Summary of Alice's Journey. alice's journey

Kir Bulychev, "Alice's Journey"

Genre: fantasy story

The main characters of the story "Alice's Journey" and their characteristics

  1. Alisa Selezneva. She finished the second grade. A smart and kind girl, decisive and quick-witted. Never retreats and always finds a way out of any situation
  2. Professor Seleznev, Alice's dad, is just a biologist who is most interested in a different life
  3. Green, mechanic, big pessimist.
  4. Poloskov Gennady, captain, resolute and at the same time gentle and kind
  5. Veselchak U, the fattest pirate in the world. Outwardly harmless, but insidious and cruel.
  6. Rat. The most cruel insect pirate
  7. First captain, Vsevolod. Worked on Venus, rushed to help friends
  8. Second captain. Martian. He was in captivity for four years.
  9. Third captain. Flexian. Died in captivity
  10. Verkhovtsev. Doctor and director of the museum. A very decent person.
  11. Talker. The bird is smart, but does not always say everything that is needed.
The shortest content of the story "Alice's Journey" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Alice, together with her dad, goes on the ship "Pegasus" in search of rare animals
  2. The Pegasus visits the captains' planet, but Dr. Verkhovtseff behaves strangely and mysteriously.
  3. Travelers find the last Talker, for whom there is a real hunt
  4. Talker guides travelers to the Medusa system, but they save robots along the way.
  5. On the third planet of the system, travelers fall into the trap of pirates, but find the second captain.
  6. Alice and the first captain free the captives and all go to Earth together.
The main idea of ​​the story "Alice's Journey"
There are so many secrets and mysteries in the world, so much wonderful and beautiful that a person must forget about wars, about selfishness and indifference, about money in order to become a part of this beautiful and perfect universe.

What does Alice's Journey teach?
This tale teaches honesty and kindness. Teaches to be courageous, resourceful, responsive. teaches to help other people and animals. Learn to love nature. Teaches friendship and loyalty. Teaches reciprocity. teaches that in the future humanity will forget what money and wars are.

Review of the story "Alice's Journey"
This is a wonderful and very interesting story about a girl Alice. I really like the heroine of this story, because she is smart and beautiful, she is brave and decisive. she knows how to find a way out in any situation and never lose heart. And also because Alice believes in miracles that do happen.
There are exotic animals in this story, there is a detective mystery, there are space pirates and there is true friendship. The story keeps the reader in suspense from the first to the last minutes.

Proverbs to the story "Alice's Journey"
Well that ends well.
Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the story "Alice's Journey" chapter by chapter
Chapter 1. Criminal Alice.
Alice walks sad and dad asks her what's the matter. Alice asks her dad for a gold nugget. It turns out that she and the guys from the class decided to catch a giant pike on a golden lure and took a nugget from the school museum. But the pike bit off the lure.
And now Alice urgently needs to return the nugget to the museum before she is kicked out of school.
Dad says that he doesn't have a nugget, and when Alice leaves, he calls a friend and asks to get a nugget.
At this time, Alice's friends and acquaintances come in turn and each brings gold, coins and even diamonds.
Finally Alice returns, who also took out a nugget.
Chapter 2
Seleznev is loading the Pegasus, the crew of which consists of four people - him, Poloskov. Green and Alice.
There are many boxes and gifts to be loaded, which the earthlings give to their relatives and friends. At the end, a grandmother comes, who wants to send a huge cake.
Finally, all the loads are distributed, there is a reserve of 200 kilograms and the Pegasus is trying to take off.
The astronauts decide to throw some of the cargo out of the holds, but Alice is against it. Suddenly, Seleznev learns that a complaint has been received by the Pegasus that he is trying to take the children to the moon.
It turned out that Alice hid her entire 3A class in the holds of the ship.
Seleznev and Zeleny unloaded 43 hares.
Alice was upset that her class would not get into the match of the century, but 3B would get it because she was flying on a cargo barge in potato sacks
Chapter 3
On the moon, Alice ran to a football match, and Professor Seleznev met his friend Gromozeka from the planet Chumaroz in a restaurant. Upon learning that Seleznev is looking for rare animals, Gromozeka advises him to visit the planet of captains, where they are going to create a museum of three captains.
He reminds Seleznev of the exploits of the captains and tells that the First Captain is currently working on Venus, which is being dragged closer to Earth, the Second has died, and the Third has not yet returned from the neighboring galaxy.
Alice arrives and announces the victory of the earthlings. Gromozeka rejoices at the girl and picks her up. Zeleny rushes to save Alice and ends up hanging from a chandelier.
Chapter 4
"Pegasus" flies to the scouts of Little Arthur and the scouts arrange a solemn meeting for the travelers. And having learned about the search for animals, they give Seleznev two tadpoles, meter-long reptiles, which must be kept in the pool.
By morning the tadpoles had doubled in size, and by the evening of the next day they had grown to three and a half meters.
The next morning, Seleznev cautiously approached the pool, but the pool turned out to be empty. Only the old discarded bodies of tadpoles floated in the water.
The astronauts began to search the ship, but the hatched tadpoles were not found. Finally, Alice took pity on the adults and offered to find the tadpoles.
She led everyone to the pool and showed three small frogs, which turned into huge tadpoles.
Chapter 5
"Pegasus" flew to the planet of captains and the expedition was cordially welcomed by Dr. Verkhovtsev, curator of the museum. He showed the astronauts a statue of the captains - an earthling, a Martian and a Fixian. A bird sits on the shoulder of one of the captains.
Seleznev tells Verkhovtsev that they are looking for rare animals and would like to read the diaries of the captains. And Alice directly says that she would like to catch the bird that is shown on the captain's shoulder.
Verkhovtseff gets frightened and crawls under the sofa for his hat. From there, he says that there are no diaries and he cannot help in any way. Then Verkhovtsev reminisces about different planets and their inhabitants, and finally talks about the Empty Planet with its mysterious life and talks about Skliss.
Chapter 6
At the last moment, Verkhovtsev remembers the bushes and tells the astronauts an interesting story. How the Third Cosmonaut got lost in the sands of a distant planet and went to strange sounds. It turned out that the bushes sang, a local form of life. The bushes showed the captain the water and saved his life.
The expedition went to the eighth satellite of Aldebaran.
They found bushes quickly and took three plants with them.
Already in flight, Zeleny heard singing - it was the bushes singing. And then the bushes appeared at the door and went to the frightened people. Professor Seleznev armed himself with a mop and tried to drive the bushes back into the hold.
Zeleny ran after the flamethrower, and Alice asked her dad to delay the bushes a little.
When the bushes snatched the mop from Seleznev's hands, Alice returned and immediately dived into the bushes. The bushes instantly calmed down, and Seleznev saw that Alice was simply watering them.
The bushes were just thirsty, and they always sang when they were thirsty.
Chapter 7
Pegasus flies to the Empty Planet and cannot find it at the specified coordinates. Therefore, the cosmonauts contact another ship, and the female astronaut informs them that they are flying correctly, and Dr. Verkhovtseff is a wonderful old man. She also says that there are many fish on the Empty Planet, but no animals, and that she is looking for a living nebula.
The Pegasus landed on the Empty Planet and Zeleny immediately went fishing. He quickly caught a whole bucket.
The next morning, Seleznev saw that the skies of the planet were teeming with birds. Zeleny went fishing, but there was not a single living creature in the sea. At this time, a strong wind rose and the birds also disappeared. On the other hand, small animals like hares jumped on the grass. Then it turned out that the steppe is simply teeming with animals.
It soon started to rain. Seleznev and Alice went to the steppe to catch animals, but the biodetector showed that there were no animals around.
The astronauts were at a loss, but Alice revealed the riddle of the planet. She ran with a bucket to the lake, scooped up water and brought a fish in a bucket. It turned out that when it rains, the inhabitants of the planet turn into fish, when the sun shines - into birds, and when the wind blows - into animals.
Chapter 8
The Pegasus arrives on the planet Bluk, where a bazaar is being held. Ushans lived on the planet - intelligent creatures who had three large ears. The guards with earflaps told the astronauts a sad story.
It turned out that recently a man began to sell white worms, which all pet owners bought with pleasure. But it turned out that the worms multiply at a tremendous speed and soon most of the planet was buried under a layer of worms. The problem was solved by the trader Krabakas, who let the worms feed on the worms, which ate all the worms.
Therefore, now all ships from the Earth were strictly inspected, because the merchant with worms was an earthling. The guards showed the astronauts a photo and they recognized Dr. Verkhovtsev.
And then the Ushans remembered that they had exterminated all the talkers.

Chapter 9
Seleznev and Alice are looking for a hotel for people and notice the silhouette of Dr. Verkhovtsev in the windows of the third floor. They rush to get up, but find an empty room. And a fat smiling man in a black suit appeared and informed them that the guest had left.
The bazaar on the planet was striking in size and abundance of different forms of life. Sometimes it was difficult to understand who was selling whom. So, Professor Seleznev made a mistake and asked how much a bird costs, when it turned out that it was the bird that was selling the ball.
Alice is interested in the invisible fish in the aquarium, but Seleznev does not believe that there is anything there. He sticks his hand into the aquarium and talks in the air. The merchant is filled with tears, because the professor scared away all his invisible air fish, ruined him. Alice reproaches her father for being callous. In parting, the merchant gives Alice a cap of invisibility.
At this time, a strange creature on thin legs, constantly changing color, rushes under the feet of travelers. This is an indicator that, depending on emotions, becomes a different color.
He is caught by a two-headed snake, which is indignant that Seleznev is selling his own daughter, then is indignant that Alice is selling her father, and finally gives the indicator to Alice.
Alice sees a canary in a cage carried by earflaps. But the earflaps say that they wanted to buy a talker, but only there weren’t any left. Someone has exterminated all the talkers and Alice says that they need a talker.
Chapter 10
No one can sell talkers to astronauts. Krabakas says that these birds do not just talk, they can fly between the stars. Behind the boxes hides the earflap, which brought the talker to the bazaar. Alice recognizes the bird that sat on the captain's shoulder.
Wushan says that someone is after him and aims to steal the talker or even kill him. He points to Dr. Verkhovtsev.
Seleznev and Alice buy Govorun and carry him across the square. Everyone around is surprised, and the talker in Russian says the phrases that he heard from the Captains.
An old familiar fat man comes out to meet Seleznev and demands to sell or give away the talker. Seleznev already wants to go to the police, but the fat man is hiding.
Here Dr. Verkhovtseff appears to Seleznev and puts his hand in his pocket. He is armed.
Seleznev calls Poloskov for help. At this time, numerous stamp collectors show up and Verkhovtseff retreats.
Chapter 11
On the ship, the astronauts decide that the talker is the one that the Captains had. A fat man comes and gives them a diamond turtle, saying that his name is Veselchak U.
The talker suggests heading for the Medusa system.
Seleznev decides to fly to the Medusa system, but first fly to Sheshinera and look at the Sliths. At this time, the turtle tries to escape, and the astronauts lock her in a safe.
Chapter 12
"Pegasus" arrives at the planet Sheshiner and in the refrigerator Seleznev finds a green man eating a pineapple. Then a second appears, then a third green man and everyone takes pineapples. Seleznev calls Poloskov, but the refrigerator is already empty and there are no more pineapples.
Alice asks to forgive the little green men, in whom she recognizes the inhabitants of the planet.
The Pegasus lands on the planet and is greeted by a crowd with banners, everyone greets Alice.
An elderly green man said that once on the planet they invented pills that allowed them to travel in time. This led to disaster. Everyone began to return to the past in order to experience pleasant moments, and no one was interested in the present.
The little man disappeared and returned with a pineapple he took yesterday from the Pegasus refrigerator. He said that everyone on the planet thanked Alice for standing up for them yesterday.
Then Seleznev asked about the Skliss, but the little man said that they would refuse them anyway and disappeared.
Seleznev saw a cow that took off and flew to the other side of the street. He asked the green boy whose skliss it was. The boy replied that it was nobody's business, and Seleznev took the skiss to the Pegasus.
Chapter 13
En route to the Medusa system, the Pegasus receives a distress signal from the robotic planet Shelezyaka. Traveler sit down and find one slightly alive robot. The robot tells that there is an epidemic on the planet.
Zeleny began to dig into the robot, but found nothing, then he decided to change his lubricant. The robot, having learned that the expedition is looking for animals, offers them robotic animals, but Seleznev believes that he does not need such animals.
After changing the lubricant, the robot comes to life. Zeleny says that bacteria has settled in the grease, which turns it into rust.
The robot recognizes the talker and greets him. It turns out that the wounded talker received help on the planet - the robots replaced his wing with a prosthesis.
And then a man in a hat flew in and cursed terribly when he found out that the robots had helped the talker. And then he was seen at the tank with grease. It was Dr. Verkhovtseff again.
In parting, the robot gave the travelers several small animal robots, which immediately began chasing the diamond turtle along the corridor.
Chapter 14
The Pegasus lands on the deserted second planet of the Medusa system and the Talker warns to beware of mirages.
Then Seleznev sees two men and one woman on the field. Alice immediately recognizes them - these are Porthos, D "Artagnan and Lady Winter. It was about them that she read in the evening.
Travelers understand that these are mirages. They see birch trees, grass, then themselves, Dr. Verkhovtsev, who turns out to be familiar with Veselchak, and finally Captains.
Professor Seleznev takes pebbles from the surface and brings them to the Pegasus. He introduces the crew to the inhabitants of the planet, who can create mirages. A mirage of the Second Captain appears in the cabin, and the talker says that it is necessary to look for it on the third planet.
Chapter 15
On the third planet there were many forests and various animals, huge birds flew in the sky. Poloskov sends a scout flying, but he very quickly falls silent, and Poloskov flies on a boat to look for him.
Seleznev sees how Alice follows the talker to the forest and suddenly the bird rok grabs her.
He calls for help and Poloskov hurries to him. They fly on a boat to the mountains, where the nest of the croc bird is located.
There they see many nests and in one of them they notice Alice. The bird tries to feed the girl with fish, she mistakes Alice for her chick.
Seleznev and Poloskov take Alice, and she shows them a sign found in the nest with the inscription "Blue Gull".
Chapter 16
Seleznev and Alice follow Govorun for a long time through the forest. And now they find themselves in a clearing overgrown with flowers-mirrors. Alice looks at her reflection. Then Poloskov checks the clearing with a metal detector, but does not find any traces of the Blue Gull.
The astronauts are picking flowers and carrying a bouquet to the Pegasus.
Green looks like a flower, but it does not reflect him, but Alice.
At this time, Govorun knocks with his beak outside. They launch him and he says in the voice of the second captain: "There is no more strength to hold on. Will help come soon?"
Chapter 17
Travelers look into the flowers and see that everything in them moves in reverse. They realize that they are seeing a replay of events that happened in the past.
Suddenly they see Verkhovtsev and Veselchak. They are arguing about something, and behind them is the silhouette of a spaceship.
Seleznev and Alice fly to the clearing, but the search is unsuccessful. They return and Green suggests cutting off the mirror layer from the flower to see what happened in the past. Gradually cutting off layer by layer, they notice that a huge hatch occupies the entire clearing.
At this time, the indicator pushes Green under the arm and the mirror breaks.
The astronauts go to the wardroom to take another flower and see that all the flowers are broken, and the Govorun bird has disappeared.

Chapter 18
Poloskov flew around the planet at that time and did not find anything. Seleznev checked the ship's hatch and found that it was open. He notices a talker pushing a diamond turtle along the ground.
Seleznev picks up the turtle and returns it to the ship. He and Zeleny do not understand who could open the hatch, but then Zeleny sees the key to the hatch in the turtle's beak.
He takes the turtle and examines it. Then he hooks the shell and it opens. The turtle turns out to be a clever robot. The turtle turned out to be a spy, and the cosmonauts realize that Verkhovtseff and Veselchak wanted to get the key to the ship in order to capture it.
Chapter 19
Poloskov decides to overtake "Pegasus" on a mirror clearing. Then another ship sits next to it and Verkhovtseff runs out of it, he waves his hand to the astronauts. Poloskov quickly starts.
Alice says that Verkhovtseff was without a hat.
"Pegasus" sits down on a mirror clearing, where broken mirrors lie everywhere, and suddenly falls through.
During the emergency landing, no one was hurt and the travelers decide to find out where they failed. They exit the ship and explore the cave. Around stone and darkness. But in the beams of flashlights, they see the silhouette of a spaceship nearby. This is Blue Gull.
Suddenly, a bright light flashes and a command is given to drop the weapon and not move. Four pirates are approaching from two sides, among them Verkhovtseff in a hat and Veselchak.
Travelers are surrounded.
The pirates put handcuffs on the astronauts, but suddenly they notice that Alice is not around. The girl has disappeared.
Chapter 20
Alice is nowhere to be found, and the black man finds the Talker in the ship and goes down the ladder. Verkhovtseff orders to twist Govorun's neck, but the black man suddenly falls and releases the bird. The talker flies away quickly.
The merry fellow turns to the Second Captain and demands that he get off the ship. He threatens to kill the professor and his companions.
The captain addresses Professor Seleznev.
He reveals that the Third Captain, who flew to another galaxy, returned from there with a formula for galactium, the universal fuel, and requested that the Second Captain meet him here. The third captain was very ill.
But the pirates intercepted this message and set a trap. They also hunted for galactia. The pirates captured the Third Captain and probably killed him.
The pirates are about to kill Professor Seleznev and the Second Captain is about to come out.
He jumps out of the ship and fires his blaster, but the pirates surround him, and Veselchak raises a knife over Seleznev's throat.
And suddenly the command to drop the weapon sounds. From two sides are Dr. Verkhovtseff without a hat, the First Captain and even Alice.
Chapter 21
While still on the Pegasus, Alice discovered that the invisibility cap really exists, and when they were attacked by pirates, she decided to use it. She put on her hat and disappeared.
She tripped the pirate and he released the Talker. Then Alice ran along the corridors after the Talker, and in some cell she heard a faint groan. Then the Talker brought her to the surface.
And there she sees a spaceship and Dr. Verkhovtsev. But next to the doctor, the First Captain and the Talker joyfully sits on his shoulder.
Alice tries to warn the Captain that Verkhovtseff is a traitor, but the Captain dismisses these accusations. Verkhovtseff was with him all the time, and in the dungeon there was someone else who only pretended to be Verkhovtsev.
Then Alice takes off her invisible hat and meets the First Captain.
They rush to help their comrades in trouble.
Chapter 22
The pirates surrender and Verkhovtseff steps on his double. He pulls the zipper and under the appearance of a man opens a terrible insect. Cheerful shouts that this is the main pirate, Rats. The rat stabs himself with his own stinger and pretends to be dead.
But Veselchak says that the Rats are just unconscious. Then they decide to put him in a cage.
Cheerful says that he is an honest pirate and is trading to discover the secret of the trap. But the captains do not conduct any negotiations with him.
The First Captain tells how he and Verkhovtsev searched for both the Pegasus and the Second Captain.
Finally Veselchak opens the trap and everyone gets ready to leave. And then Alice remembers the groan she heard.
Chapter 23
In the cage, the astronauts find a slightly alive Third Captain. He is very bad, but he rejoices at his friends. And at that moment he dies. Seleznev cuts his chest and begins to directly massage his heart. Finally, the heart beat.
The third captain is given strengthening injections and taken out into the fresh air. His life is no longer in danger. Everyone rejoices that the three captains are together again and will soon surf the expanses of space again.
Chapter 24
When the Third Captain has recovered a little, everyone begins to prepare for the return trip. And at that moment another ship appears.
The ship's pilot refuses to help and the voice of the First Captain recognizes his wife Ella. It turns out that she still caught her living nebula, and now the main thing is not to let her down.
By joint efforts, the nebula is planted on the ground and Veselchak immediately hides in it.
While Ella and Seva, as it turns out, are the name of the First Captain, sort things out, Veselchak suddenly rushes to run. But the Croc bird catches him and takes him away.
However, Veselchak spins so that the bird drops him, and Veselchak falls somewhere behind the stones.
And the nebula safely escapes and is caught again only near the planet Shelezyak.
Then the nebula is taken to Earth, where it is placed on the Moon in a crater.
Everyone says goodbye and wish each other the best.
The captains promise Alice to take her to another galaxy when the girl grows up, and she promises to take her dad with her.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "Alice's Journey"

I would say that this article is forced. There are already a lot of letters with a request to state summary cyrus books Bulycheva « girl from earth". In general, I am a supporter of turning to primary sources and reading precisely the works themselves, and not retellings. However, sometimes there is a hopeless situation. In addition, letters were mainly written by parents of schoolchildren who wanted to control their children. And that changes things. And before starting work, I would like to stipulate some points that cause confusion. The fact is that many argue that there is no such book as " girl from earth» at Kira Bulycheva. I have already written in the article a few words from the history of this book, but I will repeat. The fact is that the story was originally called " Alice's Journey". She was part of the cycle of works "The Adventures of Alice". Later, the same story was published under the title " girl from earth" and " Alice and the three captains". There is also an adapted version of the work for elementary school " Mystery of the Third Planet. A cartoon was created with the exact same name. But you can’t judge a book by a cartoon, because. there is a difference between these two works of art. Which? I wrote about this in more detail in the article. I believe that if you do not know the differences themselves, then at least their existence is just in case. If you are a teacher or a strict parent and you need to make questions about the story, then perhaps our stories will help you Bulycheva « girl from earth". Now let's move on to summary. The story is written in the first person, by Professor Seleznev.

To Moscow second-grader Alisa Selezneva, her father, Professor of Biology Seleznev, immediately after the New Year promised a joint trip on the Pegasus spacecraft during the summer holidays. The purpose of this trip is to collect rare animals from different parts of the universe to replenish the Moscow Zoo. However, dad made a reservation that he would keep his promise to take Alice with him on the expedition only if she studied well all year and did not do stupid things. But a month before the start of Pegasus, the guys from Alisa Selezneva's class decided to catch a giant pike that ate fry in the Ikshinsky reservoir. For this purpose, they needed a gold nugget as a lure. The nugget was kept in the school museum. To decide who exactly to steal from the museum, the guys decided to cast lots. The lot fell on Alice. She took the nugget. After which he was cut. But the second graders failed to catch the giant pike. The spinner was either bitten or torn and drowned. The guys couldn't find her. The promise of a classmate to return the exhibit to the museum was not fulfilled, because there was no gold among the finds of the geologist dad, only diamonds. The teacher gave the children until morning. And if the loss is not returned to the school museum, then the criminal will be called to account! Alice confessed everything to her father, but did not confess at school. After talking with dad, Alice went to solve her problems with the gold nugget, and dad received Alice's friends all day, who brought gold and other valuables. Professor Seleznev himself did not stand aside either. After Alice left, he called a certain Fridman via videophone to the Mineralogical Museum with a request to help in this situation. Friedman, in return, asked for a rare animal blue leopard for a while, because. There are many mice in the museum. Professor Seleznev agreed. As a result, in the Seleznevs' apartment by the evening there were already about 18 kg of gold, which was delivered to the school in the morning. And although initially Professor Seleznev wanted to remove Alice from participating in the expedition, but, seeing how many people were worried about Alice, which means that she is a good person, he decided to take her with him.

In this chapter, Kir Bulychev introduces readers to the past of Professor Seleznev, briefly telling how he became quite a young professor of biology. Even as a schoolboy, he was very fond of animals. The author also introduces the crew members of the Pegasus ship: Captain Gennady Poloskov, flight engineer Zeleny, Professor Seleznev and his daughter Alice. It is stipulated that Gennady Poloskov agreed to go on this expedition only because of Alice. Under other circumstances, he would have accepted Jack O'Coniol's offer to fly a new passenger liner on the Earth-Fix line.

In the last days before the start of the Pegasus, Professor Seleznev repeatedly checked the weight of the cargo. As a result, he calculated everything in such a way that a reserve of 200 kg remained in stock. However, when trying to take off, nothing happened. Instruments stubbornly showed overload. Then it was decided to double-check the compartments of the ship. And then it turned out that there were illegal passengers on board - 43 schoolchildren of the 2nd grade, who were eager to get to the moon. The fact is that there was an interplanetary football match between earthlings and fiksians. 3rd grade from Alice's school flew to the moon on a cargo barge in potato sacks. But Alisin's class and the guys from parallel classes tried to fly away on the Pegasus. I had to return them to angry parents, who had already filed a complaint against Pegasus. Despite these troubles, the expedition nevertheless began, the Pegasus started with Alice on board.

For the first time, it is stipulated that the events of the story take place at the end of the 21st century. Alice and Zeleny go to football, Poloskov stays on the ship to prepare it for the expedition once again, and Professor Seleznev decided to have a bite to eat at the Selena restaurant. There he meets with a long-time acquaintance of the inhabitant of the planet Chumaroz Gromozeka, whom he once saved from the Small Dragon in one of the archaeological expeditions. Gromozeka is very emotional and big. It has 3 hearts, 8 tentacles, 4 nostrils, 8 eyes. He warmly welcomes Seleznev in the arms of his tentacles. To celebrate, Gromozeka orders a bottle of Georgian wine to Professor Seleznev and 3 liters of valerian for himself. A conversation ensues between old friends, from which Professor Seleznev learns about the space sector 19-4. It contains a small uninhabited planet, called the Planet of the Three Captains. Gromozeka recalls that the three friends once took an active part in space exploration. They did a lot. Due to the nature of their activities, the three captains had to visit many different planets. Like any captain, they kept diaries and made entries in the logbooks of their travels in space. Therefore, the diaries of the famous three captains could be very useful to Professor Seleznev. In this case, he would not have to fly the Pegasus blindly, he could be guided by the records of the three captains. The diaries were kept on the Planet of the Three Captains. There was also a museum and three huge statues of heroes. The museum was headed by Dr. Verkhovtsev. After this meeting, Professor Seleznev decided to head for sector 19-4.

Before heading to the Planet of the Three Captains, the crew decided to unload the mail. Therefore, Pegasus landed on the planet Arcturus Minor. They are very warmly welcomed there. On Arcturus, they learn the exact coordinates of the Planet of the Three Captains and that Dr. Verkhovtseff recently visited their planet. He was interested in the drawings of the Blue Gull ship. This is the ship of the second captain, which disappeared 4 years ago. The drawings of the ship would have helped Dr. Verkhovtsev write a documentary novel about the three captains. In addition, having learned about the purpose of the expedition on Pegasus, the scouts of the Lesser Arcturus presented Professor Seleznev with the first animals - tadpoles, similar to huge salamanders. Scouts also warned that tadpoles grow very fast and eat a lot. Algae served as food for these creatures, which were immersed in huge boxes. The tadpoles almost doubled in one day. They no longer had enough space in the aquarium. Then they were transferred to a specially prepared pool. Knowing nothing about these animals, Professor Seleznev is worried, because. suggests that the tadpoles may still grow. Waking up from nightmares, the biologist goes to the pool and finds that the stomach of the tadpoles has been opened, and only the skin is floating in the pool. After searching the entire ship, the crew ascertains the fact of the disappearance of the tadpoles. And only Alice claims that nothing threatens the ship and she knows where to look for the disappeared animals. But in exchange for her version, she demands from Poloskov to give her a promise to fulfill her desire when the time comes for him. Poloskov agrees. The crew follows Alice into the pool, where she points out small, thimble-sized creatures that look like frogs. They are transferred to the bank.

Pegasus heads for the Planet of the Three Captains. On the planet, the crew members saw three huge statues of captains. From the statues, it was possible to judge the origin of the captains: one from Earth, the other from Mars, the third, which has three legs, from Fix. On the shoulder of the first captain sat a stone bird with two beaks and a crown of feathers. And next to the third captain grew a lush stone bush. Dr. Verkhovtsev initially greeted the guests cordially. He said that the main space museum will be built on the Planet of the Three Captains. By the time of discovery, artificial air on the planet will be the cleanest in the entire galaxy. Oxygen is produced by a powerful reactor from rocks. Verkhovtsev also said that 80 planets are involved in the construction of the museum. But when Professor Seleznev began inquiring about the three captains and asked to see their diaries, Dr. Verkhovtseff abruptly changed his attitude towards the guests. He began to deny that he was writing a novel about the three captains, said that he knew nothing about the first captain, who was currently working on a project to move the orbit of Venus, and that a month ago he did not visit the planet Arcturus Minor to find out how the Blue Gull works ". About the bird that sits on the shoulder of one of the captains, Verkhovtseff also allegedly knows nothing: neither the name nor the habitat. All this seemed strange to the members of the Pegasus crew. One consolation was that Dr. Verkhovtsev told Sheshiner about the Empty Planet and the Skliss from the planet.

Our travelers did not have time to reach their ship, when they heard Dr. Verkhovtsev's cry from afar. He ran after the members of the Pegasus crew and shouted something. Later it turned out that he forgot to tell about the bushes from the eighth satellite of Aldebaran. It turns out that the sculptors did not accidentally depict a lush bush next to the third captain. Once he needed to get to the base and bring to his ship a vaccine against space fever, which struck all the crew members. But the captain was smitten by the desert. Without water, he would have died. Salvation was in the bushes. They sing before a sandstorm and are always near water. Hearing the singing of the bushes, the captain went to the sound. So he got to the water and was saved. It was decided to try to find these bushes. Arriving on the eighth satellite of Aldebaran, the reconnaissance boat on its 19th run was able to detect mysterious bushes. 5 of them were carefully dug up and loaded onto Pegasus. During the flight, the crew suddenly heard the singing of the bushes. Professor Seleznev began to prepare the camera, as I expected that the bushes were about to bloom and wanted to shoot everything. Alice and Zeleny did not wait for the biologist, and went to the compartment with the bushes. Here Seleznyov heard Zeleny's anxious exclamations. The flight mechanic called for help and pressed the alarm button. Seleznyov ran, leaving his camera, and saw how the bushes were advancing on Alice and Zeleny. Seleznev had only a mop at hand. To her, he tried to stop the invasion of the bushes. However, in the fight, the bushes broke the mop and drove Seleznev into a corner. Green during this time ran for weapons, and Alice for water. While the professor was fighting with the bushes, Alice managed to return and water the plants. From that moment on, the bushes no longer ran menacingly along the corridors of the ship. Only the smallest begged for extra water and compote, he loved him very much.

It was decided to fly to the Empty Planet, about which Verkhovtseff spoke. It was raining lightly on the planet. Alice and Zeleny went to the lake. It contained a lot of fish. So many that it was possible to catch it with a bucket. Zeleny became interested in fishing and completely forgot to close the hatch of the ship at night. As a result, all the fish caught in the morning disappeared. He went with fishing rods to the lake. However, the fish were no longer there. And even a running biosearcher could not find a single fish. Professor Seleznev noticed that the morning turned out to be very sunny, and the planet was simply teeming with birds. He decided that the birds had entered the ship and caught yesterday's fish. He had already prepared his snares for catching birds, but suddenly the wind blew. And with the wind, all the birds disappeared, as if on cue. But immediately Poloskov reported on the intercom that he saw a huge herd of antelopes in the distance. And Alice noticed a lot of hares. But in a moment the weather changed again. The strongest rain began and the planet seemed to have died out. There were no more antelopes, no hares, no mice. The distressed Professor Seleznev listed all his misfortunes on this Empty Planet. She really seemed enigmatic. But Alice noticed a pattern in the above. She grabbed a bucket and went to the lake. She managed to catch a small fish in the once empty lake. Already on the Pegasus, Alice pulled it out of the water and laid it on the table. Right before the eyes of the crew, the fish gradually turned into a bird. And when the bird hit the ceiling several times, it took the form of a mouse. Thus, the mystery of the Empty Planet was unraveled, and the Pegasus took on a special form of an opportunistic animal.

Further, our heroes go to the eighth sector of the Galaxy to the planet Bluk. There, near the city of Palaputra, once a week there is a market where you can buy all sorts of curiosities, including rare animals from different planets. As soon as the Pegasus landed at the cosmodrome, the guards with earflaps immediately drove up to it. When they speak, they move their ears, creating the wind. That is why they are called earflaps. The guards began to inspect the ship. Then the Pegasus crew asked the earflaps why they violate intergalactic etiquette and do not trust their guests. To which the Ushans told a terrible story about a man who arrived on their planet a month ago. He traded in white worms that feed on air and multiply extremely quickly. He had one small bag. He took worms out of it and sold them to bird keepers. But this bag seemed to be bottomless. By the time one of the buyers noticed this, it was already too late. The planet was littered with breeding worms. Residents were forced to wear oxygen masks as The planet was rapidly losing the atmosphere necessary for life. No rescue services helped. An SOS was sent from Blook. Then Krabakas from Barakas, a great lover of birds, launched very gluttonous eating birds. They saved the planet. They ate all the worms, along with all the insects that got in their way. When asked by Professor Seleznev what the criminal who brought the worms in order to destroy Bluk looked like, the earflaps showed a photograph. According to her, our travelers recognized Dr. Verkhovtsev. In addition to everything, the Ushans said that talkers had practically disappeared on their planet. This is a kind of bird.

When the customs inspection was completed, Alice and her father went to the market. On the way, they looked at many different hotels built for aliens. Among them, they noticed a hotel for earthlings. In her window they saw Dr. Vrkhovtsev. Professor Seleznev found this suspicious. It was decided to talk to the director of the museum. But it was not possible to meet with him, according to the fat man, Verkhovtsev left somewhere 5 minutes ago, presumably to the market. Then Alice and Professor Seleznev also went to the market. Alice bought stamps, then there was an incident with invisible fish and Seleznev had to pay supposedly for the invisible fish that were frightened and set free. As a result, the merchant was satisfied and gave Alice a cap of invisibility. An indicator has been added to their acquisitions - this is an animal in the form of a fluffy ball that changes colors depending on its emotions. A family of earflaps that came across, who bought a bird of paradise, reported with regret that they could not find a single talker. It was decided to look for a talker for the Moscow zoo.

Professor Seleznev and Alice walked around the whole market. When buying rare animals, they asked merchants about the talker. In response, they received different answers, but one thing was clear, that from the most common common bird, talkers turned into the greatest rarity. Having not found the talker, Alice and her dad headed towards the city of Palaputra. But then they were called out by Krabakas from Barakas. He whispered to them that one of the earflaps was ready to sell the talker. From a conversation with the owner of the bird, it became clear that the talker flew to him weakened and injured. Ushan left him. But one day earthlings came to him and asked him to sell the bird. Wushan refused. Then they tried to take the talker by force. They set fire to his house, started digging, threw a huge stone through the window. Therefore, he is now ready to sell the talker to Alice and Professor Seleznev. After paying, the cosmobiologist and Alice went to the ship. But on the way they met a fat man from the hotel. Seeing the talker, he began to ask to sell him a bird for any money. Seleznev categorically refused. The fat man began to threaten. But when the police appeared, he got scared and ran away. But Dr. Verkhovtseff immediately appeared. He said that if the bird gets on the Pegasus, the ship will die. And he offered to give the talker to him. Seleznev refused. Then Verkhovtsev took out a pistol, and Seleznev called Poloskov to help on the radio. After some thought, Verkhovtseff ran away.

The crew decided to fly to the planet Sheshineru to look at the Skliss. There was a knock on the hatch of the ship. A fat man in a black leather suit stood in the doorway. He apologized for his bad behavior at the bazaar and, as an atonement, offered a diamond turtle, which Professor Seleznev had been chasing for 5 years. The biologist gladly accepted the gift. The fat man said that his name was Veselchak U and left. Unexpectedly for the crew, a talker spoke with the voices of the captains. It became clear that the second captain was in trouble and released the talker to call for help. Poloskov decides to fly to the aid of the Second Captain. According to the talker, the course had to be kept on the Medusa system. But on the way, the crew will still visit the planet Sheshineru. The indicator clearly shows its distrust of the donated diamond turtle. She is locked up in a safe.

Pegasus has landed on the planet Sheshineru. Professor Seleznev went to check on the animals and heard champing. The sound led him to a closed cold store. Having opened the door of the refrigerator, the cosmobiologist found a green man eating a pineapple. Seleznev was surprised, because. the hatch of the ship was battened down and the refrigerator closed from the outside. How, under such circumstances, could a green man get to pineapples? While Seleznev was thinking, the little man disappeared. And another appeared in its place. Seleznev called the captain. Poloskov was also puzzled. One of the green men said hello to Alice, who was sleeping and did not have time to visit this planet. Morning has come. There wasn't a single pineapple left in the fridge. Poloskov said that he would file a complaint with the government of the planet Sheshiner for stealing pineapples. Here Alice asks not to do this and reminds her of her desire, which the captain promised her during the disappearance of the tadpoles. Poloskov is forced to agree. At this moment, everyone hears the noise and go out onto the gangway. The inhabitants of the planet greet Alice very warmly and carry her into the thick of the crowd. To the worried Seleznev, the elderly green man decides to explain everything. It turns out 10 years ago, tablets were invented on their planet that allow time travel. Now he will constantly fly into the past in the Pegasus refrigerator for pineapples. Professor Seleznev asks to show him the Skliss. Skliss turns out to be like a flying cow. The crew returns to the Pegasus in full force, accompanied by a skiss.

Poloskov decided to move on without stopping to the Meduza system to help the Second Captain. But, flying past Shelezyak's planet, an SOS signal was received. I had to help the paralyzed inhabitants-robots of Shelezyaki. When the last robot capable of at least talking was fixed by the mechanic Zeleny, the crew wondered who and why decided to paralyze the inhabitants of the planet Shelezyak. The robot thought for a long time, but when he saw the talker, he told the following. Many years ago, this talker flew in from the Medusa system. Someone was chasing him and he was injured. One wing had to be replaced with a prosthesis. The robots got out the bird and let go. A month ago, a black ship flew to Shelezyaka. A man in a hat, similar in description to Dr. Verkhovtsev, asked the robots to fix his ship. The robots provided this service, but at the end of the work they asked for an oil change. To which the man very rudely refused. And having learned the story about the talker, he was furious. Not long before the start of the black ship, the robot saw this man near the central oil tank. And this meant that it was Dr. Verkhovtsev who poured bacteria into the container, which turn the oil into an emery solution. Poloskov left a barrel of oil on Shelezyak so that the cured robot could change the lubricant for at least ten inhabitants, and promised to send a message to the nearest planet at the first spacewalk with a request to send a ship with oil to Shelezyak.

There were only 3 planets in the Medusa system. The first was covered with volcanoes and landing on it was impossible. Therefore, the Pegasus landed on the second planet. At first it seemed empty. But then the crew members saw through the windows five people in medieval clothes. These were the famous musketeers Porthos, Athos, Aramis and D'Artagnan. Fifth was Lady Winter. People were walking along the road. When they reached the ship, they passed through it and continued on their way. Professor Seleznev and Alice decided to go down the ladder. By that time, people had disappeared and everyone saw a birch tree with a large boletus under it. In the birch they recognized the same one that is depicted on the postcard from Zeleny. Then the cosmobiologist professor suggested that everything he saw was a mirage. Immediately, the crew members saw three captains, Veselchak U and Dr. Verkhovtsev. They were arguing about something. Then everyone watched the launch of the ship of the Second Captain of the Blue Gull. And milady reappeared. Seleznev ran after Lady Winter, but she turned into an ordinary stone. The stone bounced on its own. But the professor still caught up with him and caught him. Already on the ship, the cosmobiologist explained that the selected 5 stones are the inhabitants of the second planet of the Medusa system. They are able to convey the mental imagination of others.

The Pegasus landed on the third planet of the Medusa system. It was covered by 4 suns, so the nights here were short - about half an hour. They attacked suddenly, and it was possible to calculate the time of their arrival only by a complex mathematical calculation. The entire planet was covered with vegetation. For a biologist, it was heaven, because there were a lot of living creatures. Immediately, earthlings get acquainted with the dangerous bird Krok, which attacked Seleznev, but Zeleny managed to shoot and the bird flew towards the mountains, dropping a huge feather. Professor Seleznev decides to go on bioprospecting. The captain decides to launch a metal reconnaissance vehicle that would suggest the location of the missing Blue Gull. But suddenly it turns out that the indicator in it is broken by someone. Poloskov had to go after the metal prospector. And although Professor Seleznev had already managed to return to the ship, Alice did not notice him. She followed the talker in fluffy yellow overalls. He quickly flew towards the forest. Seleznev did not have time to stop Alice. She ran to the forest itself and did not hear her father's cries. Then the Croc bird attacked her and took her to her nest. The talker managed to hide in the branches of trees. Poloskov returned. Zeleny and Professor Seleznev jumped into his boat and went to Alice's rescue. With difficulty, they found the right nest. Alice was sitting in a nest between two chicks. Croc bird tried to feed her with fish. Already in the boat, Alice showed a fragment of a broken saucer with the inscription "... nya Seagull", which the bird Krok gave her as a toy. This proved that the Second Captain was on this planet. On the same day the talker returned. It was decided to go in search of the Second Captain.

Zeleny stayed on the Pegasus so that at least someone would look after the ship. And everyone else followed the talker. We walked for a very long time, making our way through the thickets. Stopped several times, because. walking was hard. The Croc bird attacked the talker. But Poloskov saved him by shooting. During a sudden night, our heroes saw the movement of a star. Only Alice assumed that it was a spaceship. Finally, the talker led everyone to a clearing dotted with mirror flowers. At that moment, the Croc bird attacked the talker again, and he flew away. Poloskov turned on the metal detector, which showed that there was not even a wreckage from the ship in the clearing. Finding nothing, it was decided to pick a bouquet of mirror flowers and return to the Pegasus. After a while, the speaker returned. In the voice of the Second Captain, he repeated: “There is no more strength to hold on! When will help come? The crew firmly decided to follow the talker, but after a rest, because. everyone is very tired.

While Professor Seleznev prepared the boat to search for the Second Captain, Alice watched the mirror flowers. In them she saw a fat man in a black leather suit and Dr. Verkhovtsev. She immediately called her father. In the mirrors, a high-speed ship was also visible in the distance. It was announced to the crew that the people photographed by the flowers might be present on the planet. Captain Poloskov flew off on a metal reconnaissance aircraft to look for the Blue Gull. Zeleny thought about mirror colors: how long they live and how the process of photographing takes place. Having come to the conclusion that the flowers layer upon layer, which individually carries their fixed image, Zeleny decides to perform an operation on one of the flowers in order to uncover the secret of the Second Captain. He calculated approximately the time captured by the flower and cut off the layer of the mirror. Everyone saw that the glade was a concrete convex surface resembling a lid. There was even a gap between the ground and the edge of the concrete. Then Zeleny decided to look into the past of the past 4 years. He began to carefully remove the next layer. But a curious ball-shaped indicator accidentally pushed Zeleny, and his hand fell off. Then we decided to take a new flower from the bouquet. But when they entered the wardroom, they saw that all the flowers had been destroyed. At the end of the troubles, the talker disappeared.

Since all the mirror flowers were destroyed, this clearly indicated that the enemy was on the Pegasus. Seleznev reported the events to Poloskov, who decided to immediately return to the ship. While he was returning, Professor Seleznev was building versions. Who could be the enemy? The hatch of the ship was battened down, so the enemy was inside the Pegasus. But all his theories crumbled, tk. the spacebiologist saw the hatch open and the ship's electronic key gone. He rushed to the bridge. But there was a peaceful atmosphere around: the flowers were blooming, and the birds were singing. But suddenly Seleznev heard a call from the bushes: "Help, captains!" He rushed into the bushes and saw a talker. He rolled on the ground a diamond turtle that had escaped from the ship. Professor Seleznev helped the talker. They returned to the Pegasus. They were met by Alice and Zeleny. Alice saw the turtle's stolen electronic key to the ship. Then Zeleny dismantled the turtle, and it became clear that it was a skillfully made robot. Poloskov returned. It became clear to everyone that every word spoken was known to the enemies. And that the flowers were killed by the turtle. The crew also understands that they need to prepare for an attack on the Pegasus.

Poloskov decided to overtake the ship to the mirror clearing for safety reasons. While preparing the Pegasus for the jump, some spaceship began to land nearby. After a short period of time, through the porthole, the crew saw Dr. Verkhovtsev in a spacesuit and with a pistol on his belt. He ran out of the bushes to the Pegasus and demanded with his hand to stop. Then Poloskov commanded "Start!". The Pegasus got up and moved to the mirror clearing. He sat down softly. But then he began to fall into a dark hole. From the fall, one of the ship's shock absorbers failed. The ship was dark. I had to turn on emergency lighting and arm myself with flashlights. Coming out of the Pegasus, the crew realized that they had fallen into a trap: first, the concrete slab in the clearing opened, and after letting the ship inside, it closed. By illuminating the upper surface of the trap, the rounded edges of the slab were clearly visible. Nearby, the crew members saw the missing Blue Gull. It was clear that this ship had been trapped for a long time, it was covered with dust. After some time, a bright light appeared in the cave and blinded the friends. At the same moment, a mesh fell on top of them. The crew was taken prisoner. Veselchak U, a fat man, and Dr. Verkhovtseff were walking towards them. With them are two others in black leather suits. They all held pistols. Veselchak Wu demanded to drop the weapon. Poloskov had to drop his pistol. Further, Veselchak U gave orders to the men in black - to put handcuffs on the prisoners and search the Pegasus to find the talker. And then it turned out that Alice had disappeared.

No matter how angry Veselchak Wu was about Alice's sudden disappearance, there was nothing to be done about it. Professor Seleznev himself wondered where and how his daughter could have disappeared. Meanwhile, the man in black returned from the Pegasus, holding the talker by the legs. The fat man ordered the bird's head to be turned right away. But, about to carry out this order, the man fell. When falling, the talker was freed. They began to shoot at him, but the bird dodged and was able to fly away. Then the fat man ordered Professor Seleznev to be tied with a rope and took out a sharp knife. He turned to the "Blue Seagull" with a demand to give him the formula of absolute fuel, otherwise he would kill the prisoners. But he will kill slowly, cutting off various parts of the body in turn: first the ears, then the fingers, etc. He will be the first to take on the professor, because. Seleznev did not agree at the time to give him the talker. The captain of the Blue Gull refused to give the galactius to the pirates and asked for the opportunity to talk with the people who had flown to his aid. After much arguing, the fat man nevertheless allowed the Second Captain to tell his story. And here's what he said. Three great captains, mastering space, came across pirates. The pirates wanted wealth and power throughout the galaxy. They robbed merchant ships, attacked the planet Triad, hijacked a spaceship from it, captured another planet, enslaved its inhabitants and began to build a warship. But the three captains were able to thwart the plans of the pirates. All pirates were captured. The exception was two, who now have "Pegasus" and "Blue Gull" in captivity. They hid at the very edge of the galaxy, where they could not be found. For many years they were forgotten. The captains parted ways. Everyone went about their business. The first went to Venus to change its orbit. The second, i.e. the narrator himself, engaged in research work, and the Third Captain decided to fly to a neighboring galaxy, which no one had done before him. One day, the Second Captain received a message from the Third with a request to urgently meet. The second captain immediately took off. The meeting was scheduled on the third planet of the Medusa system. The pirates intercepted this signal and prepared for the meeting of the captains. They've infiltrated the First's ship. They set up listening devices and waited. When the Second arrived, he found the Third in a very bad condition. He became very ill and claimed that he could not reach Earth or Fix. From another galaxy, he was carrying an absolute fuel formula called galactia. Its use on ships would reduce the speed of flights between planets by a hundred times. The Third gave this formula to the Second. The second went to his ship for medicine. The pirates took advantage of this and opened the hatch. Then the ships of both captains fell into the dungeon. The pirates demanded the galactium formula in exchange for freedom. But the Second Captain was able to release the talker, batten down the hatch and has been in prison for 4 years now. The ship of the Third Captain was sawn up by pirates. Most likely, he fell into the hands of pirates and was killed. "Blue Seagull" failed to cut. During the story of the Second, the pirates admit that they wounded the talker, added harmful bacteria to the oil on the planet Shelezyaka, killed all the talkers on Bluk and brought worms there, which almost deprived the planet of air. Immediately, the Second Captain informs everyone that he has an agreement with the First Captain - if after 4 years the Second does not make itself felt, then the First begins to look for him. But Veselchak Wu was not afraid and did not think. He brought a sharp knife to Professor Seleznev's throat. Then the Second Captain asked to stop, saying that he was going to leave. As soon as the hatch of the Blue Gull opened, Second, like blue lightning, rushed behind the shock absorber of his ship. A shootout ensued. But the fat man was able to get close to the professor's throat again and put forward an ultimatum - if the Second made at least one more shot, he would cut Seleznev's throat. At that moment, a menacing voice was suddenly heard from the side of Pegasus: “Do not move! You are surrounded! The spacebiologist took advantage of the pirate's confusion and knocked the knife out of his hands. Dr. Verkhovtseff in a space suit slowly began to emerge from the darkness, then the First Captain, the talker, and Alice.

In this chapter, Kir Bulychev tells what happened to Alice and where she went. When the pirates began their attack on the prisoners, Alice took advantage of the invisibility cap she had been given. She stepped back and watched what was happening. But when one of the pirates was about to wring the talker's neck, Alice stopped doing nothing. She put her foot to the pirate and he fell. The talker escaped and flew. A shootout began. When the bird disappeared into the darkness, Alice followed the talker, hoping in this way to find a way out of the dungeon. It was dark, but Alice was guided by the sound of flapping wings. Then a faint light appeared from above. Alice saw the talker go up abruptly. And at that moment she heard someone's faint groan. She went to this moan. In the black tunnel, the groan intensified. Since nothing could be seen, she began to count the steps. At the 30th step, she came across a grate. Alice tried to talk to another prisoner, but he either didn't hear her or couldn't speak. Then Alice decided not to waste time. She rushed towards the hole, got out for a very long time, it was slippery and narrow. But still, she did it. Two bright suns shone. Then she saw a ship, on the hatch of which a talker was knocking. The hatch opened and Alice saw the First Captain. She ran to meet the captain, but Dr. Verkhovtseff followed him out. Alice, without taking off her invisibility cap, began to warn the First Captain that Dr. Verkhovtseff was a traitor. To which the First said that Dr. Verkhovtsev was a friend, and there was someone in the dungeon who pretended to be Dr. Verkhovtsev. And since she knows the way to the dungeon, she must show it as soon as possible, because. The prisoners need urgent help.

When the pirates realized that they were surrounded and resistance was useless, Dr. Verkhovtsev carefully began to examine the false doctor Verkhovtsev. He noticed a barely perceptible lightning bolt on the impostor. Then he passed his hand from the face to the chest of the pirate. The shell was sleeping and everyone saw a creature that looked like a huge insect. The fat man told everyone that it was the Rat from the dead planet Krokrys. The rat drew a stinger at the tip of his tail and stuck it in his heart. Then he dropped dead. But Veselchak Wu commented that in fact the Rat did not die, but fell asleep for a while. Then it was decided to take it to the Pegasus and close it in one of the animal cages. The fat man asked several times to kill the Rat, but the Second Captain said that the pirate would be tried. The fat man was asked to tell how to open the lid of the trap in order to let the ships out. While Veselchak U was thinking, the First Captain and Dr. Verkhovtseff told their stories. The First Captain was not very worried about the Second, because. The last one is strong enough. In addition, the First had a very interesting job on Venus, and he had something to focus on. But Dr. Verkhovtseff did not share this calmness. First, the captains claimed that the pirates were finished. However, the doctor heard rumors to the contrary. Secondly, someone once snuck into the museum and rummaged through everything. Nothing of value was taken away, only photographs of the Blue Gull. And this made Dr. Verkhovtsev think about the fate of the Second Captain. In addition, one of the planets, the President of which at that time was visiting Dr. Verkhovtsev, was raided. According to eyewitnesses, the raider was very similar to Dr. Verkhovtsev. And if the President of this planet had not spent this period of time together with the doctor, he would never have believed that the doctor had nothing to do with this. Then a series of strange circumstances take place for Dr. Verkhovtsev: the Pegasus arrives, the crew members of which claim that they are interested in animals, but they themselves ask to see the diaries of the captains. Seleznev’s message was added to the general treasury of doubts that Verkhovtsev had allegedly recently been on the planet Arcturus and was interested in the Blue Gull schemes, while in fact he had not flown anywhere. The Doctor called scouts from the planet Arcturus and they confirmed Seleznev's message. That's when Dr. Verkhovtsev urgently went to Venus for help from the First Captain. After listening to the doctor, the First decides that the crew of the Pegasus are the pirates. They immediately followed the Pegasus. But already on Bluke, they realized that this was an erroneous opinion and that the Pegasus was in danger, like the Second Captain. They interrogated all the beacons in the galaxy, who reported that the Pegasus was heading for the Medusa system. Then Dr. Verkhovtsev and the First Captain went to the Third planet of the Medusa system. At this point, the storytellers' stories were over, and Veselchak U was again asked to open the trap. The fat man was forced to agree and complied with the demand of his friends. The ships were ready to launch. But contrary to Veselchak's claims, Alice reported that there was someone else in the dungeon who was moaning.

After Alice's message about the mysterious prisoner, the fat man was asked to show the way to the unknown tunnels of the dungeon. Veselchaku U had to obey. Friends followed him. Many rooms were filled with loot. It was decided to abandon the intention to blow up the dungeon, because. all the good would be enough to provide for a hundred cities. Many caves were covered with thick gratings. Finally, we reached one of the small platforms, closed by a grate. The fat man got the right key. On a pile of rags lay a dying Fixian. He was severely emaciated and exhausted from torture. In him the Second Captain recognized the Third Captain. The Fixian was freed and carried out of the cramped quarters. But he lost consciousness. Alice was sent to the Pegasus for a first aid kit. After some time, the Third came to his senses, opened his eyes, thanked for the help and died. Then Professor Seleznev decided on a desperate step - he cut the chest of the Fixian with a knife, took out his heart and began to massage. By this time, Alice had arrived. The professor demanded to pour in strengthening medicines. As a result, the exhausted captain's heart began to beat again. He was taken to the "Blue Seagull" and the treatment continued there. After a couple of hours, the life of the Fixian was already out of danger.

The third captain was carried out of the dungeon. Everyone was getting ready to start. Skliss was released to graze. The fat man sat nearby under Zeleny's supervision. And then Professor Seleznev noticed how the spaceship was descending. A gray tail trailed behind him. The ship was landing unevenly, as if in distress. Then Zeleny rushed into the wheelhouse and tuned in to the wave of the oncoming ship. Green turned on the speakerphone. The voice from the malfunctioning ship turned out to be the voice of Ella, the First Captain's wife. She asked her husband to help her drive the living nebula into the net, which Professor Seleznev did not believe existed. First and Second immediately went up into space and helped Elea. The living nebula was pressed to the ground and driven into nets. The ships have landed. Friends greeted each other and talked. Veselchak U took advantage of this moment. He hid in a living nebula, cutting the net in one place. But he could not stay in this gray fog for a long time. Apparently, there was very little air. Then he jumped out from under the nebula and ran swiftly. The Croc bird noticed him, dived and picked him up. Friends could have shot the bird, but they were afraid that the fat man would break, falling from such a height. But Veselchak U managed to escape from the claws of the bird even without shots. He fell. During this time, the nebula was able to completely free itself from the networks. Then it was decided to start quickly. Near Shelezyak's planet, the nebula was recaptured and left near the Moon for further study. Galactius was handed over to physicists for study, Rats was handed over to the Blook government, and friends, having met on the moon in full force, made plans for the future. Ella said they shouldn't be separated for long. Therefore, now that the construction of new spaceships that will be fueled by galctium has already begun, they will all fly to other galaxies. They promised to take Alice with them on one of these trips when she grew up. In the meantime, the captains promised to bring rare animals and birds from their travels to the Moscow Zoo. Professor Seleznev said that next year he plans to go on an expedition again and very much asks Captain Poloskov and Zeleny to keep him company. Both agreed with pleasure to this proposal. And Alice already dreamed of a long journey with famous captains to other galaxies. And maybe they will agree to take her dad with them, because he admitted that the main thing in this expedition was not animals, but making new friends!

Takovo summary fantastic story Cyrus Bulycheva « girl from earth«.

Please write me a summary of "Girl from Earth" Kir Bulychev. For the reader's diary and got the best answer

Answer from Galochka Buterbrodskaya[guru]
Summary the teacher knows.
The reader's diary doesn't care either.
And we do not care what generation will grow up and will feed us in old age.
Learn, the brain can become flexible only in youth. Then it will be too late.
From the Internet, you can instantly pull out summaries and retellings. It's all just a cruel lie!
You need to learn to shorten texts, squeezing out the main thing, and not write off thoughtlessly.
Others will learn and get happy diplomas, and you will go around the world with a knapsack with your torn school assignments.
Type in a search engine: write-a-good-concise-book content
Write at least something, and we will help you edit it.
Source: Come back with more specific questions.
And what's the problem? If you read that, can you write what the book is about?

Answer from LisTV[newbie]
Alice is a girl from Earth. Together with their father, Professor Seleznev, mechanic Zeleny and Captain Poloskov, they set off on an extraordinary journey through outer space, intending to collect exotic animals for the Earth's zoo along the way. However, a simple journey turns into a search for the missing famous Captain. And, as always, extraordinary adventures await travelers - fantastic, exciting, sometimes funny, and sometimes deadly. But brave travelers with honor overcome all obstacles on the way, save the brave Captain, catch space pirates and acquire very curious specimens of fauna for the earthly zoo. And yet, the girl from Earth herself, Alisa Selezneva, is much more interesting. It is Alice with a childish, trusting, wise outlook on life that solves the amazing mysteries of the vast cosmos, and also draws the people around her into the craziest adventures. And only thanks to Alice the world around blooms with bright colors and ordinary gray everyday life suddenly turns into an extraordinary adventure. Good, as in a fairy tale, triumphed, and the plans of space pirates never came true

Answer from Imofiy Nekhoroshkov[guru]
Alisa Selezneva's childhood. And you advice to continue to solve your homework with the help of Google, you see, it will help to wave a broom in the future

Answer from Luchesara[guru]
I read these books in the second grade, outside the program. Too bad they didn't ask us that. I remember writing a math test, and I just started volume 3, it was very interesting. So I kept a book under my desk, I’ll decide a little and read. The people were completely lazy. Wow, very interesting collection. only 7 volumes. So you just can't tell.

Answer from Vyacheslav Gordeev[guru]
Unreal :-((Alice's Adventures is not one story, but a whole cycle. And Wiki basically gives a brief retelling of the cartoon "The Secret of 3 Planets" ===================== ==========================================Professor Seleznev, on behalf of whom the story is being told , promised Alice that he would take her on his expedition to search for rare alien animals, if she studies well and behaves Alice breaks this promise - she loses a giant gold nugget and tries to smuggle her entire class to the moon with "hares" But the father forgives her daughter because her friends stood up for her.The ship "Pegasus" under the control of Captain Poloskov and flight mechanic Zeleny takes off. Gromozeka, a friend of Seleznev, advises the heroes to visit the museum on the planet of the Three Captains - great heroes who have traveled all over space. But the director of the museum, Dr. Verkhovtsev, refers to the guests with suspicion and can not tell anything meaningful.The zoo, meanwhile, is replenished with giant tadpoles, from which tiny frogs hatch ki, and walking singing bushes. And on the Empty Planet, the heroes pick up transforming animals that change their appearance. The central point of the journey is the planet Bluk, where there is a huge zoological market. The local police are looking for a man who looks like Verkhovtsev, and the heroes notice him here and there. At the bazaar, they acquire an indicator - a creature that changes color depending on the mood, and a dwarf swindler gives Alice a cap of invisibility. But the main thing is that they are given Govorun, a bird that has mysteriously become extinct in recent times. Verkhovtseff and a strange man named Veselchak U are trying to buy or even take away the bird from them. But biologists refuse, and for good reason: it turns out that the bird belonged to the Second Captain. The Second Captain went missing 4 years ago, but when asked about his whereabouts, the bird advises: "Keep heading for the Medusa system." However, Govorun does not say anything specific. On the way to the Medusa system, the Pegasus crew visits the planet Sheshineru, where everyone travels in time, rescues robots from the planet Shelezyaka, whose oil has been spoiled by someone, and discovers a planet full of illusions and reflections of their thoughts . Finally, landing on the third planet of Medusa, they soon stumble upon the tracks of the Blue Gull, the Second Captain's ship. With the help of mirror flowers that remember everything they saw, the heroes learn that Verkhovtsev and Veselchak U. were on the planet before them. When trying to change the ship's parking lot, the Pegasus falls into an underground trap. The entire crew is captured by the pirates, but Alice manages to escape thanks to the invisibility cap. She gets to the surface, where she is met by the First Captain and ... the real Verkhovtsev. The pirates, meanwhile, are blackmailing the Second Captain. He enters the battle, the First Captain and his friends come to the rescue. The pirates are defeated, the impostor - "Verkhovtsev" - the pirate-chameleon Rats - is exposed. In the dungeon, the heroes also discover the Third Captain. It all started with him - he brought a new super-powerful fuel for ships from another galaxy. Only he and the Second Captain know the Galactia Formula, but he manages to barricade himself in his ship. And the Third falls into the hands of pirates, and they torture him to find out the formula. When they find him, the captain is already dying, but he manages to be saved. And then the wife of the First Captain sits on the planet, who has caught a living nebula. Funny Wu manages to escape, but he falls into the clutches of a giant bird. The heroes part, promising to fly together again to the stars in the future.

Alice's Journey is a fantastic story about the exciting space adventures of Alice and her friends.

Summary of "Alice's Journey" for the reader's diary

Name: Alice's Journey

Number of pages: 240. Kir Bulychev. "Alice's Journey" Makhaon Publishing House. 2018

Genre: Fantastic story

Year of writing: 1974

main characters

Alisa Selezneva is a second grader, smart, inquisitive, brave girl.

Professor Seleznev- Alice's father, a space biologist, kind, smart.

Veselchak U is a very fat pirate, outwardly harmless, but in fact very evil.

The rat is the most brutal criminal in the galaxy.

Three captains are brave fighters against space pirates.

Verkhovtsev is the director of the museum, a decent, responsible person.

Talker is a smart talking bird.

Gromozeka is a good-natured, clumsy alien giant, a friend of Professor Seleznev.


Alisa Selezneva is an ordinary girl, a second-grader living in the 21st century. Her father, a renowned space biologist, promised to take Alice on a journey across the galaxy in search of rare, unusual animals.

The Pegasus spacecraft first landed on the Moon, where Professor Seleznev met an old acquaintance, the tall Gromozeka. He told the travelers about the planet of the Three Captains who fought against the space pirates. Brave captains managed to visit many planets, and for sure, they saw a lot of rare animals.

Professor Seleznev went to the intergalactic market, where traders of the most amazing space creatures came. Here the scientist acquired Govorun - an incredibly smart, quick-witted bird. With her help, the travelers managed to choose the right direction to search for two captains who disappeared without a trace.

When the heroes landed on the right planet, they fell into a trap and were captured by space pirates - the Rat and Veselchak U. Two missing captains also turned out to be here. Verkhovtsev and the First Captain came to the aid of the heroes, as well as Alice, who used the invisibility cap in time.

Friends defeated dangerous pirates, and triumphantly returned to their native solar system. The captains promised Alice to take her on a new journey as soon as she was a little older.

Retelling plan

  1. Professor Seleznev takes his daughter on a space expedition.
  2. Meeting with Gromozeka.
  3. Intergalactic Market.
  4. Purchase of the Talker.
  5. The heroes fall into a trap.
  6. Meeting with the captains.
  7. Liberation.
  8. Homecoming.

the main idea

With true friends, no adversity is terrible.

What does it teach

The work teaches to be brave, resourceful, self-confident. Learns to be friends and come to the rescue of those who need help. In addition, it teaches to love and protect nature, never offend animals.


Alice proved herself very well in a dangerous expedition. She proved that she can be safely relied upon in a difficult situation, and she will never let her comrades down.


  • Well that ends well.
  • Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

What did you like

I liked how Professor Seleznev chose rare animals in the intergalactic market, where the most amazing creatures were sold.

Rating of the reader's diary

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 33.

Molokova Julia

Electronic reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book main characters Plot My opinion Date of reading Number of pages
Kir Bulychev "Girl from the Earth" Alisa Selezneva, professor Seleznev, mechanic Zelyony, captain Poloskov, space pirates: Veselchak U, Rats; 3 captains A girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva, sets out on her first space journey. She helps her father, the director of the space zoo, look for unusual animals from different planets. At the same time, the heroine fights against space pirates and reveals the secret of the Third Planet. The book is very exciting and adventurous. Read in one breath. Available to both elementary school students and teenagers. 2005 year 512 pages

book cover illustration

About the author of the book

Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko; October 18, 1934, Moscow - September 5, 2003, Moscow) - Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, screenwriter. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982). The pseudonym is composed of the name of Kira's wife and the maiden name of the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. He is best known for his fantastic stories about Alisa Selezneva, a girl living at the end of the 21st century.

Books by Kir Bulychev about Alisa Selezneva

About the book "Girl from the Earth"

The writer gave the name of the heroine in honor of his daughter Alice, who was born in 1960. The collection published by the publishing house "Eksmo" includes 3 stories: "A girl with whom nothing will happen", "Alice's Journey", "Alice's Birthday". The most famous among them is Alice's Journey, written in 1974. Based on this story, the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" was filmed. Links to sources of information Kir Bulychev


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