The secret of a perfect figure in three months. How to get in shape for the summer: Basic knowledge How to get in shape in a month

Each of us at least once thought: “It would be nice to lose weight and pump up, but it would be nice to do it in two or three months to get in shape just in time for the summer.” Anya Yatskina also thought so, and then figured out how to behave these same couple of months - and certainly not exhaust yourself with diets and workouts.

Your Goals: Get rid of belly fat, look great naked, tone your muscles

It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman - if you have ever looked at models or actors, then looked into the mirror and remained dissatisfied with yourself, it will be useful for you to read this article. We recommend exercising for just 30 minutes a day three times a week for 90 days. Of course, if you didn’t follow your figure at all before, you are unlikely to immediately outshine the top models. But this will be the first step on the way to the body of your dreams. So don't put off your first workout until tomorrow, better do it right now.

15. weight loss pills

What you should know first

Losing weight and building muscle at the same time is incredibly difficult. If you want to increase muscle size, you need to start eating more calories than you burn (and no, we're not asking you to eat fast food). If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. There is some contradiction, right? So first, define your end goal. (And remember that these two rules do not always work, there are nuances).

It is better to start with weight loss, because excess weight and body fat is, to put it mildly, not very good for health. In addition, for most people, getting rid of excess weight is given faster and easier than building muscle mass - and this small victory will be important not only physically, but also psychologically, because you have already succeeded in something, the rest will succeed. Losing weight will be a great starting point on the way to the body of your dreams, because you do not have to go in cycles in ugly fat folds or demotivating numbers on the scale. You can focus on building muscle.

in a month you can - both nutritionists and fitness instructors talk about this. Of course, you won’t be able to lose the extra 20 kg gained by eating delicious grandmother’s pies, but you can tone your muscles and tighten problem areas. How? Use the instructions that we have compiled together with our expert nutritionist Alina Stepanova.

1. In order to lose weight, you first need to create a deficit between the calories you eat and the calories you burn. You have to start burning more calories than you take in in a day with food. This does not mean that you have to eat from hand to mouth and exhaust yourself with excessive physical exertion: in fact, such tactics are a sure way to gain even more weight. Sitting on a strict diet and increasing physical activity, you will create stress for the body, and, frightened, it will begin to store calories instead of parting with them. Your job is to eat a balanced diet and exercise wisely. Remember: muscles that are in good shape visually reduce the appearance of cellulite. Yes, and the skin looks more toned, especially on the back of the thigh.

2. Visualize your goals! If you create a top list of goals that you pursue when starting classes, it will be easier for you to move towards the intended image. Make a contract with yourself and put it on the refrigerator. For example, log: Monday - 1 hour jogging in the nearest park, Wednesday - group lessons in your favorite fitness club, Friday - swimming. Make your motto the phrase "I'm getting into proper physical shape here and now!". Don't forget to eat right. No - buns, yes - young carrots. This is also included in the contract. Read it daily. Take it all as a game, not a painful necessity.

3. Alternate physical activity. Just jogging in the park will not achieve significant results in such a short time. During the time that you allot for training, constantly switch from walking to running, from running to fast running, then back to walking and back to running. Monotony in exercise is your enemy. Practice interval training for half an hour at least two to three times a week.

4. Do not focus on one problem area, such as the abs or thighs. Remember: a swimsuit opens both arms and shoulders - everything should be in harmony!

Try the following ab exercises.

  • - Lying on your stomach, bend your elbows. Rise up on them. Feet shoulder-width apart, lift your body so that it becomes parallel to the floor. Being in this position, perform flexion-extension movements in the press area. You kind of create a triangle, the top of which is your buttocks, the base is the floor, and your arms and legs are the edges of the triangle. At the moment of bending, when the buttocks are in the upper position, freeze for 1 minute. Then again return to the position of the bar, parallel to the floor. This is a very effective exercise that tones the muscles of the abs and arms.
  • - You can complicate the exercise as follows: the starting position is the same, but, arching the body, you lift it forward as you exhale right hand so that your shoulder reaches your right ear. When performing the exercise, you alternate hands.
  • - And the most difficult option: you can simultaneously raise your arm and the opposite leg, holding this position for 5-10 seconds.
  • - Remember: the transition from one exercise to another should take you a minimum of time, because if the muscles are constantly in good shape, the effectiveness of the workout increases significantly.
  • - Do not forget about the hips: half-squats and lunges are your faithful helpers and allies. Do two or three sets of 15-20 repetitions at least two or three times a week, and the thigh muscles will come to the desired tone.
  • - Exercises with dumbbells weighing 1 kg will help you maintain the elasticity of the muscles of the hands.
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides and lower them. Lying on your back, raise your hands, as if hugging the ball, and gently lower them down.

5. Immediately, as soon as you start practicing fitness training, go on a special bikini diet.

Stick to the following diet plan.

lunch for perfect figure: Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Whole Wheat Bread, Green Salad, Vinegar-Spice-Olive Oil Dressing - 390 calories, 10g of fat.

Won't work for you: Caesar salad, as it contains croutons, pickles, cheese, which retains water, and the salad dressing in restaurants can also be very high in calories. On average, a salad contains 800 calories, of which 45 g is fat.

Side dish for a perfect figure: a portion of fruit salad with strawberries, grapes, bananas and yogurt - 80 calories, 1 g of fat.

You should not eat: steamed broccoli and cauliflower- 90 calories, 0 g fat. Although cabbage is a very healthy and valuable product, it promotes weight loss, but this is a long-term program. In addition, do not forget to give up cabbage already directly on vacation. If less than an hour is left before going to the beach, in no case do not eat cabbage. It contains a lot of complex sugar, which, interacting with the bacteria living in your intestines, leads to bloating: not a good prospect, is it?

But fruit salad with yogurt will provide the body with useful substances and support immunity.

Soup for a perfect figure. Your choice - "Gazpacho": 55 calories, 1 g of fat. But refrain from spicy soups! Pepper will increase blood flow and sweating: you hardly need this when you are going to the beach. Your choice is cold soup.

However, if you have your own express weight loss recipes, feel free to share them! After all, there are so many women who dream of losing a couple of extra pounds a week before the holidays!

Having learned that some unusual weight loss courses are working in Yaroslavl, after which people easily and quickly begin to lose weight, Tatyana Mikhnevich, a KP correspondent, went there at the end of October to get in shape. They do not offer any diets here, they just teach what, when and how much to eat and drink in order to always be in shape. What recommendations are given on these miracle courses, is it really possible to shift weight quickly and without harm to health, the correspondent regularly tells in his weight loss diary on

All! End! My courses are over. Three months flew by like three days. Somehow I can’t believe it, and even felt sad about it. I really liked all this, besides, I learned so much useful things in these courses (now I would not lose all my acquired knowledge!). And most importantly, I lost weight!

So, my results for the past three months are minus 5 kilograms. Some say it's a lot, some say it's not enough. I can say for myself that I am satisfied. It would be possible to lose more (if I were more disciplined), but is it necessary? The slower you lose weight, the less likely it is that the weight will come back. In addition, with the end of the courses, my weight loss, I hope, does not end.

I also want to remind everyone who is losing weight or is just going to lose weight - you need to lose weight correctly - with fats, and they "leave" slowly. If you lose weight quickly, it means you have lost muscle and water. And this is bad for the body! I repeat that the optimal weight loss is 2-4 kilograms per month.

I personally lost 2 kg each, and if the New Year holidays with the inevitable feasts had not interfered with my process, I would have lost 6 kg in three months. But what is, is. In addition, I note that my volumes have also decreased - my waist and arms have become thinner, my stomach has decreased. I like!

And, for example, a woman who, along with me, lost weight on the courses, lost 9 kilograms during this time, and also feels great. In general, it was obvious to all of us: they began to eat more properly, and many health problems decreased. Who has normalized blood pressure, whose headaches have disappeared or the joints have stopped hurting, the stomach does not bother. In general, some pluses. Whatever you say, you need to eat right and instill good eating habits in your children.

What I learned in these courses was about the right breakfast, protein and water. But these are the basics of health, plus, of course, vitamins and minerals and physical activity. I wrote about all this in detail, but I will briefly repeat it again, because it was on these three pillars that I managed to lose weight.

Breakfast should be mandatory, and protein - cottage cheese, boiled egg, scrambled eggs from two egg whites, a piece of red fish or meat.

We don’t stop at proteins after breakfast, we try to eat them throughout the day. For example, in snacks, again, cottage cheese, some beans, chicken, beef, pork, a piece of fish, seafood, liver, lung. Moreover, all this is not fried, but boiled, stewed or baked in the oven. In general, we eat protein at every opportunity, it is very difficult to overeat it.

Along with this, do not forget about fresh vegetables and herbs. We try to eat less side dishes and other carbohydrates, but this does not mean that they should be completely excluded. Although if you exclude bread, potatoes, pasta, there will be no harm to the body. And tritium “whale” is water. How nice and helpful! Not tea, not milk, but pure water - a "shower from the inside"! You need to drink at least two and a half liters a day, and not in glasses in one gulp, but gradually, in small sips.

From what else I used, I began to make sure that my diet had fresh fruits and vegetables, and not from time to time, but every day (fruits are better in the morning, because they are very sweet). I also started eating nuts - two or three things a day (no more, they are fatty and high-calorie). Excluded frozen semi-finished products. I have snacks every 2-3 hours. Oh, and more exercise. That's all. No diets and especially starvation. By the way, in no case should you starve, otherwise the body will feel “danger” and turn on defense mechanisms - it will not give up its fat.

Summing up, I can say with confidence that it was not difficult to lose weight, even I would say not to lose weight, but just eat right. The only thing I had and have to struggle with is the craving for sweets. Cookies, cakes, waffles, pies and all that stuff I avoid with a light heart, but chocolate ... I had to develop new habits and not drink tea after every meal, and not buy sweets so that they don’t loom before my eyes. Here it is necessary to “turn on” the head and not eat harmful to health. Treat yourself sometimes and a little bit - yes, but not every day. And everything will be alright.

My further goal is to continue to reduce weight to the physiological norm - this is another 5 kg. And most importantly, keep the result. Therefore, I will try to follow all the advice received in the courses and further, to spend more energy than to fill up. By the way, here's another useful advice for this case. If you managed to lose even a little weight, do not pounce on food for joy. Be patient a little longer, “get settled” a little in your new body, let your body get used to the new weight. In general, it’s good not to lose weight constantly, but to make small pauses in this process - to maintain the achieved result. If we have been gaining weight for years, then we must also lose it gradually, and not immediately. Take care of your health!

Dear readers, I want to thank everyone who lost weight with me or just followed my results. I would be glad if my publications helped someone discover something new or even become a little healthier, slimmer and more beautiful. Good luck to everyone and have a great mood!

Sorry, no news here. To get into great shape, you need to plow, reap, sweat, endure pain and hardship (at least in the form of compliance with the regime). But most importantly: the size and quality of your success in the end depends only on what you know about training. This article contains 20 top fitness tips - we selected them from the entire mass of publications of the printed version of Men's Health for 17 years.



The usual diet is no longer suitable for you - it is for those who do not set themselves any super-tasks. Dr. Alan Aragon, Men's Health nutrition consultant, has compiled a daily nutrition pyramid for people like you (who want to build volume, strength and endurance). Choose the dose of each product according to your height (very high - take the indicated maximum, below average - the indicated minimum), experiment, most importantly - observe the indicated ratio daily:

  • 40–80 g nuts; 1/2 or whole avocado;
  • 2-4 tsp vegetable oil(olive or linen);
  • 2-4 servings of dairy products (1 serving = 1 cup milk, 150-200 g low-fat yogurt, 30 g hard cheese or 1/2 cup cottage cheese);
  • 2-4 servings of fruit (1 serving = 1 medium-sized fruit or 1/4 cup dried fruit)
  • 2-4 servings of starchy carbs (1 serving = 2 slices of bread or 1 cup of cooked rice, pasta, beans or corn, 1 small potato). Those who cannot gain weight in any way can safely double the dose;
  • 3 or more servings of vegetables (1 serving = 1 fresh tomato, cucumber - any vegetable except potatoes, legumes and corn);
  • 4-8 servings of protein (1 serving = 100 g of meat or poultry, 30 g of protein powder or 3 whole eggs).

02. Boot green

If you start eating more vegetables and greens, you will suddenly find that you have become less tired in the rocking chair. Here's our favorite recipe: Throw a handful of spinach, some berries and oatmeal, pour a serving of protein, pour a couple of glasses of juice or milk and mix it all well. Drink with pleasure - we bet you won't even feel the vile taste of spinach. But within a couple of weeks you will feel an increase in strength.

03. Take Vitamin D

Reduces athletic performance of an athlete. And vice versa - men with a high content of vitamins of group D in the body are much stronger than the rest. And in Russia, up to 70% of the population is deficient in the “sunshine vitamin”, and you are probably among these people. Sunbathe (in moderation), eat eggs, drink milk - well, or go to the pharmacy for drugs (but consult a therapist). Take 600 IU per day.

04. Eat more often

And without the pyramid of Aragon, it's quite obvious that you need protein to grow. But the details are important: it has been proven, for example, that athletes who consume protein 6 times a day in small portions progress faster than those who swallow the same amount in 3 large meals. Divide your protein intake into 5-6 meals throughout the day - evenly, with one exception. At lunch, stuff at least 100 g of protein into yourself.

05. Understand protein

A serving of whey protein in the morning will help you better control your appetite throughout the day. It is also ideal as a pre-workout meal, as it is quickly absorbed. But some time after training and at night, we recommend using casein slowly digestible protein. According to Dutch researchers, 40 g of casein before bed can accelerate nighttime muscle growth by as much as 23%.


06. Train with the unusual

Most heavy objects don't look like barbells or dumbbells. A barbell is more convenient than a huge suitcase with a broken handle, a log, or a drunken comrade. Therefore, so that your strength accumulated in the gym can be applied in life, use sandbags, barbells or dumbbells with unusually thick necks and other non-standard items in training. Is there anything like this in your sterile room? Go to the street, throw stones there.

07. Train core like an adult

Throw away the twists and rises of the body. These exercises create unnecessary rotations in the spine, such rotations will not lead to anything good. Try to love the so-called. anti-rotation exercises. From the simplest ones like the “lumberjacks” on the upper and lower block to the Palof press or push-ups on one arm. In the latter, it is hard not only for the working hand, but also for the entire cortex, which is working to maintain the correct starting position.

08. Love pull-ups

If only because it is an almost perfect indicator of relative strength - that is, how strong you are for your own weight. The norm is 15 repetitions in full amplitude. If you can’t do this yet, train according to the following methodology: do one set of pull-ups to failure in the morning and evening for three days in a row, rest on the fourth, and then again a series of three pull-up days. And so on, until you get back to normal.

09. Train the whole body at a time

How often you load your muscles is just as important as how intensely you do it. For maximum effective growth, you need to do about 15 sets per muscle group per week. In a week, not in one workout! Distribute all this total load over three days - 3-5 sets per muscle group in each workout, and work out like this for a month. You will immediately feel the result.

10. Lift more

On the bench For a larger bench press, move your shoulder blades more, then push your chest forward and try to lower your shoulder blades down towards your buttocks. After removing the bar from the racks, take a deep (but not too much) breath and do not exhale until the end of the repetition. All this will help you to make the starting position in the press more stable, which will immediately affect the result.

On foot To lift more weight in the deadlift, focus on contracting your glutes. Try to squeeze them with force, starting from the moment when the neck comes to the knees. In the final phase of the thrust, powerfully push the pelvis forward and squeeze the buttocks even harder. Such a strategy will not only increase the result, but also provide additional protection for the lumbar spine.


11. Run like you press

Or rather, don't do the same thing, change the structure of your running workouts the way you change the program in the gym. Alternate between monotonous running, cross-country or uphill running, and interval running with a change in speed mode. Take two days for each type of run, and rest one day a week.

12. Set up a track

Running on a treadmill in the gym requires 16% less effort than jogging at the same pace outdoors. It doesn't matter: always install a treadmill with a slope of 3%. This plus or minus will equalize the intensity of the training run with the street.

13. Save time

What would you choose: five hours of monotonous cardio or 90 minutes of interval training (jogging at a variable pace with breaks for leisure)? We are for the second option, the effect in the form of increasing the MPC (the ability of your body to consume oxygen) here is exactly the same as jogging from 5 hours.

14. Combine strength with cardio

When you're done with the barbell, do a couple simple movements, improving RPP. For example, a ladder of swings with a kettlebell and squats with a kettlebell in front of the chest. Do this: 1 rep swings, 1 rep squats. Then 2 repetitions of swings, 2 repetitions of squats, etc. Finish the set with 10 reps on both movements.

15. Keep fit

Even if you don't like running, take this test periodically: if you can run 1.5 kilometers without falling out of 6 minutes, then most of the systems in your body - cardiovascular, joints and muscles - are in excellent condition and well trained .

weight loss

16. Don't rely on running

Not that jogging is completely useless. It's just that high-intensity interval strength training is much more effective: it will accelerate your metabolism so that you will lose those extra grams hours and days after leaving the gym.

17. Change a little

Many people who lose weight quickly break down: they set themselves tough deadlines, dramatically changed their diet, overstrained themselves - gave up. Improve your diet gradually: for example, replace only one item in the diet per week. Now you order black coffee instead of cappuccino, a week later you also replace the potatoes in the garnish with stewed vegetables, etc.

18. Get moving

Puffed for 1.5 hours in the hall, and then collapsed on the sofa until the evening? Kinda illogical, I agree. Work standing, not sitting. Give up the elevator and, at least for a couple of days a week, the car. Hold business meetings not in a restaurant, but walking in the park. My dishes myself. The difference between an active and passive lifestyle is up to 2000 calories burned per day.

19. Drink cold

After drinking a liter of slightly chilled water, you will speed up your metabolism by 30% for 90 minutes. In addition, remember: a sufficient amount of water is always beneficial for weight loss, muscle gain, and recovery in general.

20. Sleep more, eat less

Only five days of lack of sleep (no more, or even less than five hours a day) - and you already chronically overeat. Luckily, normal "recovery" sleep (9 hours straight) can reverse the whole horrific process.

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