How to open a promotion company lesson. How to open a promotional agency

As a rule, when a person hears the word "promoter", he imagines a teenager in headphones who is trying to distribute some leaflets to everyone in a row, which most people carry only to the nearest ballot box. Entrepreneurs use them mainly for one-time promotions, and anyway, in the end, no one calculates either the effectiveness or the response. In fact, no one holds promoters as a really effective tool for business development. But in vain!

Getting to know the promoters

Our acquaintance with promoters began about three years ago when we worked in the flower business. Our salon was located next to the MonAmour store, which sold erotic lingerie, accessories, and various frivolous goods. It was a fairly high-class store, the average check amount was about 12 thousand rubles.

On my way to work, I noticed that three promoters were constantly plying near the entrance to MonAmour, and they were very active. Promoters who actively filter the stream, who don't wear headphones and don't throw out flyers! It was something amazing, because it can not be that the promoters work well! In addition, I discovered that on Myasnitskaya Street, where the Higher School of Economics was located, MonAmur was also located, and three promoters who were just as active worked there in the same way. It is obvious that promoters as a tool are used constantly and for a long time, and also do not belong to some incomprehensible firm "Horns and Hooves", but to a fairly solid company. I always pay attention to such things and decided to find out what is the reason for such “strange behavior”. Having met one of the promoters, whose name was Artem, I began to find out the details that were of interest to me.

When asked if he was able to attract new customers, Artem told me: “If we didn’t exist, the store wouldn’t exist.” It was funny enough. When I asked how much he gets, he gave me the figure of 1,900 rubles a day. Although later Artem said that it was not so, apparently, he himself got confused in the system of motivation by which he works. The amount of 1900 rubles was tied to the bar of 25 visitors per day - not buyers, but visitors. If, accordingly, fewer visitors came, then Artem received less money. On average, he got 900-1000 rubles a day. This is not bad at all for a promoter who is 17 years old, because he can earn $ 1000 a month - an amount that not all adults with higher education. Or with two

Technology of working with promoters

When we started looking further, our research showed that the promoter technology actually works quite well. We calculated that from one promoter "MonAmur" receives stably from 12 to 15 visitors a day.
Accordingly, from three people - 45–50 visitors per day. Of which, according to conversion rates, 10–12 people become buyers, and someone makes repeated purchases. Of course, there are those who simply leave, but the action more than pays for itself with an average check of 12 thousand rubles.

After tracking the work of effective promoters in other industries, we have developed a technology that we now apply in every area where we work.

So, work with promoters is built from five main elements:
1. The first element is the promoter himself as a person. Age, social status, type of appearance, special signs, and so on (student, girl of model appearance, homeless person, aunt of Balzac age).
2. The second element is the place where the promoter stands (near the entrance to the store, near the subway exit, at the escalator in the shopping center).
3. The third element is the speech module. That is, what he says, sells, or just shouts something, or is silent.
4. The fourth element, one of the most important, is what he has in his hands (coupon, flyer, leaflet - in general, what he distributes).
5. The fifth element is the payment system - on what basis and how he receives money.
If we decompose these elements and give a specific recommendation for each, we will get the following.

The main thing is to be a good person.

So the first element is what kind of person the promoter should be. It all depends on the specific situation and the specifics of the business, however, as practice has shown, the best promoter is not a student, not a homeless person, and not even a buxom blonde - a model, but an aged woman who worked / is a toastmaster. The toastmaster woman showed ten times the result of the work of the student promoter when we ran the promotion. At first glance, it may seem impossible to find a female toastmaster for the position of a promoter, nevertheless, we managed to find even three women who worked as toastmasters. It turns out that the toastmaster is not always a very profitable profession, and often there are toastmasters who, relatively speaking, are in poor demand, but still have skills, charisma, energy, and activity. And they are not afraid to work with people, and this is the most important thing.

Students are intelligent people, they are often clamped down, afraid to make contact. The same with other types - everyone has their own fears and complexes. The exceptions are presenters, retired actresses, animators, that is, people from the mass sector. I repeat once again: the most important thing is that the promoter is not afraid to work with people.
Perhaps there is some other type that, like the toastmaster, gives good results, but we do not know it yet.

Speaking of a person, it is very important to mention how he is dressed. If a toastmaster woman is dressed in her casual clothes, then, to put it mildly, she will cause some fear and distrust among the public passing by. Dress her in a bright T-shirt or jacket with the company logo, give her branded accessories (baseball cap, bag). Now, with all her appearance, she will declare that she is a promoter, and people will react normally to her. The most important thing is that the promoter really looks like a promoter. Cap is with us, but not everyone follows this seemingly obvious rule.

Place, place and again place

Now the second point is the place where the person stands. The place where the promoter stands should be the so-called node of the consumer flow, namely, the zone where people accumulate and group. These are exits from the subway, stops, underground passages, escalator areas of shopping centers, reception desks, these are any crowded areas.

Also, the most important place where the promoter should stand is the entrance area of ​​the store. We usually put one person right at the entrance to the store, and two others on the nodes to handle two oncoming streams of passers-by.

To finally decide on the place where to put the promoter, you need to calculate how many people from your target audience pass there per unit of time, for example, in 20 minutes. The main requirement is visibility. The place has to be close enough for the promoter to say, "See that blue house?" or “Now go straight, then to the right, there is also a promoter standing there, he will show you our store.” He should not say: “Now take the 367 minibus, get to Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, there you need to go down and a little to the right along Olof Palme Street, then turn right - and there will be a factory in front of you, at the checkpoint try to climb through the guards.
And that's how it happens...

We have a promotion. Come see

The third point is the speech module. A speech module that works is some kind of understandable reason why a person should come to your store. It may sound like this: “We have a promotion! Come take a look!" "Promotion" can be replaced by "sale" or "new collection". The promoter should not call for something to buy, he simply offers to come in and see, and he extends the fourth point of our reasoning to the interested people.

The promoter must be armed

Give the promoter an ultrasound or a Kalashnikov assault rifle and things will go smoothly. But if for a number of reasons you cannot do this, then it remains to use the fourth paragraph.

This is actually a coupon or flyer. It's a huge mistake to try to hand out flyers that say, "We're open!" (“...and we are happy”), “We have the best prices and best quality and other banal things. It is useless to expect that this will give a good result.

It is necessary that the coupon contains some value, the person must have a reason not to throw it into the nearest trash can. Best of all, when the coupon has a monetary value, for example, 1000 rubles or 500 rubles, you can also execute it in the form of a bill, this attracts attention well.

Also, the coupon can guarantee a gift with a purchase or a gift with a visit or fitting. For example, we had this flyer: "Sweet gift for fitting." That is, everyone who carried out a fitting with us received an Alenka or Milkyway chocolate bar. This gave a very good result. In addition, it is important that the coupon has an expiration date. For example, "until March 31" or "until April 15". Moreover, the validity period should not be a year ahead - the coupon action is launched for a maximum of 2 weeks. If you get a good incoming stream of visitors, then you work with coupons all the time, just changing the essence of the promotion every two weeks. The standard discount that is usually given on coupons is 5-7% and works extremely badly, if not to say that it does not work at all.

So: either we have a crazy sale (50-60% discounts), or a coupon with a cash value, or a gift. However, the monetary value must be set with a limit, that is, when buying from a certain amount, otherwise the share will not pay off. A competent ratio of the price and value of what you are selling and the gift must be maintained.

“Buy a bike for 100 thousand and get a lollipop for free” is unlikely to work.

A coupon-related identifier must also be present. So that we can understand from the coupon, from which promoter, from which place, and when this or that visitor came. Depending on this, we will pay our promoters and analyze the past promotion. The identifier can be done in different ways.

Let's consider two options.
1. Simply print coupons in several colors (each promoter has its own color).
2. Make an identifier in the form of letters and numbers. Where the letters A, B, C are promoters, the first digit is the day of the week when it is distributed (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. - numbers from 1 to 7, respectively) and then the serial number. Thus, by releasing such a circulation, where it is possible to put an identifier even with self-type printing (so as not to raise the cost of printing), we may well keep complete statistics and analysis.

Promoter must be paid
And the last element is the payment system.
The payment system is a stumbling block. How are promoters usually paid? That's right, "per hour", that is, 300 rubles per hour, 100 rubles per hour, etc. Accordingly, why are we creating a systemic interest of promoters? Save this hour. If we simply pay him for an hour, accordingly, he creates a systemic interest in defending this hour and safely leaving home, there is no question of any results. We use a more complex motivation system, which is more difficult to implement, but it gives much better results. The first rule is that our promoter should earn almost 2 times more than other promoters.

This earnings consists of two parts: a fixed rate per hour (either the same or less than the average rate of promoters) and payment for each visitor. That is, depending on the number of visitors - up to 10 people, from 10 to 30 people and over 30 people - 30 rubles, 60 rubles and 120 rubles, respectively.

We establish a progressive scale of motivation and thereby motivate a person to bring more visitors. Passing through the next price threshold, he
receives more money, because for each person after a certain threshold, he will receive a large amount. Of course, the figures that I mentioned are taken from the ceiling.

You need to deduce specific numbers based on the first tests. And in general, in order for promoters to agree to work according to this system, there must already be a precedent for successful work. For example, you can take the son of an accountant or your younger brother and force him to work, and work well, threatening to take away the computer.
Based on this test, you will understand what indicators can be discussed, and you will be able to calculate the motivation system accordingly. A competent motivation system allows the promoter to work really efficiently. This means that he will not throw out flyers, knowing that it is not profitable for him, and will filter the audience, and not distribute flyers to children and representatives of the non-target audience, he will not listen to Noize MC, but will work actively.

There are also those who will not work normally, we will kick them out. Since you will pay more than the market pays, you will have every moral right to beat the promoter like a goat, look for the best and demand results from them.
At the end of the day, the collected flyers, and the essence of the flyer is that it must be exchanged for a prize or bonus, are returned to the store. Settlement with promoters is carried out once a week. Not every day, but once a week, again, to provoke promoters to work harder.

These are the pies

This is a rather complicated technology, which depends on the correct system of motivation for specific people, in fact, on everything that we talked about. However, using this system, coupled with a good promotion and an interesting advertising message, you can increase your traffic by a factor of five or ten.

For example, we launched promotions in clothing sales. We exceeded the usual flow of visitors by three and a half times, from 20 people to 90. I would like to warn you right away that this promotion will not necessarily result in a flow of quality visitors. Relatively speaking, a visitor is not yet a buyer, but often someone who just wants to look. The result of the promotions will very much depend on how you work at the seller level. If this technology of working with promoters is built into competent marketing, it will give just an explosive result.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Almost any type of business activity needs to be promoted, advertising allows not only to increase the percentage of products sold or the demand for services, but often it generally serves as the basis for the successful work of a businessman. In some areas, its use is limited to the simplest methods only at the start of a business (so that the client simply learns about goods or services), in others, without advertising support, business is impossible in principle.

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Not every company allows itself to have its own advertising department, and even large prosperous enterprises are forced to turn to specialized advertising agencies, because they employ creative people with a rich imagination and an original mindset, keeping an advertising department means having an organization in an organization. Today, the field of advertising, with which PR is closely intertwined, is a large area of ​​human activity, and some of its products can already be called works of art to some extent.

Advertising is a part of marketing, which is a tool for researching consumers, market conditions, as well as for conveying the necessary information to people, studying ways to enter the market, countering competitors and other similar activities. Advertising specializes in three components: conveying information, stimulating interest, and maintaining the level of fame received with consideration of the prospects for increasing it. It tries to directly identify the audience that will consume in order to further focus primarily on the target group (the second part of advertising aimed at a specific consumer - BTL). Its variants are diverse, the townsfolk consider advertising annoying and brainwashing, but it will not disappear anywhere as long as capitalism exists.

A lot of different companies, competition and the general professionalism of the players bring to the point that an ordinary commercial or leaflet no longer “catches” a person, he needs to convey something that will stick in his memory for a long time and force him to turn to the advertised object. The advertising agency is also in business, and every year many such enterprises fail and close, because there is a war of intelligence, this is the production of ideas, and only real professionals can survive. The rest sooner or later are waiting for non-existence.

Many young people want to be advertisers, who consider themselves to be creative people, imagining a free creative work with multimillion-dollar fees that come from 99 francs thanks to a unique idea, but become similar to the venerable specialists of the unit.

The complexity of organizing your own advertising agency is not even in competition, investments or the absence of your customers (all this, of course, is present to varying degrees), but the notorious creativity is always a determining factor. You can become a well-known and sought-after advertising agency literally from the very first days. How? It's really interesting to advertise yourself.

Today's advertising agency can be represented by organizations with, in fact, completely different activities. This includes owners of retail space - those that have their own banner poles, huge TV screens, and even owners of shopping centers. These people, as a rule, do not directly deal with advertising, but provide places for advertising, earning money on such a slightly unusual lease. They are joined by manufacturers and installers of all these poles, signs, banners, print advertising (many printing houses can be included here) and other organizations that bring the advertising product to life, but in no way participate in the process of creating its ideas.

Separately from advertising, SEO specialists stood out, or companies that create and promote sites and groups in in social networks. This requires a creative approach to creating a site, but the site itself should be not so much an advertisement as a visiting card of the customer company; promotion of the created page in general is often a technical process of war with search engines for bringing the site to the top.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are intermediaries who penetrate the relationship between all companies, having no creative baggage, but only the ability to resell.

And, finally, an advertising company in its purest form, which creates advertising and ensures its distribution to promote the customer's products. It is the latter company that has the full right to ascribe to itself the proud abbreviation RA, which has already become generally accepted, in front of its name.

The expediency of creating your own advertising agency is initially determined by the presence of potential clients. In very small cities, such an organization, most likely, will not be needed, because even without it there is no struggle between companies, and their budget does not allow itself to allocate funds for full-fledged advertising - the population is too small for these investments to pay off.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If the opening is supposed to be in a large city, then this is a platform for a successful start. The answer to the question of whether it is worth trying is in direct proportion to the question of whether there is a good creative team. Many advertising agencies are opened without the presence of such people, because the opening of such a company seems to many start-up entrepreneurs to be a simple matter that does not require large investments; therefore today in any large city of agencies there is simply an outrageous number. At the same time, there are only a few long-lived ones, and serious companies turn to them. Such agencies are already beginning to act as organizers of large events and presentations, that is, they are already engaged not so much in advertising as in organizing activities.

The most important thing is the team, it is on it that all the activities of the enterprise are based, if there are creative employees, then customers will appear, and there will be many orders, and it will be easy to find partners. The permanent team should include two designers, an art employee, as well as two people to solve organizational issues, for example, finding a printing house for printing products. An entrepreneur himself can become a director, because if he started doing such a thing, then he himself has creative thinking.

As a rule, the whole team will discuss each order, generating ideas and discussing the little things that can be very important by brainstorming. The main creative core will be an art employee, whose duties will include the creation of unique ideas, finding non-standard approaches to solving problems, and developing a concept plan.

Do not be afraid of a little crazy people, all geniuses were unusual in Everyday life. Finding a person who can really cope with such tasks is not only difficult, but catastrophically difficult, because they can be counted on the fingers, and many of them are already employed.

The next are designers, who, in addition to talent, must also have an education, because knowledge of working with computer applications and the basics of design art makes a capable amateur a real professional.

Ready-made ideas for your business

People who are entrusted with organizational skills are simpler than others, and the requirements for them are communication skills, the ability to negotiate with people, search for information and use it correctly. They should also have some mathematical thinking in order to immediately identify the most profitable, but also promising, from the many enterprises that offer the placement or implementation of advertising.

The director himself (that is, the entrepreneur) must have the traits to perform all the above duties in order to be able to help or advise his employees. He will become the pillar on which the agency rests, but if the businessman himself does not possess these qualities, then he needs to seriously think about hiring an outside director. But these are additional and very significant costs for a start-up enterprise, which are best excluded.

In addition to a permanent team, you will have to cooperate with third-party workers who are hired only for some projects (promotions), their work is paid by the customer, the agency simply searches for them and casts them. When finding a competent employee, you can cooperate with him for a long time, inviting him to various events, and not just once; in the course of work, a group of freelancers will be formed, with whom productive and professional cooperation will be established. Their search is also carried out by people responsible for the organization, but the casting is carried out in the presence of the director and even a representative of the customer to identify the most suitable candidates.

Work with minors is practiced, many high school students are ready to work in the summer and in their free time, but the number of hours of their work cannot exceed that established by law, while they cannot be registered for permanent work, and cooperation becomes somewhat informal. However, even among these people it happens that there are competent and promising personnel.

The agency should be located in a small office, as possible props for some promotions can be stored in a small room. In addition to the warehouse, you need to have two offices for the work of designers and the rest of the staff. If you have extra funds, you can allocate a separate office for the director, but this, as a rule, is an unnecessary expense for renting a larger room.

The area of ​​the rented office starts from 40 m2, as there should be space for castings, which are attended by many people. The cost of rent starts from 30 thousand rubles per month, because it is best to be located in the central districts of the city - it is convenient for absolutely all customers. Ideally - a business district, where there are many buildings, organizations and in general there is a business environment. It becomes much easier to find your client in such areas, since the agency will always be in full view of the potential consumer.

It is best to try to cover all possible types of advertising, but for businessmen who do business in only one city, ordering advertising on television or radio will not be as relevant as holding promotions and banner advertising. Banners and streamers can be installed by the client by directly contacting the owner of the advertising space, but only if he has ready-made sketches; otherwise it will come to advertisers.

All activities of an advertising agency can be divided into creative and media parts, in the first case a unique product is created - style, design, trademark, images, in the second - the created products are placed in advertising promotion channels. Most advertising agencies do BTL advertising (bellow-the-line - part of direct marketing aimed at a specific consumer in a specific place at a specific time) because it brings the most income due to demand from customers; ATL advertising (above-the-line - traditional types of advertising that cover the entire population or a significant part of it without identifying the target audience) is more expensive and may be of interest to small and medium-sized businesses only in the form of outdoor advertising. Therefore, all your creative potential should be directed to the following activities:

    Trade shows, fairs and conferences

    Viral Marketing

    Corporate events

    Development of customer loyalty and retention programs

The last type of activity is the most effective and frequently used tool, promotions allow you to involve a potential consumer in the consumption process, or at least direct his interest to products at a specific right moment. Advertising agencies are often used by those entrepreneurs who are just entering the market, presenting new products, holding seasonal discounts, and also, if necessary, attracting the attention of buyers who are aimed at purchasing services and goods from direct competitors. A promotion can take place in completely different ways, with certain conditions (which are set by the customer), in retail outlets or on the street, with the involvement of required amount resources, including human resources.

A very large percentage of the advertising agency's income will be precisely the holding of such promotions, the development of the entire concept and work scenario falls on the creative team, which must also take into account the special wishes of the client. As mentioned above, it is precisely for such events that additional people will have to be attracted in the form of junior advertising personnel (promoters, supervisors, tasting attendants, consultants, gift givers, etc.).

The cost of opening an advertising agency will consist of registration, rent and furnishing of the office and own advertising. It is also optimal to create your own website, where the client can get acquainted with the portfolio and the cost of services.

Registration will require no more than 20 thousand rubles, you can register any form of entrepreneurial activity, but an LLC inspires more confidence in the client. Employees will receive wages in the form of a small salary (about 10 thousand for each employee) and a percentage of the amount of revenue, so only the amount of rent and utility bills (about 35 thousand rubles) will become monthly expenses in addition. For full-fledged work, you will have to not only purchase equipment for the office (50 thousand rubles), but also productive computers for designers, as well as specialized software, which will require at least 100 thousand rubles more.

Thus, the starting capital will amount to 250 thousand rubles, taking into account the salary of the staff for the first month of work. The payback period rarely exceeds a year, but only in the case of an active search for customers and a spotless reputation. In the event that you have to work with the involvement of additional people or freelancers, their wages will be made up of a percentage of the amounts allocated by customers, so you will not have to take into account the expense item for their wages.

A start-up enterprise should not count on large orders of many thousands, so you should not miss a single client, no matter how insignificant his campaign may be; thanks to this, it may not be possible to make money, but it will be possible to gain fame among entrepreneurs, i.e. earn a name. The best cooperation for any advertising agency is the management of the entire advertising campaign of a customer who is just entering the market. This will give a lot of work from designing a logo to advertising in local media. Such a project will provide funds for many months in advance, but to get such a client is great luck, so you don't have to rely on it.

Recently, the placement of commercials on the Internet, in particular on such well-known resources as YouTube or, has become increasingly popular. At the same time, monthly advertising is not so expensive for the client - about 20 thousand rubles, taking into account the agency commission of about 15% of this amount.

Banner advertising will also be in demand for a long time, only the technical development of which will cost the client 20 thousand (of which the agency will take only a small percentage), while you will still have to pay for the rental of advertising space itself and design development services (the amount of which is completely for yourself). will be taken by the advertising agency).

Holding promotions can also be good for profit, because the simplest event will cost 40 thousand rubles, half of which will be taken by freelancers. If you manage to hold at least three promotions a month, then the income from them alone will be 60 thousand.

The most expensive services - design - will not be in demand too often, but will also become a significant source of income. Profit can vary greatly depending on the number of orders (from month to month their number is very variable), so you need to have some reserve funds. But the most important advantage of such an undertaking is that, having a creative team, it is quite possible to count on huge development prospects, expanding more and more and finding more and more expensive orders and already working not only “under”, but also “above the line”. Here it is very important to earn a name, after which it will work for the agency itself, although you will always have to maintain a high level of professionalism.

Get up-to-date calculations for a business plan

How to start a business from scratch is a question most entrepreneurial young people ask themselves. Many of them spend years searching for their field, not knowing where to start their project. There are projects that do not require special skills and knowledge. One of these projects is the opening of our own agency for promotions.

What is a promotion agency

Organization of promotions is a business area that does not require large investments. All you need to succeed is creativity and organizational skills.

Every day, up to a thousand new, as yet unknown, products enter the market, which need to make themselves known to the consumer. Promotion is one of the most effective ways drawing attention to a product or brand. To illustrate, it suffices to mention that Coca-cola and Nestle are the unchanging leaders in terms of the number of promotions carried out.

Promotion (English promotion - promotion, development) - an event to promote a product on the market by attracting the attention of potential consumers.

This method has been successfully used for many years to increase the sale of everyday goods. However, the range of promotion objects has expanded significantly: brand, personality, organization, and even a whole line of activity are increasingly being used as a product for promotion.

A promotional action allows the buyer to try the product, feel it, and only then pay money for it with complete confidence. This principle has been working for many decades, and the demand for organizing promotions is steadily growing. The promotional agency acts as an intermediary in the dialogue between the producer and the consumer.

What does a promotional agency do?

The main activity of promotional agencies is to organize:

  • distribution of leaflets. The popularity of this method is due to its versatility and the possibility of using it for any product. With it you can:
  1. attract customers to retail outlets;
  2. tell about other promotions, special offers, invite to participate in promotions;
  3. intercept the flow of customers on the way to competitors.
  • presentations;
  • direct marketing: e-mail distribution of marketing offers, work of a sales agent directly with a potential buyer;
  • sampling (sample - “sample”) - distribution of test samples of the promoted product. This method is based on the principle "I trust my feelings more than other people's stories." Such promotions are held for consumer goods with a low cost. Most often, this is how household chemicals, perfumes, and hygiene products are promoted. With this method, you can also declare a change in the image of a brand or company. The intensity and duration of sampling is determined by the customer.
  • tastings - a kind of sampling, which is carried out for food products. This type of promotion removes the fear of wasting money on bad food and ensures long-term sales growth.
  • promotions and giveaways that encourage customers to purchase goods to increase the chance of winning;
  • demonstrations of the technical properties of the product;
  • flash mobs to attract attention in public places due to the surprise and unusual costume and behavior of promoters.

The main stages of opening a business for holding promotions

The ability to do business without large capital investments is the main advantage of this business. An office can be easily organized in any apartment, because the main negotiation process is carried out using the Internet and telephone.

The main stages in the period of opening a business for conducting promotions:

  1. Promotion team recruitment. To get started, you need 20-30 promoters who can come to work at any time. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the customer most often puts forward specific requirements for promoters for his event: age, gender, appearance, work experience, and the like. At first, due to budget constraints, the founder will have to act as a supervisor who trains and supervises the work of promoters at the venue.
  2. Development of an advertising campaign to attract a potential client. Consider this a dress rehearsal for your activity. Turn on the maximum creativity at this stage. Define the "portrait" of a potential client - this will help build advertising in such a way that information is more likely to reach the addressee, and he will use your services.
  3. Another tool to attract customers - specialized site. Tell us as much as possible about the types of services and capabilities of the company. Use promotion via the Internet, because most of the services a potential customer is looking for here. Display advertising, for example, thematic e-mail newsletters, contextual advertising and, of course, social media marketing. Be sure to keep a blog on the site in which you will share the results of your company's promotions.
  4. Find partners among advertising agencies. You need to find information about advertising agencies in your city, find out the range of services provided. If this list does not include promotions, try to establish partnerships with such companies. This way will help to acquire additional clients, because advertising companies that have been operating for more than one year have an extensive client base. For a certain percentage of the promotions, you can get access to such a database.

How to make money with promotions

The amount of the agency's profit directly depends on the increase in the customer's turnover. the main task- do not advertise the product, this is done by advertising companies, but draw the attention of the buyer to the merits of the product, convince him to buy and thereby increase sales.

Originality, a non-standard approach that attracts attention is the key to a successful promotion. There can be no patterns here: everyone is already used to girls in stores distributing sausage. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the planning stage. The agency finds out the goals and objectives that the customer sets for the promotion, develops an action plan and reporting documentation. Close cooperation with the customer at all stages will avoid a negative result, which can seriously affect the reputation of a start-up company. You should carefully consider third-party factors, such as: time and place of the event, season, features of the potential audience, information support, and much more.

The second half of the success depends on the implementation. The message of the campaign must be clearly and comprehensively conveyed to the staff. Promoter - the person of the promotion, the person who is in direct contact with the consumer of the product. The interest of the authorities in this order and in the work in general, sufficient wages, respectful attitude, including to the needs of the consultant - all this will formulate the correct motivation of your employees. Trust them, but verify. Keeping records of products and means for work will exclude negligence and theft in the agency.

The main thing is development: the next stage in the development of a promotional agency

With the acquisition of experience and an increase in the capital of a promotional agency, it is necessary to reach a new professional level, which is BTL agency (bellow-the-line - “below the line”) . In such a company, promotions are developed as part of a single creative and marketing strategy for an advertising campaign. The concept of BTL combines a set of measures to stimulate the end consumer. This includes all of the above types of promotions. Such agencies work directly with advertising companies that are engaged in open (ATL) advertising, which in combination gives high efficiency.

In such a company, a group of professional marketers is working on the development of an action plan, who are developing long-term development strategies, take into account all channels of information transmission for the most effective delivery of information to the addressee, optimize the process, which allows, with a minimum budget, to obtain the maximum possible result with the involvement of an extensive arsenal of funds. . The BTL agency works to create and correct the brand image, which means it provides more expensive services.

How to start your promotional business

To get started, you need to choose a way of doing business: register as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or entity. It all depends on the size of the initial capital. With a minimum of funds, the form of IP will be preferable, in which the payment of taxes is much lower and it is not required to keep an accounting report. However, do not count on large and serious transactions. The initial contribution to the business may be limited to 30 thousand rubles. The advantage of this area is a quick payback, that is, with active and successful activities, you will soon begin to make a profit.

If you want to continue working and develop your agency, you will have to register as a legal entity, develop a charter and hire an accountant to maintain financial records.

The official opening of a promotional agency increases the prestige and degree of trust of potential customers, which opens up access to cooperation with serious companies.

Nov 13, 2016 Sergey

It has been proven these days that advertising works best when we do more than just see or hear it. A company trying to convey to a potential buyer as much information as possible about its own products should enter into a conversation with him. Present a product or service, answer a question and clarify the required information. This is quite likely only in an individual conversation with clients. How to do it in bulk? To achieve the desired result, special workers are involved - promoters. Working as a promoter in Krasnoyarsk has its advantages. It's about them there will be a conversation in our note. Or rather, about how to build a business with the help of promoters.

Promoters- usually, young women and boys who take part in all kinds of promotions, give customers products, organize tastings, shows, fittings, and so on. Attracting promoters can be different. They are attracted mainly from the outside, since keeping promoters in the team due to one-time promotions is unprofitable. There are many companies that want to talk about themselves and their products. And they all need promoters. And preferably in verified ones, so that they are not university students who will go to work for 1 day, and the next 2 will sleep in a hostel. Now we will deal with the creation of a promotional agency.

In fact, you only need an information base of promoters in your city who want to work, and you will consistently give them work. How would mutually beneficial cooperation?
promoter girl

Let's get to work. Firstly, you need to create a database of promo agents and replenish it many times. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to post announcements in all universities of the campus, since the unconditional bulk of the promoters are students. Post a job on social media. You need to advertise in print publications about work. In addition, you can take a walk and talk to working promoters, they will leave you their own coordinates. So you will have your own database of people's phones for promotions.

The next step is to search for applications. Develop demos and paid options for your agency. Send them to all companies and organizations in your metropolis. Engage in intensive trading - call and advertise your offers, negotiate prices. Respond to the opening of new firms and the release of fresh brands. Before starting work, be sure to sign an agreement with the customer. This will save you from deception and unnecessary waste of time and effort.

Here is the business idea. You act as an arbitrator and have your own percentage of the promoter's earnings. Strict discipline must be used. For failure to appear without a good reason, or without a 12-hour notice, even when the reason was good, the employee is excluded from the database of promoters. This will provide you with iron discipline.

This type of income for university students. From among the students, you can easily recruit a database of promoters. If you have enough energy to organize everything, then this is for you.