Couple is a messenger for face-to-face communication. Pair: a social network just for two Erophants: a game for adults

When we are far from our loved ones, every minute we want to be at least a little together, alone. You can, of course, turn on Skype or facetime and see a familiar face, hear your favorite voice ... But it happens that video calls are not available for some reason or you just want to do something together, even if far away from each other, for example, to play in Online Games or chat in real time, creating at least the illusion of spending time together. Application Developers Couple also faced such a situation, resulting in a very unusual messenger with many different high-quality and sometimes funny features. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is intended ... for only two interlocutors.

So what are the features that make the Couple app stand out from the rest of the messaging apps currently available on the iOS platform? What was the reason for hundreds of thousands of downloads of the application during the first week after launch? Let's take a closer look at the hero of our review.

From the name it becomes clear that the application is not suitable for all iOS users. "Couple" is translated from English as "Couple", and it is couples who can fully enjoy all the functions of the application. The original name of the application ("Pair"), developers with Russian roots decided to change, perhaps due to references to the animal world. Couple in this sense turned out to be more neutral. It should be noted that a separate modification of the application for Swedish families is not yet provided.

To start using the application, you will need to register. To do this, you need to specify your name, email and come up with a password, and, if desired, you can take a photo. The next step is to enter your partner's email address with whom you want to have an individual chat. Here you can also record a video greeting. Then it all depends on your partner - how often he checks his email box. It is there that an invitation will be sent with information that the other half is already waiting for him in the Couple application. Your significant other must also register in the application, and immediately after registration, they will be shown a welcome video and a request to accept the offer. Yes, that's probably why the name of the application was changed (but the word itself still remained)!

Then an empty timeline window will open in front of your eyes with a chat line at the very bottom. In addition to text messages, you can add emoticons and stickers (both free and paid) to the message, as well as something else, which we will discuss in more detail.


By clicking on the plus sign at the bottom left, all are displayed possible options interactions with a partner: you can take a photo or video (or select them from the library), record a voice message, send a freehand drawing or an automatic message “Thinking of you” (“Thinking of you”).

When sending a photo, it is possible to apply one of four filters, as well as block it, that is, specify how long the photo can be viewed. After this time, the photo becomes closed, once and for all. Handy if you want to send something very secret, but there are fears that someone else might see it.

If you swipe the list drop-down from the plus sign to the left, then three more functions will appear: “Finger Kiss” (the author of the article could not think of another worthy analogue of Thumbkiss :), sending a map with your location and a unique function of its kind - joint drawing. "Finger kiss" and drawing make sense when both partners are online and sitting in the application at the same time.

To do a finger kiss, you and your partner must both place their fingers on the screen at the same time; if the fingers find each other (and you see the partner's fingerprint on the screen), then the screen turns red and the phone vibrates. In our opinion, a fun feature, but it is not interesting for normal people to use it more than once or twice.

A completely different thing is a joint drawing. Here the results are limited only by your (and partner's) imagination, as well as a set of colors of 19 pieces and brush thickness (three). If something was drawn wrong, you can always use the eraser, and if you couldn’t draw something intelligible at all, then you can delete the sketch. If you don't like to draw, you can always devote time to your loved one by playing tic-tac-toe together ;-)

Messages can also be deleted from the chat window, the function becomes active from a long tap on an unnecessary message.

Top panel

When you click on the top panel (with the name and photo of your soulmate), access to the so-called "Wallet" opens up, from where you can call your soulmate on the phone or facetime. You can also change your wallet photo and partner photo.


The side menu gives access to photo change, calendar, lists, moments, store and settings. There are also "Tell Friends" and "Help" buttons.

Calendar. It is here that a list of your important dates, both personal and joint, will be stored. Birthdays, planned dates, wedding anniversaries and more can be added to this calendar. Allow the application to send you notifications, and you will definitely never hear from your soulmate: “Have you forgotten WHAT day it is AGAIN ?!”

When setting the date, you can make some notes, as well as indicate how often the event repeats (never or once a year), how much before it should be sent a push notification. When expanding the calendar menu, the three most recent events are displayed, and all events can be viewed through "View All".

Lists. Here you can create lists of anything, and they will instantly be displayed in the application of your partner. Such a kind of competitor "Buy a Baton". After deleting an item from the list, it is displayed who did it - you or your significant other. Why the asterisk is needed on the screen for adding items to the list has not yet been found out (it is quite possible to mark the most important items, but at the time of writing this article this function did not work normally).

Moments. Quick access to all graphics and video files (including drawings) created or sent through the application.

Score. You can buy sticker packs here.

Settings. In the settings, you can set a pin code to enter, turn off message previews, change your profile photo and wallet, specify your gender, as well as your email addresses and phone numbers for calls via FaceTime. Also, separate items are reserved for managing notifications, sounds and vibration (including temporarily turning them off). This is where you can exit the application. Well, if everything is bad and you have not seen push notifications about the wedding planned yesterday, then you can easily part with your soulmate.

Needless to say, all lists and dates are synchronized between your accounts? So do not forget: everything that you see, your soulmate also sees.


Before us is a unique messenger, created only for you and your soulmate. “The third one is superfluous” - this is the principle on which the idea of ​​​​the Couple application is based. No one else will distract you from communicating with your loved one if you are separated by distances. The application is cross-platform, the service is constantly developing, and in the near future they promise to make a web version of the application and implement support for many languages ​​​​(it is surprising that with the three Russian-speaking founders, the Russian language is not yet in the application). Also, the Couple app is absolutely free (not counting stickers, but why are they needed when there is joint drawing and finger kissing?!) Don't be lazy, go to the developer's website to watch a beautiful video about a couple using the Couple app.

But no messenger, even such a specialized one, can replace live communication. Even in the second decade of the 21st century :)

Mobile applications for love and sex are not only entertainment. “They help diversify the intimate life of partners,” says Dmitry Isaev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of more than a hundred scientific works in psychiatry and sexology. “Although, of course, they don’t change it radically. The same principle works here as in fashion. When people look at the models walking the runway, they are in no hurry to put on the same clothes to go to the office the next day. But they get an incentive to rethink what is happening to them, to dream about something. And what will happen to these dreams, this incentive depends on the person.”


Systems: iOS , Android .

English language.

The developers position this application as a social network for two, and at any stage of the relationship. At first, it is absolutely not clear why you need to load another messenger with the ability to transfer photos and videos to your smartphone, even if it is tied with a pink ribbon and powdered with vanilla love. But upon closer examination, a number of funny chips are found in it.

By installing the application for a couple with your soul mate, for example, you can draw a picture together, and one for two, and watch online how your partner drives with a brush. Or, in a separate tab, simultaneously touch the screen, as if touching each other through it, and the phone will vibrate and turn red. Or just remind yourself by sending a cloud with the phrase “thinking of you” with a single keystroke. As the relationship develops, the Lists tab will come in handy, where you can add whatever you want, from a shopping list for dinner to your erotic fantasies. Especially for those who are forgetful, "Reminders" about important dates of your couple will definitely come in handy.

For lovers, with their complete immersion in each other, such a social network for two is perhaps preferable to others. And no one distracts. And there is no danger of sending a candid photo or phrase to someone else.


Systems: iOS , Android .

English language.

It happens that a person is good for everyone, but he grew up quiet and does not want to share his innermost desires with a partner. Relationships need to be developed somehow. This is where Kindu comes to the aid of lovers - an application designed to find common ground in sex between partners.

The mechanism of this mobile service is simple to disgrace. After authorization, both partners receive a list of ideas on how to diversify their joint existence, in total more than 600 options. You can agree to each of them, or reject it with indignation, or choose a “maybe” that leaves hope. After analyzing the answers, the application will find matches that will prompt lovers to ideas for joint leisure. If you are too lazy to answer questions, let Kindu offer you something "of itself". Or fantasize yourself, as far as courage and imagination suffice.

In general, the application resembles a family doctor, who seems to be a little more and a sexologist. He lounges in his chair and periodically gives advice with a smart look: "Sleep together naked more often" or "Imagine that one of you has temporarily lost the ability to move, take care of him, bathe him and put him to bed." All this is in English, which you need to know very well, otherwise you can inadvertently agree to something wrong.


Systems: iOS , Android .

Russian language.

There is no shortage of applications of this kind on the market. iKamasutra compares favorably with analogues in several ways: it is in Russian, the style of presentation is humorous, and it is proposed to pave the way from a beginner to a master on your own by a sober assessment of your capabilities, the strength of the furniture and the choice of position.

It is clear that most of the pleasures are paid. The beginner's package, which includes 80 poses, will cost 110 rubles, and the pros and masters (30 poses each) will cost 66 rubles.

There are whole packages of new poses based on films: you choose, say, "Terminator" and imagine yourself as the father of the savior of mankind. As well as a kind of constructor that will help you choose a position according to three parameters: "Proximity", "Difficulty" and "Strength". We cheated by reducing the significance of the last two parameters as much as possible and desiring the maximum "Proximity". The app recommended the missionary position with a smile.

But the iKamasutra application is alive not only with bodily affairs. Even with free access, the first level of creative ideas is open to help add romance to life. We were offered, for example, to pick up a stone on the street, take it to the jeweler and engrave a phrase about love, giving it to the chosen one. Well, the way to a woman's heart, as you know, lies through romantic impressions.

Erophants: game for adults

System: Android .

Russian language.

Suitable for both unfamiliar people and a couple who have been married for many years, provided that they gather together at the screen of one smartphone. In fact, this is a game of forfeits for undressing. You determine your status at the very beginning, choosing the clothes that you will wear and indicating the available accessories. Among the options there are both harmless (massage oil, chocolate) and quite formidable (anal balls, gag, whip). The terms have been negotiated, it's time to start the round. Partners take turns taking turns completing tasks from the application and trying to earn points, and not lose a phantom.

Forfeits, depending on the chosen means and level, are very different. For example, leaving only underwear on and not refusing various accessories, you start the game by stroking your partner’s hair, but the next task “Hit the priest five times with a whip” seems to hint: there will be no mercy. Sometimes tasks are interspersed with strange questions from the series “Are you a virgin? Just be honest." And even more often - advertising. To turn it off, you have to fork out for 200 rubles. And then, you see, users want to play forfeits for free, and also get complete pleasure.

69 places

System: iOS .

English language.

For couples who are bored of indulging in love pleasures in their bedroom over and over again. The developers of 69 places will tell you new unexpected places for sex. The user can mark in the list those where he would like to try thrill, and those where I have already tried. Based on this, a personal rating is formed, which is visible only to the user himself and allows you to evaluate "progress".

The list is strange and ranges from boring locations like a shower room or an office chair to outright trash like a trash can or even a barbecue. This is where the sex will really be hot!

That's all the features of the application. It is a pity that there are no real places with a brief life hack: there you can negotiate with the watchman, but here the door is never locked. I'm sure it would encourage users to visit all 69 places. Well, or at least 68, leaving the trash can unattended.

For those who do not believe that on the Internet you can meet a worthy man -.

And this is for all fans of useful mobile applications.

A couple of lovers gazing at their smartphones or tablets is a common thing and a familiar sight in any city cafe. It seems that thanks to social networks and the ability to constantly be in touch with the whole world, we have forgotten how to communicate with our closest and loved ones. In fact, everything is not so bad, and in order to prove this, the editors of the site easily found several applications that will help lovers become closer to each other.

Photo App Couple

The story behind this app is quite romantic in itself: several developers from Canada had to move to California for a while while their girlfriends stayed at home. Other gentlemen in such a situation would indulge in simple male pleasures and lead a carefree lifestyle, but not our heroes. They quickly got bored and a month later developed the Pair application for themselves and their girls, later renamed Couple.

The Couple app is a social network for two. With it, you can share audio and video, photos, text messages and location on the map; all entries appear for both users in the feed in chronological order and turn into a history of the couple's relationship.

In addition to the basic features, Couple also has interesting interactive features. Using the app, you can share your to-do list, shopping list, and reminders of important dates. Lovers not devoid of artistic talents can communicate in the format of synchronous finger drawing on the screen - the picture on their devices will appear simultaneously. And finally, the most original feature of Couple - Thumbkiss - "kiss fingers". If you activate it and put your finger on the display, the fingerprint will appear on the screen of the second smartphone in exactly the same place. When the second lover touches the print, the display will turn red, and the "kiss" will be accompanied by vibration and a sound signal.

This application is completely free and available to users of smartphones based on operating systems Google Android and Apple iOS.

The Duet app will help distracted or disorganized lovers.

Photo Application Duet

The motto of the Duet application could very well be the phrase "Let's do it together!". By installing it and linking your account with a partner account, you can exchange suggestions for spending time together: go to a concert or a walk, have a party or a romantic candlelight dinner, read a book or watch a movie - in a word, do whatever comes to your mind. The idea of ​​a partner can be accepted, rejected or offered in return for something of your own.

If there is a desire to spend time together, but there are no interesting ideas, Duet will come to the rescue. The app can give you several ways to spend your time together, from the simple ones (peeling off your phone screen and chatting live) to the completely crazy ones (opening an underground nightclub for close friends). The only drawback of the program is that it is not translated into Russian. However, this is not bad, because this way you can pull up your English together.

This application is completely free and available to users of Apple iOS smartphones.

Fingle is a kind of "Twister" for fingers.

Photo App Fingle

If Couple and Duet make it possible to communicate with a beloved who is far away, then the Fingle app invites you to playfully spend time with a partner who is at arm's length. In this game, you do not need to compete, but go to victory together, precisely coordinating actions. Chips of two colors appear on the playing field - the screen of the iPad tablet computer. They must be aligned with moving or static targets of the appropriate color and held for a few seconds. If the finger loses contact with the screen or the chip is moved from the target, everything will have to start over. As the game progresses and the levels become more difficult, the fingers of the players are intertwined more and more tightly and sometimes in a completely unimaginable way. The Fingle game will seem especially exciting on early stage relationships, when even an accidental touch to a lover causes a flurry of emotions. At the same time, jaded and tried everything couples will find in Fingle a fun and exciting alternative to just holding hands.

The game costs 66 rubles, but it brings a lot of pleasure.

"Love you!" will connect the busiest lovers.

Photo Application "I love you!"

Application "I love you!" created for very busy lovers. On a busy schedule modern life it can be difficult to find time to send a message about how things are going. Shooting a video clip or a photo will not work either: only the desktop with a cup of coffee and a working computer will appear in the frame. But if you do not forget about your beloved even during an endless string of cases, it would be nice to let him know about it, and even make sure that you are remembered.

When installing the program "I love you!" you are given a code that you need to transfer to a partner: thanks to it, it will be possible to link your devices together. Two scales will be displayed on the screen, giving an idea of ​​the intensity of your feelings. Initially, both scales are filled, but over time, their level decreases. To maintain the mark at the maximum level, you need to periodically press the "I love you" button. Otherwise, your partner will soon find out that he has been forgotten and will sound the alarm.

The third wheel in a relationship? It would seem that the answer is unambiguous. But we suggest not to rush, but to get acquainted with the mobile application for iOS and Android - Couple. The authors position their creation as a social network for two. This approach ensures the safety of the intimacy of your relationship with the maximum convenience of communication, joint pastime, photo and video messages. Many familiar to us functions of social networks and web services in the application are implemented in a special way, but ThumbKiss can cause the greatest interest for lovers - touching each other from a distance.

Registration in the application is carried out through a binding to an electronic box. One of the partners registers first, sends an invite to the postal address of his loved one and waits for confirmation. Login using social network profiles is not provided, thereby maintaining the declared anonymity.

No preliminary settings are required from you. Of course, it is worth changing the avatars, especially if you do not like small dogs.

The menu is interesting with automatic detection of your location, as well as a built-in calendar. By default, it contains the dates of your birthdays and the date the relationship started. Each of the pair can fill the calendar with any events, the three nearest of them will be displayed in the menu. The possibilities of the organizer will allow you to set a reminder of the upcoming event and not miss its celebration.

The built-in chat is not particularly remarkable. All the same chatter, snot, emoticons and stickers. The location map is displayed on the screen with one tap on the corresponding icon.

To-do lists are formed together, instantly synchronized. Completed tasks are deleted from the plans.

Consider how the sharing of photos and videos is presented. Direct shooting or selection from the gallery is provided. Built-in filters are not of great artistic value. Of greater interest is the possibility of sending a secret.

Depending on your choice, the photo can be viewed only when you tap on it, or it will be deleted altogether after a specified amount of time.

Correspondence, posting photos and videos, and all actions in general are combined into a timeline. You can track whether your activity has been viewed by a partner, and you can also remove any event from the general history.

Before moving on to the most unexpected feature of the application, let's mention the possibility of sending a voice message, as well as spending time together at the drawing board.

The declared possibility of an instant call is not such. There are no Viber functions here, the usual transition to the phone dialer.

The moment of truth. ThumbKiss™ invites us to feel our loved one from a distance. When you touch the screen of your mobile, your partner will see a trace on their phone. A return touch will cause the two smartphones to vibrate.

You can use your personal relationship diary not only on seemingly irreconcilable iOS and Android, but also through the web interface. I would also like to note the ease, smoothness, responsiveness and high speed of synchronization of actions.

Let's summarize. Couple is a modern tool for fixing your relationship feed, replacing the photo albums and video archives of past generations. The application has not only absorbed many of the features of social networks that are familiar to us, but has brought something new to electronic communication.

Today is the day of all lovers, but outside the window the working day is in full swing, which means that most of them will have to keep in touch at a distance in the morning. With application Couple it will be easier to do so. This application is a very unusual messenger in which you will be deprived of your contact list. You can communicate with only one person - your other half.

I am sure that most readers, having seen the previous sentence, have already tuned in negatively towards Couple. Well, this point of view is quite understandable. The main feature of the application - communication with one person - is at the same time its main drawback. How many will want to install another messenger on smartphones that are already loaded with software?

If the answer to the question is still yes, then you can read a brief overview of the main functions of Couple below. There are a lot of unusual features here. First of all, you will need to register in the application using your own email address, a similar procedure must be performed by your partner. After that, one sends an invitation to the other to create a pair, and the other accepts. At this preparatory stage is completed and you can start using the application.

Now consider the possibilities of conversation. In addition to the usual text correspondence, you can do a few other interesting things in Couple. There are quite traditional options for sending a photo, video or voice message. Directly from the messenger, you can make a Face Time call or send your soul mate your current location. Probably useful in acute cases of jealousy. Even in Couple you can draw a simple drawing and immediately send it. You can also draw simultaneously on the same canvas. There is an interesting way to remind yourself. We click on the cloud icon and a reminder is sent to the partner that you are thinking about him. And finally, there is a bit of fun involved in matching two prints. Everyone holds their finger on the screen of their device and when matched, the device will vibrate.

Such rich functionality for a messenger contains Couple. However, everything is broken down by the extremely narrow focus of the application. On the one hand, we have a great idea and no less wonderful implementation. On the other hand, I personally have big doubts about the prospects of Couple. Excluding the main drawback of the program, everything else is done at a very high level. But it is better, of course, to communicate with your loved one live.
