Poppy tattoo on the arm meaning. What does a poppy tattoo mean? The place of the poppy in the mythology of various countries

Everyone knows that flowers are such tattoos that carry a deep meaning. All tattoos with flowers and their meanings are rooted far into the past, even in ancient cultures. It is generally accepted that a tattoo with a flower, for example, a poppy, is a purely feminine symbol, but this is far from being the case.

Let's move on to the meaning of a poppy tattoo. A poppy tattoo is inextricably linked with sleep or death.. And already these two concepts are closely interconnected, for example, a lethargic dream is very often a duplicate meaning of death, because they are practically indistinguishable. This is all very mysterious and people have been working on unraveling these mysteries for more than one century.

Poppy is an amazing ancient symbol that entire peoples decorated sacred utensils and temples. These peoples existed long before such great civilizations as Rome and others. For example, the ancient Egyptians used poppy as a sleeping pill, more precisely, a drug that was made from its seeds. As for the narcotic properties of this flower, then they didn’t know about it yet, but nevertheless, the poppy was already there a symbol of sleep and death and endless oblivion.

There is another meaning of a poppy tattoo - truth. Ancient Greek girls on poppies wondered about love, namely, how much their beloved is faithful to them. There was even a special name - a dilephylon flower, that is, a love spy. In Catholicism, churches are decorated with poppies. And on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, also inside the cathedral utensils.

In the UK, poppy symbolism is very relevant during the celebration of the day of remembrance for those who died in the Second World War, everyone attaches a poppy flower or a badge with it to their chest, since the poppy also means memory sign. Thus, a poppy tattoo gets another meaning associated with the memory of something, that is, in some way it can be attributed to army tattoos.

A close connection with death and the poppy is observed among the ancient Etruscans. They sewed clothes with the help of a poppy, and the clothes were intended for the god of the underworld. Thus, the demon was wearing a red cloak, it is possible that this is where the tradition of depicting underground characters in scarlet or red clothes came from. The poppy had a good value in Russia. The poppy was a symbol of beauty and youth., which, like a dream, entangles completely, because it is so beautiful.

The ancient Greeks even drew a line of similarity between a poppy and a human head, therefore, poppy heads, not human ones, were given as a sacrifice during sacrifices.

Thus it turns out that poppy symbolizes sleep, death, night and nature. What meaning you put into a poppy tattoo depends only on you, because it is possible that you just like this flower and want to depict it on your body without putting anything into it except your personal sympathy.

Tattoos that include images of a flower are often considered purely feminine. However, this is not always the case. For example, the image of a poppy in a tattoo is quite ambiguous, it does not always carry a positive meaning. Also, thanks to the skill of the tattoo artist, the image of this flower can turn out to be quite concise, gloomy, and courageous. Poppy is a controversial plant, which can be said to the owner of such a tattoo.

Poppy. Distinctive features

Poppy flowers are usually bright red, rarely white or yellow specimens can be found. This plant loves dry places, so it can be found in semi-deserts and steppes. Some types of poppy, for example, sleeping pills, secrete milky juice, which can later be used as a narcotic. Therefore, some plant varieties are prohibited in many countries.

Poppy flowers do not please people for long with their splendor. This plant blooms quite quickly, within 2-3 days, sometimes earlier. However, gardeners still love it very much. This is due to the fact that even after flowering, this plant looks spectacular, thanks to its seed boxes. A poppy tattoo, whose photos are as beautiful as the flower itself, usually adorns extraordinary personalities.

Red poppy tattoo on girl's leg

The place of the poppy in the mythology of various countries

The use of the image of this flower in the myths and legends of many countries is due to its properties. For example, among the Ancient Greeks, this plant was a symbol of Hypnos, the god of dreams. It is also found in myths describing the life of Nyukta - that is, Night. The goddess of agriculture, Demeter, also could not do without poppy. This is due to the fact that this plant has a high similarity, so it is easy and simple to grow in almost any area.

Poppy tattoo on the back of a girl

It is interesting. A poppy tattoo, the meaning of which is ambiguous, can also personify Christianity. The fact is that this bright red plant serves as an image of the blood of Christ. That's why such a tattoo serves as a reference to the Bible, it denotes suffering and humility. In the context of this religion, poppy can also refer to ignorance, apathy, lack of one's own opinion.

Poppy flower on the back of a girl in color

Poppy tattoo meaning

As mentioned above, this tattoo is quite ambiguous. It has both positive and negative semantic designations:

  • symbol of death or long sleep. Given value determined directly by the properties of the plant. A poppy tattoo, the sketch of which can be very difficult to execute, can reveal the owner's attitude towards death. This meaning is usually given by people who are used to being in mortal danger, or who believe that everyone around is as if in a dream, while the tattoo wearer lives a full life;
  • the speed of life. In Russia, this value was welcomed. Poppy is used as a reminder that life is changing, so you should do everything;
  • flower of truth. Poppy was considered in ancient Greece as a plant capable of answering a number of questions. For example, girls guessed on it for love. Poppy served as an analogue of chamomile. Therefore, people who prefer such a tattoo can also answer questions truthfully, or simply cannot stand lies. There is also an opinion that a tattoo with this red flower means that its owner faced betrayal and deceit in life, but did not despair;
  • love and passion. In this regard, the poppy is in no way inferior to the rose. There is also an interesting version of a tattoo for lovers: a mirror image is applied to the forearms of lovers, as if connecting them for life;
  • romantic attitude towards life. A single poppy flower, made in color, can denote a person prone to the manifestation of sentimentality, who loves life.

Red poppy on hand in old school style

Poppy as a symbol of those who died in battles

In the UK, this plant is considered a symbol of the people who died in the Second World War. In this country, on Memorial Day, citizens take to the streets, with poppies in their buttonholes. Badges and brooches depicting a flower are also used. The proceeds from the sale of poppies go to the War Veterans Relief Fund. There is an opinion that this tradition originates from the poems of John McCrae, in which he mentions poppies in the context of war. This idea was further supported by Moina Michael, who was the first to link poppies and the memory of the dead.

Poppy flower on the side of the body

The poppy tattoo is my pride. She is not the first, but at this point the last. A fiery flower seemed to light up on my hand, slightly encircling my wrist. For me, it is a symbol of passion, a hot character - everything that is connected with me. Many are interested in this image, as it is not so common. I recommend it to those who want to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their I.

Marianna, Moscow.

Poppy with a rose on his hand

Poppy tattoo location

Such a tattoo looks advantageous on almost any part of the body. However, the most interesting is the image of this plant on the forearm or on the leg. This is due to the fact that some elements of the sketch can wrap around the wrist or ankle, thereby making the drawing softer, more feminine.

Tattoo: poppy flower on arm

Did you know? Love and death often accompanied the image of the poppy. For example, in ancient Greece, a boy and a girl swore love over this flower. At the same time, among the ancient Etruscans, poppy was closely associated with burial. It was in clothes made with the help of this plant that people went to the afterlife.

Tattoo culture originated over four thousand years ago. The first tattoos in history were found during excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. Despite the fact that over the long centuries the skin of the mummified bodies has dried up for a long time, the drawings on it are clearly distinguishable.

Nowadays, tattoos have not lost their relevance. Of the variety of different patterns on the body, it is rare to find tattoos that depict a poppy. But people who already have such a pattern on their bodies can tell a lot about themselves. Such a tattoo carries a deep meaning and can say a lot about the personality of the person who wears it.

Male version

Initially, it was believed that only girls filled poppy tattoos, because it was almost impossible to meet a man with such a pattern. In fact, such a stereotype is not clear, because the meaning of the poppy pattern on the body embodies several properties that are inherent in both women and men equally.

The first thing that a poppy tattoo on a male body meant was calmness and loneliness or comfort in solitude. The drawing of a flower with neat, light petals on a long stem means that its owner will quickly leave a noisy company and rather prefer loneliness. At the same time, he will create a cozy atmosphere around him, in which he will feel comfortable and calm.

Some believe that a lonely poppy on the body of a man in love means a broken heart and unrequited love. In fact, this is far from the case. A proud flower with red petals symbolizes bright love and happiness with your soulmate. Such tattoos carry a powerful energy of romance and bright love.

AT different countries such a flower has different meaning. For example, in the UK, it means that its owner is a brave and valiant man.

And in Russia, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different. Based on ancient customs, this tattoo signifies the transience of life.. On the other hand, it is eternal youth, strength and love.

Women's version

Because of the beauty of poppy flowers, the owners of a tattoo with his image want to show eternal youth, cheerfulness, charm and their feminine attractiveness. It is not for nothing that in China the poppy tattoo symbolizes relaxation and beauty. The meaning is beauty.

Such a symbol was originally associated with the cycle of dying and rebirth of nature. Therefore, on the body of a woman, first of all, it means fertility and fertility.

Superstitious ladies stuff such a tattoo to protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. Also, such a tattoo can be associated with the blood of Christ in the Christian story.

In prison

Many give a poppy tattoo a negative meaning. This is due to the fact that many peoples have long used this flower as a sleeping pill. And it was believed that because of him a person can fall asleep forever. Only because of these properties of the plant, the tattoo with its image is interpreted by some in a bad aspect.

But what will happen if a person with a poppy tattoo ends up in prison, will this affect his fate?
In the history of prison tattoos among roses, violets and other flowers, the poppy is nowhere to be found. Therefore, cellmates such a tattoo can be interpreted differently. Much also depends on the quick wit and eloquence of the owner of the tattoo. Here is the meaning.

Poppy tattoo on lower leg, watercolor photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BZX3d7an_L2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The red head of the poppy flower in Egyptian mythology was considered a symbol of immortality, renewal and female attractiveness. In the language of the Mayan Indians, the poppy is a symbol of the true path, rebirth and mercy. Poppy came to tattoo culture as a multifaceted symbol with many meanings taken from different cultures.

Poppy tattoo meaning

In tattoo culture, poppies reflect the true desire for their goal. It intertwined the meanings of many cultures and generations. The plant has autonomous branches of symbolism for men and women. The position on the body does not really affect the interpretation.

Poppy tattoo meaning:

  • true treasure;
  • grain of truth;
  • the realm of inner harmony;
  • youth;
  • self-development;
  • spiritual strength;
  • beauty and health;
  • the charm;
  • richness of the spirit.

In North American, the red flower was a symbol of absolute freedom and independence. In the language of bikers, poppies wrapping their stems around a cross, gravestone or steering wheel mean memory without sorrow. With the help of the sign, the exceptional significance of the event is emphasized.

Poppy is a plastic image, it can be interpreted for yourself. For example, scarlet flowers can be a sign of unlocking one's potential. They emphasize the high position of a person in society or indicate a desire to forget something.

Among the Romans, poppies meant victory, triumph. In the East, the flower emphasizes the contemplation of one's being in meditation. From it came the meaning shaped by hippies. In their culture, maquis represent peace, tranquility and finding a way without a fight.

The meaning of poppy tattoos in men and women

The poppy tattoo has a distinct symbolism difference on the skin of men and women. For girls, poppy tattoos mean relaxation, fullness of joy from life. The drawing intertwines a sense of female attractiveness and the discovery of one's potential.

Poppy tattoo meaning for girls:

  • sexuality;
  • attractiveness;
  • youth;
  • playfulness;
  • comfort and happiness;
  • search for love;
  • finding happiness in relationships;
  • the power of joy.

Poppy tattoo with inscription, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BiZymJXHhSV/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Sense meaning is not alien male tattoo poppy. For men, the tattoo is filled with the energy of success and victory. There is something mystical about it. For many men, poppy has the ability to attract good luck and success. Gradually, this symbol becomes an anchor for consciousness, allowing you not to forget who you really are.

The meaning of poppy tattoo for men:

  • pure consciousness;
  • victory over reality;
  • patronage of Fortune;
  • life in the fullness of manifestations;
  • happiness joy;
  • achievement of the cherished goal;
  • willpower, purposefulness;
  • true vision of the state of affairs.

The figure combines the simplicity of lines and shapes. The head of the flower is painted red, symbolizing the sun. For men, this is a symbol of ascent and flowering of potential.

Variants, styles, compositions

From nature, the plant has received graceful forms. A lush large head sits on a rough stem, surrounded by elongated dark green leaves. The shape of the flower is plastic, it is laid out in patterns or knots. Elongated lines are interspersed with rounded figures.

Depending on the composition, the meaning of the picture is enhanced. For example, bowed heads and stems braiding a cross indicate sleep. Plants stretched upwards with open heads - the triumph of life, joy.

Suitable styles for flower:

  • watercolor;
  • realism;
  • graphic arts;
  • abstraction;
  • chicano;
  • black and white;
  • engraving;
  • old school.

The thin stem of the flower can be used as a line to create an inscription. The red bud is often depicted with streaks of blood. This enhances the tragedy of the underlying meaning. Poppy is combined with, triangle, cross, heart rhythm.

A sketch for the future can be selected from the photo of the plant. A large number of varieties with a bright and original look will be good helpers for the tattoo master. By choosing a place and style, you can easily compose a drawing. The wizard's tips will help you achieve the best result.

Poppies are recommended to be filled in color. The flower will look festive even after many years. To keep the image in its original form, you will need minimal effort and correction every 5-6 years.

To make your tattoo reflect your personality as much as possible, think about the composition. For girls, wreaths of poppy heads woven with other flowers are suitable. Single flowers are suitable for local tattoos in the chest, collarbone, shoulder blade or abdomen.

For fair skin, it is better to choose images in the watercolor style. To fit organically, the colors should be as transparent as possible. Owners of dark skin tones can not be shy in color schemes. Combinations of black and white drawings with bright poppy heads look original.

It is recommended to avoid filling the background with blue. The exception will be drawings in the style of realism, where the background is not uniform. Faded monochromatic blue fills look cheap and unprofessional against the background of scarlet overflows of flower petals.

On what part of the body is it better to get a poppy tattoo?

Poppy tattoos look good on the arm. Lush soft heads are easy to arrange with a ring around the wrist,. They successfully fit into the structure of the forearm along a vertical line. Favorably look poppies in the compositions on the shoulder.

For beautiful and full-scale panels, a place on the back is suitable. A poppy tattoo will decorate the shoulder blade or lie along the line of the spine. It is not uncommon to use poppy heads with boxes to create a floral ornament on the lower back of girls.

Men prefer to hit poppies on the chest, lower leg or side line. The heads are placed on the ribs, descending slender stems to the lower back. An elegant poppy is suitable for compositions shot along the oblique lines of the body. For this reason, it is often stuffed into. Moreover, tattoos can be found in both men and girls.

Minimalist poppy head designs are used to create compositions with fonts. They are stuffed along the line of the foot or wrist. The design has a lot of potential, since red poppies are combined with almost any object or image.

Video - applying a poppy tattoo