birth.

It is widely believed that magical abilities can only be obtained at birth and become a real sorceress. ordinary person unable to. However, there are opportunities for those who were not born witches.

There are several such ways:

  1. Find a teacher and develop your abilities.
  2. Turn to special conspiracies and spells.
  3. Get power from another witch.
  4. You can, of course, try to summon spirits that give strength, but this is an extremely risky way, especially for beginners.

In any case, if the powers were not bestowed from birth, you will have to work hard to develop the magical potential in yourself and learn how to use it correctly. At first, it can be very difficult, many things will not work out, and born witches will be far ahead in their abilities. But with due patience, impressive results can be achieved.

You need to constantly learn, studying not only witchcraft rituals and ceremonies, but also such items as herbs that healers use, divination, the interpretation of dreams, reading the future from a magic ball and other things. It is very important to learn how to manage your own energy and transfer it to other states, first of all, in order to provide yourself with protection, because witchcraft is a dangerous occupation. Therefore, a lot of time should be devoted to meditation and immersion in the depths of one's own consciousness.

The best option would be to find a worthy teacher who will help you go through all the stages of becoming a witch and will be able to further conduct an initiation ceremony that will finally open the door to the world of magic for a beginner.

And if we talk about how to become a sorcerer or witch without the participation of a teacher, then even more effort and caution in terms of training will be required. Still, it would be desirable to find a circle of like-minded people who can help and support along the way.

witch coven

Another way to get trained and initiated into witches is to join a witch coven. This is a small association of witches with common goals and aspirations, which supports all its members and can take a newcomer for training. It is always easier to find support in a group and meet like-minded people who can become a second family in the future.

Of course, groups of witches meet in Everyday life not so common and hard to find. This task is as difficult as finding a real magician-teacher. In modern times, there are too many of those who only pretend to be sorcerers, but in fact they are looking for easy money making, including at the expense of deceived students. Such a false sorcerer or a group of false sorcerers will not give any real knowledge that will help to gain real power, but will only upload information that can be found in books and the Internet without them.

In connection with all of the above, the vital question arises, how to distinguish a real magician from a pretender. The first way is to check for the purity of his intentions. . It is not easy to get to a true sorcerer or witch for training., and a real practicing magic coven does not take everyone who wants it. They rarely take money for training and it will not be easy to prove their right to join this society. It is possible that you will have to go through a number of trials and difficulties along the way.

The second way is to distinguish by external signs. Real magicians have powerful energy, which cannot be completely hidden from prying eyes. Their gaze is most often piercing and penetrating, and their words are confident and filled with power. Specific outward signs like definitely red hair or green eyes Witches don't, of course. An elderly old woman and a young girl, and a typical middle-aged clerk, can conceal magical powers. But the behavior and magical aura remain unchanged, regardless of what mask the magician wears in ordinary life.

It is a real witch who can teach a person who was not born a sorcerer, magic, and also make him a real magician, passing his power to him by inheritance. This will enhance the abilities and allow you to cast spells using much more energy than before.

As you know, magic is white and black, and therefore, witches also differ from each other, depending on which path they have taken. White magic is good and benefits the surrounding world, while black magic, as a rule, is harmful. Typical black magic spells include:

  1. Corruption.
  2. Curse.
  3. Evil eye.

Of course, black magic is not approved, as well as those who wish to choose this direction. This kind of art will sooner or later turn against the person who practices it. Therefore, in stories about magic, recommendations are mainly given on how to become a white witch, and not a black one. Those who aspire to the dark arts are likely to acquire it themselves, turning to forbidden rituals and spells, trying to summon dark spirits.

As for white magic, there are many rituals that help to reveal one's potential and fill the body with magical energy. It is very important to observe these rituals verbatim and not to arrange amateur performances.

Any deviation, even by one word, can lead to very undesirable results. Even when studying good magic, one must be very careful.

When a person managed to find a teacher or a magical coven, the most difficult and interesting thing begins - learning the magical art. The most important thing in this matter is not to rush and strictly follow the instructions of the mentor. In books and movies, it's often shown how negligent apprentice wizards achieve the most success, but in real life, things are much more complicated. Disobedience can lead to extremely sad consequences, including life-threatening young sorcerer.

One of the first things in learning is the science of managing your emotions. Without the brutal control of their feelings, it is easy to let the magic out of control. It is also important to develop intuition and the so-called sixth sense, which will help you navigate the magical world and feel the magical emanations more subtle.

At first, improvised materials help a lot:

  1. Candles.
  2. Incense and aromatic oils.
  3. Crystal balls and cards.

With their help, you can focus and easier to enter a trance. Before proceeding to work with spells, you need to master other magical areas. Some people don't want to get magical power in every sense and want to focus on one direction. For example, many people want to learn how to become a fortune teller.

At home, many types of divination are available: on cards, using a crystal ball, on bones or on runes. This science is also included in the magical arts.

When it comes to witches, most people think of women. However, men are also interested in how to become a witcher in real life and whether it is possible. Of course, both sexes have magical powers. A strong male sorcerer is perhaps less common, but this is only due to the fact that women in general are more inclined to practice magic. There are no restrictions on gender in witchcraft.

In fact, this word comes from two others - the knower and the mother. Putting them together, no negative context will come out, moreover, they reflect a personality endowed with maternal traits, the talent of a healer. Moreover, it was the Orthodox Slavs who gave a negative color to the sorceresses, who considered evil any magical activity that was not related to the official religion.

A knowing mother undoubtedly has a wide knowledge of witchcraft, magic, but does not necessarily use knowledge for evil. They do not use skills when there is no need, they do not talk about the gift, they do not interfere in the lives of other people.

Witches are both white and black.

Unfortunately, getting the status of a good sorceress is not easy, but real. The most effective rite of passage into a sorceress is the transfer of knowledge through the touch of a dying witch. You can become a witch after the confession of another witch. However, the easiest method is to conduct a ritual, which is accompanied by reading a conspiracy.

What you need to remember when becoming a sorceress

Girls who want to become a real witch should definitely use our advice. Before you begin, it is recommended that you thoroughly study most of the possible sources of information that will tell you about magic, the path, the rules for the use of force. Having finally decided, take a notebook, write in it questions, answers to them. The questions will be: Why should I become a witch? What will I achieve with magic?

Describe doubts, fears, hopes in a notebook, later, it will lay the foundation for the "Book of Shadows".

Practice managing internal energy. Learn to relax, focus, visualize thoughts. At the next stage, you can start learning spells. A real sorceress does not mindlessly copy them from books or the Internet, but develops unique ones based on them, with greater power. A professional witch easily develops an effective spell, rituals, conspiracies. One of the most important components of becoming a witch is the initiation ritual. There are several ways to become a sorceress, but do not be afraid, most likely, the inner voice will tell you which one is best for you.

The ritual of turning into a sorceress

You should not think that after the rite of initiation, you can immediately become a powerful sorceress, commanding time and physical objects with the power of thought. It will be only the first brick in building your new destiny.

The ritual must begin on the full moon. Before it, it is recommended to endure 3 days of strict fasting, before the rite itself, wash the body with a decoction of herbs, relax, you can meditate. Light the incense sticks prepared in advance, draw a magic pentagram or circle on the floor with salt. From the four corners of the world you need to put one burning candle. At midnight, strip naked and stand in the center of the circle with your arms crossed over your chest.

Say your favorite magic spell.

Then they make a symbolic sacrifice to the spirits. The ritual must be completed with a sincere appeal to higher powers, after which the candles must be extinguished and the circle left. In order to develop your skills, it is very important to constantly practice, improve existing skills.

What is worth striving for

Witches are the owners of great power, deep knowledge, therefore they have incredible opportunities. Great power breeds great responsibility, so if you decide to become a witch as a joke, life can get very bad after the initiation rite.

You will be responsible not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Great importance has a choice of the side of light or darkness.

As you might guess, in order to step on the side of the world, you need to do exceptionally good deeds, use only white magic, spells, conspiracies, protect the weak, the disadvantaged. Remember that darkness is usually chosen by weak magicians who are unable or unwilling to evolve to gain much greater power.

The witch is an unusual woman. Becoming a witch in real life means giving up your old nature and accepting a new essence. With this essence comes a desire that most people don't have. Knowledge that will open access to a new world - invisible, majestic, which is always there, but you cannot enter it without a password. Password is magic. It is more than a way of life, more than a thirst for love and power. Magic is one of the laws of the universe. If you have the courage, you are free to choose it yourself. How to become a real witch? There are ways, and we'll talk about it now.

How to become a witch in real life - how to gain abilities

Magicians exist in our real everyday reality. This is not a myth, not an invention of writers who, according to their status, are supposed to have a rich, exalted fantasy. Witches and sorcerers live next to ordinary people, walk along the same streets, dress stylishly and modernly, or, on the contrary, try not to stand out from the crowd. Looking at stranger, you can guess what he does and what lifestyle he leads.

But, by what parameters will you determine his belonging to the clan of real witches and magicians?

Many people theoretically would like to have developed magical powers, to have strength, enlightened intuition, to feel people. But, in practice, few are ready to achieve this. Ability can. In the female line, the influence is stronger on the daughter than in the male birth canal. In addition, the influence will be stronger if there is communication with the clan. These are options for ways to become a real witch.

If you communicate with the family from which you have adopted the gift, then you perceive it naturally and calmly, as an objective reality: “everyone here is like that”, “I am among my own”. If there is no contact with relatives, then manifestations of witchcraft abilities can alert, disturb and even frighten. For those who have witch powers but do not develop them, it is important to have soul mates Feeling "the same". Support is very important, especially at first, when you feel your gift and want to become a witch in real life.

How to become a real witch in modern life - an initiation ritual

Magical abilities can be inherited, but witchcraft can also be learned. If you are lucky, there will be a magician next to you who wants to become your teacher. With such support, it is much easier to comprehend the basics of witchcraft and start your practice. Confirmed in the thought to become real witch, you must study the various aspects of witchcraft, the day will come when you will perform the ritual of initiation. You will bind yourself with obligations, you will find yourself inside the system, to get out of which, i.e. quit witchcraft is impossible.

Most people live simple human life, but few people get a decent life. A real witch differs from all the others in the awareness of her desires. She knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. The ritual of initiation, i.e. its ritual part does not fully answer the question of how to become a real witch in real life.

Ritual initiation into witches is the beginning of the path, it is an open road along which magicians walk.

If you do not have an innate gift for magic, received through the birth canal, know that many people have superreal abilities in an undeveloped, dormant state. And, if you work hard, you can ensure that the gift of a real witch manifests itself in one form or another. There are different development practices

Many people are interested in how to become a witch. By reading various spells and performing rituals, you will not achieve much success. And this is a fact! Remember how you started at school to learn. It all started with letters and numbers, that is, small. So it is in witchcraft: the origins must be taken in your subconscious.

This practice is easily given to those to whom the gift was passed on from relatives. But those who are ordinary people without any signs of supernatural abilities should cultivate them persistently.

How to become a witch: the origins of the practice

It is best to start with fortune telling. Firstly, the cards will help you connect with your subconscious and learn how to interpret signs, dreams and develop intuition (you can’t do without it, because the inner voice should warn against committing rash acts that will seem right to you). In general, all magic is based on feelings and sensations, and not on dry logic. If we return to the question of fortune-telling, then the second thing that the cards will give you is the ability to look into the future and, as far as possible, change it.

By the way, when making predictions with the help of Tarot to other people, be prepared for the fact that they will pester you with questions about the future and the present, but do not listen. Such is human nature. Even knowing where you can improve the situation, they will do it their own way, and then come back to you with the same problems. Therefore, when asking the question of how to become a witch, you must realize that you will have to start from the very beginning.

Step Two - Clairvoyance

In parallel with fortune-telling, you can interpret dreams, but you should not turn to numerous modern dream books. Your intuition and subconscious mind should also work here. At first, the answers may not come immediately, and it is likely that you will be wrong, and more than once. But education and training must be regular. By the way, prophetic dreams do not come on certain days, but when your subconscious is as open as possible. You yourself must understand that it is very difficult to become a witch without natural data.

Step three - light exercises

Further, you will already have two ways, how to become a witch and in which direction to move. You can become a light magician, which is quite difficult, since very few people can keep a good beginning in themselves and help people, and not themselves. As a rule, such witches are much stronger than the dark ones. The latter are subject to their negative self and the forces that guide it. Retribution from such witches comes, as a rule, at the end of the contract, and if one was not concluded, then they can pay for the rest of their lives (and even after death, too). In addition, they endanger all blood relatives, especially children. The light path is more difficult and thorny, but you will get more as a result. The dark path is much easier, but you won't like the fee. In any case, you will need to start doing light rituals, starting from who you decide to become. It is best to start with easy conspiracies that require a minimum of energy from you. Then continue on the rise. By the way, a piece of advice for the Light Ones: don't try to help others without their asking.

You will do more harm to both them and yourself. Yes, and it is worth taking care of the initial protection and cleaning of the surrounding space from negativity and evil. As for the dark ones, before making curses, it is worth protecting yourself and your relatives from the "boomerang", because if the cursed person has strong protection, then everything will return to you in a triple equivalent. As they say, you decide to do evil, get ready for the fact that it will return to you. Therefore, on a simple "I want to become a witch" you will not go far.

What is worth knowing?

By the way, if you do not have generic abilities, then training should begin no earlier than sixteen years. Yes, and you need to weigh all the pros and cons. It should be understood that you always have to pay for magic, and the stronger your action, the greater the retribution. At the same time, the “account” may come after many years in the form of an incurable fatal disease, a ruined personal life or the life of your family, relatives, loved ones. And one more thing. Such knowledge is very difficult, and over time you will become more and more unhappy, bringing grief to everyone around you. The death of witches is never easy, do not think that retribution will bypass you. Therefore, weigh carefully all the pros and cons of such a decision. After all, having embarked on this path, it is no longer possible to turn back. Before you learn how to become a witch, be prepared for the fact that you will not be happy for a very long period of time, and most of your life you will have to think about what you have done. And the last advice for all witches: never regret the rituals you have done - this creates a gap in your defense, and the blow will come very powerful.