Synopsis of organized activities “Lessons of courtesy from Malvina. Scenario "holiday of courtesy and kindness" Scenes about courtesy in elementary school

Conducted by: primary school teacher Novikova Larisa Nikolaevna

2 013 G.

Festival of courtesy


    Foster a culture of student communicationmutual respect,benevolencethe ability to feel, understand oneself and another person,the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary, the ability to give warmth and kindness;

    Continue the formation of such moral concepts as kindness, politeness.

    To develop adequate evaluation activities aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and the actions of people around.

    Work on developing positive character traits.


Mom is a catOld man - lumberjack


Wolf Bear,


Pinocchio Malvina

Equipment: a tape recorder, a recording of melodies, words of politeness on tablets, syllables of polite words, names of streets in the city of Politeness,

epigraph: "hurry upto do good".

Holiday progress:

Teacher: Invented by someone simply and wisely

At a meeting to say hello: Good morning!

Good morning! - sun and birds!

Good morning! - smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind, trusting ...

Let the good morning last until the evening.

Good afternoon, dear children and adults! Hello!

Today we have an unusual holiday - the holiday of kindness and courtesy.

( there is a knock on the door, a mother cat and her baby kitten appear)

Mother cat: Hello, is this an elementary school?
My child came to study.
He's so developed!
So diligent, attentive,
And so wonderful!

Teacher: Well, let's have an exam.
Come, Kitten, to us!
What is your name?

Kitty: Meow! Don't know.

Teacher: What should you say when you meet adults?

Kitty: Meow! Don't know.

Teacher: Sorry, dear cat mom, but I can’t accept him in this class.

Mother cat: Why? He just got confused.

Teacher: He does not know your simple "Magic" words.

Mother cat: And what is it?

Teacher: You see, you yourself do not use them and do not know anything about them.

Teacher: Let's ask the guys!

Guys, what "magic" words did mommy - cat say?

(children answer: "hello")

(mother cat is upset, the kitten starts to cry).

Don't get upset, but rather sit down and study togethercus "magic" words.

Teacher: We will travel toCity of Politeness and Kindness.

Guys, which one of you likes to ride the train? Wonderful! Here we are on it now and hit the road. To make traveling more fun

Let's sing a song:"If you are kind"

We start our journey withstreets of good words.

In order to become polite, we must use "magic" words that make us warmer and more joyful. A kind word can cheer up a person in difficult times, dispel Bad mood.

People say: “The word heals, the word hurts!”. What "magic" words do you know?

(Five students come out)


"Hello" - you say to a person,

"Hi," he smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy,

And will be healthy for many years.


Why do we say "thank you"?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.


Cancel that whether the word "please"?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps that without "please"

We become uncomfortable.


I'm sorry, I won't

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And what he said - forget.

And if I do forget,

I'm sorry, I won't do it again!

Good words

Kind words are not lazy

Repeat to me three times a day.

I’ll just go out the gate, to everyone walking:

Blacksmith, doctor, weaver -

"FROM Good morning I scream.

"Good afternoon!" - I shout after

Everyone going to lunch

"Good evening!" - so I meet

Everyone hurrying home for tea.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of train wheels)

Game: "Collect a polite word"

Children collect words from syllables:from-vi-no-those, sorry, please, please, hello, good-bye, spa-si-bo,)

While the guys are making words, we will play rhymes. I will read the poems, and you add the necessary words.

Game: "Tell me a word"

    Participate in the exchange of kind words

And say more often:

Children: "hello"

    Bear five or six years old

Learned how to behave

You can not be rude and swagger,

Friends need...

Children : "to bow"

    Everyone is acting wisely

When they say...

Children: "good morning"

    If you respect your friends

When you meet, ask:

Children: "How are you?"

    It's good to talk when meeting

To everyone you know...

Children: "good evening"

    Don't forget that goodbye

Everyone needs to be told...

Children: "goodbye"

Teacher: Look, we seem to be indead end of bad advice

The inhabitants of this dead end have prepared for you one piece of bad advice.

And we will find errors in the behavior of residents, and correct them.

    If you came to friends -

Don't say hello to anyone

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Teacher: Which mistakes? Let's fix them.

    If a friend's birthday

Invited you to me -

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake,

Don't get into conversations

you while talking

Eat half as much candy

    If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach.

    Girls should never be seen anywhere

And do not let them pass anywhere and never

They need to substitute legs, scare from around the corner.

    If an adult aunt came to dad or mom

And leads some important and serious conversation,

You need to sneak up on her from behind, and then

Shout loudly in your ear:

“Stop!”, “Surrender!”, “Hands up!”

    Here's who showed courtesy in our case:

He lifted his mother out of bed in the midnight nap.

"What happened to you?" - cried the mother, - “Is my son sick?”

I forgot to tell you: "Mom, good night!"

Teacher: What is said in these councils, of course, cannot be done. Need

Show kindness and care for each other.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of wheels)

Teacher: Our journey continues and we enterPark of Fairy Tales.

Throughout his life, from early childhood, a person learns what is good and what is bad. People understand that for everything that is good for you, you have to pay with kindness. Kindness is a sign of strength

and generosity. But in the world, good is opposed by evil, and there is a constant struggle between them. Since ancient times, people have passed on their life experience in the form of fairy tales that teach them to fight evil, to despise cunning people.

In fairy tales, kind people are always beautiful. The heroine of a fairy tale

Today we are on holiday. Meet the good fairy!

(the good fairy appears to the music)

Fairy: Good afternoon dear friends! What a beautiful day today! What a wonderful hall! I always appear where kindness, politeness, good breeding and beauty reign. I invite you to get acquainted with the golden, magical rules:

« Thank you" and "please", "sorry" and "sorry" -

These are not words, but the key to the soul!

In addition to our companion - multiplication tables

There is one more - the table of respect.

Remember how the alphabet is like two and two:

"Thank you" and "please" are magic words

Wherever the lapel is shown to the immodest,

The polite will ask, ask and pass.

Doors open before the magic word

Let it repeat itself

Teacher: What is "hello"? - the best of words.

Because "hello" means be healthy!

Remember the rule, you know - repeat.

Say this word to the elders first.

We parted in the evening, met in the morning,

So the word "hello" to repeat from time to time.

Fairy: And now I invite everyone to play.

Game: Hello

Rules of the game: Everyone stands in a circle. The driver goes around the circle, touches one of the players. Both run in opposite directions. Having met, they stop, shake hands and say: “Hello, my name is. . ." (take turns saying their name). Then they run further, trying to take an empty place. Who did not have time - becomes the driver.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of wheels)

Teacher: And now it's time to get down to business, we were with you on

Alley Tasks.There are some errors in these tasks.

Listen carefully and correct them.

Malvina gives a lesson in courtesy to Pinocchio:

Malvina: Think, Pinocchio, what would you do in these situations:

    The girl indignantly complains to her mother: "There is a boy in the yard, so ignorant, he calls me Anya." "And what do you call him?" Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all.I just shout to him: "Hey, you!"

Is Anya right?

Pinocchio: Of course not. He also has a name, it was necessary to shout: Hey, Petka!

(children's opinions are heard)


    Maxim comes to school in the morning. At the door of his class is a teacher. Seeing the teacher, Maxim ran up to him to tell him what an interesting film he watched yesterday.

What mistake did Max make?

Pinocchio : Ah, I know. It was necessary not to run up, but to approach. Correctly?


3. The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it now?”

The boy made 3 mistakes. Which?

Pinocchio : Probably, it was not necessary to shout?

Guys, help me find two more errors

(please what time is it)


    Two boys met at the door: one is 7 years old, and the other is 10.Who should skip whom?

Pinocchio: I know, I know! The younger one should skip the older one!

Answer: most polite

Teacher : Now let's play.

Game "Don't Make a Mistake"

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word”.

stand upplease !
Hands up!
please clap your hands!

Sit down!
jump onplease!

Bend over!

stomp,please .
Hands forward!
Please smile at each other!

please , swear.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of wheels)

Teacher: We got with youMerry clearing. Let's get off the train

and get some rest.

Song - dance: "Do as I do!"

And now funny ditties will sound, listen to them.


All: Stretch the accordion fur,

Oh, play, play!

Hear the truth about children

And don't talk!

1 Kolya quarrels with friends,

He throws his fists into action.

At the bully under the eyes

The bruises don't go away.

    At the lessons our Lena.

Doesn't sing or make noise
But squeals at change

And it rattles like dynamite.

3. The lazy mother says:

Make your bed!

I, mother, would remove

Only I'm still small.

4. Petya cleverly catches fish,

Can make boats.

Just "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak.

    Vova is ours at recess

Checked for wall strength.

He tried so hard

That he was all in plaster!

    At school heard here and there
    Cock noise and din.
    This is where fights happen.
    We have our own roosters.

    Everyone sings to music
    Dimochka is shy
    But on the change
    The mouth does not close.

    What kind of whisper is heard in the classroom?
    Who's stopping us like this?
    It's just someone with someone
    Something is being discussed.

All: You ditties are not out of boredom,
And we sang for good.
Let them raise their hands now

The ones we hit.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of wheels)

Teacher: We are enteringTheater Street. Here we will meet the girl Masha from a fairy tale"Magic Flower"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Magic Flower".


Masha Starichok - woodman

Wolf bird


Teacher: There is a strange girl in the world

She knows how to eat porridge

And she knows how to draw dolls

And train dogs

But only mom will say:

"Time to sleep" -

she makes a roar until the morning:

Masha: Don't ask me, I don't want to sleep

I can’t lie down, I’d rather run into the forest!

Teacher: And one day, after these words, she found herself in the forest.

Masha: (crying) Oh, I seem to be lost.

What am I to do now?

Birdie: Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,

Hello girl!

Masha: Bird, I'm lost!

I was capricious, and now I ended up in the forest. (crying)

(the bird flies, does not pay any attention to the girl)

Masha: I forgot to say "Hello birdie!"

Birdie: Don't cry girl, I'll help you.

I will fly forward, and you follow me.

I will bring you to the Old Man-forester.

He knows everything.

(music sounds, the bird flies ahead, Masha follows her)

Birdie: Here lives the Old Man - the forest man.

Masha: Old man - woodman, show yourself, appear.

Not shown. I'll call him louder.

Oh, I forgot to say "Please."

Show yourself, please, Old Man - Forester!

Old man - lumberjack: Hello Masha!

Hello dear!

Masha: Hello, old man - lumberjack.

I got lost, naughty at home.

And then I found myself in the forest.

Please help me find my way home.

Old man - lumberjack: Don't cry, Mashenka! I see you realized what you did wrong.

I'll help you. I give you a magical flower. (holds out)

Smell it and you will immediately become kinder, more polite and more cheerful.

(Masha smells a flower, magic music sounds)

Masha: (looks around) Oh! What a beauty all around!

What a wonderful forest!

Thank you, Old Man - forester, for the flower.

Old man - lumberjack : Please, Masha. Go straight, if you need help, the flower will help.

Masha: Thank you, Old Man - lumberjack, goodbye!

(Masha goes further, and to meet, the wolf is coming)

Wolf: I am an evil and terrible gray wolf,

I know a lot about tasty girls!

Eat you girl!

Masha: Hello wolf! Do not eat me!

Better smell the flower.


Wolf: What happened with me? Teeth do not click, and the anger is gone.

No, I won't eat you. You are very good and pretty.

(leaves music playing)

Teacher: Masha goes on, and a bear meets her.

Bear: Who else is in the forest?

I'll break, crush and crush.

Masha: Hello bear! Dont touch me!

Better smell the flower. (sniffs)

Bear: What happened to me? I became light, though big!

I will not crush anyone, I will not trample anyone. (leaves)

(Masha walks, sings songs)

Masha: For a long time I walked through the forest,

But I found the way.

And I came to the second "a" class,

To please all of you.

I will show you a flower

What a magical tell

The wolf didn't bite

Bear forest animals crush.

And I became polite, affectionate

Be children and you are kind

Be kind and smart.

And I will leave this flower to your class.

Chorus: Flowers, like people, are generous for good,

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom. Warming all hearts

Like little warm fires.

(soundtrack sounds of the sound of wheels)

Teacher: Our journey is coming to an end. It ends on the main

Square of the City of Politeness -Good Square.

What do you guys think, what is the sweetest thing in the world?

( listening to children's answers

Listen to the poem

Student: What's the sweetest thing? I asked the guys

Relish to get enough sleep, dormouse, yawning, mumbling.

Sweethearts, closing their eyes, shout: lollipop!

Kishmish is called, halva, finally.

But sweeter than halva and everything else

Heartfelt, kind word

Game: "Affectionate word"

Teacher: Yes, an affectionate, kind word warms the soul. I suggest you play the game "Affectionate word". I call a word, for example, “branch”, and you must say this word, but already affectionately - “twig”.

Mom - mom, son, fox, cat, hare, bird, daughter, wind, flower, berry, cloud, sun.

(referring to the mother cat and her kitten)

- Well, Kitten, did you like our trip around the City of Courtesy? What have you learned from us?

Kitty: I had to learn a lot at the holiday,

Now I will give up my place on the tram to everyone.

"Hello" at the meeting I will say,

For gifts, help, thank you all.

I will be very polite - and I ask you:

Please enroll me in the second grade!

Teacher: I hope that not only the mother-cat and her kitten learned what is necessary and useful for themselves, but also all the guys who were at this holiday.

Learning the rules of politeness is not at all difficult, you just have to want to. "Magic" words will help in life, you just need to always remember them and speak in time.

Do good to people and good will definitely come back to you!

Our themed holiday has come to an end, and we will finish it

"Song of Kindness"

Elena Kosykh
Courtesy holiday (for preschool children)

Festival of courtesy.

presenter: Good morning. Guys. Today I propose to courtesy holiday. I even invited Fairy to visit us. courtesy.

A fairy enters under calm music courtesy.

Fairy: Hello guys. I am a fairy courtesy.

I say hello everywhere

At home and on the street

Even hello, I say

I'm the neighbor's chicken.

"Hello" the sun is golden

"Hello" sky is blue.

"Hello" free breeze

"Hello" small oak tree

"Hello" morning,

"Hello" day.

I'm not too lazy to say hello.

Fairy: Do you guys know how to say hello?

Answers children.

Fairy: I suggest you play interesting game. Now we will walk around the hall to the music. When the music ends, you need to say hello. If I clap my hands 1 time, you shake hands, if I clap 2 times, you greet with shoulders, and if 3, then you hug.

Children play a game "Let's say hello".

The Rude Woman runs into the hall.

Rude woman: Well done hello, hello. I don't like this word.

Fairy: Hello, who are you?

Rude woman: I'm Rude.

Fairy: All clear. Do you know what hello is?

Rude woman: No, I don't want to know.

Fairy: Here, listen.

What "hello"?

The best of words

because "hello"

Means "be healthy"

Remember the rule

You know, repeat.

Say this word to the elders first.

Separated in the evening

Met in the morning

So the word "hello"

It's time to speak.

Rude woman: Clear. So, saying "Hello", we wish health to another person. Correctly?

Fairy: Quite right.

Fairy: Rude woman, but what polite words you know?

Rude woman: Get off, get off, get out!

Fairy: Well, it's not polite words but rough. I want to tell and show the tale of the girl Oika. Look what happened to her.

Tale of a rude word "Leave"

little mouse: Which beautiful house! Can I live in it?

Masha: Why did you drive the Mouse away? The mouse is good.

Sun: Shame on you, Oika! Masha is your friend. Is it okay to say "leave" to your girlfriend?

Oika: Who are you? I can not see you.

Bunny: I am a gray hare. I'm lost in the dark, I can't find my home. My mother is waiting for me there.

Wolves: It's us, the Gray Wolves! The night has come! The night has come! We will scour the forest and scare everyone!

Oika (crying): Oh, now we're all gone! It's all my fault. Oh, I will never say the rude word "go away" again!

Oika: Oh, Masha, come to me! Let's build new house for the Mouse, even better. Let him live there.

Fairy: Guys, and you polite words know?

The children answer.

Fairy A: Let's check it out. I will read poetry to you, and you must finish them.

The game "Say a word"

Fairy: These are short words

Everywhere heard in the morning.

They live in the world

It's time to remember them.

Fairy: even an ice block will melt

From the word warm ... (Thanks)

Fairy: The old stump will turn green

When will hear: … (Good afternoon)

Fairy: If you can't eat anymore

Let's tell mom... (Thanks)

Fairy: Boy polite and developed

He speaks, meeting: … (hello)

Fairy: When we are scolded for pranks,

We speak: … (excuse me, please)

Fairy: Both in France and Denmark

Saying goodbye... (goodbye)

Fairy: Need to know how two and two

All the magic words

A day, perhaps, up to a hundred times

I say... (please)

Fairy: Polite words you know. And now I will check your attention. I will offer you something to do if I say the magic word "Please", then you are doing this task, and if I don’t say the magic word, then you are not doing anything.

Attention game "Please".

Fairy: I suggest watching a cartoon. "Luntik and his friends series "Please".

Fairy: Did you like the cartoon? Have you realized that being rude is bad? Rude people often quarrel, they have no friends.

Fairy: The guys want to teach you how to put up if you suddenly quarrel with someone.

Dance "Fighted - reconciled".

You can sing a song about friendship.

"Friendship is strong..."

Rude woman: Here you go, polite words I learned, learned to put up, but what else to do to be good?

Fairy: And you also need to comb your hair. And change the name. You were a rude woman, and you will become a good girl, Yana. You agree?

Rude woman: Yes, I agree.

The Fairy combs the Rude woman's hair and ties her bow.

The brute smiles.

Rude woman: Now I'm not a rude girl, but a good girl Yanochka.

Rude woman: And I want to treat your guys with delicious sweets.

treats children candy.

Sources used:

Tale about the rude word "Go away" by S. Prokofieva

Game say a word.

Related publications:

Scenario of entertainment "Festival of courtesy" Educator: Guys, today I invite you all to a holiday of kindness and politeness. Let's start our holiday with a smile. Let's all smile.

Holiday of health for children of senior preschool age Children enter the march to the playground. Vedas: We invite everyone to the sports ground now. The holiday of sports and health begins.

Scenario of the holiday "Journey through the Land of kindness and courtesy" for children of senior preschool age This event expands children's knowledge about polite words and good deeds; ability to apply them in real life situations. "Journey through the Country.

Elena Verkhovtseva
Scenario of the holiday "Journey to the Land of politeness and kindness" for younger students

Goals: contribute to the ethical development of the personality of students.


To give ideas about polite communication, to acquaint children with the concept of "politeness", "kindness", to show the need to use "polite" words in speech;

Form the habit of using polite words;

To develop cognitive interest, memory, attention, imagination, speech of students, broaden the horizons of students, promote the development of the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions;

To cultivate a culture of communication, to form respect and a benevolent attitude towards people.

Equipment: multimedia installation, clip by Natasha Koroleva "Little Country", tape recorder, posters with polite words, book "Rules of Cultural Behavior", a flower with polite words, costumes for heroes.

Literary series: poems about kindness and politeness, the scene "We are friends."

Music line: songs: "Polite Song", "Kind Heart", "Song of Politeness"; dances: clip or song “Little Country”, “Song of Kindness”, or “Kindness” by Barbarika, music. accompaniment: the song "Pinocchio", "If you are kind", "Tail by tail", Kota Leopold's song "The Sun Shines Brightly", "Song of Kindness" from the m / f "The Adventures of Funtik.

Games:"Magic words", "Be careful", "It is allowed-prohibited", a dictionary of "Polite words".

Characters: adults - Host, Baba Yaga, Fairy, Leopold; children - Malvina, Pinocchio, Black mouse, White mouse, Vova, Petya, Sister, 20 readers.

Sounds "Song of Kindness" from the m / f "The Adventures of Funtik" No. 1, the spectators take their seats. At the end of the last verse, students of class 2 B go on stage, stand in a checkerboard pattern or in a semicircle.


Good afternoon, our young viewers!

Good afternoon dear teachers!

To everyone who hastened to us today,

Good afternoon, we speak from the heart.

1 student:

We know many holidays

We have fun with them

And today, at this hour

The holiday of courtesy and kindness awaits us!

2 student:

Meeting friends and acquaintances

I look into their eyes with a smile

Being polite is very easy for me

I'll say hello first.

3 student:

Don't tease, don't be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold

And you will find your friends!

4 student:

Beautifully designed by someone

Thanks for the help

The usual word "thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

5 student:

"See you! Goodbye!"

Say goodbye to everyone

Tomorrow we will be again

Greet the new day with a smile!

6 student:

Respect the people around

Seniors, juniors too.

Then you, my friend,

They'll call it good.

The song "Polite song" No. 2 is performed. After singing the song, the children go behind the curtain.

Presenter: Guys! Every kind person is necessarily polite. Today we propose to arrange a holiday "Journey to the Land of Politeness and Kindness."

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Interesting! They have a holiday, but I was not invited. No holiday, no courtesy, no kindness!

Presenter: Listen, who are you? By what right did you command here?

Baba Yaga: Is it not clear who I am? Take a closer look and you'll know right away. Guys, do you recognize me? Who am I? (children's answers) That's right, I'm Baba Yaga, the kindest and most polite grandmother in the world!

Presenter: And we will check this now. Tell us Grandma Yaga what it means to be a kind and polite person.

Baba Yaga: Yes please!

If you came to friends -

Don't say hello to anyone

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach.

Presenter: Guys, is Baba Yaga right? (No) I see, grandmother Yaga, you really need to learn politeness and kindness on our holiday. You are welcome to be our guest of honor.

Baba Yaga descends into the hall and sits down on a chair.

Presenter: In order to be polite, we must know the "magic words" that make us feel warmer and more joyful. A kind word can cheer up a person, dispel a bad mood. Attention, here is a dictionary of polite words! Remember, guys, these words!

Students of the 2nd grade take the stage, holding posters in their hands.

7 student: (Good afternoon)

Good afternoon! - you were told.

Good afternoon! - you answered.

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness.

8 student: (Hello)

Hello! you tell the person.

Hello! he smiles back,

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,

And will be healthy for many years.

9 student: (Please)

Cancel, or what, the word "please"?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps that without "please"

We become uncomfortable.

Student 10: (Sorry)

"I'm sorry, I won't

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And what he promised to forget.

And if I still forget -

I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

11 student: (Thank you)

Why do we say "thank you"?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.

12 student: (Have a nice trip)

We wish: "Good journey" -

It will be easier to drive and walk.

Will lead, of course, a good way

Something good too.

Presenter: Guys, I have the book “Rules of Cultural Behavior” in my hands, only the rules from the book “Bad Advice” got here by mistake. Help me figure it out. If I read the rule of cultural behavior - you clap your hands, and if it's bad advice - stomp your feet.

You don't have to say hello to everyone every day. (stomp)

Adults must not be interrupted. (clapping)

Never hurt kids. (clapping)

You can only run along the school corridor. (stomp)

If you are late for the lesson, you need to say: “Excuse me, can I come in?”. (clapping)

On the bus, you must always give up your seat to the elders. (clapping)

You can skip school. (stomp)

To the teacher's remark, in response, you need to show your tongue. (stomp)

It is necessary to observe the rules of cultural behavior always and everywhere. (clapping)

Presenter: Well done guys, you know the rules of cultural behavior. I remind you: they must be observed always and everywhere: both at school and in in public places and at home.

Today we are going to the country of Politeness and Kindness. This is not an ordinary country. It's not on the map, but it exists. Polite and noble people live there. In this country, they congratulate each other on good luck, console and soothe in trouble, give way to elders, help each other. They love to give gifts, they say only kind and polite words. In this country, words such as:

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others are pleased with you.

communicate. Kindness is the desire of a person to give complete happiness to all people, to every person.

Guys, what do you think, are polite people born or made? That's right, they become. In order to become polite, you guys should use polite words as often as possible, from which it becomes more joyful, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood. Kindness helps people to live, create, makes life beautiful and even beautiful.

Well, let's get ready for the journey. We sit comfortably in chairs. And you, Baba Yaga, hold on tight. Now imagine that we are flying on a big beautiful balloon and flying over a beautiful city.

Clip of Natasha Koroleva "Little Country" or Dance of Children to the song "Little Country" No. 3.

Presenter: So we arrived in the country of Politeness and kindness.

Fairy comes out.

Fairy: Hello! I am the Fairy of this beautiful country. And today you have not accidentally arrived in my country. Together we will celebrate a wonderful holiday.

A holiday of kindness, a holiday of kindness!

Everyone is celebrating today, and of course you and I.

Just before I let you into fairyland, I want to know if you know what is allowed and what is forbidden in my country.

The game "Allowed-forbidden"

Smile at each other...

To be rude, to be rude - ....

To help each other - ….

Use fists - ....

Be friends -…

Interfering with a friend...

Be kind, be funny...

Saying hurtful things to each other...

Fairy: Tell me guys, do you like fairy tales? I just adore them, because in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil! So… today I invited my friends to the party. So.

The song "Pinocchio" sounds (1 verse) No. 4, Malvina and Pinocchio enter the hall.

Malvina: Hello children!

Pinocchio:(mutters under his breath, stands half-turned to the poster) Hello!

Malvina: Why are you so sad, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: Unhappy and all. And what do you want from me?

Malvina:(offended) Why are you answering me like that? Because I want to know what happened to you. Maybe you need help?

Pinocchio: What did I say to you?

Malvina: You didn’t say anything special to me, but you talk to me in such a way that it’s unpleasant even to listen and answer.

Pinocchio: Here's another one who doesn't want to, don't talk to me!

Malvina: Pinocchio, what is your tone?

Pinocchio: Ordinary. After all, I do not scold anyone.

Malvina: I noticed that you often speak in this tone not only with the guys, but even with Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: Think tone! Maybe I sometimes speak a little loudly and capriciously, but I am a good friend, cheerful, I help everyone, I like to amuse everyone. Some people just don't get jokes. For example, yesterday I was walking and I saw: Pierrot slipped and how he flopped to the ground. Of course, I laughed and asked him: “Well, how was the landing?” And he got offended and left. And what bad did I say? Yes, am I the only one talking and joking like that? I am learning from the guys. There they are, as they say. There are those who even call each other rude words, tease.

Malvina:(addressing the guys) Guys, explain to Pinocchio why Piero was offended. Why is Pinocchio's "joke" unpleasant to him?

Children: Because Pinocchio laughed at the misfortune, at the misfortune of Pierrot, but you can’t do that, it’s not nice and impolite.

Malvina: Pinocchio did the wrong thing, he acted impolitely, he will have to apologize to Pierrot.

Pinocchio: Well, okay, let's not think about who behaves worse, we'll just get better. Okay I figured it out?

Malvina: Very good, Pinocchio. We must always remember that a kind word makes people feel warm in their hearts, and an evil word can destroy friendship.

Pinocchio: Now, everything is clear to me! Goodbye, guys!

Malvina and Pinocchio leave.

Presenter: Well, that's good, guys, that Pinocchio understood everything, learned how to behave correctly in relation to other people, became kind and polite.

Let's repeat the vocabulary of "Polite words"

Even an ice block will melt from the word warm (thank you).

The old stump will turn green when it hears (good afternoon).

If you can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom (thank you).

A polite, developed boy says to the guys (hello).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say (I'm sorry, please).

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye (goodbye).

The song “If you are good” sounds (1 verse) No. 5, Leopold the Cat enters.

Fairy: Dear Leopold, what happened? Why are you so sad?

Cat: Oh, those naughty mice did harm again. I wanted to come to you guys on a bike, and they poured glue. I wanted to make friends with them, but they don't know how to be friends at all. I brought you guys a magic flower as a gift, and they hid it, I'll go look ....

Leopold the cat leaves.

The song “Tail by tail” sounds (1 verse) No. 6, mice come out.

1 mouse: Oh, it's all fun! We hurt the cat!

2 mouse:"Guys let's be friends!" But we don't want to!

1 mouse: Guys, listen to our advice and always do it!

2 mouse: Yes, yes, listen!

1 mouse:

There is a sure way to please adults,

In the morning start screaming and littering

Eavesdrop, whimper, run around the house,

Kick and beg for gifts from everyone.

2 mouse:

Beat friends without a break

Every day for half an hour

And your muscles

Becomes stronger than a brick.

Leopold exits.

Cat: Ah, there you are!

What are you guys teaching?

Are you giving bad advice again?

Mice: No, not harmful!

Cat: And now I'll ask the guys. Guys, is it possible to do this?

Mice: Can! Can!

Children: NO!

Cat: You see, no one needs your advice! You need to be friendly guys, kind!

Kindness is for everyone!

Let there be more good

They say not in vain when they meet:

"Good afternoon!" and "Good evening!"

And it is not in vain that we have

Wish: "Good afternoon!"

Kindness - it is from the century,

Human decoration!

Mice: Guys, what is kindness? (answers)

Dance to the song "Song of kindness" or "Kindness" Barbarika No. 7.

Fairy: It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy,

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.


Don't hide your kindness

Open your heart to everyone,

With what you have, generous

Share, open your soul.

Need to live all the time

Fun and friendly.

After all, together with friends

Very interesting!

Guys, can you make friends? Listen to what happened to our children.

Scene "We are friends"

Vova: We don't look much alike.

Petka is fat, I'm thin,

We are not the same, but still,

You won't spill water on us!

Petya: The thing is, he and I

Bosom friends.

We do everything together

We even fall behind together.

Vova: Friendship - friendship, however,

And we had a fight.

There was, of course, an important reason.

It was a very important occasion!

Do you remember Petya?

Petya: Vova forgot something.

Vova: And I forgot, but whatever.

Petya: Fight honestly.

As friends should.

Vova: I'll knock!

Petya: How I crack!

Vova: He will give! And I will give!

Petya: Briefcases soon came into play,

Books flew into the air

In a word, I will not be modest,

The fight has gone anywhere!

Vova: Just look, what a miracle?

Water runs from us.

Petya: This is Vovka's sister

Poured us out of a bucket.

Water flows from us in streams

And she still laughs:

Sister: You are really friends

You can't spill water!

(they hold hands and talk)

All: Look at the world with a smile

Let them be friends with you, only those

Who is very kind inside

And who is beautiful on the outside.

We wish your life

Only brought happiness

May all friends be near

After all, friendship is power!

Class 2 students take the stage. They stand in a checkerboard pattern or in a semicircle. The song "Kind Heart" No. 8 is performed After singing the song, the children go behind the curtain. Leopold the Cat and mice come out.


We understood everything, forgive us, Leopold, and you guys, forgive us!

We won't do that again!

Cat: Guys, never quarrel, live together. Kindness is a fabulous flower that can bloom in the soul of each of us. Here it is for you (gives the flower to the presenter) Goodbye.

Leopold gives the children a magic flower, leaves with the mice. The song “The sun is shining brightly” (1 verse) No. 9 sounds.

Fairy: Well, what did you guys like in my country?

I want to say goodbye to you too.

For you to be kind

Forget the magic words

To kind words

You talked to your friends!

Like a sunny day

Like a wonderful fairy tale

Let your life be

Beautiful all the time!

The fairy leaves.

Presenter: Our journey through the "Land of Politeness and Kindness" is coming to an end. Leopold the cat will give us a magic flower of courtesy. Let's all together once again repeat the magic words that make our life kinder and better.

Class 2 students take the stage. They stand in a checkerboard pattern or in a semicircle.

13 student:

Polite words, not one or two,

Remember and know these miracle - words!

14 student:

"Sorry", "Please", "Sorry" and "Allow".

These are not words, but a key to the soul.

15 student:

Never get involved in someone else's conversation

And you better not interrupt adults!

16 student:

The bright sun has risen again

"Good morning!" we must say!

17 student:

goodbye to each other

We'll say: "Goodbye!"

18 student:

It's time for the table, everything is covered for food.

We wish you "bon appetit"!

19 student:

Don't be lazy to tell your friends

Smiling: "Good afternoon!"

20 student:

Let's say "Thank you!" with you more than once

For everything they do for us!

The presenter turns to Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga rises to the stage.

Presenter: Baba Yaga, did you remember the polite words and rules of cultural behavior?

Baba Yaga: Of course, I remember everything. I'm polite now! And I even wrote a poem and I want to read it to you!

Give everyone sunshine

A piece of light, kindness.

Words of love and tenderness

Give people like flowers.

Presenter: Very good poem, grandmother Yaga! With these kind words, let's end our holiday "Journey to the Land of Courtesy and Kindness." We think you all have learned to use the "magic words" and will always give them to others. Guys, say as many kind magic words as possible and give everyone smiles!

Performed "Song about politeness" No. 10. Bow. Applause.

Alevtina Tkacheva
Synopsis of organized activities "Lessons of courtesy from Malvina"

To date politeness, respect, etiquette, culture, rules of conduct have undeservedly receded into the background. Children's assertiveness, communication with adults "on an equal footing", turning into arrogance, more and more causes not condemnation, but a smile from the parents.

A very difficult task for educators is to develop in preschoolers the need to observe the rules of etiquette. This is more difficult to achieve when children around see not always the correct behavior of adults.

I represent synopsis of joint organized activities for preparatory group. The open lesson was prepared and conducted as part of the competition "Teacher of the Year 2018" in the nomination "Teacher of the Year" at the municipal level.


integrated lesson

for social and communicative development

On the topic: « Lessons of politeness from Malvina»

for preschool children

Prepared by the teacher Tkacheva A.A.


Target: Assimilation by students of a set of specific rules of conduct in public places.


Educational: Introduce students to the rules of conduct in public places; teaching a culture of behavior; reinforce children's knowledge of courtesy.

Educational: To develop the ability to correctly assess yourself and others in various situations. Develop language and communication skills in students.

Educational: Cultivate respect for other people.

Lesson type: Consolidation of the studied material.

Equipment: Decorative hearth, dolls-heroes of a fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio", golden key, boxes, bell, two easels, split pictures (two sets) on magnets, hats for children-dolls, soft modules for playing with obstacles, ICT: situational slides, videos, treats.

Lesson progress:

Children sit on chairs, enters the hall Malvina with big boxes because of which he can't see anything.

Malvina: Pinocchio! Pierrot! It's time for lesson! (nobody is answering)

Malvina puts boxes,looks around and wonders:

Malvina: Hello guys! Oh, how many of you are here! And you have guests ... Hello, dear guests!

Did you recognize me? (children's answers). Yes I - Malvina. What's your name, I don't know. Let's get acquainted? And the magic golden key will help us to do this.

Malvina takes out a golden key from the boxes and starts the game, paying attention to the expressions "very nice" and "nice to meet you".

The game is a welcome "Nice to meet you"

Malvina: I'll start, my name is Malvina. (Children say their names, passing the key in a circle).

Malvina: Let's get acquainted! Guys, have you seen my friends by any chance? I have to start lesson, but they are nowhere ... (children answer, Malvina sees puppet toys hanging on the fireplace)

Malvina: (scared) What happened to them?

A video clip with Karabas-Barabas appears on the screen.

Karabas-Barabas: (Laughing) Don't look for your friends Malvina! They are now under my control. You are so all polite, neat, well-mannered, and your comrades are rude and uncultured. Not "hello" do not you "goodbye" no one will say! I just need those.

If you want them back, prove that you can re-educate them. In the meantime, stay with your dolls! (Laughs)

Malvina: (holds his head) What to do now? Invented! And let's you guys play the role of puppets in our theater, show this Karabas-Barabas what we are polite, cultural and educated. What do you think it means to be polite? (children's answers)

Polite a person is an educated person, with good manners, who does good deeds, knows how to communicate respectfully and tactfully with people.

Malvina: That's right, what good fellows you are! Let's play a game called « polite words» .

I will call you actions, and you will perform them, but only if you hear "magic words". Be careful!

Game text:

Please stand in a circle.

Hands up please.

Put your hands down.

Put your hands down please.

Turn right, please.

Turn left.

Face me, please.

Jump two times, please.

Nod your head.

Shake the hand of the neighbor on the left, please.

Please smile.

Clap yourself please.

Malvina: Well done guys, how attentive you are! Now let's see how many magic words you know. To do this, you need to complete the sentences that you will now hear.

The game "Finish the sentence"

Don't be lazy to tell your friends


(Good afternoon)

goodbye to each other

We'll say...


Don't blame each other

Better soon...


How beautiful is it

Good word...


When guilty, say you hurry

I beg you, please-


Never get involved in someone else's conversation

And adults you are better ...

(Do not interrupt)

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ...


The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...


The boy is polite and affectionate

He says when he meets...


When we are scolded for pranks,

We're talking...

(Excuse me, please)

Both France and Denmark

Saying goodbye...


If a friend meets a friend

Friends shake hands with each other

In response to a greeting

Everyone says...


Wrote a letter to my mother

I answered yesterday

And at the end passed

To all friends...


If with a friend or girlfriend

There was a long separation

We talk when we meet:

"How old and..."

(how many winters)

If you met someone

According to the rules of etiquette

So that the conversation goes uphill,

Asking: "How…"


Our world is tired of evil,

To make him better

We are not too lazy to speak

At the meeting …

(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is gone

And it's like a sin

Most often spoken.

This word follows

For a gift, for dinner,

This word is said

If you are thanked.


Malvina: What good fellows you are! Tell me, do you "magic words" often use? (children's answers). I see what you are polite and cultured. Guys, what kind of person is called cultural? (children's answers). That's right, a cultured person is an educated, well-mannered, responsible, sensitive person. He respects himself and others, observes the rules of conduct. Now we will remember these rules.

Situational pictures - slides with examples of cultural behavior.

Malvina: now you will see different situations. You need to describe it. Tell what rule of conduct you considered there. Can this be done or not?

Rules of conduct at the table Give way to elders

Don't be greedy Don't eat on public transport

Don't interrupt adults

Malvina: Well done. And now we will complete this task. Let's split into two teams. Each speed team must collect pictures and tell what the rule of behavior is in this picture. (Children compete in collecting pictures)

One of the pictures about friendship and help.

Malvina: Guys, tell me, are you friendly? (children's answers). What does it mean to be friends? (children's answers). Now we will check if you can come to the rescue of your friends.

The game "Help a Friend"

Dense forest. We can overcome it only with the help of friendship.

We need to overcome this forest with you. But you need to get through it so as not to touch a single object. Children are divided into pairs. One of the couple is blindfolded. Large toys are laid out on the floor between two chairs. The second child from the pair needs to lead the partner from one chair to another so that not a single toy is knocked down.

Malvina: Guys, you did a great job! You are all so friendly and well-mannered!

A video with Karabas-Barabas appears.

Karabas-Barabas (Looks through a spyglass): Look how educated! How know polite words, the rules of conduct are discussed! Good, Malvina I will give you your friends, try to re-educate them. And I'll see what you get out of it!

Malvina: Oh, guys, before he changes his mind, I'll run and pick up my friends! And for your help I want to give you magic golden keys. They will open the door for you courtesy. (gives gifts). Thank you! Goodbye! (leaves).

The course of the holiday

Teacher. Hello! Welcome to the celebration of courtesy "Thank you, please, hello"! Hello!

"Hello!" —

Bowing, we said to each other,

Even though they didn't know each other.

"Hello!" -

What special topics did we say to each other?

Just "hello", we didn't say anything else.

Why did a drop of sun increase in the world?

Why is there a drop of happiness in the world?

Why did life become a little more joyful?

Guys, what does this word, "hello" mean?

Children express their point of view.

Children. This means that we want a person to be healthy.

Teacher. Yes, that's right, well done! Now let's split into two teams and compete a bit, let's start our courtesy contest.

With the help of a teacher, children are divided into two teams, come up with names for the team, choose captains.

Teacher. Let me introduce you to the members of the jury.

Jury presentation.

Teacher. Let's start our competition with a warm-up. I will say the first part of the proverb, and the teams should take turns finishing them. Teams will receive one point for a correct answer. So, are you ready?

Students. Yes!

Teacher. Head bow...

Team 1. ...doesn't get sick.

Teacher. From kind words...

Team 2. ...the tongue won't dry out.

Teacher. An honest word and a wild head ...

Team 1. ... humbles.

Teacher. In someone else's house, don't be picky, but be...

Team 2. ... friendly.

Teacher. Where they put you, sit there, and where they don’t tell you, there ...

Team 1. ...don't look.

Teacher. Talk without thinking what to shoot...

Team 2. ...not aiming.

If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is transferred to another team.

Teacher. Well done! While the jury is summing up the intermediate results, I would like to tell you something. Do you know that in different countries Do people greet each other differently? Do you know how Indians greet each other?

Shows a pre-prepared student who sits on the floor and takes off his shoes.

Teacher. This is how they greet each other in Japan.

Shows a pre-prepared student who demonstrates low, medium and small bows.

Teacher. And look how they do it in Tibet.

Shows a pre-prepared student who takes off his hat with his right hand, left hand puts it behind the ear and sticks out the tongue.

Teacher. Are the teams ready? Then we start our first competition.

Listen, please, what reportage was given to us. It's called "At the Table".

Everyone is at the table. Too bad you don't see the inspired faces of the eaters. Dishes begin to move, plates become flying. Bach! Someone fell off the chair, unable to withstand the stress of the moment.

“Ahhh,” Olechka screams in horror, covering her face with her hands. From the other end of the table, leaning on it with his whole body, the well-bred boy Tolya stretches with a formidable weapon - a fork in his hands. Dangerous moment! Jerk! Phew! The danger has passed. Olechka is intact, but the fork was directed right into her eye! But Tolya, with a virtuoso movement, caught a tidbit of meat and pulls it across the entire table. Carrying his prey, he overturns the gravy boat and gets into the salad with his sleeve. I have already put the whole piece of meat and half of the fork into my mouth. Well done! Sword swallower! Vitya convulsively squeezes the spoon in his fist, like a sledgehammer, with which he will now hammer the pile. What is he doing? He's trying to scoop out a slippery fish with a spoon! Such a move! Ah ah ah! Vitya drops the fish into the ice cream. The original dish is fish with ice cream. Bon appetit, Vitya!

So, you are given time to discuss and say what mistakes were made by the guys at the table.

After discussion, the teams call the errors to the jury representatives. The jury member writes down the answers. Then the answers are announced. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Teacher. It's time for the next competition.

Listen to the poem "A Very Polite Turkey" first.

Prepared students read.

Student 1.

Showed up in the house suddenly

Very Polite Turkey.

Student 2.

Thirty times a day

More often than not, he shouted:

Hey you ignoramuses!

Come visit, or something -

Learn to be polite!

Student 3.

I myself, - shouted Turkey,

Doctor of Polite Sciences.

And my wife is an example

Remarkable manners:

Even when she sleeps

It looks like she's educated!

Student 4.

Don't be shy, Donkey!

Come, sit down at the table!

Why are you silent like a fish?

Say: "I'll come, thank you!"

Student 5.

Don't be a pig, Pig, -

My family is waiting for you!

I would have washed before

You are your pig snout!

Student 6.

No matter how he fought, however,

Nobody went to Turkey -

Neither cow nor dog

Neither Khavronya, nor Donkey!

Student 7.

The turkey turned blue from anger:

Do not go, impudent, to visit!

All the hard work is wasted!

They are all bastards!

Your greatness:

Didn't get it, fools

Moral standards!

Teacher. Let's now discuss the behavior of the Turkey.

The teams name the mistakes that Turkey made. The jury member writes down the answers. Then the answers are announced. For each correct answer, the team gets a point.

Teacher. Now our next match. Guess who in Russia they said: “Bread and salt”?

Team 1. Diners.

Teacher. "Tea and sugar?" -

Team 2. Drinking tea.

Teacher. "The sea under the cow?" -

Team 1. Milkmaid.

Teacher."Catch of fish?" -

Team 2. Rybak.

If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is transferred to another team. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Teacher. We start the next contest "Tactfulness". Teams should show each other prepared skits. The members of the opposing teams need to explain what is wrong in the shown scene and correct the mistakes. Teams can be asked to act out the following scenes:

1. Nastya came to visit Valya and said: “Oh, parrot! I had one too, just died. They do not live long, they are very tender.

2. Katya entered the classroom. Her eyes were red. "What happened to you? Come on, we're friends. What's wrong with you?" everyone in the class shouted.

Teams act out skits. Then they express their opinion about whether the heroes of the scene did the right thing, what is their mistake. Summing up. The jury announces the results of the competition.

Teacher. And now the competition "Tower of Polite Words". The teams take turns saying a polite word, and the captain draws a brick on the board, you can’t repeat it. Whose tower is higher wins.

The teams complete the task. The jury sums up the results of this competition.

Teacher. And now the final competition of captains. It is very short. I announce a musical pause, during which respected captains will try to name the golden rule of courtesy.

There is a musical pause for team members and spectators. The captains, while the music is playing, ponder the answer. Then they voice their options. For example:

Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself.

Don't tell others what you don't want to hear yourself.

The jury evaluates the answers. The chairman of the jury announces the overall result.

Teacher. Guys, I propose to end our holiday with verses. I will say the beginning and you the ending.

Teacher. The old stump will turn green when it hears...

Students. ...Good afternoon!

Teacher. Open your mouth more often to say...

Students. ...please!

Teacher. On a fine day, or a rainy one, tell your friends ...

Students. ...hello!

Teacher. Dear children, our holiday - the courtesy contest - is over. But I hope that you will always be polite, and not only at a holiday and do not forget the golden rules of politeness. Goodbye, all the best to you!