The Last Years of Maxim Gorky. The meaning of the name Maxim, the origin, character and fate of the name Maxim

According to Mendelev

Pretty good, gentle, cold name. His main features: "slow", "sedentary", "reliable" - are not particularly pronounced and intense, but still allow us to define Maxim as a calm and reliable person.

He is slow-witted and achieves great success in his field, whether it is a working profession, science or entrepreneurship, thanks to perseverance and colossal diligence. He is not inclined to abstract reasoning, he is down to earth and agrees that practice is the best judge and criterion of truth.

Maxim is closed, laconic, even secretive. By temperament, he is phlegmatic, it is difficult, even almost impossible, to piss him off. He has a strong will and a very stable psyche.

With women, perhaps, he is indecisive, and in family life it can be difficult with him: having married, he does not change his tastes and habits and does not rub well in a married couple.

Max is a larger and more powerful person, just as cold and slow, but less bright. Maxim's sign of "good" is much more pronounced - he is slowly but surely progressing.

He has few friends, but they are all loyal. Only being among friends, Maxim becomes more cheerful, active and mobile for a while, overcoming his coldness, isolation and aloofness.

He loves and pampers his children. This love is mutual, although children grow up not at all so constrained and phlegmatic.

Name colors are red and blue.

1. Personality: men moving forward

2. Color: orange

3. Main features: intuition - reaction speed - sexuality - health

4. Totem plant: ash

5. Spirit animal: mink

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. Balanced choleric: it seems that they are about to explode, but this does not happen. They manage to be great and consummate mediators. They are hardy and flexible, like their totem - ash.

8. Psyche. They are extroverts, have an innate diplomacy and a gift for understanding people. They know how to be objective.

9. Will. These are determined men.

10. Excitability. They know how to convince people, and when it comes to feelings and love, they are simply unsurpassed actors!

11. Speed ​​of reaction. These men are incredibly arrogant and simply obsessed with their pride. They take great care to ensure that no one takes advantage of their generosity...

12. Field of activity. They work only for themselves. Most of them are self-taught, at least in the area that leads them to success. They learn from life itself, not from universities.

13. Intuition. We can say that they have an excellent sense of smell, besides, they also have a good knowledge of psychology.

14. Intelligence. They are endowed with a vivid imagination, an amazing memory and a sense of humor. They have a talent for manipulating people.

15. Susceptibility. They strive to be loved, but do not want someone else's feeling to become a burden for them. They feel like they are in charge of life. Sincerely want to help others. They manage to realize their talents.

16. Morality. They try to adhere to generally accepted moral principles, but it is better not to get in their way.

17. Health. The instinct of self-preservation is highly developed. Weak organs - kidneys, urinary tract, prostate.

18. Sexuality. Such men are sensitive, even despotic. Their sex life depends on many factors: on the role that the family plays for them, on the success they aspire to. Sex is important to them, but not the most important thing in life.

19. Activity. Life is treated like a lottery.

20. Sociability. Very sociable, cordial and simple in communication.

21. Conclusion. By marrying, they achieve a position where the wives fulfill their whims and indulge their weaknesses.

By Higiru

It comes from the Latin word "maximus" - the greatest.

Neither the parents nor the teachers know the trouble with this boy and place a lot of hopes on him. What Maxim is interested in: he collects stamps, reads books that are not included in the program, goes to children's performances. He has a rich imagination and varied knowledge. But with adult Maxim, not everything is going well. The trouble is that he lacks strong-willed qualities, he is not confident in himself, he lacks perseverance and assertiveness in business. He lacks "penetrating" abilities, and the habit of doubting everything undermines faith in success. It is good if there is a person next to him who understands this and provides him with moral support. Maxim lives with an open mind, he is friendly to people, sympathizes with them and is always ready to help. Setting only on a good beginning in a person prevents Maxim from distinguishing good people from bad ones, and he often suffers from this. Not a careerist, but if he gets carried away with something, he reaches great heights.

Maksims make good photographers, journalists, and politicians. Required.

Maxim very early begins to get involved in girls. Before marriage, he knows all the delights of an intimate life with a woman. He conquers them with his patience: he will calmly wait for his wife to look away from the mirror, although there are only a few minutes left before the concert, he will remain calm even when she, annoyed by the troubles at work, “breaks loose” on her husband. Maxim's patience is truly limitless, but this does not mean that one can neglect his opinion. When starting some business, making a decision, it is better to find out what Maxim thinks about this - this is extremely important for him for self-affirmation.

He loves children, willingly takes them to Kindergarten and read fairy tales. Maxim usually has no problems with his wife's parents. Amorous, but it rarely comes to treason. This is partly due to the fact that powerful women are chosen as wives of Maxima and are a little afraid of them. Maxim should be kept away from alcohol and drugs.

Successful marriage with Vesta, Violetta, Zinaida, Lydia, Margarita, Nina, Raisa, Yana. The probability of a lasting marriage with Antonina, Lyubov, Olga, Ella or Yulia is small.

According to D. and N. Zima

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Although Maxim manages to taste the forbidden fruit and join the intimate side of life before many of his friends, promiscuity is alien to him. Maxim's sexual need is largely determined by his attitude towards his partner. For him, her reciprocal trust, emotional attachment are also very important. Maxim appreciates the beauty of his girlfriend, at the moment of intimacy he tells her about it, enveloping intimate relationships with a veil of romance.

For “summer” Maxim, a woman’s love evokes a natural reciprocal feeling, but at the moment of intimacy he often disappoints his partner, because he loves not so much her as himself in this love, and he does not always manage to realize his sexual talent. For him this problem

is not insurmountable, Maxim is characterized by a certain simplicity of feelings, he is able to soberly look at things and not panic. He is able to cope with any psychological obstacle. Maxim strives for mutual orgasm, for him this is a way to assert himself in sex and achieve relaxation. He wants his partner to love him, speak affectionate words, admire him - from her words he comes into a special excitement. In all manifestations of intimacy, Maxim tries to be open, assuming the same openness of his girlfriend. He does not try to change partners often, and when he gets married, he rarely cheats on his wife. Maxim manages to think before acting, caution and intuition help him overcome the difficulties of communicating with a new partner. Sex for Maxim is quite a serious thing to act spontaneously, without thinking it over in detail.

Before deciding what name the future baby will have, it would be good to decide what you want to see the fate of your child. After all, a name is destiny, and what kind of “baggage” you hand over to a child with him depends only on you.

Finding out the meaning of the name Maxim and naming your son that way means giving him a special fate ...

Characteristics of the name Maxim

The nature and fate of the name

What is the meaning of the name Maxim for a boy? What fate awaits a child named by this ancient name?

All Maxims in childhood are quiet, a little timid boys. By nature, they are soft, and even somewhat weak-willed. Although Maksimka is independent as a child, and his parents do not know about his worries, he needs to feel all the time that he is loved and needed. Affectionate, like a kitten, Maksimka charms everyone with her smile, so grandmothers, educators, and teachers do not notice shortcomings in him and let pranks get away with it.

From early childhood, perseverance and stubbornness accompany Maxim, causing a lot of trouble, since it is useless to argue with the boy, friends and relatives immediately understand this. Silent acceptance by others of all Maximkin's beliefs plays a cruel joke with him: self-confidence and arrogance, vanity and pride develop. It is important to help Maksimka cope with these qualities of his character, because character and fate are closely interconnected. To learn to control the character means to make fate submissive.

The characterization of the name "Maxim" is generally very positive. A child with this name has an excellent memory, developed perseverance, good intuition and a great desire to be the best of the best, so they study well at Maxim's school.

Maxim the teenager manages to manipulate others well, but he himself does not become an object of manipulation. But Max is the object of attention of the opposite sex almost from the cradle. An excellent sense of humor, ease of communication, sincerity and spontaneity attract girls, and Maxim successfully uses this. However, it is very difficult for a young man to find the one and only among them.

In his youth, Maxim refers to life simply, perceives it as an adventure, which wins people over. Those who are fascinated by Maxim are ready to follow him everywhere. He has a wide circle of contacts, but there are only a few real, congenial people around, because Maxim, thanks to intuition, manages to weed out "not his" people in time.

Maxim the man is no longer so confident in himself, perseverance and perseverance are replaced by uncertainty and a certain fear of being "not there and not with that." It is very important that during this period he was with him close person- a wife, a friend, or at least elderly parents. Maxim needs support in his adult life. Now the circle of his "admirers" is narrowing due to Maxim's habit of being straightforward, which often hurts the pride of others.

The presence of "magical" patrons in his life: talismans and charms can help Maxim feel more confident.


Amethyst is a stone for Maxim, his talisman and powerful assistant. The name in translation from Greek means literally "not drunk". A stone of an unusual color, the origin of which has a legend. It is said that Bacchus, the god of winemaking, was angry with the human tribe for disrespecting it and swore that the first person to pass along the path would be torn to pieces by ferocious tigers. But he did not expect that the beautiful nymph Amethyst would be the victim. When the tigers rushed after the beauty, she begged heaven for help. The prayer was heard, and Amethyst became a stone that the tigers were too tough for. Realizing what he had done, Bacchus began to pour wine over the stone, confident that it revives everything. But the stone only changed its color. Since then, he has been considered a fighter against drunkenness. In the Christian tradition, amethyst is a symbol of humility and modesty.

And amethyst brings great luck athletes, hunters and those who go on a long journey. As a gift, a stone is presented to loved ones in the hope of reciprocal feelings.


A ring with an amethyst will perfectly serve as a talisman for Maxim, he will protect his owner from bad habits, the evil eye and maintain health, which Maxim can not always boast of.

The color of the name Maxim

The talisman colors for Maxim are red and raspberry, as well as orange and turquoise.


Seven is the number of Maxim - a lot of mystical has long been associated with it. People of this number are idealists and maximalists. In companies, they are clear leaders, but this is only an appearance: in the soul of the "seven" they are alone. Hence the inconstancy in relationships - it is difficult to find a half that will force out spiritual loneliness.


Pluto patronizes Maxim - a symbol of destruction, rebirth, beginning and end. The ancient Roman tradition revered Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, the world of the dead. This left an imprint on the character and behavior of people whose horoscope is closely connected with Pluto. Inconsistency dominates these people: authoritativeness on the verge of cruelty coexists peacefully with natural sensitivity and compassion.


Of all the four elements, Water is the closest to Maxim. People of Water are distinguished by intuition and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations with minimal losses.


Winter, harsh and beautiful, is the season that patronizes the Maxims. In the character of a person, Winter manifests itself with such features as rigidity, external severity, although by nature “winter” people are thin and vulnerable.


The mink is the animal talisman of all Maxims. The animal as a symbol is contradictory: on the one hand, it personifies foresight, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and on the other hand, the disharmony of one’s own “I”, the search for one’s destiny and life path.


Ash, fuchsia - two completely different plants speak perfectly about the character and fate of their ward. Ash is a magical tree revered by warlocks, clairvoyants and white magicians. It symbolizes the connection between life and death. Fuchsia is a symbol of supreme power. It represents creativity, intuition and spirituality.


Capricorn is the most successful sign of the zodiac in the fate of Maxim.


Perhaps the most mysterious of all the metals discovered on Earth went to Maxim as patrons. This is mercury. She is associated with the feminine, attributed such features as inconstancy, elusiveness, coldness. The desire for transformation, a change in state - that's what mercury is, these traits are also inherent in people under its auspices.

Name Description


Maxim is the owner of a flexible and mobile mind. Maxim's thinking is inquisitive, and a good memory contributes to high learning ability.


You don’t have to worry about Maxim’s morality: the norms of behavior and morality for this person are not an empty phrase. This affects both friendship and love. But when Maxim's interests are threatened, Maxim is able to cross the line of morality without hesitation.


Only those who do not know him at all can call Maxim an unbalanced person. The stress resistance of the owner of this name is amazing: it seems that there is nothing that can piss him off. However, others may suffer from Maxim, because he is sure that the whole world belongs to him, and not everyone wants to be part of this “world”.

Maxim is an extrovert.

Calmness, composure are the character traits of this person. Depending on the time of the year when Maxim was born, psychology can differ significantly. So, Maxim, born in the summer, is very kind, sensitive and sympathetic. "Winter", on the contrary, is more cruel, cunning. "Autumn" - has the most balanced psyche, and "spring" maxim is easily injured, here the feminine principle manifests itself most.


People with this name, leading an active lifestyle, may be injured, but a sharp instinct for self-preservation protects against serious traumatic situations. Born in July, Maxim is predisposed to suffer from bronchitis, sinusitis, and is prone to scoliosis, which is why it is so important to strengthen the back and neck muscles from childhood. “Summers” often have speech therapy problems: burr, non-pronunciation / replacement of certain sounds. Those born in November-December may have hepatitis in childhood; kidneys are weakened from colds (nephritis and pyelonephritis). In old age, rheumatism, polyarthritis and cardiovascular diseases can pursue.


Books and sports beckon Maksimov from early childhood. For "winter" not on last place technique. People with this name carry their hobbies throughout their lives.


How Maxim realizes his abilities largely depends on people close to him. Feeling the support, Maxim will go to the end where his heart beckons him. In the period of growing up, he shows considerable promise: he is fond of biology and mathematics, sports and theatrical art. But self-doubt can prevent you from realizing yourself in these directions.


Even if it is not possible to realize youthful ambitions in the profession, Max will still do what he likes. Where flight of thought and fantasy are professionally important qualities, Maxim will find his calling: artist, journalist, photographer, writer or actor.

Even if life does not lead Maxim along a creative path, this person can successfully work as a banker, a politician, and a diplomat. However, a businessman from Maxim is unlikely to succeed - his entrepreneurial acumen is poorly developed. But as a partner, he will be very useful: intuition and insight will make the business successful.


Maxim is popular with women, but he is in no hurry to pour out his feelings until he makes sure that he is the one in front of him: the one and only. He will look for a woman close in spirit and hobbies. But until he meets her, he can break a lot of girlish hearts, because he perceives relationships without love as a game.

Do not be surprised if mature women appear in his life, much older than he is. Maxims cheat on partners very rarely, only if they are sure that the new passion is that same love.


Although physical proximity Maxim learns early, it is impossible to call him licentious, he remains faithful to his chosen one.

In sexual relations, Maxim is passionate and sensual, it is important for him that the pleasure of intimacy is mutual. But the partner should try too: Maxim needs kind words, gentle touches, frankness and full dedication to feelings on her part.

A woman who is sensual, temperamental and tender at the same time will bind Maxim to herself with a long sexual relationship.

Marriage / Family

In marriage, Maxim cheats on his wife very rarely, and only if he understands that the intimate side of married life has cracked. This constancy is facilitated by the fact that Maxim chooses his wife for a long time and in detail. When children appear, Maxim the father realizes himself in a new capacity without a trace.

Quarrels and swearing in Maxim's family are rare, because he understood from childhood: a bad world is preferable to a good scandal. He easily compromises, respecting the opinion of his soul mate. However, the difficult character of Maxim will not be able to put up for a long time if a woman with a stronger character is caught in his wife: Maxim will not tolerate pressure on himself.

In general, with rare exceptions, Maxim is a kind family man and a zealous host.

Name origin

What does the name mean (interpretation)

The origin of the name Maxim is Latin. What does the name Maxim mean? This name was borne by a great and ancient Roman family. The interpretation of the name is somewhat different: despite the fact that the name is considered to be derived from Maximilian, this is not so, because the names of Maxim and Maximilian are different.

The origin of the name has deep ancient pagan roots, but the name exists in both the Orthodox and Catholic traditions.

Name translation

Translation of the name from Latin: maximus - literally "great".

This meaning of the name is used today for the name of the value - the maximum, that is, the maximum

Name history

The name was glorified in the XIV century by the Monk Maxim Kavsokalivit, who, having left home at the age of 17, took monastic vows. After the death of his mentor, the elder Mark of Macedon, Maximus wandered in the guise of a holy fool, carrying the teachings of Christ. Wherever the holy fool stopped, he built a grass hut - kaliva, and leaving, set it on fire, for which he received the nickname Kavsokalivit (burning his kaliva).

In Russian Orthodox Church Since the 17th century, Saint Maximus of Totemsky has been especially revered, who during his lifetime became famous for miraculous deeds - he healed seriously ill patients, passing in the guise of a holy fool for 45 years.

The name was popular in Russia from the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, today it is gaining popularity again.

Forms (analogues) of the name

A derivative of Maxim is the name Max, popular as an independent name in Europe and America. The diminutive name sounds like Maksimka, Maximushka, Maksyuta, Maksya, Masya, Maka, Sima.

Name in English

How do you spell and pronounce Maxim in English? It is important to know this when issuing, for example, a passport or when sending international telegrams. The correct spelling is without the "X": Maksim (Maxim).

Name on different languages peace

How does this name sound in different languages ​​of the world?

  • in English: Maksim (Maxim);
  • in German: Maximilian (Maximilian);
  • in Polish: Maksym (Maxim);
  • in Italian: . Massimo (Massimo),
  • in Spanish: Máximo (Maximo);
  • in Chinese: 马克西姆 (Makeshimu);
  • in Japanese: マクシム (Makushima).

The secret of the name Maxim

What is the secret of the name Maxim?

name patrons

The heavenly patrons of Maxim are:

  • Martyrs Maxim Rumyantsev (February 8, August 13), Maxim the Guard of the Prison (December 5), Maxim of Adrianople (March 4), Maxim of Asia (May 27), Maxim African (April 23), Maxim of Ozoviy (May 11) , Maxim Rimsky (Aug. 24).
  • Maxim Grek (July 4, February 3), Maxim Moskovsky, holy fool for Christ's sake (Aug. 26), Maxim Totemsky (January 29), Maxim Kavsokalivit (January 26), and so on.

Angel Day (name day)

In the Orthodox tradition, the day of the name (the day of memory of the patron saint) can have several dates in the year. Name days should be celebrated correctly on the next day of the saint after the birthday of Maxim.

  • Winter: 5 and 29 December; January 26 and 29; 3.5, February 19.
  • Spring: March 4 and 19; April 2 and 23; 4, 11, 13 and 27 May.
  • Summer: June 1, 4, 30; July 1, 4, 11, 18, 20; 12, 24, 26 August.
  • Autumn: 2, 18, 28 September; 3, 8 and 22 October; 5, 10, 12 and 24 November.

Famous people

What famous people named Maxim are the most famous in Russia?

  • Maxim Dunayevsky - composer;
  • Maxim Shostakovich - conductor;
  • Maxim Averin - actor;
  • Maxim Leonidov - singer;
  • Maxim Fadeev - producer;
  • Maxim Gorky, Maxim Bogdanovich - writers;
  • Maxim Galkin, showman;
  • Olympic figure skating champion Maxim Marinin.

Maxim name compatibility

To be sure that Maxim's marriage will be strong, it is important to know the compatibility of his names with his wife.

Maxim and Maxima

Despite the fact that this is a union of namesakes, you cannot call it simple: both demanding, temperamental spouses often cannot come to an understanding. But in intimate life they are ideal partners for each other.

Maxim and Alice

The union of Maxim and Alice is a marriage "on an equal footing." They intuitively understand each other.

Maxim and Valeria

A difficult union in which each of the partners seeks to dominate. Without the ability to compromise, this marriage will not be strong.

Maxim and Anna

Next to the calm and economic Anna, Maxim will quickly forget about his “feats”, become an exemplary family man.

Maxim and Daria

With Daria, Maxim will be able to forget about romance forever. Both are rationalists who have everything planned in advance; they perfectly paint and live their lives together.

Maxim and Rosa

With Rosa, Maxim will understand what is not only physical pleasure, but also spiritual intimacy. Marriage lasts as long as the spouses are interested in each other intimately.

Maxim and Polina

Maxim and Maria

The union of Maxim and Mary is ideal. All the whims of her beloved will be satisfied by Maxim, for which Mary will give him love without a trace. In this pair, a woman is a “battery”, feeding her man with inexhaustible energy.

Maxim and Anastasia

These two understand each other without words. Common priorities in life make the union strong and durable.

Maxim and Victoria

In the joint life of Vika and Max, not only love is a bringing force together, but also friendship and common interests. These partners have a particularly strong marriage when both are creative personalities.

Maxim and Yana

What can bring Max and Yana together? Love for publicity! As long as the relationship of these people is on everyone's mind and on the lips, they will be long and strong. Their reputation is the most precious thing in this marriage. And while they both want to have it flawless, the marriage will last without burdening any of the partners.

Maxim and Vladimir

"Great" and "Possessing the world" in their union do not get along easily. But if they have a common goal, they are ready to go hand in hand towards it all their lives.

Maxim and Alina

With Alina, Maxim's marriage will quickly cool down from passion, but love will come to replace it. Relationships are smooth and calm, they can last a lifetime. In marriage, the interests of the family are given priority by both spouses, even to the detriment of their own.

Maxim and Elena

With Elena, Maxim will never get bored. Their marriage is like a kaleidoscope - not a day like the previous one.

Maxim and Evgeniya

Without the ability to compromise, such a marriage will not last long. Maxim soon gets tired of Eugenia's frivolity and frivolity. We must learn to listen and understand each other, then all is not lost.

Maxim and Yesenia

The union of these people is like a well-learned duet song: everything is smooth and harmonious. There are no taboos in their sexual life. This is one of those marriages that are made once and for all.

Maxim and Ekaterina

This couple is rare in strength in terms of friendship. But the lack of passion will quickly lead to a breakdown in relationships.

Maxim and Olga

Olga charms Maxim with confidence, but he soon becomes annoyed by Olga's desire to be the subject of admiration and be the center of attention. She will have to change in order to save the marriage.

Maxim and Pelageya

Together, this couple is a symbol of cheerfulness. Even with disagreements, the peace in this family is indestructible. Pelageya and Maxim prioritize caring for loved ones and each other,

Maxim and Veronica

Usually, fate rarely brings the owners of these names together: they are diametrically opposed in character. Such an alliance will be full of indecision and innuendo, and on their basis - misunderstanding.

Maxim and Sofia

Despite his harshness, Maxim gets along excellently with the soft-spoken Sophia. Their relationship is harmonious, stable - after all, in this union, Maxim is completely in charge.

Maxim and Kira

This story is not about love at first sight. Perhaps, at first, Kira and Maxim will not get along. But the more they get to know each other, the closer their affection will become, which can result in a long and happy marriage.

Maxim and Arina

It seems that Arina and Maxim are simply made to take care of each other. This marriage is filled with tenderness and mutual understanding.

Maxim and Ksenia

Ksenia is independent and proactive, and it can be difficult for Maxim to come to terms with this. In this couple, the preservation of the relationship lies on the shoulders of the woman: if Ksenia is wiser, everything can work out.

Maxim and Tatiana

Tatyana is the same, moderately domineering, under whose tutelage the indecisive Maxim will be calm and simple.

Maxim and Milana

For monogamous Maxim Milan is the embodiment of femininity. In this couple, one love for two. A very successful and happy union.

Maxim and Marina

Marina herself does not know what she wants, and the rationalist Maxim does not understand this attitude to life. Such an alliance cannot be called lasting.

Maxim and Maya

In marriage, these people are full partners. And, although quarrels happen often, reconciliation from this is even sweeter. In sex life, they are perfect for each other. Already on this alone, their union is strong and long.


A name is not only a word to which its owner responds. The name is fate. And, if we talk about the name Maxim, this fate is quite favorable to its owner. If there are men with that name among your acquaintances, you can make sure that they are good people. You can't go wrong by naming your child this way.

Alexey Peshkov, known in literary circles as Maxim Gorky, was born in Nizhny Novgorod. Alexei's father died, in 1871, when the future writer was only 3 years old, his mother lived only a little longer, leaving her son an orphan at 11 years old. For further care, the boy was sent to the family of his maternal grandfather Vasily Kashirin.

It was not the cloudless life in his grandfather's house that made Alexei switch to his own bread from childhood. Getting food, Peshkov worked as a messenger, washed dishes, baked bread. Later, the future writer will talk about this in one of the parts of the autobiographical trilogy called "Childhood".

In 1884, young Peshkov aspired to pass the exams at Kazan University, but to no avail. Difficulties in life, the unexpected death of his own grandmother, who was a good friend of Alexei, lead him to despair and attempted suicide. The bullet did not hit the young man's heart, but this incident doomed him to lifelong respiratory weakness.

In a thirst for changes in the state structure, young Alexey contacts the Marxists. In 1888 he was arrested for anti-state propaganda. After his release, the future writer is engaged in wandering, calling this period of his life his "universities".

The first steps of creativity

Since 1892, having returned to his native place, Alexei Peshkov became a journalist. The first articles of the young author are published under the pseudonym Yehudiel Khlamida (from the Greek cloak and dagger), but soon the writer comes up with another name for himself - Maxim Gorky. With the word "bitter" the writer strives to show the "bitter" life of the people and the desire to describe the "bitter" truth.

The first work of the master of the word was the story "Makar Chudra", published in 1892. Following him, the world saw other stories "Old Woman Izergil", "Chelkash", "Song of the Falcon", " former people"and others (1895-1897).

Literary rise and popularity

In 1898, the collection Essays and Stories was published, which brought fame to Maxim Gorky among the masses. The main characters of the stories were the lower classes of society, enduring the unprecedented hardships of life. The suffering of the "tramps" the author displayed in the most exaggerated form, in order to create a simulated pathos of "humanity". In his works, Gorky nurtured the idea of ​​the unity of the working class, protecting the social, political and cultural heritage of Russia.

The next revolutionary impulse, openly hostile to tsarism, was the Song of the Petrel. As a punishment for calling for a fight against the autocracy, Maxim Gorky was expelled from Nizhny Novgorod and recalled from the members of the Imperial Academy. Remaining in close ties with Lenin and other revolutionaries, Gorky wrote the play "At the Bottom" and a number of other plays that received recognition in Russia, Europe and the United States. At this time (1904-1921), the writer connects his life with the actress and admirer of Bolshevism, Maria Andreeva, breaking ties with his first wife, Ekaterina Peshkova.


In 1905, after the December armed rebellion, fearing arrest, Maxim Gorky went abroad. Gathering support for the Bolshevik Party, the writer visits Finland, Great Britain, the USA, gets acquainted with famous writers Mark Twain, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. But the trip to America turns out to be not cloudless for the writer, because soon they begin to accuse him of supporting the local revolutionaries, as well as violating moral rights.

Not daring to go to Russia, from 1906 to 1913 the revolutionary lives on the island of Capri, where he creates a new philosophical system, which is vividly displayed in the novel Confession (1908).

Return to the fatherland

An amnesty for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty allowed the writer to return to Russia in 1913. Continuing his active creative and civic activities, Gorky publishes the key parts of the autobiographical trilogy: 1914 - "Childhood", 1915-1916 - "In People".

During the First World War and the October Revolution, Gorky's Petersburg apartment became the site of regular Bolshevik meetings. But the situation changed dramatically a few weeks after the revolution, when the writer explicitly accused the Bolsheviks, in particular Lenin and Trotsky, of lust for power and the falsity of the intentions of creating democracy. The newspaper Novaya Zhizn, which was published by Gorky, became the object of persecution by censorship.

Together with the prosperity of communism, criticism of Gorky decreased and soon the writer met Lenin personally, admitting his mistakes.

Staying from 1921 to 1932 in Germany and Italy, Maxim Gorky writes the final part of the trilogy entitled "My Universities" (1923), and is also being treated for tuberculosis.

The last years of the writer's life

In 1934, Gorky was appointed head of the Union of Soviet Writers. As a sign of gratitude from the government, he receives a luxurious mansion in Moscow.

AT last years creativity, the writer was closely associated with Stalin, in every possible way supporting the policy of the dictator in his literary works. In this regard, Maxim Gorky is called the founder of a new trend in literature - socialist realism, which is more associated with communist propaganda than with artistic talent. The writer died on June 18, 1936.


Return to Soviet Union


Stories, essays


Movie incarnations

Also known as Alexei Maksimovich Gorky(at birth Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov; March 16 (28), 1868, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian empire- June 18, 1936, Gorki, Moscow region, USSR) - Russian writer, prose writer, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, famous for portraying a romanticized declassed character (“tramp”), an author of works with a revolutionary tendency, personally close to the Social Democrats, who was in opposition to the tsarist regime, Gorky quickly gained world fame.

At first, Gorky was skeptical about the Bolshevik revolution. After several years of cultural work in Soviet Russia, the city of Petrograd (Vsemirnaya Literatura publishing house, a petition to the Bolsheviks for those arrested) and life abroad in the 1920s (Marienbad, Sorrento), Gorky returned to the USSR, where he was surrounded for the last years of his life official recognition as a "petrel of the revolution" and "a great proletarian writer", the founder of socialist realism.

Member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (1929).


Aleksey Maksimovich invented his pseudonym himself. Subsequently, he told me: “I shouldn’t write in literature - Peshkov ...” (A. Kalyuzhny) You can learn more about his biography in his autobiographical stories “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”.


Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter (according to another version - the manager of the Astrakhan shipping company I. S. Kolchin) - Maxim Savvatevich Peshkov (1839-1871). Mother - Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina (1842-1879). Gorky's grandfather, Savvaty Peshkov, rose to the rank of officer, but was demoted and exiled to Siberia "for cruel treatment of the lower ranks," after which he signed up as a tradesman. His son Maxim ran away from his father-satrap five times and left home forever at the age of 17. Orphaned at an early age, Gorky spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 11 he was forced to go "to the people"; worked as a "boy" at a store, as a buffet utensil on a steamer, as a baker, studied at an icon-painting workshop, etc.


  • In 1884 he tried to enter Kazan University. He got acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.
  • In 1888 he was arrested for his connection with the circle of N. E. Fedoseev. He was under constant police surveillance. In October 1888 he entered as a watchman at the Dobrinka station of the Gryase-Tsaritsyno railway. Impressions from staying in Dobrinka will serve as the basis for the autobiographical story "The Watchman" and the story "For the sake of boredom".
  • In January 1889, by personal request (a complaint in verse), he was transferred to the Borisoglebsk station, then as a weigher to the Krutaya station.
  • In the spring of 1891 he set off to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus.

Literary and social activities

  • 1897 - "Former People", "The Orlov Spouses", "Malva", "Konovalov".
  • From October 1897 to mid-January 1898, he lived in the village of Kamenka (now the city of Kuvshinovo, Tver Region) in the apartment of his friend Nikolai Zakharovich Vasiliev, who worked at the Kamensk paper factory and led an illegal working Marxist circle. Subsequently, the life impressions of this period served as material for the writer's novel "The Life of Klim Samgin".
  • 1898 - The publishing house of Dorovatsky and Charushnikov A.P. published the first volume of Gorky's works. In those years, the circulation of the young author's first book rarely exceeded 1,000 copies. A. I. Bogdanovich advised to publish the first two volumes of “Essays and Stories” by M. Gorky, 1,200 copies each. Publishers "took a chance" and released more. The first volume of the 1st edition of Essays and Stories was published with a circulation of 3,000.
  • 1899 - the novel "Foma Gordeev", a poem in prose "The Song of the Falcon".
  • 1900-1901 - the novel "Three", a personal acquaintance with Chekhov, Tolstoy.
  • 1900-1913 - participates in the work of the publishing house "Knowledge"
  • March 1901 - "The Song of the Petrel" was created by M. Gorky in Nizhny Novgorod. Participation in the Marxist workers' circles of Nizhny Novgorod, Sormov, St. Petersburg, wrote a proclamation calling for a fight against the autocracy. Arrested and expelled from Nizhny Novgorod.

According to contemporaries, Nikolai Gumilyov highly appreciated the last stanza of this poem (“Gumilyov without gloss”, St. Petersburg, 2009).

  • In 1901, M. Gorky turned to dramaturgy. Creates the plays "Petty Bourgeois" (1901), "At the Bottom" (1902). In 1902, he became the godfather and adoptive father of the Jew Zinovy ​​Sverdlov, who took the surname Peshkov and converted to Orthodoxy. This was necessary in order for Zinovy ​​to receive the right to live in Moscow.
  • February 21 - the election of M. Gorky to the honorary academicians of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. "In 1902, Gorky was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. But before Gorky could exercise his new rights, his election was annulled by the government, since the newly elected academician “was under police surveillance.” In connection with this, Chekhov and Korolenko refused membership in the Academy.
  • 1904-1905 - writes the plays "Summer Residents", "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians". Meets Lenin. For the revolutionary proclamation and in connection with the execution on January 9, he was arrested, but then released under pressure from the public. Member of the revolution 1905-1907. In the autumn of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.
  • 1906 - M. Gorky travels abroad, creates satirical pamphlets about the "bourgeois" culture of France and the USA ("My Interviews", "In America"). He writes the play "Enemies", creates the novel "Mother". Because of tuberculosis, Gorky settled in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years. Here he writes "Confession" (1908), where his philosophical differences with Lenin and rapprochement with Lunacharsky and Bogdanov were clearly identified.
  • 1907 - delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP.
  • 1908 - the play "The Last", the story "The Life of an Unnecessary Man".
  • 1909 - the novels "The Town of Okurov", "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin".
  • 1913 - M. Gorky edits the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda, the art department of the Bolshevik magazine Enlightenment, publishes the first collection of proletarian writers. Writes Tales of Italy.
  • 1912-1916 - M. Gorky creates a series of stories and essays that compiled the collection "Across Russia", autobiographical novels "Childhood", "In People". The last part of the My Universities trilogy was written in 1923.
  • 1917-1919 - M. Gorky does a lot of social and political work, criticizes the "methods" of the Bolsheviks, condemns their attitude towards the old intelligentsia, saves many of its representatives from Bolshevik repression and hunger. In 1917, having disagreed with the Bolsheviks on the issue of the timeliness of the socialist revolution in Russia, he did not pass the re-registration of party members and formally dropped out of it.


  • 1921 - M. Gorky's departure abroad. A myth developed in Soviet literature that the reason for his departure was the resumption of his illness and the need, at Lenin's insistence, to be treated abroad. In reality, A. M. Gorky was forced to leave because of the aggravation of ideological differences with the established government. In 1921-1923. lived in Helsingfors, Berlin, Prague.
  • Since 1924 he lived in Italy, in Sorrento. Published memoirs about Lenin.
  • 1925 - the novel "The Artamonov Case".
  • 1928 - by invitation Soviet government and personally Stalin makes a trip around the country, during which Gorky is shown the achievements of the USSR, which are reflected in the cycle of essays "On the Soviet Union."
  • 1931 - Gorky visits the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp and writes a laudatory review of his regime. A fragment of the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" is devoted to this fact.
  • 1932 - Gorky returns to the Soviet Union. The government provided him with the former Ryabushinsky mansion on Spiridonovka, dachas in Gorki and Teselli (Crimea). Here he receives an order from Stalin - to prepare the ground for the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, and for this to carry out preparatory work among them. Gorky created many newspapers and magazines: the book series "History of Factories and Plants", "History civil war”, “Poet’s Library”, “History young man XIX century”, the journal “Literary Studies”, he writes the plays “Egor Bulychev and Others” (1932), “Dostigaev and Others” (1933).
  • 1934 - Gorky "holds" the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, delivers a keynote speech at it.
  • 1934 - co-editor of the book "Stalin's Channel"
  • In 1925-1936 he wrote the novel "The Life of Klim Samgin", which was never completed.
  • On May 11, 1934, Gorky's son, Maxim Peshkov, unexpectedly dies. M. Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in Gorki, having outlived his son by a little more than two years. After his death, he was cremated, the ashes were placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow. Before cremation, the brain of M. Gorky was removed and taken to the Moscow Brain Institute for further study.


The circumstances of the death of Gorky and his son are considered by many to be "suspicious", there were rumors of poisoning, which, however, were not confirmed. At the funeral, among others, the coffin with the body of Gorky was carried by Molotov and Stalin. Interestingly, among other accusations of Genrikh Yagoda at the so-called Third Moscow Trial in 1938, there was an accusation of poisoning Gorky's son. According to Yagoda's interrogations, Maxim Gorky was killed on the orders of Trotsky, and the murder of Gorky's son, Maxim Peshkov, was his personal initiative.

Some publications blame Stalin for Gorky's death. An important precedent for the medical side of the accusations in the "doctors' case" was the Third Moscow Trial (1938), where among the defendants were three doctors (Kazakov, Levin and Pletnev), who were accused of killing Gorky and others.

A family

  1. First wife - Ekaterina Pavlovna Peshkova(née Volozhina).
    1. Son - Maxim Alekseevich Peshkov (1897-1934) + Vvedenskaya, Nadezhda Alekseevna("Timosha")
      1. Peshkova, Marfa Maksimovna + Beria, Sergo Lavrentievich
        1. daughters Nina and Hope, son Sergey
      2. Peshkova, Daria Maksimovna
  2. Second wife - Maria Fedorovna Andreeva(1872-1953; civil marriage)
  3. Long-term companion of life - Budberg, Maria Ignatievna

Addresses in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

  • 09.1899 - V. A. Posse's apartment in Trofimov's house - Nadezhdinskaya street, 11;
  • 02. - spring 1901 - V. A. Posse's apartment in Trofimov's house - Nadezhdinskaya street, 11;
  • 11.1902 - K. P. Pyatnitsky's apartment in an apartment building - Nikolaevskaya street, 4;
  • 1903 - autumn 1904 - K. P. Pyatnitsky's apartment in an apartment building - Nikolaevskaya street, 4;
  • autumn 1904-1906 - apartment of K. P. Pyatnitsky in an apartment building - Znamenskaya street, 20, apt. 29;
  • beginning 03.1914 - autumn 1921 - profitable house of E.K. Barsova - Kronverksky prospect, 23;
  • 30.08. - 09/07/1928 - the hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7;
  • 18.06. - 07/11/1929 - the hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7;
  • end of 09.1931 - hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7.



  • 1899 - "Foma Gordeev"
  • 1900-1901 - "Three"
  • 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907)
  • 1925 - "The Artamonov Case"
  • 1925-1936 - "The Life of Klim Samgin"


  • 1908 - "The life of an unnecessary person."
  • 1908 - "Confession"
  • 1909 - "The Town of Okurov", "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin".
  • 1913-1914 - "Childhood"
  • 1915-1916 - "In people"
  • 1923 - "My Universities"

Stories, essays

  • 1892 - "The Girl and Death" (a fairy tale poem, published in July 1917 in the New Life newspaper)
  • 1892 - "Makar Chudra"
  • 1895 - "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil".
  • 1897 - "Former people", "Spouses Orlovs", "Malva", "Konovalov".
  • 1898 - "Essays and Stories" (collection)
  • 1899 - "Song of the Falcon" (poem in prose), "Twenty-six and one"
  • 1901 - "The Song of the Petrel" (poem in prose)
  • 1903 - "Man" (poem in prose)
  • 1911 - "Tales of Italy"
  • 1912-1917 - "In Russia" (a cycle of stories)
  • 1924 - "Stories 1922-1924"
  • 1924 - "Notes from a diary" (a cycle of stories)



  • 1906 - "My Interviews", "In America" ​​(pamphlets)
  • 1917-1918 - a series of articles "Untimely Thoughts" in the newspaper "New Life" (in 1918 came out as a separate edition)
  • 1922 - "On the Russian peasantry"

He initiated the creation of a series of books "The History of Factories and Plants" (IFZ), took the initiative to revive the pre-revolutionary series "Life wonderful people»

Movie incarnations

  • Alexei Lyarsky ("Gorky's Childhood", 1938)
  • Alexey Lyarsky ("In People", 1938)
  • Nikolai Walbert (My Universities, 1939)
  • Pavel Kadochnikov ("Yakov Sverdlov", 1940, "Pedagogical Poem", 1955, "Prologue", 1956)
  • Nikolai Cherkasov (Lenin in 1918, 1939, Academician Ivan Pavlov, 1949)
  • Vladimir Emelyanov (Appasionata, 1963)
  • Afanasy Kochetkov (This is how a song is born, 1957, Mayakovsky began like this ..., 1958, Through the icy mist, 1965, Incredible Yehudiel Khlamida, 1969, The Kotsiubinsky family, 1970, "Red diplomat", 1971, Trust, 1975, "I am an actress", 1980)
  • Valery Poroshin ("The Enemy of the People - Bukharin", 1990, "Under the Sign of Scorpio", 1995)
  • Alexey Fedkin ("Empire Under Attack", 2000)
  • Alexey Osipov ("Two Loves", 2004)
  • Nikolai Kachura (Yesenin, 2005)
  • Georgy Taratorkin ("Capture of Passion", 2010)
  • Nikolay Svanidze 1907. Maksim Gorky. "Historical chronicles with Nikolai Svanidze


  • In 1932, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed the city of Gorky. The historical name was returned to the city in 1990.
    • In Nizhny Novgorod, the central district children's library, the drama theater, the street, and the square in the center of which there is a monument to the writer by sculptor V.I. Mukhina bear the name of Gorky. But the most remarkable is the museum-apartment of M. Gorky.
  • In 1934, a Soviet propaganda multi-seat 8-engine passenger aircraft was built at an aviation plant in Voronezh, the largest aircraft of its time with a land chassis - ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky".
  • In Moscow, there was Maxim Gorky lane (now Khitrovsky), Maxim Gorky embankment (now Kosmodamianskaya), Maxim Gorky square (formerly Khitrovskaya), Gorkovskaya metro station (now Tverskaya) of the Gorkovsko-Zamoskvoretskaya (now Zamoskvoretskaya) line, Gorky street ( now divided into Tverskaya and 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya streets).

Also, the name of M. Gorky bears a number of streets in other settlements of the states of the former USSR.

Career, business and money

Maxim will be able to make a good career if the work brings him pleasure. Creative professions are suitable - photographer, actor, journalist. Diplomatic, objective and executive, he can become an architect, engineer, researcher.

There is an entrepreneurial vein, but for its active use, Maxim will have to overcome his lack of determination. He will live in abundance, but without a great desire to become a millionaire.

Marriage and family

Maxim takes the choice of his wife seriously. His life partner Strong woman who will be able to support her husband in any situation, but she is obliged to accept his views, otherwise constant conflicts of interest are inevitable. When Maxim starts a family, he will become a faithful husband and a good father, striving to devote free time to loved ones.

Since he is patient and cold-blooded, conflicts with his participation are rare, in any situation he finds a compromise. Such a husband tries not only to avoid quarrels with his wife, but also tries to establish good relations with her parents, which allows him to find good defenders in their person.

The wife should take into account the opinion of Maxim, he should feel like the head of the family, this has essential. He loves children very much, to which they reciprocate and respect. It is possible to build a strong family with Maxim, but among the obligations of a wife is to recognize the authority of her husband. If this is the case, he will try to surround his life partner with attention and care.

Sex and love

Maxim early begins to show interest in girls, but does not differ in constancy, although he does not go for treason. He has a romantic nature, pushing hearts for unusual actions for the sake of a lady, which makes it easy to conquer women. Falls in love quickly, but just as quickly can break off relations. Sex for the sensual Maxim matters, but is not a fundamental point, although he approaches it in detail and seriously.

It is important for him that the partner emphasizes his dignity and demonstrates admiration. Maxim will be able to fully open up only with the one whom he will trust entirely. Such a man is one of those people who not only seek to enjoy themselves, but also give memorable sensations to their girlfriend. Often he chooses experienced and powerful women, whom he conquers with his charm. An excellent psychologist, Maxim easily finds an approach to ladies.


Maxim is a man of good health. If he does not neglect his penchant for sports, he can survive without critical illness until old age.

Maxim's weak point is considered to be the urogenital organs, he needs to take care of the prostate, kidneys, urinary tract. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia already in childhood, and in a more mature period, be regularly examined by a doctor of the appropriate specialty.

Interests and hobbies

As a child, Maxims like books that they read with pleasure. Later, they begin to show great interest in the literature from the field of psychology.

Attracts such a person and sports, to which he devotes a lot of time. May become Maxim's favorite hobby and pastime close to extreme, sometimes he prefers outdoor activities - hunting and fishing.