K. Biography Selevko G.K Encyclopedia of educational technologies Selevko

The book presents a systematic analysis of the goals of teaching, development and education in a comprehensive school. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the mechanisms of the formation of a socially successful personality. The paper describes effective pedagogical technologies of training and education that reduce energy costs on the part of teachers, develop students' motivation by changing the student's position from passive to active. Particular attention is paid to the problem of knowledge assessment. The book is intended for teachers and leaders of the education system.

The work belongs to the genre Educational literature. It was published in 2008 by Karo. The book is part of the Pedagogical View (Karo) series. On our website you can download the book "Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. 2nd edition" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Selevko German Konstantinovich (February 15, 1932, Yaroslavl) - Academician of the MAPE, professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences

He began his career at a factory, from where he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army and sent to the military. flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.

In 1954 he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished and his first printed works appeared. After graduating from the institute, he, as an advanced teacher, was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transitioning secondary schools to 11-year education.

In 1962 he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute of Evening Schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he completed ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and in Yaroslavl pedagogical institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty. In 1967 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

In 1985 he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy in Yaroslavl regional institute advanced training. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989, for successful scientific and pedagogical activity, he was awarded the academic title of professor. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty of social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.

For active work in the preparation of teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded a medal them. K.D. Ushinsky.

G.K. Selevko develops the technology of self-development of the human personality as a continuous system from kindergarten before graduating from a professional educational institution, enriches it with new practical tasks-situations, travels to schools, consults teachers, listens to their advice.

Since 2000, four interregional scientific and practical conferences have been held, at which more than a thousand teachers shared their experience.

But the main business of G.K. Selevko is the Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies, published in two volumes in 2006 by the Narodnoye obrazovanie publishing house.

German Konstantinovich actively participates in international cooperation, makes presentations at international symposiums, meetings, including those in near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Slovakia).

Books (5)

Know thyself

A collection of developmental activities for fifth grade students. Textbook, a collection of developing activities.

The book opens the "Personal Improvement" series and is intended for students in the fifth grade of high school as a teaching aid for the "Know Yourself" section.

It provides various information about the psychology of personality. The main qualities of a person in the moral, mental, volitional and emotional spheres are considered, methods of self-knowledge and self-esteem are given.

Realize yourself. A collection of developmental activities for students in grade 11

The book is dedicated to the formation of the personality of a graduate who strives to realize all his potentials, who has a sense of social responsibility, who knows how to use and multiply spiritual and material wealth society.

The books are intended for students and teachers, psychologists and educators, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of development and self-improvement of the individual.

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 1

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 2

The book is teaching aid new generation.

About 500 teaching technologies, educational and socio-educational technologies are presented; in a separate chapter, pedagogical technologies are highlighted based on the use of modern information tools.

Methodological basis books became the concept of educational technology G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the material necessary for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, Varieties, Followers"). The manual also includes control questions to the content of the chapters and answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and presents some technologies of the future.

It is intended for a wide range of educators, teachers and students of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

M.: 2006. T.1 - 816s., T.2 - 816s.

The book is a teaching aid of a new generation. About 500 teaching technologies, educational and socio-educational technologies are presented; in a separate chapter, pedagogical technologies are highlighted based on the use of modern information tools

The methodological basis of the book was the concept of educational technology by G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the material necessary for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, varieties, followers"). The manual also includes control questions for the content of the chapters and answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and presents some technologies of the future. It is intended for a wide range of educators, teachers and students of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

Volume 1

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Volume 2

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Preface to the first volume
Introduction: Technological Approach in Education
I. Basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of educational technologies
1.1. The main categories and patterns of pedagogy
1.2. The personality of the child as an object and subject in educational technology
1.3. Knowledge, skills, skills (KN)
1.4. Ways of mental action (COURT)
1.5. Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SMS)
1.6. The sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of a person (SES)
1.7. Effective-Practical Sphere of Personality (SPD)
1.8. Sphere of creative qualities (STK)
1.9. Sphere of Psychophysiological Development (SPFR)
1.10. Age and individual personality traits

II. Theoretical Foundations of Modern Educational and Pedagogical Technologies
2.1. Modern interpretations of the concept of pedagogical technology
2.2. The structure of pedagogical technology
2.3. Terminological relationships
2.4. The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies
2.5. Scientific foundations of pedagogical technologies
2.6. Classification of pedagogical technologies
2.7. Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology
Questions and tasks for self-control
III. Modern Traditional Learning (TO)
3.1. Classical traditional class-lesson teaching technology
3.2. Technology of classical and modern lesson
3.3. Ways to improve traditional technology
Questions and tasks for self-control
IV. Pedagogical technologies based on the humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process
4.1. Cooperation Pedagogy
4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili
4.3. E.N. system Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person
4.4. Technology of vitagein education (A.S. Belkin)
Questions and tasks for self-control
V. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities (active teaching methods)
5.1. Gaming technologies
5.2. Problem learning
5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning
5.4. Interactive technologies.
5.5. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture (E.I. Passov)
5.6. Learning intensification technology based on schematic and sign models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)
Questions and tasks for self-control
VI. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process
6.1. Programmed learning technology
6.2. Technologies of level differentiation
6.3. Technology of differentiated learning according to the interests of children (I.N. Zakatova)
6.4. Technologies of individualization of education (I.E. Unt, A.S. Grapitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)
6.5. Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
6.6. Group activity technologies
6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: prospective-anticipatory learning using reference schemes under commented control
Questions and tasks for self-control
VII. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material
7.1. "Ecology and Dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov)
7.2. "Dialogue of Cultures" (B.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)
7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)
7.4. Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich)
7.5. Modular learning technologies (P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Seinovsky, M.A. Choshanov)
7.6. Technologies of integration in education
7.7. Models of content integration in academic disciplines
7.8. Concentrated Learning Technologies
7.9. Didactic multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg
Questions and tasks for self-control
VIII. Private subject pedagogical technologies
8.1. Technology of early and intensive teaching of literacy (N.A. Zaitsev)
8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school
8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)
8.4. Pedagogical technology based on the system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)
8.5. The system of phased education in physics (N.N. Paltyshev)
8.6. Technology of musical education of schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky
8.7. Technologies for teaching fine arts at school
8.8. Author's pedagogical technologies "Teachers of the Year of Russia"
8. 9. Technologies of textbooks and teaching kits
Questions and tasks for self-control
IX. Alternative Technologies
9.1. Technology of productive education (Productive Learning)
9. 2. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)
9.3. Workshop technology.
9.4. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy)
Questions and tasks for self-control
X. Environmentally friendly technologies
10.1. Technologies of physical education, saving and health promotion
10.2. Nature-friendly technologies for teaching reading and writing (A.M. Kushnir)
10.3. Nature-friendly learning technology foreign language A.M. Kushnira
10.4. Technology of teaching children with signs of giftedness
Questions and tasks for self-control
XI. Technologies of free education
11.1. Summerhill Free School Technology (A. Neill)
11.2. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy
11.3. Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)
11.4. Technology of self-development (M. Moptessori)
11.5. Dalton Plan Technology (X. Parkhurst)
11.6. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
11.7. Narc School (M.A. Balaban)
11.8. A holistic model of a free school by T.P. Voitenko
Questions and tasks for self-control

Subject index
name index

Preface to the second volume
Introduction. Summary introductory (theoretical) chapters of the first volume
The main categories of pedagogy
Personality as an object and subject of educational technology
The structure of the personality traits of the child
Knowledge, skills, skills (KN)
Ways of mental action (COURT)
Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SMS)
The sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of a person (SES)
Effective-Practical Sphere of Personality (SPD)
Sphere of creative qualities (STK)
Sphere of Psychophysiological Development (SPFR)
Age and individual personality traits
The essence of the technological approach in education
Correlation between "technology" and other pedagogical concepts
The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies
Classification of pedagogical technologies
Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology
XII. Technologies of developing education
12.1. The system of developing education L.V. Zankov
12.2. Developmental learning technology D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov
12.3. Technology of diagnostic direct developmental education (A.A. Vostrikov)
12.4. Systems of developmental education with a focus on the development of creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov)
12. 5. Personally oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya)
12. 6. Technology of self-development of the student's personality A.A. Ukhtomsky - G. K. Selevko
12. 7. School of Authorized Education (N.N. Khaladzhan, M.N. Khaladzhan)
12. 8. Integrative technology of developing education L.G. Peterson
Questions and tasks for self-control
XIII. Information and communication educational technologies
13. 1. Technologies for the formation of information culture
13.2. Technology of using ICT tools in subject education
13.3. Technologies of a computer lesson
13.4. Technology of preparing a subject teacher for computer classes
13.5. Technology of using the Internet in the educational process
13.6. Education and socialization by mass media and communication
13.7. Technology of media education
13.8. Use of ICT tools in school management
Questions and tasks for self-control
XIV. Social and educational technologies
14.1. Family education technologies
14.2. Technologies of preschool education
14.3. Technology "School - the center of education in the social environment" (S. T. Shatsky)
14.4. Technologies of socio-pedagogical complexes
14.5. Technologies of additional education
14.6. Technologies of labor and professional upbringing and education
14.7. Technologies for raising and educating children with problems
14.8. Technologies of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and support for children with disabilities (disabled people)
14.9. Technologies for the rehabilitation of children with impaired social ties and relationships
14.10. Public relations technology (PR-technologies)
Questions and tasks for self-control
XV. educational technologies
15.1. The technology of communist education of the Soviet period
15. 2. The technology of "hard" collective education A.S. Makarenko
15. 3. Technology of collective creative education I.P. Ivanova
15. 4. Technology of humane collective education V.A. Sukhomlinsky
15. 5. Education technology based on a systematic approach (L.I. Novikova, V.A. Karakovsky, N.L. Selivanova)
15. 6. Technologies of education in modern mass school
15. 7. Technology of educational work with the class team (according to E.H. Stepanov)
15. 8. Technologies of individualized (personalized) education
15.9. Education in the learning process
15.10. The technology of organizing self-education according to A.I. Kochetov
15.11. Technologies for educating the spiritual culture of the younger generation
15.12. Technologies of religious (confessional) education
15.13. Technologies of education of subjective social activity of a person
Questions and tasks for self-control
XVI. Pedagogical technologies of author's schools
16.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg)
16.2. Model "Russian School" (I.F. Goncharov)
16.3. Technology of the author's School of Self-Determination (A.N. Tubelsky)
16.4. Pedagogical Gymnasium (A.G. Kasprzhak)
16.6. Modern rural socio-cultural complex (A.Z. Andreiko)
16.7. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)
16.8. Distance Education Center "Eidos" (A.V. Khutorskoy, G.A. Andrianova)
16.9. Other types of copyright schools
Questions and tasks for self-control
XVII. Technologies of intraschool management
17.1. Control technology general education school(according to B.C. Lazarev, A.M. Potashnik)
17.2. Technology methodical work At school
17.3. Technology of pedagogical experiment
17.4. Technology of intraschool control and monitoring
17.5. Technologies for designing and mastering new technologies
Questions and tasks for self-control
Answers to questions and tasks for self-control
Subject index
name index

Selevko G.K.




Volume 1


public education


V.G. Bocharova- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow

K.Ya. vase- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Professional, Pedagogical Technologies VGIPA, Nizhny Novgorod

A.G. Kasprzhak- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored. Russian school teacher, Moscow

A.M. Kushnir– Doctor of Psychology, Moscow

O.G. Levina- candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy. Director of MOU "Provincial College", Yaroslavl

R.V. Ovcharova- Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of General and Social Psychology, KSU, Kurgan

E.N. Stepanov- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Theory and Methods of Education IPKRO, Pskov

Selevko G.K.

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. In 2 vols. T. 1. - M .: National education, 2005.

The book is a teaching aid of a new generation. It consists of two volumes, the contents of the second volume being a direct continuation of the first; their separation is dictated by an exceptionally large amount of material.

About 500 technologies are described in the two-volume book. The logic of the presentation is based on the classification of technologies in the direction of modernizing the traditional education system. In addition, the manual describes not only teaching technologies, but also educational and socio-educational technologies, pedagogical technologies are singled out in a separate chapter based on the use of modern information tools.

The methodological basis of the book is the concept of educational technology by G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the necessary material for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, Varieties, Followers"). The manual also includes control questions to the content of the chapters and answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the vast world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and also presents some of the technologies of the future. Designed for students of pedagogical educational institutions, teachers and a wide range of educators.

© Selevko G.K.

© Public Education

Introduction: Technological Approach in Education 10

I. Basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of educational technologies 13

1.2. The personality of the child as an object and subject in educational technology 17

1.3. Knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN) 21

1.4. Ways of mental action (CUD) 23

1.5. Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SMS) 25

1.6. The sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of a person (SES) 26

1.7. Effective-practical sphere of personality (SDP) 27

1.8. Sphere of creative qualities (STK) 28

1.9. Sphere of psychophysiological development (SPFR) 29

1.10. Age and individual characteristics of personality 29

Questions and tasks for self-control 34

II. Theoretical Foundations of Modern Educational and Pedagogical Technologies 35

2.1. Modern interpretations of the concept of pedagogical technology 36

2.2. The structure of pedagogical technology 39

2.3. Terminological relationships 41

2.4. The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies 44

2.5. Scientific foundations of pedagogical technologies 47

2.6. Classification of pedagogical technologies 55

2.7. Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology 61

Questions and tasks for self-control 67

III. Contemporary Traditional Education (TO) 68

3.1. Classical traditional class-lesson teaching technology 70

3.2. Technology of classical and modern lesson 77

Lesson in a small rural school 83

3.3. Ways to improve traditional technology 86

Questions and tasks for self-control 91

IV. Pedagogical technologies based on the humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process 92

4.1. Pedagogy of cooperation 94

4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili 109

4.3. E.N. system Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person 112

4.4. Vitagenic education technology (A.S. Belkin) 115

Forerunners, varieties, followers 118

Questions and tasks for self-control 125

V. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities (active teaching methods) 126

5.1. Gaming technology 129

Game technologies in the preschool period 132

Game technologies at primary school age 134

Game technologies in middle and high school age 135

5.2. Problem based learning 142

5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning 147

5.4. Interactive technologies 155

Technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" (RKCHP) 158

Discussion Technology 160

Technology "Debate" 163

Training technologies 170

5.5. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture (E.I. Passov) 184

5.6. Learning intensification technology based on schematic and sign models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov) 189

Questions and tasks for self-control 194

VI. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process 196

6.1. Programmed learning technology 199

6.2. Technologies of level differentiation 206

Model "Intra-class (intra-subject) differentiation" (N.P. Guzik) 208

Model "Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results" (V.V. Firsov) 210

Model "Mixed differentiation" (subject-lesson differentiation, "model of consolidated groups", "stratum" differentiation) 212

6.3. Technology of differentiated learning according to the interests of children (I.N. Zakatova) 217

Model "Profile training" 220

6.4. Technologies of individualization of education (I. Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov) 227

Model of individual educational programs within the technology of productive education 232

Model of individual educational programs in specialized education 233

6.5. Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko) 243

Vertical version (Krasnoyarsk) 246

Horizontal options 247

6.6. Technologies of group activity 254

Model: group work in class 255

Model: training in groups and classes of different ages (RWG). 259

Models for Collective Creative Problem Solving 261

6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: prospective-anticipatory learning using support schemes under commented control 265

Questions and tasks for self-control 268

VII. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material 269

7.1. "Ecology and Dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov) 272

7.2. "Dialogue of Cultures" (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov) 277

7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev) 282

7.4. Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich) 286

7.5. Modular learning technologies (P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Sennovsky, M.A. Choshanov) 290

7.6. Technologies of integration in education 296

Integral educational technology V.V. Guzeeva 298

Model "Technology of education of ecological culture" 302

Model global education 306

The concept of holistic pedagogy 308

The concept of civic education 311

7.7. Models of content integration in academic disciplines 314

Model "Integration (unification) of academic disciplines" 315

Model of "synchronization" of parallel programs, training courses and topics 316

Model of intersubject communications 316

7.8. Concentrated Learning Technologies 319

Suggestive Immersion Model 320

Time immersion model by M.P. Shchetinina 322

The technology of concentration of learning with the help of sign-symbolic structures 324

Features of ideographic patterns 326

7.9. Didactic multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg 330

Questions and tasks for self-control 338

VIII. Private subject pedagogical technologies 339

8.1. Technology of early and intensive teaching of literacy (N.A. Zaitsev) 341

8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in elementary school (V.N. Zaitsev) 343

8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin) 347

8.4. Pedagogical technology based on the system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev) 350

8.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev) 352

8.6. Technology of musical education of schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky 355

8.7. Technologies for teaching fine arts at school 361

Technology of education in the process of education "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2004" E.I. Slavgorodskogo 392

8.9. Technologies of textbooks and educational-methodical complexes 394

Technology UMK "Educational program "School 2000-2100" 397

Questions and tasks for self-control 410

IX. Alternative technologies 412

9.1. Technology of productive education (Productive Learning) 413

9.2. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok) 420

Alternative technology for mastering mathematics "Another mathematics" A.M. Pubic 424

9.3. Workshop technology 426

9.4. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy) 432

Forerunners, varieties, followers 436

Questions and tasks for self-control 437

X. Environmentally friendly technologies 438

10.1. Technologies of physical education, savings and health promotion 440

10.2. Nature-friendly technologies for teaching reading and writing (A.M. Kushnir) 453

Nature-friendly model of learning to read A.M. Kushnira 454

Models of nature-friendly learning to write A.M. Kushnira 457

10.3. Nature-friendly technology of teaching a foreign language A.M. Kushnira 463

10.4. Technology of teaching children with signs of giftedness 466

Questions and tasks for self-control 475

XI. Technologies of free education 476

11.1. Summerhill Free School Technology (A. Neill) 478

11.2. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy 482

11.3. Waldorf Pedagogy (R. Steiner) 486

11.4. Technology of self-development (M. Montessori) 490

11.5. Dalton Plan Technology (E. Parkhurst) 495

11.6. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet) 498

11.7. School-Park (M.A. Balaban) 500

11.8. A holistic model of a free school by T.P. Voytenko 505

Questions and tasks for self-control 510

Index for Volumes 1 and 2 511

Name index for volumes 1 and 2 554

Answers to questions and tasks for self-control 562

Selevko G.K.




Volume 2


public education


V.G. Bocharova- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow

K.Ya. vase- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Professional, Pedagogical Technologies VGIPA, Nizhny Novgorod

A.G. Kasprzhak- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored. Russian school teacher, Moscow

A.M. Kushnir– Doctor of Psychology, Moscow

O.G. Levina- candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy. Director of MOU "Provincial College", Yaroslavl

R.V. Ovcharova- Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of General and Social Psychology, KSU, Kurgan

E.N. Stepanov- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Theory and Methods of Education IPKRO, Pskov

Selevko G.K.

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. In 2 vols. T. 2. - M .: National Education, 2005.

The book is a teaching aid of a new generation. It consists of two volumes, the contents of the second volume being a direct continuation of the first; their separation is dictated by an exceptionally large amount of material.

About 500 technologies are described in the two-volume book. The logic of the presentation is based on the classification of technologies in the direction of modernizing the traditional education system. In addition, the manual describes not only teaching technologies, but also educational and socio-educational technologies, pedagogical technologies are singled out in a separate chapter based on the use of modern information tools.

The methodological basis of the book is the concept of educational technology by G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the necessary material for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, Varieties, Followers"). The manual also includes control questions to the content of the chapters and answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the vast world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and also presents some of the technologies of the future. It is intended for students of pedagogical educational institutions, teachers and a wide range of educators.

© Selevko G.K.

© Public Education

Preface to the second volume 6

Introduction. Summary of the introductory (theoretical) chapters of the first volume 8

Personality as an object and subject of educational technology 9

The structure of the child's personality traits 10

Knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN) 12

Ways of mental action (CUD) 13

Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SMS) 13

The sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of a person (SES) 14

Effective-practical sphere of personality (PSD) 14

Sphere of creative qualities (STK) 15

Sphere of psychophysiological development (SPFR) 15

Age and individual characteristics of personality 15

The essence of the technological approach in education 20

Correlation between "technology" and other pedagogical concepts 26

The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies 29

Classification of pedagogical technologies 31

Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology 36

XII. Technologies of developing education 42

12.1. The system of developing education L.V. Zankova 49

12.2. Developmental learning technology D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova 54

12.3. Technology of diagnostic direct developmental education (A.A. Vostrikov) 68

12.4. Systems of developmental education with a focus on the development of creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov) 72

12.5. Personally oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya) 79

12.6. Technology of self-development of the personality of the student A.A. Ukhtomsky - G.K. Selevko 83

12.8. Integrative technology of developing education L.G. Peterson 103

Questions and tasks for self-control 107

XIII. Information and communication educational technologies 109

13.1. Technologies for the formation of information culture 113

Model "Informatization (computerization) of an educational institution" 119

Model "Continuous formation of information culture of students" 121

Model "Basic course "Informatics and ICT"" 126

13.2. Technology of using ICT tools in subject education 130

13.3. Technologies of a computer lesson 139

13.4. Technology of preparing a subject teacher for computer classes 146

13.5. Technology of using the Internet in the educational process 154

Model TOGIS (V.V. Guzeev, Moscow) 157

Telecom Model 160

13.6. Education and socialization by means of mass media and communications 166

13.7. Technology of media education 173

Model "Media education" as training course 175

Model "Media education integrated with basic education" 177

Model "School Center QMS" 178

13.8. Use of ICT tools in school management 181

Questions and tasks for self-control 187

XIV. Social and educational technologies 189

14.1. Technologies of family education 192

14.2. Technologies of preschool education 202

14.3. Technology "School - the center of education in the social environment" (S.T. Shatsky) 211

14.4. Technologies of socio-pedagogical complexes 215

Model "School - coordinator of the educational activities of social institutions" 218

Model "Commonwealth of School and Production" 218

Model "Complex of social and pedagogical support of the child" 219

Model "SEC as a specially designed environment" 222

14.5. Technologies of additional education 226

14.6. Technologies of labor and professional upbringing and education 234

Technology of labor education and training in modern mass school 237

Technology of contextual professionally oriented learning 239

14.7. Technologies for raising and educating children with problems 247

Model of differentiation and individualization of education 251

Compensatory learning technologies 252

Technology of working with problem children in a public school 253

Technologies of correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation 259

14.8. Technologies of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and support for children with disabilities (disabled people) 262

Technology of work with mentally retarded children 264

Technology of working with children with special educational needs 265

14.9. Technologies for the rehabilitation of children with impaired social ties and relationships 268

Model "KDN - the coordinating center of social and educational work in the region" 270

Model "Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors" ("Center for PPMS - Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical and Social Assistance") 277

Model "Social Shelter" 278

Substance Abuse Prevention Technology in the Educational Environment 279

Model "Correctional (penitentiary) institution" 282

14.10. Public relations technology (PR technologies) 285

Questions and tasks for self-control 291

XV. Educational technologies 293

15.1. Technology of communist education of the Soviet period 298

15.2. The technology of "hard" collective education A.S. Makarenko 304

15.3. Technology of collective creative education I.P. Ivanova 310

15.4. Technology of humane collective education V.A. Sukhomlinsky 319

15.5. Education technology based on a systematic approach (L.I. Novikova, V.A. Karakovsky, N.L. Selivanova) 323

Model of self-government in the student team 328

15.6. Technologies of education in modern mass school 333

15.7. Technology of educational work with the class team (according to E.N. Stepanov) 344

15.8. Technologies of individualized (personalized) education 351

Model of psychological and pedagogical support and accompanying the child in the educational process (O.S. Gazman) 356

Model of tutor support and accompaniment of the child (T.M. Kovaleva) 361

Neuro Linguistic Programming Technology 363

15.9. Education in the learning process 370

15.10. The technology of organizing self-education according to A.I. Kochetov 379

15.11. Technologies for educating the spiritual culture of the younger generation 391

Model "Education of patriotism and citizenship" 399

15.12. Technologies of religious (confessional) education 403

15.13. Technologies of education of subjective social activity of a person 411

The model of the formation of the subjective activity of the personality of a teenager in the activities of the Union of Pioneer Organizations - the Federation of Children's Organizations (SPO-FDO) 415

The model of education of social initiative in the activities of the all-Russian public organization "Children's and Youth social initiatives» (DIMSI) 421

Questions and tasks for self-control 429

16.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg) 433

16.2. Model "Russian School" (I.F. Goncharov) 437

16.4. Pedagogical Gymnasium (A.G. Kasprzhak) 451

16.5. Agroshkola A.A. Katolikova 457

16.6. Modern rural socio-cultural complex (A.Z. Andreiko) 461

16.7. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard) 465

16.8. Distance Education Center "Eidos" (Khutorskoy A.V., Andrianova G.A.) 468

Questions and tasks for self-control 480

XVII. Technologies of intraschool management 482

17.1. Management technology of a comprehensive school (according to V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik) 484

Model of program-target school management in development mode 492

School management model based on results (according to P.I. Tretyakov) 497

17.2. Technology of methodical work at school 503

Methodical council of school 506

Model "Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience" (according to F.Sh. Teregulov) 508

Model "Pedagogical councils" 511

17.3. Technology of pedagogical experiment 523

17.4. Technology of intraschool control and monitoring 531

17.5. Technologies for designing and mastering new technologies 546

Model "Design and development of school-wide innovative technology" 548

Model "Design and development of subject technology through a technological map" (V.M. Monakhov) 556

Conclusion 559

Questions and tasks for self-control 561

Subject index to volumes 1 and 2 562

Nominal index to volumes 1 and 2 589

Answers to questions and tasks for self-control 597