Test work on the topic "Russia in the XVI century" (Grade 7). Test work on the topic "Russia in the 16th century" (Grade 7) Russian Metropolitan opposed

Test work Grade 7

on the topic: "Russia in XVI century"

I option

1. Monetary reform was carried out during the period:

A) the reign of Vasily III

B) the regency of Elena Glinskaya +

B) boyar rule

D) the government of the Chosen One

2. Localism is ...

3. A detachment of Cossacks for a campaign in Siberia led:

a) Ataman Ivan Koltso b) Ivan Vyrodkov

c) merchants Stroganovs d) ataman Ermak Timofeevich +

4. Oprichnina is the time:

a) 1547 - 1584 b) 1556 - 1570

c) 1565 - 1572 + d) 1570 - 1584

5. Zemsky Sobor is ...

6. What kind three of the events listed below are associated with the reign of Ivan the Terrible?

a) accession of Kazan and Astrakhan to Russia +

b) Livonian War +

c) Copper riot

d) church schism

e) convening the first Zemsky Sobor +

f) the final enslavement of the peasants

7. The most important event during the reign of Elena Glinskaya was:

a) the introduction of a single currency for the whole country +

b) elimination of disagreements within the Russian Orthodox Church

c) changes in the government of the country

d) the introduction of St. George's Day

8. One of the results of the military reform was the appearance of:

a) archers + b) dragoons

c) militias d) guardsmen

9. On what basis is the series formed?

A. Adashev, A. Kurbsky, Sylvester

10. The richest family of Russian merchants who traded in the Urals:

a) Vorotynskys b) Staritskys c) Stroganovs +

11. After the wedding, Ivan IV became known as

a) "Emperor of Russia"

b) "Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia" +

c) "autocrat of all Russia"

d) "monarch of all Russia"

12. Oprichnina was directed against

a) noble opposition

b) rebellious peasants

c) residents of national outskirts

d) obstinate boyars +

13. What was the petition order in charge of?

14. Why is the Stoglavy Cathedral so called?

15. The purpose of the Livonian war under Ivan IV ?

16. What kind of peasants in Russia were called chernososhnye?

a) monastic b) ascribed

c) sessional d) state +

17. Installed by royal decrees from the end XVI centuries, the timing of the investigation and return of runaway peasants to their owners:

a) reserved summers + b) lesson summers +

c) elderly d) polyudye

9) is inherited

(2, 5, 6, 8, 9.)

(1, 3, 4, 7, 10.)

Test work Grade 7

on the topic: "Russia in XVI century"

II option

1. The elected council is:

a) a small circle of people close to Ivan IV +

b) the supreme council under the prince

c) the people's assembly, which decided the most important state issues

d) the body managing the personal lands of the prince

2. Feeding is...

3. The closest assistant to the king in the oprichnina was:

a) Prince Vladimir Staritsky b) Andrei Kurbsky

c) Malyuta Skuratov + d) Prince Mikhail Vorotynsky

4. Oprichnina is ...

5. The Russian Metropolitan, who opposed the introduction of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible:

a) Philip + b) Macarius

c) Sylvester d) Filaret

6. Of the following countries were Russia's opponents in the Livonian War:

a) Ottoman Empire

b) Rzeczpospolita +

c) Sweden +

d) Holy Roman Empire

e) England

f) Denmark +

7. The wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom took place in:

a) 1533 b) 1538

c) 1547 + d) 1551

8. The Livonian War took place:

a) 1538-1547 b) 1549–1560

c) 1558–1583 + d) 1581–1584

9. By what principle is a series formed?

Lithuania, Sweden, Commonwealth

10. Which khanates were annexed to Russia in XVI century?

11. Under Ivan IV the Terrible in Russia:

a) a system of orders is being formed + b) a ministerial reform is being carried out

c) the “Table of Ranks” is introduced

d) Central Asia joins Russia

12. Contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible were

a) Elena Glinskaya, Metropolitan Macarius +

b) Boris Godunov, Patriarch Filaret

c) Archpriest Avvakum, Patriarch Nikon

d) Batu Khan, Lithuanian prince Mindovg

13. Failure in the Livonian War was a consequence

a) the backlog of the Russian economy +

b) Russia's lack of allies

c) the numerical superiority of the enemy forces

d) lack of talented commanders

14. What was in charge of the discharge order?

15. Reason for the Livonian War under Ivan IV ?

16. What kind of peasants in Russia were called proprietors?

a) personally free, working for the state

b) personally owned by the sovereign

c) living on the lands of the landowner and votchinnik +

d) belonged to the church

17. In what year was the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia?

a) 1589 + b) 1588 c) 1587 d) 1586

18. Indicate the signs of the estate and patrimony.

1) is holding on terms of service

2) is a sole holding that is inherited

3) does not have judicial and tax immunity

4) inherited together with the state service

5) has judicial and tax benefits

6) you can make a testament to the monastery

7) the owners are nobles and boyar children

8) the owners are princes and boyars

9) is inherited

10) it is impossible to make a testament to a monastery

A) signs of patrimony ______________________ (2, 5, 6, 8, 9.)

B) signs of the estate ______________________ (1, 3, 4, 7, 10.)

19. Solve the crossword

    Priest, member of the Chosen Rada

    Cathedral-organ of class representation

    Complaints filed against the king

    Member of the Chosen Council

    Prince, member of the Chosen Council

    Content officials by the local population

    Metropolitan who crowned IvanIVto the kingdom


    Category of service people inXVI– beginningXVIIcenturies

    Ivan's titleIVsince 1547\

    All-Russian Code of Laws

    Church Cathedral of 1551

Option I

1. The first Zemsky Sobor was held in:

a) 1547; b) 1549; c) 1551; d) 1556

2. Orders are:

a) organs central control in Russia in the 16th - early 18th centuries;

b) elected bodies that exercised local government;

c) state offices;

d) bodies managing the personal lands of the grand-ducal family.

3. The elected council is:

a) a small circle of people close to Ivan IV; b) the supreme council under the prince;

c) the people's assembly, which decided the most important state issues;

d) the body managing the personal lands of the prince.

4. A detachment of Cossacks for a campaign in Siberia led:

a) Ataman Ivan Koltso; b) Ivan Vyrodkov; c) merchants Stroganovs;

d) ataman Ermak Timofeevich.

5. By what principle is a series formed?

Lithuania, Sweden, Rzeczpospolita.

6. As a result of the Livonian War, the Russian state:

a) received access to the coast of the Baltic Sea; b) lost the city of Pskov;

c) did not solve the problem of access to the Baltic Sea;

d) conquered the Baltic lands.

7. The closest assistant to the king in the oprichnina was:

a) Prince Vladimir Staritsky; b) Andrei Kurbsky;

c) Malyuta Skuratov; d) Prince Mikhail Vorotynsky.

8. Oprichnina is the time:

a) 1547 - 1584 b) 1556 - 1570 c) 1565 - 1572 d) 1570 - 1584

9. Which of these events took place in the 16th century?

a) adoption of the Council Code; b) reforms of the Chosen One;

c) the establishment of the Boyar Duma; d) the abolition of parochialism.

10. Advisor to Ivan the Terrible in carrying out reforms:

a) Alexey Adashev; b) Malyuta Skuratov; c) Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky.

11. The Russian Metropolitan, who opposed the introduction of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible:

a) Philip b) Macarius; c) Sylvester; d) Philaret.

12. Crimean Khan, who led the invasion of Russia in 1572:

a) Kuchum; b) Yediger; c) Devlet-Girey.

13. Which three of the following events are associated with the reign of Ivan the Terrible?

a) annexation of Kazan and Astrakhan to Russia; b) Livonian war;

c) Copper rebellion; d) church schism;

e) convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor; f) the final enslavement of the peasants.

14. Which of the above was the result of the foreign policy of the Russian state in the second half of the 16th century?

a) annexation of Crimea to Russia;

b) Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea;

c) annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia;

d) the final overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

15. Orders in the XVI - early XVIII centuries. led

a) governors; b) clerks; c) secret advisers; d) guardsmen.

16. What was the name of the personal inheritance allocated for himself by Ivan the Terrible?

a) land; b) feeding; c) oprichnina; d) estate.


A) 1547 1) The introduction of reserved years by Ivan the Terrible

B) 1550 2) The beginning of the unlimited dictatorship of Ivan the Terrible

C) 1565 3) development of the code of laws "Sudebnik"

D) 1569 4) wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV

E) 1581 5) According to the Union of Lublin, Poland and Lithuania united in


18. The most important event during the reign of Elena Glinskaya was:

a) the introduction of a single currency for the whole country;

b) elimination of disagreements within the Russian Orthodox Church;

c) changes in the government of the country;

d) the introduction of St. George's Day.

19. Identify the reforms implemented by the Chosen Rada:

a) adoption of the Russkaya Pravda law b) changes in the order of land ownership

c) creation of orders d) publication of the all-Russian code of laws

e) the introduction of an all-Russian coin e) the abolition of feeding and restrictions on localism

g) the creation of a streltsy army

Complete the tasks for the text.

<… >

20) Which king is mentioned in the text?

21) Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name the year when the pogrom of Novgorod took place, as well as the known victims of terror.

Control test "Russia in the era of Ivan the Terrible"

Option II

1. The wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom took place in:

a) 1533; b) 1538; c) 1547; d) 1551;

2. The body under the king, consisting of representatives of various segments of the population and convened to resolve the most important state affairs:

a) Boyar Duma; b) veche; c) States General; d) Zemsky Sobor.

3. One of the results of the military reform was the appearance of:

a) shooters b) dragoons; c) militias; d) guards.

4. The Livonian war took place:

a) 1538-1547 b) 1549-1560 c) 1558-1583 d) 1581-1584

5. By what principle is a series formed?

A. Adashev, A. Kurbsky, Sylvester.

6. One of the goals of the Livonian War:

a) elimination of the threat to the Slavic lands from Livonia;

b) the struggle for access to the Baltic Sea;

c) establishing control over the Volga trade route;

d) the struggle for access to the Black Sea.

7. The territory left in the middle of the XVI century in the jurisdiction Zemsky Sobor and the Boyar Duma, was called:

a) oprichnina; b) posad; c) the sovereign's court; d) land.

8. Eastern policy of Ivan IV led to:

a) the conquest of Western Siberia and the Volga region; b) the defeat of the Crimean Khanate;

c) development of Eastern Siberia; d) war with the Ottoman Empire.

9. Under Ivan IV the Terrible in Russia:

a) a system of orders is formed; b) a ministerial reform is being carried out;

c) the “Table of Ranks” is introduced; d) Central Asia joins Russia.

10. The ruler of the Siberian Khanate, who voluntarily became a vassal of the Moscow Tsar in 1555:

a) Kuchum; b) Devlet-Girey; c) Yediger.

11. What temple was named after the famous Moscow holy fool Basil the Blessed?

a) Pokrovsky; b) Kazan; c) Blagoveshchensky.

12. The Church Council of 1551, where the benefits of religious institutions were reduced:

a) Zemsky; b) Hundred-headed; c) Uspensky.

13. The establishment of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible contributed to

a) the approval of the unlimited power of the king; b) economic recovery in the country;

c) the creation of a combat-ready oprichnina army;

d) the rallying of Russian society after the defeat of Russia in the Livonian War.

14. The activities of which three historical figures date back to the 16th century?

a) Andrei Kurbsky; b) Stepan Razin; c) Emelyan Pugachev;

d) Alexey Adashev; e) Ivan Fedorov; f) Fedor Apraksin.

15. Which of the listed events of Russian culture belongs to the 16th century?

a) the appearance of the first printed book of the Apostle;

b) construction of the Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin;

c) Foundation of the Amusement Chamber at the court, where performances were performed;

d) the creation of the Trinity icon by Andrey Rublev.

16. The richest family of Russian merchants who traded in the Urals:

A) Vorotynsky; b) Staritsky; c) the Stroganovs.

17. Match the date and the event.


A) 1549 1) Burning of Moscow by the Crimeans

B) 1556 2) The beginning of Yermak's campaign for the Urals

C) 1571 3) Conclusion of a ten-year truce with Russia with Rech


D) 1581 4) Convocation of the Council of Reconciliation

E) 1582 5) accession to Russia of the Astrakhan Khanate

18. The new Sudebnik endowed the Boyar Duma with the right:

a) approval of taxes requested by the king;

b) the highest legislative body under the king;

c) hold the highest court in the country;

d) determine foreign policy.

19. Of the following countries were opponents of Russia in the Livonian War:

a) the Ottoman Empire b) Rzeczpospolita; c) Sweden;

d) Holy Roman Empire; e) England; e) Denmark.

Complete the tasks for the text.

“Since the king was the owner of this inheritance, there could not be any other owners with full rights .... Princes, boyars, nobles, clerks who did not recognize this order were forcibly evicted ... and their property was confiscated ... Evictions, confiscations of property were accompanied by terror, accusations of conspiracy against the tsar, etc.<… >Novgorod was especially hard hit, where strong private property tendencies persisted, there was an influential opposition and resistance to centralization and stateization. All chroniclers testify that the tsar "smashed Veliky Novgorod" ... The pogrom in Novgorod lasted more than five weeks ... "

20. Which king is referred to in the text?

21. Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name the year when the pogrom of Novgorod took place, as well as the known victims of terror.

KEY TO THE CONTROL TEST "Russia in the Era of Ivan the Terrible"

Option I

1-b 2-a 3-a 4-d

5- Russia fought with them during the reign of Ivan the Terrible

6-in 7-in 8-in 9-b 10-a 11-a 12-c

13- ABD 14-c 15-b 16-c

17- A- 4 B- 3 C- 2 D- 5 E- 1 18- a 19- c d f f

Option II

1- in 2-d 3-a 4- in 5- Members of the Elected Rada

6-b 7-d 8-a 9-a 10-d 11-b 12-b 13-a

14- AGD 15- a 16- c 17- A- 4 B- 5 C- 1 D- 2 E- 3 18- b 19- b c f20. Ivan 4; 21. 1569 Pimen.

Control test on the topic "The reign of Ivan IV"

1) Ivan IV was married to the kingdom in

a) 1547

b) 1549

c) 1550

d) 1552

2) After the death of Vasily III, Ivan IV appeared on the throne, who ruled

a) 1505-1533

b) 1533-1584

c) 1462-1505

d) 1584-1598

3) In 1549

a) the archery army was created

b) localism was abolished

c) the first Zemsky Sobor was convened

d) eliminated feeding

4) Which event happened first

a) Stoglavy Cathedral

b) the capture of Kazan

c) the beginning of the oprichnina

d) the introduction of reserved years

5) What happened after other events

a) adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan IV

b) annexation of Astrakhan

c) the beginning of Yermak's campaigns

d) the end of the Livonian War

6) During the reign of Ivan IV, according to the form of government, Russia became

a) estate-representative monarchy

b) unlimited monarchy

c) a constitutional monarchy

d) a parliamentary monarchy

7) As a result of the oprichnina

a) there was a rise in the country's economy

b) the country was devastated and desolated

c) was limited serfdom

d) trade revived, because. Russia got access to the Baltic Sea

8) The first book printers in Russia were

a) Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets

b) Theophanes the Greek and Dionysius

c) A.Adashev and A. Kurbsky

d) Macarius and F. Kolychev

9) Establish the correct correspondence between actors and activities

1) Metropolitan Macarius a) monetary reform

2) Elena Glinskaya b) construction of the Sviyazhskaya fortress

3) Ivan Vyrodkov c) the ceremony of wedding to the kingdom

4) Ermak Timofeevich d) trips to Siberia

10) What reforms were carried out by the Chosen Rada?

a) the creation of a streltsy army

b) establishment of the oprichnina

c) restriction of locality

d) the introduction of reserved years

e) adoption of a new Code of Laws

f) the introduction of the patriarchy

11) What were the consequences of the liquidation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates

a) The Crimean Khanate voluntarily became part of Russia

b) the war with Turkey began

c) the entire Volga was in the possession of Russia

d) the security of the Russian state has been strengthened

e) increased serfdom

f) the number of non-Russian peoples in Russia has increased

12) Match actors and activities

1) Philip Kolychev a) led the siege of Pskov

2) Andrei Kurbsky b) openly opposed the oprichnina

3) Sylvester c) fled to Lithuania

4) Stefan Batory d) confessor of Ivan IV

13) What were the results of the Livonian War (choose the correct answers)

a) Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea

b) Russia lost all the lands conquered in the Baltics

c) there were huge human losses

d) the country's economy suffered significant damage

e) Russia lost the city of Pskov

Complete the tasks for the text.

“Since the king was the owner of this inheritance, there could not be any other owners with full rights .... Princes, boyars, nobles, clerks who did not recognize this order were forcibly evicted ... and their property was confiscated ... Evictions, confiscations of property were accompanied by terror, accusations of conspiracy against the tsar, etc.<… >Novgorod was especially hard hit, where strong private property tendencies persisted, there was an influential opposition and resistance to centralization and stateization. All chroniclers testify that the tsar "smashed Veliky Novgorod" ... The pogrom in Novgorod lasted more than five weeks ... "

14) What kind of king is mentioned in the text?

15) Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name the year when the pogrom of Novgorod took place, as well as the known victims of terror.


    BUT; 2) B; 3) B; 4) A; 5) G; 6) A; 7) B; 8) A; 9) 1-c, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d; 10) AED; 11) VGE; 12) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a; 13) B; 14) Ivan 4; 15) 1569 Pimen.

The best that history gives us is the enthusiasm it arouses.


The oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible is considered briefly by modern historians, but these were events that had a great influence both on the tsar himself and his entourage, and on the whole country as a whole. During the oprichnina of 1565-1572, the Russian tsar tried to strengthen his own power, the authority of which was in a very precarious position. This was due to the increased cases of treason, as well as the mood of the majority of the boyars against the current king. All this resulted in massacres, largely due to which the tsar received the nickname "Terrible." In general, the oprichnina was expressed in the fact that part of the lands of the kingdom was transferred to the exclusive rule of the state. The influence of the boyars was not allowed on these lands. Today we will briefly consider the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, its causes, the stages of the reform, as well as the consequences for the state.

Reasons for the oprichnina

Ivan the Terrible remained in the historical view of his descendants a suspicious person who constantly saw conspiracies around him. It all started with the Kazan campaign, from which Ivan the Terrible returned in 1553. The tsar (at that time still the Grand Duke) fell ill, and greatly fearing the betrayal of the boyars, ordered everyone to swear allegiance to his son, baby Dmitry. The boyars and court people were reluctant to swear allegiance to the "diaper", and many even completely evaded this oath. The reason for this was very simple - the current king is very sick, the heir has less than a year from birth, a large number of boyars who claim power.

After recovery, Ivan the Terrible changed, becoming more cautious and angry with others. He could not forgive the betrayal of the courtiers (refusal of the oath to Dmitry), knowing full well what caused it. But the decisive events that led to the oprichnina were due to the following:

  • In 1563, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow dies. He was known for having a huge influence on the king and enjoyed his favor. Macarius restrained the aggression of the king, instilling in him the idea that the country was under his control and there was no conspiracy. The new metropolitan Athanasius took the side of the discontented boyars and opposed the tsar. As a result, the king only strengthened in the idea that there were only enemies around him.
  • In 1564, Prince Kurbsky left the army and went to serve in the Principality of Lithuania. Kurbsky took with him many military commanders, and also declassified all Russian spies in Lithuania itself. It was a terrible blow to the pride of the Russian Tsar, who after that became completely convinced that there were enemies around him who could betray him at any moment.

As a result, Ivan the Terrible decided to eliminate the independence of the boyars in Russia (at that time they owned land, maintained their own army, had their assistants and their court, their own treasury, and so on). It was decided to create an autocracy.

The essence of the oprichnina

At the beginning of 1565, Ivan the Terrible leaves Moscow, leaving behind two letters. In the first letter, the tsar addresses the metropolitan, saying that all the clergy and boyars are involved in state treason. These people only want to have more land and plunder the royal treasury. With the second letter, the tsar addressed the people, saying that his reasons for his absence from Moscow were connected with the actions of the boyars. The tsar himself went to Alexander's settlement. There, under the influence of the inhabitants of Moscow, the boyars were sent in order to return the tsar to the capital. Ivan the Terrible agreed to return, but only on the condition that he receive unconditional power to execute all enemies of the state, and also to create a new system in the country. This system is called the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, which is expressed in the division of all the country's lands into:

  1. Oprichnina - lands that the tsar seizes for his own (state) administration.
  2. Zemshchina - the lands that the boyars continued to control.

To implement this plan, Ivan the Terrible created a special detachment - guardsmen. Initially, their number was 1000 people. These people made up the king's secret police, which was directly subordinate to the head of state, and which brought the necessary order to the country.

Part of the territory of Moscow, Kostroma, Vologda, Mozhaisk and some other cities were chosen as oprichnina lands. Local residents who did not enter state program oprichnina were forced to leave these lands. As a rule, they were given land in the most remote hinterlands of the country. As a result, the oprichnina solved one of the most important tasks that was set by Ivan the Terrible. This task was to weaken the economic power of individual boyars. This limitation was achieved due to the fact that the state took some of the best land in the country into its own hands.

The main directions of the oprichnina

Such actions of the king were met with sincere discontent of the boyars. Prosperous families, which previously actively expressed their dissatisfaction with the activities of Ivan the Terrible, now began to wage their struggle even more actively to restore their former power. To counter these forces, a special military unit "guardsmen" was created. Their main task, by order of the king himself, was to "gnaw" all traitors and "sweep" treason from the state. It was from here that those symbols that are directly related to the guardsmen went. Each of them carried a dog's head at the saddle of his horse, as well as a broom. The guardsmen destroyed or sent into exile all the people who were suspected of treason to the state.

In 1566 another Zemsky Sobor was held. On it, the tsar was given an appeal with a request to eliminate the oprichnina. In response, Ivan the Terrible ordered the execution of all those who were involved in the transfer and in the compilation of this document. The reaction of the boyars and all the dissatisfied followed immediately. The most indicative is the decision of the Moscow Metropolitan Athanasius, who resigned his clergy. Metropolitan Philip Kolychev was appointed in his place. This man also actively opposed the oprichnina and criticized the tsar, as a result of which, just a few days later, Ivan's troops sent this man into exile.

Main blows

Ivan the Terrible sought by all means to strengthen his power, the power of the autocrat. He did everything for this. That is why the main blow of the oprichnina was aimed at those people and those groups of people who could really claim the royal throne:

  • Vladimir Staritsky. This is the cousin of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who enjoyed great respect among the boyars, and who was very often named as the person who should take power instead of the current king. To eliminate this man, the guardsmen poisoned Vladimir himself, as well as his wife and daughters. It happened in 1569.
  • Velikiy Novgorod. From the very beginning of the formation of the Russian land, Novgorod had a unique and original status. It was an independent city that obeyed only itself. Ivan, realizing that it is impossible to strengthen the power of the autocrat without pacifying the recalcitrant Novgorod is impossible. As a result, in December 1569, the king at the head of the army went on a campaign against this city. On their way to Novgorod, the tsarist army destroys and executes thousands of people who in any way showed dissatisfaction with the actions of the tsar. This campaign lasted until 1571. As a result of the Novgorod campaign, the oprichnina army established the power of the tsar in the city and in the region.

Cancellation of the oprichnina

At a time when the oprichnina was being asserted by a campaign against Novgorod, Ivan the Terrible received news that Devlet Giray, the Crimean Khan, had raided Moscow with an army and almost completely set fire to the city. Due to the fact that almost all the troops that were subordinate to the tsar were in Novgorod, there was no one to resist this raid. Boyars, refused to provide their army to fight the royal enemies. As a result, in 1571 the oprichnina army and the tsar himself were forced to return to Moscow. To fight the Crimean Khanate, the tsar was forced to temporarily abandon the idea of ​​the oprichnina, uniting his troops and the zemstvos. As a result, in 1572, 50 kilometers south of Moscow, the united army defeated the Crimean Khan.

One of the most significant problems of the Russian land of that time was on the western border. The war with the Livonian Order did not stop there. As a result, the constant raids of the Crimean Khanate, the ongoing war against Livonia, internal unrest in the country, the weak defense of the entire state contributed to the fact that Ivan the Terrible abandoned the idea of ​​​​oprichnina. In the autumn of 1572, the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, which we briefly reviewed today, was canceled. The tsar himself forbade everyone to mention the word oprichnina, and the guardsmen themselves became outlaws. Almost all the troops that were subordinate to the tsar and put things in order for him were later destroyed by the tsar himself.

The results of the oprichnina and its significance

Any historical event well, all the more so as massive and significant as oprichnina bears after itself certain consequences that are important for posterity. The results of the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible can be expressed in the following main points:

  1. Significant strengthening of the autocratic power of the king.
  2. Reducing the influence of the boyars on state affairs.
  3. The strong economic decline of the country, which came as a result of the split that has emerged in society because of the oprichnina.
  4. The introduction of reserved years in 1581. The protected years, which prohibited the transition of peasants from one landowner to another, were due to the fact that the population of the central and northern parts of Russia fled en masse to the south. Thus, they were saved from the actions of the authorities.
  5. Destruction of large boyar lands. One of the first steps of the oprichnina was aimed at destroying and taking away their property from the boyars, and transferring this property to the state. This has been successfully implemented.

Historical score

A brief narrative about the oprichnina does not allow us to accurately understand the whole essence of those events. Moreover, it is difficult to do even with a more detailed analysis. The most indicative in this regard is the attitude of historians to this issue. Below are the main ideas that characterize the oprichnina, and which indicate that there is no single approach to assessing this political event. The main concepts boil down to the following:

  • Imperial Russia. Imperial historians presented the oprichnina as a phenomenon that adversely affected the economic, political and social development Russia. On the other hand, many historians of imperial Russia said that it was in the oprichnina that one should look for the origins of autocracy and the current imperial power.
  • The era of the USSR. Soviet scientists have always described with particular enthusiasm bloody events tsarist and imperial regimes. As a result, in almost all Soviet works, the oprichnina was presented as a necessary element that shaped the movement of the masses against the oppression of the boyars.
  • Modern opinion. Modern historians speak of the oprichnina as a pernicious element, as a result of which thousands of innocent people died. This is one of the reasons that allow you to accuse Ivan the Terrible of bloodshed.

The problem here is that the study of the oprichnina is extremely difficult, since there are practically no real historical documents of that era left. As a result, we are not dealing with the study of data, nor with the study of historical facts, but very often we are dealing with the opinions of individual historians, which are not substantiated by anything. That is why oprichnina cannot be assessed unambiguously.

All we can talk about is that at the time of the oprichnina inside the country there were no clear criteria by which the definition of “oprichnik” and “zemstvo” took place. In this regard, the situation is very similar to the one that was at the initial stage of formation Soviet power when dispossession took place. In the same way, no one had even a remote idea of ​​what a fist was, and who should be considered a fist. Therefore, as a result of dispossession as a result of the oprichnina, a huge number of people who were not guilty of anything suffered. This is the main historical assessment of this event. Everything else fades into the background, because in any state the main value is human life. Strengthening the power of the autocrat through the destruction ordinary people is a very shameful move. That is why in last years Ivan the Terrible forbade any mention of the oprichnina and ordered the execution of practically people who took an active part in these events.

The rest of the elements that modern history presents as the consequences of the oprichnina and its results are very doubtful. After all, the main result, which all historical textbooks talk about, is the strengthening of autocratic power. But what kind of strengthening of power can we talk about if after the death of Tsar Ivan came Time of Troubles? All this resulted not just in some riots or other political events. All this resulted in a change in the ruling dynasty.

Option I

1. The first Zemsky Sobor was held in:

a) 1547 b) 1549 c) 1551 d) 1556

2. Orders are:

a) central government bodies in Russia in the 16th - early 18th centuries.

b) elected bodies that exercised local government

c) state offices

d) bodies managing the personal lands of the grand-ducal family

3. The elected council is:

a) a small circle of people close to Ivan IV b) the highest council under the prince

c) the people's assembly, which decided the most important state issues d) the body managing the personal lands of the prince

4. A detachment of Cossacks for a campaign in Siberia led:

a) chieftain Ivan Koltso b) Ivan Vyrodkov c) merchants Stroganovs d) chieftain Ermak Timofeevich

Lithuania, Sweden, Commonwealth

6. As a result of the Livonian War, the Russian state:

a) gained access to the coast of the Baltic Sea b) lost the city of Pskov

c) did not solve the problem of access to the Baltic Sea d) conquered the Baltic lands

7. The closest assistant to the king in the oprichnina was:

A) Prince Vladimir Staritsky b) Andrey Kurbsky

C) Malyuta Skuratov d) Prince Mikhail Vorotynsky

8. Oprichnina is the time:

a) 1547 - 1584 b) 1556 - 1570 c) 1565 - 1572 d) 1570 - 1584

9. Which of these events took place in the 16th century?

A) the adoption of the Council Code b) the reform of the Chosen Council

C) the establishment of the Boyar Duma d) the abolition of parochialism

10. Advisor to Ivan the Terrible in carrying out reforms:

A) Alexey Adashev b) Malyuta Skuratov c) Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky

11. The Russian Metropolitan, who opposed the introduction of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible:

A) Philip b) Macarius c) Sylvester d) Philaret

12. Crimean Khan, who led the invasion of Russia in 1572:

a) Kuchum b) Ediger c) Devlet Giray

13. Which three of the following events are associated with the reign of Ivan the Terrible?

A) the annexation of Kazan and Astrakhan to Russia b) the Livonian War

C) copper riot d) church schism

E) convening the first Zemsky Sobor e) the final enslavement of the peasants

14. Which of the above was the result of the foreign policy of the Russian state in the second half of the 16th century?

A) annexation of Crimea to Russia b) Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea

C) annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia

D) the final overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke

15. Orders in the XVI - early XVIII centuries. led

A) governors b) clerks c) secret advisers d) guardsmen

16. What was the name of the personal inheritance allocated for himself by Ivan the Terrible?

A) zemshchina b) feeding c) oprichnina d) patrimony


A) 1547 1) The introduction of reserved years by Ivan the Terrible

B) 1550 2) The beginning of the unlimited dictatorship of Ivan the Terrible

C) 1565 3) development of the code of laws "Sudebnik"

D) 1569 4) wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV

E) 1581 5) According to the Union of Lublin, Poland and Lithuania united in


18. The most important event during the reign of Elena Glinskaya was:

A) the introduction of a single currency for the whole country

B) elimination of disagreements within the Russian Orthodox Church

C) changes in the government of the country

D) the introduction of St. George's Day

19. Identify the reforms implemented by the Chosen Rada:

a) adoption of the Russkaya Pravda law b) changes in the order of land ownership

c) creation of orders d) publication of the all-Russian code of laws

e) the introduction of an all-Russian coin e) the abolition of feeding and restrictions on localism

g) the creation of a streltsy army

Control test "Russia in the era of Ivan the Terrible". Grade 10

Option II

1. The wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom took place in:

a) 1533 b) 1538 c) 1547 d) 1551

2. The body under the king, consisting of representatives of various segments of the population and convened to resolve the most important state affairs:

a) Boyar Duma b) Veche c) States General d) Zemsky Sobor

3. One of the results of the military reform was the appearance of:

a) archers b) dragoons c) militias d) guardsmen

4. The Livonian war took place:

a) 1538-1547 b) 1549-1560 c) 1558-1583 d) 1581-1584

5. By what principle is a series formed?

A. Adashev, A. Kurbsky, Sylvester

6. One of the goals of the Livonian War:

a) elimination of the threat to the Slavic lands from Livonia b) struggle for access to the Baltic Sea

c) establishing control over the Volga trade route d) fighting for access to the Black Sea

7. The territory left in the middle of the 16th century under the jurisdiction of the Zemsky Sobor and the Boyar Duma was called:

A) oprichnina b) posad c) sovereign's court d) zemshchina

8. Eastern policy of Ivan IV led to:

a) the conquest of Western Siberia and the Volga region b) the defeat of the Crimean Khanate

c) the development of Eastern Siberia d) the war with the Ottoman Empire

9. Under Ivan IV the Terrible in Russia:

a) a system of orders is being formed b) a ministerial reform is being carried out

c) the “Table of Ranks” is introduced d) Central Asia joins Russia

10. The ruler of the Siberian Khanate, who voluntarily became a vassal of the Moscow Tsar in 1555:

a) Kuchum b) Devlet Giray c) Yediger

11. What temple was named after the famous holy fool of Mokovo Basil the Blessed?

a) Pokrovsky b) Kazansky c) Blagoveshchensky

12. The Church Council of 1551, where the benefits of religious institutions were reduced:

a) Zemsky b) Stoglavy c) Uspensky

13. The establishment of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible contributed to

A) the approval of the unlimited power of the king b) the economic recovery in the country

C) the creation of a combat-ready oprichnina army

D) the rallying of Russian society after the defeat of Russia in the Livonian War

14. The activities of which three historical figures date back to the 16th century?

A) Andrey Kurbsky b) Stepan Razin c) Emelyan Pugachev

D) Alexey Adashev e) Ivan Fedorov f) Fedor Apraksin

15. Which of the listed events of Russian culture belongs to the 16th century?

A) the appearance of the first printed book of the "Apostle"

B) the construction of the Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin

C) The foundation of the Amusement Chamber at the court, where performances were performed

D) the creation of the icon "Trinity" by Andrey Rublev

16. The richest family of Russian merchants who traded in the Urals:

A) Vorotynskys b) Staritskys c) Stroganovs

17. Match the date and the event.


A) 1549 1) Burning of Moscow by the Crimeans

B) 1556 2) The beginning of Yermak's campaign for the Urals

C) 1571 3) Conclusion of a ten-year truce with Russia with Rech


D) 1581 4) Convocation of the Council of Reconciliation

E) 1582 5) accession to Russia of the Astrakhan Khanate

18. The new Sudebnik endowed the Boyar Duma with the right:

A) approval of taxes requested by the king

B) the highest legislative body under the king

C) hold the highest court in the country

D) determine foreign policy

19. Of the following countries were opponents of Russia in the Livonian War:

a) Ottoman Empire b) Rzeczpospolita c) Sweden

d) Holy Roman Empire e) England f) Denmark

KEY TO THE CONTROL TEST "Russia in the Era of Ivan the Terrible".

Grade 10

Option I

1-b 2-a 3-a 4-d

5- Russia fought with them during the reign of Ivan the Terrible

6-in 7-in 8-in 9-b 10-a 11-a 12-c

13- ABD 14-c 15-b 16-c

17- A- 4 B- 3 C- 2 D- 5 E- 1 18- a 19- c d f f

Option II

1- in 2-d 3-a 4- in 5- Members of the Elected Rada

6-b 7-d 8-a 9-a 10-d 11-b 12-b 13-a

14- AGD 15- a 16- c 17- A- 4 B- 5 C- 1 G- 2 E- 3 18- b