What can you say by a person's lips. Physiognomy of lips: definition of a person's character, features, photo with description

The lips of a loved one can tell you about many features of him. character. Moreover, to tell not only in a literal sense, but according to the laws of physiognomy - the science of reading character man by his face.

Big lips and wide mouth

Such traits are a sign of a reckless person, prone to rash and spontaneous actions. Although the law is the same for both women and men - the wider the mouth, the better. character person. But a mouth that is too large and does not close tightly betrays a careless and indecisive character of a man.

Bright red lip color character overbearing. Such men they usually become good husbands, because they are faithful, responsible and fair to people.

Small mouth

A neat little mouth indicates a peaceful character. A person with a small mouth is usually wise and calm. If men a small mouth that seems to open poorly, which means that its owner is always busy fighting for existence. And such a mouth can be a sign of a weak character.

A small mouth with thin lips is a sign of shyness character, an indecisive person, unable to take responsibility. But if the small mouth opens wide, then the person has wide eyes and is shy. character.

Thick lips

The lover of luxury and passionate men just thick lips. Such lips, as Chinese physiognomists say, indicate a sensual man capable of great love. Also, these people tend to have a methodical mindset.

Thin lips

Do you want to calculate the eloquent boyfriend? Just thin lips indicate eloquence men, as well as his quick wits and ingenuity in love. But a guy with such lips is prone to arbitrariness, that is, he will not blindly obey a woman.

"Fish Mouth"

A well-defined mouth with corners down, the so-called fish mouth, happens in people with a strong will, unshakable and not amenable to other people's influence. In a critical situation, such a man will be able to cope alone, without anyone's help. Sometimes the "fish mouth" happens to inveterate gossips.

Convex or flat, straight or curved

If closed lips fold into a straight line, then their owner is thoughtful, scrupulous, albeit a little petty. Men with such lips are usually at the top of society.

If this line is slightly or strongly curved, this is a sign of great energy and boundless enthusiasm. Rough lip lines indicate resourcefulness and ingenuity.

When you look at a man in profile, can see if his lips protrude or retract. A protruding mouth is inherent in people who are decisive, active, and have a quick mind. A drooping mouth is a sign of a prudent person.

special lips

Lips that seem to twitch are a sign of a nervous and emotional personality. The upper lip is wide and firm, meaning longevity. And if one lip is much thicker than the other, then this person is prone to slow-wittedness, it is not very easy for him to analyze life situations.

Constantly pursed lips betray a secretive and insincere person. But always a slightly open mouth occurs in people with an open character, honest and incapable of tricks.

The mouth is ruled by the planet Venus, the mistress of love, sensuality, relationships between people. The size of the mouth speaks about the perception of other people, about emotions, attachments, etc. The size and shape of the human mouth can determine the internal energy of a person. However, each person should be approached purely individually, with the same shape of the mouth there may be different character traits. In this article we will talk about how to determine the character of a person by his mouth.

Physiognomy of the mouth

The mouth is considered not only based on the shape of the lips. The size of the mouth (the gap itself), the color of the lips is also very important. The color of the lips shows the state of our health. Probably everyone noticed that blue lips are in a person with poor heart function, blood-red with high blood pressure, and pale with anemia. The best lip color is pink. A person with such lips is healthy and full of energy, he looks to the future with confidence and is not afraid of change. The thickness of the lips says more about the character of a person. Thin lips usually belong to a purposeful, logically thinking person, sometimes devoid of emotions. Full lips happen to sincere and simple-hearted, emotional people.

The width of the mouth is also very important for the meaning of the shape of the mouth. For a man, a wide square (in the closed state) mouth, round (in the open state) is good. For women - a small round mouth with plump lips.

In addition, in order to determine the character by the shape of the mouth, the symmetry of the lips is also important. It was believed that protruding lips (upper or lower) are associated with the date of death of the parents, and a mouth that cannot close completely belongs to an evil, insidious, treacherous person. The mouth should generally close completely, otherwise the vital force escapes. If the mouth does not close, then the person has a bad temper.

  • Some physiognomists argue that a small arched human mouth with slightly lowered corners is a sign of vulnerability, lack of a creative scientific spark, and moderation in sex.
  • A small mouth indicates a weak character and uncertainty about the future. The Japanese like a large mouth in men and a small mouth in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, which is not very popular with strong-willed men.
  • Tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth speak of a person's perseverance, a tightly closed mouth speaks of purposefulness and determination. Such people are often found among professional athletes who are able to withstand enormous physical exertion.
  • On the contrary, a slightly open mouth, especially with a drooping lower lip and jaw, indicates reduced mental activity.
  • A symmetrical, open mouth without distortions indicates a balance of emotions.
  • A mouth that is narrowed and drooped on one side (racquet symptom) occurs in central facial paresis, malocclusion, or simply stubbornness. However, such people are very good-natured, sensitive, shy, laconic and very vulnerable.
  • A large mouth indicates courage and deceit, a small one indicates timidity and modesty, a compressed one indicates firmness, an open mouth indicates stupidity. In addition, a constantly open mouth is observed with idiocy, cretinism (congenital mixelema), as well as severe stomatitis, difficult nasal breathing.
  • A large distance from the nose to the mouth is characteristic of impressionable, capricious, voluptuous people.
  • A large straight mouth is a sign of courage and courage in men, masculinity in women. But a large mouth can also indicate deceit.
  • A large mouth with wavy lips (at least two bends) is a sign of cunning, a tendency to betrayal. The owners of such a mouth are not distinguished by honesty, they can betray, always "on their own mind." They love and know how to talk, but they do not have the gift of persuasion, they are successful with the opposite sex, they marry more than once.
  • A small mouth is a sign of weakness of character, timidity, evidence of the struggle for existence, it also speaks of resentment, intransigence, harmfulness.
  • The small size of the mouth with thin lips and downturned corners is evidence of a difficult fate. Such people are pursued by poverty and misfortune, they are mediocre, envious, prone to slander.
  • A small mouth with thin lips and upturned corners is evidence of the caution and conservatism of their owners. But these people are always full of optimism, logical and conscientious. Their element is accounting and medium business.
  • A small mouth with lowered corners of the lips is a sign of the sensitivity of nature, vulnerability, moderation in sex and, as a rule, the lack of a creative gift.

How to determine the character of a man by the shape of his mouth

In Chinese physiognomy, the mouth is considered one of the most important features in determining the sensual-emotional qualities of a person's character. This is not accidental, since this organ is a multifunctional link between the physical and spiritual world of a person, between the inner and outer.

A man's mouth should be distinguished by strength and hardness, and a woman's by softness and tenderness. Any deviation from this norm indicates the predominance in the character of qualities that are usually inherent in the opposite sex. For example, if a woman's mouth is hard enough, and her lips are elastic and powerful, this indicates her strong-willed and strong nature, prudence and practicality of the mind, self-sufficiency.

Such qualities will lead to the fact that her fate will turn out well financially, such a woman will be able to achieve a lot, make an excellent career and secure a comfortable existence for herself. But the other side of this coin is independence, which invariably leads to loneliness and an unhappy personal life. Men are afraid of strong and independent women, so they try to avoid communicating with them.

On the other hand, if a man's mouth has insufficient hardness, this indicates his weakness, capriciousness - in general, all the qualities inherent in a woman. This portends a predominantly bohemian lifestyle, inconstancy in love.

But if the corners of the mouth are raised, this is a sign of a happy future. Perhaps on his way he will meet a wise and strong woman who, obeying her maternal instinct, will be able to take care of him, control his character and guide him on the right path.

What does the shape of a person's mouth say about a person's character?

A large, wide mouth, disharmonious to the rest of the face, distinguishes people who are talkative, arrogant, often resorting to lies. On the contrary, a small mouth indicates a modest and peaceful character, wisdom, but sometimes secrecy. Let's start defining the character by the shape of the mouth.

  • The firm mouth, with the corners falling downwards, is known as the "fish mouth". It characterizes a man of strong will, unshakable, not susceptible to outside influence. In critical situations, such a person will show his ability to cope alone, without outside help. They or she belong to the type of people who "wage their own battle" themselves. "Fish mouth" also occurs in hardened gossip. In women, such a mouth indicates stubbornness. In sexual relations, such a woman is imperious and demanding. Her family life is often fragile.
  • A mouth that constantly twitches is known as "horse mouth" and is a sign of a nervous and agitated personality. The same conclusion can be drawn in relation to people whose type of mouth is connected by clear lines with the eyes or the top of the nostrils. In China, such individuals are said to be doomed to "starvation." This intriguing saying is not about material wealth at all, but has to do with the various types of hunger themselves, ranging from psychological to physical.
  • If the lines of the cheeks seem to disappear into the mouth, then such a mouth is called the "mouth of the snake." A person with a "snake mouth" is violent, dangerous and not trustworthy. This directly indicates that he is to be feared, and that he himself is likely to die a violent death.
  • A person whose mouth is strongly slanted down to one side is fickle and stubborn. Such individuals tend to speak in ways that offend employees.
  • In women, the line of the mouth, which seems to harbor an enigmatic smile at both corners of the mouth, is an indication of a deeply sensual nature. Chinese physiognomists call this shape of the lips "inverted crescent." It is very common among women. Such women are good partners in family life. In men, lips of this form are rare, and if they are sometimes found, then the mouth indicates a soft, feminine temperament and artistic inclinations.
  • A loose, loosely shaped mouth, with corners curving downwards, warns that the individual has a violent temper. The marriage of such a person usually ends in divorce. Sometimes such a line of the mouth is called the "overturned boat". Among women, such a mouth indicates sexual promiscuity.
  • A wide mouth, in which the corners go down, and the edges of the lips are outlined nervously, usually characterize a restless, anxious personality.
  • If the lips are thin and do not close well, then a person with this type of mouth, apparently, does not have a craving for a successful professional career.
  • If closed lips do not match well, then this is everywhere considered a sign of criminal inclinations.

Chinese physiognomy of the mouth

When determining the character and destiny of a person, Chinese physiognomists consider the mouth one of the five most important features for many reasons. The body receives air and food through the mouth. Both are necessary to sustain life. The mouth acts as a speech apparatus and expresses the thoughts of a person, revealing the warehouse of his character and, finally, in their opinion, the size and shape of the mouth help determine the internal energy of a person.

The ideal mouth should be shaped so that the groove in the middle of the upper lip is balanced with the nose and forehead. In men, the mouth should be strong and the lips firm. A woman's mouth should be tender and her lips soft.

The general rule of character for a person's mouth is: the wider the opening of the mouth, the better the character of the person. But a large mouth that cannot close tightly betrays a careless and indecisive character. These people are often the victims. People who were born into wealthy families and did not receive enough internal energy to fight for existence often have this type of mouth.

  • The large mouth of a woman shows that she has more ability for a career in the service than for domestic work.
  • A large mouth with red, shiny lips is characteristic of people who are capable of showing authority. These are people with a sense of responsibility, maintaining close family ties. The same is true for people with wide mouths, whose lips are slightly turned up at the corners of the mouth.
  • If the mouth opens in the form of a large square with hard lips, then this indicates a good-natured person. A well-centered mouth, without shifting to one side or another, also indicates a carefree nature, not prone to torment.
  • A wide mouth on a full but firm base, found in people with a large bony structure. They are often self-absorbed, ambitious, adventurous and aggressive. But they are also indifferent to their successes and failures.
  • A wide mouth on a small face usually belongs to an extrovert. But if a wide mouth is on a square face, then this characterizes a person of an authoritative, good organizer. And if at the same time such a mouth is combined with heavy lips, then this is an indication that a person is worthy of trust.

General rule: a small mouth means that the individual is forever engaged in the struggle for existence. Such a mouth indicates a weak character. In combination with thin lips, a small mouth speaks of a shy character, of a person who does not dare to take responsibility. But if a small mouth opens well, then this indicates a breadth of views with a touch of shyness and a desire to postpone their affairs for later.

Different types of mouth

dragon mouth

This is a large square shape of the mouth, the corners are clearly expressed, located horizontally, the lips are full, even, without defects. It is believed that a person with such a mouth will have everything he wants.

tiger mouth

Such a mouth is wide, with full lips, symmetrical. Lip color is pink. It is wider in the center than at the edges. The mouth of the tiger belongs to powerful, intelligent and strong people, with a fine mental organization, emotional and generous. Often such a mouth "goes" to wealthy heirs, who are happy to lend money to their friends. If they become bosses, they take care of their subordinates and their prosperity.

fox mouth

Determination of character by the shape of the mouth. It is a large mouth with wavy lips. It is believed that people with such a mouth are dishonest, cunning and can do harm. During communication, they often lose the thread of the conversation, they cannot convey their thoughts in an undistorted form. But with love relationships, they are all right: they often change partners and marry several times.

monkey mouth

It is a wide mouth with thin, curved lips. People with such a mouth are quite consistent with the character of the monkey - they are cunning, prone to betrayal, very diplomatic, they can rise with the help of cunning or arrogance (choose according to the situation). Their minds are quick and lively, their lust for power is fantastic. With people, they rarely enter into long-term contacts, by nature they are very lonely.

cow mouth

This is a small mouth shape with full lips, red in color, the corners are turned up. The owners of such a mouth have good health, they are happy in family life, although they like to please the opposite sex and can flirt. They like to eat well, they like a comfortable environment. Money in itself does not matter to them, so they are generous, if circumstances permit. By nature, they are emotional and prone to romantic feelings.

pig mouth

This is also a small mouth with thick lips protruding forward. People with such a mouth are lazy, impatient, cowardly and very quick-tempered. Most of all they value coziness and comfort. They make money easily, but just as quickly and wastefully spend. They often enter into verbal skirmishes, sometimes their rash words can destroy their own well-being.

mouse mouth

This is a small mouth, thin lips, the corners are directed downwards. People with such mouths are pessimists, whiners, losers, they can turn out to be traitors or gossips. They always try to pull the blanket over themselves and quickly stop attempts to free themselves from their power.

ram mouth

This is a small mouth with thin lips, the corners are raised up. Such a mouth belongs to people who are fearful, cautious, very dogmatic, but looking to the future with optimism. There are many such people among small businessmen and accountants.

fish mouth

This is a small mouth with full lips, slightly protruding forward, and dimples in the very corners. Usually such a mouth occurs in people who do not like to communicate, they are taciturn and busy with their own thoughts. It is difficult for them to express their thoughts aloud, so they speak in short phrases that are not always and not clear to everyone. Because alcohol helps them speak more fluently, they may become addicted to drinking.

Mouth in the shape of the Chinese numeral one

This is a wide mouth with narrow lips, the corners of the mouth are located on the horizontal. Determination of character by the shape of the mouth: its owners love power, they are born managers, they know how to make difficult decisions, they are not afraid of responsibility. But these are the creators of unpopular reforms. Subordinates are afraid of the "brilliant" ideas of their boss, because this usually brings them a decrease in income and trouble.

Mouth in the shape of the Chinese numeral four

This is a wide mouth, lips are full and rectangular in shape, the corners are slightly raised. It is believed that a person with such a mouth is waiting for wealth and a high social position. The owners of such lips are wonderful people, they are generous, self-confident, friendly, optimistic, courageous and determined. Friendship with such a person will be strong and forever.

Mouth shaped like an onion

This is a wide mouth with full lips of bright color, the corners are raised up, and the teeth are white and healthy. A person with such a mouth will be rich and happy, he will live a long life. This mouth is good for women.

cherry mouth

This is a small pink mouth with a plump lower lip, the corners rise up. People with such a mouth have a soft character, they are gentle, kind, romantic, simple-minded, smart and artistic. They may be gifted with talents that allow them to earn a lot of money. This is the most successful mouth shape for a woman. A woman with a cherry-shaped mouth, according to Eastern concepts, will be an excellent mother and wife.

Mouth with wrinkles

Such a mouth is all dotted with vertical wrinkles, which are not associated with disease or old age. With this, a person with a wrinkled mouth is all right. Sometimes they are among the long-livers. By nature, these people are lonely and unsociable, although they are smart. Focusing on their own thoughts is more important to them than idle chatter. Often such people become philosophers or lead a secluded life away from people.

Features of the perfect mouth

Ideal lips, which are the embodiment of a beautiful character and a prosperous fate, intended for a full-fledged, holistic personality, should have the following features:

  • lips rather full than thin;
  • the contour is clearly defined, the corners are pronounced, any shapelessness and vagueness of the lips are excluded;
  • to the touch, the lips are dense and elastic, and not soft;
  • lip color should approach intense red, bright enough and shiny;
  • the shape of the mouth is in proportion to the rest of the facial features.

An excellent addition to the properties of the shape of the mouth listed above are the sufficient width and hardness of the upper lip, which portends longevity and a comfortable, secure old age, surrounded by numerous descendants.

What will tell the shape and line of the lips

If you look closely at the profile of a person, you will notice that with closed lips, the mouth protrudes slightly in relief or, on the contrary, sinks inward.

  • In the first case, among the main characteristics of its owner, one can name decisiveness, the ability to be active as the dominant qualities. The mobile and practical mind of such a person will allow him to skillfully maneuver between underwater reefs even with the rapid flow of the river of life.
  • On the contrary, a drooping mouth indicates a person's prudence. Usually such people are essentially conservative and somewhat pragmatic. They do not welcome innovations and changes, preferring to lead a familiar and measured lifestyle. Nevertheless, anticipating the benefits and advantages of a particular enterprise, they no doubt make the necessary efforts and, accordingly, achieve excellent results. Endowed with entrepreneurial abilities, they usually amass a solid capital, thereby providing for the next generation.
  • If, without smiling, your mouth forms a smooth arc with the corners down, like a shooter's bow, this indicates sensuality as the dominant quality of your character. The goal of your life is aimed at finding a worthy life partner, which you will succeed on condition of harmonious proportionality of the lips, in which the upper lip should be slightly smaller than the lower one.
  • If you have a large enough mouth, and the color of your lips is bright and shiny, then you are destined to be the head of the family. In addition, you have all the necessary qualities to hold a high position, to be the head of an enterprise thanks to your activity and diligence, practical and sound mind, and excellent organizational skills. If you fail to realize such abilities at work, in favor of the enterprise, then you will have to play the role of a dictator in the family.
  • A small, well-shaped mouth portends a constant struggle for existence. An insidious fate will throw you problems and obstacles on the way to achieving your goals, before which you will be forced to retreat due to a weak and indecisive character. If at the same time your lips are too thin, this indicates shyness and timidity, which will not allow you to conquer fate, but rather send you on a voyage "by the will of the waves."
  • If your lips form a long, straight line, this indicates character traits such as systematic, thoughtful, scrupulous and sometimes petty. You have to enter the ranks of worthy members of any society, taking an active part in its activities if this will bring you material benefits or help you gain an excellent reputation.
  • The unevenness, brokenness of the lip line indicates that you can express yourself in the creative field. Your enthusiasm and extraordinary energy, combined with a lively mind and excellent imagination, will make you famous as a talented inventor, artist, designer and other creative professions. Fate has endowed you with resourcefulness, thanks to which you will be able to withstand all hardships and difficulties.
  • An interesting fate awaits those people whose mouth is connected by clear lines, skin wrinkles with eyes or wings of the nostrils. In China, such people are said to be doomed to "starvation." This expression should not be taken so literally, since it has a broader interpretation. Rather, it is not about material impoverishment (although this is not excluded), but about psychological or physical exhaustion.
  • If lines leading from the cheeks to the corners of the mouth are clearly distinguished on the face, danger awaits such a person in the future. This shape of the lips testifies to such qualities as violence, aggressiveness, vindictiveness and vindictiveness. Such a person has a tendency to fall under the negative influence of the criminal environment in which he may be involved. There is a possibility that he will die a violent death.

Pay attention to the proportion of your lips.

  • The protruding upper lip speaks of a vain and indecisive character. About the personal life of such a person, one can definitely say that he will be unhappy in marriage, mainly through his own fault. All their lives they do not find what they are looking for, and even having settled on the legalization of relations, they make connections on the side, which does not at all contribute to strengthening the marriage.
  • The protruding lower lip indicates the selfishness and quarrelsomeness of a person. As a rule, such people are doomed to loneliness and misunderstanding of society. If at the same time the outer edge of the lower lip is slightly upturned in the middle, fate promises you a bohemian, creative and independent lifestyle, especially in your younger years.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person by his mouth.


The mouth carries information about sensuality, softness, suppleness, love, friendship, that is, about the emotional world of a person. In ancient times, before taking someone as a student, the sages subjected his mouth to a thorough examination in order to identify vices and virtues. Purely feminine qualities (softness, amiability, affection, dreaminess and passivity) relax the lips. Excessive development of these character traits (fearfulness, weakness of character, laziness, susceptibility to someone else's influence) opens the lips. A stupid person's mouth is often limply open. The more open the lips, the weaker the mental control, the stronger the instincts.

The size and shape of the mouth can determine the strength of a person's internal energy. Reference points for determining the size of the mouth are vertical lines lowered from the centers of the pupils to the line of closing of the lips. Men usually have larger mouths than women. “Everything that contains human nature,” said Lavater, “is put into his mouth. They express reason and madness, strength and weakness, virtue and vice, delicacy and rudeness; are the receptacle of love and hatred, sincerity and hypocrisy, humility and pride, truth and falsehood.

Big mouth people- born "invaders", they strive to keep as much different information as possible near them, in order to then digest it and appropriate it, saying in the end: "This is mine!". They will never miss their own, they will do an excellent job with any business if they see their own benefit in it.

A woman with a big mouth (if the lips are not plump) is considered courageous, which, by the way, strong-willed men do not really like.

Large mouth and downturned lips they talk about the strong will of the owner, who is difficult to influence. Such a person relies on the power of the conqueror. It's good with him, it's dangerous to go against him. He can joke, seem active and cheerful, but the lowered corners of his mouth will give out his depressed state: with prolonged depression, the corners of the mouth are always lowered. At the same time, a large mouth is a sign of a vulnerable, sentimental, creative nature.

Large open mouth is a sign of strength and courage, but also hatred of someone, indicates a person's temper, a thirst for adventure, a need for a change of scenery.

If a person has a large but compressed mouth, in the arsenal of his personality traits there are purposefulness and determination, stinginess, greed, vindictiveness.

Small mouth indicates a weak character and a constant struggle for survival. Such people often have to resort to skill and even cunning. They know exactly what they want and do not try to disperse their forces, which they do not have enough, especially for large prey. But such people have more than enough zeal.

If small mouth is often open, then this speaks of tenderness, kindness of its owner, love of order and cleanliness, but also of secrecy and skepticism.

Expansion of the oral cavity especially with the sagging of the lower jaw, speaks of a decrease in mental activity.

Slightly open mouth may indicate that a person is listening carefully to your words, or that you have an interlocutor in front of you who always finds it difficult to understand someone else's speech.

If the small mouth is often closed, then its owner is a balanced person, able to come to the rescue. He remains serious both in work and in feelings, although a fire burns in his soul.

Tight lips and clenched teeth talk about the perseverance of a person.

slightly smiling mouth- a sign of an interesting, rich, intelligent, benevolent, open-hearted personality, unless, of course, this smile is not artificial.

Sometimes you can meet man with twisted mouth. This nature is skeptical, with a changeable mood, a tough approach to people and their problems, with high intelligence.

Symmetrical, non-skewed mouth opening indicates a balance of emotions, and a mouth, one side of which is narrowed and lowered, is found in stubborn people.

Constantly twitching mouth is a sign of a neurotic personality.

The outlines of the mouth are constantly changing. In the first years of life, a person is optimistic and always ready to smile, so the corners of the child's mouth are slightly raised. Depending on how life develops later, natural optimism is fixed in facial features or disappears, and the mouth takes on a shape reflected in ancient Greek theatrical masks: the corners of the mouth turned upward symbolize cheerfulness and optimism, downward - a tendency to pessimism.

There is an opinion that it is not the eyes that are the mirror of the soul, but the lips: the more correct and beautiful the lips of a person, the better his character. In profile, they should be even. Beautiful, regular lips are rare, an overhanging upper lip or a drooping lower one speaks of flaws in a person's character.

The observations of psychologists coincide with traditional everyday generalizations. It is noted that people with thin lips by nature they are rather dry, prudent and economical, do not like long conversations and theatricality. As a rule, they succeed in financial transactions, which cannot be said about full-lipped ("lipped") people who are distinguished by generosity and an open demeanor. Women with thin lips often use a pencil and bright lipstick to look more attractive and hide bad character traits behind makeup.

Upturned upper lip speaks of an absurd character and distinguishes capricious people, overly full lips talk about greed. "Dimples" in the corners of the lips distinguish people with a good character.

The painstaking correlation of character with the shape of the lips allows us to distinguish certain types of lips that reflect important personality traits. The ratio of intelligence and the structure of the lips is clearly visible in the example of mentally retarded people: there are no mentally retarded people with neat, even lips.

We stick out the lower lip as a sign of protest, lack of desire, refusal. At the same time, we aggressively raise the chin, thereby expressing disappointment or anger.

When we want to take a decisive step, we tighten our lips. Pursed, drawn deep into the mouth, lips betray a greedy or stubborn, egoist, for whom the world around is cold and alien, and there is only benefit. Tightly compressed lips indicate a reluctance to accept or share information. A “hard” upper lip expresses a cold determination bordering on severity, it can also be a sign of pride or a sense of superiority.

Lips "bow"- the most feminine. They testify to charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time about insincerity and deceit. In men, such lips are a sign of vanity and frivolity;

juicy lips live, talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by temperament and sensuality;

small lips- gentle, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

thin lips, cold, but beautiful forms, give out a passionate nature, very gentle, but sometimes restrained. Such a person is difficult to captivate, in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Too thin lips are hard people capable of meanness;

beautiful, thinly drawn and somewhat ironic lips may belong to a poet and an intellectual who knows how to combine reality with dreams;

if the upper lip is much larger than the lower, then the owner of such a mouth is an imperious, dry person with a rational outlook on life, devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

thick (puffy) lips- a sign of sensuality and firmness of character, the distinguishing features of which are complete control over oneself, unshakable calmness and the need for sensual pleasures.

The characteristics of people who have a thin upper and plump lower lip (Fig. 7.21) represent a certain combination of features: they got cunning and pragmatism from thin lips, activity, sensuality and love of life from plump ones.

Rice. 7.21. Thin upper lip and plump lower

On the one hand, pragmatism and love of order, on the other hand, the ability to enjoy life, intelligence and sexuality. The question is what will prevail. Usually the love of pleasure wins in this confrontation, and the desire to restore order stops from possible mistakes.

Physiognomists advise not to really trust such people, and even more so to get carried away, because life with them can be unpredictable: today the North Pole, and tomorrow - the tropics. Another drawback is their talkativeness and inability to restrain themselves.

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Asymmetrically curved upper lip This shape of the lips (Fig. 7.24) betrays a joker, a naughty person and just a big child in a person, and this applies to both men and women. Rice. 7.24. Asymmetrically curved upper lip The whole life of the owners of such lips resembles a game,

It is not for nothing that a Japanese proverb says that a person’s lips can sometimes speak much more eloquently than their eyes. The fact is that in reality the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Knowing how, you can find an approach to any representative of the fair sex and learn a lot about her.

How to determine the character by the shape of the lips?

Do you think that only especially gifted individuals can read the character's lips? No matter how! Anyone who wants to get acquainted with such a science as physiognomy can do this. Scientists-physiognomists not only determine by the shape of the lips, but are also able to tell about the life - present, past, future - of a “readable” person. The latter, of course, is more difficult to master, but if desired, anyone can do this too. The main thing is assertiveness and purposefulness.

Lip shape and character

Scientists and psychologists have long understood how the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Research on this topic has been going on for a long time. Thanks to this, the science that was mentioned above appeared. In the modern world, the essence of how the shape of the lips and are connected has become even more popular and has even begun to be successfully used in medicine, legal practice, and personal growth training.

Lip size

Not only the shape is connected, the size of the lips and the character of the woman are also interdependent:

  1. regular size indicates that you have a balanced person who is used to a sensible approach to solving various problems, who knows how to listen and extract useful information from a conversation, stress-resistant, unshakable and cheerful.

  1. - a symbol of sensuality and impressive sexual energy. Bright representatives of this category are Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe. Women with such lips love to live to the fullest. Most are even guided by the motto "you need to get everything, here and immediately or never in your life." At the same time, they have strong willpower and self-control. Some plump-lipped women are calculating but self-critical.

  1. Thin lips a woman emphasizes a vicious character. At least, many would like to think so. But small lips do not always symbolize an envious and malicious character. More often, representatives of this group are restrained and charming, assertive, stubborn and witty, a little reserved, but insightful. The main drawback of the majority is the inability to demonstrate their own willpower.

Upper lip

You also need to pay attention to the ratio of the lips. It matters. Suppose if the upper lip is larger than the lower, then this person is a bright personality. Almost all members of the group are charismatic and unrealistically cheerful. In addition, if the upper lip is larger than the lower one in women, this indicates high self-esteem and the ability to win people over. The ladies from this group love to be in the spotlight and always behave with dignity - the funniest jokes, the most sparkling sayings, funny scenes always come from them.


Another thing is when the lower lip is larger than the upper one. Such people are simply not made for monotonous work in any office, because there are so many interesting things in the world that it is unforgivable to waste your time within four walls. Owners of lips of this size know a lot about real fun, and for good spirits they need to constantly feed on new acquaintances, places, impressions - they are very inquisitive and, in addition, have leadership qualities.

Corners of the mouth

The location of the corners of the mouth affects the visual impression and plays an important role in determining the character:

  1. Raised corners optimistic people who are almost always in a good mood. Such women never remain alone for a long time and attract everyone to them like a magnet. Great news - representatives of the category definitely expect well-being in life.

  1. If the corners of the lips are turned down, the character it demonstrates is pessimistic and dull. Such women are accustomed to take everything to heart and masterfully dramatize. Some ladies are arrogant, but more often the representatives of the group suffer from an inferiority complex.

Features of the location of the lips

Another important factor that can tell something about the interlocutor, friend, relative, acquaintance. Here are some of the features:

  1. It is considered that symmetrical lips they talk about the character of a deceitful and unpleasant human nature. Of course, this is not always the case - many are simply scared away by curved lines. Although sometimes the theory works flawlessly, in most cases, asymmetry on the face symbolizes a kind and cheerful disposition.

  1. Owners soft lips very impressionable. It is easy for them to cause tears, they can easily be touched, offended, offended.
  1. Hard lips characterize a strong, strong-willed, decisive personality. Such representatives of the fair sex easily endure all difficulties, and those around them may not even guess about their problems.