Report on the work done of the healthy circle. Working program mug "healthy"

The program (for children 4-7 years old) is aimed at creating interest in their personal health, improving all types of movements and developing physical qualities. Classes are held once a week (in the afternoon), 36 lessons per year for each group.



municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Reviewed and approved

at the Pedagogical Council of MADOU
"Yaysky Kindergarten"Ship"
"____" __________ 201_

Protocol No. _______

I approve:
Head of MADOU
Yaya kindergarten "Ship"
Myachina E.V.________
"____" __________ 201_

Working programm

fitness club


(for children 4-7 years old)

Lopatina Irina Vladimirovna -

physical education instructor

MADOU "Yaya kindergarten" Ship "

Explanatory note

Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy and friends with sports.

According to the World Health Organization, health is natural state organism, characterized by its balance with environment and the absence of any painful changes; a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

The preschool period is an extremely important stage in a child's life.

A child is born helpless, with the only ability to learn everything over time. He is not born with a ready-made set of movements, but masters them in the process of life.

Movement training has an impact on health, general physical development, the development of cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, emotionality of the child, i.e. to his inner world. Movement training contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, the improvement of both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities.

Learning movements, the child acquires the knowledge necessary for his conscious motor activity, gains experience in their implementation, including creative.

Teaching movements contributes to the child's awareness of himself as a person, develops in him the need to improve his own nature, creates the prerequisites for the realization of his individuality. Carrying out a variety of movements, the child gets the opportunity for self-improvement, interest and love for physical culture is formed.

The program is aimed at forming a small child's interest in their personal health, at improving all types of movements and developing physical qualities.

Distinctive features programs:

  • Considered under the health aspect.
  • Special exercises: on the development of large muscle groups (especially the muscles of the back and abdominals); to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the correct posture; to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which forms the correct arch of the foot.

All exercises are performed at a more relaxed pace.

A feature of the corrective gymnastics complexes is the use of game exercises with images that are attractive to children. All exercises are perceived by children as part of the game and are included in their independent motor activity, which is extremely important.

  • Classes are built taking into account age criteria.
  • It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

Goals and objectives of the program:

Target: preservation and promotion of health, increase of physical readiness and level of health of children.


  • to form the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  • improve the development of children's motor abilities and physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, joint mobility, dexterity);
  • nurture emotionally positive relationships and a steady interest in activities physical education and independent motor activity;
  • develop attention, concentration, organization, imagination, fantasy, the ability to control one's actions and feelings.
  • Special tasks:
  • strengthen the muscles that form the arch of the foot;
  • strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the skill of correct posture;
  • prevention of colds.

To fulfill the health-improving and educational tasks of the programthe following structures are provided:

  • Corrective and rhythmic gymnastics
  • Dynamic and wellness breaks
  • Relaxation exercises
  • round dances, different kinds games
  • Entertaining warm-ups
  • Various types of massage
  • Breathing exercises

For the successful implementation of program tasks are usedcontent lessons:

  • Traditional
  • Circuit training
  • Gaming
  • Activities - travel
  • Educational
  • cognitive

Program construction principles:

The principle of systematic and consistentinvolves the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of connection between theory and practiceforms in children the ability to apply their knowledge on the preservation and promotion of health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills and abilities- one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of individual-personal orientation of educationsuggests that the main goal of education is the child, and not the world around. The teacher, relying on the individual characteristics of the child, plans his development, outlines ways to improve skills and abilities, build a motor regime.

The principle of accessibilityallows to exclude harmful effects for the body of children as a result of excessive demands and physical exertion.

The principle of successlies in the fact that at the first stage of the formation of health, the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

Principle of active learningobliges to build a learning process using active forms and teaching methods that contribute to the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communicationhelps to educate in children the need for communication, in the process of which the social motivation of health is formed.

The principle of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, continuity in the transition to schoolis aimed at creating conditions for a more successful realization of the child's abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

Performance principleinvolves obtaining a positive result of health-improving work, regardless of age and level physical development children.

Principles of interaction with children:

  • the child himself is well done, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable;
  • constant encouragement of all the efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn new things;
  • exclusion of a negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;
  • comparing all the results of the child only with his own, and not with the results of other children;
  • each child must move forward at his own pace and with constant success.

Features of the age group of children to whom the program is addressed:

Knowledge of the features of age periodization is necessary for correct construction health program. The main features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the child(4 - 7 years): physiological curves are pronounced and continue to form, muscles and skeleton are strengthened. The volume of active movements increases. A three-year-old child can bounce on two legs, jump off blocks 10-15 cm high, jump over a cord lying on the floor. Motor qualities begin to manifest themselves more clearly at the age of 4. By the age of 5, coordination of movements improves. The period ends with a striking distinctive feature - the first physiological (skeletal) traction, which is characterized by an accelerated growth of the body in length. The second such traction will be noted only at puberty. With the intensive growth of the skeleton, an increase in the number of signs of impaired posture and flat feet is associated.

Class mode:

Classes are held once a week (in the afternoon), 36 lessons per year for each group. The duration of the lesson for children of 4-5 years of age is 20 minutes, for children of 5-6 years of age 25 minutes, for children of 6-7 years of age - 30 minutes.

Program effectiveness:

1. Increasing the level of physical and mental health of children.

2. Reducing the number of days missed by one child due to illness.

3. Increasing the proportion of children involved in preventive activities.

4. Assimilation of the program.

5. Normalization of statistical and dynamic functions of the body, general and fine motor skills.

6. A positive result of the growth rate of physical qualities.

7. Coordination of actions of a teacher and a specialist in physical culture and health work with children.

8. Increasing the activity of parents in joint work to improve the health of children.

middle group


  • develop the skills of correct posture, gait and coordination of movements;

to teach the technique of performing exercises, taking into account motor fitness;

create a comfortable psychological attitude of the child for active participation in recovery;

  • educate strong-willed qualities, stimulate the child's desire for his

personal improvement.

Educational and thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Main activities

Number of hours

general physical preparation

Gymnastics on fitballs


Exercises on simulators


Outdoor games:

of a general nature;

special character;

Fitball games.

Total: 36 hours

long term plan work


  1. The game "Guess where it is right"
  2. P / and "We are leaves"

No. 2 "Leaf fall"

  1. A set of exercises "Merry Marching"
  2. Game "Sharing the Cake"

#3 "Take care of your health"

  1. Developing the ability to maintain correct posture while walking.
  2. Gymnastics complex "Ducklings"
  3. P / and "We are leaves"
  4. Exercise regulating muscle tone "Tree"

№4 "Journey to the country of Sports and Health"

  1. Warm-up "Fun Steps"
  2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  3. P/I "Teremok"


#1 "Why are we moving?"

  1. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  2. P / and "Cuckoo"

No. 2 "Funny nesting dolls"

  1. Complex "Matryoshki"
  2. Exercise "Pull up the stomach"
  3. P / and "Catch the ball with your foot"

No. 3 "On a string"

  1. To acquaint with the figurative composition with elements of the dance "On a string"
  2. Exercise for stretching the abdomen "Dolphin"

No. 4 "Nimble animals"

  1. P / and "Monkeys"
  2. Exercise "In the forest"


No. 1 "Charging for the tail"

  1. Complex of corrective gymnastics
  2. Exercise "Pull up the stomach"

No. 2 "That's the legs"

  1. Warm-up "Funny legs"
  2. A set of static exercises
  3. P / and "Homeless Hare"

No. 3 "Guys and animals"

  1. Walking with change of pace and maintaining posture
  2. P / and "Homeless Hare"

No. 4 "Let's go camping"

  1. P / and "Birds and rain"
  2. P / and "Birds and rain"


No. 1 "Funny dancers"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  3. P / and "Birds and rain"

No. 2 "In the poultry yard"

  1. Warm-up "Magpie"
  2. Exercise "Swallow"

No. 3 "Nimble legs"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Exercise "Running in a circle"

No. 4 "Learning to breathe correctly"

  1. Exercise stand up right
  2. Exercise "Zhmurki"
  3. Exercise "Pinocchio"


No. 1 "Malvina and Pinocchio"

  1. Rhythmic dance "Doll"
  2. Complex of corrective gymnastics
  3. Leg exercises
  4. Exercise "Pinocchio"

No. 2 "Dunno in the country of health"

  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. Exercise "Smooth back"
  3. Exercise "Healthy legs"
  4. P / and "Fishing rod"

No. 3 "Smooth backs"

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. Hanging exercise
  3. The game "We walk in hats"


No. 1 "We are dolls"

  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. Rhythmic dance "Dolls"
  3. The game "We walk in hats"

No. 2 "We are dancers"

  1. Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"
  2. Exercises from low and. P.
  3. Exercise "Sharing the cake"
  4. P / and "Dance and spin - be the most dexterous"
  1. Exercise "Inflate Balls"
  2. P / and “Put the ball into the goal with your foot”

No. 4 "Let's help Pinocchio"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"
  3. A set of exercises on fitball balls
  4. Exercise "Let's help Pinocchio become beautiful"


No. 1 "At the Monkey King"

  1. Hanging exercise.
  2. Exercise "Put the banana"

No. 2 "Guess the riddles"

  1. Exercises on fitball - balls
  2. P / I "Clockwork Toys"
  3. Game "Collect a house"

№3 "Workout for arms and legs"

  1. "Siamese twins" (exercises in pairs)

No. 4 "Be healthy"

  1. Exercises Warm-up "Breathe - do not breathe"
  2. Roll the ball game
  3. Rope exercises
  1. Exercise "Jump"
  2. Self stretching exercises
  3. P / I "Do not drop"


No. 1 "Old Man Hottabych"

  1. "Health Path"
  2. Dance "Ducklings"
  3. Exercises on simulators
  4. Exercise "Shift the beads"
  5. Exercise "Draw with feet"

No. 2 "Cheerful bun"

  1. Exercises on simulators
  2. Exercise "Roll up a bun"
  3. P / I "Kolobok and animals"

No. 3 "The circus lights the fires"

  1. Exercise "Strongmen" (with a ball)
  2. Exercises on simulators
  3. P / I "Carousel"

No. 4 Fixing the correct posture and correction of flat feet

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. Exercises on simulators
  3. Hanging exercise
  4. P\I "Fifteen"


  1. Exercise "Sea"
  2. Ebb and flow game
  3. Exercise "Collect the pebbles"
  4. Game "Jump into the sea"
  5. The game "The sea is worried"

No. 2 "Flower Country"

  1. Breathing exercise "Flower blooms"
  2. Rhythmic gymnastics on fitball balls
  3. Exercise "Prickly Grass"

No. 3 "In the forest"

  1. Walking with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. P / I "Who is faster"
  4. Exercise "Prickly Grass"

No. 4 "Fun workout"

  1. Walking with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. P / and "The most dexterous"
  4. P / and "Be careful"

Senior group


  • contribute to the adaptation of the body to physical activity;
  • learn on your own, do relaxation exercises.

Educational and thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Main activities

Number of hours

Formative types of motor activity

Exercises for posture, prevention of flat feet, strengthening the "muscular corset" of the body, exercises for the development of visual-motor orientation.

general physical preparation

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals.

Development of motor qualities

All kinds of games and relay races, special exercises for the development of motor qualities: strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc.

Gymnastics on fitballs

Exercises on large elastic balls in various starting positions: sitting on the ball, lying (on the back and stomach), lying on the mat.


Exercises on simulators


Outdoor games:

of a general nature;

special character;

Fitball games.

Self massage

Self-massage exercises


Total: 36 hours

Perspective work plan


№1 "What is the correct posture"

  1. Give an idea of ​​correct posture.
  2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  3. P / and "Lovishka"

No. 2 "Moths"

  1. Warm-up "Fun Steps"
  2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  3. Breathing exercise "Grow grass"
  4. Game "Sharing the Cake"
  5. Exercise for the formation of posture "Moths"

#3 "Take care of your health"

  1. Walking and running exercises
  2. Gymnastics complex "Ducklings"
  3. Exercise "Collect a handkerchief with your fingers"
  4. P / and "Humpty - Dumpty"
  5. Relaxation "Swing on the waves"

No. 4 "Gnomes in the forest"

  1. Warm-up "Fun Steps"
  2. outdoor switch with ball
  3. Breathing exercise "Leaves rustle"
  4. Exercises for the formation of posture "Fun training"
  5. P / I "Wattle"
  6. Relaxation "Noise of leaves"


#1 "Why are we moving?"

  1. Walking with change of pace and maintaining posture
  2. outdoor switch with ball
  3. Leg exercise "Draw the sun"
  4. Self-massage "We sculpt the head, face, ears"
  5. P / and "We came to the clearing"
  6. Relaxation "Wind"

No. 2 "Funny nesting dolls"

  1. Walking with posture and foot exercises
  2. Complex "Matryoshki"
  3. Exercise "Pull up the stomach"
  4. P / and "Catch the ball with your foot"

No. 3 "Smeshariki"

  1. Exercises with a task for the feet and posture
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Breathing exercise "Swimmer"
  4. Exercise "Kolobok" - rolls on the back
  5. P / and "Third extra"

No. 4 "Nimble animals"

  1. Warm-up "Nimble animals"
  2. Leg exercises "Health Path"
  3. Self-massage "massage of the ears"
  4. P / and "Monkeys"
  5. Relaxation "Rain"


No. 1 "Journey to the country of Health"

  1. Complex of corrective gymnastics
  2. Introduce the rhythmic dance "Charging for the tail"
  3. Exercise "Swing"
  4. P / and "We sat on the carousel"
  5. Game m/p "Snail"

No. 2 "That's the legs"

  1. Warm-up "Funny legs"
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Breathing exercise "Skier"
  4. Exercise "Collect the buttons"
  5. P / and "We sat on the carousel"
  6. Relaxation "We'll be sorry"

No. 3 "Pinocchio in a fairyland"

  1. Walking with change of pace and maintaining posture
  2. Rhythmic dance "Charging for the tail"
  3. Gymnastic complex with elements of corrective gymnastics
  4. P / and "Fishing rod"

No. 4 "Let's go camping"

  1. Exercise "Stand up"
  2. switchgear with flags
  3. Breathing exercise "Chopping wood"
  4. Game exercise "Find the right track"
  5. P / and "Fishing rod"
  6. Relaxation "Listening to birds singing"


No. 1 "Dunno visiting winter"

  1. Walking warm-up
  2. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  3. Rhythmic dance "Zimushka-winter"
  4. Breathing exercise "Accordion"
  5. P / and "Quickly take it"

No. 2 "Snowflakes"

  1. Warm-up "Snowflakes are flying"
  2. A set of corrective exercises
  3. P / and "Quickly take it"
  4. Game m/p "Carousel"
  5. Relaxation "Snowflakes are flying"

No. 3 "Nimble legs"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  3. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  4. P / and "Wattle"

No. 4 "Let's help Luntik"

  1. Exercise stand up right
  2. A set of breathing exercises
  3. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  4. Exercise "Boat"
  5. P / and "Quickly take it"


No. 1 "Malvina and Pinocchio"

  1. Rhythmic dance "Doll"
  2. Complex of corrective gymnastics
  3. Leg exercises
  4. Exercise "Pinocchio"
  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. Exercise "Smooth back"
  3. outdoor switchgear with a small ball
  4. P / and "Lovishka"
  5. Relaxation "Sun"

No. 3 "Smooth backs"

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. ORU (IP lying, sitting, standing) at the gymnastic wall
  3. Hanging exercise
  4. The game "We walk in hats"


No. 1 "At Lesovichka"

  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Breathing exercise "Blizzard"
  4. Exercise "Collect the cones"
  5. Relaxation "Veterok"

No. 2 "We are dancers"

  1. Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"
  2. Exercises from low and. P.
  3. Exercise "Sharing the cake"
  4. P / and "Dance and spin - be the most dexterous"

No. 3 "Journey to the country of Smeshariki"

  1. Exercise "Inflate Balls"
  2. A set of exercises on fitball balls
  3. Foot self-massage
  4. P / and "Trap with the ball", "Hurry up to take a seat"
  5. Relaxation "Veterok"

No. 4 "Winnie the Pooh visiting the rabbit"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"
  3. A set of exercises on fitball balls
  4. P / and "Homeless Hare"
  5. Finger gymnastics "Bunny"

No. 1 "At the Monkey King"

  1. Walking with different tasks
  2. outdoor switchgear with balls
  3. Exercise "Go through the swamp"
  4. Foot self-massage
  5. Hanging exercise.
  6. P / and "Quickly take it"
  7. Relaxation "Tired"

No. 2 "Guess the riddles"

  1. A set of exercises "Riddles"
  2. Exercises on fitball - balls
  3. Self-massage of the head
  4. P / I "Trap, take the tape!"
  5. Game m/p "Swing"

No. 3 "In the flower city"

  1. A set of exercises "Merry Marching"
  2. outdoor switchgear with cubes
  3. Exercise "Assemble a skyscraper" (cubes with feet)
  4. P / I "Bear and bees"
  5. Game m/p "Find and keep silent"

No. 4 "Be healthy"

  1. ORU with dumbbells
  2. Exercise "Draw a house"
  3. P / and "Don't stay on the floor"
  4. Relaxation "Sun"

#5 “To be strong and agile, we all need training”

  1. Exercise "Jump"
  2. Complex of plastic gymnastics
  3. Self stretching exercises
  4. P / I "Do not drop"

No. 1 "Bears"

  1. "Health Path"
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Facial massage "Hedgehog"
  4. Exercises on simulators
  5. P / and "At the bear in the forest"

No. 2 "Cheerful bun"

  1. Walking in alternation with running with exercise
  2. Exercises on simulators
  3. Exercise "Roll the ball"
  4. P / I "Trap with a ball" "

No. 3 "The circus lights the fires"

  1. Walking with foot exercises
  2. outdoor switchgear with hoop
  3. Exercises on simulators
  4. P / I "The third extra"
  5. Breathing and relaxation exercises

No. 4 "Kuzya visiting the guys"

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Exercises on simulators
  4. Exercise "Smooth back"
  5. P\I "Fifteen"

№1 "Visiting the Sea King Neptune"

  1. Exercise "Sea"
  2. Ebb and flow game
  3. Exercise "Collect the pebbles"
  4. Game "Jump into the sea"
  5. The game "The sea is worried"

No. 2 "Flower Country"

  1. Gymnastics on fitball-balls
  2. Exercise "Prickly Grass"
  3. P / I "We are funny guys"

No. 3 "In the forest"

  1. Walking and running with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Self-massage with massage balls
  4. P / I "Who is faster"
  5. Exercise "Prickly Grass"

No. 4 "Fun workout"

  1. Walking and running with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. P / and "The most dexterous"
  4. Game m/p "Who called?"

preparatory group


  • to consolidate the skills of correct posture, gait and self-control;
  • develop memory, attention, will, imagination and creativity;
  • to teach children to use the acquired knowledge and skills;
  • teach independently, engage in physical exercises, use sports equipment for its intended purpose.

Educational and thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Main activities

Number of hours


Formative types of motor activity

Exercises for posture, prevention of flat feet, strengthening the "muscular corset" of the body, exercises for the development of visual-motor orientation.



general physical preparation

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals.



Development of motor qualities

All kinds of games and relay races, special exercises for the development of motor qualities: strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc.



Gymnastics on fitballs

Exercises on large elastic balls in various starting positions: sitting on the ball, lying (on the back and stomach), lying on the mat.




Exercises on simulators




Outdoor games:

- general character;

- special character;

- Fitball games.



Self massage

Self-massage exercises




Voluntary muscle relaxation exercises



Teaching proper breathing

Breathing exercises


Total: 36 hours

Perspective work plan

No. 1 "Young athletes"

  1. To give an idea of ​​the correct posture (walking with a bag on the head)
  2. outdoor switchgear with fitballs
  3. Relay "Who is faster"
  4. Relaxation "Swing on the waves"

No. 2 "In the circus"

  1. Warm-up "Fun Steps"
  2. outdoor switchgear with fitballs
  3. Breathing exercise "Strongmen"
  4. Game exercises: "Medusa", "Caterpillar", "Snail"
  5. Game "Cockroaches"
  6. Exercise "Trained squirrels"

No. 3 "Journey to the country of Smeshariki"

  1. Walking and running exercises
  2. Complex fitball - gymnastics "Merry Smeshariki"
  3. Game - massage "Legs"
  4. Exercise "Catch, throw, roll"
  5. P / and "Play, don't lose the ball!"
  6. Relaxation "Tired"

No. 4 "Journey to the Island of Health"

  1. Warm-up "Fun Steps"
  2. outdoor switchgear with fitballs
  3. Breathing exercise "Rainbow, hug me"
  4. Game tasks with balls
  5. P / I "Fast and agile"
  6. Breathing exercise "Balloon"
  7. Self-massage with massage balls

No. 1 "The harvest grew in the field"

  1. Walking and running exercises
  2. ORU sitting on a chair
  3. Exercise "Climbing the gymnastic stairs"
  4. Foot self-massage
  5. P / and "Hares in the garden"
  6. Relaxation "Wind"

No. 2 "At the Monkey King"

  1. Walking with posture and foot exercises
  2. Outdoor switchgear with big and small balls
  3. Exercise "Higher and Higher", "Dumped Tree"
  4. Foot massage
  5. P / and "Quickly take it"
  6. Relaxation "Tired"

No. 3 "Going on a hike"

  1. Exercises with a task for the feet and posture
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Breathing exercise "Lumberjack"
  4. Exercise "Hedgehog" - rolls on the back
  5. P / and "Pass - do not make a mistake"
  6. Game m / n "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show"

No. 4 "We are Indians"

  1. Warm-up "By the fire"
  2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  3. Exercises for the legs "Pick through the berry"
  4. Foot self-massage
  5. Exercise "Portrait"
  6. P / and "Monkeys"
  7. Relaxation "Kindness"

No. 1 "Carousels" (training of the vestibular apparatus)

  1. Complex of corrective gymnastics
  2. Rhythmic dance "Charging for the tail"
  3. Exercise "Carousels" - on the health disk
  4. Breathing exercise "Reach the floor"
  5. P / and "We sat on the carousel"
  6. Game m/p "Confusion"

No. 2 "Workout"

  1. Warm-up "Funny legs"
  2. A set of exercises "In the forest"
  3. Breathing exercise
  4. "Circuit training" (2 subgroups)
  5. P / and "Find your place"
  6. Back massage to each other standing in a circle "Prickly ball"

No. 3 "Entertainers"

  1. Walking with change of pace and maintaining posture
  2. ORU with a pigtail
  3. Gymnastic complex with elements of corrective gymnastics
  4. P / and "Traps with ribbons"
  5. Game m/p "Entertainers"
  6. Relaxation "Listening to birds singing"

No. 4 "Funny balls"

  1. Walking and running exercises with balls
  2. outdoor switchyard with small balls
  3. Game exercises with medium-sized balls "Collect the balls", "Who is faster?"
  4. P / and "Rocket"
  5. Breathing exercise "Ball"

No. 1 "Visiting winter"

  1. Walking warm-up
  2. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  3. Rhythmic dance "Zimushka-winter"
  4. Leg exercise "Collect snowflakes"
  5. P / and "Quickly take it"

No. 2 "Snowflakes"

  1. Warm-up "Snowflakes are flying"
  2. A set of corrective exercises
  3. P / and "Quickly take it"
  4. Game m/p "Carousel"
  5. Relaxation "Snowflakes are flying"

No. 3 "Nimble legs"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  3. "Circuit Training"
  4. Breathing exercise "Blizzard"
  5. P / and "Don't stay on the floor"

No. 4 "Let's help Luntik"

  1. Exercise stand up right
  2. A set of breathing exercises
  3. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick
  4. Leg exercise "Tear the paper sheet"
  5. Exercise "Boat"
  6. P / and "Quickly take it"

No. 1 "On the seashore"

  1. Exercise "Pouring out of a jug"
  2. Outdoor switchgear complex
  3. Exercise to restore breathing "Catch up with waves"
  4. Exercises "Dolphins", "Fish", "Crab"
  5. P / and "Sea Predator"
  6. Relaxation "Sleep by the sea"

No. 2 "On a visit to the forest animals""

  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. Exercise "Smooth back"
  3. outdoor switchgear with a small ball
  4. Exercise "Draw the sun"
  5. P / and "Lovishka"
  6. Relaxation "Sun"

No. 3 "Winter forest walk"

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. ORU (IP lying, sitting, standing) at the gymnastic wall
  3. Breathing exercise "Snowflake"
  4. Hanging exercise
  5. Game "Don't Drop"

No. 1 "At Lesovichka"

  1. Varieties of walking and running
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Breathing exercise "Blizzard"
  4. Exercise "Collect the cones"
  5. The game "Baba Yaga bone leg"
  6. Relaxation "Veterok"

No. 2 "We are dancers"

  1. Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"
  2. Ball exercises
  3. Exercise "Sharing the cake"
  4. P / and "Who was named, he catches"
  5. Game m/p "Who has the ball?"

No. 3 "Journey to the Land of Balls"

  1. Exercise "Inflate Balls"
  2. outdoor switchgear with balls
  3. Game exercises: "Dribbing the ball in a circle", "Ball through the net"
  4. Foot self-massage
  5. P / and "Race of balls in a circle"
  6. Relaxation "Veterok"

No. 4 "Save Winnie the Pooh"

  1. P / and "Find a place for yourself"
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Game exercises: "Crawl and jump", "Raft"
  4. P / and "Bees and the Bear"
  5. Game m/p "Entertainers"

No. 1 "Playing games" (use of non-standard equipment)

  1. Walking with different tasks
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Game exercises:

"Collect the grain" - capsules from kinder surprises

"Who will collect the bumps faster"

"Ponytails" - with pigtails

  1. Relaxation "Tired"

No. 2 "Forest - Wonderland"

  1. A set of exercises "Merry Marching"
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Self-massage of the head
  4. P / I "Colorful balls"
  5. P / I "Traps with ribbons"
  6. Game m / n "Whose path is longer"

No. 3 "In the flower city"

  1. "Health Path"
  2. outdoor switchgear with balls
  3. Exercise "Ball through the tape"
  4. P / F "Who has fewer balls"
  5. Game m/p "Find and keep silent"

No. 4 “Whoever is friends with sports never grieve” (using a dry pool)

  1. Walking and running with different tasks
  2. Outdoor switchgear with two balls from a dry pool
  3. Breathing exercise "Pump"
  4. Exercise "Pass the ball"
  5. P / and "Treasures and the guard"

№5 “Who goes in for sports gains strength” (using a dry pool)

  1. Walking and running with different tasks
  2. Outdoor switchgear with dry pool balls
  3. Game exercises "Hit", "Right on target", "Knock down the balls"
  4. P / I "Treasures and the guard"
  5. Exercises for the eyes "Right-left", "Up-down", "Ball-nose"

No. 1 "Bears"

  1. "Health Path"
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Breathing exercise "We lift the load"
  4. Facial massage "Hedgehog"
  5. Exercises on simulators
  6. P / and "Don't stay on the floor"

No. 2 "Young athletes"

  1. Walking in alternation with running with exercise
  2. Exercises on simulators
  3. Exercise "Up the stairs"
  4. P / I "Hunters and ducks"

No. 3 "The circus lights the fires"

  1. Walking with foot exercises
  2. outdoor switchgear with hoop
  3. Exercises on simulators
  4. P / I "The third extra" "
  5. Breathing and relaxation exercises

No. 4 "Circuit training"

  1. Exercise "Running in a circle"
  2. outdoor switchgear
  3. Exercises on simulators
  4. Exercise "Smooth back"
  5. P\I "Fifteen"

№1 "Visiting the Sea King Neptune"

  1. Exercise "Sea"
  2. Ebb and flow game
  3. Exercise "Collect the pebbles"
  4. Game "Jump into the sea"
  5. The game "The sea is worried"

No. 2 "Flower Country"

  1. Walking and running with various tasks.
  2. Breathing exercise "Breathe with one nostril"
  3. Gymnastics on fitball-balls
  4. Exercise "Prickly Grass"
  5. Relay "Who is faster?"

No. 3 "In the forest"

  1. Walking and running with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. Self-massage with massage balls
  4. P / I "Quickly take it"
  5. Exercise "Prickly Grass"

No. 4 "Fun workout"

  1. Walking and running with various tasks.
  2. ORU with dumbbells
  3. P / and "The most dexterous"
  4. Game m/p "Who called?"

Methodological support:

The methodology for compiling complexes, like a regular physical education lesson, consists of three parts.

ATpreparatory partinclude simple general developmental and corrective exercises. The pace of execution is slow, moderate and medium, dosage is 6-8 repetitions. ATmain partincludes special exercises from the position, lying on your back, on your side and on your stomach. In these positions, it is easier to follow the straightened body, the muscles do not experience prolonged static load, as when holding the body in a standing and sitting position. For the prevention of flat feet, exercises with small objects (pencils, toys from Kinder Surprise, details of a small designer, etc.) are used, children are invited to grab objects with their toes; draw by holding a pencil with your toes. The dosage of exercises depends on the age of the children, on average - 8-16 times. All exercises must be performed in both directions. During physical activity, it is important to teach the child to breathe correctly through the nose, completely freely, without the slightest tension.Final partis built from relaxation exercises (relaxation) performed in and. n. lying on your back, breathing exercises and special ones - for a feeling of correct posture or a mobile game of low activity.

The dosage of exercises depends on the age of the children: for children 4-5 years old, each exercise is repeated 6-8 times on average, for children 5-6 years old, each exercise is repeated 8-10 times, 6-7 years old 10-12 times. Exercises alternate with longer and more varied rest breaks.

The motor density of classes can be low - this is due to the fact that the individual nature of the performance of each exercise is taken into account. The dosage increases gradually, as the technique is mastered.

With children 4-5 years old, when teaching physical exercises, we use display, imitation, visual, auditory landmarks. Verbal techniques are combined with the demonstration and help to clarify the technique of exercises.

With children 5-7 years old, with the expansion of the motor experience of children, the role of verbal techniques (explanations, commands, etc.) increases without being accompanied by a display, we use verbal visual aids (photography, drawings).

To maintain the rhythm and pace of movements when performing exercises, the following are used:

· rhythmic musical accompaniment;

Clear commands

· sound signal.

All classes with children 4-5 years old are carried out in a playful way, using exercises that imitate the movements of animals (for example, “cat”, “snake”) or other equally cute objects (for example, “airplane”, “boat”) that are performed children together with a physical education instructor. Corrective gymnastics and outdoor games are carried out using corrective sports equipment.

For children 5-7 years old, the sets of exercises become more complicated, tasks are used according to chart cards, visual aids, riddles that correspond to the plot of the complex.

For all age groups, an artistic word is used for the lesson. All this contributes to increasing the interest and activity of children, and, consequently, better performance of exercises.

During the exercise, you should monitor the child's breathing.

In the classes for children, not only corrective gymnastics is used, but also fitball-gymnastics, classes in the “dry pool”, with non-standard equipment and on simulators: “Twister”, “Running on the waves”, “Bench for the press”, mini trampolines.

When the children learn all the exercises on the apparatus and simulators, the classes are held in the form of a circuit training. Circuit training provides an individual-maximum load for each child. He himself sets the pace and regulates the load. My task is to create conditions, set up, follow, prompt, direct, correct the movement, that is, to provide an individually differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his characteristics.

In the classroom, we use outdoor games aimed at developing the skill of correct posture and strengthening the muscles of the trunk and legs.

Self-massage is carried out in the form of a game.


1. Varenik E.N. Physical culture and health-improving classes with children aged 5-7 years. M., "TC Sphere", 2006

2. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Methodological guide, M., "TC Sphere", 2007.

3. Golitsyna N.S. Non-traditional physical education classes in a preschool educational institution. M., "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2006.

4. Orel V.I., Agadzhanova S.N. Improving work in preschool educational institutions. Tutorial, St. Petersburg, "Childhood-press", 2006.

5. Saikina E.G., Firileva Zh.E. Physical education - hello to minutes and pauses! Methodological guide, St. Petersburg, "Childhood-press", 2006.

6. Stepanenkova E. Methods of physical education. M., Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2005.

7. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old. Textbook, M., "Gnome and D.", 2008

Blagoryova N.N.

MBOU "NOSH No. 31" Stary Oskol


explanatory note

Preservation and promotion of healthThese are the most important components of the teacher's work. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and cheerfulness of children.

The program of the circle is based on the program of the course "Health"MD Kasatkina V.N.

Classes are held with children in grade 4 once a week, a total of 35 hours throughout the year. The duration of the program is 1 year.

The course of the circle "Zdorovyachek" expands information about the physical, mental and social health of a person, considered in the school curriculum around the world. Obtaining knowledge in this area by students will improve their health, prevent the development bad habits in an unfavorable environment, to revive sports and recreational traditions as a condition for strengthening the moral foundations of the family and school. The proposed course is educational, developing and social in nature. It is necessary for junior students, as it will allow schoolchildren to cause many diseases, make them think about their health and its preservation. The student will be guided by the choice of profession according to the vital resources of his body.

Program goal:

  1. expansion and deepening of students' knowledge in the field of modern achievements in hygiene and sanitation, first aid for injuries and poisoning.

Achievement of this goal is planned through the solution of the following tasks :

1) to form a conscious attitude to their health;

2) to teach how to apply the acquired hygienic knowledge in life and practice;

3) use the acquired knowledge to ensure the safety of life and protect the health of schoolchildren.

When organizing the work of the circle should:

  1. take into account sanitary and hygienic requirements, the level of stress and age characteristics of students.
  2. to improve the motor activity of children: these are physical minutes, moving changes, health-improving running, classes in the gym, physical education classes, days and weeks of health.

Working methods:

  1. conversations,
  2. role-playing and business games,
  3. practical work,
  4. holidays.

Planning the classes of the circle "Healthy

No. p / p





the date


I. Self-knowledge. Knowing your body (5h)

Quiz What? Where? When?" (about personal hygiene items)

Personal hygiene rules, ways to care for your body

Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age. (Knowledge of health for human life)

Discussion of the question "How to determine that you are sick." A selection of riddles about human organs.

Health and disease. How to protect yourself from the flu.

Practice: Counting the pulse before and after squats

Red man article

(posture is one of the constituent components of a person's appearance)

Practical lesson: Learning a complex of preventive and corrective exercises.

Good teeth are the key to health.

game lesson

II. Hygiene rules and warning

infectious diseases (6h)

Dream. How to make sleep useful


Daily routine - we are friends

Drawing up a daily routine

What do we know about eyes?

Practice: Exercises to train the eyes.

The impact of the computer on human health

Practical lesson: Game exercises "Rules for the protection of vision"

Everyone can temper

Practical lesson: Drawing up the rules for hardening the body. Work with proverbs about a healthy lifestyle.

"Good" and "Bad" Microbes

game lesson

III. Me and others (6h)

Dad, mom, I am a sports family

Children's stories about how the family spends time.

The social component of health. Friendship.

Excursion to the medical center

Gatherings with friends

Celebration organization

Behavior at home

Situational tasks, test

The rights of the child in the family

Drawing competition

How to deal with grief and fear.


IV. Fundamentals of personal security and injury prevention (7h)

Physical culture and sports. Lesson in the gym.

Learning sports games

Minutes of security

Road crossing rules

Rules of conduct in case of fire

The game is a mystery

Call for help 01, 02, 03, 04

Game - competition

The main situations and "traps" in which children fall

Opinion exchange

Electrical safety rules

Practice: First Aid for Burns

V. Nutrition and health (4h)

Why you need to eat right

Practical lesson: Products useful and harmful.

Diet. Rules of conduct at the table.

Menu planning for the week

Food storage. Rules for the care of dishes.

Tale discussion

K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Food processing before consumption.

Practical lesson

VI. Consumer Culture (3h)

Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature.

Crossword Guessing

The benefits and harms of medicines

Analysis and solution of situational problems

I'll save my health, I'll help myself

Service "03". Visiting a doctor or calling a doctor at home. Create a situation and suggest a way out of it

VII. Surfactant prevention (4h)

Harm of tobacco smoke

Dramatization "How the bear found the pipe"

What is alcohol and why is it dangerous?

Analysis and solution of situational problems

Behavior with people who use psychoactive substances

Analysis and solution of situational problems

Fun health lesson

Competitive game program

Section 1.

Self-knowledge (5h)

Knowing your body

Parts of the body, their functional purpose. Internal organs; purpose. "Language of the body. Human growth and development. Periodization of development. Health and disease, humane treatment of physical disabilities.

  1. Name the organs and parts of the body, their functional purpose.
  2. Be able to talk about your bodily sensations.
  3. Explain the difference between a state of health and a state of illness.
  4. Talk about subjective signs of your fatigue.
  5. Be kind to the disabled and help them.
  1. Section 2

Hygiene rules and prevention of infectious diseases(6h)

Body hygiene

Skin and its appendages (nails, hair). functional purpose. Skin, hair and nail care. Choice of clothes and shoes in accordance with weather conditions and individual characteristics.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know how to be neat. Regularly perform hygiene procedures.
  2. To be able to provide yourself with comfortable conditions for any activity due to the right choice of clothes and shoes.
  3. Keep your daily items clean.

Occupational and leisure hygiene

Periods of change in performance. Daily regime. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue. Active and passive recreation. Sleep is the most effective rest. Hygiene of the organs of vision, factors leading to fatigue.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to make an average daily routine for a week and follow it.
  2. Be able to recognize signs of fatigue, including visual.
  3. Have switching skills different types activities to avoid fatigue.

Prevention of infectious diseases

Microworld: microbes, protozoa, fungi, viruses. Human interaction with the microcosm. "Good" and "Bad" microbes.

Introduction to infectious diseases. Ways of "passive" protection against the disease: washing hands, wearing a mask, disposable syringes, etc.

The concept of active defense - immunity.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have formed stereotypes of washing hands before any meal.
  2. Be able to use "passive protection" if necessary, contact with a sick person (long distance, airing the room, wearing a mask, separate dishes, etc.).
  3. Have a formed understanding of the moral responsibility for the spread of an infectious disease (for example, coming to school with the flu). Know what vaccinations are for.
  1. Section 3

Me and others (6h)

Rules of interpersonal communication: courtesy, self-presentation, invitation, rejection of unwanted communication.

Friendship. Mutual influence of people, ways of constructive solution of conflict situations. Behavior on the street and in in public places Rules of conduct with strangers.

Relationships - family. Family rules. The rights of the child in the family. Group activity rules.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know the generally accepted rules of communication and be able to apply them in model conditions. Be able to independently find ways out of conflict situations.
  2. Learn to follow the rules of conduct in public places.
  3. Be able to properly refuse to communicate with strangers.
  4. Know your rights and recognize mutual obligations in the family.
  5. Be able to define your role in the group and work towards a common goal.
  6. Be able to observe social norms of behavior in formal groups.
  7. Recognize the signs of an unfriendly group and be able to get out of it.
  1. Section 4

Fundamentals of personal safety and injury prevention.(7h)

Safe behavior on the roads

The main “traps” situations that children usually fall into are: “closed view”, “distraction”, “deserted street”, “middle of the road”, “parents with children”. Traffic control signals. Rules of safe behavior at railway tracks.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to predict the development of the situation on the road.
  2. Have the ability to observe.
  3. Have skills to "resist" excitement or rush. Have the skill of "switching to the street".
  4. Have the ability to switch to self-control.

Household and street injuries

Dangerous factors of modern dwelling, playground school.

Burns. Danger when using pyrotechnics.

Electrical injury. Danger when playing with sharp objects. Falling from height. Danger open window. Riding on railings, jumping from rooftops, garages, etc., basic safety rules for cycling. Rulesuse of rollers, equipment. The danger that lies in wait for the roller on the street. First aid for simple injuries (abrasions, scratches, superficial wounds). Bites of animals, snakes, insects.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to recognize danger zones indoors and outdoors.
  2. To be able to anticipate the possibility of falling from a height, injury, burns and avoid them.
  3. Have the skills to safely handle electrical appliances, sharp objects. Know how to unplug electrical equipment.
  4. Practice safety rules for roller skating and cycling, use protective equipment.
  5. Know how to help yourself and others with simple injuries.
  6. be able to recognize negative reactions animals and avoid being bitten and hurt.
  7. Take immediate action when bitten by an animal, insect, snake.

Behavior in emergency situations

Emergency situation in the city. Extreme situation in the village.

An emergency situation involving a stranger.

Rules of conduct in case of fire. Call for emergency assistance: 01,02,03,04,

Rescue Services. Natural disasters, man-made disasters.

Expected results (student can).

  1. To master three models of behavior in an extreme situation: “call for help”, “get out of the situation”, “take measures to save yourself”.
  2. Know how to ask for help in an emergency.
  3. Know how to put out a fire.
  4. Be able to perform sequential actions for evacuation from the premises in the event of a fire.
  5. Master self-rescue skills when behavior stranger seems dangerous.
  1. Section 5

Nutrition and health(3h)

Nutrition is the basis of life

Understanding the main nutrients, their importance for health; the most important food sources. How does digestion work. Diet. Intolerance to certain foods and dishes. Eating traditions in different countries. Rules of conduct at the table.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to follow the basic rules of diet.
  2. Know how to use cutlery.

Food hygiene

Food processing before consumption. Food storage. Rules for the care of dishes.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Knowledge of food storage practices.
  2. The skill of processing fruits and vegetables before eating them.
  3. Ability to wash dishes and cutlery.
  1. Section 6

Consumer culture(3h)

Choice of medical services

Polyclinic and doctor's house call. Service "03", emergency care, rescue. Visit doctor. Hospital, indications for hospitalization.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have a positive, respectful attitude towards doctors and nurses as people who help maintain health.
  2. Know when to seek emergency medical care and have the skills to handle it.
  3. Know why children are hospitalized.

Drug handling

The benefits and harms of medicines. Careful handling of medicines stored at home.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have the skill of careful handling of medicines (keep in original packaging, check the expiration date before use, use only as directed by a doctor or parents, do not try unknown pills).
  1. Section 7

Substance use prevention(4h)

General understanding of psychoactive substances. Why do people use psychoactive substances. The harm of tobacco smoke. What is alcohol and why is it dangerous to use it. Behavior with people who use psychoactive substances.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know how to avoid passive smoking.
  2. Understand that alcoholism and drug addiction are intractable diseases. Develop forms of behavior when a person is nearby in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  3. Have a clear understanding that susceptibility to drugs is individual, and dependence can occur after the first doses.

List of used literature.

  1. Kasatkin V.N. Interdisciplinary program "Health" for secondary educational institutions /Developed by a group of authors under the guidance of MD. Kasatkina V.N. Approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, the presidents of the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  2. Bezrukikh M.M. Talk about proper nutrition./ Ed. M.M. Bezrukikh - M.: Olma Media Group, 2008.
  3. Borisova N.V., Fedorova N.V. On the attitude of teachers to health-saving technologies// Folk School. - 2004. - No. 1.
  4. Zhigulev A.M. Russian folk proverbs and sayings. / Ed. A.M. Zhiguleva - Udmurtia, 2000
  5. Laptev A.K. Secrets of the pyramid of health. / Ed. A.K. Lapteva - M., 2002
  6. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. School of Doctors of Nature or 135 Health Lessons./ Ed. L. A. Obukhova, N. A. Lemyaskina. - M.: VAKO, 2005.
  7. Pavlova M.A. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren. / Ed. M.A. Pavlova - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  8. Smirnov N.K. Health saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools. / Ed. N.K. Smirnova - M.: ARKTI, 2003
  9. Shatokhina L.F. Health Education: Guidelines on the organization of the educational process./ Ed. L.F. Shatokhina - M .: Polimed, - 2005
  10. Shatokhina L.F. Project method in health education. / Ed. L.F. Shatokhina - M., 2005



    fitness club


    Minakova Natalya Alexandrovna

    physical education instructor

    MKDOU Tesinsky kindergarten

    With. Tes 2017-2018


    Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.

    According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is the natural state of the body, health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

    The preschool period is an extremely important stage in a child's life. A child is born helpless, with the only ability to learn everything over time. He is not born with a ready-made set of movements, but masters them in the process of life.

    Movement training has an impact on health, general physical development, the development of cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, emotionality of the child, i.e. to his inner world. Movement training contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, the improvement of both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities.

    Teaching movements contributes to the child's awareness of himself as a person, develops in him the need to improve his own nature, creates the prerequisites for the realization of his individuality. Carrying out a variety of movements, the child gets the opportunity for self-improvement, interest and love for physical culture is formed.

    Circle work is aimed at preservation and strengthening of children's health preschool age, the development of their physical qualities, the formation of the foundations of a culture of health, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a child's interest in their personal health, the improvement of all types of movements and the development of physical qualities.

    Distinctive features of circle work:

      Considered under the health aspect.

      Special exercises : on the development of large muscle groups (especially the muscles of the back and abdominals); to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the correct posture; to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which forms the correct arch of the foot.

    All exercises are performed at a more relaxed pace.

      It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

    Goals and objectives of circle work:

    Target: Creation of conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and the level of children's health.


      create a need for a healthy lifestyle;

      improve the development of motor abilities of children and physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, mobility in the joints, dexterity);

      to form emotionally positive relationships and a steady interest in physical education and independent motor activity;

      develop attention, concentration, organization, imagination, fantasy, the ability to control one's actions and feelings.

      Special tasks:

      strengthen the muscles that form the arch of the foot;

      strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the skill of correct posture;

      prevention of colds.

    To accomplish the tasks of circle work, the following structures are provided:

      Corrective and rhythmic gymnastics

      Dynamic and wellness breaks

      Relaxation exercises

      Round dances, various types of games

      Entertaining warm-ups

      Various types of massage

      Breathing exercises

    For the successful implementation of tasks, content classes are used :


      Circuit training

    • Activities - travel



    Principles of constructing circle work:

    The principle of systematic and consistent involves the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    The principle of connection between theory and practice forms in children the ability to apply their knowledge on the preservation and promotion of health in everyday life.

    The principle of repetition of skills and abilities- one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

    The principle of individual-personal orientation of education suggests that the main goal of education is the child, and not the world around. The teacher, relying on the individual characteristics of the child, plans his development, outlines ways to improve skills and abilities, build a motor regime.

    The principle of accessibility allows you to eliminate the harmful effects on the body of children as a result of excessive demands and physical exertion.

    The principle of success lies in the fact that at the first stage of the formation of health, the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

    Principle of active learning obliges to build a learning process using active forms and teaching methods that contribute to the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

    The principle of communication helps to educate in children the need for communication, in the process of which the social motivation of health is formed.

    The principle of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, successionyou when you go to school is aimed at creating conditions for a more successful realization of the child's abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

    Performance principle involves obtaining a positive result of health-improving work, regardless of the age and level of physical development of children.

    Class mode:

    Classes are held once a week (in the afternoon), 36 lessons per year. The duration of the lesson for 6 years of age is 30 minutes.

    The effectiveness of circle work:

    1. Increasing the level of physical and mental health of children.

    2. Reducing the number of days missed due to illness.

    3. Increasing the proportion of children involved in preventive activities.

    4. Normalization of statistical and dynamic functions of the body, general and fine motor skills.

    5. A positive result of the growth rate of physical qualities.

    6. Coordination of actions of a teacher and a specialist in physical culture and health work with children.

    7. Increasing the activity of parents in joint work to improve the health of children.

    Educational and thematic plan

    Name of sections and topics

    Main activities

    Number of hours


    Formative types of motor activity

    Exercises for posture, prevention of flat feet, strengthening the "muscular corset" of the body, exercises for the development of visual-motor orientation.



    general physical preparation

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals.



    Development of motor qualities

    All kinds of games and relay races, special exercises for the development of motor qualities: strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc.



    Gymnastics on fitballs

    Exercises on large elastic balls in various starting positions: sitting on the ball, lying (on the back and stomach), lying on the mat.




    Exercises on simulators



    Outdoor games:

    of a general nature;

    special character;

    Fitball games.



    Self massage

    Self-massage exercises




    Voluntary muscle relaxation exercises


    Total: 36 hours

    Perspective work plan


    №1 "What is the correct posture"

      Give an idea of ​​correct posture.

      Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick

      P / and "Lovishka"

    No. 2 "Moths"

      Warm-up "Fun Steps"

      Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick

      Breathing exercise "Grow grass"

      Game "Sharing the Cake"

      Exercise for the formation of posture "Moths"

    #3 "Take care of your health"

      Walking and running exercises

      Gymnastics complex "Ducklings"

      Exercise "Collect a handkerchief with your fingers"

      P / and "Humpty - Dumpty"

      Relaxation "Swing on the waves"

    No. 4 "Gnomes in the forest"

      Warm-up "Fun Steps"

      outdoor switch with ball

      Breathing exercise "Leaves rustle"

      Exercises for the formation of posture "Fun training"

      P / I "Wattle"

      Relaxation "Noise of leaves"


    #1 "Why are we moving?"

      outdoor switch with ball

      Leg exercise "Draw the sun"

      Self-massage "We sculpt the head, face, ears"

      P / and "We came to the clearing"

      Relaxation "Wind"

    No. 2 "Funny nesting dolls"

      Walking with posture and foot exercises

      Complex "Matryoshki"

      Exercise "Pull up the stomach"

      P / and "Catch the ball with your foot"

    No. 3 "Smeshariki"

      Exercises with a task for the feet and posture

      ORU with dumbbells

      Breathing exercise "Swimmer"

      Exercise "Kolobok" - rolls on the back

      P / and "Third extra"

      Game m / n "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show"

    No. 4 "Nimble animals"

      Warm-up "Nimble animals"

      Leg exercises "Health Path"

      Self-massage "massage of the ears"

      P / and "Monkeys"

      Relaxation "Rain"


    No. 1 "Journey to the country of Health"

      Introduce the rhythmic dance "Charging for the tail"

      Exercise "Swing"

      P / and "We sat on the carousel"

      Game m/p "Snail"

    No. 2 "That's the legs"

      Warm-up "Funny legs"

      outdoor switchgear

      Breathing exercise "Skier"

      Exercise "Collect the buttons"

      P / and "We sat on the carousel"

      Relaxation "We'll be sorry"

    No. 3 "Pinocchio in a fairyland"

      Walking with change of pace and maintaining posture

      Rhythmic dance "Charging for the tail"

      Gymnastic complex with elements of corrective gymnastics

      P / and "Fishing rod"

    No. 4 "Let's go camping"

      Exercise "Stand up"

      switchgear with flags

      Breathing exercise "Chopping wood"

      Game exercise "Find the right track"

      P / and "Fishing rod"

      Relaxation "Listening to birds singing"


    No. 1 "Dunno visiting winter"

      Walking warm-up

      Exercise "Running in a circle"

      Rhythmic dance "Zimushka-winter"

      Breathing exercise "Accordion"

      Leg exercise "Collect snowflakes"

      P / and "Quickly take it"

    No. 2 "Snowflakes"

      Warm-up "Snowflakes are flying"

      A set of corrective exercises

      P / and "Quickly take it"

      Game m/p "Carousel"

      Relaxation "Snowflakes are flying"

    No. 3 "Nimble legs"

      P / and "Find a place for yourself"

      Exercise "Running in a circle"

      Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick

      P / and "Wattle"

    No. 4 "Let's help Luntik"

      Exercise stand up right

      A set of breathing exercises

      Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick

      Leg exercise "Tear the paper sheet"

      Exercise "Boat"

      P / and "Quickly take it"


    No. 1 "Malvina and Pinocchio"

      Rhythmic dance "Doll"

      Complex of corrective gymnastics

      Leg exercises

      Exercise "Pinocchio"

    No. 2 "On a visit to the forest animals""

      Varieties of walking and running

      Exercise "Smooth back"

      outdoor switchgear with a small ball

      Exercise "Draw the sun"

      P / and "Lovishka"

      Relaxation "Sun"

    No. 3 "Smooth backs"

      Exercise "Running in a circle"

      ORU (IP lying, sitting, standing) at the gymnastic wall

      Hanging exercise

      The game "We walk in hats"


    No. 1 "At Lesovichka"

      Varieties of walking and running

      outdoor switchgear

      Breathing exercise "Blizzard"

      Exercise "Collect the cones"

      The game "Baba Yaga bone leg"

      Relaxation "Veterok"

    No. 2 "We are dancers"

      Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"

      Exercises from low and. P.

      Exercise "Sharing the cake"

      P / and "Dance and spin - be the most dexterous"

    No. 3 "Journey to the country of Smeshariki"

      Exercise "Inflate Balls"

      Foot self-massage

      P / and "Trap with the ball", "Hurry up to take a seat"

      Relaxation "Veterok"

    No. 4 "Winnie the Pooh visiting the rabbit"

      P / and "Find a place for yourself"

      Rhythmic dance "Aerobics"

      A set of exercises on fitball balls

      P / and "Homeless Hare"

      Finger gymnastics "Bunny"


    No. 1 "At the Monkey King"

      Walking with different tasks

      outdoor switchgear with balls

      Exercise "Go through the swamp"

      Foot self-massage

      Hanging exercise.

      P / and "Quickly take it"

      Relaxation "Tired"

    No. 2 "Guess the riddles"

      A set of exercises "Riddles"

      Exercises on fitball - balls

      Self-massage of the head

      P / I "Trap, take the tape!"

      Game m/p "Swing"

    No. 3 "In the flower city"

      A set of exercises "Merry Marching"

      outdoor switchgear with cubes

      Exercise "Assemble a skyscraper" (cubes with feet)

      P / I "Bear and bees"

      Game m/p "Find and keep silent"

    No. 4 "Be healthy"

      Walking and running with different tasks

      ORU with dumbbells

      Breathing exercise "Pump"

      Exercise "Draw a house"

      P / and "Don't stay on the floor"

      Relaxation "Sun"

    #5 “To be strong and agile, we all need training”

      Exercise "Jump"

      Complex of plastic gymnastics

      Self stretching exercises

      P / I "Do not drop"


    No. 1 "Bears"

      "Health Path"

      ORU with dumbbells

      Breathing exercise "We lift the load"

      Facial massage "Hedgehog"

      Exercises on simulators

      P / and "At the bear in the forest"

    No. 2 "Cheerful bun"

      Walking in alternation with running with exercise

      Exercises on simulators

      Exercise "Roll the ball"

      P / I "Trap with a ball" "

    No. 3 "The circus lights the fires"

      Walking with foot exercises

      outdoor switchgear with hoop

      Exercises on simulators

      P / I "The third extra"

      Breathing and relaxation exercises

    No. 4 "Kuzya visiting the guys"

      Exercise "Running in a circle"

      Exercises on simulators

      Exercise "Smooth back"

      P\I "Fifteen"

    №1 "Visiting the Sea King Neptune"

      Exercise "Sea"

      Ebb and flow game

      Exercise "Collect the pebbles"

      Game "Jump into the sea"

      The game "The sea is worried"

    No. 2 "Flower Country"

      Breathing exercise "Breathe with one nostril"

      Gymnastics on fitball-balls

      Exercise "Prickly Grass"

      P / I "We are funny guys"

    No. 3 "In the forest"

      Walking and running with various tasks.

      ORU with dumbbells

      Self-massage with massage balls

      P / I "Who is faster"

      Exercise "Prickly Grass"

    No. 4 "Fun workout"

      Walking and running with various tasks.

      ORU with dumbbells

      P / and "The most dexterous"

      Game m/p "Who called?"

    Methodological support:

    The methodology for compiling complexes, like a regular physical education lesson, consists of three parts.

    AT preparatory part include simple general developmental and corrective exercises. The pace of execution is slow, moderate and medium, dosage is 6-8 repetitions. AT main part includes special exercises from the position, lying on your back, on your side and on your stomach. In these positions, it is easier to follow the straightened body, the muscles do not experience prolonged static load, as when holding the body in a standing and sitting position. For the prevention of flat feet, exercises with small objects (pencils, toys from Kinder Surprise, details of a small designer, etc.) are used, children are invited to grab objects with their toes; draw by holding a pencil with your toes. The dosage of exercises depends on the age of the children, on average - 8-16 times. All exercises must be performed in both directions. During physical activity, it is important to teach the child to breathe correctly through the nose, completely freely, without the slightest tension. Final part is built from relaxation exercises (relaxation) performed in and. n. lying on your back, breathing exercises and special ones - for a feeling of correct posture or a mobile game of low activity.

    Dosage of exercises for children 6 years old each exercise is repeated 8-10 times. Exercises alternate with longer and more varied rest breaks.

    The motor density of classes can be low - this is due to the fact that the individual nature of the performance of each exercise is taken into account. The dosage increases gradually, as the technique is mastered.

    With children of 6 years old, with the expansion of the motor experience of children, the role of verbal techniques (explanations, commands, etc.) increases without being accompanied by a display, we use verbal visual aids (photography, drawings).

    To maintain the rhythm and pace of movements when performing exercises, the following are used:

    rhythmic musical accompaniment;

    Clear commands

    · sound signal.

    For children of 6 years old, the complexes of exercises become more complicated, tasks are used according to chart cards, visual aids, riddles corresponding to the plot of the complex.

    During the exercise, you should monitor the child's breathing.

    In the classes for children, not only corrective gymnastics is used, but also fitball-gymnastics, classes in the “dry pool”, with non-standard equipment and on simulators: “Twister”, “Running on the waves”, “Bench for the press”, mini trampolines.

    When the children learn all the exercises on the apparatus and simulators, the classes are held in the form of a circuit training. Circuit training provides an individual-maximum load for each child. He himself sets the pace and regulates the load. My task is to create conditions, set up, follow, prompt, direct, correct the movement, that is, to provide an individually differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his characteristics.

    In the classroom, we use outdoor games aimed at developing the skill of correct posture and strengthening the muscles of the trunk and legs.

    Self-massage is carried out in the form of a game.

    Analysis of the work of the circle "Healthy"

    Leader: Nikolaenko L.G.

    The program of the circle "Healthy-ka" is designed for primary school students, classes were held once a week. Classes were held in groups. The first group is students of grades 1-2, the second group is students of grades 3, 4.The program of extracurricular activities in the sports and recreation area "Healthy - ka" is of an educational nature and is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    To form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and communication skills, such as the ability to cooperate, be responsible for decisions made;

    Develop skills of self-assessment and self-control in relation to their own health;

    Teach methods and techniques to maintain and improve their own health.

    The goals are specified by the following tasks:

    1. Shaping:

    Ideas about: factors affecting health; proper (healthy) nutrition and its mode; useful products; rational organization of the daily routine, study and rest; motor activity; causes of dependence on tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances, their harmful effects on health; the main components of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle; the impact of emotional state on health and general well-being;

    constructive communication skills;

    The need to fearlessly consult a doctor on health issues, including those related to growth and development;

    2. Training:

    A conscious choice of a behavioral model that allows you to maintain and strengthen health;

    Rules of personal hygiene, readiness to independently maintain their health;

    Elementary skills of emotional unloading (relaxation);

    Eyesight exercises.

    In the classroom, various forms of conducting classes and activities were used:





    Tests and questionnaires

    Watching themed films


    All this contributed to the development of interest among students in the classroom. Club attendance is good. Of the planned 34 classes, 33 were held. (1 hour due to school influenza quarantine).During the school year, the most interesting were the activities-games“I would go to the rescuers” “Health Island”, watching the video “How to maintain and strengthen vision”, “Rapid memory development”, “Man”, sports events« Further, faster, higher,"I want to stay healthy." "For a healthy lifestyle", drawing competition"Products for health",“We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “No smoking!”. The result of the implementation of this curriculum is the conduct of a survey of students based on the results of the work of the circle for the academic year. The results of the survey showed that 72% of students would like to continue to study in the "Healthy" circle for the next year!

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten "Umka"


    Head of MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

    Kraysvetney A.V.

    “___”_____________20 g


    program of physical culture and health improvement and correctional orientation

    (for children 3-7 years old)

    Compiled by:

    Kolesnikova Natalya Alexandrovna,

    physical education instructor

    MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

    Explanatory note

    The modified program "Zdorovyachok" of physical culture, sports and correctional orientation was developed for children aged 3-7 years who have disorders in the musculoskeletal system (violation of posture and flat feet). The program is implemented within one year of study.

    The recruitment of the Healthy group is carried out taking into account the general functional state of children, age, medical examination data, recommendations of medical specialists (pediatrician, surgeon). The medical staff of the preschool educational institution diagnoses the condition of the arches of the foot using objective research methods (plantography).

    The results of the medical examination of children are brought to the attention of the parents by the pediatrician of the preschool educational institution individually and they are recommended classes in corrective gymnastics in a group.

    Enrollment of children in the Healthy group is carried out with the consent of the parents. The term for the implementation of the program for each pupil is determined individually according to the indications of a medical examination and diagnostic results.

    The head of physical education tests the strength endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominals, flexibility. This is done in order to determine the initial state of the child's muscular system and, in the future, to control the results of classes.

    Classes are held with an uneven age group of 3-5 years and 5-7 years no more than 10 people 2 times a week in the afternoon (in addition to physical education). The duration of the lesson for children of 5-7 years of age is 25-30 minutes, for children of 3-5 years of age 20 minutes. At the same time, sanitary and hygienic standards are observed and the possibility of a good rest and recovery of working capacity is ensured through a walk and daytime sleep, the curriculum of a preschool educational institution is taken into account.

    Knowledge of the features of age periodization is necessary for the correct construction of the Healthy program for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system in the first periods of a child's life:

    Infancy (first year of life): all the physiological curves of the spine are cast, the muscular system is strengthened. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at normalizing muscle tone, improving blood circulation.

    Early childhood (1- 3 years): physiological curves of the spine are more pronounced, muscle mass increases, especially large muscles (torso). The first signs of a violation of posture appear. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset.

    First childhood(4- 7 years): physiological curves are pronounced and continue to form, muscles and skeleton are strengthened. The volume of active movements increases. A three-year-old child can bounce on two legs, jump off blocks 10-15 cm high, jump over a cord lying on the floor. Motor qualities begin to manifest themselves more clearly at the age of 4. By the age of 5, coordination of movements improves. The period ends with a striking distinctive feature - the first physiological (skeletal) traction, which is characterized by an accelerated growth of the body in length. The second such traction will be noted only at puberty. With the intensive growth of the skeleton, an increase in the number of signs of impaired posture and flat feet is associated.


    I'm not afraid to repeat again:

    Health care-

    This is the most important work of an educator.

    From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children

    Their spiritual life depends

    outlook, mental development,

    Strength of knowledge, self-confidence

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    There is no doubt that health is a great value. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy and smart is the goal of all parents. And one of the main tasks of physicians and teachers. Numerous scientific studies indicate that the growth of deviations in the state of health of the child occurs during preschool childhood.

    The problem of raising a healthy child is relevant today more than ever. The greatest concern of specialists is caused by children of early and preschool age, whose incidence rate is over last years has grown.

    Meanwhile, it is preschool age that is a sensitive period of a child's development, when the foundation of his health, physical development, motor skills and abilities is laid. The development and health in subsequent years of life depends on how the upbringing and education of the child is organized, what conditions are created for the development of his physical qualities.

    During the first seven years of life, the child's body grows and develops intensively. Most critical periods are associated with this age, which makes the preschooler the most vulnerable to the effects of external factors, both unfavorable social and environmental, demographic, climatic, namely:

    · heredity;

    Features of a sharply continental climate (temperature and pressure drops);

    unfavorable environmental conditions.

    the lifestyle that has the greatest impact on health.

    Given these factors, we are aware that it is difficult to change the current state of affairs radically. But kindergarten specialists can and should influence the preservation, strengthening and correction of children's health.

    Every year in our kindergarten, children are examined by specialist doctors (surgeon, pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist). Pediatricians note that one of the first places among all deviations in the state of health of children is occupied by violations of posture and arch of the foot.

    Analyzing the results of the examination of children by medical specialists, we noted that the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system is increasing every year.

    At present, the problem of improving the health of children is given sufficient attention, in particular, specialized centers are open and successfully operating, in which classes are held with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. However, most parents do not have enough money and time to attend such classes. For many, it is more convenient when corrective work with a child is carried out directly in kindergarten. Therefore, it is obvious that additional classes with children aimed at developing the skill of correct posture and preventing flat feet in children in a kindergarten are relevant.

    Violation of posture is noted in two planes - frontal and sagittal. Violations are visible when we look at the child (front) from behind and from the side. In preschool children, the so-called sluggish posture is mainly determined. One of main reason the formation of sluggish posture is the weak development of the child's muscles, his lack of physical activity, frequent and prolonged illness. Often sluggish posture is combined with various defects lower extremities, which is explained by the general weakness of the entire musculo-ligamentous apparatus. The most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system in preschool children is the deformity of the arch of the foot - its flattening. The foot is the foundation, the support of our body, and any developmental disorder can be reflected in the posture of the child. The arch of the foot begins to form during the period of active walking and should be formed by 3 years.

    The Zdorovyachok program ensures the formation of children's interest in their personal health, the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, through the implementation of modern health technologies adapted to the conditions of a preschool institution. These technologies are purely preventive in nature and are aimed at maintaining the emotionally positive tone of the pupils.

    When writing the program, a sufficient amount of scientific and methodological literature was studied, correctional methods of well-known specialists were analyzed. It is concluded that significant experience has been accumulated in this area, separate complexes have been developed therapeutic gymnastics for preschoolers, which are held in clinics, medical and physical education dispensaries (M. I. Fonarev, V. K. Velitchenko, O. V. Kozyreva, etc.). However, there are practically no scientific and methodological developments on corrective work with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in relation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    Our program is based on scientifically based health-improving methods, such authors as O. V. Kozyreva, I. S. Krasikova and the program for the improvement of preschool children "The Green Light of Health" (author M. Yu. Kartushina).

    Our kindergarten works according to the program "Childhood" (under the editorship of T.I. Babaeva, Z.I. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich). The peculiarity of the "Zdorovyachok" program is that it complements the "Childhood" program in physical education and is implemented through the use of therapeutic exercises aimed at general strengthening of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. One of the varieties of therapeutic gymnastics is corrective gymnastics. Carrying out classes of corrective gymnastics in the conditions of a preschool educational institution allows you to timely and effectively eliminate these causes at the early stages of the formation of posture and arch disorders. It is the timeliness of use exercise With therapeutic purpose are the most significant factor in the introduction of therapeutic gymnastics into the practice of correctional work of preschool educational institutions.

    As a result of the implementation of the Zdorovyachok program, the effectiveness of work on the prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system was increased. The pediatrician of the preschool educational institution noted that when conducting additional classes in corrective gymnastics, preschool children experience an objective improvement in posture, the formation of the arch of the foot, strengthening the muscular apparatus, and developing strength.

    Distinctive features of the Zdorovyachok program. The main differences in corrective gymnastics are special exercises:

    on the development of large muscle groups (especially the muscles of the back and abdominals),

    to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the correct posture,

    To strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which forms the correct arch of the foot.

    All exercises are performed at a more relaxed pace.

    A feature of the corrective gymnastics complexes is the use of game exercises with images that are attractive to children. All exercises are perceived by children as part of the game and are included in their independent motor activity, which is extremely important.

    The Zdorovyachok program is methodically supported: a thematic curriculum for children aged 3-5 and 5-7 years has been drawn up, summaries of remedial classes for each age group have been developed, recommendations for parents and educators have been prepared, file cabinets have been created: “Correctional games and exercises”, "Health exercises for a beautiful posture", "Mysteries for exercise."