Rebuses in Russian on the topic of the verb. Methodological development "entertaining exercises in the Russian language"

In the 1st grade, children do not know how to write letters, but they love to draw very much. And one of the first homework in grade 1: draw a rebus. Such a task is also found in the ABC of many authors.

"How to draw a rebus in 1st grade?" parents ask. Very simple. You just need to know the rules for compiling puzzles. These rules are easily remembered by children and they like them very much. Knowing the riddles of puzzles, you can easily solve mathematical puzzles or puzzles in Russian in grade 5.

Rebuses develop the logical thinking of first graders, imagination and horizons. And they really like not only to solve puzzles, but also to compose them.

In grade 1, you can hold a puzzle competition, where children will show their ingenuity and artistic abilities.

We offer puzzles with answers. Each first grader will be able to come up with and draw a rebus for any word from the textbook.

Puzzles drawn by children in grade 1

Answer: window

Answer: beads

Answer: school

Sections: Primary School

Games, riddles, crosswords, charades, rebuses teach children to think figuratively, compare, find differences, turn one object into another. Sometimes students have an independent spontaneous need to come up with an image to memorize the spelling of a difficult word. In addition to all this, schoolchildren develop great attention to the word, its structure, composition. They see the word from different sides, learn to think, talk about it. There may also be errors in the work, but with the skillful direction of the thought process, everything is easily eliminated, and truth is born in a dispute.

Unchecked unstressed vowels.

1. Games "10 OS"

Os- - a
On this wasp in October there is gilding,
Os- - a
And this one grows in a meadow by a swamp,
- os-a
This one has green needles on its paws,
- os - - - a-
It's dangerous to play games on this
- os - - - a - -
This wasp flies to the moon
- os - - - - a
This one grows thin and melts in the sun,
- - os - - - - a - -
This wasp is sold in a bottle
- os - - - a
This one is afraid of mustard and a fork,
- os - a
From this the baby sleeps in the cradle,
- o - s - - - - a
This class sneaks like a mouse.

Answer: aspen, sedge, pine, pavement, astronaut, icicle, curdled milk, sausage, nipple, hint.

2. "Field of Miracles"

Some letters are already open. The rest is up to you. Solve and write down the proverb about winter.

D - ka- - - - o - - - - - - - -, and z - mu n - - - on- - .

Answer: December ends the year, and winter begins.

3. "Three magpies."

  1. Nightingale, lark, cockatoo.
  2. Owl, crow, quail.
  3. Falcon, sparrow, canary.

4. Charades.

The first is a note, the second is also,
And the whole is like a bean. (Beans)

The first is an excuse, the second is a summer house,
And the whole is sometimes difficult to solve. (A task).

5. Puzzles

6. "Vocabular Domino"

The game can be made up of vocabulary words for any class. To do this, cut out 28 cards with a size of 5 × 8 cm. Words with a missing letter are written in the upper part of the cards, and only letters that were missed in other words are written in the lower part. The task of the children is to substitute a card with the image of the letter that is needed in this word to the word with the missing letter. The student who has a card with the word "Motherland" goes first. (Look Attachment 1)

Dominoes can be made on any topic.

7. Graphic associations.

The essence of the method is to see the similarity of the shape of letters and objects. Children make their own drawings, you can do it right in the notebook at the lessons.

Try these tricks! You have no idea how interesting and exciting it is!

Unpronounceable consonants.

There are consonants such as V, D, T, L.
Not all words are heard
But everywhere they are needed.
To know where to write them,
We need to check the word.

sad - sadness
I will not be sad.
Sad - "T" will not forget.

Late - check late,
In the word late "D" was written.

In the word sun "L" we do not hear.
Let's write the word sun.

Star - check the star.
Star - "D" always write.

In the word hello "B" is not heard,
Let's check health.
We wish you all good health
And in the word hello "B" do not forget.


Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop. (Heart)

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

When I lie on my back
There is no use in me
But push me against the wall
There will be a case for me right away. (Stairs).

Spelling hissing zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

1. Riddles

She drank in her mouth, she lived under water.
She scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now she got into the boiler. (Pike)

They live on the roof
They are very fond of cats. (Mice)

Wild rose with bright red berries. (Rose hip).

Knocking, knocking all day
Nobody is afraid.
He considers the whole century,
But not a person. (Watch)

Dishes with a long nose and a round tail. (Kettle).

2. Puzzles

3. Crosswords

4. Replace with one word.

  • A ruminant with a very long neck. (Giraffe).
  • What is the most valuable thing for a person? (Life).
  • 60 minutes (hour).
  • Dense dense forest. (Thicket).
  • Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike).
  • What are heavy pans made of? (Cast iron).
  • Animals that carry food on their backs. (Hedgehogs).

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

1. Charades.

With a deaf consonant I pour into the field,
With a voiced - I myself ring in expanse. (Spike - voice).

With the deaf - she cuts the grass,
With a voiced - it eats the leaves. (Kosa - goat).

With "m" - pleasant, golden, very sweet and fragrant.
It happens with the letter “l” in winter, and disappears in spring. (Honey - ice).

With a deaf hissing round, like a ball,
With voiced - like a hot fire. (Ball - heat).

2. The game "Chain".

One of the students calls a word with a voiced or deaf consonant, the person sitting next to him calls the test word. For example: friend - friend, tooth - teeth, etc.

3. Riddles.

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word.

I'll pull the rope - the mountain will rise. (Camel).

The old joker does not order to stand on the street,
Pulls home by the nose. (Freezing).

He follows you
At least it stays in place. (Track).

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants before consonants.

Born in the forest, lives in the forest. (Boat).

Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow).

Forest on one side and field on the other. (Coat).

4. Crossword.

With n e to and
P R s to and
f l a to and
to R s to and
about R e to and

Exercises to enrich the vocabulary of children.

1. Replace with one word of 4 letters:

Buddy - …. , the enemy is ... ,
Soldier - ..., work - ..., walk - ....

2. Find the hidden word.

Shed (lion), fishing rod (daughter), scythe (wasp), pillar (table), slot (spruce).

3. Guess the word.

K - r - n d - w (pencil), d - f - r n - d (on duty), l - s t - p - d (leaf fall), s - m - sh k - (winter).

∩ ^ ; ∩ ^ ; ¬ ∩ ^ ; ∩ ; ¬ ∩ ^ ; ∩; ¬ ∩.

Children come up with words for these schemes.

Of course, work with object-shaped and schematic models develops phonemic hearing, spelling vigilance and cognitive activity, as it corresponds to the age characteristics of primary school students.


The proposed methodology is of a developmental nature, thereby realizing the leading goal of primary education. It transfers the student from the state of the object of learning to the subject of studying educational material. The student learns according to his abilities, he develops interest, a sense of satisfaction, a desire to work.

Of course, the development of a new one is a complex and contradictory process. Any methods and techniques only become effective when they are naturally woven into the already established methodological system, accepted by the teacher and tested in practice.

In this article, we described the methodology for studying the spelling of unverifiable unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, paired voiced and deaf consonants, words with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, and also described exercises aimed at enriching the vocabulary of children.

The results obtained confirmed the high efficiency of this technique. At the same time, students expand their horizons, improve their speech skills, develop logical thinking, which, in turn, contributes to the strength of assimilation of the material.

Sections: Primary School

Games, riddles, crosswords, charades, rebuses teach children to think figuratively, compare, find differences, turn one object into another. Sometimes students have an independent spontaneous need to come up with an image to memorize the spelling of a difficult word. In addition to all this, schoolchildren develop great attention to the word, its structure, composition. They see the word from different sides, learn to think, talk about it. There may also be errors in the work, but with the skillful direction of the thought process, everything is easily eliminated, and truth is born in a dispute.

Unchecked unstressed vowels.

1. Games "10 OS"

Os- - a
On this wasp in October there is gilding,
Os- - a
And this one grows in a meadow by a swamp,
- os-a
This one has green needles on its paws,
- os - - - a-
It's dangerous to play games on this
- os - - - a - -
This wasp flies to the moon
- os - - - - a
This one grows thin and melts in the sun,
- - os - - - - a - -
This wasp is sold in a bottle
- os - - - a
This one is afraid of mustard and a fork,
- os - a
From this the baby sleeps in the cradle,
- o - s - - - - a
This class sneaks like a mouse.

Answer: aspen, sedge, pine, pavement, astronaut, icicle, curdled milk, sausage, nipple, hint.

2. "Field of Miracles"

Some letters are already open. The rest is up to you. Solve and write down the proverb about winter.

D - ka- - - - o - - - - - - - -, and z - mu n - - - on- - .

Answer: December ends the year, and winter begins.

3. "Three magpies."

  1. Nightingale, lark, cockatoo.
  2. Owl, crow, quail.
  3. Falcon, sparrow, canary.

4. Charades.

The first is a note, the second is also,
And the whole is like a bean. (Beans)

The first is an excuse, the second is a summer house,
And the whole is sometimes difficult to solve. (A task).

5. Puzzles

6. "Vocabular Domino"

The game can be made up of vocabulary words for any class. To do this, cut out 28 cards with a size of 5 × 8 cm. Words with a missing letter are written in the upper part of the cards, and only letters that were missed in other words are written in the lower part. The task of the children is to substitute a card with the image of the letter that is needed in this word to the word with the missing letter. The student who has a card with the word "Motherland" goes first. (Look Attachment 1)

Dominoes can be made on any topic.

7. Graphic associations.

The essence of the method is to see the similarity of the shape of letters and objects. Children make their own drawings, you can do it right in the notebook at the lessons.

Try these tricks! You have no idea how interesting and exciting it is!

Unpronounceable consonants.

There are consonants such as V, D, T, L.
Not all words are heard
But everywhere they are needed.
To know where to write them,
We need to check the word.

sad - sadness
I will not be sad.
Sad - "T" will not forget.

Late - check late,
In the word late "D" was written.

In the word sun "L" we do not hear.
Let's write the word sun.

Star - check the star.
Star - "D" always write.

In the word hello "B" is not heard,
Let's check health.
We wish you all good health
And in the word hello "B" do not forget.


Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop. (Heart)

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

When I lie on my back
There is no use in me
But push me against the wall
There will be a case for me right away. (Stairs).

Spelling hissing zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

1. Riddles

She drank in her mouth, she lived under water.
She scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now she got into the boiler. (Pike)

They live on the roof
They are very fond of cats. (Mice)

Wild rose with bright red berries. (Rose hip).

Knocking, knocking all day
Nobody is afraid.
He considers the whole century,
But not a person. (Watch)

Dishes with a long nose and a round tail. (Kettle).

2. Puzzles

3. Crosswords

4. Replace with one word.

  • A ruminant with a very long neck. (Giraffe).
  • What is the most valuable thing for a person? (Life).
  • 60 minutes (hour).
  • Dense dense forest. (Thicket).
  • Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike).
  • What are heavy pans made of? (Cast iron).
  • Animals that carry food on their backs. (Hedgehogs).

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

1. Charades.

With a deaf consonant I pour into the field,
With a voiced - I myself ring in expanse. (Spike - voice).

With the deaf - she cuts the grass,
With a voiced - it eats the leaves. (Kosa - goat).

With "m" - pleasant, golden, very sweet and fragrant.
It happens with the letter “l” in winter, and disappears in spring. (Honey - ice).

With a deaf hissing round, like a ball,
With voiced - like a hot fire. (Ball - heat).

2. The game "Chain".

One of the students calls a word with a voiced or deaf consonant, the person sitting next to him calls the test word. For example: friend - friend, tooth - teeth, etc.

3. Riddles.

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word.

I'll pull the rope - the mountain will rise. (Camel).

The old joker does not order to stand on the street,
Pulls home by the nose. (Freezing).

He follows you
At least it stays in place. (Track).

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants before consonants.

Born in the forest, lives in the forest. (Boat).

Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow).

Forest on one side and field on the other. (Coat).

4. Crossword.

With n e to and
P R s to and
f l a to and
to R s to and
about R e to and

Exercises to enrich the vocabulary of children.

1. Replace with one word of 4 letters:

Buddy - …. , the enemy is ... ,
Soldier - ..., work - ..., walk - ....

2. Find the hidden word.

Shed (lion), fishing rod (daughter), scythe (wasp), pillar (table), slot (spruce).

3. Guess the word.

K - r - n d - w (pencil), d - f - r n - d (on duty), l - s t - p - d (leaf fall), s - m - sh k - (winter).

∩ ^ ; ∩ ^ ; ¬ ∩ ^ ; ∩ ; ¬ ∩ ^ ; ∩; ¬ ∩.

Children come up with words for these schemes.

Of course, work with object-shaped and schematic models develops phonemic hearing, spelling vigilance and cognitive activity, as it corresponds to the age characteristics of primary school students.


The proposed methodology is of a developmental nature, thereby realizing the leading goal of primary education. It transfers the student from the state of the object of learning to the subject of studying educational material. The student learns according to his abilities, he develops interest, a sense of satisfaction, a desire to work.

Of course, the development of a new one is a complex and contradictory process. Any methods and techniques only become effective when they are naturally woven into the already established methodological system, accepted by the teacher and tested in practice.

In this article, we described the methodology for studying the spelling of unverifiable unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, paired voiced and deaf consonants, words with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, and also described exercises aimed at enriching the vocabulary of children.

The results obtained confirmed the high efficiency of this technique. At the same time, students expand their horizons, improve their speech skills, develop logical thinking, which, in turn, contributes to the strength of assimilation of the material.

Good afternoon, our dear readers! All children want to have a well-deserved vacation in the summer. But how to make sure that during the holidays they do not lose the knowledge that they received during the school year? Offer them fascinating puzzles in the Russian language, which will perfectly train the mind and thinking of the child in a relaxed atmosphere.

This is not all the advantages of exciting puzzles. Read carefully our article, which, in addition to a selection of 17 colorful tasks for children of different ages and levels of training, lists the basic rules for solving them, and there is also a list of points about the undeniable benefits of such a seemingly not very serious lesson.

Why are puzzles useful?

The name "rebus" is of Latin origin. There was a saying Non verbis sed rebus - "Not with words, but with the help of things." So, Rebus is translated as "object" or "thing". When solving puzzles, the child has to remember the names of the objects that he sees in the picture, and do with them the manipulations encrypted in the task. And this is a whole logical chain. What else, besides an interesting pastime, gives the solution of such creative tasks to children?

  • development of intelligence, memory, attention and literacy;
  • increase in vocabulary due to the selection of synonyms;
  • development of perseverance, patience, focus on results;
  • learning in the form of a game or competition;
  • logic training by performing several actions in the mind.

Basic rules for compiling puzzles

Often, children turn to older relatives for help in solving puzzles. So that this does not cause difficulties, we list the basic rules for their compilation:

  • Inverted picture - read the title from left to right.
  • Comma - we throw out a letter from a word. How many commas, how many letters we remove.
  • Strikethrough letter - exclude it from the name of the subject.
  • The letter next to the crossed out one or the use of the “=” sign - we replace the letter.
  • Numbers above the picture - we use only those letters whose serial number is indicated in the task.
  • The number in the rebus - we write it in a word: 1 can mean "one", "one" or "count".
  • One letter inside another - use the preposition "in".
  • Image after image - the preposition "for".
  • One item above, one below - prepositions "above" or "under".
  • Letters or images nearby are prepositions "and", "y", "at".

Puzzles for younger students

For schoolchildren in grades 1-2, the simplest puzzles are suitable. It will be interesting for children to observe how, when replacing only one letter in a word, it takes on a completely different meaning.


Pupils in grades 3-4 already have a broader outlook and are able to solve problems in several actions. Therefore, for them it is worth choosing encryptions that can be solved in 2-3 stages:



Puzzles for middle and high school students

Students in grades 5-6 will enjoy thinking about pictures that remind them of something in their Everyday life. Therefore, computer accessories will be very handy. The ability to select synonyms will also come in handy, because the same image can be called both a “snake” and a “cobra”.




Grade 7 and older students are already familiar with many rules and concepts of the Russian language. Give them these riddles:

The answer was received as follows: in the word "flag" we replace "f" with "g", in the word "bolt" we exclude the first and last letters.

And what about the system of signs and the rules for their placement? What term is used for this?


Solution: in the word "punk" we replace the second letter with "y", then we add "T" at "A", we exclude the last 2 letters from the word "circus". We get punk-tua-qi-ya.

And this rebus can be offered to real scholars:


How did we get the answer? The first part of the answer is not difficult: "ska" + "zu". And then we see the inverted symbol "omega", which should be read as "agemo". We discard the first two letters and get "emo". We collect the word: say + zu + emo + e.

(Green participle)

Solution: “children" + "E" at "H" + "clock" + "tiger" + "E". We get "germs".

And, finally, a task that will captivate the company of high school students or all members of the same family for a long time:

The whole sentence is encrypted here. We get the answer like this:

  1. From the word "gift" we take 1, 2, 7, 4, 3 characters. We get "bye".
  2. From the word "candy" we take 5 and 6 letters: We get "et".
  3. From the "list" we take only "and".
  4. From "protein" - "ka".
  5. From the "beetle" we leave "g".
  6. From "house" - "d".
  7. From "mouse" - "s".
  8. From "iodine" - "th".
  9. From the "fan" we take "in".
  10. From "shore" - "take".
  11. From "meter" we get "those".
  12. From "pen" - "by".
  13. We pronounce V "Z" "Ros". We get "adult".
  14. From the "forest" we take "le".
  15. From the "list" we leave "whether".
  16. We call the object - "hats".
  17. We say: over "E" "Li". We get "put on".

So, the long-awaited answer:

While the children - each in a beret, matured - put on hats.

So that's not all, it turns out! It's a mystery! And the answer to the riddle is mushrooms.

Russian language in puzzles - exciting and useful

Puzzles are a great way to diversify the learning process and organize leisure activities in an interesting way. We advise you to offer not only ready-made tasks to your child, but also to compose them yourself and motivate the child to do this.

During the walk, write a word on the ground with a stick and ask the child to replace one letter with another so that a new word is obtained. Let him cross out the letter that he replaced, and write a new one on top. Congratulate him on completing his first puzzle. And go on! And we will give some tips on how to solve puzzles with your son or daughter so that it will be beneficial:

  • Do not solve the puzzle for the student if it is school homework. Ask what exactly caused the difficulty, and explain how to get out of the situation.
  • Introduce your child to the basic rules for solving puzzles.
  • If the kid cannot solve the task in his mind, let him write the answer in parts on paper.
  • Practice more often at home, on a walk, on a trip.
  • Act unobtrusively.

Explanatory note

A rebus is a riddle in the form of a picture with letters or signs that help to understand the essence of the task and the answer. Children perceive information better during the game, so puzzles often come to the aid of parents. In addition, they perfectly develop logic, thinking.

Unlike a simple riddle, where the basis is a verbal description, the rebus also develops logical figurative thinking, teaches the child to perceive a graphic image outside the box, and also trains visual memory and spelling.

Guessing rules - commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. If a letter is crossed out, it must be removed from the word. Most children show interest in games - puzzles, in entertaining tasks.

One of the places of honor is occupied by puzzles of various types.

They contribute:

Expanding the horizons of children;

The development of the child's speech through unraveled words, riddles, proverbs, small rhymes;

Acquaintance with the surrounding world and natural phenomena;

Development of visual and motor memory, attention through bright drawings, pictures.


As in any game, in this case there are also rules, without knowing which, most of the riddles cannot be solved. In more detail, of course, I will tell about them.

1. If there is a comma in front of the rebus, then the first letter from this word should be deleted. If behind - then the last. If there are several commas, then the same number of letters should be excluded.

2. If there is a crossed out letter in the rebus drawing, then it should be removed from the word. If another letter stands exactly next to it, then you just need to replace one with another.

3. A row of numbers is written under the picture. This means that the word consists of letters that are under these numbers in the corresponding sequence.

4. If one drawing is located in another or on it, or in any other position, except as a trace, then a preposition should be added between their meanings: in, on, above, under, etc.

This is an entertaining game not only for children, but also for adults. Test your logic!

Answer: spelling

Answer: case

Answer: vocabulary

Answer: word

Answer: grammar

Answer: declination

Answer: dictation

Answer: letter

Answer: attachment

Answer: subject

Answer: ending

Answer: accent

Answer: adjective

Answer: interjection

Answer: subject

Answer: phrase

Answer: verb

Answer: root

Answer: noun

Answer: hyphen

Answer: colon

Answer: predicate

Answer: offer

Answer: spelling

Answer: Russian

Answer: comma


1. - presentation template

2. - puzzles
