Self-education for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution according to the federal state educational institution: topics and work plan

Education Committee of the Administration of the MR "Tungokochensky District" of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with. Top - Usugli

674100, p. Verkh-Usugli Tungokochensky district, st. Soviet 2

tel. 5-11-72





(educator of the highest qualification category)


at the pedagogical council of MBDOU kindergarten

general developmental type. V-Usugli

protocol No. 1 dated "___"_09_ 2015

With. Top - Usugli



Create a project - not a field to go,

We didn't look for the easy way

We can do everything, even though we are not gods at all,

In preschool, we are simple teachers ...

O.V. Karzhanevskaya

THEME: « in conditions introductions GEF BEFORE"

DIRECTION: socio-personal

TEACHER: Molorodova O.F. (highest qualification category)

GROUP: medium (4 years)


END OF WORK: May 2016


GOAL:Increasing your theoretical, scientific and methodological level and professional skills and general cultural level through the introduction of innovations in the educational process.


    To form the ability for creative self-development and research activities.

    To study the pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature on the problem, the theoretical foundations of the technology of project activities.

    Explore the relevance of the problem within the framework of our preschool educational institution.

    To identify the most appropriate form of introducing the method of projects, introduce additions to the plan in accordance with changes in legal documents in education.

    To study the effectiveness of the application of the project method in educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Involve parents in the organization of educational work with children.

    Generalize and disseminate their own psychological and pedagogical experience.


I have like educator the foundations of pedagogical skills, professionalism and creativity will be formed:

    the ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature, improve their theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities;

    mastering innovative pedagogical technologies for raising and educating children preschool age(project activity)

    the ability to activate creative abilities and promote their achievements, apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Children will form :

    creativity, communication skills, the ability to experiment, to synthesize the acquired knowledge;

    social skills in the process of group interactions, experience in research and creative activities;

    the degree of independence, initiative and cognitive motivation will increase.


    history and essence of project activity;

    the relevance of the application of design and research activities in preschool educational institutions;

    goals and objectives of the project activities of preschool children;

    methodology for organizing research on preschool children;

    stages of work on the project;

    predicted results;

    groups of skills formed by the project method;

    features of research projects for preschool children;

    the role of parents in project activities;

    practical implementation of projects for preschool children.


    Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of developing children and adults // Development of personality. 2000. No. 1

    Belaya, K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers / K.Yu. White // Handbook of the senior educator. - 2007. - No. 2.

    Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Project activity of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

    Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual for educators / N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. - M .: Iris-press, 2008. (Preschool education and development).

    Derkunskaya V.A. Project activity of preschoolers. Teaching aid. Publisher: Center teacher education, 2013

    Dyachenko O.M., Veraksa N.E. What does not happen in the world. - M.: Knowledge, 1994.

    Dybina O.V., Yenik O.A. Problems of preschool education at the present stage: Issue 5 / Comp. O.V. Dybina, O.A. Yenik. - Tolyatti: TSU, 2007.

    Zakharova M.A. Project activities in kindergarten: parents and children. Publisher: School press, 2010

    Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S., Zuikova M.B. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: A manual for leaders and practitioners of a preschool educational institution / Ed.-ed.: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuykov. - 3rd ed. pspr. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2011.

    Makhaneva, M.D. Self-education of teachers / M.D. Makhaneva // Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2004. - No. 1.

    Menshchikova LN Experimental activity of children 4-6 years old. Volgograd, 2008.

    Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. – M.: TC Sphere, 2010.

    Ryzhova N.A. The program "Our home is nature" a block of classes "sand, clay, stones." peanut - didactics Moscow 2005.

    Solodyankina O.V. Design system in a preschool.// methodological guide. - M.: ARKTI, 2010.

    Urmina I.A. And Innovative activity in preschool education: programs - method. provision: manual for hands. and adm. workers / I.A. Urmina, T.A. Danilina. – M.: Linka-Press, 2009.

    Shtanko I.V. Project activity with children of senior preschool age. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2004, No. 4.

The study of articles, abstracts on self-education and project activities on the website: .


Today, a special place in preschool education is occupied by design. In modern pedagogy, the project method is used along with systematic subject education as a component of the system of productive education. The main goal of the project method in preschool institutions is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

The project method can be represented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, a pupil and his parents, a way of interacting with the environment, a phased practical activity to achieve the goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N.Yu. .) A project is a goal accepted and mastered by children, relevant to them - this is children's amateur performance, this is a specific practical creative work, a gradual movement towards the goal, this is a method of pedagogically organized development by a child environment, is a link in the system of education, in the chain that develops the personality of the program.

Thus, the development of the project is the path to self-development of the individual through the awareness of one's own needs, through self-realization in objective activity. Among modern pedagogical technologies in last years project activity is becoming increasingly popular, because. she

    Personally oriented;

    It is characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is completed;

    Allows you to implement pedagogical goals at all stages;

    Allows you to learn from your own experience, on the implementation of a specific case;

    It brings satisfaction to children who see the product of their own labor.

Therefore, we can conclude that the use of the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase the independent activity of children, develop creative thinking, the ability of children to independently, different ways find information about an object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of a preschool educational institution open to the active participation of parents.






The content of the work

Reporting Form

September October

Organizational - theoretical

Improving your professional level, developing curiosity and cognitive activity.

1. Study of regulatory documents

2. A detailed study of the existing experience of preschool educational institutions,methodological literature on this issue.

3. Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

4. Prediction of results.

Consultation for parents "The main goals and objectives of the project method."

October - April

Accumulative - practical

Using the project method in the practice of a preschool educational institution as an innovative pedagogical technology

1. Studying the methodology of teacher design technology on the Internet

2. Carrying out a cycle of mini projects with children of the middle group.

3. Consultations for preschool teachers.

4. Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

5. Involving parents inorganizing projects in a group.

6. Coverage of this topic on your website.

1. Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "The variety of variability in the use of the integrated project method."



Increasing the cognitive interest of preschool teachers, preschoolers and their parents to project method.

1. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the work done in your group.

2. Generalization of the results at the meeting. Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution (progress report).

3. Planning activities and development prospects.

1. Presentation "Children's team - you will have fun walking."

2. Publication of own experience of pedagogical activity in social network educators


Project classification



Information - creative

"I want to go to school"


Information - creative

"Visiting a fairy tale"


Practice - oriented

"If you want to be healthy"


« Balloon»


Creative - research

"Where did you come from New Year»


Information - creative

"Cheerful snowman"


Information - creative

"My Beloved Dad"


Information - experimental

"Snow - snowball"


Information - creative

"We need different mothers"


Information - experimental

"Mr Luke"


Practice - oriented

"We'll plant a garden"


Information - experimental

"Little Explorer"


Information - creative

"Flowers - flowers"


According to scientists, the knowledge that a person has at his disposal doubles every 10 years. This means that previously obtained information may become outdated. Today there is a significant increase in social significance educational process. It is one of the key resources for society. In this regard, a special role in modern world given to teachers.


In order to keep up with the times, the teacher must constantly improve his knowledge. He needs to master all the progressive educational and upbringing technologies, thus providing conditions for his professional development. The system provides for various forms:

  1. Course attendance (every 5 years).
  2. Participation in an educational institution, district, city.
  3. Self-education.

General information

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge. This activity can be carried out using a variety of sources. In this case, the choice will depend on the inclinations and interests of the person himself. Self-education is closely interconnected with self-education. It contributes to faster adaptation in constantly changing socio-political conditions.


The selection of a topic for self-education at school should be carried out taking into account certain factors. First of all, the personal experience and professional level of each teacher is taken into account. It must be said that any topic of self-education, upbringing is always associated with the intended result. They are aimed at obtaining qualitatively new performance indicators.

Methodological measures

They should be aimed at achieving the main goal - stimulating teachers in several specialists can unite to work on a topic that is close in content to the task of the year. If an institution is preparing for an experimental or innovative activity, questions on self-learning should be included in the program. The key role in this work belongs to the leader. It should form a set of conditions in which the professional development of each teacher will take place. The main thing is the motivational principle of gradual involvement in activities and accustoming the team to continuous improvement.

Plan of work on the topic of self-education

It is compiled as an appendix to the finished program. It can be presented in the form of a table, formatted as follows:

Theme of self-education

Deadlines and form of the report

All points must be clearly defined in the project. Reports can be read out. They can also act as an element of a methodological event. The form of the report can be any. For example, seminars and consultations can be held for teachers. The report at the workplace involves the establishment of operational control over a specific topic and further monitoring of the educational process. This will allow in practice to evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge gained. This form of reporting is considered the most democratic. In this case, it is important to prevent the transformation of the process of self-education into the formal maintenance of additional documentation (notes, extracts, etc.).


For self-obtaining information, as mentioned above, you can use different sources. Self-education topics in mathematics, as in other subjects, can be found in books and periodicals in libraries. Participation in seminars, scientific and practical conferences is also effective. It is advisable to maintain your own card file on the issue under study.

Any topic of teacher self-education should be covered by different sources. This forces the teacher to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, formulate his own opinion on a specific issue. It is advisable to learn how to use library catalogs. They significantly reduce the time it takes to find the information you need, since the cards, as a rule, contain a list of basic questions or an annotation to the book. It is also important to learn not only to collect, but also to accumulate and store information, facts, conclusions. They can later be used in speeches, pedagogical councils, discussions, and so on.

Main directions

They are determined based on the very specifics of the teacher's activity. To achieve the goals set, the teacher must possess psychological knowledge, have a high level of culture, and erudition. The topic of self-education chosen by him should complement and develop these skills. Among the main areas in which it is necessary to improve in the first place, the following can be noted:

  1. Psychological and pedagogical. It is aimed at parents and children.
  2. Methodical. It includes advanced technologies, techniques, methods and forms.
  3. Psychological. It involves the development of leadership qualities, communication skills.
  4. Legal.
  5. Information computer technologies.
  6. Aesthetic.
  7. Health protection.


They directly constitute the process of self-education, indirectly or directly influencing professional growth. The types of activities should include:

  1. Reading certain pedagogical publications.
  2. Attending trainings, conferences and other events.
  3. Reading subject, methodical literature.
  4. Regular attendance at advanced training courses.
  5. Constant exchange of experience, discussions, meetings with colleagues.
  6. Holding open lessons for evaluation by other teachers.
  7. Organization of extracurricular activities.
  8. The study of computer technology.

In accordance with this, each teacher draws up a work plan on the topic of self-education.


Any activity loses its meaning if, as a result, a product is not created or tasks are not implemented. On an individual basis, without fail you should specify the results that will be achieved in a certain time. They may be:

  1. Published or developed articles, studies, scripts, programs.
  2. Creation of new teaching methods.
  3. Speeches, reports.
  4. Development of tests, didactic material.
  5. Development of recommendations for the introduction of new technologies.
  6. Organization and conduct of open lessons on their topics of self-education.
  7. Trainings, conferences, master classes, generalization of experience.

Organization of the process

The choice of the topic of the teacher's self-education plan is carried out at the beginning of the year. It is fixed in the program of methodical association. It should be said that there are a huge number of options. However, it should be remembered that any topic on self-education, on education in the first place, should be aimed at improving the quality of activity, developing new pedagogical methods and techniques.

Personal program

It should indicate:

  1. Theme of self-education (name).
  2. Goals and objectives.
  3. Planned result.
  4. Stages.
  5. The time frame within which each step will be completed.
  6. Activities carried out during the study.
  7. Results demonstration method.

After the topic of self-education is studied, all goals are achieved and activities are completed, the teacher draws up a report. It analyzes all the material, formulates conclusions and recommendations for colleagues.

Possible options

As a rule, at the beginning of the year, teachers are offered a choice of self-education topics according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The list could be as follows:

  1. Formation and development of ecological culture of the child.
  2. The main methods and forms of education that ensure the formation of spiritual values ​​in older children.
  3. Formation and development of a creative personality.
  4. The work of the class teacher for the social protection of the child.
  5. Educational potential of mass media and means of communication.
  6. Technology for modeling the situation of success for schoolchildren outside school hours.
  7. Organization of creative collective activity in the classroom.
  8. Carrying out technology individual work with kids.
  9. Self-management in the classroom.
  10. Preparing children for life in a market environment (can be used as a topic for self-education of a mathematics teacher, for example).
  11. Forms physical development children outside school hours (this may be the subject of study for a physical education teacher).
  12. Preparing children for family life (suitable for a teacher-psychologist).

Mathematics teacher self-education theme

Let's consider a practical example. As a topic, you can take "The introduction of modern technologies into the educational process based on the differentiation of training and on the basis of an individual approach." The goals are:

  • providing different trajectories for the full acquisition of knowledge, taking into account the capabilities, abilities, interests of children;
  • increasing professional competence.

The tasks of the activity are as follows:

  • Improving the quality of conducting classes on the introduction of innovative technologies.
  • Improvement of forms and types of control and diagnostics.
  • Development of scientific-methodical, educational and didactic materials.
  • Improving the quality of knowledge and motivation of children.

A list of questions

The list of significant problems in general can be adapted for each subject. For example, the topic of self-education of a teacher of the Russian language and literature may involve the following questions:

  1. Availability of innovations - mastering new technologies, introducing standards.
  2. Work on creating a creative atmosphere in the classroom, a healthy moral and psychological climate.
  3. Dissemination of experience at the regional/municipal level.
  4. Evaluation, introspection of their own creative work.
  5. Systematic and systematic improvement of teaching methods in all classes.
  6. Ability to provide practical assistance to colleagues in mastering innovations.
  7. In each specific class, analyze the abilities and needs of children, take into account age characteristics, and increase interest in the subject.

Intended effect

  1. Improving the quality of knowledge and motivation in the classroom.
  2. Approbation of new forms and types of diagnostics.
  3. Improving the quality of classes on the introduction of innovative technologies.
  4. Increasing the number of education participants.

New technologies

Working on the topic of self-education, the teacher forms new technologies, then implements them in practice. These may include methods such as:

  • Design. With this method of teaching, the student is directly involved in the cognitive process. The child begins to independently formulate the problem, collects the necessary information, works out solutions, draws conclusions, and performs introspection.
  • Computer techologies. They represent a set of methods, methods, techniques for the formation of pedagogical conditions based on a PC, telecommunications and interactive software. Computer technologies model part of the functions of a teacher in providing, collecting, transmitting information, organizing management and control of children's activities.


Self-education of the teacher acts as necessary condition his activities. Society has always placed high demands on the profession. To teach others something, you need to know more than others. At the same time, the teacher should be able to navigate the current situation, understand and analyze current problems in all spheres of life. The ability for self-education is determined by the intellectual and psychological indicators of the teacher. Nevertheless, even with a high level of it, the process is not always implemented properly in practice. This is usually due to lack of time, sources of information or their low quality, lack of incentives, need, and so on. However, professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-education.

2. The influence of direct educational activities on the play of young children.

4. Education of preschoolers through work.

5. Education of the moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.

6. Gender education of preschool children in the conditions kindergarten.

7. Didactic game as a form of education for young children.

8. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.

9. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

10. Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.

11. Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

12. Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.


14. Use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.

15. The use of a developmental game in mathematics classes with children of younger (middle, senior) preschool age.

16. The use of a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2-3 years old.


18. Methods of formation of correct posture and prevention of its violation in preschoolers.

19. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschoolers.

20. Enriching the social experience of preschoolers.

21. Health-improving gymnastics after daytime sleep, its significance.

22. The system of work in the pre-school educational institution for patriotic education.

23. Patriotic education of preschool children by means of fine arts.

25. Outdoor game as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of younger (middle, older) preschool age.

26. Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.

27. Rules of the road for preschoolers.

28. Techniques for enhancing mental activity in the process of familiarizing children with nature.

29. Project activity with children of younger (middle, older) preschool age.

30. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

31. Development of dialogical communication of children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).

32. Development of play activities in young children.

33. Development of communication skills of older preschoolers through communication with nature.

34. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through gaming activities.

35. Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

36. Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.

37. Development cognitive activity preschoolers.

38. Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.

39. Development of speech of children of early and younger preschool age.

Memo for teachers on the organization of self-education

SELF-EDUCATION- one of the forms of professional development of the teacher. "SELF-EDUCATION- purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the personality itself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc. At the heart of self-education is the interest of the student in an organic combination with independent study of the material ”(pedagogical dictionary)



    The influence of environmental education on the spiritual development of the student's personality.

    Formation of the ecological culture of the individual.

    Environmental education in the family.

    Features of educational work with students of grade 5 in the adaptation period (when moving from elementary to secondary school).

    Forms of individual work with students during the period of adaptation to the conditions of life in a new team.

    The main forms and methods of education that contribute to the formation of spiritual values ​​of high school students.

    Moral education of schoolchildren.

    Ethical dialogue as a form of moral education.

    Formation of moral self-esteem of schoolchildren in the process of education of ethical culture.

    Cultural approach to education.

    Formation of a creative personality.

    Ethno-pedagogical foundations for the upbringing of inter-ethnic harmony in a multinational and multi-confessional environment.

    Education of a culture of interethnic communication:

    Socio-pedagogical activity of the class teacher (educator).

    The activities of the class teacher (educator) for the social protection of the child.

    Socio-pedagogical activity of the class teacher (educator) with dysfunctional families.

    Educational potential of mass media and communication.

    Education of schoolchildren in the process of mastering computer technologies.

    Scientific and methodological approaches to the organization of sexual education of students.

    Education of students in cognitive creative activity

    Organization of work with gifted children.

    Personally-oriented approach to education.

    Modern technologies of education: essence, implementation experience, development prospects.

    The technology of creating a situation of success for the student during extracurricular time.

    educational system of the class.

    Organization of collective creative activity of students.

    Education of the creative orientation of the personality of schoolchildren in the conditions of collective activity

    Active forms of work with pupils.

    Features of group work with students during extracurricular time.

    Technology of individual work with students.

    Self-management in the classroom.

    Value priorities of patriotic education of students in modern school.

    Formation of national self-consciousness of schoolchildren.

    Education of students based on the traditions of the Ukrainian people.

    Tourist and local history work as one of the important activities of the class teacher to educate students in love and respect for their native land.

    Self-education of schoolchildren.

    Formation of communicative competence of students.

    Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in schoolchildren.

    Forms of physical education of schoolchildren during extracurricular time.

    Preparing students for life in a market economy.

    Preparing students for family life.

    Family education is a necessary condition for ensuring the spiritual unity of generations.

    Diagnostic tools of the class teacher.

    Psychological and pedagogical key to understanding the student's personality.

    The role of the class teacher in the creation and development of the children's team.

    Outstanding teachers of our time about the education of schoolchildren.

    The role of the class teacher in the education of adolescents of deviant behavior.

    Forms of crime prevention among adolescents.

    Formation of the legal culture of high school students.

    Formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.

    Preparing pupils for life in the conditions of market relations.

    Traditions of the children's team.

    Forms of conducting an hour of the class teacher (class hour, educational hour).

    Joint activities of the class teacher (educator) with subject teachers.

    Ways of interaction between a class teacher (educator) and a psychologist to study the personality of pupils.

    The study of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

    The game as an important means of educating schoolchildren.

    Joint activity of teachers of the school and the family in the labor education of schoolchildren.

    Artistic and aesthetic education of students on the examples of musical, visual arts, fiction.

    Artistic and aesthetic education of students by means of folklore.


    Updating the possibilities of problem-based learning.

    Types of vocabulary work in Russian lessons

    Types of written works of a creative nature.

    Introduction into practice of modern educational technologies aimed at developing the reading competence of younger students

    The influence of teacher's ICT competence on improving the quality of students' knowledge

    The influence of group and pair work on the development of motivation

    The activity method in the development of cognitive processes (in extracurricular activities)

    Interesting tasks in the course of mathematics.

    The use of innovative technologies as a means of enhancing the educational activities of younger students

    Research activities of students as a means of realizing the personality in the general educational space.

    The research position of the child as a factor in the development of giftedness

    The use of ICT technologies in the activities of a primary school teacher.

    The use of information technology in education.

    Activity approach in teaching as a factor in the development of the personality of a younger student.

    Learning the Microsoft Office Power Point program and using electronic presentations in the classroom primary school

    The use of multimedia didactic tools in the classroom in elementary school

    The use of ICT in the activities of a primary school teacher

    Using multimedia presentations to increase the effectiveness of the lesson

    Use of ICT in primary school lessons

    Game activity in the GPA

    ICT in the 1st grade literacy lesson

    Usage didactic games at the lessons of literary reading for the development of memory, imagination of children

    The use of modern educational technologies in the formation of key competencies of a primary school student

    Using the capabilities of the Panabord interactive whiteboard in science lessons in the formation of students' cognitive activity

    The use of problem technologies in mathematics lessons in elementary school

    The use of ICT technologies in primary grades as one of the conditions for improving the quality of education

    The use of ICT in the lessons of the world around

    The use of ICT in the educational process in order to develop the intellectual abilities of students.

    The use of ICT in mathematics lessons to improve the quality of education for younger students.

    Using problem situations in mathematics lessons.

    Study and implementation of project activities (individual and collective) in the UMC "Harmony".

    The use of didactic games in the lessons of writing and speech development in the correctional class.

    The use of information technology in teaching younger students.

    Class teacher - coordinator of the school, family and society

    club hour

    Criteria-based assessment in elementary school.

    Monitoring of educational achievements on the topic: "Unstressed vowel

    Mastering the methodology for designing the concept of development of universal educational activities (UUD) for primary general education

    Organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren at the initial stage of education.

    Teaching dynamic reading in the light of new educational standards of education.

    Evaluation of the achievements of the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs in the 4th grade.

    Organization of group work

    Mastering the possibilities of a new operating system within the framework of improving ICT competence with practical application in mathematics lessons

    Project extracurricular activities of elementary school students as a condition for the development of their creative abilities

    Project activity of younger schoolchildren as a factor in the success of education and training

    Application of ICT in primary school

    Construction of the educational process at the initial stage in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Problem-based learning as a means of activating the cognitive activity of students.

    Improving the quality of the lesson through the use of health-saving technologies in the learning process.

    Problem-based learning in the lesson of teaching literacy (literary reading) in primary grades under the program "School of the 21st century".

    Project activities in the classroom and after school hours

    Project activity at the lessons of the world around

    The use of ICT in the lesson of the world in the 4th grade

    The use of ICT in Russian language lessons in grade 2

    The use of ICT in the lesson of the world in the 2nd grade

    Design and research activities in the classroom in primary school

    Improving ICT - competence, mastering the possibilities of using the Panabord interactive whiteboard in science lessons

    Improving the quality of education in mathematics lessons in grade 1 by using the mimio program

    Improving ICT competence, mastering the possibilities of using the mimio program in Russian language lessons

    Improving the quality of teaching through the use of the Panabord interactive whiteboard in history lessons

    The use of information technology in order to develop the creative abilities of students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Improving the quality of reading and writing in younger students with deficiencies in the sound analysis of words

    Problems of succession between primary and secondary level, ways to solve them

    Problem situations in the classroom.

    Project activity of students as a means of forming key competencies

    The correct psychological attitude of students as one of the factors for the successful education of younger students.

    Solving spelling problems as a means of developing a literate personality.

    The development of students' speech as one of the main tasks of primary education.

    Development of mathematical abilities of students within the program "Schools 2100" as a means of enhancing learning activities.

    Role play as an interactive learning method

    The development of logical thinking in the process of teaching mathematics

    Development of creative activity in the lessons of the surrounding world through the introduction of ICT

    The development of creative abilities of younger students through the use of non-traditional forms and teaching methods

    The development of students' oral speech based on creative abilities

    Solving simple problems is the basis for successfully mastering ways to solve complex problems

    The development of speech ml. schoolchildren

    Working with gifted children

    Working with a hyperactive child

    Development of creative abilities and creative thinking in GPA students

    Development of students in the process of formation of universal educational activities

    Development of creative abilities of children in labor activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    The development of cognitive abilities in younger students

    Development of creative thinking in mathematics lessons

    Development of creative abilities of students in the lessons of literary reading.

    Development of creative thinking of younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons.

    The development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons.

    The development of speech with elements of developmental education in the lessons of reading, the Russian language

    Development of oral counting skills in mathematics lessons

    The development of speech in the classroom

    The development of oral counting in mathematics lessons, the activation of students in all lessons

    The development of spelling vigilance

    Improving the system of pedagogical diagnostics in order to improve the quality of student learning.

    Creating conditions for the formation of positive emotions in students in relation to educational activities

    Creating a health-saving environment in physical education lessons, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

    Testing as a means of organizing control in elementary school

    Formation in students of the habit of systematic studies exercise through physical education lessons and extracurricular activities.

    Formation of a team, development of independence in the classroom

    Formation of spelling vigilance in the lessons of the Russian language

    Three components in raising children: family, school, society

    Technology of forming the type of correct reading activity

    Testing as one of the forms of technology for evaluating planned results

    Technology for the development of critical thinking

    Technology of problem-dialogical learning

    Technology of differentiated learning

    Formation of the communicative competence of younger students in the classroom and after school hours

    Formation of students' readiness for final testing in elementary school.

    Formation of cognitive motivation in the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school

    Formation of spelling vigilance in junior schoolchildren at Russian language lessons

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle and education of a culture of health among students.

    Formation of expressive reading skills.

    Physical culture and health work in the GPA

    Formation of skills of project activity of younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities

    Formation of cognitive activity in mathematics lessons through the use of modern information technologies

    Formation of spelling vigilance in the lessons of the Russian language through the use of modern information technologies

    Formation of general educational skills of self-organization of educational activity among younger schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Formation of communicative universal educational activities

    Formation of universal learning activities in primary school students

    Formation of the needs and skills of a healthy lifestyle in children of primary school age

    Formation of oral counting skills through the use of interactive methods and forms of training

    Formation of self-assessment of students in the structure of educational activities within the framework of the GEF IEO of the second generation

    Effective methods and techniques for teaching reading.


"The development of cognitive activity in students in biology lessons."

"A student-centered approach through interdisciplinary connections and project activities."

. "The development of music perception as the basis for the education of the musical culture of schoolchildren."

"Museum in educational institution».

"Formation of skills of self-educational activity of students through the use of information technology in the classroom."

"Solving problems of increased complexity as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students."

"Formation of conditions for creating emotional and psychological comfort in the Russian language lesson through various visual aids, including ICT."

"Research activity of students in the study of the history of their native land as one of the conditions for the formation of a creative personality", 10 .: "The influence of individual approaches to a person's personality on the development of mental abilities."

"Formation of speech competence of students in the lessons of speech development."

"Improvement of spelling and punctuation skills in the process of teaching the Russian language in the 6th and 9th grades."

"Research work in biology lessons".

"Formation of cognitive independence of students".

"Fundamentals of the methodology of scientific and pedagogical research on physical culture and sports."

"Formation of speech competence of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature."

"Methods of working on a concise presentation in the lessons of the Russian language in grades 8-9".

"Local history in teaching geography".

"The method of mini-projects as a means of activating the cognitive activity of students."

"Application of gaming technologies in Russian language lessons".

"Improving the reading technique of younger students."

"Development of cognitive abilities in mathematics lessons".

"Individualization of learning as a factor in the success of student learning".

"The development of students' creative abilities in mathematics lessons and after school hours."

"Development of the phonetic side of speech based on digital technologies".

"Methods of preparing students for the Olympiads".

The development of the creative abilities of children in school and out of school hours.

"The use of information technology in the context of the modernization of the educational process."

"Formation in students of a competence-based approach to the study of biology."

"The use of information technology in mathematics lessons in the context of the modernization of the educational process."

« Complex analysis text in the Russian language lessons"

"Working with text in Russian language lessons"

"The use of ICT in the lessons of the Russian language and literature"

"Competencies and competency-based approach in teaching mathematics"

“Improving the educational and cognitive competencies of students in mathematics lessons using ICT

"Formation of value-semantic competencies of students in mathematics lessons"

"Designing a training session"

"Methodological aspects of teaching the topics "Computer Communications and the Internet" and "Web Design"

"Formation of techniques independent work students with educational information in geography lessons"

"Active techniques and methods in teaching grammar"

"Testing as a means of control"

“Formation of the communicative competence of students in the classroom of English language in primary school"

"Formation of language competencies through ICT"

"Development of foreign language competence of students in the context of specialized education"

"The role of ICT in the formation of key competencies of students"

"The role of history and social science in the formation of basic competencies of students"

“Personally-oriented approach in teaching history and social studies.

"Internet technologies for the subject teacher".

Algorithm of the teacher's work on self-education.

    Choosing a topic, setting goals, setting tasks according to professional needs and in accordance with methodological theme schools

    Development of a plan for self-education

    Identification of sources of information

    Study of theoretical sources

    Organization and management of the learning process based on the accumulated materials (preparation and conduct of open lessons, events)

    Systematization of the accumulated materials and their design, correction of activities and an objective assessment of its results

    Preparation of a report on the topic of self-education

    Determining the effectiveness and prospects of further activities

Criteria for the effectiveness of self-education.

    The topic meets the needs of the teacher and is problematic

    The plan is qualitatively drawn up (the goal is correctly defined, tasks are set, there is a procedural-content component)

    There is a scientific basis for the plan

    The effectiveness of pedagogical activity in this direction is determined

    The significance and prospects of pedagogical work are traced

    There is a positive trend in student performance

    The teacher's interest in continuing self-education is obvious

    Interest in this topic was shown by the pedagogical council

    Visible ability for creative activity in solving tasks

    Social (the ability to take responsibility for the activities of others), psychological (understanding the role of self-education) competence is formed

    Develops the ability to use information technology in their work

The collegial principle can also be taken into account when developing an algorithm for stimulating (moral and material) self-education.

Folder "Self-education". Sample content.

1. Title page

3. long term plan self-educational activity for 5 years.

    The study of psychological and pedagogical literature

    Development of software and methodological support of the educational process

    Generalization of own experience of pedagogical activity

    Participation in the system methodical work schools

    Participation in the system of methodological work of the district and region

    Course retraining

4. Individual plan of self-educational activity for the current year

5. Analysis of self-educational activities for the last academic year

6. Materials of work on an individual methodological topic

    Theoretical part (study of literature on the topic, acquaintance with practical experience on this issue)

    Practical part (development of didactic materials for practical implementation, lesson notes, extracurricular activities)

7. Visiting lessons, extracurricular activities with colleagues.

An approximate work plan for a self-education teacher



1. Organizational and diagnostic

1. Analysis of difficulties.

2. Statement of the problem.

3. Diagnostic sections.

4. Determination of the purpose and objectives of work on the topic.

work on

II. Theoretical and predictive

1. Studying the literature, existing experience on the problem

2. Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

3. Predicting results

4. Methodological support

5. Preparation of material and technical base

1st (2nd) year

work on

III. practical

1. Implementation of PPO, a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

2. Formation of a methodical complex.

3. Tracking the process, current, intermediate results.

4. Work adjustment

IV. Generalizing

1. Summing up.

2. Registration of the results of work on the topic of self-education.

3. Submission of materials

4. Carrying out diagnostics in order to track the result of work

V. Implementation

1. The use of experience by the teacher himself in the process of further work.

2. Distribution

In the course of further pedagogical activity

Algorithm for the implementation of the process of self-education

The first stage - Organizational and diagnostic
Purpose: to study the situation on the chosen problem, to determine the topic of self-education.
Forms of presentation of the result of the work: definition of a topic for self-education.

The second stage - Theoretical and prognostic
Purpose: determination of the stages, forms and methods of research of the chosen topic, the study of theoretical foundations and practical experience on the topic.
Forms of presentation of the result of the work: plan-program of self-education.

The third stage - Practical Purpose: implementation of the prepared material into practice.
Forms of presenting the result of the work: abstracts, scripts, developments, booklets, memos, etc.

The fourth stage - Summarizing Purpose: Presentation of the results of work on the topic of self-education, implementation of the prepared material into practice.
The form of presenting the result of the work: holding events on the topic of self-education, aimed at all participants in the pedagogical process (teachers, children, parents).

Fifth stage - Implementation
Purpose: self-analysis of pedagogical activity.
Forms of presentation of the result of the work: folder-representation of best practices, presentation, etc.

Individual plan of self-educational activity for _______20_____ academic year

(example 1)


Areas of work

Ways to achieve

Achievement analysis


(Example):Working with Documentation

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation

(sample option 2)


Areas of work

Ways to achieve

Achievement analysis

Analysis of self-educational activity for the last academic year. (Option 1)

1. Organization of work on self-education. The study of literature on the topic ________________

The title of a book, article, document...

Publishing house; name of the website

Brief anatomy, notes

2.Practical implementation of the topic of self-education

The form



date of

Open lesson, master class, speech, article, publication, etc.

School, district, regional, all-Russian

Analysis of self-educational activity for the last academic year. (Option 2)

Analysis of the self-educational activity of the teacher ____________________ for 20__ - 20__ academic year.

    Literature studied on this issue: _________________________________________________________

    Main areas of work:

a) compiling memos, lesson notes, collections of texts, tasks, assignments, tests, etc.

b) speeches at methodical associations on the topics:

c) diagnostics of the results of the application of new methods and methods of work: ______________________________________________________________

3. Analysis of the successful implementation of the goals and objectives set when choosing the topic of self-education


4. The use of new educational technologies, methods, techniques as a result of self-education: ______________________________________________________________

a) what methods, forms did you use? _______________________________________________________________

b) what is the result? ______________________________________________________________

5. In what direction will they continue to work on self-education:

a) compiling a catalog of literature ______________________________________________________________

b) generalization of diagnostic material _____________________________________________________________

c) speech at the MO, teachers' council, etc. ______________________________________________________________

d) generalization of experience ______________________________________________________________

other ____________________________________________________________

The result of self-education

Every activity is meaningless if it does not create a product or achieve some kind of achievement. And in the personal plan of self-education of a teacher, there must be a list of results that must be achieved within a certain period of time. :

    improving the quality of teaching (indicate indicators by which efficiency and quality will be determined);

    developed or published teaching aids, articles, textbooks, programs, scenarios, studies;

    development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching;

    reports, speeches;

    development of didactic materials, tests, visualizations;

    development of methodological information on the application of new methodological technologies;

    developing and conducting open lessons on their own, innovative technologies;

    creation of sets of pedagogical developments;

    conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem under study.

  • defense of research work

    showing pupils of new forms of interaction in the learning process

  • leaflet,

  • open lesson

    holding a seminar

    teaching colleagues new techniques

    workshop (training)

Memo to research work teacher

    How to formulate the topic correctly:

    The wording starts from indicating the process under study and the conditions under which it is studied according to the scheme:

Process being studied

Subject of study










Cognitive abilities

cognitive activity

Ability to do something

Personal qualities




In music lessons

Excursions in nature

While learning something

In the process of getting to know something

In play activities

For example: "The development of observation in children of senior preschool age during walks in nature"

    Formatting the theme according to the schemes:

  • SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING
  • SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING

    Usage ANYTHING as a means (condition) of development (formation, education, formation, etc.) SOMETHING

For example:

"Story-role-playing game as a means of developing the communicative abilities of preschool children"

"Observation as a means of developing voluntary attention in preschool children"

"The use of educational games as a means of forming cognitive abilities in children of senior preschool age"

    Determining the relevance and novelty of the study

Answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied today, how important and significant is it for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers?

The relevance lies in explaining the theoretical focus that will be achieved as a result of the work.

Novelty may lie in a new solution of issues, affect regional features.

    Formulation of the research goal

The goal is what needs to be obtained or shown as a result of the work, this is an idea of overall result work.

For example: the topic "Educational games as a means of shaping the cognitive abilities of preschool children"

Purpose: To show the role and importance of educational games in the formation of the cognitive abilities of preschool children.

    Formulation of research objectives

Answer the question, what needs to be done to confirm the assumption?

Problem Statement Scheme

The teacher and educator belong to the category of those professions that require constant self-education and self-improvement. For example, no one will argue with the fact that today's children are completely different than in past decades. Understanding this, we build our work with them in a different way than the teachers who taught us did. And in everything else we also try to keep up with the times. Learning new things, sharing useful experience, we create, we dare, we create. We teach others and we learn ourselves.

The pages of this section contain ready-made plans, reports and self-education programs. They contain the current and prospective experience of your colleagues on this issue. We are sure that it will be useful for you too.

We build our self-education, using the positive experience of colleagues.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 2188 .
All sections | Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education

Self-education "Game as a means of communication for preschoolers" Municipal educational budgetary institution "Secondary comprehensive school "Kudrovsky TsO No. 1" Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region DO No. 2 Educator Sidorenko Irina Evgenievna Self Education Theme : Game as a means of communication for preschoolers. Target: Creation...

Plan of work on self-education "Innovative forms of work with parents" self-education for the 2018-2019 academic year Goal work: Continue to create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents; establish trusting and partnership relations with parents and involve families in a single educational space. Tasks: Create...

Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education - Report on self-education "The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech of children 3-4 years old"

Publication "Report on self-education" The influence of oral folk art on ... " In the 2018-2019 academic year, I chose the topic of self-education "The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech of children aged 3-4". Today, I consider this topic to be quite relevant, since in our time the development of the media has greatly reduced ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Topic: "Formation of cognitive activity in children through project activities" Relevance: The meaning of project activity is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, ...

Individual work plan for self-education teacher Chemodanova Lidia Olegovna Secondary vocational education Specialty educator Pedagogical experience 37 years Qualification category I category Advanced training courses GBOU DPO NIRO "Actual ...

Work plan for self-education of the educator for the 2019–2020 academic year Work plan for self-education of the Educator Tortumasheva Anna Anatolyevna For 2019 - 2020 academic year Subject: Artistic and aesthetic development of children using non-traditional techniques. Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development Direction: manual labor Type ...

Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education - Report on self-education "Didactic game as a form of development of young children"

In the 2018-2019 academic year, I took the topic of self-education: "Didactic play as a form of development for young children." Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. They are used both in joint and independent activities ...

A long-term plan for self-education of the teacher "Didactic game as a form of development of young children" Theme "Didactic game as a form of development of young children." 2018-2019 academic year. Purpose: to increase professional competence in the implementation of didactic games in modern technologies. Tasks: - draw up a work plan on this topic; - to teach children to distinguish ...