Drawn games on asphalt kindergarten. Drawing on the pavement with children: ideas for a cool summer photo shoot

Project on the topic "Children's games on asphalt in the summer."

Our children are on the asphalt
Drawn with chalk.
What will be the first in the world? ..
Thought, guessed...

Well, of course - a circle,
Nose, mouth, eyes...
What happened?
... (Only without a hint).

Sticks around the circle
Mouth, so that with a smile ...
"Sun", the children wrote,
Just a pity - with a mistake.

And below under the sun - a house,
Doors and window.
And they drew...
Clearly, it's a cat.

Mom and dad don't look alike
But they don't cry.
The main thing is not to forget them...
Yes, and how else?

Well, it didn't quite work out...
Who will notice it?
You can immediately see - on the asphalt,
Children drew!

The relevance of the project.

With the onset of summer, children spend a lot of time outdoors. How to add variety to these summer walks? I offer games with colored crayons that are important for the leisure and development of the baby. Crayons for drawing on asphalt are the same indispensable attribute of summer games on the street, like, for example, a bucket, a spatula, molds for Easter cakes and soap bubbles. Everyone knows that you can draw with crayons, but not everyone is familiar with educational games, which can be played on the street using ordinary colored crayons.

Objective of the project: introduce various types games on asphalt, using chalk.


2. Of particular interest to children is painting or hatching with colored crayons on pre-prepared stencils with several holes. For example, circle a large round apple eaten by a caterpillar in several places with chalk on the pavement and let the kids paint over the holes with colored crayons.

And you can offer them to shade and get these patterns:

see slide number 1.

3. To develop the speech of your kids, you can draw different figures with chalk and ask the child to write a story based on the drawings he saw. Such asphalt games for children not only develop their imagination and creativity, but also motivate them to learn new words and expressions, that is, they expand the vocabulary of children, stimulate the brain.

5. It is useful for kids to offer their feet to walk along a drawn letter or geometric figure, along its perimeter. So they, through movement, quickly and easily remember their name and shape. See slide number 2.

1. With older preschoolers, it is useful to draw on points that can first be placed on the pavement. After all, such exercises can be performed not only in a notebook at the table, but also in the fresh air.

2. With older children, you can draw a map, and then play and look for hidden treasure on it. An adult hides the object, and then draws arrows with chalk over the entire area on the asphalt, the wall of the house or on the tree. These signs will lead the children to the treasure. Several teams can play at the same time.

4. On a sunny day, children can trace each other's shadow with crayons. Designate a place, and during the day, morning, afternoon and evening, draw a shadow in one place and observe how its length changes depending on the position of the sun in the sky. Usually preschoolers have many questions at once, why is this happening? So, it will be necessary to prepare for them to answer the children.

5. In the summer, it’s good to draw traces of birds and animals on the street, and then show them to each other and ask them to draw the one whose traces they are. First, of course, you need to show the children in the atlas or book about animals samples of the most memorable traces.

We see a lot of expensive “sorter” toys on the shelves, however, we suggest you make a real natural “sorter” using the Montessori method with your own hands.

First we need asphalt crayons in primary colors.

We must gather with the child multi-colored flowers, herbs, branches, knots of the same colors as our crayons. From the collection of these gifts of nature, you can come up with a whole lesson to get acquainted with the outside world. Let's have a nature hunt for red or green!

see slide number 3.

When the hunt for natural gifts is over, we will have creativity on the street.

Select the surface on the asphalt (squares, rectangles, circles). We shade each tile with its own color - here is the sorting field and you're done. see slide number 4.

Now we begin to sort our natural gifts by color, laying out the red natural gifts into areas that are shaded in red, blue to those that we shaded with blue chalk, and so on. See 5

  1. We can bring the collected gifts of nature and arrange them by color already at home, for example, in colored boxes
  2. We can continue the study of colors by asking the child to draw something in one color or another.

The main thing to remember is that when we develop a child, we can do it with joy and pleasure! A little time spent will definitely pay off. See slide number 6.

You can also use the following options:

- Butterflies.
We draw flowers on the pavement, a number is written in the middle of each. We invite the baby to imagine that he is a butterfly, and flies from flower to flower. Call the number and the baby “waving its wings” flies to the desired flower.

- Magic figures.
Draw different geometric shapes and invite the child to finish them so that they turn into something recognizable. For example: what does a circle look like? It looks like an apple, a balloon, a sun, etc.

- What is missing?
We draw on the pavement, for example, a hedgehog without needles and asks the kid to finish the missing details. You can draw a cloud, and the kid will finish the falling rain. Such simple tasks can be offered to the smallest artists.

- Magic path.
Draw a long path on which obstacles are depicted at different distances from each other (fire, river, toothy wolf, and others). The child must walk along the path, stepping over or jumping over obstacles.

- Road.
Draw a winding road and invite your child to drive their cars along it.

- Target.
Draw a target on the asphalt (for example, in the form of a circle) and throw various objects at it (pebbles, twigs, acorns).

- Feet - palms.
Place your baby’s hand (foot) or yours on the pavement and trace them with colored crayons.

- Squirrel.
We draw multi-colored ovals (red, yellow, blue, green) and invite the baby to jump like a squirrel from hollow to hollow, naming the colors.

- Drawing competition.
If there are a lot of children on the site, you can hold a drawing competition by combining them with one theme (for example: flowers, cartoon characters ...). By

You can also draw different geometric shapes and invite the child to finish them so that they turn into something recognizable. For example: what does a circle look like? It looks like an apple, a balloon, a sun, etc.

It is interesting to draw drawings with a continuation. That is, the next day you finish the drawing you started.

It will be interesting for boys to draw roads, parking lots, garages for their toy cars, for girls it will be interesting to draw doll houses (with furniture and other attributes necessary for playing) or, for example, a zoo for small toy animals. See slide number 7.

I would also like to mention such games as:

"Balloon". A large balloon is drawn on the pavement, inside which there are four types of geometric figures (circles, rhombuses, triangles, squares) with serial numbers and different colors.

Drawing "Balloon" is used for games, game exercises and relay races in the organized and independent activities of children with a frontal and in-line method of organization. In order to increase the motor density of physical culture and recreation activities, two or three balloons can be drawn on the pavement.

"Find your place!" Children move around the ball, completing the task: on the command "Triangles!" - stand on triangles; at the command "Circles!" - take circles, etc. With each repetition of the game, the way the children move changes, the teacher names new figures (numbers, colors).

"Who is faster?". Two to four teams participate in the relay. Everyone lines up on one side of the ball, each team is opposite a certain geometric figure. At the signal of the host, the first team members begin to jump around their figures in order - from the number 1 to the number 5; after completing the task, they jump out of the ball from the opposite side. At this time, the following team members are included in the competition, etc. After finishing the relay, the teams line up on the opposite side of the ball. The relay race is repeated - the children perform jumps in reverse order.

Jumping on one and two legs with the ball (bag) sandwiched between the knees.

"Take it - don't drop it!"(relay race). Children move around the figures in numerical order, trying to keep the bag on their heads.

"In places!" Children stand on any figure. At the signal of the host "Blue!" - children standing on blue figures start running around the ball; at the signal “Green!” - they are joined by children standing on green figures, etc. At the signal - "In places!" - everyone is trying to find a figure of their color; when repeated, they move around the ball in jumps, gallops.

Children move around the ball, hitting the ball with one or two hands - alternately with their right and left hands.

“We jump deftly from bump to bump!”(2-3 years). Figure jumping on two legs.

"Come and step over!"(2-3 years). Walking with stepping over figures.

"Do not hurt!"(3-4 years). Walking and running with a snake between the figures, in a circle.

"Snipers!" Ring throwers are placed on the figures. Children are placed behind the contour of the balloon, each with three to five rings, which, at the signal of an adult, they simultaneously begin to throw on the ring throw. The game ends when the children have no rings left. Hits are counted, the most accurate player is selected, then the game is repeated.

Throwing bags at a horizontal target different ways.

Mobile jumping game "Classics"

The idea of ​​a child's game of the most ordinary hopscotch can be changed beyond recognition.
It is not necessary to draw a classic table with numbers from 1 to 10.

Draw colorful circles on the pavement with crayons. Try to put them all together. The number of circles of each color must be equal. Designate the first and last circle - where you need to start and where to go. Now each player chooses his color and moves only in circles of his color, you can't make mistakes. See slide number 8.

The rules of the children's outdoor game can be varied as you like:

  • - get a pebble into your circles;
  • - jump in circles on one leg, on two, alternately;
  • - you can use the bone: how many points will fall out, how many circles the player needs to jump;
  • - you can number the circles like real classics;
  • - draw letters inside and, jumping, make up the given words. While playing, children not only move, but also remember a couple of new letters or numbers. This will help you learn letters and numbers faster.

"Classics" can be drawn in the form of a long ribbon-snake, straight or twisted, and run along its contour.

Mobile game - walker "Who is faster"

In addition to the classics, you can draw all kinds of labyrinths.

The labyrinth can be drawn in the form of a circle, a triangle, any shape. This game is well suited for a group of kids.

Arrange competitions, and use the stopwatch to determine the winner. Children love to compete.

If the child rides a bike, use the same method.
Write yourself (or leave it to the children) with chalk numbers, letters, figures on the pavement. In any order, with any gaps, only bigger.

Invite a child riding a bicycle to pass through certain numbers, signs, letters, drawings - to wander along a given route. See slide number 9.

Mobile game - "Building a city".

Of course, it will not work to build, but it will be quite possible to draw.

For this game you will need white chalk and toy cars. We draw roads and intersections, parking lots and garages, do not forget about pedestrian crossings for dolls! In addition to roads, you can draw houses, shops, squares and amusement parks - perhaps this is exactly what an ideal city looks like. On the "urban" roads you need to roll cars and come up with stories about where you are going, why, whom you meet, etc. As the game progresses, the necessary details are drawn. If there are no machines at hand, pebbles, sticks and other improvised material will do.

And a few more drawings on the asphalt, with the help of which we can make walks with children in the summer more interesting and exciting.

Thank you for your attention!

When sunny days come, the kids go out into the streets to draw on the pavement. Playing on asphalt with chalk can be a good educational game. It is advisable for parents to help their children in organizing such exciting activity. To do this, you should buy multi-colored crayons, pick up shovels, buckets and take the child to a safe place where there is relatively clean asphalt.

Ideas for playing with crayons on asphalt

To make it easy and simple for parents to organize games with crayons, teachers offer interesting ideas. You can take them as a basis and bring your own creative ideas. It will be even more interesting and useful if the child takes an immediate part in such notions.

Chalk in a puddle

If there are ponds or even puddles nearby, then you should wet the chalk and try to draw with a completely new subject.

Advice! Pre-soaking the chalk with water and sugar will enhance the color of the crayons, and it will be much more interesting for the child to draw.


The favorite and most popular game of all generations are the classics. The essence of the game is that on the asphalt you need to draw cells in which numbers from 1 to 10 are shown. The player throws a pebble at the number and jumps alternately, first on one, and then on two legs to the place where the stone fell, picks it up and returns to its original location.


If a child came to play with his friend, then the best entertainment will be tic-tac-toe, which develop logical thinking, attention and speed of reactions. The rules of the game are as follows: first of all, the players agree on who will play with a cross and who will play with a zero. Then they alternately walk until one of them forms a single line horizontally, diagonally or vertically. The player who was able to do this becomes the winner.

letter on cloud

The purpose of this entertainment program is to develop the skills of sound analysis, as well as the visual reinforcement of letters. The bottom line is that an adult draws clouds on the pavement, on which letters are depicted. Jumping on each cloud, the child must say a word that begins with that letter. You can jump on the cloud and name not the first, but the last letter.

It would seem that playing the "snake" is very simple at first glance, but if you draw obstacle courses for children or give them balls (or balls), then the degree of difficulty will increase. This will lead to the development of memory and motor skills, attention and coordination in space. In order to play the "snake", you need several people.

Depending on the age of the players, you can increase the degree of difficulty of the game. So, it is enough for little children to simply draw a wavy line on the pavement, invite them to grab each other and run along the curved line. Older children can be offered to place balls or balls between them, and thus complicate the rules of the game. In addition, children of primary school age can draw two parallel snakes, divide a large company into two teams and arrange a relay race. The team that goes around all the obstacles faster will receive a prize and will be considered strong and dexterous.

Advice! After working with crayons, the child can get very dirty, so parents should take care of the cleanliness of their child and do not forget to take wet wipes with them for a walk.


Spatial representation and spatial concept can be developed with the help of "maze". Children draw moves in which it is easy to get confused, but only one move is correct, going to the exit from the maze. Through trial and error, the child must reach the final goal.

Traffic light

The host draws traffic lights with multi-colored crayons for each participant in the game. Then preschoolers each stand near their image and, depending on the leader’s words “attention, go, stop”, choose the color on which the person should stop, go or remain attentive to the situation on the road. Thus, kids consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road, develop motor skills, as well as visual memory.

figure outline

"Shape Contour" is considered the most extreme game among all the above pleasures. This is explained by the fact that, according to the rules of this entertainment, the child lies down on the asphalt, and other children trace the outline of his figure.

Advice! It is recommended to hold such games in dachas, that is, in those places where there is any confidence that the asphalt is in a more or less clean state, since it is not worth risking health on public roads.

Magic Drawing Contest

By the name it already becomes clear what will be discussed: the children are given time to draw magical drawings with crayons (heroes of fairy tales, a magic castle, fairy-tale flowers), and then the best artist is selected based on the results of the inspection. Be sure to prepare prizes for the children.

Additional attributes for playing with crayons

On warm days, the child wants to take an interesting walk with friends on the street. Parents want their children to have a good time. Playing with crayons on the pavement is just what you need. However, crayons alone will not be enough to have a good time, because children are fidgets, and you won’t get off with one invented game. It is necessary to come up with a whole entertainment program with many contests and competitions. Therefore, in order to interest the children, it is necessary to provide different attributes for the game, which will help maintain interest for a long time. During the game, children's imagination has no boundaries, so a variety of objects can be attributes:

  • plastic bottles, jars, mugs;
  • molds from which cakes are baked;
  • shoulder blades;
  • buckets;
  • sieve;
  • special sets children's sets for playing in the sandbox in the form of marine life, animals, household items (you can outline the molds with crayons);
  • sticks from trees, leaves, pebbles;
  • balls or balls;
  • water toys;
  • scooters, toy umbrellas.

Age features for playing with crayons

Games for kids are significantly different from the games for schoolchildren, therefore, the degree of difficulty in games for each child (depending on his age) should be different. For example, when playing snake, very young children will be able to run along a wavy line one after another, but they will also not be able to run if balloon or ball. A lot of games have been invented for kids, and to increase interest in them, a riddle about crayons for children is well suited:

It can be colored and white
The kids love to draw
He is an artist, in the hands of the skilled,
Pictures can create!

On asphalt, that's the way it is
I paint with something white
The rain will wash away my drawing
I'll draw another!

Mushroom rain

An adult draws a circle and says that it is a fungus, and the children (forest inhabitants) who play are hiding from the wolf. The rules of the game are such that when the host says the word "sun", the children run around the clearing they represent, and when they hear the word "rain", they must have time to hide under the mushroom in a circle. The one who did not have time is out of the game. After each elimination, the leader crosses out one circle, explaining that the hunter plucked it. The game continues until the name of the winner is known.

Animals in the zoo

Parents make light drawings on the pavement in the form of images of animals, and children draw food, cages, and friends for animals.


If the child is more or less oriented in the alphabet, or if you want to teach him before school, then the next game in the form of entertainment will be important. An adult shows the letters to the baby and pronounces them, and he should try to write and pronounce them. A similar game can be organized using stencils. It is interesting for a child to draw not only letters, but also different figures.


Children produce a lot of energy, so the Bunny game is suitable for energetic and cheerful children who love to jump. To do this, you need to draw multi-colored ovals on the asphalt and invite the child to jump from one to another, like a bunny.
Advice! It is very important to monitor the water regime of the kids during outdoor games, so you should always take water with you for a walk.

Treasure Island

Every child tries to fully comprehend the whole world, and therefore his curiosity has no limit. The game "Treasure Island" consists in the fact that, according to the tips drawn in crayons in the form of arrows or animal tracks, the participant finds a treasure hidden from him. This game is a great reason to end the walk, because the child who received the gift will no longer want to play.

Games for schoolchildren should be more complex and intricate, which will help develop logical thinking, quick reaction, attentiveness and thinking in them.

winding path

A winding path is drawn on the road with obstacle courses and cliffs. The schoolboy to pass this way on a scooter, and where there are cliffs, he jumps and runs further. Riding combination vehicle, jumping and running is well perceived by children of primary school age.

hit the target

Participants must draw a circle, collect tools for the target (bumps, stones, sticks) and try to throw them at the center at a short distance. The game trains accuracy and patience.


Parents offer the child to draw up a city plan with all architectural structures and cultural attractions.

Types of games with crayons

Children's games with crayons can be divided into several types:

  • mobile (hopscotch, labyrinth, snake, mushroom rain);
  • educational (tic-tac-toe, letter on a cloud, traffic light, mapping);
  • entertaining (hit the target, chalk in a puddle, figure outline);
  • competitive (drawing competition, mushroom rain).

It is important to follow a few rules when walking with children:

  • Walks and games in the fresh air, especially in summer, have a positive effect on the health of the child. Therefore, the drawings on the pavement will help to enrich the gaming activity.
  • Compliance with the daily routine is important, since the child must be cheerful and cheerful;
  • If a child has a chronic disease, it is necessary to take the medicines he needs with him for a walk;
  • Try to keep children away from computers as much as possible, so in the warm season, children's games with crayons will be very useful;
  • In sunny weather, when drawing with crayons on the pavement, you should wear a hat to avoid overheating;
  • The duration of exposure to the sun should not exceed three hours, since a longer presence negatively affects the condition of the skin;
  • Be sure to take care of what the child has before going for a walk. drinking water;
  • Parents are advised to buy clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics for babies in order to avoid health problems for sunny days.

The long-awaited summer is here. The sun is shining, it's warm outside. It is difficult to sit in stuffy kindergarten groups. It makes you want to hurry to the street, there are so many interesting things!

During the summer period, there are small changes in the educational process. AT kindergarten the educator, even in summer, needs to organize the physical activity of children. Playing becomes the leading activity. Children spend more time outdoors. This period is very fruitful for the cognitive and research activities of children, and it also has a creative, collective activity.

Summer is the most favorable period for working with children to get acquainted with nature (living and inanimate), with the outside world.

For many, summer since childhood is drawing with crayons on asphalt. Nothing has changed in our time. Children are drawn to draw with crayons on the pavement. Most of the works - paintings on asphalt, are collective. Moreover, children begin to draw each of their drawings. Already in the process of drawing, discussing each of their drawings among themselves, children get one common plot in an interesting way. Asphalt for them at this moment becomes a large canvas for their creativity, the imagination of which has no end. It's wonderful, there is no limit to the imagination of children.

In the process of drawing, they not only develop their creative abilities, but also develop their speech. It is very important. By talking to each other, they develop dialogue speech. By negotiating, discussing drawings among themselves, children acquire the most important communication skills.

But as mentioned above, we must not forget about the physical activity of children. In addition to drawings and classics, there are many more exciting games, which you can play on the street with crayons.

Playing with crayons on the street gives more room for movement, this is important for children. preschool age.

Games that use "crayons and asphalt" do not require any special training on the part of the educator, equipment and additional space. They can be organized where the asphalt lies - on a group site, on the paths of a kindergarten.

The number of children participating is unlimited, the rules provide for the simultaneous participation of all children in the game. There can be no losers here.

Games and exercises are multifunctional and have many options. This gives scope for creativity of the teacher and children. One and the same game can be played (organized) every day, but this must be done through different types of physical activity. At the same time, use different, other drawings that are not similar to those that have already been used in a particular game.

By changing the game situation, we add variety to the process, develop the physical qualities and skills of children: speed of reaction, dexterity, balance, coordination of movements, endurance, spatial orientation, eye.

Drawing with crayons on the pavement, we activate mental activity, consolidate the knowledge gained, and expand the horizons of children.

These games contribute to the enrichment of the moral experience of preschoolers. The educator, organizing competitive activities, teaches children a polite, attentive attitude towards children on a team, the ability to control their behavior in a group of peers. The need to obey the rules disciplines children, develops their ingenuity and independence.

The most favorite games of our group were:

"Draw, try"

The teacher draws some detail: for example, a circle. Another participant - the child can finish anything. It doesn't have to be a flower. It can turn out the sun, and the clock, and anything. There is no limit to the imagination of children! This is sometimes very unusual, something an adult would never think or guess.

"Drawing a Silhouette"

On a sunny day, you can watch the sun with children, how it moves during the day (morning-afternoon-evening), how shadows fall from various items. For example, the shadow from the branches of a tree or bush, etc. Let the children draw the shadows of the trees. It's very entertaining. It turns out the most unusual forest - special.

We drew a lot with children with crayons on the pavement. There were various observations of natural phenomena, such as rainbows. The result of these observations was a large rainbow on the pavement. There were many free topics for drawing, then the most unusual works appeared - drawings. Coming in the evening for the children, the parents were surprised at the creativity of their child. Many hardly believed that their child could do this. At these moments, surprise was read in the eyes of the parents, and pride in the eyes of the children. It costs a lot. It is important for every child to know that he is loved, that his parents are proud and praise him.

Draw, create with children, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about the children's world.

We draw a rainbow

Drawings on a free theme

If you have a boring, inconspicuous paved area in your yard, then these ideas are for you! This may be a wide area near the house or in front of the entrance to it, or a wide path in the yard. There are many such sites in schools and kindergartens. If you want to make the life of children even brighter, diversify their game, then this post is for you!

Arm yourself with colorful paint, rollers and brushes and turn boring asphalt into a fun playground! To do this, you just need to come up with, draw and draw a game on the pavement.

What can be drawn:

  • of course, first of all, the classics;
  • twister;
  • chessboard;
  • favorite playing field board game, where the chips will be the children themselves;
  • labyrinths;
  • track for driving cars or bicycles.

Here are some tips before drawing:

  1. Before applying the pattern, the asphalt should be washed with water from a hose.
  2. Think of a plan on paper. Do it together with your children to make the game really interesting for them.
  3. Take special paint, for external work. Think of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Do not forget to take a tape measure, tape, chalk with you.
  4. Make a small but noticeable fence around the painting so that no one climbs where the paint is not yet dry.

Asphalt games. 3 to 7 years old


1. "Find your place"

Children move around the ball, completing tasks: on the “Triangles” command they try to stand on triangles, on the “Circles” command they occupy circles, etc. With each repetition of the game, the way the children move changes, and the teacher names new figures.

2. "Who is faster?"

2-4 teams participate in the relay race. Everyone lines up on one side of the ball, each team is opposite a certain geometric figure. At the signal of the host, the first team members begin to jump around their figures in order - from the number 1 to the number 5; after completing the task, they jump out of the ball from the opposite side, then the next player. The relay race is repeated - the children perform jumps in reverse order.

Option Jumping on one and two legs with the ball (bag) between the knees.

3. "Convey - do not drop"

Relay race. Children move in numerical order, trying to keep the bag on their heads.

4. "In places"

Children stand on any figure. At the signal of the host “Blue”, the children standing on the blue figures start running around the ball; on the signal "Green" they are joined by children standing on green figures, etc. On the command “In places”, everyone tries to find a figure of their color.

Option. Children move around the ball, hitting the ball in different ways, galloping, high hips, etc.

5. "We jump deftly from bump to bump"

Figure jumping on two legs.

6. "Come and step over"

Walking with stepping over figures.

7. "Don't hurt"

Walking or running a snake between the figures, in a circle.

8. "Snipers"

Ring throwers are placed on the figures. Children are placed behind the contour of the balloon, each with 3 - 5 rings, which, at the signal of an adult, they simultaneously begin to throw on the ring throw. The game ends when the children have no rings left. Hits are counted, the most accurate player is selected, then the game is repeated.

Option. Throwing pouches at a horizontal target in a variety of ways.


1. "Quick command"

Relay race. Two teams line up at the start. The first participant starts the race. As soon as he reaches the finish line, the next player starts, and so on.

Option 1. Carrying a basketball, soccer ball.

Option 2. Running in alternation with jumping over a short rope.

Option 3. two teams start running along the lanes at the same time. The winner is the team that made fewer mistakes on the course and got to the finish line faster.

2. "Hockey slalom"

Drive the ball (puck) with a stick along the track.

3. "Convey - do not drop"

Walking along the path, carry a tennis ball on a racket.

4. "Obstacle Course"

At each turn of the track, a vertical or horizontal hoop is installed. Children, running the distance, crawl into them. The winner is the team whose members completed the task first and made the fewest mistakes.

5. "Come with a bag on your head"

Walking along the contour of the "snake" with a bag on the head.

6. "On a winding path"

Different types walking, running and jumping along the track while maintaining balance.

7. "Catch, throw - do not let fall"

Children line up on the closest part of the track to the leader. He throws the ball to each player in different ways: from below, from the chest, with a hit on the floor. The child catches the ball and returns it to the leader in the same way. Having completed the exercise without error, the children move to the next part of the track. A child who makes a mistake in catching or throwing the ball remains in place until the next attempt. At the end of the game, the winner is chosen by the participant who was on the farthest part of the track from the leading one.

8. "Hit the target"

Ring throwers are placed on different parts of the track, children throw rings on them, all the time increasing the distance between themselves and the ring thrower.

Options. Baskets are placed on the path, into which children throw stuffed bags in various ways.

"Fruits, vegetables, berries"

1. "Hurry up to take the house!"

Each child is in a "vegetable", "berry", "fruit" house. The driver stands in the center - he does not have a house. On the command "Vegetables", the children standing in the vegetable houses begin to change places, etc. The driver must have time to occupy an empty house.2. "Find your garden"

The children are in the houses. At the signal “Apples”, children from apple houses start running around the drawing; at the signal "Carrot" they are joined by players from carrot houses, etc. In the "garden" all players strive to take their original place.

Option. Children move around the picture, hitting the ball with one hand, two hands, or alternately right and left.

3. "Come and step over"

Walking with stepping over "fruits", "vegetables", "berries"

4. "Don't hurt"

Walking and running like a snake between fruit, vegetable and berry houses.

Option 1. Walking like a snake with a pouch on your head.

Option 2. Dribbling the ball with a snake between objects.

"Autumn Leaves"

1. "Ride and knock down"

Children with balls occupy leaflets - houses. Opposite each put a skittle. Rolling the ball, the child tries to knock down the pin.

2. "Sniper"

Each child chooses a leaf - a target, is located opposite, at some distance with a bag, throw it at a horizontal target in different ways.

Option. Ring throws are placed on the leaves - children throw rings on them.

"Ladybug" ("Butterfly")

1. "Who is faster with the ball between the knees?"

Children are divided into two teams, each is located on one side of the ladybug near her wing. On a signal, the first participants begin to jump with the ball between their knees in numerical order. Having completed the task, they run around the ladybug from one side and, passing the ball to the next member of their team, stand at its end.

2. "Convey - do not drop"

Children move through the numbers in numerical order, trying to keep the bag on their heads.

3. "On a round path"

Walking, running, jumping along the contour of a ladybug (butterfly).

4. "Don't hurt"

Running between figures.

5. "Don't step on"

Stepping over, jumping over figures.

6. "Find your number"

Children move around the ladybug (butterfly), completing the task of the teacher: he calls the numbers - the children try to stand on them. With each repetition of the game, the teacher calls a different number.

7. "In places"

Children stand on any number. The host counts loudly from 1 to 13. The child, having heard his number, starts running around the picture. At the signal “In places”, everyone tries to find their place. When the game is repeated, the children move around the ladybug in jumps, gallops.

Option. Each child, whose number was called by the leader, begins to drive the ball around the ladybugs.

8. "Basketball players"

Children, moving in the footsteps, dribble.

Option. Children lead the ball with a snake between the figures.

9. "Sniper"

Children are located behind the contour of the picture and throw stuffed bags, trying to hit different shapes.

Option. Children throw rings on ring throws.

Option. Rolling the balls, the children knock down the skittles mounted on the figures.

"Oak Leaf"

1. "On a winding path"

Walking and running along the contour of the sheet.

2. "Don't hurt!"

Walking, running, snake jumping between insects.

3. "Basketball players" (5-7 years old).

Dribbling the ball with a snake between insects, along the contour of the sheet.

4. "Don't step on"

Walking with stepping over ladybugs and caterpillars.

5. "Jump over!"

Jumping over insects on one or two legs, with the ball between the knees.