Getting ready for the summer: a program of total transformation. Good shape for the summer: preparation plan Tightening problem areas

Despite the rainy weather in May, it is in this month that many people feel uplifted, and an expectation of something good is born inside. Why? Just because the real summer will come very, very soon.

Flowering trees, wonderful smells, much more opportunities for a good time and not having to leave the house, hanging mountains of clothes - these are just a small part of the pleasant moments that summer can give us.

And in order to spend the summer as well as possible, we girls do not interfere with preparing for it. I bring to your attention a few points that will help make your summer more carefree and enjoyable:

Prepare the body for more revealing clothing

Goal: Don't turn down opportunities to have a good time and have fun because of body insecurity. Those. there should not be situations when you say: “I won’t wear it, I won’t go there, I won’t go here - I don’t want to open the figure ...”.

Summer is the time for short skirts, sundresses, shorts and, of course, swimsuits. To freely wear all this without worrying about loose skin and excess fat, you need to start training now, and not when the heat comes.

For some girls, just exercising is enough to tighten the body. And for some, it is worth revising the diet in parallel in order to get rid of extra pounds (however, more proper nutrition is good for everyone).

More clean water, fruits and vegetables, less fatty, starchy and sweet. Giving up (at least temporarily) bread, mayonnaise and fried foods is not at all difficult, forgetting about carbonated drinks and all kinds of chemical rubbish is also. This will have a good effect not only on the figure, but also on the cleanliness and healthy appearance of the skin.

And to tighten your stomach, you can study.

Refresh your summer wardrobe

Purpose: not to find out at some point that you have nothing to wear in one place or another (i.e. there is no necessary clothes at all or there is one, but you will not feel confident and attractive in it).

You can choose a day off and shake your closet to reveal clothes that you will no longer wear (and these are almost always found).

Depending on the condition of the clothes, it can be “reclassified” as homemade, thrown away or donated to charity, or sold (to a second-hand store or through special sites) and earn some money, which is also nice.

As for me, I already wrote that I almost don’t spend time shopping, but I buy most of the clothes via the Internet, because. the choice in online stores is disproportionately greater. And there are always clothes that are not “okay, it will do ...”, but that you really like and evoke the most pleasant feelings for a long time.

For girls who adhere to the same policy (and indeed for all girls), I advise you to pay attention to coupon sites - on them you can always find absolutely wonderful discounts for shopping in good stores, for example, AliExpress, Ozone codes.

Why buy more expensive when you can buy the same thing cheaper and spend the saved money on something else nice?)

Pay attention to beauty

Goal: To be sure that you look really good in any situation.

Summer means more photos, more interesting activities and events, more meetings with friends. And you always need to look good: pale girls with dry hair and dark circles under the eyes look rather strange in summer.

First, think about vitamins, natural face and hair masks, relaxing baths and moisturizing creams.

Secondly, evaluate whether it is time to go to the hairdresser? Cut off the dry ends, make a haircut, freshen up the hair color? Doesn't it make sense to get eyelash extensions so that your eyes always look great and you don't have to use mascara?

Isn’t it time to switch from shaving to epilation-depilation, so that in the summer you can devote a minimum of time to getting rid of hair, always be smooth and stubble-free?

It’s better to look good all summer long, and not just closer to its end, when summer itself with the sun and vitamins will add points to your appearance)


These simple steps will not only prepare you for summer, but will also help reduce stress levels, make you feel good and confident, not to mention looking better and feeling freer.

If you have not yet thought about how to lose weight by the summer - now is the time to do it. Prepare your body for the beach season in four weeks with a step-by-step plan developed by our experts. During this time, you will not only tighten your figure and improve skin tone, but also acquire good habits. Remember that the load should be gradual: intense training and strict diets are more likely to harm health than help.

Week 1: Start walking and change your diet

Action plan: include vigorous walks in your schedule, gradually increasing their duration from 30 minutes a day to an hour. Want to speed up your fat burning process? Add short, 15-minute walks before breakfast to your daily activity. “In the morning, carbohydrate stores in the body are small, so the process of splitting fat cells will start much faster than at any other time,”- explains Natalya Yakovleva.

Review your diet and diet: you will have to give up pastries and other simple carbohydrates, and complex ones (say, whole grains and durum pasta) should be consumed only before lunch. Eat more fresh vegetables and try to eat 4-5 times a day, cutting your usual portion in half. Avoid heavy dinners: the last meal should be about 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Second week: supplement walks with exercises

Already used to daily walks? It's time to include morning exercises in your fitness plan. 15-20 minutes of joint gymnastics, familiar to everyone from school physical education classes, will help you wake up, improve blood flow and speed up your metabolism.

“If your goal is to lose weight by the summer as quickly as possible, supplement the exercises with more complex exercises: lunges, squats, push-ups. They involve several muscle groups at once,- explains Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director of the Zupre sports club.

Action plan: start every morning with light articular gymnastics and stretching the muscles of the back, neck, and hips. Then move on to the exercises: do our circuit training or make a complex yourself, including 15 squats, 10 push-ups from the floor (an easier option - from the knees), 20 twists and 20 swings with each leg to the side.

Continue to stick to your diet and take daily one-hour walks at a brisk pace. Try to compose the route so that it includes climbing up the hill and stairs, walking along dirt paths.

Week 3: Add Aerobic Workouts and Contrast Showers

Any kind of activity will help you lose weight by the summer, if during the session your heart rate is in the zone characteristic for burning fat. “For everyone, it is individual and is about 65-75% of the maximum heart rate. It can be calculated using the formula:(220 - your age in years) x 65-75%",- says Ksenia Ovsiuk. For example, for a 25-year-old woman, the formula will look like this: 220 - 25 \u003d 195; and the fat burning zone will start at 195 x 65% = 127 beats per minute.

In the third week of preparing for the beach, experts advise taking a contrast shower every day, which will help make the skin of problem areas smoother and more elastic.

Action plan: after calculating the pulse, choose your favorite type of activity - cycling, running, swimming or dancing - and do it three times a week for 40-50 minutes. On other days, do not give up vigorous walks.

Complete your daily exercise with a contrast shower. To do this, fill a tub or basin with hot water up to your ankles to keep your feet warm. Warm up under hot water for five minutes, and then start alternating: pour warm water for a minute, cold water for 20-30 seconds. Start with 1-2 circles, gradually increasing their number. Finish with cold water.

Fourth week: do strength exercises

Strength training will help to "draw" the relief of the muscles or even change the proportions of the body. “Let's say if you have a naturally undefined waist and not rounded buttocks, then weighted squats will help make your forms more appetizing. And back exercises will balance the upper and lower body, thereby visually reducing the waist. And the figure will take the form of an hourglass,- explains Ksenia Ovsiuk.

In addition, it is strength training that accelerates metabolism as much as possible, which is also important if you decide to lose weight by the summer.

Action plan: choose 10-15 exercises for the main muscle groups and combine them so that you work out only 1-2 of them in one session. Let's say one day you will train your back and shoulders, the next - the chest and arms, the third - the legs. Do not forget about rest: to give your muscles enough time to recover, do strength training two to three times a week.

Start your workout with 3-4 basic exercises (squats, lunges, deadlifts, presses), and then do 2-3 more isolation exercises (aimed at one muscle group). Repeat the complex three times and complete the session with a 20-minute cardio workout so that the fat burning process goes with maximum efficiency.

Do not forget to do morning exercises, take a contrast shower and repeat aerobic training three times a week.

Keep training! If your goal is to lose weight by the summer, experts advise alternating strength training with cardio loads and intense walks in the same mode. And if you need to consolidate the results achieved, do cardio twice a week, devote one day to strength training and two to long walks.

In weight saving mode, you can treat yourself to your favorite dessert twice a week, but only in the morning. But the diet should not be changed: eat small portions 4-5 times a day.

Everyone's favorite season is just around the corner, and you've probably already noticed the large selection of swimwear that hangs on the walls of shops. Are you ready to boldly expose your body this year? If not quite, then do not panic, there is still a lot of time to prepare for this. Below, we'll walk you through 20 relatively quick and easy tips to help you look your best in a swimsuit when you hit the beach.

1. Emphasize your strengths

So, you've put on some weight over the winter. It's not the end of the world. Choose a swimsuit that will highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. If you do it right, the parts of the body that you are less sure about will not be as noticeable.

2. Need a tan

You will look much better and more athletic if you have a nice, even tan. This is one of the secrets of the fitness and bodybuilding industry. All athletes before entering the competition try to give their body as beautiful a tan as possible in order to look their best.
Your muscles will stand out more, while problem areas will become less visible. You can achieve this by visiting a solarium several times before the beach season, but if you are afraid of the harmful effects of radiation, then you can use various spireas and tanning creams.

3. Watch your carbohydrate intake

You should get most of your daily carbohydrate intake from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

4. Refrain from carbonated drinks.

Carbonated drinks contain a huge amount of calories, most likely you know this and do not consume them. But if you still like them ... Then you have long been addicted to diet varieties of soda, such as diet cola.
Unfortunately, while they can be a great dieting aid to stave off hunger and replace higher calorie drinks, they are loaded with carbon dioxide, which can make you look puffy.
So if you're planning on looking amazing in your new swimsuit, it's a good idea to trade in your Diet Coke for a bottle of pure still mineral water for a while.

5. Add intensity.

To further boost fat burning, add high-intensity intervals to your cardio workouts. Studies have shown that they are much more effective in terms of burning fat than monotonous training of a longer duration, but at an easier pace.
This is also beneficial, because it will require you to spend less time in the gym, it turns out that this is a win-win option. Try alternating a heavy load for 30 seconds with a lighter one for a minute and a half doing the exercise for 20-30 minutes. As you become more fit, gradually increase the intensity of the heavy period or shorten the rest period.

6. Moisturize your skin

Dry skin has a dull appearance, which of course will not improve the tone of your muscles. Take the time to relax once a week and apply a deep moisturizer that will make your skin look more attractive, and possibly help hide some of its imperfections.

7. Straighten up

Perhaps the single most important thing you could do to instantly look your best in a bikini is good posture. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, and you already exude confidence, while also pulling in your stomach and improving your posture. For most people, confidence is the sexiest thing everyone notices, and if proper posture can improve that, by no means should this advice be neglected.

8. More protein

Every time you eat, your body is going to burn calories through digestion.
Protein digestion consumes the largest number of calories, approximately 20-30%, while carbohydrates consume approximately 10% and fats a negligible 2-3%. This means that if you eat 100 calories of any of these foods, you will actually only get a total of approximately 75 calories from protein, 90 calories from carbohydrates, and 97 calories from fat.
When reducing calorie intake is the main goal, it is wise to try to get more calories from protein. Obviously don't take it to the extreme and eat only protein, as it's neither smart nor healthy, but it's right to increase your protein percentage in your daily diet a bit more than you currently do.

9. Squat

If you don't do squats in your workouts right now, it's time to start doing them. This is the only weight-bearing exercise that can get you in shape.
Squats will help lift your butt…. sorry, buttocks, toning your thighs. Add in the fact that it's such an intense exercise that it's an amazing calorie burner.

10. Don't forget the legs

After being seated in boots throughout the winter and spring months, your feet may not be ready to put on open shoes. Go to a professional pedicurist to give them the perfect look.

11. More Water

Having enough water in your body will not only help your skin look younger and clearer, it will also help blunt any feeling of hunger. If you are not drinking 7-8 glasses a day, now is the time to start doing so.

12. We walk "in the hills"

If you use walking in your workouts, try to diversify it. If possible, increase the incline of the work surface of the machine. This will make your gluteal muscles work harder.
If you want to tone the back of your face, this is one option that will help you achieve it quickly. Alternate periods of walking on differently inclined surfaces (ascent and descent, or else as it is called a walk on the hills), will increase your endurance.

13. Pamper yourself

You may be tempted to eat "forbidden" foods while on a diet. You could avoid this temptation for a week or two quite easily, but the longer it goes on the harder and harder it gets for most people to resist it. This can cause contradictions within you (one part of you - the mind, will say no, but the soul will demand a holiday).
This can lead you to relapse and consume a huge amount of the desired treat at once and usually thousands of calories. Instead of letting it happen, just don't let it happen. Allow yourself a tiny weakness, a small chocolate bar or a small ice cream. Those 20-50 calories a day won't ruin your diet, but they can help keep you from overeating. It will be psychologically much easier for you to endure a longer period on a diet, sometimes giving yourself small indulgences.

14. Be mindful of your back

Concentrating their attention on the legs and stomach, many women forget to pay enough attention to soy back.
Don't underestimate the impact your back has on your overall appearance. Make sure you incorporate back exercises like bent over rows, pulldowns, and pull-ups into your workouts at least once a week.

15. Avoid horizontal stripes

When choosing a new swimsuit and other summer outfits, avoid horizontal stripes. They will make you look wider than you really are.
Solid colors tend to look the best. You don't need to highlight areas you're not sure about. Avoid wearing bright things on your problem areas, this will only draw the attention of others to them.

16. Try fat burners.

Some people may want to use special nutritional supplements to speed up fat loss. There are many fat burning supplements on the market that you can try.
As a rule, they all contain certain specific additives that may not suit you, but among the huge number of such products, you will most likely be able to find the one that suits you. They generally act as appetite suppressants, helping to control hunger while dieting.

17. Fats must be correct.

Getting the right amount of saturated fatty acids is extremely important if you are looking to lose body fat. They will help your body use carbohydrates more efficiently.
You should aim to get approximately 6 grams per day of saturated fatty acids either from food (nuts, vegetable oils, especially flaxseed) or supplements. Generally, most people cannot get enough through food. Therefore, it will be wise to use additional additives.

18. Dealing with stress

If you worry too much about how you look in a swimsuit, it won't help your body get better. When you're stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol, which can cause excess body fat in some people.
Learn to deal with your stress, yoga or taking a warm bath before bed can help you with this. In any case, it will not take you much time and effort. But it will be good for your body.

19. Go to the gym before going to the beach.

If you plan to go to the beach during the day, try to warm up in the gym beforehand. Work with sufficient weights as this stimulation will help bring more oxygen to your muscles and make them look bigger.
Remember to do an increased number of repetitions in each set, approximately 10-15 repetitions, to create a burning sensation in your muscles (this will make your muscles look more voluminous).

20. Relax!

Finally, don't forget to have fun this summer. Remember, the more relaxed and cheerful you are, the more attractive you look.
Do not force yourself to wear a swimsuit if you are not sure that you look great in it, choose another one in which you will look confident, and leave this one for next year, because you will definitely achieve the desired result relying on the experience gained in preparing for this season .

Be proud of your accomplishments, even if you haven't achieved all of your goals. Remember that now you are much healthier and more attractive than many people who do not adhere to these rules and do not care about their health and appearance.

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Summer is not far off. The heat will come very soon and thousands of young students will rush to the beaches. Many already now in anticipation have no other concern than how to prepare for the summer. Even in the spring, they pay attention to brand new models of swimsuits and sunglasses.

Are you ready to boldly get naked this year? If not completely, then do not panic, you still have time. So how do you prepare for summer?

1. Emphasize dignity

You may have gained a little extra weight over the winter, but it doesn't matter. Choose a bathing suit that emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws. And hurry up and clean up your cute tummy at the gym.

2. Pre-tan

In order not to frighten people with your pallor, go to the solarium before going to the beach. If you are afraid of the harmful effects of radiation, then you can use a spray or cream with a tanning effect, since there are plenty of them on store shelves.

3. Give up soda

Soda is high in calories. You know this very well, but it's still hard for you to resist a cold cola. However, if you plan to look amazing on the beach, replace soda with pure water - still and mineral.

4. Add intensity

To burn fat even faster, add high-intensity exercise to your workouts. As it turned out, this is much more useful than monotonous long workouts at an easy pace. In addition, you will spend less time in the gym. Try alternating short, heavy loads with longer, lighter ones. However, in no case do not give up training at all, and if you don’t have them yet, stop being lazy and immediately go in for sports.

5. Moisturize your skin

Dry skin is very distressing in its appearance. So take the time to relax and apply a deep moisturizer. Thus, your skin will become more attractive. Guys do not need to apply cream, but they can also take care of the freshness and health of their skin. To do this, take a petal of fresh aloe and apply its juice on your face.

6. Straighten up

Good posture is the key to your beauty. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, and now you radiate confidence! For many people, confidence is the sexiest trait that can't go unnoticed, so don't neglect this advice. Remember this not only when you need to prepare for the summer. Always remember this.

7. Squats

If you haven't yet incorporated squats into your workouts, now is the time to do so. Girls: thanks to squats, your buttocks will acquire appetizing shapes, and your hips will tighten. With your appearance, you can fall in love with any guy. Guys: During this exercise, a record number of calories are burned.

8. Remember your legs

After winter and spring shoes, your feet may not be ready for open shoes. So immediately go do a pedicure.

9. Defeating stress

If you are very worried about how you will look, this will not help you in any way. When you're stressed, you cause your body to produce more cortisol, which causes belly fat. Learn to deal with bad moods. Yoga or a warm fragrant bath will help you with this. And look and be a really happy person.

10. Drink more fluids

Thanks to a sufficient amount of water in the body, your skin will look healthier and cleaner, and your internal organs will start to work like clockwork. In addition, in this way you will dull the feeling of hunger for a while. So, right now, go to the kitchen for a glass of clean water. Drink several of these glasses a day.

So, here we have compiled a minimum program for the course "How to prepare for the summer." It remains to really want everything to be cool this summer, and start taking care of yourself. Good luck! Don't forget the session!

Summer is flaring up outside the window, which means that it's time to prepare for the season of heat and light clothes. Summer is a wonderful time of the year, but not everyone is happy about it. It is difficult to rejoice at the warming when extra pounds chill the soul. Today we will talk about how to prepare for the summer in a month, and squeeze the maximum pleasure out of this process.

This means that if we give too much stress, the body will respond by releasing large amounts of the stress hormone, cortisol. Regardless of discipline or willpower, high cortisol makes you quit a stressful activity.

  • . We talk about why it is important to increase the load in training. And why does it need to be done smoothly;
  • . We show when you can train, so as not to get exhausted.

Training programs for weight loss by the summer

As part of this program, we will use only 2 exercises - jumping rope and squats. We work with a rope every day, we perform squats in the “2 days of training, 1 day of rest” mode.

We get 30 jump rope workouts and 20 days of squats.

Men can add pull-ups and push-ups here, which are performed every other day.

It's a small job, but don't worry. What we will do fully answers the question “How to prepare for the summer in a month?”.

20% of actions give 80% of results. 80% of actions - 20% of results.

I suggest tossing out 80% of unnecessary activities and focusing on the 20% that get results.

Jump rope weight loss program

Workout # Approaches Approach duration in minutes Total duration of jumps in minutes
1 5 1 5 90
2 5 1,5 7,5 90
3 5 2 10 90
4 7 2 14 90
5 7 2,5 17,5 90
6 7 3 21 90
7 8 3 24 90
8 8 3,5 28 90
9 8 4 32 90
10 9 4 36 90
11 10 4 40 90
12 10 4 40 75
13 10 4 40 60
14 10 4,5 45 60
15 10 4,5 45 60
16 10 5 50 60
17 10 5 50 60
18 11 5 55 60
19 11 5 55 60
20 12 5 60 60
21 12 5 60 60
22 12 5 60 45
23 12 5 60 45
24 12 5 60 45
25 13 5 65 45
26 13 5 65 45
27 14 5 70 45
28 15 5 75 45
29 15 5 75 45
30 16 5 80 45

Squat Workout Program

Workout # Approaches repetitions Rest in seconds after the set
1 3 10 120
2 4 10 120
3 5 10 120
4 6 10 90
5 7 10 90
6 7 12 90
7 7 15 90
8 7 18 90
9 7 20 90
10 7 22 90
11 7 24 90
12 7 25 90
13 7 28 90
14 7 30 90
15 7 33 90
16 7 36 90
17 7 38 90
18 7 40 90
19 7 42 90
20 7 45 90

Do not stare at the latest numbers, which now seem gigantic. We will approach them smoothly so that the body has time to adapt.

This system differs from others in that it gives the maximum result for 3-4 weeks of action. The first 2 weeks also give an excellent result, but in fact they are only the preparation of physics and the psyche for the amount of work that will be received in 3-4 weeks.

If you start jumping rope for an hour from the first day, the body will react as follows:

  • Cortisol levels skyrocket. As a result, training will unconsciously begin to be perceived as hard labor;
  • High cortisol - high appetite. You want to compensate for stress with tasty, high-calorie food;
  • There will be no weight loss. The hormonal system, afigev from what is happening, will direct all its forces to maintain balance. Calories burned will be replenished through appetite.

Every system needs to be adapted. Otherwise, the body will force you to give up halfway.

Ideally, you need to "swing" even longer. But we just don't have time for that.

Workouts for fun

Much depends on the release of which hormones your training is tied to. For most, it's cortisol, the stress hormone that made you cringe at the sight of the charts above.

Only in a minority of pleasure hormones block stress, allow you to feel the buzz from the challenge.

To enter the minority club, and not worry about how to prepare for the summer in a month, use the following mechanisms:

  • Only listen to music while exercising. Refrain from your favorite music outside of activities to answer the question "How to prepare for the summer in a month?". Music is a source of pleasure hormones. During abstinence from it, a shortage is formed, which will lead to the fact that you can listen to your favorite songs only in training. In this case, it will be difficult for the brain to distinguish what it enjoys, so working on oneself will be fixed in the psyche as something pleasant;
  • Reward yourself. After training, as a reward for the work done, you can meet your loved one, friends, play a game, buy a new piece of clothing or eat some of your favorite food. But only after class. Before him - it is impossible;
  • Practice being present in the moment. Do not think about what is to be done in the future. If during the first five-minute workout you think that someday you will work there for 80 minutes, you won’t want to train the second time;
  • Create conditions for yourself in which it is easier to train than not to train. For example, you can make a bet with a friend. For each missed workout, give him 1000 rubles. As part of this scheme, we have 60 workouts. I don’t want to lose 60,000, I have to work. The best option is to record workouts on video and send them to the controller.

About nutrition

No rigid diet. Learn about it, and then read this paragraph.

The bottom line is to consume less energy than you get from food. It's best not to indulge in unhealthy foods, but there's no difference in where the calories come from.

With the help of healthy foods, gaining more calories is much more difficult. And it's easier to get fed up. Therefore, they should be the basis. But if after 5 days after the start of training you want to taste your favorite rolls, you can not limit yourself to this. Is that their number will have to be calculated so as not to exceed the required calorie content.

Everything is much simpler than we think.

Still not sure how to prepare for summer in a month? Ask questions in the comments. We will help you deal with any problem.

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