Child development by months 8 9 months. Crisis period: what your child should be able to do at eight months

A child in the period from eight to ten years begins to perceive himself as part of society. His worldview changes and his own outlook on life appears. The development of a child at the age of 8 passes without cardinal changes and acutely pronounced stages - this is a relatively calm period.

Physical development of children 8-10 years old

During this period, there is a change in the proportions of the body. The child no longer looks big-headed, as at 6-7 years old - the ratio of arms, head and torso becomes the same as in adults. There comes a certain stage of physical maturation of the organism. The muscles of the trunk and limbs develop well and their ossification begins. B

Thanks to this, children are good at jumping, running, roller skating. Girls and boys gain weight almost equally - about 2.5 kg per year. But boys still grow faster. For a year, the child adds 5-7 cm in height.

Skills of a child at 8-10 years old

In this age small man already quite independent. He is able to fold his portfolio to school, take a shower, cook simple meals, make the bed.

Eight-nine-year-olds are great housewives. They can sweep the floor, wash the dishes, go to the grocery store. Girls already know how to sew a button on their own, and boys can make interesting crafts.

How does the child eat during this period

Balanced diet - main principle nutrition of children at this age. In food, you need to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The daily norm for an eight-year-old child is 2100 kcal.

Meat, milk, and fish are must-haves on the table at home, where the growing body of an eight-year-old lives. Limit consumption of fried foods confectionery and fast food.

The emphasis should be on whole grain cereals, honey, fruits. Meals should occur four to five times a day.

Psychological development of children 8-9 years old

The psychological difference between the sexes is manifested in everything. Girls are usually assiduous and diligent when writing lessons, which cannot be said about boys. They are distracted by extraneous matters and therefore they must be constantly pulled up during execution. homework. The appearance of boys also interests them less than girls.

They can walk around in torn or dirty clothes and feel comfortable. The logical development of a child at 9 years old occurs without gender differences. They successfully solve children's crosswords and solve puzzles for the development of logic, memory and attentiveness. Features of the early speech development boys have a larger vocabulary than girls.

Emotional development of children at 8-10 years old

Children after eight years of age are very inquisitive and interested in everything around them: from the conversation of adults to the news on TV. Communication with friends is now more important for them than the time spent with their parents. Nine-year-old children are very fond of collecting various items: stickers, stamps, colored stones and other items. They have a desire for order in personal things, at least for a short time. Now the main thing is to instill accuracy in the baby so that this trait becomes an integral part of it. Cars and dolls fade into the background, being replaced board games for the development of logical thinking.

Games for children aged 8-10

  1. Rhyme selection. You need to say the first word, for example: “house” and come up with a rhyme for it. The one who cannot come up with the next word loses.
  2. Guessing words. One participant thinks of a certain word. Other children ask leading questions to guess the word. You can only answer "no" or "yes".
  3. Running in reverse. All children are divided into pairs and stand with their backs to each other. At the whistle they start running in one direction twenty meters, and after the second whistle in the opposite direction.
  4. Replacing letters. We select words whose meaning can be changed by changing just one letter. For example: a bun-booth, a cat-crust, a spoon-leg.

How to raise an eight year old

To raise a worthy person from a child, you should follow a few simple rules.

First of all, you need to love your eight-year-old in any way: when he is haunted by small or large failures, when he is capricious or restless, when he does not live up to the expectations of his parents. It is necessary that he always feel the support of the closest people - his parents.

More often consult with a small person on domestic issues. Let him feel his importance along with other family members.

  • Instill healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle in your child.
  • Follow the interests of the little man and, in accordance with them, define him in circles and sections.
  • Make his daily routine so that he sleeps for at least ten hours a day.
  • Entrust your child with household chores more often, instilling a sense of responsibility and concentration.
  • Develop family budget management skills in it.
  • Talk to your child more often in an adult way, without lisping. Ask questions about the past day and be interested in its affairs.

Why are children sometimes naughty

There can be various reasons for sudden disobedience. Sometimes the child shows negativism in everything, adding a piece of “not” to all the sentences of adults. Such a critical period usually lasts 2-3 months, subsequently being limited to small outbreaks of disobedience.

Such periods, oddly enough, should be rejoiced, because they mean that the child is growing and developing. But you should not indulge all the whims of the child and teach him the meaning of the word "necessary."

Causes of child disobedience:

  • Age development crises;
  • Lack of attention from parents;
  • Power struggle with parents.

Adults should remember the main rule when a child behaves badly: do not connect to his negative emotions and do not vibrate on the same wave. On the contrary, you should speak with him calmly and balanced.

Hello dear parents. Your child is old enough. He is already sitting on his own, and most children calmly move around the apartment, crawling. The kid is curious, he seeks to know the world. And the first impression of the environment, he gets through toys. In addition, they also contribute to the overall development of the baby and help him realize belonging to society. During this period, the child can already play in the sandbox with peers, which will also favorably influence the development of the baby as a member of society. In this article, we will talk about what toys are already available for children to play and how to interact with them.

Variety of toys at 8-9 months

The kid has grown up and now a much larger variety of toys is available to him. The main thing to remember is what rules must be followed for their use in order to protect the baby as much as possible and so that playing with them brings only pleasure.

A child at 8-9 months needs the following toys:

My son had a soft parrot, 30 centimeters tall. If you put pressure on his tummy, he began to laugh and say his name, while offering to be friends. My son was very amused.

  1. Dolls and cars. Don't think that the former are exclusively for girls and the latter for boys. Absolutely not. At this age, both sexes have an interest in all toys.

My son, for example, was happy to communicate with the dolls, telling them about something. It helps social development crumbs. But he also played with cars with no less pleasure. By the way, small cars also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Proper interaction with toys

At the age of 8-9 months, the baby can already not only consider or observe his mother's actions during the game. He is already able to take an active part in the games.

So what are the options for close interaction of crumbs with various items?

  1. We develop motor skills.
  2. We build towers.
  3. Lace toys.
  4. Put the toys back in place.

It is very important to give the child freedom in his actions, do not impose your understanding. Do not try, for example, to climb with your moralizing to the crumbs, who put the rings in the pyramid in the wrong order or put the cubes on top of each other incorrectly. Mom should calmly explain, help, it is advisable to use another pyramid and build her own tower, and not interfere in the process of the baby.

We develop motor skills

Give your child objects of different sizes, but comfortable to hold in your hand. If the mother is nearby and carefully watching the baby, give him objects 3 cm in size. Spherical and cubic objects will do.

It is important to give toys consisting of different materials into the hands of the baby, you can offer the baby to touch different textures of fabrics.

We build towers

It is very important to play with dice. The first time will have to show my mother how to build a tower. The kid will sit and enthusiastically watch her actions. It is also considered useful to show the baby that the building can be destroyed. It is better to do this with soft cubes, save the plastic ones for later (it will hurt the baby to hit such cubes to destroy the turret). Very soon the child will want to build and destroy himself.

My friend's daughter did not like to build, she waited for her mother to build a tower, and then in a second she destroyed everything and laughed.

Lace toys

At 8-9 months, children have a period when they want to throw everything away: from the crib, stroller, box with toys. This process gives the baby considerable pleasure. But this begins to annoy mom, because she has to walk and constantly pick up everything that the little one has scattered. Before she had time to put back what she lifted, and then a new toy flies to the floor. A way out was found, as well as not to upset the child and save the mother's nerves. You need to tie toys that are, for example, in a crib with a cord to a railing or rods. Thus, the toys will not be able to fly far, and the baby will be able to return them to the crib by himself, simply by pulling the rope.


It will be very interesting for a baby at 8-9 months to watch the bottles and play with them if you place, for example, buttons of different sizes and shapes, beads, beans, coins in a transparent plastic container. They will not only surprise the eye of the child with their diversity, but will also delight the sound they create.

Putting toys in place

During this period, it is important to teach the child to put toys in their places. To simplify the task for the baby, you can select a box for all the toys or purchase a special box for toys in the store. It will be easier for the little one to put toys in one place, although the process of throwing toys out of the box will also interest the baby.

It is not by chance that the age of eight months is called a turning point in the development of the baby, since it is from this time that the gradually increasing dynamics of his physical and social activity becomes more and more obvious. In the daily routine of an 8-month-old child, there is a persistent tendency towards the predominance of periods of active wakefulness over periods of sleep. Communicating with the baby every day is becoming more interesting, although more troublesome for the mother, who is always next to him.

Approximate daily routine for an 8 month old baby

  • 6:00-8:30 The time of awakening, the first feeding, the morning toilet and a light massage, which completes the air bath procedure.
  • 8:30-10:00 The first dream is preferably outdoors.
  • 10:00-10:30 Baby's second meal.
  • 10:30-14:00 Active leisure, including morning exercises, massage and educational games.
  • 14:00-14:30 Time for the third meal.
  • 14:30-16:00 The second period of daytime rest. Better to combine with a walk.
  • 16:00-18:00 The period of active acquaintance with the environment, time for developmental activities and performance exercise.
  • 18:00-18:30 Baby's fourth meal.
  • 18:30-20:00 Walk in the fresh air.
  • 20:00-22:00 Games with close relatives, the procedure for the evening bathing of the child.
  • 22:00-22:30 Evening feeding crumbs.
  • 22:30-6:00 Night rest period.

A few more additional options with the daily routine (you will already choose the best option, taking into account the characteristics of your crumbs):

In a comparative study of the tables, it can be seen that the daily routine that organizes the life of a child at 8 months has not undergone significant changes (compared to the previous period). It still provides for five feedings with a four-hour interval between them and two walks in the fresh air. Only the time of daytime rest has been reduced, since the child is able to remain active for 5-6 hours.

On the need for rest

The sleep of an eight-month-old baby, which has a phase of superficial and deep sleep, begins to resemble the dream of an adult. A soundly asleep baby does not react to any external stimuli, his reflex reactions during this period are significantly reduced. The level of brain activity during a night's sleep drops to a minimum.

It has been established that a child at 8 months old is able to see colorful dreams. We read an article about when children begin to dream.

  • The longest rest period in the daily routine of an 8-month-old baby is nighttime sleep, usually at least eight hours;
  • Daytime sleep becomes biphasic. Most babies go for one and a half to two hours of sleep twice during the day, although there are cases when its duration does not exceed forty minutes. Some eight-month-old children rest only once during the day, and the duration of this rest can be at least four hours;
  • On average, a child needs eleven hours of sleep per day, although some babies continue to sleep for thirteen hours.

The fact that the baby is tired and needs rest is easy to guess from his behavior. The baby becomes lethargic, ceases to actively respond to what is happening, begins to yawn and rub his eyes with his fists, his breathing becomes deeper and even. Noticing all these signs, the mother should change the baby and send him to the crib.

About the correct organization of sleep

In order for the sleep of the crumbs to be as strong and calm as possible, you need to take care of creating optimal conditions for it.

  1. The humidity level in the children's room should not be lower than 70%, and the air temperature should not be higher than 24 degrees.
  2. Before you put the baby in the crib, you need to take care of the pre-ventilation of the room: oxygen-rich air will help the baby breathe deeper.
  3. The use of a properly selected orthopedic mattress (how to choose a mattress) and a neatly made bed that does not have wrinkles on the surface of the sheet is another condition for a long sleep.
  4. It is necessary to lay the baby in accordance with the usual daily routine.
  5. In order for the baby’s sleep to be calm, you should shade the window and turn down the volume of the TV and radio (soft background sounds not only do not interfere, but also contribute to a good sleep for the baby).
  6. It is very useful to give him a relaxing massage and sing a lullaby before laying down the crumbs.
  7. A long night's rest is always facilitated by a walk in the fresh air and a bathing procedure (after soaking up in warm water and playing enough with rubber toys, the baby will fall asleep faster and stronger).

An important point concerns children who tend to roll over from their back to their tummy in their sleep and sleep with their nose buried in a pillow. The baby must be immediately turned over, accompanying his actions with stroking on the back, soft singing or monotonous gentle muttering. If the baby, frightened, wakes up at the same time, you can simply pick him up and, shaking him slightly, put him back in the crib.

To make it easier to control the sleep of a baby who rolls over in his sleep, you can completely remove the side wall of the crib and move it to his mother's bed, aligning the levels of the beds. Holding the baby by the hand, the mother can either sleep peacefully all night (if the baby behaves calmly), or wake up at the right time. It is known that the sleep of caring parents is particularly sensitive and intermittent. Feeling the movement of a small hand, the mother will wake up and control the behavior of the baby.

We also read: Attached beds for newborns. The side crib, which appeared for the first time in America, was invented for young mothers who find it difficult to get up at night. But over time, such a convenient invention has become quite widespread not only among American citizens, but also in European countries. So what are the benefits of these beds? - read about cribs

About the intricacies of feeding

The nutrition of a child at 8 months becomes quite diverse. In addition to dishes and drinks well known to him (vegetable and fruit purees, multi-grain and milk porridges, children's cottage cheese, kefir, tea and juices), the baby begins to receive meat. For baby food its low-fat varieties are excellent: chicken breast, rabbit and turkey meat .

When introducing meat into the diet of crumbs, it is better to add it little by little to vegetable puree. A good way to get acquainted with a new product is to add meat, chopped to a crumb state, in children's soups cooked in vegetable or meat broth.

Instead of meat in soups, you can enter the yolk chicken egg, strictly ensuring that both of these rather heavy products do not end up in the child's stomach within one day (they should be alternated, giving on different days).

We also read: rubric all about complementary foods

Many mothers of eight-month-old babies believe that at this age it is time to wean them from breast milk. This is a wrong position. Most experienced pediatricians say that you should breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. Of course, the nutritional value of mother's milk alone is no longer enough for a grown-up baby, so you need to apply it to your chest at least twice a day: when you wake up and when you go to bed at night.

Because the breast milk for an 8-month-old child is food, not drink, it must be given special children's tea or boiled water. During the day, the baby should receive about a liter of solid food and 600 ml of liquid(in the form of juices, teas, herbal teas, water and breast milk).

The daily diet of a child at 8 months should look something like this:

  1. Breakfast: mother's milk or formula.
  2. Second meal: porridge (in water or milk), fruit drink or children's tea.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup with the addition of meat or yolk (instead of soup, you can make vegetable puree), fruit juice.
  4. Fourth meal: fruit puree or baby cottage cheese.
  5. Feeding before bed: attachment to the chest or porridge (for artificial people).

Starting from the age of 8 months, the baby must be taught to wash hands before eating: if you do this regularly, he will soon develop a useful habit associated with feeding. This useful skill will be useful to the baby when he goes to Kindergarten. We read an article about 4 main useful skills that you should teach your child before kindergarten -

Helpful tips for moms:

About physical activity and walks

By the age of 8 months, the baby achieves great success: thanks to strengthened muscles, he can sit confidently without any support, crawls perfectly, moving from room to room, stands on his legs and begins to walk with the support of both handles.

We also read: what can a child at 8 months | an equally important article on the development of a child at 8 months

To consolidate these achievements and lay the foundation for future successful development, the baby needs regular physical activity: doing morning exercises and sets of special exercises to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

A nurse will introduce the mother to a set of gymnastic exercises in the office of a healthy child. Performing exercises for flexion and extension of the limbs, performing circular rotations with the arms and feet of the crumbs, the mother should be extremely careful and careful, making sure that the mobile baby does not get injured during an awkward turn.

To make gymnastics enjoyable for the child, after each exercise, several relaxing massage movements should be performed. The total duration of exercise for an 8-month-old baby can be 15-20 minutes a day. Before performing gymnastics, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Prolonged exposure to fresh air is extremely beneficial for the development of the child, which is why pediatricians advise using every opportunity to ensure that the baby walks as often and as long as possible. Two two-hour walks should become an indispensable component of the daily routine.

Breathing air enriched with oxygen contributes to:

  • active development of the cerebral hemispheres;
  • oxygenation of cells and tissues of the child's body;
  • deep and prolonged sleep.

The arsenal of developing activities for a child can be replenished with new interesting games:

  • The kids like to shift bright cubes, disassemble multi-colored pyramids and lay out items from boxes;
  • If you put as many toys in the baby's crib as possible, he will enthusiastically begin to throw them out of it. In the course of this strange (from the point of view of an adult) game, the child develops coordination of movements, an eye, all muscle groups are strengthened, and a lot of energy is spent at the same time;
  • Kids like outdoor games, so you can give them the opportunity to "fly an airplane" in their dad's arms or experience delight when playing "boom hole";
  • To develop coordination of movements and motor skills of small muscles, you can offer your baby a toy wrapped in soft wrapping paper (you need to wrap it furtively from him). Satisfying his natural curiosity, he will certainly engage in its deployment;
  • Instilling in the child an interest in books, it is necessary to teach him to carefully consider the illustrations, accompanying the process with comments about who is shown in the picture. If this is an animal, you can talk about its size, habits, favorite treats, demonstrate what sounds it makes;
  • Even the usual procedure for bathing a baby can be turned into an exciting role-playing game. Taking a plastic boat, mom can show the baby how to use it to transport a small toy. You can bathe his favorite doll or rubber toy in front of the child's eyes, lathering it with a piece of sponge and repeating the same words that are usually used when bathing a baby. After that, the baby will certainly want to perform this action on his own. The kids love pouring water. To do this, they should have buckets, watering cans or small bottles at their disposal (playing with a child in the bathroom). Water procedures, loved by most kids, require great care from parents. It should be remembered that the baby sitting in the bath should not be left unattended even for a single moment. It is also undesirable to get the cork that closes the drain hole of the bath when the child is in it. The sight of rapidly decreasing water and the sounds made at the same time can frighten him and cause fear of water procedures.

Daily adherence to the established daily routine is a guarantee of excellent mood, successful development and good health of an 8-month-old baby.

← daily routine at 7 months daily routine at 9 months →

VIDEO GUIDE: 8 months: development, nutrition, sleep and daily routine, what can

In this video, I will tell and show what a child can and can do from 7 to 8 months of life. I will touch on such important questions like complementary foods, development, our achievements, the daily routine and sleep of the child, as well as some other topics. You will be able to get some idea for yourself about what kind of child is from 7 to 8 months old, what he can do and how he develops.

Just a couple of months ago, the baby began to rub his eyes and act up as soon as the prescribed two hours of wakefulness passed. Now everything is different: he can safely walk for three hours, remaining completely cheerful and cheerful. And the sleep schedule of a child at 8 months, according to the mother, literally collapses right before our eyes. After all, how else to call it that, having gone to take a nap, the baby woke up after 40 minutes. And in the evening, it became simply impossible to put the baby on the usual "quiet hour" before a night's sleep.

Sample table with the daily routine

It's all right, don't worry! Your baby has grown stronger both emotionally and physically. And often no longer needs a long daytime rest, which even at 7 months, many mothers divided into 3 periods. Ideally, of course, the daily routine of a child at 8 months should look like the one shown in the table below.

6.00 First rise and first feeding.
6.15-8.00 Walk.
8.30-10.00 It's time to rest, the baby goes to bed.
10.00 Second feeding.
10.15–14.00 Daytime wakefulness. At this time, you should wash the child, do daily exercises, massage, go outside for a walk.
14.00 Third feeding.
14.15-16.00 Day rest.
16.00–19.30 The wakefulness of the crumbs, at 18.00 he should be fed, and at 19.00 bathe and prepare for bed.
19.30–22.00 The first part of a night's sleep.
22.00 Last feeding and sleep until 6 am.

In such a regimen of the day and nutrition of a child at 8 months, there is one “but” by the clock: the first part of a night’s sleep, after which the baby needs to be sleepy raised and the same sleepy put in the crib, is almost never observed. The kid wakes up cheerful, ready for a couple more hours of fun. At the same time, parents have absolutely no time for fun, because in the morning dad has to work, and mom knows that the child will get up at 6 in the morning.

Therefore, in most cases, the daily routine for a child of 8 months is adjusted by the hour as follows:

  • the first rise is not at 6.00, but an hour later;
  • 1 dream - 10.00-12.00;
  • 2 sleep - 15.00-17.00;
  • preparation for the main sleep and bathing - at 21.00. then the last feeding and the main sleep from 22.00.

Thus, daytime rest is divided into 2 periods during the day. According to this schedule, the baby will live up to about a year and a half.

The nuances of feeding

As a rule, following the daily routine of the child at 8 months, the mother never encounters a lack of appetite for the baby. This is due to the physical activity of the crumbs, walking during the day during wakefulness, doing morning exercises, trying to crawl and walk, holding on to a support. The regimen of feeding a child at 8 months on artificial feeding and a baby-baby is as follows.

  • 1 feeding - after waking up. Feed your baby breast milk or formula. If the baby woke up early, he may now fall asleep for a while. And you will be able to get up not at 6 am, but at a more pleasant 7 o'clock.
  • 2 feeding - at 10.00. Both babies and artificial babies eat foods that are new to them. It is very convenient to start the day with porridge, for dessert, offer your baby children's cookies and tea. In addition, it is at this time that it is worth introducing the baby to new elements of complementary foods, since there is still a little time before bedtime. During this period, meat and yolk are introduced into complementary foods. These are quite heavy products, and even after getting to know them, the crumbs should not be given both on the same day.
  • 3rd feeding - at 14.00. A great time to eat vegetable puree or vegetable broth soup. And wash it down with fruit juice.
  • 4th feeding - at 18.00. Light snack with children's cottage cheese from dairy cuisine and fruit puree.
  • 5 feeding - breast milk (mixture). Many kids enjoy eating porridge.

What to do if the baby does not want to eat or sleep

When the baby is healthy, the regimen of the child at 8 months is maintained thoroughly. But it happens that everything seems to be in order with health, and the baby refuses to eat or sleep at the allotted time. Make sure that other reasons do not interfere with the baby.

  • Refusal to eat (complementary foods) is associated with periodic breastfeeding during the day. Your milk is not drink, but food. Therefore, they should be supplemented only after the main feeding, and not between them. The same applies to "cookies" and everything else that is customary to give the baby to gnaw.
  • You feed your baby by the hour. The daily regimen of a child at 8 months of age on breastfeeding and an artificial person requires mandatory observance of the feeding time. Even if you and your baby are used to waking up at 8 a.m. instead of 6 a.m. and your whole schedule shifts by a couple of hours, always feed at the same time, no matter what the circumstances.
  • The crumbs are teething - and the touch of a spoon on the gums is simply unpleasant for him. Do not insist, let the baby eat as much as he wants. And for the next feeding, be sure to withstand the prescribed 4 hours.
  • The room is hot - this is the most common cause sleep disorders. It has been proven that the baby sleeps longer and more peacefully in a cool (if not cold) room. Be sure to ventilate it before going to bed at night, and open the window during the day, covering the baby well.

As you can see, there are many factors that go into keeping up with the schedule. And the task of the mother is to take into account each of them, without deviating from the general schedule.

Every day is getting older, that's 8 months

The child is getting older every day, in his mode there are more play and educational moments, so the energy is wasted actively. Regardless of nutrition, children at this age begin to gain weight more slowly and within a month the gain is approximately 400-500 grams, and there is also a slowdown in growth.

Due to the fact that children crawl well, try to reach various objects, rise on their legs, be sure to ensure absolute safety in the house. Hide electrical wires with special boxes, insulate sockets with special covers. In general, try not to leave the baby alone on long time, the most active and interesting period in the life of your family begins.

A real gourmet!

By 8 months, the child becomes a real gourmet, because meat dishes appear in his diet, as well as various light soups.

To prepare soups, use vegetable or meat broth, add foods already known to the child - potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Explain to the baby that it is necessary to wash the hands before eating, so the habit and association with feeding will be developed. Around this age, many mothers begin to wean the baby from breast milk, because the reserves are running out and the baby is no longer getting the right amount, but if you feel good, breastfeed at least 2 times a day. Your child is already well acquainted with cereals, so try to introduce rice, oatmeal and other types of cereals into the diet, cook them with milk or water.

Remember that for a child, breast milk is a way to satisfy hunger, not thirst, so offer him clean boiled water or special children's tea. Gradually introduce your child to meat, try to use chicken, rabbit or turkey, they are not fatty, they cook well and have a pleasant taste. Of course, use vegetable and fruit purees, both home-made and store-bought. Throughout the day, the child eats about 1 liter of solid food and about 400-600 grams of liquid (breast milk, juices, decoctions, teas and plain water).

Future athlete

Starting from the age of 8 months, parents should pay special attention to physical activity, most children try to lean firmly on their legs, which means that the baby can not wait to go. Do not forget about the usual exercises for bending and unbending the arms and legs, add circular rotations with the arms to this complex, be sure to pay attention to the tummy and back.

Children love massage very much, so it’s worth adding relaxing elements after each exercise. The approximate time of physical activity is from 15 to 25 minutes a day, depending on the reaction of the baby. During the exercises, try to be as careful as possible, because the children become very mobile and can awkwardly turn the handle or leg.

Be sure to ventilate the room before you start exercising, and generally spend as much time as possible outdoors. Long walks help to actively develop the hemispheres of the brain, saturate the body with oxygen and sound sleep of the crumbs in the daytime. Walk as often as possible with the whole family. For the child, unity is very important, and he carefully observes the relationship of the parents.

Favorite water treatments

Your child is becoming quite an adult, so you should gradually introduce him to bath procedures.

If possible, once a week, take the child to a slightly heated bath, this allows you to strengthen the immune system and explain the temperature difference to the baby.

Naturally, everyday bathing should not be excluded from the daily routine; for a toddler, bathing is a kind of ritual during which he receives a lot of positive emotions. At this age, you can already safely manage a shared bathroom, the main thing is not to take a lot of water and carefully monitor the movements of the child. As a rule, it is best to bathe before going to bed for 20 minutes, use interesting toys, as well as children's hygiene products. Every morning, be sure to brush your teeth and wash your face, comb your hair and tell your child about each manipulation in detail. After each bath, douse the child with cool water, and lubricate the body with oil or other cream that protects the skin.

Sweet dream - time to gain strength

Airing the room before going to bed should become an automatic procedure for parents, this will create comfortable conditions for the baby, the temperature in the room should not exceed 21 degrees. Due to age, the child is very active, so he gets tired pretty quickly and needs recharging, during the day many babies should sleep about twice for 2.5-3 hours, some babies can sleep only once for about 4 hours.

Compliance with the sleep schedule is very important for the proper development of the child, because studying the world around us and trying to start walking takes a lot of energy, try to carefully monitor the baby's fatigue. At 8 months of age, babies sleep for 9-11 hours at night without waking up, but if they start to act up, you should not pay attention and within a few minutes they will fall asleep on their own.

Practicing daytime sleep in the fresh air, you significantly improve blood circulation, so after a hard day, fresh air and pleasant bathing, the child falls asleep perfectly at night. Particular attention should be paid to the clothes of children before walking, do not allow the body to overheat, as a result this can lead to serious heart problems. A properly composed sleep schedule and daily routine will allow you to avoid tantrums and malaise, as well as significantly accelerate the growth and emotional development of the child.

Educational games and emotionality

8 months is a great age for the active emotional development of the baby, right now he begins to react vividly to situations, objects and weather phenomena.

While playing with a child, try to artificially anger or cheer him up, check the reaction to events or actions of others. Toddlers by this age become very touchy and wayward, so they easily pout their lips and throw a tantrum, but such experiments are important for the psyche. Use household items, clothes or special educational books for games. While reading, talk in detail about the subject, its properties, color, if it is an animal, accompany its presentation with sound effects.

Read informative books as much as possible, show the world around you through the window and while walking. For children of this age, details and your emotions are important, so try to react as vividly as possible to everything that happens around. Talk about your feelings for the child, his dad and other relatives, describe the emotions associated with the birth of the baby.

The daily routine of a child at 8 months. Table by hour

  • 6.00-6.30 rise and water procedures.
  • 6.30 - 8.00 first feeding and wakefulness;
  • 8.00 - 10.00 healthy morning sleep;
  • 10.00 - 10.30 second feeding;
  • 10.30 - 12.00 fun activities and gymnastics;
  • 12.00 - 14.00 daytime sleep on the street;
  • 14.00 – 14.30 delicious lunch;
  • 14.30 - 16.00 intellectual and educational games;
  • 16.00 - 18.00 sleep before evening games;
  • 18.00 - 18.30 fourth feeding;
  • 18.30 - 21.00 perky games and walks before a night's sleep;
  • 21.00 - 22.00 massage treatments and bathing;
  • 22.00 - 6.00 a healthy night's sleep.
  • 23.30 - if the child requires food.

The first year of a child's life is usually divided into four trimesters. Although this is not without some convention, it reflects the characteristic stages of growth and development of the baby. The third trimester is the time to prepare the body for a cardinal event: getting the child on his feet. And the ninth, last month of the trimester can be called decisive in this regard.

If in the eighth month the child does not sit on his own, then, with other favorable indicators, it is still permissible to attribute this to his individual characteristics or some random circumstances, for example, a recent illness. But if he does not sit down by himself and by the end of the ninth month, you can no longer wait. Consult a doctor!

The most common reason for this delay is neurological disorders.

When did they appear? As a rule, even in the prenatal period, possibly at the time of childbirth. Slightly expressed, they could still go unnoticed, and perhaps they appeared for the first time only now, because intensive development in recent months created an increased load on the nervous system and it gave a breakdown.

Button Test

A healthy baby in the ninth month is very active. He crawls in different directions, sometimes rotates around his axis in a very funny way, gets up, grabbing the side of the arena, and even tries to step along it. But it also happens like this: he got up, leaned on the side, looks with triumph, pleased with himself and in general with the whole world. And suddenly, he wept bitterly. What happened? He is tired of standing, but he still does not know how to sit down from a standing position.

One of the features of the ninth month is the intensive development of small movements of the hand. Until very recently, to grab, say, a cube, a child needed the whole palm, with which he acted as a scoop: he raked in a cube, holding it with the tips of all five fingers. And then, in one fine laziness, he carefully took this cube with two fingers, thumb and forefinger. Event, the line has been crossed! The ability to act with two fingers is attached importance. Some experts, among other indicators of normal psychomotor development, also offer this: is a child able to hold a large button between his thumb and forefinger at 8-9 months. (Of course, this is just a test, don't let your child play with a button!)

There is also a “specialization” of the index finger, the baby touches the object that interests him, masters the pointing gesture: “there”, “there”.

If the parents, perhaps, did not pay much attention to this considerable success, then one new habit certainly did not go unnoticed: the child liked to pull off his hat or handkerchief from his head. Do not consider this mischief, do not get angry, but admire, because this is also an indicator of normal development.

What else does he love? As before, throwing your toys out of the arena, knocking a cube on the table or a cube on a cube - in a word, use your hands. Now he also needs appropriate toys: light bowls that can be put one into another, a pyramid of several rings, a box where it is so interesting to throw cubes, balls, rings, then shake them out and throw them again.

The work of the hands is also food for the mind, for the knowledge of the properties of objects, it is an impetus for the first guesses and, finally, it is a very strong stimulus for the development of speech.

The ninth month is the eve of the first word. The child willingly repeats various sound combinations after the adult - it is estimated that there are about eight of them in his abilities; for a long time he babbles himself - sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, sometimes even turning to a whisper.

The baby’s success in understanding speech is very noticeable, unless, of course, you constantly talk to him, name different objects, comment on your actions: “Now we will get dressed, put on panties ... Now a blouse ... Here it is, blouse, oh, how beautiful ..."

It does not matter that while these are only your monologues, they prepare a dialogue, are deposited in the mind of the child. However, he is already able to answer you, if not with a word, then with facial expressions, action. At your request, he will give a pen, wave it to dad leaving for work. He already knows his name, turns around when called, and, being in a good mood, gives you a charming smile.

At the end of the month, you can arrange a small check on the achievements of the baby.

Drink some water (or juice) - you say, holding out a cup to the child.

He readily takes it with both hands and drinks. Of course, if you pour a full one, it will definitely splash, spill over - you need to pour less than half.

Give me Lyalya, you ask. And he holds out to you a doll that is well known to him, lying nearby.

Try to complicate the task by putting several toys in a row and ask: “Where is lala (pussy, ball)?” The child finds the named toy first with a glance, then points to it. Swap toys and ask the same question. If even now the child finds the toy correctly, and even stretches out his index finger to it, you can safely put five plus for him and for yourself. So you're doing great with it! And if he did not cope with the task, do not be upset, repeat the test in two or three weeks; the child has every right to pass such an exam at 10 months.

In the right spoon, in the left bread!

In the ninth month, nutrition becomes more complex. The second, third and fourth feedings consist of several dishes. In this regard, there is a need to set the table at which the child sits. Food should not only be deliciously cooked, but also have an attractive appearance.

A liquid dish should be poured into a plate, mashed potatoes or porridge put on a saucer, and juices, fruit drinks, jelly should be given from a glass or cup. The table should look nice. Place a clean washcloth in front of the baby. You can not put the whole meal on the table at once.

Wash your baby's hands before feeding. This is not only hygienic. Water is one of the strongest irritants of the nerve endings of the skin. Washing hands before eating will soon turn into a conditioned reflex, stimulating the release of the most active digestive juices that increase appetite.

The development of the hand, which goes in parallel with the improvement of coordination of movements, opens up completely new opportunities for the child: it's time to take a spoon in your hand and learn to eat on your own.

It is more convenient to do this not on your mother's lap, but at the table, sitting on a high chair. Place a plate of porridge or mashed potatoes in front of the child (you need to start with thick food!), give him right hand spoon, and in the left - a piece of bread or a cracker. And be patient! The first thing the child will do is start banging the spoon on the table and try the plate as well. Direct his hand calmly, show how to pick up some food on a spoon, bring it to your mouth, and be sure to get on the tongue, and not under it.

Of course, the child will not immediately overcome these wisdoms. And while he will smear food on his cheeks, and also drop it on the table, you will slowly feed him with your spoon, leaving a little for independent exercises. When finished feeding the baby, wipe his cheeks and mouth with a soft cloth, or even better - wash and do not forget to praise: what a fine fellow, he eats himself!

Earlier use of a spoon not only instills independence skills, but makes the process of eating more attractive for the child, thereby improving appetite. It also has another, somewhat unexpected advantage: like all other hand training options, it stimulates the development of speech.

Fish? Meat? Bouillon? What can and cannot be eaten.

The diet of the child, his daily menu remains the same, it is advisable to give fish instead of meat only once or twice a week. Why is she good? Fish contains all the essential amino acids that a growing body needs, including methionine, which is not found in meat. It is rich in minerals, B vitamins, its proteins are absorbed more completely than meat proteins. Children are given low-fat fish - cod, hake. The main difficulty is to choose every single bone. It is easier to do this if you boil a piece in salted water for 5-7 minutes, without bringing it to a boil, then, peeled and pitted, pass through a meat grinder, let it boil - and the fish puree is ready. It can be mixed with vegetable puree, or you can put both on a plate separately.

The first test portions, as always, should be very small - an incomplete teaspoon. But if your baby has symptoms of diathesis and it turned out, for example, that he does not tolerate carrots or egg yolk, then it is better not to give him fish, as it is likely to cause an allergic reaction in him.

The broth - once a classic dish of dietary cuisine - now has to be squeezed out of the diet, in any case, for children. Even healthy children should meat soups give no more than twice a week. The fact is that extractive substances, the very ones that give the broth a unique taste and aroma, are strong allergens. This is especially true for chicken broth extracts.

The chicken itself, as a rule, can be given to a child. Chicken meat has some advantages over beef - it contains more complete and easily digestible proteins, is softer, tastier, and children usually love it. It is better to use the upper, lean part of the carcass, removing the skin from it. As for the imported chicken legs that are so popular now, they are completely unacceptable for children.

Rabbit meat has almost no contraindications. It is especially beneficial for children due to its high iron content. In a rabbit, it is preferable to "use, on the contrary, the back, which contains fewer connective fibers.

Quantitatively, the child's daily diet remains the same as before, that is, no more than a liter, which is about 1/8~1/9 of his own body weight.

By nine months, individual characteristics become more noticeable! They affect the character, and in relation to food, and in physical development. Body weight, for example, by the end of the month may be 8.5 kilograms for some children, 9.5 and even 10 kilograms for others. And all this is the norm.

Walks in general and a walk today

The child should be in the fresh air every day and as much as possible. This, as they say, is an axiom that does not require proof. Although there is plenty of evidence. Special observations, scientific experiments, and the practice of life have established that maximum exposure to fresh air hardens a child, increases his resistance to respiratory infections, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - in a word, it becomes a universal preventive, and often a remedy.

In "room", "greenhouse" children, protected from the slightest breeze, there is a higher risk of anemia, lag in physical development, sleep and appetite disorders. They have pale cheeks and sad eyes.

So a thousand times right was the Russian pediatrician Professor A. A. Kisel, who formulated the motto: “A day without a walk is a lost day!”, And even: “A room is a prison for a child!”,

So, to the fresh air! Fresh, do you hear? But where is he - that's the question ...

Unfortunately, today it is sometimes easier for us to provide a baby with overseas fruits and toys, diapers, walkers and other than with an ordinary breath of clean air.

If you live in a rural area, or just in an ecologically safe area, your child is incredibly lucky: you can walk with him as much as you like. The golden rule "not a day without a walk" is written just for you!

But if you live in a big city, with an atmosphere polluted by industrial emissions, every walk has to be thought over and thought over again.

Neither rain, nor wind, nor fog are in themselves a hindrance to walking. But if the direction of the wind turned out to be such that it drove all the harmful emissions from factory pipes to your area, if the meteorological conditions were such that a smog saturated with these emissions hung over the city? Even the most ardent zealots of daily walks will forgive you if on such a day you leave the child at home or postpone the promenade until the evening when the air is cleaner.

Sleeping by an open window to some extent, albeit far from completely, compensates for the missed walk. But again, consider what floor you live on, where your windows go. If the apartment is located high and the windows overlook the courtyard, on another day open window in a room may be more useful than walking along a gassed highway. And if you have a first floor, and even windows to the street, hurry with your child from home to at least a relatively clean green corner! Surely in your area there is still a park or square. Is it difficult to get there several times a day (and the child needs three walks for one and a half to two hours)? Try to organize your routine so that you walk in the park at least once, but longer.

It is undesirable to use crowded public transport. What to do?

In the most disadvantageous position is the baby, who is being driven along the city street in a low stroller. The concentration of harmful impurities, and just dust, is high precisely below, and here the child breathes much dirtier air than, for example, his mother.

It's better for someone being carried in their arms, but it's hard for an adult. A backpack can help out. With strict adherence to the conditions that orthopedists insist on, this is a good form of transportation to the nearest green oasis.

It is better if you have an ordinary high stroller in your arsenal. It is somewhat bulky, but the child can sleep in it without bending over, as in a stroller, and sit awake. Just be careful! After all, now he sits down on his own, on his own initiative, and, looking at everything in the "district", he may become interested in something lying on the ground, and, suddenly bending over, fall out of the stroller. Such injuries after 7-8 months are not uncommon.

A child needs a walk not only for fresh air, but also for new experiences, knowledge of the world around him. Walk with him in the park. Show (if any) a pond with ducks, a fountain, flower beds with bright flowers. Let him touch the trunk of the tree, draw his attention to the older children playing. Let the world around him enter into it with light, colors, warmth!

What can an 8 month old baby do?

At the age of eight months, the child already knows a lot. He is active, constantly in high spirits, moves a lot, utters many sounds, including individual syllables. It is no longer difficult for him to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, he crawls with might and main. A child at this age skillfully uses his hands and takes different objects. And can boast of two lower incisors.

Based on the foregoing, you have the opportunity to independently assess the psychophysical development of your child. If you suspect that in some way its development is delayed, seek advice from your pediatrician.

We have already said that it is dangerous for a child to give small objects, because he can put them in his ear or nose, and there may also be a danger of obturation (blockage) of the airways. But this does not mean that the child should not be given small items at all. Someday, after all, he must learn how to handle them! .. Take, for example, buttons. String them on a strong thread, and let your baby (but always under the supervision of an adult) play with them. You will see how dexterous his fingers have become.

A nine-month-old child can already sit well - confidently and for a long time, without anyone's help. He must be potty trained. The desire to go potty gets over time a sound designation - in the form of a very serious “a-a”. This very “a-a” makes life very easy for both mother and child - since it can be very important not to miss a session. Gradually teach your baby to say a sweet "ah" if necessary.

Don't let your child sit on the potty for more than 7-8 minutes. It's unhealthy.

Do not distract the child when he is sitting on the potty. He must concentrate on his "own business". Otherwise, the child will sit for a long time. Do not give him toys while sitting on the potty.

Guests come to you whom you respect and even love, and your baby announced his “ah”. Do not try to swear at the baby, he did the right thing.

If your child sat for about eight minutes on the potty and it did not end in anything, it is possible that after a while he will stain the diapers. In this case, you have every right to express your displeasure to the child. You must make a remark in a strict, but not angry voice. Perhaps not immediately, but one day the child will understand why he is being reprimanded.

Your baby is nine months old. You have to be prepared to see him worthwhile one day. Of course, he is still unable to stand without support. But, grabbing the wall of the crib or playpen, he is already quite capable of getting up on his own. And he can even take a few steps ... But then he will again fall on all fours. It is much more convenient for him to run on all fours.
At this age, the child sits freely, for fifteen minutes.

A child gains life experience by watching you or playing. So don't underestimate the importance of games. Take care of your baby. The most convenient time for games is the pre-dinner time and the time before evening swimming. You can not disturb the child with games after eating - this interferes with the absorption of food; it is impossible to excite the child with games before going to bed - the dream will be restless.

Teach your child to play independently. Independence in the game develops fantasy. But first you have to show your baby how to handle the toy. If the toy is collapsible (for example, a pyramid), disassemble and assemble it - so that the child can see. And then let him play.

During the game of the child, it is desirable to exclude extraneous distracting moments. The child should concentrate on the game - and play calmly. Don't interfere with the game. A child who is used to playing on his own grows up independently.

Do not give your child more than two toys at a time. The abundance of toys scatters his attention. If a child during the game wants to see you and screams, do not rush to the call. Perhaps the child has thrown the toy out of the playpen and now wants you to return the toy. Why did you throw it away?.. From this small "misunderstanding" begins the upbringing of a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

In the form of a game, teach your child to use a spoon - his hands are already dexterous enough for this. Also teach how to use a cup and bring it up to your mouth. These practical skills will soon free you up a lot of time.

In the tenth month, you can weigh the baby no more than once every two weeks. You are already accustomed to this procedure; moreover, they began to get tired of it (remember the time when the baby was weighed several times a day?). Keep recording the weight on your chart. And the next time you go to see a pediatrician, take the table with you. The doctor will follow the dynamics of your child's weight with interest. The data from this table eloquently testify to the state of health of the baby in all months of life.

You may have already noticed that over time your child began to gain weight more slowly, and the weight curve took on a flatter look. Don't worry, it's normal.

In two weeks, the child is gaining weight from 140 to 200 grams.

As you already understood, teeth in children do not appear at some very definite time. Some a little earlier, some a little later. By the tenth month, your baby may have four or even all six teeth (two on the bottom and two or four on the top). If your child does not yet have four teeth at this age, wait a week or two - perhaps during this time the missing teeth will erupt. But if they do not appear even after this period, consult a pediatrician: you may need to consult a dentist. Or maybe, for some reason, your child lacks calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as vitamin D.

It happens that parents, worried about a delay in teething in a child, check hourly to see if they have appeared - and feel the baby's gums with a finger. You don't have to do this often. Firstly, this is not a very pleasant procedure; and secondly, you can bring an infection into the child's mouth. Felt once and - enough.

One of the causes of late teething is a disease called rickets. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium and phosphorus are poorly deposited in the bones; growth is disturbed bone tissue. This important vitamin formed in human skin under the action of sunlight. If you are worried that your child's teeth have not yet appeared in the right amount, think about whether your baby takes enough sunbathing.

Manifestations of rickets (if you do not take urgent and competent measures, do not follow the doctor's instructions) can remain for life. Therefore, know that it is better to prevent rickets - even in its most insignificant manifestations. From the first days of life, keep in control
"communication" of your child with the sun, and also take care of the constant supply of vitamin D to the child through food. Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later.

Your child is no longer only sitting on his own, actively crawling and even standing with support, he is already overcoming obstacles, making persistent attempts to climb onto a bench, stool, chair. And he does it more and more often. This behavior is the norm. This should not be seen as a whim or a manifestation of stubbornness. On the contrary, we need help. Conditions should be created for the child's acrobatic exercises - so that there is something to climb on (on a low bench), and so that it does not hurt to fall. The child is tired of monotony, and he seeks to conquer his peaks. The child's body grows in motion.

What can a child at 9 months

turns babble into sound serenades;
shows the nose, mouth and other parts of the body of the mother, the doll, in her mirror, sometimes correctly “hitting” her finger in the right place;
puts fingers in all holes;
knows how to tear and crumple paper, crumples clay in his palm;
can flip through the thick pages of a cardboard book;
independently sits down, sits, walks at the support, crawls;
gets up without support;
rhythmically jumps and crouches at the support or holding mother's hands.

Safety precautions in the ninth month of a child's life

Until recently, it seems that the contemplation of toys was enough for the baby, but now he is already acting with them very energetically - he squeezes a rubber doll, knows how to roll a ball, puts nesting dolls one into another. True, often with zeal he tries to push a large shoe into a smaller one or a shoe pulled from a doll and pull it onto a cube. But this is also the way of knowledge!

The kid is now missing the blanket spread on the floor - you won’t even have time to look back, as he crawls away from this playground and ends up in the far corner of the room. So, it's time to ensure the safety of the space available to the child.

Children love to explore all sorts of cracks, holes, recesses. You may have already noticed how persistently your child tries to stick his finger into the ear of a rubber bunny or into the loop of his blouse. Just imagine what a temptation it will be for him an electrical outlet! And the first thing you should do is purchase fuse plugs. If the wires of electrical appliances, say, a floor lamp, lie on the floor, check their serviceability. At the same time, see if the child, having taken up the floor lamp, will not be able to overturn it on himself? He also wants to pull the tablecloth hanging from the table. What if there is a cup of hot tea on it?

A high chair also needs to be checked, even if it is new, and even more so if you, as they say, inherited from friends. Are there any small details, screws that the previous owner has already loosened? Otherwise, your baby will only have to finish the job by pulling them out and sending them to his mouth. Is the device secure enough to prevent falling out by reaching forward? Is the chair itself stable, and can the child, leaning back sharply, fall with it?

Having seated the baby on a high chair for the next feeding, do not place a plate with something hot next to it. Many babies have been burned by joyfully slapping hot semolina with their palms...

Don't forget to look at the toys. The child is already quite capable of bringing the rattle to such a state that some small parts are about to fall out of it, or to get to the “stuffing” of a soft bear cub. These are usually pieces of styrofoam, and you can be sure that they will be tasted and possibly swallowed.

In general, soft toys are already becoming the most beloved, and attachment to some kind of shabby, worn-out bear often persists until school years. Apparently, such a toy not only entertains, but also somehow soothes, warms, is perceived almost as alive, friendly.

When choosing soft toys, prefer synthetic fur rather than natural fur. Synthetic animals are easier to wash from time to time, they cause less risk of allergic reactions. A new toy is also better to first wash in warm water, then dry and comb; maybe she will lose a little beauty, but you will be sure that you have washed off the remnants of formaldehyde, which is usually used to process such products. And although it is allowed only in harmless quantities, let it not be better at all.

When buying any toy, you have the right to ask about the certificate for it, to find out if the materials from which it is made are safe for the child, especially what dyes are. With domestic and imported toys bought from large stores, this risk is small, as they must pass through the inspection. Do not buy toys for the baby at all in the market!

There should be a few toys in the child's field of vision: five or six. Among them, it is permissible to include some kind of light can with a lid. It remains a mystery why children are more likely to play with ordinary kitchen utensils than with an expensive toy designed and manufactured by specialists. However, this is not the only riddle that the kids ask...

The baby is 8 months old. His skills and abilities become more perfect, opening up new opportunities for him. Each child is individual and in the next month he will choose his own way of obtaining information about his body, the world around him, the secrets of toys. Someone will begin to accelerate in crawling, someone will take the first steps at the support and, perhaps, will walk, someone will begin to utter their first words. Any of these options is the norm. The task of adults is to help the little one master the skills that interest him at the moment, provide a developing environment, monitor health and hygiene.

Changes that occur to the child at the 9th month of life

After the 8th month of life, the baby is changing more and more. His movements and actions became meaningful, purposeful and coordinated. Now it is difficult to call him a "silly child", because he clearly knows what he wants. The kid uses intonation, voice, emotions to express his desires, sometimes it is clearly seen how he is trying to manipulate adults. A violent reaction and a variety of forms and types of communication of a child with the outside world and people is a good sign. This is how the personality of the child is formed, he is aware of himself and his place in the family.

Most babies at the 9th month of life will begin to speak the first simple words, putting meaning into them. Moving from onomatopoeia to speech, the little one will use facial expressions and gestures by which you will unmistakably understand that the baby is addressing you. "Mom", "dad", "woman", "woof-woof", etc. - words that gradually acquire the image of a particular person or animal. Some children, in addition to nouns, may begin to use the first verb: "give." It can sound completely or as a combination of the first two letters. Naming a convenient option for him, the little one will stretch out his hand in the direction of the subject of interest to him and look at you expressively. Do not be afraid, you will not miss this event, you will clearly understand when it happens.

in the game and cognitive activity between 8 and 9 months of age, the baby will increasingly use two fingers: thumb and forefinger. Capturing objects with them, moving and transferring toys from place to place. The appearance of this possibility is commonly called "tweezer grip" and it indicates the improvement of fine motor skills, the nervous system. The kid will increasingly focus his attention on small drawings and crumbs, he will try to grab them with his fingers and put them in his mouth.

Remove all small objects from the baby's field of vision. A minute is enough for a toddler to grab and put a button, coin or battery in his mouth. This is very dangerous. Be careful!

The most active and impatient children at the 9th month not only rise at the support and begin to take their first steps, but really stomp, holding their body with their hands. But do not rush to help the little one, dress his feet in shoes or sandals. If your little one moves around the house holding onto the walls, then he doesn't need shoes yet. Feeling various surfaces with their feet, improving balance, stepping on uneven edges, the baby massages many important points that have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

How to choose the first shoes for a toddler

  • to fit the crumbs in size. For emerging children's feet, it is unacceptable to use tight or very large shoes;
  • be made of natural fabrics, preferably leather. Artificial materials do not allow air to pass through, which adversely affects the skin of the legs, promotes the growth of bacteria;
  • have a hard back. The baby's leg is still being formed, the baby is learning to place the leg correctly while walking, in order to avoid injuries and improper leg formation, stop your choice on shoes that have a hard back;
  • the sole should not be rubber. Rubber is a soft material that easily deforms under load. To form the correct foot, the foot must be on a hard surface;
  • under the heel there should be a small heel (0.5 - 1 cm) for the formation of the correct rise of the arch of the foot, the prevention of flat feet.

These features of the structure of children's shoes should be used by parents, at least before school. Choosing the right shoes and sandals will allow the crumbs to form the correct gait, maintain the health of the legs and joints.

Physical development of the child

Weight gain at the 9th month of life gradually decreases. Most children will gain no more than 500 grams in 4 weeks. The peanut will stretch upwards by 1-2 cm. The head and sternum will add 0.5-1 cm each.

The individual development of the child is becoming more and more pronounced. At the 9th month of life, some parents begin to worry if their weight or height does not fall within the norms indicated by pediatricians. When assessing the state of the child: the harmony of his development, you should not draw conclusions about health problems, focusing only on these two values. Remember that illnesses, the activity of the child, and the inherent genetic characteristics of the body affect the final weight. The growth of the baby depends on nutrition, hereditary factors, ecology. Only a doctor can give an assessment of the harmony of development, after evaluating all the factors and comparing the indicators obtained during the previous 8 months.

If all adults in your family are small in stature and weight, then it is quite normal that the child will be smaller than his peers. If your family members are large, tall, then it is likely that the weight and height limits will be exceeded.

A separate question about visible excess weight in children at the 9th month of life. After the introduction of complementary foods, many children gain significantly more than the established norms, becoming well-fed, plump. Before making a conclusion about obesity, pay attention to the skill of your little one, the skills acquired at the moment. If the child is mobile, active, but has not yet learned to crawl or walk, then the excess mass is quite normal. As soon as the baby masters these actions, everything will return to normal. If the baby confidently walks or crawls, and the weight significantly exceeds the norm, while the growth is within the established limits, then it is necessary to contact the pediatrician to determine the causes of excessive weight gain, nutrition correction.

Boundary indicators of child development depending on gender

Gender of the child Lower limit of growth Upper growth limit Lower weight limit Upper weight limit Average head volume Average bust
Boy 8 months 66,8 73,1 7,5 10 45,5 48
Boy 9 months 68,2 75,1 7,9 10,5 46 48,5
Girl 8 months 66 72,5 7,2 9,3 45 47
Girl 9 months 67,5 74,1 7,5 9,7 45,5 47,5

Neuropsychic development and emotions

Along with increased physical abilities, many changes occur in the child's psyche. His emotional, neuropsychic development is very fast. At the 9th month of life, the little one already understands the speech of an adult well and can fulfill a simple request consisting of familiar words: “give the doll”, “show the ball”.

Playing with objects, the child gradually complements the playing techniques used with more gentle movements. He can stroke, feel, hug a doll or other toy. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, the baby smiles, pulls his hands and laughs. The time of independent play with one object can increase up to 10 minutes, and if the baby is distracted during the lesson, he will return to the interrupted game a little later.

AT emotionally noticeable changes. The baby reacts violently to his victories and failures, tries to manipulate his parents, willingly makes contact with other children. More and more, the little one becomes attached to his mother, increasingly demanding her attention and affection. He reacts loudly and furiously to prohibitions, rejoices when he is praised. During this period, self-esteem begins to form. You should carefully choose your words if you need to scold or stop the baby from unwanted actions.

Gradually, the reaction to strangers becomes more calm. If the baby is next to the mother at home and a stranger for the baby comes to visit them, then the little one will no longer react with tears. But visiting is still difficult. Unfamiliar surroundings and new people continue to frighten the baby. The baby really does not like to part with his mother, he is scared by loud sounds. Some children during this period have a fear of a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.

Memory and perception have developed markedly. To familiar objects, the baby applies the necessary actions. Getting a new toy, acquaintance begins with the movements used by him with similar things.


The growing attachment to the mother becomes noticeable. The peanut reacts heavily to parting, can show not only capriciousness, but also fear. If the baby sees that the mother is putting on outerwear, then he understands that she is going to leave and may cry.

The baby feels completely calm at home, where all objects are familiar to him, surrounded by loved ones. For smooth development, it is recommended to spend in places comfortable for the baby, as much time as possible. Visiting guests and crowded places should be rare.

Gradually the fear strangers becomes a little smaller. The kid is still wary at the first meeting. If the mother feels calm, has a friendly conversation and smiles, then the little one quickly discards fear and begins to get to know a new person.

The kid already understands well the meaning of the words “no” or “no”. In most cases, he protests against the ban with tears, screams, whims. Some toddlers try to use simple ways manipulation by adults, heart-rendingly screaming or noah for quite a long time. Don't give in. If you decide to ban something, then do not deviate from your rules. So you show the baby the boundaries of what is permitted, maintain your authority.

Baby skills at 8 months

The peanut at the 9th month of life knows a lot. Among the most striking skills:

  • the ability to rise to a sitting position and return from it to your back. Can raise his body with his hand or, rising to all fours, shifting the ass to the desired position;
  • turns in different directions from different positions;
  • getting up in the crib, trying to take small steps;
  • hand games, clapping. If taught, he waves his hand, saying goodbye and greeting;
  • crawling. In children who have learned to walk early, this skill is still weak. While moving on all fours, he freely tears off his hand and takes a toy. Some children, instead of the classic crawl, prefer to move on the pope;
  • grasping an object with the thumb and forefinger;
  • pointing to an object of interest with a finger;
  • the ability to independently drink from a cup or bottle, can eat small pieces of food;
  • understanding the speech addressed to him, the fulfillment of simple requests;
  • the ability to show where some parts of the body are: arms, legs, nose, etc. This skill appears if you work with a child every day, naming and showing body parts on yourself and on the baby;
  • the ability to take off your socks while lying on your back.

motor skills

The motor skills of an 8-month-old toddler are becoming more and more perfect and conscious. The kid does not linger in the supine position, all the time tends to roll over or sit down, crawl or stand up.

The game shows significant progress in grabbing and throwing small objects. Depending on the situation, the baby may strive to grab one toy with both hands or try to take two objects at once, having acquired which he begins to perform game actions.

Gradually, the baby's hands become more mobile. The palm is open, the fingers are spread out. The baby is preparing for the active development of fine motor skills.

With the development of the skill to stand up, the child begins to be interested in the opportunity to climb on the surrounding objects. Some toddlers learn to climb onto a sofa or chair by the age of 9 months. You should carefully monitor the child during this period, avoiding falls.

Normally, a baby in the 9th month of life:

  • seeing an object offered to him, sit down and stretch on his own;
  • sitting, easily removes the fabric from the head if you covered it;
  • protests, resists attempts to take away his toy;
  • laughing and trying to find mom while playing peek-a-boo;
  • grabs an object with the thumb and forefinger;
  • seeks to repeat the proposed movements;
  • takes a familiar object or points to it with a finger at the request of an adult.

First steps

Some children took their first steps a little earlier, but for most this crucial moment will come between 8 and 9 months of life. The baby will raise his body, holding on to the support, and try to move. The first step is usually too wide and awkward, but with the development of the understanding of walking technique, the little one will improve every day.

Stimulation of the walking skill is facilitated by:

  • an offer to get a toy lying at a height. Usually the baby rises to his feet near the sofa, and the adult puts an interesting object at a short distance. Curiosity will force the baby to look for ways to achieve the proposed toy and will try to step over the legs, holding on to the edge of the sofa. It is good to gradually increase the distance that the child needs to overcome;
  • movement to the beat of the music. When the baby is standing, turn on the music and start dancing. The baby will try to repeat the movements after you;
  • while walking on the street, take the baby out of the stroller and put it near the bench. He will be interested in the diversity of the world, he will try to change his body position.


The increasing physical activity of the child requires increased attention from parents to safety. Your home should be fully prepared for any desires of the little one. Recommended:

  • close sharp corners with a soft cloth;
  • install plugs on all available sockets;
  • remove the wires behind the furniture or hide them under the carpet;
  • fix light and movable furniture;
  • remove all chemicals and medicines in an inaccessible place;
  • remove beads, buttons and other small items from accessible places;
  • breakable, fragile objects raise higher.

Children do not think about safety, they just play and explore the world around them. The task of parents is to create conditions in which the baby will feel free and not endanger his life and health.

Hair and nails

Hair care for an 8-month-old baby is done daily. It is necessary to comb the crumbs with a special brush after each sleep, stimulating hair growth and teaching them to take care of themselves. Wash your hair with shampoo no more than once a week. Use for this tool suitable for children of this age. The selected shampoo should be with a low index of possible allergies (hypoallergenic), do not contain fragrances and dyes.

Children's nails require constant monitoring . The baby crawls for a long time and plays with various objects, comes into contact with large quantity microorganisms around us. During the evening bath, unwanted germs are easily washed off the body, but it is more difficult to remove them from under the nails. You should monitor the length of the nail plate of the crumbs and trim it in a timely manner. For this procedure, it is advisable to use special scissors for children, with rounded ends. It is better not to use convenient tweezers or sharp scissors, they can easily injure a moving baby during the procedure. The nail is cut strictly in a straight line, without rounding the shape.

Hearing and vision

At the 9th month of life, the perception of sharp loud sounds is aggravated. Some children have a fear of vacuum cleaners and hair dryers. These fears disappear if you introduce the baby to the subject that emits them. Show why you are using this household item. The baby may not immediately stop being afraid, so when using noisy household appliances, try to warn the little one about your actions.

While in a sitting position and trying to make a sound, the baby may raise or lower his head in an attempt to better hear the sound. This is a good sign. The kid explores the ways of sound propagation and the possibility of determining the place of their origin.

The vision of the child at the 9th month of life becomes sharp. The kid now sees small crumbs and individual elements of the wallpaper or carpet pattern, distinguishes well and sees familiar objects at any distance and from any angle. The baby already distinguishes toys by color, shape, texture. When playing, he chooses actions suitable for the object used: he rolls round things, square and rectangular things - he puts them on top of each other.


By this period, most children have already had their first 2 teeth, and in the next 4 weeks, from 2 to 4 new ones may appear. Gradually, you can teach the little one to brush their teeth. At first, this is done by the mother, using a children's toothbrush dipped in clean water. The use of toothpaste is not required. Teaching your child early to brush their teeth will help develop the habit and avoid future dental problems.

social contact

Social contact plays an increasingly important role in a child's life. Communicating with the outside world with the help of sounds, sights and smiles, the little one finds everything more ways clearly explain your wants and needs. New emotions appear: embarrassment and resentment.

Attachment to the mother is felt more and more strongly, expressed in the requirement of constant presence, active dialogue, and a strong reaction to parting.

Increased interest in communicating with other adults and children. The peanut carefully observes and copies the most liked actions and sounds. There is a growing desire to imitate. The baby wants to independently eat from a spoon, drink from a mug. It is worth supporting these impulses by showing him how to perform this or that action correctly. Show how to wash hands, hold a mug, etc.

child's speech

The speech of the peanut develops in two directions. On the one hand, the understanding of the speech addressed to the child increases, on the other hand, the ability to imitate sounds is improved, to use a combination of familiar syllables as a designation of a specific object or action. Most children between 8 and 9 months will say their first conscious "mom" and "dad", the first time they will use the verb "give" in full or abbreviated form.

The development of understanding of addressed speech is expressed in the unmistakable perception of the simplest requests. It is recommended, as often as possible, to offer the baby to serve, put or point to a familiar object or person. Such exercises reinforce the formed sound-visual connections in the brain, contribute to the early appearance of coherent speech.

The baby's babbling becomes emotionally colored, reminiscent of a monologue. The baby can be indignant for a long time, using a variety of sounds, if he fails to perform an action, babble joyfully when he sees his mother or another familiar person. If you listen carefully, you can hear all the sounds of the native language in the babbling of a child.

The development of speech between 8 and 9 months of life is facilitated by:

  • active use of the description during the game. As often as possible, name objects, their color and shape, tell what you are doing. It is advisable to use the direct name of the object or hero (doll, dog), and not the name (Masha, Tuzik), monitor the purity of your own speech;
  • show game. As often as possible, ask the little one to show where a certain object is, who is the mother in the photo, etc. Don't be discouraged if your child can't confidently give the correct answer at first. Help him by pointing to the necessary toy or person. Gradually, the baby will understand what you want, will begin to make progress;
  • ask the baby to fulfill simple requests: submit, show, bring;
  • Offer activities that develop fine motor skills. Sensory bags and bodyboards, games with cubes, constructor, etc.;
  • do not lisp and do not replace full words with their reduced counterparts. From the very beginning, call the car a car, not a b-b, etc.;
  • read books, sing songs, recite poems. The more beautiful, pure speech will sound around the child, the faster and better he will speak.

Care rules

A novelty for an 8-month-old baby is his desire to explore the products of his life. The toddler may pee or poop and try to touch or even taste the resulting material. You shouldn't let him do it. Through this desire, an understanding is gradually formed between the action and the consequence, the baby begins to realize why his mother puts him on the potty. But do not rejoice ahead of time. A full understanding of the need for a pot will come much later, closer to 2-2.5 years. If you teach, then the little one will ask for a potty at the level of reflexes.

Bathing and hygiene

Bathing a baby in the 9th month of life is worth every day in clean water. You can add weak solutions of herbs recommended by the pediatrician. Soap is used only after defecation once a day. Once a week, you can wash your baby's hair with shampoo for children.

During bathing, special toys play an increasingly important role. In addition to rubber animals and dolls, you can offer mills and fountains, a small bucket and a mug to the little one. Playing with water gives the little one pleasure and promotes relaxation.

Bathing time varies depending on the mood of the child and takes from 10 to 40 minutes.

It is good to diversify the skin cleansing procedure with various activities that are useful for development:

  • sing songs and read poems about water and cleanliness;
  • teach to play with toys, showing how to use them;
  • offer to wash your hands or feet yourself;
  • tell the name of the part of the body that you are washing at the moment.


At the 9th month of a child's life, in the presence of 4 front teeth, you can gradually change the consistency of the dishes offered. Gradually, you need to move away from puree-like nutrition, offering the crumbs to chew. The use of the jaw while eating has a positive effect on the development of taste buds, speech, and general knowledge of the child about food.

The diet continues to change. If a month ago, between 2 and 3 daily feedings, consisting of complementary foods, the little one could ask for his mother's breasts, now he often forgets about it, taking up toys. It's all about increasing the amount of complementary foods. If before that it was introductory (pedagogical), then by the beginning of the 9th month the volume of food increases to approximately 100 grams per feeding and the food received is enough to provide energy until the next snack.

You should think about the fact that the baby ate with the rest of the family. This will favorably affect his self-esteem, appetite, stimulate the desire to eat on his own.

By 9 months, the baby should completely replace the breast with complementary foods in 2 out of 5 approaches to food during the day. The interval between meals is gradually increased to 4 hours. Breast or formula is required in the morning and last evening feeding.

It is advisable to introduce multicomponent food by 9 months, cereals from 3-5 cereals, mashed potatoes from several types of vegetables, vegetables with meat. If the baby responds well to cottage cheese, then they can replace the fourth feeding. Continue introducing your baby to new foods at the second morning feed.

Table of allowed products for a child of 8-9 months.

Product Age of introduction
Fruit juice 5-6 months
fruit puree 5-6 months
Cottage cheese 6.5 months
Vegetables 6 months
Milk porridge 5 months
Dairy-free porridge 7 months
Meat 7 months
Fish 8 months
Kefir 7 months
Bread 7 months
Crackers, children's cookies 6 months
Vegetable oil 6 months
Butter 6 months
Egg yolk 6 months
Multicomponent milk porridge 8 months
Multi-component dairy-free porridge 8 months
Multi-component vegetable and fruit puree 8 months

Sleep and daily routine

The 8 month old baby is still sleeping. Night sleep takes 10-11 hours, during the day the baby rests twice for 2-3 hours. Some children gradually begin to switch to a single daytime sleep, which takes up to 4-5 hours. It is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed, dim the light, create natural silence. The kid should be clean, fed, tired. The room temperature should not exceed 22 degrees, humidity - not less than 50% and not more than 75%. It is good to offer the little one to sleep while walking in the fresh air.

You need to walk with an 8-month-old child every day. The more time you spend outdoors, the better. If the baby does not sleep during a walk, then seat him, giving him the opportunity to explore the world around him.

It is recommended to follow the daily routine. The optimal mode is considered in which the baby sleeps, eats, walks and plays at the same time. Gradually, the baby gets used to the sequence of actions and will feel more confident.

Teeth, infections, and other events that disrupt a baby's schedule in the 9th month of life can lead to a shift in the baby's life schedule. Some toddlers confuse day and night, starting to be active in the late afternoon and refusing to go to sleep at night. In the morning, on the contrary, they wake up late, behave sluggishly. Such a schedule greatly affects not only the baby, but also the health of the mother. It should, as soon as possible, return the child to the normal mode of the day, not allowing him to get used to the new.


Strengthening the immune system at the 9th month of life is facilitated by actions aimed at hardening the body. If you have been using the basic principles of accustoming the body to temperature changes for several months, then your child is already used to these procedures and practically does not react with a runny nose and temperature to changes in nature. You should continue to carry out air and sun baths, wipe with water at room temperature, avoid wrapping.

If for some reason you have not yet carried out the procedure for hardening the body, then you need to start gradually. Sun and air baths for beginners should be carried out for a time not exceeding 5 minutes in a room with a temperature of at least 22 degrees. Rubbing is best done with water, slightly warmer than room temperature.

How to develop a baby?

At the 9th month of a child's life, games and developmental activities begin to play a big role. The developing environment for the baby is built according to his needs and should contain a variety of toys and objects for the formation of motor perfection, mental abilities, the development of speech and knowledge about the world around him.

The kid already knows a lot, so adults can offer him a wide range of various games and exercise. It is recommended to select them according to the temperament and taste of the child. Calm children are well offered activities that do not require concentration and manipulation of the fingers, active and mobile - games and cognitive activities that require speed.

Among the activities suitable for children between 8 and 9 months of life, we can offer:

  • games with boxes, bags, sorters. Offer to collect items in a box, take them out of your purse, match them by size and shape. First, show how to do it yourself, then perform the action with the hands of the little one, give the opportunity to repeat it yourself;
  • roll and throw balls and balls. Sit in front of the child and roll the ball towards him. Invite the baby to push him towards you. Learn to throw the ball, try to catch it, etc.;
  • "magic bag" Put some toys in an opaque bag. Let the little one touch it. Ask what's inside. Remove the item;
  • "pan orchestra" Children are very fond of objects, movements with which produce sound. Give your child a pot and a lid. Show me how to slap it. Offer to put a toy in the pan and repeat the action;
  • "grunt and bark". Show the little one different options for combining sounds, invite him to repeat after you on his own;
  • castles and towers. Build small towers with your baby and let him destroy them;
  • books and conversations. Offer to flip through a baby book, show who is pictured, what they are doing, etc.;
  • role-playing games. It's time to introduce the little one to playing with dolls. Take one of them and start talking to the baby. He will be very happy. With the help of a doll, show simple games: drinking tea, walking, going to bed;
  • hide and seek. If the baby is already crawling well or moving at the support, invite him to run away from you, and pretend that you cannot catch up with small steps or on all fours.

In addition to ordinary games, it is good to offer the little one to explore the world around him on his own. For 15 minutes at a time, and no more than 1 hour a day, you can put the baby in a walker. At first, the baby will just stand, look around him, but he will quickly master the proposed technique and begin to move around the room. Parents should consult with their doctor regarding the use of walkers.

What educational toys do you need

The game library at the 9th month of life is expanding. To the toys already bought earlier, new ones are added that develop mental skills and improve the ability to crawl and walk. Among the most useful are:

  • Wheelchairs and walkers. Toys that help the baby learn the skill of walking should be given to the baby under the strict supervision of adults until the baby learns to walk independently without support;
  • Clockwork toys. A new kind of entertainment that allows you to revive the characters, make them produce new sounds for the child. Good effect on the development of hearing, vision, coordination;
  • Pyramids and building toys with large details. The ability to build small turrets, connect a simple designer or put one part into another, has a good effect on the development of fine motor skills;
  • Boxes, buckets, plates of different sizes and colors. It is good to buy a set of dishes. The kid is very interested in toys, shaped like objects from the life of adults. The presence of reduced copies of such items well develops an understanding of the purpose of a particular thing for certain actions;
  • Cubes and balls. Different in shape and size, they train not only motor skills, but also mental abilities. You can gradually, with the help of such objects, teach the child to distinguish and distinguish between large and small, sort by color;
  • Dolls and animals. Rubber, plastic, rag, the more variety of animals and dolls, the better. Say the name of the animal, tell what he eats and how he speaks. The more information the baby receives at this stage, the richer his speech and knowledge will be later;
  • Sensory pouches and bodyboards. Try to pay enough attention to the child's fine motor skills. Invite him to feel objects that are different to the touch, open the safe doors of the business board, pull the zippers and try to close the windows;
  • Musical instruments and toys. The kid really likes to listen to various sounds and melodies. Let him explore the world of sounds on his own;
  • Baby books. The sooner you introduce your child to a book, the more likely it is that he will love it later on.

In addition to the designated toys, it is good to offer the baby to play with different push-button models, use safe adult things as toys. Each new item the kid will study and taste. After the first acquaintance and study, show how the toy can be handled. Toddlers do not know how to invent game actions on their own - this is the task of parents. Having taught the baby to play at 8 months, you will see how quickly he comes up with new options for classes with objects.

What should alert, the assessment of skills.

The development of the baby is proceeding rapidly and every day you can notice the changes that occur with the child. Development is normal if your baby:

  • Lying on his back, rises to a sitting position, trying to get the toy offered to him;
  • When you try to cover him with a diaper, he immediately pulls it off his head;
  • Protests and resents when trying to take away a toy from him;
  • Laughs when they play with him;
  • During the game, he uses both hands, while each of them can contain one toy;
  • Recognizes familiar adults in photographs;
  • Picks up small objects from a flat surface with 2 fingers;
  • Copies the behavior of adults;
  • Understands the question “where” and looks for the named object with pleasure.

If one or more of these skills are poorly developed, then you need to try to develop them as quickly as possible.

You should be alerted if the baby cannot:

  • Crawl backward, forward or in a circle;
  • Stand with support;
  • Grab a small object with 2 fingers;
  • Sit while maintaining balance on your own;
  • Drink from a cup or remove the diaper from your head;
  • Knock held objects on the floor;
  • Pronounce more than 8 syllables;
  • Show emotions.

The presence of one or more signs in a peanut is a reason to urgently visit a pediatrician. It may be necessary to undergo additional examination by other specialists.

Decreased appetite, activity, excessive moodiness, without signs of teething should also prompt you to see a doctor.

The kid grows and develops, pleases with his laughter and attempts to conquer new heights. You may have already heard the first "mom" or "dad". Now your life has begun to change, to accelerate. Do not forget to think about yourself and your health, relax and try to be calm and happy. For your child, every day is a discovery, rejoice with him and do not forget to take photos of the very first and important steps baby.