Maritime College. Education in higher maritime educational institutions

Kerch State Marine Technological University (KSMU) () is described in detail for you in one of the notes on the current list of universities. Probably, like the state universities of Kerch, this proposal produces leaders in the specialty "nautical". You can seriously consider this university as a worthy alternative to similar ones in Kerch.

State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov

You can take note of this option and other state universities in Novorossiysk, as an alternative to similar topics in the list. Like many other state universities in Novorossiysk, this option makes leaders in the "marine" direction. State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education"State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov") is excellently reported in the materials at this meeting.

Sochi Maritime Institute (Private educational institution of higher professional education "Sochi Maritime Institute") is perfectly described for you among other materials, headings "not state institutions Sochi", on the database interface. Probably, like non-state institutions in Sochi, this option provides training for masters of their craft in the "marine" profile. We strongly recommend that this university be postponed for further analysis as a replacement for similar ones mentioned here.

Unlike other state schools in Kholmsk, this offer trains and graduates top-class specialists in the maritime profile. We propose to accept this offer as a replacement for similar ones in Kholmsk. Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T.B. Guzhenko branch of the Marine state university named after Admiral G. I. Nevelsky (Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T. B. Guzhenko, branch of the Federal State educational institution higher professional education "Naval State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy") is given in much more detail in the materials on a specific list of universities.

Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy

Like many other state universities in Vladivostok, this educational institution improves the qualifications of good workers of the "marine" type. You can accept this institution of higher education as a worthy alternative to many others in Russia. Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University (Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University") is a little considered in announcements and articles, heading "Vladivostok State Universities", on the list of universities.

Unlike other state institutions of Sevastopol, this option trains leaders on the topic "marine". The First Ukrainian Maritime Institute (PUM I) () is described in much more detail for you in the materials on this database interface. We strongly recommend that you study and adopt this university as a worthy alternative to similar ones in Sevastopol.

Rostov-on-Don Maritime College named after G.Ya. Sedov - a branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Marine State Academy named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov" in Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don Maritime College named after G.Ya. Sedov - a branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Marine State Academy named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov" in Rostov-on-Don () is detailed in the materials on a specific list of universities. We advise you to visit this university and others public colleges Rostov-on-Don, as an alternative to similar ones in the catalog. Unlike other state colleges in Rostov-on-Don, this institution of higher education prepares leaders in the maritime field.

Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T.B. Guzhenko branch of the Admiral G. I. Nevelsky Maritime State University (Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T. B. Guzhenko, a branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Admiral G. I. Nevelsky Maritime State University") is given in much more detail in the announcements and articles at a particular meeting. The same as the state schools of Kholmsk, this educational institution produces specialists of the highest class on the subject of "marine". You can immediately look at this educational institution and other state schools in Kholmsk, as an alternative to many others mentioned here.

Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T.B. Guzhenko branch of the Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy (Sakhalin Higher Maritime School named after T.B. Guzhenko, branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Naval State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy") is much more detailed in announcements and articles on our website. You can take this institution of higher education quite seriously as a worthy alternative to similar ones on the topic on the list. Like many other state schools in Kholmsk, this educational institution produces masters of their craft in the "marine" profile.



Special educational institutions for navigators of the civil fleet in Russia. The first school in Russia to train navigators for Lake Baikal and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was founded in 1753 in Irkutsk. During the 18th and early 19th centuries navigation schools were founded in Kem, Kholmogory, Arkhangelsk and St. Petersburg, but these first M.U. were not successful and were soon abolished. A solid foundation for the development of maritime education was laid only in 1829, when the 1st Merchant Shipping School with a 4-year course was established in St. Petersburg. In 1834, a similar educational institution was opened in Kherson, and in subsequent years in other cities. In 1867, a new regulation was issued on seafaring classes. Classes were divided into 3 ranks to prepare for the titles: 1) coastal navigation navigator; 2) coastal skipper or long-distance navigator; and 3) long-distance navigation skipper. By 1837, the number of classes in Russia reached 41. In 1902, all nautical classes were closed and instead of them educational institutions were opened within 3 years, consistent with the requirements of the new law of May 6, 1902, according to which navigational ranks are divided into 2 degrees - captain and navigator, and each degree into 4 categories. Nautical educational institutions opened after 1902 were divided into 4 categories: schools for long-distance and small-scale navigation for training as a navigator of the I and II categories and nautical schools for training as a navigator of the III and IV categories. Schools of 2 types were established for ship mechanics. In 1909, the system of navigational ranks was simplified, but the system of educational institutions was left unchanged.

Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. - M.-L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941

Nautical schools

special higher (secondary) educational institutions that train specialists of the civil (merchant) fleet

Edwart. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010

See what "NAVIGATIONAL SCHOOLS" are in other dictionaries:

    Nautical schools- NAVIGATION SCHOOLS. See Maritime Education... Military Encyclopedia

    Seafaring classes- in Russia, educational institutions for training personnel for sea and river transport. They arose according to the Regulations on Nautical Classes (1867). were administered by the Ministry of Finance. They were preceded by the navigation classes founded (1701) by Peter I ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Colleges and schools of various types and profiles that train skilled workers; the main link in the system of vocational education (See Vocational technical education). Before the big...

    Before the introduction of the current position on navigational ranks, there were two certified ranks in the merchant fleet: Sh. and navigator. Sh. was called the captain of a merchant ship; assistant navigator and his deputy. By the nature of swimming, these titles ... ...

    They train specialists for the sea and river fleet of the USSR in navigation, operation of water transport, ship machinery and mechanisms, shipbuilding and ship repair, mechanization of port loading operations, hydraulic engineering ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Toulon, lat. Tulo Martius) along with Brest, the most significant military harbor of France, a first-class fortress, a commercial port, lies inside the deep and safe Gulf of Toulon, separated from the Mediterranean Sea to the west and southwest by a peninsula ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

The Maritime College of Sevastopol State University is the oldest educational institution secondary specialized education in Sevastopol. Its history began almost 100 years ago, when in 1921, by the decision of the Crimean People's Commissariat of Education, the Sevastopol People's Polytechnic College was organized in the city.

Among college graduates different years - Mikhail Fedorovich Kharchenko - commander of the Zheleznyakov armored train, which defended Sevastopol in 1941-1942, medical instructor Evgenia Deryugina, who died heroically during the liberation of the city, a well-known scientist in the field of turbine engines, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, full member of the New York Academy Sciences N.N. Salov, former chief builder of the Sevastopol Marine Plant S. L. Slutsker, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics of the Sevastopol State University A.G. Baranov and thousands of other respected specialists who have made a significant contribution to the creation and strengthening of the economic and defense power of our country.

Today the Maritime College trains specialists mid-level (technicians) in seven specialties, in the field of navigation, operation of ship power plants, operation of ship electrical equipment and automation, maintenance and repair of vehicles, technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment, finance, as well as technicians-programmers. The material and educational and laboratory base of the college complies with the Federal State Educational Standards, which was confirmed during licensing and accreditation in 2015. Training in the college is carried out at the expense of funds federal budget, and students who did not pass the competition for state-funded places study on a paid basis.

College education involves learning in the first and partially in the second year of the program of the tenth and eleventh grades of secondary school, as well as receiving deep theoretical and extensive practical training in the chosen specialty. All teachers of the college have a higher specialized education, have extensive practical experience and professional pedagogical skills corresponding to the first and highest categories. A number of disciplines are taught by postgraduate graduates, candidates of science, associate professors. Experienced senior ship mechanics, navigators and sea captains are involved in the training of future sailors.

Director of the Maritime College– Manuylenko Valentina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

The specifics of training in college involves the study of interdisciplinary courses that provide an inseparable unity of theoretical and practical training. Practical training begins in the second year and continues until completion of training. The college has the best training and production workshops in the Crimea, allowing students to gain practical skills in a number of working professions during the period of study. The main partners of the Maritime College in organizing swimming practice for students of maritime specialties are Okeanrybflot PJSC (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), as well as Sevastopol and Crimean fishing, transport, ship repair enterprises - Sea Bell, South Marine Company, Yuzhmorservice ”, etc. The vessels of these enterprises are the basis for the swimming practice of college students, the successful completion of which makes it possible to obtain working marine documents and further employment in the specialty, followed by career growth up to the second mate or second engineer inclusive.

College students show great social and creative activity, participating in sports, military-patriotic and cultural events of various levels - from university to All-Russian. One of the recent significant victories of the students of the Maritime College is the second team place at the Maritime Universiade 2015, which took place on May 8, 2015, where adult teams of the most famous maritime higher educational institutions of Russia and the world famous sailing ship Kruzenshtern were represented.

Currently, the Maritime College trains mid-level specialists in the following specialties of secondary vocational education:

  • 13.02.11 - Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)

Young men, citizens are admitted to nautical and naval educational institutions of Russia Russian Federation, starting from 11-14 years old, who have successfully completed the academic year at the time of admission, and are also fit for health reasons to study at schools and serve in the country's Navy.

You will need

  • - a personal statement addressed to the head of the school about the desire to study at this school;
  • - autobiography in free form;
  • - a copy of the birth certificate;
  • - a copy of the passport or a document confirming the Russian citizenship of the applicant and his parents (for those living outside the Russian Federation);
  • - an extract from the report card with grades for the first three academic quarters last year education, certified by the official seal of the school (the foreign language being studied must be indicated in the document);
  • - a medical examination card issued by the military medical commission and certified by the military commissariat (attached to the personal file of the candidate);
  • - a copy of the medical insurance policy;
  • - four photographs 3x4 cm in size;
  • - a certificate indicating the place of residence, living conditions and family composition of the parents (or persons replacing them).


Make a choice of the educational institution where you plan to study. There are only a few nautical and naval schools on the territory of Russia. And the terms of study in them are different, depending on the age at admission. Age categories for graduates of 4th, 6th, 8th and 11th grades general education schools. Respectively, full course The training will take place over 7, 5, 3 and 2 years.

Since knowledge of English language in the scope of the school curriculum is prerequisite when applying to naval schools, you need to take into account this requirement. Students who have not studied English are not accepted for training.

Submit an application (report) on the desire to study in a nautical school. Such a report is submitted by parents, or persons replacing them, until May 31. Please note that applications are accepted only through the military commissariats at the place of residence of candidates. The application is submitted to the name of the district or city military commissar. The report must contain the consent of the parents (or substitutes) to send candidates to study at school and further receipt at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Attach the required documents to the report.

Prepare the necessary documents on the availability of benefits for you upon admission. When enrolling, first of all, preference is given to candidates from among the privileged category. These include: - minor orphans, or persons left without parental care (such candidates are enrolled without passing exams, only based on the results of an interview and the necessary medical examination) - students who have excellent grades in all subjects, award or commendation lists " For excellent success ”(this category takes only one entrance exam in mathematics (in writing) - if they receive an excellent mark, they are exempted from further exams, but if they receive marks below 5 points, they will have to take exams on a general basis) - if they receive positive grades in the entrance exams - children of military personnel. The conditions for compliance with this category should be clarified in the selected nautical school.

If you have been selected, please arrive at school on time, according to the information in the written call, which indicates the day and time of appearance. Call to school gives the right to obtain the necessary travel documents at the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of residence.

Pass all the necessary tests, medical examination. All persons who have arrived at maritime and naval educational institutions undergo a professional psychological selection, a check on the level of physical fitness, a medical examination, and after that they are allowed to take competitive entrance exams. Candidates who do not meet the conditions of physical fitness, health status and have not passed professional psychological selection are not allowed to take further exams.

Pass the required exams. Examinations are held in the scope of the programs of general education schools of the Russian Federation. Candidates take written exams in Russian language and mathematics. The factor of strict discipline is important already at the entrance examinations - persons who are late for the exams are not allowed to pass.

Get ready to pass the physical education standards. Assessment of physical fitness is carried out in several ways. Younger candidates pass the pull-up standards, and older students must pass the 60-meter run and the 2000-meter cross in addition to the pull-up.

Useful advice

The most popular among specialized educational institutions with a naval focus is the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg.

College News

History reference

College Composition

Commander of the 1st training company

Bobrov Andrei Yakovlevich

Tel. 8-499-618-12-32

Chief specialist for work with cadets of the 1st company

Vasin Nikolai Mikhailovich

Chief specialist for work with cadets of the 2nd company

Konobeev Alexander Vitalievich


Commander of the 3rd training company

Abutalipov Shavkat Yakubovich

Tel. 8-499-617-85-41

Chief specialist for work with cadets of the 3rd company

Romanets Pavel Grigorievich

Commander of the 4th company

Bulekov Vladimir Viktorovich

Tel. 8-499-617-85-41

Chief specialist for work with cadets of the 4th company

Dorohova Larisa Vasilievna

Features of preparation.

College of Moscow state academy water transport - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarova" has been training under the programs of secondary vocational education since 1934. All students of the College, regardless of the form of education and the specialty they receive, are cadets, and in without fail wear the established uniform, observe naval discipline, routine and subordination.

Our specialties

Today, the MGAVT College trains sea and river transport specialists on the basis of incomplete secondary education (training period is 3 years and 10 months) in the following specialties:

— « Navigation” (advanced training) - a romantic profession, having received which, you can become the captain of a sea or river vessel, connect your life with the captain's bridge, the salty wind of the ocean, storming the sea, the rumble of ports, managing huge ships and their teams. This work requires a thorough knowledge of navigation, sailing, nautical astronomy, communication systems, control, theory and ship design. In addition, cadets receive the necessary knowledge and skills for the operation of ship power plants (engines) and can hold the position of captain-mechanic.

Duration of study: 4 years 10 months.

— « Operation of ship power plants"is a profession that can be worked everywhere - at sea, on the coast, in a port, in a city, in the regions - such universal specialists are needed everywhere. The engine is the "heart" of the vessel, the "heart" of any machine, its operation must be controlled, repairs and maintenance must be carried out in time, and each specialist must know its structure, principle of operation, maintenance and operation technologies.

— « Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment"- the most scarce specialty on the market, graduates are literally "torn off with their hands." Without electricity, it is impossible to steer a ship, fill tanks with water, level the trim, open cargo hatches ... Today, competent electricians are needed everywhere, both in the fleet and on the shore. At the same time, this is the most difficult specialty - you need to master electrical engineering, electronics, technologies for servicing electrical networks, both low-current and with the operation of electrical equipment with voltages up to 1000 V.

Duration of study: 3 years 10 months.

— « Organization of transportation and management of transport (water)» - a specialty that is in demand primarily in large cities, centers of transport routes; this is transportation management, organization, transport logistics, cargo escort. There are more than 300 transport companies in Moscow, and there are countless forwarding and stevedoring offices, these are cargo flows and cargo transshipment, its transit and clearance, customs clearance and forwarding, all this needs to be regulated.

Duration of study: 3 years 10 months.

What are the benefits of studying at the MGAVT College?

— State Diploma

- Budget places

- Retirement from the army

– Possibility of entering the university on the basis of internal exams

- Hostel

– Practice on sea and river vessels

- Cadets who entered the budgetary basis of training in swimming specialties are provided with uniforms and meals at the expense of the federal budget

– The possibility of obtaining related specialties during training (helmsman, helmsman-motorist, minder, sailor on duty, etc.)

Practice and employment

Cadets do practical training at industry enterprises: the Ministry of Transport of Russia, FAMRT, the Russian Maritime Register, Rosmorport, the Moscow Canal, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK), Mosturflot OJSC, Lenaturflot LLC, Lena United River Shipping Company OJSC. MGAVT has contracts with more than 30 companies in the industry.

College graduates work in leading organizations and companies in the industry: Ministry of Transport of Russia, GIMS, FAMRT, Morsvyazsputnik, Murmansk Shipping Company, North-Western Shipping Company, Sakhalin Shipping Company, Palmali CJSC, Shippingcompany, BalticGroupInternational.

The order of admission to the College

Enrollment of applicants after 9 classes is carried out in accordance with the admission rules on the basis of a competition of certificates. Possible training on a contract basis. Applicants after grade 11 are accepted on a contractual basis.

List of required documents for admission:

  • Statement.
  • Certificate.
  • Medical certificate No. 086/U (for onshore specialties).
  • Medical board of seafarers for applicants for swimming specialties.
  • Certificates from mental, drug and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries.
  • 3 photos 3x4 when submitting the original certificate.

Unflot MGAVT

On October 8, 2018, the maritime youth club "Unflot MGAVT" was opened on the basis of the college of the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport.

Lesson program:

  1. The device and control of the boat at oars and under sail (a boat is a school desk for a sailor).
  2. Nautical practice (nautical knots, flag semaphore, Morse code, ship arrangement, lightness throwing).
  3. Naval training
  4. Fleet history
  5. Shooting
  6. Assembly / disassembly of the machine
  7. Physical training.

On the basis of MGAVT there are preparatory courses for students of the 9th grade

Preparatory courses for the successful passing of the OGE in grade 9 in physics, mathematics and the Russian language!

Training takes place in groups and individually. 2 training programs are being implemented: 8 months (October-May) and 4 months (February-May, intensive). It is possible to study only one, two or three subjects. Classes are held in each subject once a week for 3 academic hours in the evening.

Registration for courses is carried out by phone: 8-495-958-17-07.

Teaching staff

No. p / p FULL NAME. fully Job title Subjects taught Academic degree, academic title The level of education,
name of the specialty, areas of training, name of the assigned qualification
General work experience Work experience in the specialty Training
1 Abakumov Nikolai Alexandrovich college teacher Physical Culture Higher, specialty, physical culture and sports, teacher of physical culture 29 years 26 years
2 Ageev Evgeny Vyacheslavovich college teacher Physical Culture There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, physical culture and sports, teacher of physical education - volleyball coach. Professional retraining « Teacher Education: music in general educational organizations and vocational education organizations, 2017 37 years 16 years Certificate of advanced training No. 180001106198 dated 05/08/2017 "Innovation in education and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (by levels of education and subject areas)" in the subject area "Physical Culture", 72 hours, ANO DPO "Moscow Academy of Professional Competences" »; Certificate of advanced training No. 1528 dated December 07, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
3 Akimov Stanislav Vladimirovich college teacher Technology of the transportation process (in water transport), Technical means in water transport, Organization of traffic (in water transport), Transportation of goods on special conditions There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher degree, specialty, water transport operation, water transport engineer. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017 41 years old 13 years old Certificate of professional development dated 16.01.2018 No. 01/18-U5443, Methods of teaching technical disciplines, tools for assessing students' educational achievements and monitoring the effectiveness of training in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours, Multidisciplinary LLC Training Center DPO "Educational Standard".
4 Akimova Violetta Alekseevna Honorary College Lecturer Electrical equipment of ships, Electronics and electrical engineering, Electrical engineering and electronics, Fundamentals of the design and operation of ship electrical equipment and automation There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, physics and basics of production, teacher of physics and basics of production and the title of a secondary school teacher 59 years old 19 years Certificate of professional development No. 367/10-15 dated 01.10.2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT", Certificate of advanced training No. 1530 dated 07.12.2017, Practical use of electronic components information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
5 Alekseev Viktor Valerievich college teacher Ship electric power systems, Ship electric drives, Basic information about the repair and maintenance of ship electrical equipment and automation. Technical diagnostics of electrical equipment, Fundamentals of converter technology, Automatic control systems and sensors of ship automation systems, Ship auxiliary boiler plants, Main power plants, Maintenance of technical operation of auxiliary mechanisms and related control systems Candidate of Technical Sciences. No academic title Higher degree, specialty, command tactical aviation, pilot-engineer.
Higher education, specialty, economics and management at a transport enterprise, economist-manager. Professional retraining under the program "Manager", 2015 Professional retraining under the program "Pedagogy and methods of teaching professional disciplines in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard", 2018
16 years 8 months Certificate of participation in the seminar: "Peculiarities of the implementation of the main educational programs of secondary vocational education for the enlarged group 26.00.00 "Technique and technology of shipbuilding and water transport" and programs vocational training training of seafarers", 24 hours, FSBI "Educational and methodological center for sea and river transport", 04/16/2015
6 Altshuler Dmitry Fyodorovich college teacher Physics, Materials science, Fundamentals of materials science and general plumbing work, Mechanics candidate of technical sciences. Academic title - senior researcher Higher, specialty, dielectrics and semiconductors, engineer-physicist. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017 43 years 13 years old Certificate of advanced training No. 235 / 10-15 dated 01.10.2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT", Certificate of advanced training No. 1089 dated 07.12.2017 under the program "Practical use electronic components information and educational environment in the educational process”, 16 hours, MGAVT – FGBOU VO “GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarov"
7 Bardakhchyan Olga Akimovna college teacher Foreign language, Geography There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, geography, high school geography teacher. Additional (to higher) education "Teacher of a foreign (English) language", 2010 41 years old 17 years Certificate of advanced training dated 01.10.2015 No. 346/10-15, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT"; Certificate of advanced training No. 1534 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
8 Belicheva Tatyana Gennadievna college teacher Chemistry, Biology, Ecological bases of nature management There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialist, vocational training (zootechnics), vocational training teacher. Professional retraining "Teaching of chemical disciplines in vocational education organizations", 2015 7 years 6 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1536 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
9 Belyaeva Svetlana Yurievna college teacher Maths There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher degree, specialty, water transport operation, water transport engineer. Professional retraining "Pedagogical education: Mathematics in general educational organizations and organizations of vocational education", 2017 15 years 7 years Certificate of advanced training dated 01.10.2015 No. 363/10-15, Formation of the teacher's IT competencies, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT"; Certificate of advanced training No. 1537 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
10 Bunina Valentina Ivanovna college teacher Inland waterways and hydraulic structures, Occupational health and safety on ships, Piloting of inland waterways (general and special), Process and performance analysis structural unit, Management of ships and trains on inland waterways, Cargo transportation technology There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher degree, specialty, navigation on inland waterways and coastal navigation, engineer-navigator. Professional retraining "Sociology and Psychology", 2003 Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017 48 years old 28 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1542 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
11 Galkin Vadim Alexandrovich college teacher Foreign language There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialist, international relations, specialist in international relations countries of the West. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017 57 years old 24 years Certificate of advanced training No. 374 / 10-15 dated 01.10.2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT"; Certificate of advanced training No. 1629 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
12 Geller Yulia Yurievna college teacher Foreign language There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, bachelor's degree, pedagogical education, bachelor's degree. 12 years 10 months Certificate of advanced training No. 1545 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
13 Grechushnikova Yulia Sergeevna college teacher Maths Candidate of Economic Sciences. No academic title Higher, specialty, world economy, economist. Specialist, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, linguist, teacher. Magistracy, jurisprudence, lawyer. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Professional retraining “Teacher of Mathematics. Theory and methods of teaching subject"Mathematics" in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, 2018 11 years 11 years
14 Doloman Elena Vladimirovna college teacher Russian language, Literature There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, philology, teacher of Russian language and literature. Higher, specialty, finance and credit, economist 18 years 7 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1549 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours Makarov"; Certificate of advanced training No. 02 / 18-U1269 of 2018, Professional competence of a teacher of the Russian language in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours, LLC Multidisciplinary Educational Center DPO "Educational Standard";
Professional Development Certificate
F No. 055927 dated February 4, 2019, Preparing students for the final certification (OGE, Unified State Examination) in Russian, 72 hours, Netology Group Online Learning Center LLC (Foxford); Certificate of advanced training PC No. 0021026 dated March 05, 2019, Russian as a foreign language: The specifics of the teaching process, 108 hours, Capital Education Center LLC; Certificate PK 00059694 dated April 3, 2019, Organization of work with students with developmental disabilities (HVD) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours, Infourok LLC
15 Zyabkina Elena Leonidovna college teacher Informatics There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, mathematics and physics, teacher of mathematics and physics; Higher degree, specialty, computer technology and automated systems software, software engineer. Professional retraining under the program "Personnel Management", 2013 25 years 7 years
16 Ivanov Vladimir Ivanovich college teacher Fundamentals of life safety, Life safety There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialist, jurisprudence, lawyer. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of vocational education", 2017 Professional retraining "Pedagogy and methods of teaching the basics of life safety in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard", 2018 34 years 30 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1630 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov "Certificate of advanced training No. 782405289551 dated March 15, 2018, Transition of the quality management system of the University to new version standard ISO 9001:2015″, 18 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"; Certificate of advanced training No. 03/19-U14252 dated 03/11/2019, Theory and methods of teaching traditional martial arts and martial arts, 144 hours, LLC Multidisciplinary Training Center for Additional Professional Education "Educational Standard"; Certificate of advanced training No. 18691 dated 02/08/2019, Training of the population in the field of civil defense and protection from emergencies, 72 hours, Institute for the Development of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia.
17 Kolotusha Vladimir Georgievich college teacher Metrology and standardization, Metrology, standardization and certification, Marine electric cars, Marine electrical machines. Device and principle of operation, Device, operation and maintenance of ship refrigeration units, Maintenance of the technical operation of ship automation, Maintenance of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment, Ship automated electromechanical systems, Automation systems for ship hardware, Fundamentals of microprocessor technology in ship electrical installations There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, automotive industry, mechanical engineer. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of vocational education", 2017 Professional retraining under the program "Pedagogical education: teacher of computer science", 2018 22 6 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1631 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
18 Komakhin Alexey Vasilievich college teacher Computer Science, Mathematics There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, mathematics, mathematician 54 years old 23 years old Certificate of advanced training No. 362 / 10-15 dated 01.10.2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT", Certificate of advanced training No. 1632 dated 07.12.2017, Practical use of electronic components information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
19 Korenevskaya Evgenia Alexandrovna college teacher Russian language, Literature, Management, Team management. Normative legal regulation in the field of managing the work of a team of performers, Social studies, Foreign language, Planning the work of a structural unit, Managing the work of a structural unit There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialist, German language, teacher German language and the title of high school teacher. Professional retraining "Pedagogy and methods of teaching the Russian language and literature", 2017, "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education", 2017 30 years 5 years Certificate of advanced training No. 373/10-15 dated 10/01/2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBEI VO "MGAVT" Certificate of advanced training of 2017 "Pedagogy and methods of teaching the German language", 72 hour, LLC Multidisciplinary Educational Center DPO "Educational Standard".; Certificate of professional development No. 1217 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"; Certificate of advanced training No. 782405289554 dated March 15, 2018, Transition of the University’s quality management system to a new version of ISO 9001:2015″, 18 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
20 Korzhikov Yury Alexandrovich college teacher Astronomy, Nautical astronomy, Mathematical foundations of navigation, Radio navigation instruments and systems, Prevention and prevention of pollution environment, Commercial operation of the vessel, Technical means of navigation There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, navigator navy qualification: officer with higher military-technical education —
navigator engineer; Higher, command-engineering operational-tactical, navigator of the Navy, an officer with a higher military education. Working diploma, captain in a small voyage. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017
16 years 10 years Certificate of advanced training No. 03 / 17-U1486 of 2017 under the program “Professional competence of a teacher of social studies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”, 72 hours, LLC Multidisciplinary Educational Center DPO "Educational Standard".
21 Larionov Alexander Vladimirovich college teacher Social science, Fundamentals of philosophy candidate of political sciences. No academic title Higher education, specialty, scientific communism, teacher of scientific communism. Professional retraining "Sociology", 2001 Professional retraining "Pedagogy and methods of teaching history and social science in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard", 2019 45 years 15 years Certificate of advanced training No. 365 / 10-15 dated 01.10.2015, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO “MGAVT”, Certificate of advanced training No. 11 / 17-U4625 dated 2017 " Actual problems of modern social science in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, 72 hours, LLC Multidisciplinary Educational Center FPE "Educational Standard". Certificate of advanced training No. 1575 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"; Certificate of advanced training No. 01/18-U5448 dated 01/19/2018, Organization of training sessions in the system of secondary vocational education. The content and methodological aspects of teaching the academic discipline "Philosophy", 144 hours, LLC Multidisciplinary Training Center for Additional Professional Education "Educational Standard"
22 Lyashenko Marina Nikolaevna college teacher Foreign language There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, magistracy, sociology, sociologist. Bachelor's degree, sociology, sociologist. Additional (to higher) education, sociology, translator in the field of professional communication, 2006 Professional retraining, "English: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication", 2018 5 years 4 years
23 Platonova Tatyana Vladimirovna college teacher Engineering graphics There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher education, specialty, design and production of radio equipment, engineer-designer-technologist. Professional retraining under the program "Teacher of Vocational Education", 2017 43 years 29 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1635 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"; Certificate of advanced training dated 01.10.2015 No. 366/10-15, Formation of the teacher's IT competencies, 72 hours, MGAVT
24 Tkacheva Olga Yurievna college teacher Foreign language There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, preschool pedagogy and psychology and English, teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology, organizer-methodologist of preschool education. English teacher in kindergarten 17 years 9 years Certificate of advanced training No. 772400079892 dated 06/27/2014 "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching and ensuring the quality of educational activities in higher education", 72 hours, AOCHU VPO "MFYuA"; Certificate of advanced training No. 1610 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
25 Torbina Yulia Andreevna college teacher Story There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, psychology, psychologist, teacher of psychology. Professional retraining "Teacher of history, social studies", 2017 5 years 5 years Certificate of advanced training No. 1612 dated December 7, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"; Certificate of professional development PC No. 0020221 dated February 19, 2019, fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture: Methods of interpreting cultural practices in the educational process when studying foreign culture, 108 hours, Capital Education Center LLC; Certificate of advanced training 782700263798 dated 03/19/2019, the specifics of teaching the course "Russia in the world" based on the synthesis of historical, cultural and socio-economic titles, 144 hours, ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education"; Certificate of advanced training 180001854869 dated April 11, 2019, Methods of teaching social science and innovative approaches to organizing the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 144 hours, ANO DPO "Moscow Academy of Professional Competences"
26 Fomin Nikolai Andreevich college teacher Physical Culture There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialty, physical education, teacher of physical education and the title of a secondary school teacher 39 years 10 years Certificate of advanced training dated 01.10.2015 No. 313/10-15, Formation of IT competencies of a teacher, 72 hours, FBOU VO "MGAVT"; Certificate of advanced training 180000433220 dated 06/22/2017, Activities of a trainer-teacher in the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, 144 hours, Multidisciplinary Training Center for Additional Professional Education; Certificate of advanced training No. 1204 dated December 07, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"
27 Yudina Natalya Igorevna college teacher Informatics, Forwarding activities on water transport, Fundamentals of accounting There is no academic degree. No academic title Higher, specialist, automation and control in technical systems, system engineer. Higher degree, specialty, economics and organization of foreign economic relations, manager international business. Higher, bachelor's degree, economics. Professional retraining "Pedagogy and psychology", teacher-psychologist, 2017, "defectology", teacher-defectologist, 2017, "Professional training: computer science, Computer Engineering and computer technologies”, 2017; Professional retraining, teacher, teacher of ecology, 2017; Professional retraining, teacher, teacher of biology, 2017 21 years old 11 years Certificate of advanced training No. 180001106632 dated 06/19/2017 "Pedagogy of inclusive education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (by levels of education and subject areas)", 144 hours, ANO DPO "Moscow Academy of Professional Competences"; Certificate of advanced training No. 180001183728 dated September 26, 2017, “Innovative and active methods of teaching and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (by levels of education and subject areas) in the subject area “Pedagogy of secondary vocational education”, 108 hours, ANO DPO “Moskovskaya Academy of Professional Competences”; Certificate of advanced training No. 180001184024 dated 09/05/2017, "Psychodidactic design of the process of education and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (by levels of education and subject areas)", 108 hours, ANO DPO "Moscow Academy of Professional Competences"; Certificate of advanced training No. 1625 dated December 07, 2017, Practical use of the components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process, 16 hours, Admiral S.O. Makarov"