Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. Requirements for the participants of the event

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University is the leading agricultural university in Russia. Today it is the largest scientific and educational center in Siberia, which provides staffing for the agro-industrial complex of four constituent entities of Russia - the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the republics of Khakassia, Tyva and Sakha (Yakutia).

In the structures university includes 10 institutes, where train specialists of various specialties demanded in the labor market. These are technologists, engineers, veterinarians, livestock specialists, economists, personnel managers, specialists in land law, ecology, land management, processing of crop and livestock products.

The KrasSAU structure also includes two branches in Abakan (Khakassia) and Achinsk, four representative offices in Kansk, Minusinsk, Zaozernoe and Shushenskoye settlements.

Training of specialists in KrasSAU is carried out according to a two-level education system - bachelor's and master's programs.

The teaching staff of KrasSAU has over 700 teachers, of which more than 600 are doctors, professors, candidates of sciences.

At the university, full-time and correspondence forms more than 16 thousand talented students from all over Siberia, countries of near and far abroad study. More than 4,000 people are admitted to the university every year.

In order to ensure continuing education and accessibility of higherprofessionalagrarian education for rural youth, the Center for Continuing Education was created at the university, which the provides pre-university training for schoolchildren by organizing and special centers in rural areas and small towns of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, specialized classes, intensive scientific schools for high school students, a small agricultural academy. Also, its task is to implement university education through a targeted recruitment of applicants under agreements with district administrations. and cities , business leaders.

The university promotes the employment and employment of students. University employees process the requirements of customers for the quality of training for better professional orientation of graduates, form a database of graduates by specialty and assist in social adaptation in the labor market,and also hold personnel forums, presentations of graduates to employers, competitive selection of young professionals to fill vacant positions.

In the system of postgraduate vocational education The university carries out its activities within the framework of postgraduate studies.More than 300 graduate students study at the university in 38 scientific specialties. There are 8 dissertation councils in which you can defend candidate and doctoral dissertations in 13 scientific specialties.

For the purpose of creating continuousprofessionalagricultural education and support I professional career of graduates with a constant increase toqualifications in the field of innovation at the university are:

  • Institute of Additional Professional Education;
  • Institute for retraining of personnel of the agro-industrial complex;
  • Center for the Study of Foreign Languages ​​and Business;
  • Training center for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tyva.

About the master's program of the university

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Global Education Programs: ,
About the Global Education Program

Master's degree - this is the second level of the two-level system of higher education, created in the process of reforming the Russian educational system in the framework of the Bologna process. The master's program provides for the deepening of the theoretical preparation of the student, received by him in the bachelor's or specialist's degree, and the development of his abilities for research and teaching activities in the chosen direction.

Highly qualified personnel with a master's level of education are required not only in universities as teachers or in research organizations, but also in real business, in companies and organizations of various fields of activity and forms of ownership.

In 2013 KrasSAU implemented 18 master's programs in 9 areas of training not only in the field of agriculture (zootechnics, agronomy, mechanization and electrification, etc.), but also in economics, ecology, management, jurisprudence. Some of them are unique not only for Krasnoyarsk, but also for the Siberian Federal District and are offered only at our university. More than 30 KrasSAU departments are profiling (graduating). Master's students are trained under the guidance of experienced scientific supervisors, in modern scientific laboratories and receive a unique opportunity to work on the topics of KrasSAU scientific schools. During their studies, undergraduates are given the opportunity to participate in scientific competitions and grants, speak at conferences and publish their articles in the peer-reviewed journal of KrasSAU. By the time he completes his master's studies, the master has a significant reserve for admission to graduate school and material for further work on his Ph.D. thesis.

Graduate students of KrasSAU for personal scientific, social, sports achievements, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council, receive a rector's scholarship. Master's students have the status, rights and obligations of a KrasSAU student.

The directions of training in the magistracy are implemented on the basis of: a license for the right to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation, the Charter of the KrasSAU and annual rules for admission to the magistracy

In accordance with the rules for admission to the magistracy, persons who have successfully completed their studies in undergraduate programs and have a state-recognized bachelor's degree, as well as persons who have received state-recognized documents on higher professional education, confirming that they have been awarded the qualification "certified specialist" and have passed entrance tests.

Education in the magistracy is conducted on a full-time and part-time basis. The set is made on a budgetary and paid basis. The duration of training is 2 years.

Education in the master's program of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University is the first step in a successful career as a scientist, highly qualified specialist and top manager!

In KrasSAU, postgraduate admission is carried out on full-time and part-time forms in 34 specialties of scientists:

01.01.06 - Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory

03.02.01 - Botany

03.02.08 - Ecology

03.02.13 - Soil science

03.03.01 - Physiology

05.01.01 - Engineering geometry and computer graphics

05.02.02 - Mechanical engineering, drive systems and machine parts

05.02.22 - Organization of production

05.11.01 - Instruments and methods of measurement by types of measurements

05.11.15 - Metrology and metrological support

05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing

05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

05.18.01 - Technology of processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables and viticulture

05.18.12 - Food production processes and apparatus

05.20.01 - Technologies and means of agricultural mechanization

05.20.02 - Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture

05.20.03 - Technologies and means of maintenance in agriculture

06.01.01 - General agriculture

06.01.03 - Agrophysics

06.01.04 - Agrochemistry

06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production of agricultural plants

06.02.01 - Diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals

06.02.02 - Veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, mycology with mycotoxicology and immunology

06.02.03 - Veterinary pharmacology with toxicology

06.02.07 - Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals

06.02.08 - Feed production, feeding of farm animals and feed technology

02/06/10 - Private animal husbandry, technology for the production of livestock products

07.00.02 - National history

08.00.05 - Economics and management national economy

09.00.11 - Social philosophy

12.00.01 - Theory and history of law and state; history of the doctrines of law and the state

12.00.08 - Criminal law and criminology; penal law

12.00.09 - Criminal procedure, criminalistics; operational-search activity (

13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education

24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture

25.00.26 - Land management, cadastre and land monitoring

25.00.27 - Land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry

The procedure for entering graduate school

Find a supervisor - ie. doctor of sciences (or candidate of sciences), engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities at KrasGAU, who will guide, control and advise you in the process of preparing your Ph.D. thesis (it is better to do this while still a student).

Get in the postgraduate department (or download from the university website and print) forms of documents - an application, a questionnaire and a review.

If you have author's scientific publications in the specialty of postgraduate study chosen by you, then you need to show them to the supervisor. If he considers these publications sufficient, he fills out a review of your article. If you do not have any publications or your supervisor found them inappropriate or insufficient, you will have to write an abstract (15-20 pages), the subject of which should correspond to the chosen scientific specialty. The topic of the abstract should be discussed with the supervisor, who eventually writes a review of your abstract.

Make photocopies of a diploma of higher education (certified specialist or master), annexes to it (you can certify in the postgraduate department), work book (certify at the place of work). Fill out the form and paste a photo. Instead of a questionnaire, you can provide a copy of your personal personnel record, certified at the place of work.

Fill out an application and pass an interview with a supervisor who fixes the results of the interview on the application and confirms it with his signature.

Sew into the binder:

abstract (or photocopies of articles with a list of works);

review of the supervisor;

a copy of the work book;

a copy of the diploma with the application;

certificates of passing candidate exams (if any);

a questionnaire or a copy of a personal sheet for personnel records;


2 photos.

Thus, the application should be the first (title) page in your folder.

Bring to the Department of Graduate Studies a pack with the above documents. Be sure to bring the originals with you: a diploma of higher education with application and passport.

Take in the postgraduate department (or download from the university website and print) questions for entrance exams (specialty, philosophy, foreign language), and then - prepare for exams and pass them successfully.

The Admissions Committee reviews the documents of applicants for graduate school and makes a decision on admission to the entrance exams to graduate school. Postgraduate department communicates the decision to the applicant admission committee at the information stand (a written notice in the form of a certificate-call for entrance exams can be issued personally or sent to the address of the applicant upon his application).

In the period from July 11 to July 30, entrance exams are taken. Postgraduate applicants take the following competitive entrance exams in accordance with the state educational standards of higher professional education:

special discipline;


foreign language - English, German or French.

The decision on admission to postgraduate studies at KrasSAU is made by the selection committee on a competitive basis for each of the applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examinations, who are the most prepared for scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities, who have scored the most points. You can see the decision of the admission committee at the information stand of the postgraduate department, on the postgraduate school website in the News and Announcements section, and also clarify by phone (a written notice can be issued personally or sent to the address of the applicant upon his application).

Full-time graduate students are paid a scholarship from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the day they leave their previous job. By the date of enrollment, full-time graduate students must quit the organization in which they worked before entering graduate school and submit a work book to the postgraduate department of KrasSAU.