Infinitive in English. The infinitive in English: a complete analysis of the initial form of the verb Rules for using the infinitive

AT English language there is a concept infinitive with separated particle to, or split infinitive(split infinitive). Strict stylists believe that its use is grammatically wrong and have a negative attitude towards it. However, this approach is incorrect. In this article we will consider this phenomenon and its purpose.

To begin with, I would like to define the concept of the infinitive:
Infinitive is the indefinite form of the verb. There are two types of infinitive in English: the full infinitive ( full infinitive) – with a particle to, e.g. to go, to make, to run and infinitive without particle to(bare infinitive), e.g. go, make, run. The concept of a split infinitive belongs to the first type.

Grammarians of the 19th century and beyond late period, adhering to the point of view that it is impossible to split the infinitive, were based on the rules of the Latin language. The fact is that in Latin there is no infinitive form consisting of two words, therefore it is impossible to split the Latin infinitive. For some reason (for example, Latin was a long time literary language in many countries, including Great Britain, as a result of which there was a mechanical adaptation of the English language to the norms of Latin grammar) in the 19th century it was believed that since the Latin language does not imply the phenomenon of splitting the infinitive, then it should not be in English.

However, today, with the development of the language, the split infinitive is seen as a correct occurrence. Thanks to it, ambiguity, misunderstanding of a sentence, and even a change in the meaning of a sentence can be avoided.

What is split infinitive? This is a full infinitive, between the particle and the verb of which there is an adverb:
Steve decided to quickly feed Amy's cats. Steve decided to quickly feed Amy's cats.

In this case, the adverb quickly splits the infinitive to feed: to quickly feed.
If you try not to split the infinitive, then the meaning of the sentence will change:
Steve decided quickly to feed Amy's cats. Steve quickly decided to feed Amy's cats.

The sentence can be written in another way without splitting the infinitive and without changing its meaning:
Steve decided to feed Amy's cats before she got back from the corner market.

However, this is not necessary, since the use of a split infinitive in English is grammatically correct.

In addition to the already named purpose, the split infinitive can be used to emphasize content, even in an official style:
I wish to stress the fact...

Other examples of the split infinitive:
I wish to highly recommend him
She seems to really like it

Thus, the use of the split infinitive is not only grammatically correct, but necessary in some cases. However, it should be remembered that in the official style, splitting the infinitive is undesirable.

One of the impersonal forms of the verb is the infinitive. This part of speech lives on its own and does not agree with the subject. But the meaning of the predicate largely depends on its correct use. What is the correct way to use the initial form of a verb in a sentence?

When studying English, many bypass the topic of impersonal verb forms, although it is one of the main ones. Why? Difficulty of use. So, let's look at everything in more detail.

The semantic side of the infinitive in English

As already mentioned, this part of speech has no person, number or time. The verbs presented in the dictionary are infinitive. In most cases, in a sentence it is easy to recognize it by the accompanying particle to.

I decided to buy it.

Negative form: not + to + infinitive

why not to come to her?


Accompanying the predicate, this verb form complements the main action. Consider examples of the infinitive based on to play:

Indefinite Infinitive Active: to play
Indefinite Infinitive Passive: to be played
Continuous Infinitive: to be playing
Perfect Infinitive Active: to have played
Perfect Infinitive Passive: to have been played
Perfect Continuous Infinitive: to have been playing

1. For expression simultaneous actions with a verb - predicate used by Indefinite
Infinitive Active. And Indefinite Passive Infinitive, which also expresses simultaneous actions, also indicates that it is performed on the subject.

I wanted to play chess. - I wanted to play chess.
She hated to be laughed at because of her ignorance. She hated being laughed at because of her lack of education.

2. If you need to express prolonged simultaneous action with a predicate, Continuous Infinitive is used.

It was pleasant to be breathing fresh air again. It was nice to breathe fresh air again.

3. Feel free to use the perfect infinitive to describe events that preceded the predicate. Similarly, the Perfect Infinitive Passive, which also expresses the perfect action on the subject.

I intended to have put up an advertisement yesterday. I intended to make an announcement yesterday.
Judy was happy to have been sent to college. Judy was glad that she was sent to college.

Note: But after to mean, to expect, to intend, to hope, which are in the Past Indefinite (after which the Perfect Infinitive is used) or in past perfect(followed by Indefinite Infinitive), this verb form indicates that the intention or hope has not been fulfilled.

4. To express an action that lasted until the main the infinitive of the verb is used in the form of Perfect Continuous Infinitive.

She was sorry to have been treating him so cruelly so long. She regretted having treated him cruelly for so long.

Use cases with and without to (Bare infinitive)

Almost every rule English grammar there are exceptions. In some cases, the to particle is omitted, but the meaning is preserved. So after modal verbs, after the expressions had better, would rather, would sooner, cannot but, to do nothing but; after auxiliary verbs, to feel, to hear, to see, to let, to help; in questions with why, to bid (offer), to make and to have (meaning to force), to know (meaning to notice), do not put to:

I let him read this book. I allowed him to read this book.
You had better talk to your best friend. You better talk to your best friend.
I made him give up drinking. I made him stop drinking.

Note: If to know, to hear, to see, to make are in the passive voice, then to + Infinitive is used.

Functions of the infinitive in English

1. As a subject, this part of speech can be at the beginning of a sentence, but more often after It.
2. As part of a nominal predicate.
3. As part of a complex verbal predicate with modal verbs and with verbs denoting the beginning or ending.
4. As an addition Infinitive in English, in most cases it is used after to learn, to beg, to order, to request, to ask, to feel, to learn.
5. As definition.
6. As a circumstance.

Even to think of gave him happiness. Even the thought of it made him happy. (subject)
Lisa is not a woman to suffer in silence. - Lisa is not a woman who will endure. (Definition)
Laws are not made to be broken; laws are made to stay within. Laws are not made to be broken; laws are made to be obeyed. (circumstance)

Don't be afraid to use this part of speech! Remember - correct usage The initial form of the verb largely depends on the meaning of the sentence, on the place where it stands and the words that accompany it. Also, the infinitive in English is often used in turns. These structures require further study.

Not to miss new useful materials,

I have already written about this impersonal form of the verb in English. The article is called " ". I recommend reading it first, as it helps you get a general idea of ​​the infinitive. Remember that the infinitive is the indefinite form of the verb. The standard form of the infinitive in English is formed using the base (dictionary) preceded by a particle to. But there are a certain number of cases where it is used without this particle. Here we are already talking about such a thing as "naked infinitive" - bare infinitive. To articulate when we need particle infinitive to , and when without it, I am writing this article.

But before we go directly to enumerating these cases, I would like to repeat what forms English infinitive(on the example of the verb to leave- leave, leave

  1. Present Active– (to) leave

    I'm ready to see him now. - I'm ready to see him now (real)

    George wants to find a new job next month. George wants to find new job next month (future)

  2. present passive– (to) be left

    She expects to be presented a special gift on the anniversary. She is waiting for a special present for her anniversary.

    He hopes to be invited to his daughter's wedding. He hopes to be invited to his daughter's wedding.

  3. Present Continuous Active– (to) be leaving

    My mother seems to be painting the walls. It seems my mother paints the walls.

    They seem to be building a house. It looks like they are building a house.

  4. Perfect Active– (to) have left

    He claims to have infected with flu about 10 people. He claims that he has infected about ten people with the flu.

    I seem to have made a short film. “I think I made a little film.

  5. Perfect Passive– (to) have been left

    A famous journalist said to have been killed in Egypt. - They say that a well-known journalist was killed in Egypt.

    The unique painting is said to have been sold for $20 millions. - They say that a famous painting was sold for 20 million dollars.

  6. Perfect Continuous– (to) have been leaving

    courtney claims to have been working for this company for 3 years. Courtney states that she has been working for this company for three years.

    They are known to have been developing a new medicine for several years. It is known that they have been developing a new drug for several years.

infinitive with particle to

So, we move on to the main topic of this article. I would like to list the cases when it is necessary to use the standard form of the particle infinitive to. This particle will come before the infinitive if:

  1. We express any purpose defined by the infinitive verb.

    She returned home to ask for some extra money. She returned home to ask for more money.

    We are leaving in ten minutes to catch the train to London. We are leaving in 10 minutes to catch the train to London.

  2. The infinitive will follow these verbs: advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, allow, pretend and etc.

    He offered me to stay at home instead of going out. Instead of going somewhere, he suggested that I stay at home.

    Why did you refuse to conduct these negotiations? Why did you refuse to negotiate?

  3. The infinitive is preceded by the combination "certain verb +". A list of words acts as certain verbs: know, decide, ask, learn, remember and etc.

    She wants to know why you decided to spend your vacation abroad. She wants to know why you decided to spend your holiday abroad.

    I explained how to use the new washing machine. I explained how to use the new washing machine.

    By the way, if a sentence has two infinitives with a particle to, which are connected by English unions and, or, particle to before the second can be omitted.

    I didn't decide where to go and stay. I haven't decided where to go and where to stay.

    My boss explained how to write an article and take photos. My boss explained how to write an article and take photos.

  4. The infinitive is used after such as happy, nice, happy, sorry, willing, afraid, ashamed and etc.

    I am willing to overlook your mistakes, but I can't do this. “I want to ignore your mistakes, but I can’t do it.

    It is nice to see you again. - Nice to see you again.

  5. It is preceded by:

    My friend is too shy to take the initiative in acquainting with people. My friend is too shy to take the initiative when meeting people.

    I've got enough money to buy a flat downtown. I have enough money to buy an apartment in the city center.

  6. We make a proposal based on the construction " it+be+ adjective "(+ of+ or ).

    It was nice of him to tell the truth about his past. It's very good that he told the truth about his past.

    It's important to receive all necessary books before we start our lessons. It is important that all the necessary books arrive before we start studying.

  7. It is accompanied by the expression would like / would love / would prefer. Each of them implies that someone would like to do something.

    I would like to move to London. - I would like to move to London.

    I would prefer to go by car. – I would prefer to go by car.

  8. The sentence contains the word only, which helps to express dissatisfaction with some result or event.

    She went to work only to meet her angry boss. She went to work only to meet an angry boss.

    I rushed to the railway station only to make sure that the train had already left. I rushed to the station just to make sure the train had already left.

  9. We use it after such nouns and pronouns as something, somewhere, anyone, nothing. Usually in this way we show that something is necessary or possible.

    Let's give them something to talk about. Let's give them a topic to talk about.

    take something to eat on our trip. Take some food for the journey.

  10. The sentence contains a combination be+the first / the second, etc. / next / last / best and etc.

    You were the first to congratulations me with my birthday. You were the first to wish me happy birthday.

    I am the next to choose where to go on holidays. Next I choose where to go on vacation.

Infinitive without particle to

Cases in which we use infinitive without particle to , that is bare infinitive, far less. But you need to know them. After all, you do not want to make grammatical errors in this topic? So we use the bare infinitive after:

  1. ( , , , , etc). The exception is modal verbs. / / / , which are used with the infinitive with to.

    We should tell our parents about the party. We should tell our parents about the party.

    He must apologize for his words. He should apologize for his words.

    She ought to be more polite to other people. She should be more polite to people.

  2. After verbs let, make, see, hear, feel.

    We saw them kiss. We saw them kissing.

    I won't let her marry without my blessing. “I will not let her marry without my blessing.

    But, if these verbs are used in, they are accompanied by an infinitive with a particle to.

    He was heard to say either he was trying to kill someone or someone was trying to kill him. “He was heard to say that either he was trying to kill someone, or someone was trying to kill him.

  3. After expressions / would rather.

    You'd better sit down. - You'd better sit down.

    I'd rather go to jail than serve in the military. “I'd rather go to jail than serve in the armed forces.

  4. AT interrogative sentences that start with the words why not? (why not).

    Why not go to the cinema? Why not go to the cinema?

At first it may seem that there is no end to the information here! But actually it is not. When studying English, you somehow come across the mentioned verbs, phrases, constructions, and remember which infinitive goes with them in the complex. Here is just a list of situations that may come your way. Don't get lost!


The use of the infinitive with the particle to and without the particle to

The infinitive is an impersonal form of a verb derived from a verbal noun. This concept, as you know, is also characteristic of the Russian language, where it is customary to call it an indefinite, or zero verb form, since it answers the questions “what to do?” or “what to do?”, that is, not inclined. But if in Russian the use of the infinitive is quite standard and does not differ in any features, then the infinitive in English is perhaps one of the most important and sometimes difficult topics when it comes to grammar of a higher level of complexity. Therefore, one should become more closely acquainted with the features of this impersonal form of the verb, describe how it is used, and give examples of characteristic cases.

Active forms of the English infinitive

Oddly enough, time in English can be displayed not only through an ordinary verb, but also through such a verbal structure as the infinitive. For this, there are special forms of the infinitive in English, each of which has its own specific framework.

Indefinite Infinitive

the same standard and familiar form, the so-called Simple Infinitive, or indefinite. The essence of education is extremely simple: the particle to is added to the verb, and questions will be asked in the same way as in Russian: “what to do?” or “what to do?”. For example:

He wants to write another letter - He wants to write another letter
Did you really tried to open this can - Did you really try to open this can?

Continuous Infinitive

This more non-standard construction is used when it is necessary to show the duration and is used to display a process that took place in the same period of time as another action. Its formula looks like this:

to + be + V(–ing)

I happened to be listening to music at very moment he came - At the moment he came, I was just listening to music
He seemed to be breathing hard - It seemed that he was breathing very hard

perfect infinitive

The perfect infinitive, or perfect, is another uncharacteristic form for the Russian language. Its main purpose is to display an already completed action that has occurred up to a certain point. Table irregular verbs help you find the correct verb form.

Note: Do not confuse the term Perfect Infinitive with Past. This universal name is suitable for displaying the previous action, and cannot be compared with any of the Past Tenses.

The formula for the perfect infinitive is as follows:

to + have + V(3; –ed)

· I'm glad to have invited him yesterday - I'm glad I invited him yesterday
He turned out to have left his home many years ago - It turned out that he left his home many years ago

Note: the first example shows the so-called Adjective Infinitive, where certain adjectives can have both an infinitive and an ordinary structure after them. subordination like "... that...".

Perfect Continuous Infinitive

The last fourth active form is Perfect Continuous Infinitive. As it becomes clear from its name, it shows a long-term action, which, moreover, took place before some mentioned moment in the past. It may sound rather massive, but in fact, the use of such a construction is quite logical and justified.

Her scheme looks like this:

to + have + been + V(–ing)

He happened to have been waiting for me for two hours when I came - It turned out he was waiting for me 2 hours before I came
They seemed to have been working all day night - They seemed to have been working all day

Passive infinitives

In addition to the standard active forms of the infinitive, there is also the Passive Infinitive. These structures are named so for a reason. However, they have one more significant difference from the actual forms, if we do not take into account a different order of formation: the rule is that there are only two passive infinitive forms - Indefinite and Perfect; Passive Continuous and Passive Perfect Continuous do not exist, that is, long forms are not used and, in principle, are impossible.

Passive Indefinite Infinitive

This type is formed as follows:

to be + V(3; –ed)

He wanted all the tasks to be done as soon as possible - He wanted all the tasks to be done as soon as possible
It is pleasant to be loved - It's nice to be loved

Passive Perfect Infinitive

The structure of this construction is as follows:

to + have + been + V(3; –ed)

The text seemed to have been translated earlier - It seemed that the text had been translated earlier
I found out the painting to have been stolen - I found that the painting was stolen

All these forms of Infinitive are used both in speech and in writing quite often, so you need to know their structure and usage rules.

Full and Bare Infinitive

In addition to forms, there is another very important point: the infinitive with the particle to is not always relevant, since sometimes this particle is not needed or simply cannot be used. So, the verb form that has to is called full Infinitive, and the one that does not have this particle is called bare Infinitive, that is, literally “naked”. For the second option, there are several main cases that affect the disappearance of to:

  • The particle to is not possible after modal verbs (can, should, may, etc.). The exception is three verbs with a standard structure: to be to, have to, ought to.
  • Auxiliary verbs (do, did, etc.) cannot be followed by to.
  • Bare Infinitive is required after sensory verbs: see, hear, watch, etc.
  • After specific constructions: would rather / had better ("it would be better, it would be worth"), cannot but ("I can not"), nothing but ("nothing but").
  • In questions that begin with why: Why not come with us?
  • Verbs after which the infinitive is used without the standard particle to: have or make, if the essence of the translation is to force”, and also let in the meaning of “allow, allow”.
  • After the verb know, if it means "to see, notice".
  • After the verb bid ("offer").

Note: The bare Infinitive rule is only relevant in Active Voice. In the passive voice, all the above cases have no weight, and the infinitive will be full.

Functions of the infinitive in a sentence

The functions of the infinitive in a sentence reflect which member of the sentence this impersonal form of the verb can act as. So, it is worth noting that the infinitive can play almost any role:

1. Subject (subject):

To visit him is my greatest desire - To visit him is my greatest desire

2. Predicative (predicative):

His aim is to achieve the highest results - His goal is to achieve the highest results

3. Infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate (full name - part of a compound verbal predicate):

a) part of a compound verbal modal predicate:

I cannot solve this problem by myself - I cannot solve this problem by myself

b) part of a compound verbal aspect predicate:

He began to complain about his neighbors - He began to complain about his neighbors

4. Addition (object):

She offered to help me in my future job - She offered to help me in my future job

5. Part of a complex object:

They asked me to come in time - They asked me to come on time

6. Infinitive in the definition function (attribute):

I didn't have any chance to correct all the mistakes - I didn't have any chance to correct all the mistakes

7. Circumstance (adverbial modifier):

a) adverbial modifier of purpose:

Let's set off right now in order / so that to catch the train - Let's go right now to catch the train

b) adverbial modifier of result:

She is too stupid to solve the problem - She is too stupid to solve this problem
She is clever enough to help us - She is smart enough to help us

c) adverbial modifier of comparison/manner:

She looked back as if/as though to find somebody - She looked back as if looking for someone

d) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances:

He had to move away, never to come back again - He was forced to leave and never returned to these places

8. Introductory construction (parenthesis):

To tell the truth, I'm not hungry - Honestly, I'm not hungry
To cut a long story short, none of them congratulated me - In short, none of them congratulate me l

Infinitive constructions

This impersonal form of the verb is often included in special structures. Infinitive constructions in English are formed easily, but they have special application principles that are important to consider.

Complex Object and Complex Subject

The first construction is called the Objective Infinitive construction, and more often it is called more simply - Complex Object, that is, a complex addition. Its structure is as follows:

Verb + Object + Infinitive

I ordered her to leave as soon as possible - I ordered her to leave as soon as possible
She saw me open the door and come into the house - She saw me open the door and enter the house

The Subjective Infinitive construction structure is quite often called somewhat differently, namely Nominative with the Infinitive. One way or another, she has another, no less common and well-known name - Complex Subject. The difference with the previous construction is that if in the Complex Object the emphasis is on the object, then here the main object is the subject. The formula for such a construction looks like this:

Subject + Passive Voice + Infinitive

He is known to have left his business and move away a few years ago - It is known that he left his business and left a few years ago
They were supposed to have been working all night before presenting their project - It was believed that they worked all night before presenting their project to us


The for-to-infinitive construction is perhaps the simplest of the three. Such infinitive turns are formed very simply, and their structure is hidden in the name itself:

Verb + for + Object + Infinitive

Jennie was waiting for me to come back - Jenny was waiting for me to come back
The best for him to do is forget about that fail - The best thing he can do is forget about his failure.

Thus, it can be noted that the infinitive, like indefinite form verb has quite a few features, each of which is very important. Knowledge of all these functions, structures and forms will allow you to successfully use this impersonal form of the verb and will not cause any problems when working with more complex texts and tasks.

The to particle can be omitted in some cases. In a sentence, the infinitive performs the same functions as the noun:

subject to complement the circumstance of determining the nominal part of the predicate

Infinitive in subject function:

To play a game is a real pleasure.

Infinitive in complement function:

She likes to play hide-and-seek.

The infinitive in the function of circumstance of purpose and effect:

To know English well you have to work hard. The girl came to take the exam. She came in order to take the exam.

(in order to - in order to)

Speak up so as to be heard.

(so as to - in order to)

You're not tall enough to reach the upper shelf.

Infinitive in definition function:

The book to be read in summer is in front of you. She was the last/first to come.

The infinitive in the predicate:

To understand is to forgive. We are to learn grammar today. We are about to leave.

A typical property of both the verb and the infinitive is the ability to express the nature of the action, for example, the continuation or precedence, the completeness of the action, as well as the voice - active or passive.

The infinitive can be an introductory member of a sentence and form turns (complex object, complex subject, for-construction (we will touch on some today))

The infinitive can be used with or without to. Let's look at some cases.

The infinitive used with to is called Full Infinitive (or the to-infinitive).

The infinitive without to is called Bare Infinitive.

We use fullInfinitive:

to express purpose (see figure 2):

She went to the baker's to buy some bread;

after would love, would like, would prefer:

I'd love to see the Taj Mahal one day;

after some adjectives: glad, happy, difficult, sorry, willing, eager, etc.:

We are happy to help them;

after some verbs: advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, teach, want etc.:

I want to help you.

We decided to rest.

He offered to give me a lift;

in expressions: to tell (you) the truth, to begin with, to be honest, to start with, to sum up etc.:

To be honest, I dislike doing nothing;

after too and enough:

This book is too difficult for me to read in the original.

You are not strong enough to carry this bag;

after what, where, why, etc. (see figure 3):

I don't know what to do;

Rice. 3. Construction How to ... ()

there is also a group of verbs that require Full infinitive after them, and we study them with the particle to: be to, have to, used to, ought to:

You are to learn English.

We used to travel a lot. Now we don't.

They have to clean the room.

You ought to be careful!

We use bare infinitive:

after modal verbs: can, could, may, might, should etc.:

You must call your mother immediately.

A good teacher should be patient and knowledgeable.

He can run fast.

after auxiliary verbs: do, does, did, will, would:

Do you go to school?

He will arrive on time.

had better, would rather (see figure 4):

You'd better do it quickly.

He'd better hurry up.

I'd rather go home now.

She would rather go to London than Cardiff.

Rice. 4. Would rather ()

after verbs: make, let, feel, hear, notice, watch, see in Complex Object:

He made the dog jump.

Mom never lets me watch a late movie.

I saw you dance there.

I felt her touch my hand.

But remember that in the passive form be made/heard/seen will be used with Full Infinitive:

The participle is also an impersonal form of the verb. There are two participles in English: the active participle (Active Participle or Participle I):

Boiling water - boiling water

Smiling girl - smiling girl

They stood talking - they stood and talked

They sat laughing - sat laughing

and past participle, passive voice (Participle II):

Boiled vegetables - boiled vegetables

A written letter - written letter

A broken chair - a broken chair

Participle II is the third form of the verb.

Complex subject or complex subject is another construction in English that uses the infinitive:

He's known to be a great artist. - the subject he is complicated by the infinitive to be; note that the predicate is known is used in the passive. This is a feature of Complex Subject.

They believed to be funny. - They think they're funny.

She is considered to be the best actress. - She is considered to be the best actress.

He is supposed to be late. - He is expected to be late.

They are said to be clever. They say they are smart.

The dolphins are thought to be intelligent. - It is believed that dolphins are smart.

Verbs that are used in the active voice in a complex subject should be memorized:

They happened to know the address. - They accidentally knew the address. He appeared to be a nice person. - He turned out to be a nice person. She turned out to come late. It turned out that she would come late. You proved to be smart. - It turned out that you are smart. You seem to read a lot. - You seem to read a lot.

Pay attention also to the following phrases that are used with a complex subject:

You are likely to travel. - You will probably travel.

He's not likely/unlikely to win. - He is unlikely to win.

They are sure to come. - Of course they will come.

They are certain to return. - They will definitely come back.

Read and translate the horoscopes. Find as much full and bare infinitives as you can and try to explain their usage.

People born between March 20 and April 20 are known to be brave and generous but they tend to be difficult to deal with at times. They are determined and make others follow them. Sometimes they can be very stubborn an it's impossible to persuade them to do something if they think it to be wrong. This year they are destined to be a success.

People born between April 20 and May 21 are believed to be hard-working. If they let you watch them work, they are lovely to watch. They are said to be confident and decisive. They like to arrange their home to make them comfortable and prefer to wear beautiful things. This year they can relax as they deserve to rest.

People born between May 21 and June 21 are thought to be sociable, caring and intelligent. They can cope with difficult tasks and are good at games. To become friends with them one should be sincere and clever. But they are too secretive to reveal all the plans. This year they are not recommended to travel far as they may spend too much money during the trip.

People born between June 22 and July 22 are considered to be sensitive and responsible. You should be careful with words when talking to them in order not to hurt their feelings as their revenge can be awful. They want to know more and they are eager to study. This year they have to work hard to achieve their goals. They will be glad to be helped.

People born between July 23 and August 23 are known to be brave, loyal and determined but they can be bossy at times. They like to tell you what and how to do. To win their hearts one should be patient and considerate to them. They want to be loved and admired. This year Lions are likely to find their love. They must be ready to change their lives completely.

People born between August 23 and September 23 are believed to be modest and reserved. They are likely to make you fall in love with them easily. They are known to be creative and resourceful. They can become good artists and actors. This year they can get what they want to do without any efforts.

People born between September 23 and October 23 are said to be intelligent, calm and sensible. To get to know them well you'd better join the same hobby group or a sports club. They will make you feel extremely secure if you make friends with them. This year they are likely to change their habits and likes and dislikes.

People born between October 23 and November 22 are known to be energetic and decisive. However, they can be aggressive at times. They are good friends as they would rather hurt themselves than let their friends down. This year they intend to find a new hobby so if you are planning to make friends with Scorpions, use your chance!

People born between 22 November and December 22 are considered to be helpful and reliable. If they promise to do something they will always keep their promise. They are glad to help their friends and relatives. They always remember to congratulate friends on their birthdays. However, they tend to be a bit shy. They would like to be in the shadows but life makes them remain in the spotlight. This year they are recommended to go on a trip. You can join them to share the experience.

People born between December 22 and January 20 are known to be independent and self-reliant. They don't like to depend on others. They appear to be ambitious and they know well what they want to get. However, they can be quite stubborn. They are said to have a good sense of humor and you may expect them to tell you funny jokes. This year they will manage to achieve their goals.

People born between January 20 and February 19 are said to be cheerful and easy-going so life is never boring with them around. You will have a lot of fun if you agree to share their interests. They believed to be practical and can teach you to work with hands and build things. However, they can be careless at times. They may forget to call you back even if they promised to. So don't get upset and forgive them so as to remain friends.

People born between February 19 and March 20 are considered to be creative and secretive. They prefer to keep their secrets and intentions hidden from others. They have a good taste for clothing and can advise you what to wear. They may look great in elegant clothes but prefer to wear casual things. However, they are not patient enough to wait long. So, try to give them what they want immediately to become close friends. This year they will either make a fortune or come into a huge amount of money.


  1. Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E. English grade 9. - 2010.
  2. Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English grade 9. - M.: Education, 2010.
  3. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu. English grade 9. - Title, 2007.
  4. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises - Karo, 2011.
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  3. ().


Choose the right option

We saw him to go/to going/go out of the gate. She doesn't know what to open/to open/opening it with. It was very nice of him congratulating/to congratulating/congratulating me on my promotion. A magnifying glass will look/looking/look it larger. They're unlikely to leave/leave/leaving us alone. To be happy you are forget/to forget/forgetting yourself. Greg's wife gave him a long list of things buy/to be bought/buying at the supermarket. Can anybody show/be showing/to show me how to use a computer?

Open the brackets using verbs like Full or Bare Infifnitive

We were kept at police station for an hour and then they allowed us_________(go). I don't know Jack but I'd like_________(meet) him. The film was very sad. It made me_______(cry). Can somebody help me_________(move) this table? Everyone heard her________(cry) and ran out of the room.

Translate the following sentences

Jim refused to give me money. She seems to be worried about something. They agreed to help me buy this house. You will never forget how to ride a bike if you learn. Do you know what to do if a fire starts? I would like to come to your wedding. Would you rather have breakfast now or later?