Removal of a short bridle. Plastic surgery of the short frenulum of the penis

Plastic frenulum of the penis- surgical treatment of congenital malformation of this organ. In medicine, the frenulum of the penis is the fold of skin that attaches the foreskin to the glans penis. This structure, despite its small size, has a good blood supply and innervation. The fact that something is wrong with her is revealed only under certain circumstances.

Sometimes this happens in childhood, for example, during a religious rite of circumcision, or when it becomes necessary to remove the foreskin for phimosis (narrowing of this skin fold). Underdevelopment of the frenulum makes circumcision (excision of the foreskin) difficult, but its preliminary dissection completely eliminates the problem of phimosis, after which the procedure is not required. However, most often the anomaly appears only in the pubertal period, when the first erection occurs and a too short frenulum does not allow the penis to fully straighten.

Main indications

A short bridle makes it difficult for a man's sex life:

  • prevents the full straightening of the penis at the time of erection and disrupts the configuration of the erect member (the head is lowered), which makes it difficult to insert it into the vagina and have sexual intercourse;
  • causes pain during intercourse;
  • may rupture and cause severe bleeding (sometimes emergency care is required);
  • healing of its rupture without medical help often leads to the formation of a rough scar and nerve damage, as well as the occurrence of premature ejaculation, which reduces the quality of intimate life and causes psychological problems and depression.

How to prepare for the procedure

With the indicated problem, you need to contact a urologist.

The doctor makes a diagnosis at the reception after examining the patient. Also, the doctor can determine what kind of intervention is required from a photograph of the penis in a state of erection. He appoints a standard study before surgery (blood and urine tests, coagulogram) and the date of the operation. Preliminary preparation, except for the hygienic procedure, is not required.

Features of the procedure

This is a one-day surgery and is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The urologist-surgeon performs a simple operation - frenulotomy - transverse dissection of the frenulum followed by longitudinal stitching, which lasts 20-30 minutes. If necessary, the old scar is excised.

If the urologist also detects secondary phimosis, which is often caused by the abnormal frenulum (because of this, the flesh does not stretch during erections during puberty), then this structure is also removed. This is done in order not to aggravate phimosis, which often happens even after frenulotomy.

Sometimes the urologist performs a more complex, Z-shaped frenuloplasty. Cosmetic sutures are removed on the 8-10th day after the operation. Until this point, it is recommended to completely exclude sexual intercourse.

As a result of simple surgical manipulations, the problem of deformation, defective erection and pain during intercourse is eliminated.

After complete healing, the operated frenulum is a barely noticeable suture and looks like a continuation of the natural suture passing along the lower surface of the penis and scrotum. Already 2 weeks after the operation, the patient resumes sexual life, which is now becoming full.

This article will discuss the removal of the frenulum of the foreskin, namely why it is removed, in what ways, indications for this operation and recommendations for the recovery period.

The frenulum of the foreskin is a fold of skin on the penis. It is located in the middle between the head of the reproductive organ and the foreskin.

Its main function is to bring the foreskin back to its original state after the head of the penis is exposed.

Frenulum of the foreskin

In the n-th percent of men at birth, and in some later injuries, the frenulum of the foreskin becomes short and not prone to the possibility of stretching. Blows, injuries and active sexual intercourse can break the frenulum.

Today in the world there is one method of treating the pathology of the frenulum, namely surgery.

As a result of surgical intervention, either the complete removal of the frenulum is performed, or the so-called frenulotomy is performed, that is, the plastic of a shortened frenulum, which is quite realistic to lengthen.

Surgery to change the foreskin

To do or not to have surgery

The main indications for surgery

The main contraindications for surgery

  • The presence of diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases.

All about the operation


Surgical intervention to remove the frenulum is carried out by transverse dissection of the frenulum, after which it is sutured longitudinally. In another case, the complete removal of the frenulum is performed. This operation is able to prevent the rupture of the frenulum of the foreskin in the future.

Hospitalization is not required for the operation. Healing occurs in the interval from ten to fourteen days, and during this recovery period it is forbidden to have sex. This procedure is carried out using laser technology, depending on the indications.


The operation itself takes about thirty minutes under local anesthesia. The technique itself lies in the fact that an incision is made across the penis, then it is sutured in the longitudinal direction. This procedure makes it possible to eliminate excessive tension in the foreskin and turn your frenulum into an almost invisible seam that will merge into a natural "seam" at the bottom of the penis.


This operation also has complications, but they are very rare. Basically, complications come from an infection introduced during the operation in the form of simple bleeding.

And, nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that in the place where the foreskin is located, there are no large vessels, which is why all bleeding is not life-threatening and can disappear at home.

In order to exclude the possibility of infection, doctors will prescribe you various kinds of antibiotic-based creams, they are advised to use them for three to seven days.


In general, an examination by a doctor is carried out on the second day after the operation itself, and after seven days. In general, the operation itself is not very complicated, and completely painless, and the recovery period can pass very quickly and without any complications.

Also, this operation can be carried out using a laser. The advantages of this method are that the use of laser technology minimizes the risk of introducing various infectious infections. The rehabilitation period in this case is halved.

But there is an opinion in the world that removing the frenulum with a laser is not a very effective procedure, because the anatomical structure of the penis implies its constant movement, changes in its stretching and size, which is often considered the cause of suture divergence. But it remains only for the patient to choose which method is better - classical or laser, everything goes to the wish of the patient, as well as to medical indications.

It is also important that the urologist before the operation itself is obliged to prescribe an examination and tests, they include consultations with a therapist, an anesthesiologist, blood tests, in some cases according to the indications of other narrow specialists, and also an electrocardiogram. In the presence of all the necessary tests, the operation can be performed on the day of treatment.

After removing the frenulum of the foreskin, the patient has the opportunity to immediately go home. The next day, he must come for an examination, or stay in the hospital under observation. Basically, the way the operation is carried out does not depend on when you can start having sex again. Both in the classical and in the laser method, it is allowed to have sex after fourteen days from the end of the operation. We also recommend avoiding physical activity.

In order to avoid complications, as well as speed up healing, we recommend:

  • Refrain from sexual intercourse until the end of the recovery period (fourteen days);
  • Treat the healing site only with the medicines prescribed by your doctor;
  • Follow absolutely all the doctor's instructions;

Circumcision and removal (excision) of the frenulum

Surgical intervention to circumcise the frenulum of the foreskin is not considered mandatory if there are no alarming symptoms. But most experts advise to carry out this procedure as a preventive measure.

Carrying out the procedure

It consists:

Circumcision of the foreskin and frenulum together is performed for medical reasons, or for religious reasons. If circumcision is performed for medical reasons, the most common cause of circumcision is phimosis - this is a pathological narrowing of the foreskin, which makes it difficult to expose the glans penis.

Also, phimosis can be both congenital and acquired as a result of diseases or injuries.

In its presence, the patient is able to experience difficulties during sexual intercourse, urination, and also very often suffers from the resulting edema and inflammatory processes.

The main danger of such a disease is the formation of cracks on the frenulum and foreskin, which, after healing, can turn into scars and scars. In some cases, the tissues of the glans penis adhere to the foreskin, which can cause pain when trying to open the glans.

During the operation, the foreskin and frenulum are excised, which can lead to the return of anatomical functions. It is also possible to operate phimosis with the subsequent preservation of a part of the foreskin. Circumcision can also be performed simultaneously with frenuloplasty.

Indications for circumcision

  • The presence of scars or scars on the bridle;
  • The presence of injuries to the penis or frenulum;
  • In the presence of sclerosing diseases of the frenulum and foreskin;
  • In the presence of congenital pathology of the frenulum.

Benefits of frenulum removal

  • Reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Improving hygiene care for the genitals;
  • Reduced risk of infertility;
  • Reducing the risk of oncological diseases of the genital organ;
  • Reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

The operation for circumcision of the foreskin and frenulum, unlike frenulotomy, is performed not only in adults, but also in childhood and infancy, if indicated.

Operation techniques

To date, circumcision of the frenulum of the foreskin can be carried out by the standard method using a scalpel, as well as using laser technology.

The operation is carried out for thirty to forty minutes. The likelihood of complications is minimal, and in most cases there are none at all.

During the recovery period, it is very important not to violate hygiene, as well as to follow all the established prescriptions and doctor's advice. The scar after surgery is able to heal very quickly and becomes almost invisible.

The sutures are mainly applied using special absorbable threads, they are able to disappear after ten days. After healing and rehabilitation, it will take from fourteen to twenty-one days, after which you can continue to have an active sex life.

Frenuloplasty of the foreskin (frenuloplasty) is a surgical operation to correct the short frenulum of the foreskin. One of the varieties of the operation involves its dissection or partial removal. The frenulum, located along the penis as a lower longitudinal skin fold, performs the function of holding the foreskin. What is the operation, as well as how much the intervention costs, we will consider below.

The frenulum is necessary to release the penis during an erection. It has a good blood supply, a large number of nerve endings responsible for the sensations that arise during sexual intercourse. A decrease in its length complicates this process, disrupts the normal conduct of sexual intercourse, and contributes to early ejaculation. This condition is observed in 30% of adult men. Reasons for having a short frenulum:

  1. Congenital underdevelopment - occurs in 5% of cases. Associated with phimosis.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia of men, leading to scarring of the frenulum. They are often found in patients with diabetes mellitus. Complications in the form of inflammation after surgery, when plastic surgery of the foreskin was performed, lead to scarring of the frenulum, it becomes short.
  3. Injuries of the genitals with developed scarring, a decrease in the length of the frenulum. In addition to acute injuries (this may be after circumcision of the foreskin), a chronic injury caused by tight underwear plays a certain role. Sometimes the plastic of the foreskin with phimosis (hypertrophic form) is complicated by the consequences in the form of the development of a short frenulum. Such a result of the operation is possible when plastic surgery for the correction of the foreskin is performed in early childhood.

In all these cases, the only treatment is plastic frenulum of the foreskin (frenuloplasty). It is performed by a urologist.

When inconvenience is unbearable

Any man is afraid of the operation, this forces him to endure the inconvenience of a short bridle. This is not only the inferiority of sexual intercourse, but almost always an additional injury to the short frenulum with pain, bleeding. The healing of the injury takes at least two weeks (so much is needed for the formation of a scar). Reasons for the need for surgery:

  • Pain, bleeding.
  • Psychological trauma due to inferiority of sexual intercourse.
  • Progression of shortening of the frenulum with the formation of persistent impotence.
  • Male infertility due to early ejaculation.

These factors are most often the reason for visiting a doctor. After the operation, the source of all these ailments is eliminated, which makes the life of a man full.

How to prepare

The decision to perform the operation is made by the urologist or surgeon after examination and preparation of the patient. Before starting the intervention, you must be sure that there will be no complications during its implementation. To do this, the patient is explained how long the operation takes, what plastic surgery is, how to prepare for the procedure.

  1. There should be no acute inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the operation. Body temperature should be normal. Usually, intervention is postponed if there is an acute infectious disease of any localization. It reduces immunity, makes it difficult to heal, and can be the cause of inflammatory complications. The surgeon decides how many days to postpone the procedure.
  2. The presence of chronic inflammation of the urogenital area is excluded. For this, a man is examined for blood for STIs (sexually transmitted infections), syphilis, HIV, and a general urine test is prescribed. How much does research cost, specify in the laboratory.
  3. The blood coagulation system is being studied to prevent the risk of postoperative bleeding (general blood test, coagulogram). The essence of the intervention is explained to the man (sometimes shown on video or referred to video sources on the Internet). They specify how much the procedure costs, how to behave after the operation at home. The price of the procedure in different clinics ranges from 4,000–10,000 rubles.

Intervention progress

Plastic frenulum of the foreskin is carried out in several ways. The most preferred method is the dissection of the frenulum with ligation of damaged vessels, suturing.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia under sterile conditions. Rarely, but it is quite possible to carry it out under anesthesia (if you are allergic to local anesthetics, at the request of the patient). After dissection of the skin, bleeding is stopped by ligation of the vessels or coagulation of the edges of the wound using a laser, inductothermy.

It is considered mandatory to suture the edges of the wound, which improves the healing process. This prevents a complication in the form of a divergence of the edges of the wound with rough scarring. However, the final decision on the need for sutures, how many to apply, is made by the surgeon during the intervention. After suturing, an aseptic dressing is used.

In the intimate life and reproductive system of every man, the frenulum of the foreskin plays an important role, which is a longitudinal fold of skin on the lower surface between the glans penis and the foreskin.

It performs the functions of a natural regulator, which is responsible for exposing the head during erection, coordinating its bending and preventing the prepuce from moving below a certain area.

The frenulum of the foreskin is an extremely fragile mechanism that can fail at any moment. Due to the numerous nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels, this small fold of skin is highly sensitive.

The number of receptors in it is much higher than in the head. During intimacy, it periodically stretches, thereby accelerating arousal and orgasm.

The natural functioning of the penis largely depends on this small leather strip. Defects can lead to early ejaculation and subsequently to impotence.

Due to pain and bleeding, a man, fearing a repetition of the gap, restrains himself during intercourse, thereby complicating the process of achieving orgasm, not only physically, but also psychologically. The result is complete erectile dysfunction. That is why for any suspicious symptoms, redness and pain, you should consult a urologist.

Many men are sure that circumcision can solve the problem once and for all. But it is not necessary to go to such extreme measures. If the discomfort is caused by any defect of the frenulum, it can be eliminated with a simple plastic surgery.

Frenulotomy in urology

Frenulotomy (from the Latin frenulum - frenulum and ancient Greek tome - cutting) - surgical dissection of the frenulum of the foreskin. In urology, indications for frenulotomy are congenital and acquired short frenulum, which causes difficulty and pain during intercourse, tears and tears, accompanied by bleeding.

The operation itself takes only 15-20 minutes. Age restrictions are not provided. Preliminary medical preparation is also not required. The only preoperative action is a thorough treatment of the penis. After that, the patient is given anesthesia.

Photo: the course of the operation
In this case, you should follow the rules for the use of anesthesia in accordance with the age categories of citizens. For children under 12 years of age, intravenous anesthesia is provided, for adults, the anesthetic is injected directly into the skin of the penis.

A few minutes after the introduction of the anesthetic, the surgeon proceeds to frenulotomy. The frenulum is dissected with a scalpel in the transverse direction, a ligature is applied to the crossed artery, and the edges of the resulting wound are sutured in the longitudinal direction. If a rough scar is found on the patient's genitals, formed due to previous breaks and tears of the frenulum, it is immediately removed. After the end of the operation, a gauze roller is applied to the wound.

Photo: operation technique

For all stages of frenulotomy, the patient will spend a maximum of half an hour. Hospitalization is not required. The patient can return to daily activities immediately after the operation.

Video: Plastic frenulum of the foreskin of the penis

Caution: Y-plastic!

In addition to transverse incision in surgery, another method of plasty of the frenulum of the foreskin is used - the so-called Y-plastic. Due to the poor effect, this method has not gained such popularity as frenulotomy.

The risk of phimosis is most likely during Y-plasty. In addition to a scar of an unaesthetic appearance, a narrowing of the foreskin is formed, which delivers even more physical suffering to the patient.

Bridle operation

Of all the defects of the frenulum of the foreskin known to medicine, the most common is its lack of elasticity and length. A short frenulum can be either a congenital defect or an acquired one.

Photo: before and after circumcision

The cause of deformation of this part of the male genital organ can be a trauma. During intercourse, a frenulum defect gives a man inconvenience and discomfort, since the foreskin does not move properly, leaving the head half-closed. In addition, pain may occur during arousal.

With intense friction, inflammation of the frenulum and even more serious injuries can occur. Healing an injured organ is a rather lengthy process. If it is torn, you should immediately contact a specialist, since it is often impossible to stop the bleeding without surgical assistance.

Healing can also take place naturally. However, a scar is formed at the site of the injury, the length of the frenulum becomes even smaller, and the frequency of premature ejaculations will increase. Deciding whether to suture or not is up to the doctor, not the patient.

The soft and plastic scar that will remain after plastic surgery will look quite aesthetically pleasing and will not cause any inconvenience. However, until the wound heals completely, it may occur due to infection.

To avoid complications, the patient should:

  • follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • treat the wound with the means prescribed by the doctor;
  • refrain from intimate life and masturbation until the final healing of the wound.
  • Contraindications for surgery
  • Contraindications are:
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • immunodeficiency states, in particular HIV, AIDS.

Do you want to know what septoplasty is and why the postoperative period is quite uncomfortable on the first day? We advise you to read.

Laser application

Previously, frenulum defects were removed surgically. The operation consisted of a transverse incision of the skin fold, followed by longitudinal stitching. Today, laser technologies are actively used in medicine, including for performing operations on the genitals.

With their help, the release of blood during the operation is minimized, suturing small incisions is not required, since the edges are sealed together. It would seem that the use of laser and radio wave instruments should reduce the risk of complications. But a short experience of their application revealed serious shortcomings of laser technology. Since the male genital organ does not have a constant size due to natural physiological reasons, the use of the so-called "seamless" technique turned out to be impossible.

The edges of the wound soldered with a laser tool diverge with minimal erection, as a result of which there is a need for their additional fixation.

Before the final healing, it will be necessary to fix the edges of the wound several times. As a result, due to repeated fixation on the penis, a rough, completely non-aesthetic scar is formed, which will cause problems during intercourse, in particular premature ejaculation.

We must not forget that when using laser and radio wave instruments, the risk of injuring the urethra and other external and internal genital organs increases significantly.

Fideo: Male circumcision

Price for the operation

The price includes consultations, anesthesia, surgery, removal of sutures, dressings. The price of frenulotomy also depends on the category of complexity. But most importantly, literally immediately after plastic surgery, a man can lead a normal life, without pain and discomfort.

The only restriction is abstinence from sexual intercourse and following the doctor's recommendations.

Frenuloplasty (plastic frenulum of the penis) is a fairly common type of plastic surgery in urology. We are talking about the dissection of the short frenulum of the penis, followed by the formation of a new frenulum of optimal length.

The frenulum is a median fold of the inner sheet of the foreskin, which passes to the base of the glans penis, and is located on the posterior surface of the penis. The frenulum acts as a natural regulator responsible for exposing the glans penis during erection, for coordinating the bending of the glans. This small strip of skin is largely responsible for the natural functioning of the penis.

Cost of short frenuloplasty

Sign up for plastic surgery of a short frenulum

Any frenulum defects can provoke early ejaculation, and then lead to impotence, not to mention painful sensations during intercourse, low self-esteem, and so on.

A short frenulum is a congenital pathology in which the frenulum is of insufficient length, which leads to its tension during erection and pain during intercourse. Frenulum tears may occur, leading to scarring and further shortening of the frenulum. In addition, with a short frenulum, the risk of frenulum infection and the development of inflammatory diseases increases.

Experts recommend doing a frenulotomy without waiting until the frenulum of the penis breaks. Plastic surgery of the penis frenulum is indicated for a short frenulum. If you have one or more of the symptoms listed below, a visit to a specialist is recommended:

  • severe pain during intercourse in the frenulum;
  • downward tilt of the penis during erection;
  • small tears in the frenulum after intercourse;
  • frenulum injury, accompanied by heavy bleeding.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin: the possibilities of modern medicine

The problem of a short bridle is of most concern to young men who have an active sex life. Before surgery, the patient must undergo a preoperative examination to rule out possible contraindications to surgical intervention (usually a clinical blood test, a blood test for clotting time, hepatitis B, C, HIV, syphilis).

Frenuloplasty provides a 100% guarantee of the absence of ruptures during sexual intercourse and reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases to a minimum.

In fact, frenulotomy is a simple operation that is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis and lasts no more than 10-20 minutes. During the operation, the frenulum is cut across, a ligature is applied to the cut artery, then the wound is sutured with thin threads in the longitudinal direction. It is also possible to remove scars from previous injuries of the frenulum, which leads to an increase in the elasticity of the frenulum of the foreskin.