Exercises and sports to relieve stress. How to Relieve Stress with Exercise Why Exercise Helps Relieve Stress

Prevention of stress and getting rid of depressed states come down to simple recipe: more physical activity. In the battle of sports bad mood and depression wins sports.

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Exercising helps lift your spirits, improves tone, gives you optimism, and alleviates symptoms of depression.

Important! It is worth distinguishing between clinical depression and what is popularly called "depression": bad mood, depression and loss of energy. Severe depression is a mental disorder that is a disorder of affect. It is characterized by the "depressive triad": a decrease in mood and the loss of the ability to experience joy, impaired thinking (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening, etc.), motor retardation. With depression, self-esteem is reduced, there is a loss of interest in life and habitual activities. In some cases, a person suffering from it may begin to abuse alcohol or other psychotropic substances. If you notice all of the above symptoms, in addition to playing sports, seek qualified help.

Regular exercise, in addition to the obvious health benefits in the form of strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, improving the figure, helps:

  1. Reduce stress.
  2. Drive away anxiety and depressive feelings.
  3. Raise self-esteem.
  4. Improve sleep.
  5. Increase vitality.
  6. Get a healthy and fit look.

People who exercise have fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, and lower levels of stress and irritability. Exercise is beginning to act like an antidepressant on certain neurotransmitter systems in the brain, and it helps patients with bouts of depression regain a positive outlook on life. For patients with anxiety disorders, exercise reduces fears and associated symptoms such as rapid heart rate and breathing.

— Jasper Smits, Head of the Anxiety Research and Treatment Program at Dallas Southern Methodist University (USA)

Despondency - fight!

Let's turn to physiology.

Sugar level

Dosed loads even out blood sugar levels and eliminate chronic muscle strain, which happens in constantly nervous people. This allows you to keep your stress level under control, and turns the negative into a positive, because. contributes to the splash of accumulated aggression outside and with benefit, and not on loved ones and with a scandal.


During sports, the body produces endorphins, natural antidepressants. Endorphins (chemical compounds similar in structure to opiates, which are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain) make a person feel euphoric, for this reason it is often called the “hormone of happiness” or “hormone of joy”.


Physiotherapists explain the beneficial effects of sports on depression by the fact that physical activity causes an active flow of oxygen to all organs of the body, including the brain. It helps to reduce the symptoms of many mental anxieties such as despondency, depression, stress, insomnia.

Psychological benefits

During a period of stress and despondency, people tend to isolate themselves from the outside world (which subsequently drags them into the abyss of depression even deeper than domestic troubles). Therefore, experts advise doing sports in the fresh air or with a group in the gym.

You try something new for yourself, something different - and that's good.

There are many factors, objective and subjective. Expansion of the circle of communication. The emergence of new interests, knowledge and goals. Change of scenery and switching from depressing thoughts. Getting rid of aggression, anger and other destructive emotions. Increased self-esteem: if a person succeeds in completing the exercise, he becomes more confident in himself, and this pushes gloomy thoughts into the background, allows you not to fall into despair, and a positive result will also be reflected in the mirror.

Also individual perceptions: for example, you really like your new form, and jumping rope reminds you of childhood.

The first study to find out how physical activity affects mood was conducted back in 1970. It involved two groups of men. The first one trained for six weeks: the program included jogging, swimming, cycling. The second - led her usual sedentary image life. As a result, it turned out that sports enthusiasts got out of their depressed state much faster.

What sport is best for getting rid of depression?

Any physical exercise, any load helps to relieve the symptoms of depression, even if it is jumping in place. The main thing is that you like them, and you do not force yourself to do them.

At first, you will probably have to push yourself, but then you will enjoy the training.

  • a ride on the bicycle,
  • dancing,
  • walking or walking,
  • over short distances,
  • morning or evening
  • moderate aerobics,
  • gym classes,
  • tennis,
  • aqua aerobics,
  • any cardio training (even running in place and jumping rope).

For some, triathlon, bodybuilding, powerlifting or cross-fit are also suitable. This is individual. Choose what you like and enjoy. After all, it is important to cheer yourself up and feel a surge of strength.

The main thing is to set goals for yourself. For example: swim 300 meters, walk 5 kilometers, be able to do 10 pull-ups or push-ups. Yes, these are small goals. The main thing is that they are achievable. And every time it is a victory: both over oneself and over a bad mood. And victory is not giving up and moving on.

Important! EIf you are over 50, or have diabetes or heart disease, or consult your physician before starting exercise.

Class frequency

How often do you need to exercise to get rid of stress and cheer up? Morning exercises and yoga can be done every day. The same applies to walking.

If training requires loads (aerobics, gym, running, swimming, etc.) - two to three times a week, give training 30-60 minutes. Because the body needs rest, you don’t need to exercise too much - this is one of.

Try to exercise for at least 20-30 minutes three times a week. Start doing exercises from 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30, and then to 40, and up to 60 minutes.

When you get used to playing sports, and they become a habit for you, you can change the time and set of exercises for more convenience and interest (workouts should not bother you).

Daily menu

Nutrition is always important, and especially in sad moments. After all, you want to please yourself, seize stress. We also get endorphins from food.

A few tips:

  1. Avoid stimulants - forget about tea, coffee, energy drinks, cola and sweets for a while. Ordinary water, mineral water (it hisses so funny), juices, milk, kefir.
  2. Start the day with a breakfast rich in protein and carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits). Food will give energy, and colorful fruits will cheer you up.
  3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins needed to maintain stable level blood sugar, which usually rises sharply when stressed (this can lead to weight gain).

Eat healthy food. She's delicious too. The idea that only pastries and chocolates will save you is an illusion. It's just that your body lacks endorphins, which are easiest to get from sweets. By itself, knowing that you are taking care of yourself will help in the fight against sadness and depression.

Details about the correct healthy eating we wrote in articles

Tatyana Lisitskaya - Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics, RGUFKSiT, senior coach of the USSR national team in aerobics.

After this exercise, you will feel calm and rested, especially after a long and stressful day at work.

Sit comfortably in a chair at the office or in your favorite chair at home. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Do not cross your legs, do not cross your legs.

Look up. Smile. After that, look into the distance, trying to look through the walls, houses, go far beyond the horizon (you can close your eyes, mentally expanding the space around).

Slowly squeeze and unclench your hands several times (4-8). You will feel how, without your control, breathing becomes even, calm, rhythmic. And now, lift your soft (slightly bent at the elbows) arms in front of you up and, without changing position, lower them down (repeat 4-8 times).

Place your palms over your eyes and keep your eyes closed for 2-3 minutes. Now cover your ears with your palms so that your elbows are pointing to the sides and your fingers are pointing back. Hold the pose for one minute, slightly squeezing your ears, then abruptly release your hands.

When you finish your mini-stress program, smile.

Don't be discouraged and don't give up! Look to the future with optimism.

All doctors advise to constantly do physical and specialized breathing exercises and pay special attention to healthy sleep so that our body experiences stress more comfortably. However, such recommendations are not able to 100% protect against nervous tension and relieve stress. Therefore, you need to remember effective methods that help reduce sharp emotional outbursts due to stressful situations. Here are some of these methods.

It has been proven that the emotional state can be affected. To restore peace of mind, it is enough to perform simple breathing exercises. First of all, it is worth taking a slow and deep breath, while breathing in the abdominal way. This means that the air must be inhaled through the movements of the abdomen. In order for the breath to be slow, you need to count to three in your mind. Then, counting to five, exhale. First, the stomach is deflated, and then the chest. After inhaling and exhaling, hold your breath for two to four counts. It turns out the following sequence: three counts last for inhalation, then five counts for exhalation, after which three counts are for holding the breath.

When performing this exercise, not only breathing itself improves a person’s condition, but also concentration on this process helps to relieve stress. In addition, you can not only consciously follow your breathing, but also walking. This not only sobers the mind from emotional upheavals, but also normalizes blood pressure and relaxes muscles.

World-famous psychologists agree that facial expressions can affect a person's mood. Therefore, the first cure should be a simple smile. If you smile with all 32 teeth, looking at yourself in the mirror, then in this way you can definitely relieve stress instantly. The main thing is to take this matter seriously. It is worth holding a smile for 2 minutes, and then relax as much as if you had previously performed a difficult physical exercise. You can even bend forward and hang your relaxed arms.

If you want to relieve the heaviness that has accumulated during a difficult day from the muscles, you need to do several forward bends, as well as swing your arms and run in place.

The main problem in the occurrence of stressful situations in a person's life is his excessive concentration on the problem itself. To successfully find a way out of a difficult situation, sometimes it is enough just to rearrange the train of thought. The main thing is not to panic and not to fuss. This will help to observe yourself as if from the outside. When you managed to concentrate on your internal processes, you should pay attention to the situation around. Having done this, a person restores mental balance, thoughts are streamlined, and breathing slows down somewhat.

In addition to this exercise, the following will help to look at the situation more soberly. Replay in your head the unpleasant events that caused stress, as in slow motion, and pay attention to the most negative moment, take a picture of it. Then, to improve the emotional state, it is worth imagining that many years have already passed since the unpleasant incident. Looking at this photo is just like a memory. Such imaginative exercises will change the way you deal with a stressful situation.

It is this kind of work on oneself that can remove stress and put your nerves in order.

Literally every person met with this state, someone theoretically, and someone practically. If we consider stress from a scientific point of view, it is a kind of reaction of the human body to external stimuli.

It is possible to single out both the negative aspects of this state. Among the positive ones, the following can be noted: a person whose body experiences a stress reaction increases the likelihood of surviving in a dangerous life situation. This happens due to the fact that the brain begins to function faster, and the fullness of life is felt.

But the negatives take over. Since stress is a negative emotion, staying in such a state for a long time becomes dangerous for health. There are violations not only in health, but also in life in general. Therefore, if a woman or a man finds himself in a similar situation, it is necessary to take measures to help get rid of stress.

Stress Relief Exercises

One of the most effective is sports, or just physical activity. It depends on the health of the person, his temperament and some other factors.

Attention! The choice of exercises to overcome a stressful situation should be individual! One person will need light physical activity, while another needs a full-fledged exercise.

There are certain types of exercises that will help get rid of stressful situations. You can get acquainted with them below.

  • "Problem". It is performed in the event that stress is caused by a certain problem. It is performed as follows: a person needs to take a comfortable position, relax and look at his problem from the outside. Gradually imagine your home, relatives and friends, then your city, country. And then it is recommended to dream up more globally, to see the galaxy, the universe and all the people who are inside. Against the background of all this, the problem will seem quite insignificant, which means that working with stress will bring results. It is recommended to perform the exercise for about fifteen minutes.
  • Maria Ivanovna. This exercise is appropriate if a person has stress due to a conflict situation at work. It is proposed to do the following: put yourself in the place of your colleague or boss, walk with his gait, imitate gestures that are inherent in him or her. Imagine the employee's home environment, his possible problems and experiences. After such actions, the tension will gradually go away, and with it the stress.
  • "Mood". Such an exercise helps in the fight against stress, if the tension arises from a conflict, after which an unpleasant aftertaste remains. To complete this exercise, you will need a white piece of paper and colored markers or pencils. A person needs to relax as much as possible and with his left hand convey his mood to color scheme. But you need not just draw lines, shapes, but leave all your experiences, problems on a piece of paper. After the entire sheet is drawn, you need to turn it over and describe your mood in ten words. After that, look at the abstract drawing, reread all the words and tear the sheet. It is recommended to spend twenty minutes on this exercise.

There is also breathing exercises, which also helps to bring the psychological state of a person back to normal. Breathing exercises to relieve stress include:

  • Inhale and exhale. It is performed as follows: a breath is taken slowly at a count of 1-4, the breath is held for a few seconds, and at the same count - exhalation. Can be done in the evening better sleep. Performed five or six times.
  • Belly breathing. For this exercise, sit up straight with your back straight, but do not strain. Then take a deep breath, first filling the stomach with air, and then the chest. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale slowly. But now, on the contrary, first release the air from the chest, and then from the abdomen.

Exercise to relieve stress

Sometimes it happens that a person does not have enough breathing exercises to get rid of stress. Therefore, there are physical exercises that help eliminate the state of increased stress from your life. These exercises include the following:

  1. Shoulder stretch. A person needs to stand straight and put his hands on his shoulders. On inspiration, the elbows of the hands rise as high as possible, and the head tips back. On exhalation, the starting position is taken. Thanks to this exercise, tension in the back, shoulders and neck is relieved.
  2. We reach for the sky. Starting position - stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, a person needs to reach up, as if he is trying to reach the sky. On exhalation, the arms slowly lower, the starting position is taken. The exercise is performed five or six times.
  3. Child's pose. To do this, sit on your heels, and slightly spread your knees to the sides. While inhaling, you need to raise your hands and stretch up. On the exhale, the hands fall first to their knees, and then in front of them on the floor, as far as possible. In this position, it is recommended to linger for a few seconds, and then take the starting position. The exercise is performed five or six times.

The benefits of psychological exercises

If the human body is constantly under stress, psychological health can also fail. - this is the first enemy of a woman or a man, because he interferes with success, oppresses a person, as a result of which apathy sets in.

But even in this case, you can get rid of the oppressive state by performing some psychological actions. What is their use? When a person is in a stressful situation, he makes involuntary movements that help him calm down, for example: he walks continuously around the room, taps his fingers on the table, twirls a pen or other object in his hands. If these automatic exercises are turned into ideomotorics, that is, consciously perform certain actions, the benefits will be much greater. This is due to the fact that controlled movements are directly aimed at the source of psychological stress. These exercises include:

  • visualization - the creation of specific thoughts, images, sensations, experiences;
  • motivation - exercises that can motivate and systematize;
  • perception is a system of methods that will help to concentrate and soberly assess the current situation, build a desired model of the future.

Important! Any of the exercises must be performed in complete silence and tranquility! It is recommended to concentrate on the problem in order to get rid of it once and for all.

And will be useful. This is one of the important conditions in order to maintain an emotional state. The methods of preventive control are as follows:

  • deal with emerging situations more easily;
  • learn to think positively;
  • get rid of negative emotions;
  • laughter is the best prevention of stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • relaxation;
  • walks in the open air;
  • dream and fantasize;
  • sometimes - to contact a psychologist, if necessary.


So, human life is difficult to imagine without stressful situations. It is difficult for people to cope with this condition, especially if there is no support from loved ones.

However, the system of exercises, which includes psychological and physical methods dealing with stress, will help to effectively cope with this condition.

When emotions overwhelm or, conversely, there is not enough strength for concentration, go in for sports! Physical activity can help relieve stress or increase energy levels.

Theorists and practitioners have long proven that physical activity not only improves the figure, but even affects mood and well-being. Perhaps each of us has experienced mood metamorphosis before and after sports. So, force yourself through I don’t want to and too lazy to go to the gym, after an intense workout you can feel a surge of strength and even euphoria! This is due to the more intense production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness - during active activities. From the point of view of scientists, such a reaction of the body is dictated by the need to drown out possible pain sensations. But exercise can also have other effects, such as being calming and reducing emotional activity. Some techniques help improve concentration, relieve nervous tension, or increase efficiency. We will tell you which sport allows you to drive away anger without harm to others, and which exercises help you forget about insomnia.

Stress Reduction >>> BOXING

When emotions run high, do not rush to scream and beat the dishes. It is better to fight stress in the ring: such training will help achieve both physical and moral liberation.

How it works?

The Japanese practice an interesting way - they put soft mannequins in the offices (often even with the faces of bosses), on which disgruntled employees could drive away their anger. Boxing in the gym is no less effective! In the ring, you can also throw out all your feelings on an inanimate object without harming anyone around you (and also yourself). Believe me: complete dedication to the process and technique of doing the exercises will take over your entire being, displacing negative emotions and the very thoughts about the source of stress. This is difficult to achieve on a treadmill or in the gym when your body is doing some action and your mind is busy solving a problem.

Boxing- intensive training. Therefore, 45 minutes once a week is quite a sufficient load for a beginner. After mastering the technique, box when there is a need to relieve stress.

Increasing concentration >>> SIMULATORS

If you find it difficult to engage in mental work and focus in the morning, try strength training at the beginning of the day. Dumbbell presses - more effective method cheer up than a cup of coffee. Strength training activates the cognitive function of the brain responsible for planning, organizing and focusing tasks.

How it works?

Scientists have not yet fully established the true causes of the increase in concentration after working on weight machines. However, the main version lies in the technique of strength training: slow repetitive exercises require composure. By doing them, you train exactly the part of the brain that is responsible for concentration.

How often should you practice?

An hourly power load once or twice a week will give a noticeable positive result. But if you're new to machines and weights, start with 20-minute workouts twice a week.

Better sleep >>> PILATES

If you suffer from insomnia, and a few sheep do not bring the desired oblivion, try Pilates. Participants in a recent study in Brazil reported improved sleep after doing this type of fitness.

Pilates is a workout in which the mind and body interact closely. During the lesson, there is a concentration on breathing and the technique of performing the exercise, and each movement is made consciously. Pilates, to a certain extent, is a gentle meditation that relaxes and calms the nervous system. Abdominal breathing, practiced during such exercises, helps to achieve mental balance. You begin to focus on what is happening inside, and not around you.

According to experts, two one-hour Pilates sessions per week for three weeks will greatly facilitate the process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep. In addition, you will noticeably improve the contours of your body.

More energy >>> BIKE

Feel the breakdown - get on the bike. Just half an hour of cycling, and you will feel a surge of energy!

A significant load stimulates the production of endorphins. Acting like a light drug, they keep your strength up.

Three bike rides a week for 20 minutes - and in a month your energy level will increase by 20% and reduce fatigue by 65%.

Fighting Anxiety >>> YOGA AND MEDITATION

Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps lower blood pressure, normalize heart rate and breathing, which promotes calmness.

Practice yoga for an hour and a half two or three times a week. After two months, you will feel that your thoughts calm down faster, and you yourself become more balanced.

People who exercise regularly will surely tell you that they feel great both physically and emotionally. This is because during exercise, neurotransmitters are produced in the brain, which are responsible for a good mood and reduce the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood.

Here's how exercise works:

  1. Exercise reduces anxiety. The researchers found that after performing a set of prescribed exercises, the electrical activity of the muscles decreases. People are becoming calmer.
  2. Exercise helps you relax. One workout relieves stress for 90-120 minutes. Some call it post-workout euphoria or the endorphin response. However, not only endorphin, but also many other neurotransmitters will be to blame for the fact that you will relax and your mood will improve.
  3. Exercise improves self-esteem. Try to remember how you feel after a workout. Usually after class, we praise ourselves for the work done and for not being too lazy and going to the gym. And the stress level goes down.
  4. Exercise improves appetite and food quality. People who exercise regularly tend to eat more and prefer healthy foods. Good nutrition helps the body successfully cope with stress and its consequences.

So, once again, we were convinced that regular physical activity improves mood and helps fight stress. And yes, to benefit, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. We have found the easiest options for you.

  1. Light aerobic exercise. Try to set aside 20 minutes a day for them. Go for a brisk walk during your lunch break, walk your dog, run in the park, ride a bike. There are many options, and most of them do not require you to have any special equipment or go to the gym.
  2. Yoga, meditation, stretching, Pilates and so on. Yoga simultaneously engages many muscles, causing them to either relax or tighten. Recent studies have shown that when muscles are constantly contracting and relaxing, a signal is sent to the brain that it is time to release certain neurotransmitters. And they will help you calm down and become more attentive.
  3. Leisure A: tennis, squash, badminton, basketball, football and so on. All of these help our body get rid of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

And the last. We often talk about the fact that you can go in for sports anywhere, be it an apartment, a hotel room or an office. There would be a desire. But if your goal is to relieve work-related stress, try to avoid exercising in the office or corporate gym: there are too many things or people that will not allow distraction.

You should be able to be alone with yourself and relax. Or, on the contrary, if you work alone, be surrounded by other people.

Another interesting option. Try to take 10-minute breaks every 1.5 hours of work. Walk, squat - do anything but sit in a chair. Four such 10-minute breaks during the working day can be equated to an easy 40-minute workout.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself. And force yourself to go in for sports, because now there are practically no excuses left. ;)