To the composition of the soil and therefore it is possible. What should be the optimal soil?

Feeding a goat is not difficult. In summer there are no problems with food. If there is pasture, then the question of feeding generally disappears. The edge of a forest, an abandoned field, an ownerless flowerbed - a goat doesn’t need anything special. Sedge, acacia and any grass are used as food for the goat. In nature, goats browse mountain slopes, which are very poor (in terms of food). When keeping goats in stalls, the issue of nutrition is more complex, but quite solvable. We will tell you in this article how and what to feed goats in winter and summer.

Many gardeners traditionally carry out early spring spraying on still dormant plants. But the second half of autumn is quite suitable for this. In addition, cold autumn weather is more comfortable for gardening. And in many regions, you need to remember that spring can come quickly, and the right moment in the bustle of gardening activities will be missed. So, late autumn, but before the onset of frost, is perhaps the most successful period for carrying out eradication treatments in the garden.

I make chokeberry jam with lemon in early September, when the fruits of chokeberry, which many mistakenly consider rowan, ripen. There is an external resemblance to rowan, but chokeberry and rowan are distant relatives, they are not the same thing. The fruits of chokeberry are medicinal raw materials; they contain B vitamins, vitamin C, and many useful microelements. Chokeberry goes well with citrus fruits and apples, in this recipe - with lemon; if desired, you can also add orange to the lemon.

We moved to Kuban. We bought a house with a plot on the edge of the forest. We need to get some livestock. There is a dog and a cat, we brought them with us. We don’t need a cow, we need 3 liters of milk per week. A goat does not fit these parameters either. You can still have rabbits, they are soft and fluffy, they eat only grass and vegetables, but they multiply very quickly - what to do with them then? You won’t be able to handle them, soft and fluffy, and the prospect of an Australian rabbit tragedy is frightening. The bees remain.

The arrival of autumn does not bring as much trouble in the garden as spring, but there are activities that will help relieve the hot spring period and lay the foundations for a future bountiful harvest. And first of all, you need to take care of the soil. In this article I will tell you exactly what autumn work I do in the vegetable garden, ornamental and orchard. Perhaps something from my list of required autumn work will come as a surprise to you and will bring great practical benefit.

The fiery beauty Columnaea is becoming more and more popular. This plant has good greenery, but the fire of flowering that engulfs flexible shoots is the true purpose of growing this familiar exotic plant. Columnia is one of the most difficult plants to grow. Its signals are not always obvious, and disturbances in growth or development do not appear immediately. But if you try to monitor the plant and go from the opposite direction - to avoid mistakes, the bright spectacle of abundant flowering is quite achievable.

Pickled cucumbers under a plastic lid are the easiest way to prepare cucumbers for the winter. Pickling is one of the oldest ways of preserving vegetables by lactic acid fermentation. This ancient method of preserving seasonal supplies is still used today. The lactic acid formed during the fermentation process preserves vegetables with salt - gives the products a specific smell and taste, and prevents the proliferation of foreign bacteria. The cucumbers turn out sharp and very tasty.

The arrival of autumn does not mean that the bright colorful plants in the garden should disappear along with the last hot days. By carefully choosing perennial plants for your flower beds, you can maintain the presence of fresh flowers in your area almost until the beginning of winter. If you want to freshen up your flower beds for the beginning of autumn, then these plants will certainly pique your interest. Some of them are already well known to flower growers, while some are among the new products that are gaining popularity.

Rosehip is an unpretentious close relative of the rose. It grows well in the wild, and its double representative can often be found as an ornamental plant in parks or private gardens. Recently, the plant has become increasingly popular among gardeners due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. In this article I will tell you about the benefits of rose hips, how and when to collect them, dry them, store them and brew tea correctly.

Creamy pumpkin soup with chickpeas is suitable for vegetarian and lenten menus. I also advise supporters of a healthy lifestyle to include this soup in their diet. It contains all the necessary nutrients - vitamins, microelements and vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body. On a cold autumn day, a bowl of thick cream soup will warm you up, restore your strength, and give you vigor. This soup is “with fire”; ginger root and chili pepper give it a fiery note.

For houseplants, transitional seasons are some of the most critical periods in growing. And if changes in spring are usually for the better, autumn is a period of great risk. Reducing daylight hours and lighting quality, temperature fluctuations, and the beginning of the heating season require special adjustments to the care program. The basis for the success of autumn care for indoor plants is constant monitoring of their condition and the rate of growth slowdown.

Apple pancakes with cottage cheese turn out juicy and tender, they are prepared in 15 minutes. This dish can be quickly put together for breakfast and served with sour cream - hearty and tasty, or served for dessert at lunch, for dinner with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Who said that potato pancakes are made only from potatoes? Apple pancakes turn out even tastier, and that’s a completely different story! From personal experience, you don’t need a lot of flour; apples feel great without it.

Autumn is an excellent time for planting and replanting perennial flowers, especially if it is time to divide them - they have grown so much that they have begun to lose their decorative value. Another reason to divide perennials in a flower garden is to get several plants instead of one. And autumn propagation by division has a significant advantage over spring - the planted divisions adapt to their new place of residence even before winter, and in the spring they actively begin to grow and bloom in the first season.

Satsebeli made from tomatoes and peppers - a thick Georgian sauce. This seasoning is from the “dipping” category. Translated from Georgian “satsebeli” is sauce, the meaning of the word is “to dip”, hence the versions that any sauce in Georgia is called satsebeli. You can eat the sauce with anything; it goes well with both meat and fish. For preparing homemade flatbreads with filling (lavash, pita bread and other delicacies), this is an ideal addition to barbecue; it goes without saying that you can’t think of anything better!

Many gardeners and gardeners often wonder why garden weeds are different in different areas. For example, in one place there is a lot of loach, in another place it is dominated by wheatgrass. I will devote this article specifically to the fertility of the earth. That is, how to determine from a garden weed what the soil lacks, what specific nutrients...

Did you know that numerous herbs that we are accustomed to consider weeds are actually our helpers. If the same weeds grow in our garden plots year after year, we can safely draw conclusions about the composition of the soil. It may be lacking certain minerals or organic substances that determine how fertile the soil is.

We can figuratively say that the earth is trying to talk to humans in the language of plants. You just need to learn to understand this language.


Some gardeners call chickweed - chickweed. If this plant persistently covers your beds with a damp green carpet, know that you have overdone it with humus fertilizer. In this case, it is necessary to make the soil more neutral. At least don’t add anything to it for a couple of years.

In addition to chickweed, humus soil is also loved by dandelions, jasmine, and parsley.


Horsetail usually thrives on very acidic soils. And if plantain, buttercups, and sorrel grow next to it, it’s time to help the soil and add fertilizer to it.

This is where humus, garden compost or lime comes in handy. Wood ash is always available to gardeners, which will not only help combat high acidity, but also enrich the soil with magnesium and potassium.


Clover growing in “cultivated” beds persistently tells gardeners that the soil lacks nitrogen. Adding urea or calcium cyanamide to the soil will help cope with this problem. These fertilizers can be purchased at any gardening stores.

If you do not welcome the chemical treatment of “living” soil, engage in the most active treatment of this area: loosen it, carefully remove the weeds with rhizomes, and plant legumes in this place for the next summer season.

On soil deficient in nitrogen, chickweed, toadflax, and butterfly also actively grow.

Sow thistle

The soil may also contain an increased amount of nitrogen, and then there will be a violent flowering of thistle - this unloved prickly “soldier”. You can probably thank him for signaling the need to balance the nitrogen content in the soil.

Thistle also likes boggy soil that needs organic fertilizer. This can be sawdust, pine needles, plant residues, which are always at hand for business people.


On compacted areas of land, even on well-trodden paths, bindweed grows happily. If its beauty does not attract you and the plot of land captured by bindweed is planned for cultivated plants, start loosening the soil. There is no desire to do this manually - sow green manure in the fall.

The best result can be achieved by sowing several types of green manure at once: rye, buckwheat, oats, lupine, mustard, radish. Choose at your own discretion. The strong compaction of the soil is also evidenced by the chicory, plantain, chamomile, and shepherd's purse growing on it.


Wormwood “settles” in depleted soil that requires special care. Most likely, you purchased your plot of land quite recently and are preparing to diligently develop and fertilize it. After clearing the ground of wormwood, you can dry it in the sun. Wormwood, like fire, is afraid of blood-sucking moths.


Some plants indicate that the soil is very fertile and oily. Its composition is most often neutral. Euphorbia loves to settle on such land. By freeing the beds and potato fields from milkweed, you can please the pigs - they eat this juicy grass with pleasure.

Don’t be lazy - go to the nearest village if you yourself have no desire to engage in pig farming.

The above-mentioned chickweed and white pigweed also like oily soil.


The “unkillable” wheatgrass lives on fertile, slightly acidic or neutral soils. This plant has a very powerful root system that hides its tentacles underground. Few people manage to defeat wheatgrass the first time.

Have you ever thought about the beneficial properties of this weed? Its juicy greens are beneficial for animals; wheatgrass is especially popular among cats. In addition, fresh, thoroughly washed and dried wheatgrass roots are fried in a frying pan, ground into flour and, poured with boiling water, consumed instead of coffee. Fresh roots are also eaten. They taste juicy and sweet.

If stars light up in the sky, it means someone needs it. If plants grow on the ground, this is also necessary for some reason. Many of the herbs that we used to call weeds have healing properties. Carefully study your plot of land, take a closer look at which herbs have “chosen” it, make a “diagnosis” of the soil and engage in sensible gardening. I wish you rich harvests!

Soil composition. How to increase soil fertility? What soils are best on? cultivate a garden ?

What is the mechanical composition of soil? This concept refers to the ratio of mineral particles of different sizes.

According to the mechanical composition of soils, they are divided into several groups: light (sandy and sandy loam), medium (light and medium loamy) and heavy (heavy loamy and clayey). Sandy loam soils easily allow water to pass through, but do not retain it well, and this is not very good for plants, since along with water, nutrients from the surface layers in which the plant root system is located are also washed out into the deeper layers of the soil.

But the advantage of such soil is that it warms up quickly, which means that you can start cultivating it and planting seedlings in the spring quite early. Sandy loam soils can and should be improved by increasing their ability to retain moisture, as well as increasing their fertility.

For gardeners, the mechanical composition of the soil on which they plan to plant a garden is very important. Any soil consists of a mixture of organic and mineral substances. But at the same time, the amount of organic matter even in fertile soil is most often approximately 10%. The remaining 90% remains with minerals.

Loamy or sandy loam soil is best suited for planting a garden. If you don’t understand soil types at all, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be an expert to determine the type of soil in your own garden plot. In order to find out what type of soil is on your site, you need to take a small lump of earth and roll it into a cord. Next, this cord needs to be bent into a ring. If it is impossible to make a ring - the soil crumbles in your hands - then it is sandy soil. Sand cannot be rolled. Sandy loam soil rolls into a cord, but when bent into a ring it crumbles. You can make a ring out of light loam, but it will fall apart into several parts. If the soil consists of medium or heavy loam, then the bent ring will have cracks. And only the clay rolls into a cord and bends into a ring without cracks.

❧ There are indicator plants. One of them is the small northern orchid, otherwise called lady's slipper. It grows only in soils rich in calcium.

Having determined the composition and type of soil in your garden plot, you can begin measures to improve the fertile soil, if required. To improve its moisture-retaining qualities, it is best to dilute sandy or sandy loam soil with a loamy layer of 20-30% of the volume of the soil being improved. Heavy loamy and clayey soils, on the contrary, require the addition of sand in a volume of 30-50% of the soil volume.

If it is difficult to estimate the total volume of the site and the fertile soil layer on it, then proceed easier. You can calculate the required amount of sand or clay to improve soil properties as follows. Sanding (adding sand) or claying (adding clay) of the soil is carried out at the rate of 30 kg per 1 m 2. Next, the soil is dug up to 20-25 cm and thoroughly mixed together with the additive.

As for clay soil types, they have the lowest quality properties. Such soils contain little air and a lot of moisture. When dry, a hard crust forms on their surface.

To improve the physical properties of clay soils, you need to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers at the rate of 6-8 kg per 1 m2. If the soil has high acidity, then it must be additionally limed.

Loamy soils are the “golden mean” between sandy loam and clay soil types. But this does not mean that they do not need periodic replenishment of nutrients.

Gardeners often think that if the soil is poor, then it is necessary to add as many different fertilizers as possible. This is a misconception. If a large amount of fertilizers, especially mineral ones, immediately gets into poor soil, then an excessive concentration of nutrients occurs, and this is very harmful for plants. Therefore, it is best to increase the fertility of light soils by adding organic fertilizers to them.

Of course, it is difficult to determine by eye exactly what nutrients the soil lacks. The most complete and professional assessment of the agrochemical properties of soils can only be provided by chemical analysis in laboratory conditions. Speaking about the usefulness of carrying out such an analysis, it should be mentioned that for relatively little money you will receive complete information about what nutrients the soil in your garden plot has and what it lacks.

If, after inspection and analysis, it turns out that there is no fertile soil layer on your site, then you will have to import this soil and then constantly maintain its quality.

Despite the fact that peat is considered one of the most effective and inexpensive types of fertilizers, it cannot be used as a fertile layer on the site. Peat can only be used as additional soil fertilizing. Peat is a valuable organic fertilizer, and not an independent substrate for plant growth.

The use of pure peat as the top fertile layer of soil leads, after a short time, to the fact that plants planted directly in the peat begin to weaken, become sick and, ultimately, die.

Peat in its pure form can only be used for growing plants in greenhouse conditions, but special agricultural technology will be used. In addition, in greenhouses and greenhouses, peat must be regularly replaced as soon as its fertile properties are depleted.

Therefore, in the garden plot you should not use pure peat instead of a fertile layer of soil. It is better to purchase fertile soil ready-made or make it yourself by mixing sand, peat or compost and mixing these components with the soil on the site.

Despite the fact that peat is an excellent fertilizer, it is not black soil. It is mistakenly called chernozem because of the rich black color of the substrate. Although true black soil is a mineral soil, it contains little organic matter—approximately 10%. The only thing that peat and black soil have in common is color; otherwise, they have little in common.

Peat is a completely organic substance, lightweight and easy to work with. Within two years of using peat on the site, only its positive qualities appear, and only then - the negative ones.

Externally, peat looks very diverse; it can also be sold under a variety of names. For example: peat soil, peat-soil mixture, peat-sand mixture, humus, floodplain soil, etc. In fact, all this is ordinary dug lowland peat. It should be used only as an organic fertilizer and nothing else.

But as for the fertile layer of soil and soil, they do not have such a bright black color. The soil is usually dark in color, slightly darker than normal agricultural soil. Its mass is twice that of peat.

Soil salinization is the process of accumulation of salts harmful to plants in the soil, mainly sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. Many summer residents know that excess salts in the soil slowly kills living soil, at the same time, destroying the basis of its fertility - humus, significantly changes the physical properties, making it infertile over time. Wanting to successfully solve such an existing problem, the owners of their summer cottages cover them with a thick layer of fertile soil. However, salts still appear on the surface, making the soil unsuitable, and the efforts and resources spent completely useless. In addition, the formation of salt marshes is also facilitated by irrigation with low-quality water, which contains an excessive amount of salts. Summer residents should remember that both excessive and stingy surface watering of their own lands is quite harmful to the soil. As a rule, proper watering is carried out with soil wetting within 50-60 centimeters, and in areas with high groundwater levels - much less. Watering must be rare, moderately abundant, with subsequent loosening of the soil. In addition to proper watering, saline areas require the annual application of organic fertilizers, such as humus, compost, and manure. This contributes to the effective restoration of soil fertility function. At the same time, one of the most important and effective measures to specifically combat soil salinity is the addition of natural gypsum at the rate of 30 kilograms per 1 sq.m. during autumn digging. Green manure plants successfully help in the fight against land salinization: mustard, wheat, barley. After growing such plants on a site, in places where their rotten roots are located, a whole network of underground channels remains, through which salts are washed out into the deeper layers of the soil. As a kind of prevention to prevent soil salinization, it is recommended to leave some of the beds without watering during the season and grow drought-resistant plants on them. Beets also have an excellent ability to extract and accumulate unnecessary mineral elements from the soil, so they are often used to cleanse the soil of excess salts.

How can you improve the composition of the soil at your summer cottage? Any organic fines, over time, become an excellent base that improves the soil structure in a summer cottage. By spreading it in a thick layer on the site, then cutting down emerging weeds with a hoe, adding leaves that have fallen from trees in the fall, and letting chickens out for a walk to destroy pests hidden for the winter, you can also significantly improve the soil structure. Earthworms breeding in such a favorable environment, at the same time, produce fertile humus, which has a positive effect on lifeless soil.

Summer residents working on plots should definitely know about some tricks. If plants are well fed, they require much less watering. All plants grown in well-fertilized areas use much less water. For example, late-ripening varieties of cabbage, carrots and beets require the greatest amount of nutrients, tomatoes and onions require average consumption, but radishes and cucumbers require the minimum. Early fruiting of cucumbers and tomatoes depends on their availability of phosphorus at the time of emergence. Cabbage plants will need nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of growth, and phosphate-potassium fertilizers during the period of head formation. Do not forget that the yield of raspberries largely depends on abundant watering. Flowering and fruiting plants also especially need water. If you want to reliably protect trees from harmful insects, then plant pyrethrum chamomile around their trunks. She is gentle and very beautiful, but at the same time, she poses a great danger to all types of insects. It contains a substance called pyrethrin, which is a nerve poison. Calendula growing in beds resists the pathogens of sulfur rot. If you plant calendula near peppers and eggplants, potatoes and cucumbers, it will become an effective remedy in the fight against mites, aphids and the Colorado potato beetle.

Seventh mistake

The technique of mulching the soil is rarely used - this is the seventh mistake. Mulching the soil allows you to keep the soil moist and fertile; mulch suppresses the growth of weeds and fights well against pests and plant diseases. When mulching, less effort is spent on weeding, watering and other work.

It is good to use peat, grass clippings from the lawn, sawdust, fallen leaves, and so on as mulch. In the garden, on the tree trunk circle, you can use black plastic film as mulch, stones laid out in a beautiful pattern, and decorate the tree trunk circle with boards.

Eighth mistake

Liming of acidic soils is carried out poorly - the eighth mistake. Almost all soils in our Northwestern region are acidic. And the fight against soil acidity is either not carried out at all or is carried out in violation of technology. Everyone knows what lime is and what it is needed for, but they do not know how to use it correctly. Most often, gardeners and vegetable growers usually create the appearance that liming is being carried out. They are trying to sprinkle lime on the beds somewhere, somehow. But in most cases, they do not know how to properly liming soils.

Plants on acidic soils often starve, excess hydrogen blocks the pathways of exchange reactions between the root and the soil, and the plants are deprived of the opportunity to absorb nutrients, although there are sufficient nutrients in the soil.

It is necessary to apply lime fertilizers correctly. First, follow the dose. Over five years, each square meter of soil area should receive at least one kilogram of dolomite flour. Lime can be applied once or in portions annually. Secondly, the main condition for the correct use of lime fertilizers is thorough mixing of the lime with the soil. This condition is practically not met. Vegetable growers “spray” a little lime somewhere and think it’s liming. But it's not like that. With proper liming, finely ground dolomite flour must be scattered evenly over the surface of the soil, then immediately and thoroughly mixed with the entire mass of soil by digging, while achieving the most complete mixing of the soil with the fertilizer. Simply spreading lime over the surface of the soil is ineffective. Lime is a water-insoluble fertilizer; it does not react to neutralize acidity in layers or lumps. And in this case it is wasted.

To neutralize acidity, finely ground lime fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the soil so that all the lime particles come into contact with all the small soil particles. This is the whole secret of liming, the secret of the interaction of alkaline fertilizer with acidic soil. Here, as in chemistry, reactions occur after thorough “shaking”, mixing of all interacting components.

Ninth mistake

Many gardeners and vegetable growers like to “save” on fertilizers - this is the ninth mistake. They do not buy and apply a complete set of fertilizers, but like to apply one kind of fertilizer. It seems to them that this is all the plant needs at the moment. People often ask: what should we feed the plants with? Are they growing poorly? This is a fundamentally wrong question. The use of nitrogen fertilizers alone, phosphorus fertilizers alone, or some other fertilizers unilaterally disrupts the nutritional regime of the soil, creates an imbalance of nutrients and does not give positive results.

The rule is that there is no need to skimp on fertilizers. Plants need the entire complex of fertilizers, approximately the same as indicated when considering the first error (see the first part of this article). Fertilizers are not dangerous; their shortage is more dangerous; plant starvation is dangerous. When plants are starved, they accumulate more toxic compounds in food products. For example, an increased content of nitrates in products does not appear at all due to the fact that nitrogen nitrate fertilizers were added, as many people think, but because the plants cannot absorb and digest them, as they are starving from a lack of copper, cobalt, molybdenum and other microelements. Trace elements and enzymes containing them are responsible for converting nitrates into amino acids and protein. With a lack of microelements, nitrates accumulate in plant cell sap and nitrogen is converted into amino acids, while proteins are delayed. We learn about this from the increased content of nitrates in food products.

Tenth mistake

Agricultural techniques for cultivating plants are often violated - this is the tenth mistake. Instead of precise technology, some kind of soil cultivation technology that is convenient or easier for the gardener is often used. Options are being invented to simplify the technology, to do without digging up the soil or other activities. They forget to cover the moisture in time in the spring, do not carry out early spring harrowing, instead of moldboard or moldboard-less plowing they use light surface tillage, which supposedly helps reduce the contamination of the soil with weeds. Plant feeding areas are not maintained; thickened plantings are most often used. The necessary systems for applying fertilizers and systems for controlling weeds, diseases and plant pests are not implemented. People often forget to dig up the soil in the fall. No intercrops or green manures are sown. Water the soil irregularly. Digging of the soil is often carried out poorly; there are many blocks, uneven spots, and so on. These are all “wounds” on the soil that do not heal for a long time.

Gardeners and vegetable growers, having received a dacha plot and arrived at the dacha, think that they are the masters here, kings and gods, and do whatever they want. In fact, a gardener and vegetable grower at a summer cottage is just a small link in the natural food chain. On well-groomed and fertile soil, nothing threatens the gardener, but on “unkempt soil” there are much more threats. In the USA, if you have an unkempt lawn or uncut grass on your lawn, you can end up in jail or pay a large fine.

The fight against weeds, pests and plant diseases is weak; the garden plot usually turns into a real breeding ground for unnecessary plants and dangerous organisms. Weeds are easy to deal with in the germination phase by simply harrowing the soil (forgot), in a more mature state it is necessary to destroy weeds before flowering and seed ripening (forgot), if pests and diseases spread above the threshold of harmfulness (destruction of 15-30-50% of the crop) go they also forgot about more effective means and even chemical means.

Among the violations of agricultural technology, irregular and insufficient watering of the soil is often found. Alternating wetting and drying of the soil is very dangerous; soil fertility is sharply reduced. With alternate drying and moistening, nutrients are permanently fixed by the soil; they enter the crystal lattice of minerals and become inaccessible to plants. The rule is to water the soil wisely; it is better to do this not often, but abundantly. It is necessary to water the entire feeding area, and not just around the plant in the hole.

Exact compliance with agrotechnical requirements for cultivating plants and tilling soil is the law of safety and obtaining environmentally safe food. Each stage in the technological chain of plant cultivation must be performed accurately and on time. On our soils, it is difficult to do without spring harrowing to lock up moisture, spring plowing with soil rotation to apply fertilizers, repeated cultivation and weeding to combat weeds, and autumn digging of the soil to combat weeds and dangerous diseases and pests. And this is an incomplete list of mandatory activities that every gardener and vegetable grower should carry out.

In addition, it is necessary to create paradises for soil and garden animals; they will help gardeners and vegetable growers comply with agricultural techniques for cultivating plants. A ladybug eats up to 150 aphids a day, toads and frogs destroy insects and snail eggs, bees and bumblebees pollinate plants - and this is just a small part of what garden animals do on your site. To create favorable conditions for soil and garden living creatures, you need to organize a useful mess in some corners of the dacha - an overgrown corner, a compost heap, a place with stumps and twigs to attract birds, hedgehogs, lacewings, hoverflies, and so on. Create beautiful piles of brushwood, stones, boards, a corner with nettles and food plants for butterflies, caterpillars and birds, shelter for frogs, toads, and hedgehogs. These are friends of gardeners and gardeners and hardworking helpers.

We hope that our advice will help you, dear readers, avoid mistakes in dacha farming. There are many of them, but let them become fewer for you. We wish you success!