"Active Longevity" E.N. Shibalov (2012). Conversations with Father

Archpriest Sergiy Rybchak, rector of the church in the name of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul, Polevskoy, answers questions from viewers. Transfer from Yekaterinburg.

Today we would like to talk about whether sports and Physical Culture to an Orthodox person and how applicable to a Christian is the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. It is clear that physical culture and maintaining oneself in a healthy state are necessary for any person.

Our viewer writes: "Sport, of course, is necessary for everyone, it sobers up the body, tempering it, as reading does it with the brain." But there is another extreme: people can say that the ascetics, the saints were not athletes, they did not look after their mortal body and often could spend the whole day in fasting and prayer, using one cracker and washing it down with holy water, or even not eating at all. no food. They were saved by fasting and prayer, so there is no need to monitor your body (for which, in fact, physical culture exists). I would like to understand these two extremes. One option is when everything is very hypertrophied and too much attention is paid to the body, and the other is when no importance is attached to it.

In fact, a very interesting and, probably, the most pressing issue today, especially for residents of megacities, cities, including young people. The fact is that when it comes to ascetics, we must remember how they worked, what they did and in what conditions they lived. For example, even 50-60 years ago, there was a lot of physical labor in a person’s life, he rarely used the services of vehicles, and many even moved on foot. Therefore, physical labor and walking from work to work, 5-10 kilometers a day, in my opinion, completely replaced the physical training that today not only many young people do not have, but modern man in principle. Our life has changed a lot because of the comfort, progress, which made it possible to move around while sitting too. Therefore, this problem has become very urgent, requiring a solution. And I must say that the Church, of course, supports physical education and the right attitude to the development of one's body. Moreover, according to the teachings of the Church, a person is a being consisting of spirit, soul and body, and the body, as a temple of the soul, must be maintained in an appropriate form. In this regard, there are no special prohibitions for us to go in for sports, physical culture. Another thing is that you can distinguish between professional sports and mass sports, to maintain your physical strength and condition. Here is another conversation.

Yes, we need to distinguish between the issues of our conversation: sports as a professional occupation of a person and physical culture, when a person simply maintains himself in a healthy tone. If we talk about sports as a professional work of a person, and not just as a kind of hobby, when there may be a feeling that this is a manifestation of a certain self: “I can do better, I can do it faster, I can do it more, I can do more.” Unfortunately, we very rarely see famous athletes talk about their achievements not as a result of many days, many hours of training, but as a kind of synthesis - and about the gift of God, and about that aspiration, in which, of course, there is the merit of the person himself . Do you think this leads to the manifestation of vanity, pride? And how to overcome them?

It must be said that, unfortunately, every person living in this world is already born with a spoiled nature. And it is just manifested by such our passions as: pride, vanity and many others. Therefore, no matter what a person does, everything, even his good activities, will slowly be poisoned by vanity. Moreover, I can’t imagine that a person was engaged professionally, he succeeded in it, and he would not be conceited. Certainly, it will be conceited. Another thing is what goals he sets for himself. One thing is when a person earns his bread with this. I know professional athletes and maintain good and kind relations with them, they sometimes consult, take blessings for some very important and responsible competitions, even participating in the Olympic Games. Of course, a lot of athletes (who I know, at least) put in tremendous work to achieve certain results. But at the same time, they still try to trust in God's help. And when something really outstanding or significant for them suddenly turns out, they unequivocally regard it as God's help. But to say this about all athletes would probably be an exaggeration. In this regard, in professional sports, you need to look at talents and achievements. Unfortunately, I have seen examples when a person who believed that he had an outstanding talent in some kind of sport, nevertheless, did not achieve the goals that he set for himself: to become famous, to take first place. He got injured and couldn't recover. And since I didn’t do anything else in my life, I didn’t get out of depression for many years; in the end, a person became an inveterate drunkard or, although he found some entertainment to dispel himself a little, he actually died. When a person sets false goals for himself, it can be very difficult for him to somehow reconfigure himself for another life. When a person understands that for him this is a means to earn a living, then this, although with regret, can be accepted.

You talked about participating in competitions. In any case, this is something gambling, that is, the place and the time when a person tries to win, hopes for it and is in a very anxious state. Excitement is not the best and generally pernicious condition. Is it harmful for a person to participate in competitions? Or, on the contrary, in competitions a person sees that he is not the only one who swims well, runs, jumps, sees dozens and hundreds of equally strong people who can also win. Maybe it helps to think about the fact that there is something higher that helps him in such a field?

In fact, doing any sport without competition becomes uninteresting. Even a person who goes to the fitness room has some kind of personal interest - to put himself in order, to make his waist more aspen or something else. And this also has its own certain excitement. And, of course, no competition, of any level, can be without excitement. If we judge these people because they show excitement, then there will be no sports in principle, and there will be no classes, and probably there will be no physical culture itself either. Because when a person begins to engage in physical culture, he sets some goal for himself and a desire arises, strong or weak. When the desire is strong, then he reaches the goal. Going in for sports, physical education (I know this from my communication with athletes) actually train the will and patience very well. We know that in the spiritual life too little is achieved without patience and will. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, once answering the question why there are so many Christians in the world, but few are saved, answered very simply: “Because they lack courage.” And courage is brought up when a person really trains his will in achieving a goal and the ability to endure. And good warriors are distinguished by this - the ability to endure and good will. For example, it is very interesting to observe a person who has experience in military service or the experience of a former athlete, he can quickly understand and tune in to spiritual life (of course, when he has faith). It is much easier to work with such people: it is much easier for them to explain some nuances of spiritual life, especially where it is necessary to use patience and will. In this regard, sports also have positive aspects, in addition to maintaining physical condition and tone. The main thing, probably, is the training of will and patience. And I'm for it.

There are also extreme sports, that is, those sports where a person, while training or participating in competitions, has a risk to health. Although, probably, sport is always a health risk, and an increased one. Is it acceptable to put yourself at risk in sports?

This is another question. Extreme sports, especially those related to the fact that a person may injure himself or injure another person, or even may threaten life, we, of course, cannot welcome. Because if a person tempts God by taking risks in this way, this, of course, is already on the verge of fighting against God, on the verge of the fact that a person really puts his “I”, his vanity and love of glory, much higher than everything else. This includes such a terrible thing when people, for the sake of their vanity (especially young people), try to take extreme selfies and it ends tragically for them. And it is, indeed, fashion and craze. And in sports, especially in extreme sports, in the same way. However, there are sports that train courage, courage that is needed. For example, we know certain types of troops that need good athletes, boxers, fighters, and so on. Therefore, we must ask: what are the goals that make a person risk his life, his health.

The saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body” will be considered correct, probably, including by many church people. If we look at its origin, we will see that it has been paraphrased, although the meaning has been preserved, but has become distant. Initially, it says that one must pray to God that a healthy mind be in a healthy body. That is, this does not mean that without one there will be no other. In your opinion, how applicable is the version that we all hear about for an Orthodox person? In my opinion, the original version is closer to us.

First, the original version more accurately reflects the true meaning of physical activity. As one of the saints said, the body is a good servant, but a very bad master. Indeed, in spiritual practice, especially in asceticism, the body is of great importance, but it must stand in its place: to be a servant, to be a temple for the soul, but the main thing is the development of the soul itself. The Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church states: “Care for human health, both mental and physical, has been the concern of the Church from time immemorial. However, the maintenance of physical health in isolation from spiritual health from the Orthodox point of view is not an unconditional value. The Lord Jesus Christ, preaching in word and deed, healed people, caring not only for their bodies, but especially for their souls, and, as a result, for the integral composition of the personality. I think that in these words the position of our Church is expressed exhaustively. And if we do not take this hierarchy into account, then there will be no healthy spirit in a healthy body. When the body turns into a master, I am afraid that there will be a spirit of despondency, depression, pride, vanity, lust, etc. in it.

- The spirit of constant dissatisfaction with oneself.


A TV viewer from Novosibirsk, a trainer with thirty years of experience, says that today's youth, visiting the section, do not go in for sports and do not strive for any results at all, but come to the gym only to pass the time. At the same time, they consider that they are engaged in sports. The infantilism of today's youth is distressing.

I absolutely agree with this opinion, and it upsets me too. Indeed, today's youth prefer to sit at gadgets, in social networks, rather than pay attention to the harmonious development of their personality, including the education of the body. Therefore organize in educational institutions different levels, in Sunday schools, mass sport games, for many today is probably a very important task, which will help to overcome the infantilism of young people. Although this applies to people of both middle and older age, who are now trapped in stone boxes and do not know what to do but sit in in social networks and watch TV.

- Question from the group of TC "Soyuz" "VKontakte": "Are sports compatible with fasting?"

Fasting primarily gives a person the opportunity to train in freedom from their addictions. Perhaps the post can clearly show whether playing sports is an addiction or really benefits a person. For example, in our rehabilitation center “Ascetic”, I do not advise our rehabilitators to engage in fitness and the like during fasts so that they can pay more attention to their souls. And who still longs for this, then walks, jogs are possible, and bows replace a lot of physical exercises, if this is done sincerely, with prayer and faith. It is enough for a person to make 20 earthly prostrations with the prayer “God, be merciful to me, a sinner,” and he will immediately feel both a surge of strength and the physical tone that is needed.

Question from the VKontakte group: “Is it possible to do physical exercises and pray silently at the same time?”

A person can pray even while working, he can walk down the street and pray, because the Lord told us: “Watch and pray without ceasing, so as not to fall into temptation.” Probably, in order not to fall into the temptation of vanity and pride, it would be nice to pray even in training. I don't see anything wrong with that.

A question from a TV viewer from the VKontakte group: “I am 59 years old, I do not work, I live in a city apartment, I have a serious disease of the spine. I do sports on all days of the week: either fitness or swimming pool. I try not to miss prayers at home, I go to church on all holidays and Sundays, and I also attend Sunday school. Am I paying too much attention to my body, maybe it’s better to pray for my health to the Lord?

In fact, these are very useful exercises, especially with a disease of the spine. So it's best to practice. This helps to prolong not only active physical activity and life, but at the same time strengthens the will. It is very useful. Therefore, I would advise not to quit classes. And since the TV viewer goes to church every week and prays at home, I think that she correctly distributed her strength, opportunities and her time. Let it continue in this spirit.

Based on this question, are restrictions necessary in a situation where too much attention is already paid to the body?

Again, we must talk about what a person's goal is. In the example of a TV viewer, we see that there are problems with the spine and appropriate physical exercises help relieve pain and ensure normal life. to be in a person goals are different: to make money on this or to demonstrate something to someone, prove it, and so on? Let him honestly answer the question, what are his goals. If they are at odds with the main goals of a Christian, then perhaps it is really worth considering reducing the time for such activities.

Everything is permitted to us, but not everything is useful.


Question from the Soyuz group on VKontakte: “My granddaughter is dancing, she is good at it. And involuntarily, it happens that you are proud of her successes. Is this a sin of pride?

When one person rejoices in the success of another, this is actually very good. When a person begins to humiliate another, for example, with the virtues of his granddaughter, his children - this is unworthy, this is a manifestation of pride. If a viewer sincerely rejoices at the success of her granddaughter without humiliating others, this is wonderful, let her rejoice. But if she says on every corner that “my child is much more talented than your children” and laughs at others, citing her as an example, then this is a really serious problem.

- A young viewer asks if she can dance at the age of 10?

Not possible, but necessary, if possible.

I’ll clarify the question a little: there are classical dances that are beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, there are sports dances, and there are dances, reports of which then get into all the media: “there was such a dance” (we won’t say where it is now). what is it).

This important point concerns parents and upbringing, whether they have an aesthetic taste, faith, understanding of Christian ethics. After all, the child does not live on his own, not in the jungle, but as a dad, mom, let her consult with them and they will tell her whether what she does is worthy or not. I mean those dances that really develop. The girl needs to develop, dancing will give her the opportunity to strengthen both physically and aesthetically. But that's up to the parents.

Question from the Soyuz group on VKontakte: “In fitness clubs in large cities, American “acid” music is most often played. How harmful is it to a Christian? Where is the line between sports and fanaticism? Are there examples of asceticism among the saints in prayer and physical culture? After all, Ilya Muromsky practiced physical exercises, that is, first he developed physically, then he became a warrior, but he also reached spiritual perfection. How to grow physically and spiritually at the same time?

As an example, I can cite St. Nicholas of Japan, who blessed the creation of that combat sport that we today call sambo. This is indeed the blessing of St. Nicholas, now a canonized saint, who himself was interested in martial arts. Again, the usefulness of all this depends on where the edge is. And it is defined as follows: if it makes you kinder, more merciful, makes you more sacrificial in relations with your neighbors, as the apostle John says: “If you say that you love God, but you hate people, then you are a liar.” It seems to me that the most important definition is how you begin to relate to people. If sport excites pride, vanity and so on in you, then, of course, it will reject all those who interfere with you or underestimate your achievements, for which you spend so much effort and money. Therefore, let everyone honestly ask himself: “How do I treat my neighbors?” It happens that people, because of their passion for sports (I have such examples), forget about their parents, forget about their loved ones: sports come first, and parents and everyone else come second. This is just an indicator, and applies not only to athletes, but to any person who is engaged in business or art, whatever. Measure yourself by your attitude towards those for whom you are responsible, who is next to you, because in love you can understand everything: what kind of person you are and what you aspire to.

Regarding music, I can say that a person is a unique being, and music affects us in the most unique way. I know that there is music that inspires a person to the beautiful, there is music that calls a person to fight, evokes various passions. I don't know what exactly we are talking about: what is "acid" music, but nevertheless, one must always remember that a person is a creature that reacts to both the beautiful and the bad. And since our spoiled nature reacts faster to the worst, then you need to be very, very afraid of music that affects my consciousness and subconscious. Of course, a person must have a musical culture, as well as a culture of eating, dressing, etc. Therefore, I can only advise one thing: if it is possible to regulate listening to this music, then it is necessary to do so. For example, to their parishioners and children from rehabilitation center I always advise in the post to try not to listen to any music, especially entertaining. In extreme cases, you can listen to good spiritual, church hymns that set a person in a prayerful mood and introspection of their actions, desires, thoughts. And when someone manages to avoid listening to music while fasting, they invariably admit later that it was helpful. And in any case, you need to refrain from "acid" music.

Question from the Soyuz group on VKontakte: “I am a sambo wrestling coach, a sambo medalist, I train children. Is it possible to take children to competitions during fasting? How to set them up for victory, because, as a rule, before entering the fight they are very cowardly, although they are physically much stronger than the enemy? How to develop the spirit and teach children not to be afraid?

This is very important question. The fact is that the organizers of the competition do not agree with church calendar and arrange competitions based on their own capabilities and convenience, and this may fall into the post. If children really go in for this kind of sport, competitions should probably not be avoided, because competitions help the child to establish himself in the achievements that he has. And you need to set them up exactly like this: "Go and win." As His Holiness the Patriarch says, if an Orthodox Christian is engaged in something, then he must be an ace in this matter, he must professionally master it. So go ahead and win.

Question from a TV viewer from Naberezhnye Chelny: “I do bodybuilding. Many of my colleagues use different kinds doping. Is this allowed?

If a person goes in for this kind of sport for himself and his health, I think no doping is needed. When people professionally earn money on this, they have to eat doping there. And here the question is how much it harms your personal health. I heard that recently there was a survey of athletes and they were offered very interest Ask: "If you know that this dope will help you win the competition, but will greatly damage your health, will you use it or not?" And a lot of athletes said: "Yes, we will use it, because the main goal is to win, to earn." Now that's a sin. Therefore, while professionally engaged in bodybuilding, using doping to achieve the goal and earn money, while harming your health, is a sin. This is the same as smoking, alcohol and drugs: we know that they only harm health and do not help in the spiritual life at all. Exactly the same here.

- A TV viewer from Volgograd asks if it is a sin to practice vocals?

And what is wrong here? For God's sake, do it. Church choirs need professional vocalists who can sing beautifully, helping in worship. What's wrong with that? In general, if a person has a certain talent that is clearly noticeable, it must be developed. After all, the Lord said: “If you bury your talent, then what you had will be taken away.” Talents need to be developed. If you have received a talent, then you need to bring interest, according to the gospel parable told by the Lord.

Again, the intention of the person who does this is important. It is one thing when it is only for oneself (in fact, it is not clear what exactly this “for oneself” means), and another thing is when a person, for example, with the help of his singing can lead people to God.

If there were no professional vocalists, there would be no good church choirs. And if there were no good church choirs, then the divine service would consist of disorderly cries. And it would not be worship. At the same time, when a person comes to church and hears harmonious, correct singing on the kliros, it really inspires him to pray, inspires him to spiritual life. And in this regard, professionalism is very necessary.

Question from a TV viewer from the town of Starodub: “Why can’t exercises be introduced for monks to maintain physical health? Or is it there, but no one knows about it?

Firstly, the monks work very hard, perhaps our viewer does not know about this. Any monk has his own obedience, this is quite a serious and lengthy work. And therefore, a monk does not always need some kind of physical exercise. In fact, many monks are in fairly good physical shape. By the way, last year I was on Athos and I was surprised by one very interesting fact: just before the entrance to the Andreevsky Skete, on the right, I saw a small basketball court. I was very interested in this, I tried to ask who was playing. Obviously, this is not made for pilgrims. No one answered me, and I left in bewilderment, but photographed this site. I think that novices or young monks sometimes allow themselves to play basketball, even on Mount Athos. So I think. Here is a small answer.

Father Sergiy, are you familiar with Strelnikova's breathing exercises? One of the viewers asks about her.

No, I'm not familiar, unfortunately.

But if we remove the name of Strelnikova from the question and talk about breathing exercises in general: does it contradict spiritual life?

If such gymnastics is necessary in order to maintain health, for example, people with lung diseases and some others are just forced to do such gymnastics in order to train the lungs all the time. I had a parishioner with a very serious lung disease, and the doctors made him constantly inflate air balloons so that he constantly trains his lungs so that they are in working condition. It was his whole practice. It is possible that if it is necessary for health, there is nothing wrong with it.

I’ll clarify that we are not talking about any specific gymnastics, so that later they would not say that at the Soyuz they said that such and such a specific gymnastics ... Probably, the main thing is to understand that there are no spiritual overtones in this gymnastics.

Yes, I'm not talking about specific gymnastics, but about what I saw in my practice. I repeat once again: it is important what the goal is and what is the use of it. If it is necessary for health, for the prevention of some diseases, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Question from the VKontakte group of the Soyuz TV channel: “When wrestling, it is necessary to remove the pectoral cross. How to be?

If you do not remove it, then you can tear and lose this cross. How to be? And what about the first Christians? They went without crosses at all. It even happens that some people, when they go to the steam room in the bathhouse, also remove metal crosses so that they do not burn. Therefore, here you need to be reasonable.

A question from a TV viewer from the Soyuz group on VKontakte: “Is it a sin to play sports not only for health, but also to maintain a good figure?”

I think that there is no sin here, because all girls dream of getting married well, and if a young man looks only at the figure, but does not look at the mind, nor at the soul, nor at the heart, then this is a good trap for young man. A girl always wants to look better - this is an understandable feeling. Well, sometimes it’s good to work out to maintain your shape.

A question from a TV viewer from the Soyuz group on VKontakte: “There are classes in sports clubs where they do yoga exercises, but without any theory and teaching. As a church person, can I go to such classes for the purpose of maintaining health, because it helps after a day of work spent completely sitting in a chair?

In general, the question of yoga is very relevant, because sometimes on the Internet you can find such a lure as "Orthodox yoga." People think that this really exists, but in fact it is a whole spiritual practice.

This is truly a spiritual practice. I had a very serious example: a person very close to me was seriously interested in yoga, even without any philosophy, without any kind of meditation, but he performed all the exercises, asanas as expected. The problem was that, despite the fact that it seemed to give him balance, the man could not cope with his psyche. He was so irritable and quick-tempered that it was simply surprising. And when I advised him to stop doing yoga and go in for any other sport to maintain his physical fitness, he had to wean for almost half a year in order to come to a more or less normal state, including mental. I don’t know how it happens in this case with such exercises. For example, there are stretching exercises, there are exercises for certain movements, and so on, today there are a lot of proposals for different needs. Still, in Eastern practices, and especially in yoga, one cannot escape a certain mental and spiritual mood, which, unfortunately, is not always compatible with our Christian spirit.

Why yoga can be dangerous for a person? Another TV viewer asks if an Orthodox Christian can do yoga at all?

I say again: please, do whatever exercise- for stretching and so on, everything that is needed. But the fact is that yoga classes and in general Eastern practices lead to such self-consciousness that I am the center of the whole world, everything is attracted to me, including I am God, according to Eastern philosophy. Therefore, no matter how a person says that he is not engaged in spiritual practice, nevertheless, I saw how pride develops in such a person by leaps and bounds. Although I cannot say that the Orthodox do not develop pride - we also have enough of it, but we are fighting it, and there it is cultivated and is considered the highest achievement of one's personal growth. This is the main contradiction in these practices.

Question from a viewer from Ryazan: “I am a sports coach. Is it possible to use synthetic protein nutrition? How to treat him?

Today, there are many specialized stores that sell various mixtures, such as baby food, only for adults, which allow people to feel better, recover from training. How to treat such products?

This helps a person recover, build muscle mass faster than it goes naturally. And what happens when a person cancels this food? Ask yourself this question. Or will you eat it forever? I think that if a person is ready to answer the question of what will happen next, how much he is going to eat it, he will figure it out. Therefore, we again return to the question of what goals are set. If a person wants to build muscle mass very quickly, then the question will arise: what will happen next when you cancel this diet? Where will this muscle mass go?

- The question of the viewer: "Is it possible to practice therapeutic fasting?"

Therapeutic starvation can be used only on the advice of the attending physician. If a person is self-medicating, it will not bring any benefit. We recognize as therapeutic fasting only abstinence according to the charter during fasting. Advent is coming soon, this is a wonderful opportunity to abstain from fast food and pay more attention to your soul and prayer.

A question from a viewer: “What prayers should you know and read so that nothing happens at the competitions and perform well?”

The question is not what prayers you will know, and not what prayers you will read.

In any case, no matter what you read, it does not mean that nothing will happen or a person will perform well. So don't expect anything magical.

That's the whole point. There is pagan magic in this question: what formula should I pronounce so that nothing happens to me. A person comes to faith and the Church not for some magical exercises that will force God or angels to serve him, but comes in order to be able to build relationships with God and his neighbors on the terms of love. And love is sacrificial. Therefore, if a person sincerely prays to God, is ready to accept the will of God and humbly agree with it, then everything will be beneficial. I had examples when a person said: “I prayed before the exam, went to the exam, and they gave me a There is no God, I was offended and I won’t go to church at all.” God is not a computer on which you can type an algorithm and make some program appear. First of all, we must seek just the fulfillment of the will of God. A sincere, real Christian and person will say: "Lord, let Thy will be done, and not as I want." The will that he receives from God really benefits him. We saw a lot of examples of athletes who did not win competitions, lost, but this gave them the opportunity to pull themselves together, correctly evaluate their actions, evaluate their mistakes and then achieve appropriate success. It is the same with us in our life: we can constantly make mistakes, but if we analyze them, then we win later, we achieve certain good goals.

Are there any special prayers for such cases? When a person relies on the Lord, when he asks God for blessings to participate in competitions.

There is a wonderful prayer for the beginning of a good deed, including the prayer to the Holy Spirit "King of Heaven" Even simply: "Lord, bless for a good deed, and Thy holy will be done." If a person agrees with the will of God in his prayer, this will already be a great achievement that he will receive.

Father Sergius, I sincerely thank you for coming to our studio and for such an interesting, lively conversation. We look forward to seeing you again, our doors are open. Maybe you will say one more short instruction for our viewers?

Dear brothers and sisters! The most important thing in our life is to set the right goals and choose the right means to achieve them. If the means are correct, then we will do good both for our souls and for our neighbors. Help the Lord in this direction.

Host: Dmitry Brodovikov
Transcription: Nina Kirsanova

Question: What advice can you give to people who want to lose weight?

Answer: Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna! We talk about moderation all the time. I don't think people know what moderation is. You can eat foods that you really like, but eat a little less of them. It is not necessary to completely abandon them. Don't even think about giving them up! Better try to diversify your favorite dishes with others that are no less tasty and healthy.

Question: Doctor, have you ever violated your diet?

Answer: Hello Alexandra! I became a nutritionist not because I love learning about nutrients, but because I love to eat. Ironically, when I was writing an article about stomach shrinkage, my own stomach was getting bigger. I gained 9 kilos! My cholesterol level was 238! I realized that I was not following my own recommendations. I got a wake-up call after checking my cholesterol levels. In a month, I lost 5 kilos and my cholesterol level dropped to 168. A healthy plate of oatmeal, which I consumed every morning, played a key role. I added a handful of almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, as well as a few cherries, raspberries, pomegranates to oatmeal. Every day I ate this healing food. In addition, I ate three pieces of oily fish a week. I also did physical activity for half an hour every day. What is very important - I did not refuse any of my favorite dishes. In fact, on the day I was going to check my cholesterol again, I stopped by my friend, who cooked a dinner of pork chop and various sauces. I ate one chop and realized that it might not be the best a good idea the day I'm going to check my cholesterol. But the most interesting thing was that my cholesterol level dropped by 70 points. Imagine what my cholesterol level would have been if I hadn't eaten a pork chop before!

Question: What is your opinion on hormones and menopause? Do they slow down aging?

Answer: Good day! The concept of estrogen replacement therapy is based on this. The only difficulty lies in side effects this concept, which potentially increase women's risk of developing heart disease. There are estrogen-rich foods that can help keep skin nice and soft. Soy is a good source of these substances. Beans and legumes mainly contain large quantities phytoestrogens. Flax is also a source of these substances. The main thing is that these foods should be consumed throughout your life, and not wait until you are 50 years old. Start eating these foods from childhood, but in moderation. Many people believe that the more soy or other foods they eat, the healthier they will be. In Japanese culture, for example, soy is not a staple food. A handful of green soybeans and a small amount of tofu will suffice. You don't have to eat a whole kilo of tofu. A lot doesn't mean it's useful.

Question: How strongly do genetic data influence the aging process? Can you do something to control your genes?

Answer: Hello Julia! I'm not an expert in genetics, but what I find really surprising is when it's hard to tell who's the daughter and who's the mother. So, of course, genes play an important role. But I also believe that, along with their genes, mothers pass on their healthy lifestyle habits to their children.

Priest Valery Bakhtin answers readers' questions.

How Orthodox Church refers to the Buteyko method? Is it possible for an Orthodox person to be treated with the help of this breathing exercises? Some time ago I tried to do breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, but I had serious doubts about the acceptability of this gymnastics from the point of view of Orthodoxy. Gymnastics according to Buteyko, it seems to me, does not carry any philosophical load, but maybe I'm mistaken?

God save Tatyana for the question.
Physiologist Buteyko has been working for many years to find patterns in the development of diseases. And finally, in 1985, by order of the USSR Ministry of Health, Buteyko breathing exercises were officially introduced into medical practice.
The basis of his gymnastics is the volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD). When it is performed by an effort of will, a feeling of lack of air is maintained, the frequency becomes less frequent and the depth of respiratory movements decreases, as a result of which the content of carbon dioxide in the blood increases.
So, Dr. Buteyko believes that it is the excessive ventilation of the lungs ("deep breathing") in relation to the needs of metabolism that leads to metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, and the appearance of allergies. Diseases develop not only of the respiratory system, but also of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, diseases that official medicine considers as separate and unrelated.
One of the successors of the Buteyko cause, Dr. Ikumov, already speaks of breathing exercises as a restoration of natural breathing and stimulation of the body with carbon dioxide. He acknowledges the shortcomings in the Buteyko method, saying that the increase in carbon dioxide concentration during VHD is achieved at a high price - the price of oxygen starvation and stress reaction. This is what explains big number exacerbations. But Iskumov can also find a theoretical justification for breathing exercises. And again - the roots in the east.
Breathing gymnasts recall that the Buddha said: "Be aware of your breath as it goes in and as it goes out...as you watch your breath moment by moment...you suddenly become aware that there is no breath, and a moment will come when you will feel that the breath is neither going out nor coming in. The breath has stopped completely. There is goodness in this stopping." He who has ears, let him hear.
But the most important for understanding the essence of breathing exercises is the question of cleansing the body.
Let's turn to the authors again: "Carbon dioxide helps to restore the normal viscosity of the colloidal solutions of the body and thin the mucus. Such a liquefied mucus with slags dissolved in it more easily leaves the cells into the blood and lymph, and from there it is removed through the mucous surfaces. Therefore, with an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the body can undergo so-called cleansing - massive secretions of mucus through the mucous surfaces. Breathing exercises can be accompanied by the so-called "mental cleansing". At this time, apparently, the erasure of "stagnant foci" occurs - the emotional memory of troubles is destroyed. After them, the patient notes positive changes in the emotional background - cheerfulness, self-confidence appear. Relaxation and therapeutic hatha yoga help to soften mental cleansing."
You see, the main goal of breathing exercises is to cleanse the body. Again, hard materialism, covered with a smoke screen of Buddhism. The disease, it turns out, is the result of clogging the body with toxins. Take them out and you'll be fine. And look how the baby grows in the womb. Oxygen enters with maternal blood, carbon dioxide is excreted by it. Anemia of pregnancy is the most common disease, and its first treatment is the restoration of hemoglobin for a better supply of oxygen to the growing organism and the removal of carbon dioxide. Wonderful are thy works, O Lord! Buteyko, on the other hand, suggests that the fire of life should not be maintained with oxygen, but extinguished with carbon dioxide.
Is it worth it to be wise? Breathe deeply, cleansing not only the flesh, but also the soul with tears of repentance, and the Lord will give you health if it is useful for your salvation in eternity.

Priest Valery Bakhtin.