What lunar day to start treatment. Test work on IDM on the topic: "Civilizations of Asia" (Grade 5)

the influence of the moon on the human psyche.

The mental abilities and mood, emotions and behavior of a person depend on his mental state, which, in turn, is determined by many factors. From the point of view of astrology, the human psyche is strongly influenced by celestial bodies. solar system, depends on their relative position and position in relation to the signs of the Zodiac. The most noticeable influence on the psyche is exerted by the Moon, since its movement through the Zodiac is more rapid. A greater or lesser degree of influence of the Moon is predetermined by the nature of the zodiac sign under which it is currently located. Of course, this is just a general background. Sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of the Moon and other celestial bodies is individual for each person and depends both on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, and on his free will, thanks to which he can always consciously correct his own emotions and behavior.

MOON IN ARIES makes people more active, tougher, faster. They become more aggressive than usual, get excited more easily, bet on luck. At this time, the desire to excel, to take the initiative in their own hands, is more clearly manifested. At the forefront at this time are more personal than public interests. Thought is impulsive, the desire to impose one's own will on others often leads to fruitless disputes, tactlessness, rash actions. There is a growing desire to make new contacts, to visit previously unknown places, to start a new business. Thought works actively, giving rise to many ideas, which, nevertheless, often turn out to be utopian, divorced from reality. This period of spontaneous activity, which is characterized by the desire to immediately implement all fresh ideas and plans. The Moon in Aries adds courage and energy. During this period, it is useful to start new big things, but on the condition that they remain within the limits of reality, otherwise it's like banging your head against a wall. Money transactions require careful calculations, and even better - consultations with a specialist. This is a favorable period for work that requires excellent command of the instrument. It's good to play sports, but caution and haste increase the likelihood of injury. On the street, you should be more careful and attentive, especially for children, so it’s better to once again remind them of caution.

MOON IN TAURUS enhances parenting. Interest in everything related to their own children is growing. Children, on the contrary, are more obstinate, obey orders and prohibitions worse. These days it is best to influence them with praise and affection. But it is wiser to remove matches and sharp objects away from them. Housewives should be careful with hot pots and pans. The Moon in Taurus inclines thought to reality, makes a person more stubborn, conservative and cautious. The fear of making the wrong decision makes you think carefully about everything in advance. You want to protect and strengthen what you have, and to properly adapt everything new to what you already have. In this position, the Moon sharpens the flair for everything earthly, real. Favorable time for detailed negotiations, for the conclusion of contracts, major transactions for the sale, especially in the field of art, needlework, agriculture. The position of the Moon is conducive to monetary transactions, although the manifestation of pettiness is not ruled out here. There is a clearer tendency to doubt too much the expediency of certain expenditures. These doubts are especially noticeable in wealthy people. There is also a stubborn desire not to deviate from one's own ideas, a tendency to evaluate everything with material point vision. On the other hand, the Moon in Taurus gives rise to a desire to enjoy comfort, tidy up the house, take care of flowers, work in the garden or in the field. I want to draw and listen to music. Good time for friendly meetings. These days, I especially want something tasty, I just want something sweet. This should be remembered by people prone to overeating and overweight. Children at this time are calmer and more diligent, but also more stubborn, require more affection. Academic subjects absorb slowly but firmly.

MOON IN GEMINI makes people freer, more contact. Desire and need increase. There is a growing desire and need to receive and transmit information, to exchange ideas. I want to know the news, to know what is happening around, what others are doing. This is the best time for contacts, announcements, advertising, business telephone, negotiations, sending business letters. As a rule, during this period, the volume of correspondence, the number of phone calls increases, but errors in telephone connections also occur more often. Everything is conducive to literary pursuits. Mental activity is so active that it can lead to insomnia. Attention is scattered between many things at the same time, the desire to take on everything at once is more pronounced, there is a feeling that you do not have time for anything. Being late to the appointed time becomes frequent, a tendency to evade duties clearly emerges. There are frequent traffic accidents, misunderstandings in office work, primarily related to letters and documents. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness increase. Petty theft is more common. The right time for intellectual entertainment. Children are restless and distracted, tend to be late. At this time, they need to be better monitored. The same applies to your favorite animals: at this time you need an eye and an eye for them, as they may well get lost.

MOON IN CANCER exacerbates emotional feelings, enhances romantic mood. A tendency to daydreaming, sadness is clearly manifested, memories of the past excite. At the same time, I want to look through albums with old photographs, visit the places where I spent my childhood, meet my mother. People like to be treated like a mother, encouraged, pampered, they tend to believe in promises and promises. There are mood swings, whims, causeless resentment is exacerbated. Draws to wander in nature, especially on moonlit evenings. Relationships with the opposite sex are spiritual and emotional. The Moon in Cancer favors contacts with women. This is a time of fruitful work, especially in poetry and painting. The sense of ownership is noticeably enhanced, there may be difficulties in money matters: you want to have almost everything for nothing. It is not recommended to lend money, as it may be difficult to return. You should be moderate in your promises. A favorable period for transactions related to food, for all kinds of cooking, buying dishes, kitchen equipment and the like. At this time, people are prone to immoderation in eating and drinking, which can lead to disruption of the digestive system. Somewhere on a subconscious level, invitations to treats and drinks are pleasant, and the inviter causes unconscious sympathy. Schoolchildren at this time have difficulties with the exact sciences. But the poetic evenings, literary and historical quizzes arranged at this time promise to be successful.

MOON IN LION makes people active, hedonistic. I want holidays and fun. Feasts during this period are more fun and larger than at other times. People are more greedy for promises and signs of attention, scatter compliments, tend to embellish reality, to see everything in a rosy light. Everyone likes solemnity, even some splendor. Actors are admired. I want to make an impression with at least catchy clothes - we all, to one degree or another, feel the need for recognition. Uncertainty disappears, people, on the one hand, are more objective in their judgments, but at the same time, this position of the Moon contributes to the spread of gossip and rumors, gives rise to a desire to flirt, fall in love. The attitude towards money is easy, we squander it right and left, spend it on luxury items and all sorts of little things. Increased cheerfulness. We feel better in motion than at rest. Things are going quite well, as the Moon in Leo sharpens organizational skills. People easily assimilate new ideas, respond to proposals to do something or organize. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to please each other. The authorities do not refuse advice and assistance, both personally and in business terms, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. A good time for all sorts of shows and demonstrations. These days it is best to hold exhibitions, sales, auctions. Favorable time for classes in drama and pop circles. Children at school are initiative, but greedy for entertainment. Praise and encouragement will help to intensify the work in the lesson. The influence of the Moon can sometimes be expressed in the desire to get married, have a good rest.

MOON IN VIRGO makes people more nervous, critical, even absurd, the readiness to indulge in pleasure gives way to efficiency. Daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put things in order, put everything in its place, get new information and find a place for it. The slightest negligence, inaccuracy irritates. Well, this should be used when doing work that requires attention, accuracy, composure: processing statistical materials, analyzing facts, editing texts, calculating, detailed elaboration of plans, insurance, as well as general cleaning of a house, apartment, blanks, purchases. At this time, there are more trades than usual, but they are full of stipulations and conditions. The ability to generalize is weakening, there is a danger of getting confused in the details. Objective facts are more conspicuous. Auditors and controllers are more picky and pedantic. This is not the best time for a romantic relationship, because as the partner's mistakes are more conspicuous, which means that mutual recriminations become more frequent. Under the influence of Virgo, there is a growing desire to interfere in other people's affairs with the best of intentions, the desire to help another, but they often forget to ask if this help is needed. Moon in Virgo exacerbates interest in food, clothing, diet, hygiene. Everything should be fresh, clean, healthy. Due to nervousness, disturbances in the activity of the digestive organs may occur. All of the above is reflected in school life. The teacher is more demanding on the answers of the students. Students, in turn, tend to doubt the correctness and accuracy of the data given by the teacher.

MOON IN LIBRA brings good and joyful mood. People become more contact, they like entertainment and feasts. I would like to spend time in a good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, to be creative. People are hungry for power. I want to hear only good and pleasant. The susceptibility of beauty is sharper, it pleases. Stronger interest in the opposite sex. The most harmonious relationships with relatives, friends, relatives. The moon favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Decisiveness weakens, decisions made during this period are easily changed. People are prone to arguments, but it doesn’t come to rubbish. Libra promotes reconciliation and peacemaking. Favorable time for buying clothes, works of art, furniture and other furnishings, perfumes, cosmetics, gifts. There are successful transactions related to clothing, jewelry, successful music, painting, drawing, design, dancing. Friendly meetings, discussion evenings are a success. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to cheer you up. Children are distracted and need calm guidance. There is a lively analysis and discussion of literary works in the school. Art circles work well.

MOON IN SCORPIO puts the stamp of passion on everything that is planned and conceived. Detailed plans are useful for any business and activity, but this is not the best time for new beginnings. The will and determination are stronger than usual, which makes it easier to get out of crisis situations. Volitional manifestations overcome diseases faster. A favorable period for meetings with authoritative people and strengthening one's own authority, but sharp straightforwardness can often lead to conflicts, especially with superiors. Sharp, sarcastic remarks up to insults are more often expressed. Scorpio adds bitterness right up, especially to women. The sexual attraction of the sexes is aggravated, but the expediency of business contacts with the opposite sex is questionable. The Moon in Scorpio generally increases doubt and distrust, especially towards strangers. In the family, unity is growing stronger, the desire to defend the interests of relatives and friends. Habits set the tone in behavior. A tendency to moralizing is found, while one's own behavior is often not taken into account. Interest in everything mysterious and mystical increases. Favorable time for lecturers and speakers: they more easily capture the attention of the public, more convincingly present and substantiate their views and arguments. Unfavorable period for working with equipment, machinery, tools. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is not recommended to buy and put on new things for the first time. They get dirty faster, wear out, deteriorate, and jewelry breaks. Be careful with alcohol! Here zeal can lead to disastrous results. Children during this period are also prone to insolence and demonstrations of strength. We must see to it that they do not annoy the younger and the weak. Sports competitions can be held.

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS adds optimism, improves well-being, has a good effect on physical form. There is a need for movement, sports, physical work. Favorable time to participate in sports. Excessiveness in everything should be avoided, since optimism increases the tendency to exaggerate one's abilities and strengths. There is a desire for risk, a demonstration of one's own courage. The sense of justice is aggravated, it gives rise to a desire to stand up for friends, to protect them. It is only necessary, in the excitement of the struggle, not to forget what it is for. During this period, people are characterized by swiftness and thoughtlessness of actions and statements - they will do something on the fly, and only then they think. Nevertheless, all undertakings at this time are successful. Statements are sometimes too straightforward, but luck will not change in cases related to the court and the legal profession and with theological and publishing activities, higher education, travel and establishing external contacts. It is useful to instruct and teach children so that they behave calmly on the street. Sports activities can be held at the school.

MOON IN CAPRICORN gives rise to a feeling of loneliness, reduces emotional tone. People tend to withdraw into themselves. In relationships, affairs, any activity, efficiency and conciseness are in the foreground. Of all activities, we tend to choose the most difficult during this period. It seems to us that we must strictly follow the letter of the law, comply with all the rules and regulations, we are afraid of everything new and unusual. The last word in this period remains with the conservative. Attention is focused on the material side of things, and yet for banking operations this is a bad time. The moon favors everyday affairs, housework and chores that require perseverance, patience and concentration. The sense of reality is sharpened, plans for the future are built very correctly and reliably. In cases, various obstacles and opposition are possible, primarily in the form of restrictive rules and regulations. It seems that we are beginning to appreciate the good things that happened in the past. It's time to renew old acquaintances and contacts, conclude contracts and major deals. The Moon in Capricorn sharpens the sense of honor, duty, responsibility, self-discipline. More ordinary people tend to follow authorities, seek contacts with older, more experienced people. It's nice to help parents and relatives. Children are also more conscientious. They have a desire to be among adults, to listen to their conversations. This should not be banned: for them, this is not just curiosity, but a subconscious need to replenish their own life experience. At school, there are no special problems with discipline. Learned is fixed slowly but surely. The exact sciences and history are well assimilated.

MOON IN AQUARIUS makes a person more sensitive and nervous. I want freedom from all restrictions, there is a desire to be the master of my own time. Routine work does not go well, solutions to everyday problems are difficult, new, interesting, unusual are more attracted. good time for scientific work, inventions. Everything is open to the new and original. New ideas bring noticeable results. Favorable time for working with electrical circuits, electrical equipment and electronic equipment. During this period, it is useful to focus on the future. It is possible that there will be a desire to change the usual state of affairs. In this position, the Moon favors state affairs, contacts with members of the government. The Moon in Aquarius promises surprises and surprises, meetings with interesting people, old friends. Premonitions and predictions come true. Own actions, the behavior of other people can be very unexpected and unusual. Interest is caused by novelties, purchases are due to the novelty of the product. I would like to be among friends, talk about politics, welfare, transformations, problems of science, spend time in intellectual entertainment (chess, checkers, bridge). Children can surprise with unexpected tricks, they are more inquisitive than usual, they often turn to adults with questions.

MOON IN PISCES increases, rather even exacerbates sensitivity, sentimentality. The feeling of reality is weakening, during this period it is better not to take on important matters. Time favors the clarification of facts, the hidden becomes clear. People are kind and caring towards each other. I want to feel care for myself, find sympathy, advice. The goal is most easily achieved by praise and flattery. Good time for charity creative work, advertising, arts. Success accompanies the activities of hospitals, courts, monasteries and other closed institutions. Social relations are good. The moon in Pisces can give rise to self-pity in a person, a desire for solitude, one wants to escape into the world of illusions, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages. At this time, you can not turn to predictors, as the prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Children are more sensitive than usual, tearful. It is difficult for them to concentrate in the lessons, they prefer to soar in the clouds. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially near water bodies - this raises the tone, adds mental strength.



State various bodies and life support systems is closely connected with the passage of the Moon 12 signs of the Solar Zodiac. Each sign of this zodiac is "responsible" for a certain part of the body. Accordingly, when the moon passes through different signs Zodiac, the sensitivity of different organs and systems changes. You need to know this so as not to accidentally harm your body: after all, if you take care of it at the right time (for example, your teeth or throat), you can avoid many other problems - do not shake with fear of visiting a dentist, do not spend money on medicines, etc. .). Those organs that astrologically correlate with the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located at the moment of interest to you, must be helped. They can not be overstressed and subjected to planned surgical interventions.

Being engaged in medical or preventive procedures, choosing a day for an operation, one should be attentive to the position of the transit Moon, i.e. moving around the zodiac circle. The moon has a very strong influence on a person, especially on women and children, as well as those who have a strong moon in their horoscope. Its action can be compared with a revision. Being in a certain sign, it, as it were, checks the performance of these organs and, if they function abnormally, they let you know about their unreliability. Our intervention - whether operations, whether procedures on the organ, which the Moon is currently auditing - can give a negative result. Treatment of organs located in the opposite sign of the zodiac circle will be more successful than usual.

1st lunar day
On the new moon (zero lunar day) you should not overwork, eat spicy and hot, drink alcohol. The day is also good for creative ideas.
On the first lunar day, pay attention to the condition of the teeth and the upper part of the sky. On this day it is good to start a new cycle of physical exercises.

2nd lunar day
Intense physical activity is useful, it’s not bad to take a steam bath or sauna. Particular attention should be paid to the organs of hearing and the back of the head.

4th lunar day
Pay attention to the condition of the esophagus. You can not starve, but you should limit the consumption of animal food.

5th lunar day
The day is good for communicating with nature and rejuvenating procedures. Pay attention to the bronchi and upper respiratory tract.

6th lunar day
On this day, the danger of colds increases. Pay attention to the lungs. The day is unfavorable for tooth extraction.

7th lunar day
First quarter. On this day, it is good to prepare medicines.
You can starve, cleanse the stomach and intestines.

8th lunar day
Pay attention to the chest. Useful prevention of intercostal neuralgia and angina pectoris. On this day, the danger of food poisoning increases.

9th lunar day
Day active rest: it is good to direct the excess of forces to health promotion. This is the best day to visit a bath or sauna.

10th lunar day
The day is good to start fasting. Passivity and a sedentary lifestyle are not recommended. You can carry out cleaning procedures.

11th lunar day
A good day to start treatment, cleansing the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Swimming is good for this day. Try to eat less rough food, drink more water and juices.

12th lunar day
It is good to apply medicines as well cosmetical tools. The day is good for anti-aging treatments. The stomach is able to quickly digest food.

13th lunar day
On this day, you should reduce your fluid intake. It is recommended to eat nuts and various pickles, and limit bitter and sweet.

14th lunar day
It is important to pay attention to the pancreas. It is useful to eat viburnum, legumes, barley.

15th lunar day
Full moon. The risk of food poisoning increases. It is not recommended to eat animal food (except fish) and mushrooms. On this day, it is useful to do everything related to cleanliness: for example, clean the house and take a shower.

16th lunar day
The day is favorable for marital relations. But here, too, a sense of proportion is required.

18th lunar day
The appendix and large intestine become vulnerable. In addition, increased depression and fears are possible.

19th lunar day
On this day, it is not recommended to eat meat and strain your eyesight. Weakened upper back and shoulder blades, as well as the peritoneum.

20th lunar day
Good physical activity and exercise in the fresh air. It is recommended to carry out blood purification. Loads on the liver are contraindicated.

21st Lunar Day
You should pay attention to the lower part of the spine, the sacrum and the hip area. Recommended plant food.

22nd lunar day
Last quarter. It is useful to observe fasting and abstinence. It is not recommended to cut nails and do surgical operations. The most vulnerable is the spine. Health and wellness procedures are useful.

23rd lunar day
The day is good for active creative work, for treatment and health promotion. Useful exercise. It is good to be in nature, cook and take decoctions of herbs.

26th lunar day
This is a day of collective deeds and bold projects. A sedentary lifestyle, passivity and isolation are undesirable. The day is good for work and communication.

27th lunar day
On this day, the senses are vulnerable, especially vision. You should take care of your head, brain, eyes, watch out for blood pressure. This is one of better days for fasting and cleansing.

28th lunar day
It is advisable to observe fasting and abstinence. Before going to bed, it is useful to take a shower and soak your feet in cool water.

29th lunar day
On this day, it is good to get away from the hustle and bustle, to give up everything superfluous and unnecessary. It is advisable to forgive offenders, not to hold grudges. It is recommended to clean the house. Food on this day should be light.


The activity of the body, its fullness of energy depends on the change in the phases of the moon. It is not difficult to understand that this is very closely related to the state of health. Therefore, both in treatment and in recreational activities, it is necessary to take into account not only the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located, but also what kind of Moon is in the sky at the moment - growing or waning.

As you remember, with the growing moon, the body accumulates energy, gains strength, and it is undesirable to waste them at this time, since even a slight load can lead to exhaustion. At this time, the immune system is weaker, we are harder to endure even minor ailments, wounds bleed more and heal worse.

And with the waning moon, the body easily and willingly spends energy, while remaining alert and strong. At this time, we endure pain more easily, cope with infection faster and recover more easily from illnesses and operations.
Hence the simple rule:

All surgical interventions (except for urgent ones), all medical procedures associated with a load on the body and requiring the expenditure of strength and energy, should be carried out only during the waning moon.
The same applies to visiting the dentist - regardless of whether you are going to fill your teeth, remove them or put dentures.
My friend once came to me in tears and with complaints: “I don’t believe in your lunar calendar, it’s all lies!” I took a closer look at her: her cheek was tied with a handkerchief, her face was contorted with pain.
It turns out that she went to the dentist on the day of Libra, as expected, knowing that on this day you can extract teeth, the operation should be successful.
But it was not there! The doctor was busy with a naughty tooth for an hour - the tooth crumbled, broke, and there was no way to extract the remaining root. The anesthesia began to fade, my friend was in a lot of pain, the blood was flowing non-stop. And when she finally got up from the dentist's chair, she was frightened of her reflection in the mirror: her whole face was covered in blood. My friend got a lot of stress.
But her torment did not end there. Apparently, the doctor was not qualified enough and left a piece of the tooth. The blood didn't stop, my jaw ached.
I grabbed my friend by the hand and dragged her to the dental clinic - to my familiar dentist, a real professional. The remaining piece of tooth was successfully extracted. A day of rinsing with tincture of calendula - and everything was gone. Then I explained to my friend that she sins in vain on the lunar calendar. Yes, the day of Libra is indeed favorable for visiting the dentist, but with one condition: if it falls on the period of the waning moon. In this case, the phase of the moon is stronger than the sign of the zodiac. And my friend went to the dentist with the growing moon. Fortunately, everything ended well; but it was possible to do without the torment through which she had to go.

Treat your teeth with a waning moon.
And one more piece of advice: even on favorable lunar days, do not sit in a chair with a bad doctor. Although on an auspicious day, even a bad doctor will cause you Less harm than on an unfavorable one.


The area of ​​the head and all the organs connected with the head are sensitive - eyes, teeth, ears, and also the brain. Therefore, in the days of Aries, you need to protect yourself from stress and overwork, as well as from work that requires eye strain. It is better to read less, not to watch TV, not to strain unnecessarily.
It is undesirable these days to do operations on the face and head, including plastic surgery, unless absolutely necessary, you do not need to visit a dentist. But you can carry out any operations and procedures related to the kidneys, since the kidneys are the least vulnerable these days and are able to withstand stress.

How to help the head. If you have a headache from overwork and tension, put aside all your affairs, turn off the light in the room and try to relax, sit in an easy chair, or even better, lie down. Rub the whiskey with the lemon peel. Close your eyes, focus on the area of ​​pain and imagine that the pain is a kind of dark clot that you are burning out with a candle flame. You can take a real candle, or you can imagine it in your imagination. Achieve the feeling of disappearance, dissolution of the black clot. You will feel how the tension subsides, and the pain recedes. After that, take a warm relaxing soothing bath, then drink as much liquid as possible - water, soft drinks. In case of severe headache and dizziness, pour cold water over a mixture of herbs (oregano, thyme, mint, motherwort), bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, leave for an hour, add cloves before use. Drink warm half a cup half an hour before meals. Take pharmaceutical pain relievers only when absolutely necessary.

Kidney cleansing. If you have a need for this, it is during the days of Aries that it is advisable to carry out procedures to cleanse the kidneys of stones - they will be most successful and less painful. It is especially good if the days of Aries fall on the second phase of the moon.
Stone crushing properties have essential oils, which are found in large quantities in radish and rose hips. Therefore, to cleanse the kidneys, you need to prepare a remedy according to one of the following recipes.
Hollow out a hole in a whole large radish, where to add honey or sugar. Collect the juice that stands out and take about 1 glass a day.
Pour 1 tablespoon of rose hips with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in an enamel bowl, insist for a day, strain, drink half a cup twice a day.
One of these remedies begins to be taken a few days before the onset of the days of Aries. Soon, sand will begin to appear in the urine. To speed up the process of crushing stones, it is desirable to walk more. When pain occurs, it is recommended to drink juices from fresh strawberries, blueberries, carrots half an hour before meals and take baths with a decoction of oregano herbs, linden flowers, birch branches, sage herbs and chamomile (mix 1 teaspoon of each herb, brew with 3 liters of boiling water, insist two hours, strain, pour into a bath with water at a temperature of about 40 ° C, immerse in the bath so that the heart area remains above the water).

Moon in Taurus

Vulnerable throat, vocal cords, thyroid gland. The risk of complications and exacerbations of diseases of these organs increases. If your work is connected with the load on the vocal cords, try to rest these days or work in such a mode that you can be more silent. Watch out for colds more than on other days.

It is useful to do everything that helps the throat, nasopharynx: rinsing, heating, inhalation. But operations on the throat are not recommended, as in the days of Aries, as well as visiting a dentist. But operations and procedures related to the genitals and rectum will be effective.

How to help the throat. Prepare a decoction of chamomile or sage and gargle with it. Chamomile, like sage, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic properties. It is very useful for various colds to take a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile or eucalyptus. To do this, hot water with a portion of broth is splashed on hot stones, and the bath steam acquires useful properties.

Treatment of hemorrhoids. The rectum during the days of Taurus is the least painful and not very vulnerable, so this time can be used to treat hemorrhoids. Raw potatoes are suitable for this purpose, which improves blood circulation and removes congestion from the rectal area. Cut off a small piece raw potatoes, giving it the shape of a candle, up to 1 cm in diameter, 2-2.5 cm long and enter into the rectum. This can be done constantly throughout all the days of Taurus, and at the moment when the rectum is vulnerable, there will be no aggravation.

Moon V Gemini

Vulnerable are the lungs, airways, as well as the arms and shoulders. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, exacerbation of osteochondrosis and rheumatism in the shoulder area are possible. These days, we can endure stuffiness and the smell of tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes from cars worse than usual. So try to spend more time outdoors. Avoid carrying extra weights and other burdens on your arms and shoulders.

You can use inhalations, ointments and other means to alleviate the condition of the respiratory tract, but operations and complex procedures on the lungs, bronchi, and chest should be avoided.

Operations and procedures related to the liver, as well as in the thigh area, will go well. Interventions in the area of ​​the circulatory system are also permissible - it is now well protected.

How to help the lungs. Take 1 teaspoon of marshmallow root and mallow flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, let it brew. Drink half a cup warm twice a day. This tea soothes coughs, thins phlegm, and protects the inflamed mucous membrane from irritation.
Or use the recipe used by the peoples of the Caucasus. Dissolve a piece of pine resin about 1 cm in diameter in half a glass of goat's milk. Drink the milk at night, and rub the chest and back with turpentine.

Liver cleansing. Grind and mix in equal proportions horsetail, corn stigmas, knotweed, calendula flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Boil 2 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Take half a glass 3 times a day after meals. It is very good to apply this technique when the Moon is in Gemini, but on the condition that these days fall on the second phase of the Moon. If you have already carried out that technique and now want to cleanse the liver at a deeper, cellular level, you can recommend a juice diet for five days (of course, in the presence of severe chronic diseases, you must first consult a doctor). On the first day, you need to drink one and a half glasses of carrot juice, half a glass of beetroot and cucumber juice. On the second day - one and a half glasses of carrot juice and spinach juice; on the third day - two and a half glasses of carrot juice; on the fourth day - half a glass of beetroot and one and a half glasses of carrot juice; on the fifth day - a quarter glass of celery juice, so much "Ke parsley juice and a glass and a half of carrot juice. These days you can not eat or drink anything except boiled water. For greater efficiency of the process, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas.

Moon in Cancer

The stomach is vulnerable, and therefore these days one must be extremely careful in nutrition: do not eat heavy food, do not overeat, otherwise such unpleasant phenomena as pain, heartburn, and belching may appear. In addition, it is necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages, do not take drugs of chemical origin.
Naturally, the days of Cancer are not the time for stomach operations. But operations related to the legs and spine will go well.

How to help the stomach. If you have stomach problems, try not to eat at the same time foods that require different conditions for digestion: for example, meat with potatoes, a roll with cheese and butter, that is, do not mix proteins with carbohydrates and starches - this is an unbearable burden for the stomach. Limit your intake of fatty foods. Do not drink liquid immediately after eating - this is not very good for the stomach. Remember that the most easily digestible food is freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. From time to time, unload your stomach by adhering to a juice diet for at least one or two days.

Spine care. In the days of Cancer, you can give a therapeutic load to the spine - it will only benefit and will not bring complications, will not be painful. If you experience discomfort in your spine from time to time, try the following exercises during the days of Cancer: tilt your head in different directions; stretching the spine with forward and backward bends, rotations and wiggles; deflection of the body to the right and left; possibilities, if you do not have serious illnesses, are hangings and pull-ups on the crossbar. It is very useful to swim in warm water.

Moon in Leo

Vulnerable heart and back. Palpitations, pain in the heart and back are possible. Nervousness and insomnia may appear. It is impossible to give a load on the heart, it is necessary to save physical strength, especially the cores. Take preventive measures in advance.

Operations on the heart are contraindicated, as well as everything that puts a strain on the heart. But you can operate on the eyes and lower legs and put a load on these areas of the body.

How to help the heart. Take one and a half tablespoons of peppermint leaves and motherwort grass, a tablespoon of valerian root and hop cones, pour boiling water (half a liter), leave for 45 minutes and drink half a glass three times a day. Helps with nervous excitement, palpitations, irritability, insomnia. Another recipe: one and a half tablespoons of valerian root and motherwort leaves, a tablespoon of yarrow herb and anise fruits, brew and infuse in the same way. Drink a third of a glass 2-3 times a day for pain in the heart.

With pain in the heart, this method is very good and effective: you need to bite the tip of the little finger from the sides with your teeth and hold it like that. 2 minutes - first the little finger of the left hand, then the right. After that you need to put left hand on the region of the heart, and the right one - on the region of the solar plexus and mentally talk to the heart, turning to it with very good, affectionate words, calm it down, express your care and gratitude, very gently and gently ask it to work well, calmly and normally.

Gymnastics for the legs. If you have problems with your legs, especially those associated with varicose veins, you can use the Leo days to give your legs a healing load: while standing, rise sharply on your toes by 3-5 cm, lingering in this position for a while, drop sharply on your heels. Do this exercise for 1- 2 minutes every hour. These days it is also shown to walk a lot - walking will not cause fatigue and will only benefit.

Moon in Virgo

Vulnerable intestines and abdominal area. If there are problems, arrange a sparing diet for yourself these days. No bowel cleansing procedures should be carried out these days and in no case should operations be performed on the abdominal cavity. But for operations on the feet, removal of calluses and stress on the legs - the best time.

How to help the intestines. Prepare oatmeal jelly: take a glass oatmeal, pour 1 liter of raw cold water and leave for two days - until souring. Then squeeze the flakes so that only liquid remains, bring it to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Kissel is ready. Try to eat nothing but oatmeal jelly for two to three days. It coats the stomach and intestines with a mucous layer and soothes inflammation.

How to reduce corns. This procedure will be most painless in the days of Virgo. Pour into a tub or large basin hot water, add liquid soap and a few tablespoons of soda there (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water) and soak your feet in this hot bath for 10-15 minutes. When the calluses soften, they must be scraped off (preferably with a pumice stone) and then lubricate the legs with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream. Then lower the legs again into a hot soda-soap bath and, if the calluses still remain, rub the legs again with a pumice stone. After that, rinse your feet with clean warm water, wipe dry and grease with cream.

Moon in Libra

Vulnerable are the kidneys, thighs and bladder, as well as the pancreas. Diabetics and patients with pancreatitis should be especially careful. Diseases can get worse, so it is very important to stick to a diet during the days of Libra. These days it is advisable not to catch a cold, not to sit on stones and on the ground - the kidneys are subject to negative influences. Avoid any operations in the thigh area, do not clean the kidneys. Operations on the face and all procedures related to the ears and eyes will be effective. The treatment and extraction of teeth will be successful.

How to help the kidneys. Make a brew of melon seeds and drink in small amounts - in case of kidney disease, this reduces pain. With inflammation of the bladder, a decoction of blueberry leaves helps well. Corn stigmas have wonderful cleansing properties. Taking an infusion or decoction of corn stigmas helps dissolve stones in the kidneys and ureters, and also prevents the infection from penetrating into the urinary tract. Preparing the infusion is simple: take 1 teaspoon of corn stigmas and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Insist on a couple of two hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day one hour before meals.

Correction vision. The Moon in Libra is the best time to start putting strain on the eyes in order to improve impaired vision.

On the window glass, just below eye level, stick a bright stamp or sticker about 3 x 3 cm in size, preferably green. Outside the window on the street, select some distant object, such as a house or a tree. Stand at the window at a distance of about 20-25 cm from the sticker and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then look at the object selected outside the window and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then look at the sticker again, again at the object - and so repeat a hundred times. Required condition: you need to look and look at it calmly, without straining, without squinting, relaxedly examining both objects in turn. The essence of the exercise is training the flexibility of the visual apparatus, the ability to adapt to the perception of objects at different distances and to the transition from perception at close range to perception at a distant distance. Thanks to this training, visual acuity improves. It is advisable to perform the exercise every day until the vision improves.

Moon V scorpio

Vulnerable genitals and rectum. These days sex is contraindicated. Dress warmly and try not to get too cold. Avoid spicy and heavy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, if possible, give up sedentary work so as not to exacerbate hemorrhoids and constipation. During pregnancy in the days of Scorpio, it is better to avoid even the slightest physical and mental stress, otherwise the threat of miscarriage is not excluded. Any surgical interventions and complex procedures in the pelvic area are contraindicated. You can operate on the upper respiratory tract and throat, remove tonsils, adenoids, treat and remove teeth.

How to help the intestines. For constipation, brew equal proportions of buckthorn bark and motherwort (1 teaspoon of the mixture per cup of boiling water), boil for 2-3 minutes, leave for 40 minutes and take half a cup between meals. This method is for an emergency.

And for the prevention of constipation, use foods containing fiber: cabbage, carrots, beets, various cereals. It is useful to eat dried apricots or prunes in combination with mineral water. The juice of freshly squeezed raw potatoes will help: drink half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals.

When to go to the dentist. Seeing a dentist is essential whenever you have a toothache. However, you should be aware that there are special cases when it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. If you have a very long-term severe toothache that is not relieved by painkillers, if you feel that the tooth has grown in size, that it is throbbing, or it seems to you that it seems to be swinging, although in fact it is not, if in addition on the other hand, your cheek is slightly swollen from the side of the diseased tooth and, possibly, the temperature has risen - this may be a sign of suppuration, a tooth abscess, when pus accumulates in the bone or tissue near the tooth. In this case, most often the tooth has to be removed, but sometimes it can be saved if the doctor treats the tooth with high quality: makes a hole in the tooth or cuts the gum to release pus, removes the affected tissue and fills the tooth.

Moon in Sagittarius

The circulatory system, hips, liver are vulnerable. Long walks and hiking trips are undesirable: the legs will quickly get tired, pain may occur. Avoid heavy fatty foods - in the days of Sagittarius Liver it is difficult to handle it. These days, one should not clean the liver and do operations on the veins and blood vessels. Do not overstrain, especially if the vessels are weakened - in the days of Sagittarius they are especially fragile. Any procedures and operations on the respiratory organs are effective.

How to help blood vessels. In order for the blood vessels to be elastic and not clogged with cholesterol plaques, take care of proper nutrition: limit the amount of starches, proteins and, especially, fats - they turn the blood into a viscous liquid that hardly moves through the capillaries, which leads to circulatory disorders.

Cleansing of the respiratory tract. The days of Sagittarius are the best time to clear the airways. Mix mint and eucalyptus leaves in equal proportions, put about a glass of this mixture in a large saucepan and pour three liters of boiling water, bring to a boil again. Then, having covered yourself with a woolen blanket with your head along with the pan, bend over the pan and breathe in the steam for 15-20 minutes so that the mucus is abundantly excreted from the respiratory tract.

Another option: pour the same composition of herbs with olive oil (a glass of herbs per liter of oil), insist until the color of the oil changes to green, then instill the composition into the nose in the morning and evening, 20-25 drops in each nostril.
When mucus begins to stand out from the nasopharynx, you can help this process by washing the nose with a decoction of beets: inhale the liquid in which the beets were boiled into one nostril, while holding the other. It is important that fluid passes from the nose into oral cavity and then spit it out through your mouth. Do the same with the other nostril, and so alternate nostrils 5-10 times.


Vulnerable skin, bones, gallbladder. Take care of the spine, do not give it unnecessary stress. Beware of injury, reduce all physical activity. Practice shows that in the days of Capricorn, the number of bone fractures increases: the bones at this time are especially fragile.
These days, visiting a chiropractor is contraindicated, massage is undesirable, as well as all operations related to teeth, bones, and spine. Successful will be operations and procedures related to the stomach.

In addition, in the days of Capricorn, the stomach is easier to tolerate even the heaviest food.
How to help the skin The skin in the days of Capricorn should be given maximum rest and nutrition, but in no case should it be tormented by cleansing. To help tired, flaky skin, a mask of yolks, honey and butter will help very well: grind egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon vegetable oil, you can add a few drops of lemon juice, apply the mixture on your face for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap. A good way is a curd mask: thoroughly grind a tablespoon of cottage cheese and mix with a tablespoon of milk or sour cream, you can add a teaspoon of honey, apply on your face for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap. The face will rest, relax, the skin will regain elasticity and acquire a good color.

Cleansing of the stomach. In the days of Capricorn, the cleansing of the stomach will be most easy and painless. You will need two days for this cleansing. First day: in the morning on an empty stomach, make a cleansing enema, then brew flax seed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave for two hours and drink after eating. The effect will intensify if you go hungry that day. Then in the evening put two tablespoons of a mixture of calamus root, St. John's wort, flax seed, plantain and motherwort mixed in equal proportions in a thermos, pour boiling water (half a liter) and leave overnight. The next day, drink this infusion during the day warm half a glass half an hour before meals. Do another cleansing enema in the morning.

Moon in Aquarius

Legs, nervous system and sense organs are vulnerable. These days it is very difficult to walk. Reduce the number of long-distance foot crossings, if possible, avoid the need to stand in one place for a long time. The nervous system these days does not tolerate even the slightest overstrain, and therefore create an atmosphere of peace and comfort for it. Operations associated with the legs, as well as with all joints, are contraindicated. It is not recommended to interfere with the work of the senses, especially the eyes. You can do heart surgery, these days they should be successful, and also give a slightly increased load on the heart (of course, depending on your state of health). To the extent possible, at least a little bit to train your heart these days will not hurt anyone.

How to help the nervous system. To calm the nerves, it is very useful to carry out relaxation exercises - relaxation. Lie down on a hard, flat surface, for example, on the floor, and try hard, to the limit, to strain all the muscles of the body at the same time. After holding on in this state for 1-2 seconds, abruptly release the tension, relax the whole body at once.

Do this several times. Then, relaxing, try to cause a feeling of heaviness and warmth in the whole body (excluding the head). Now imagine how a powerful stream flows through your body, through all its arteries and veins. Scarlet, hot blood, circulating easily and freely throughout the body. As a result, you will get a feeling of pleasure, pleasure in the whole body and have a great rest. And here is a method of emergency self-help for stress and nervous strain. Sit on a chair with your arms stretched out in front of you, close your eyes and mentally count to three. On the count of three, drop your hands on your knees so that they fall like whips. Stay in this position for a minute. You will feel how the tension has gone and you have returned to normal health.

Heart training. Given that the legs are vulnerable during the days of Aquarius, it is difficult to recommend, for example, running or intensive walking. But swimming, which perfectly strengthens the heart, these days is most welcome. Do also intensive breathing exercises.

Moon V Pisces

Vulnerable feet. The risk of allergies and infectious diseases increases. It is advisable to walk less these days, and only comfortable shoes should be used. In the days of Pisces, we have an increased sensitivity to everything that enters our body, so you need to be careful with drugs, alcohol, it is better not to drink coffee at all, because the body may have various undesirable reactions even to those substances and products that were previously perceived normally and didn't call side effects, - your usual dose on the days of Pisces may be excessive. You can not operate on the feet and cut off the calluses. You can do a colon cleanse. But it is better to avoid any surgical interventions these days, given the special sensitivity of our body during the period when the Moon is in Pisces.

How to help your feet In the summer, if you are relaxing on the banks of a river or sea, prepare at least a few small stones, river or sea pebbles. When the legs are tired, it is enough to walk or stand on their placers for a few minutes - and the fatigue will pass. If your legs are tired, a good, comfortable posture can also help. Sit so that your legs can be put higher - on the back of a sofa or bed, on a pillow or chair located higher than the level at which you sit. The outflow of blood from the legs will relieve fatigue.

Purgation. The intestines in the days of Pisces are the least vulnerable, and therefore you can safely cleanse it. There are many methods of bowel cleansing, but I do not recommend risking all of them indiscriminately, and I want to advise the most gentle, safe and painless method of bowel cleansing. This is a cleansing using enterosorbents - special substances that can absorb toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Enterosorbents can be bought at a pharmacy. Polyphepan is best for cleansing. This is a substance of plant origin, it is able to remove pathogenic microbes, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, various toxins, and excess cholesterol from the body.

There are practically no contraindications for this method. It is also indicated for general weakness, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, as well as for people over 70 years old.

Begin the cleansing process on the days of Pisces. At first, three days of cleansing will be enough, later the cleansing procedure can be extended to nine days.

The contents of the polyphepan package should be poured into a jar with a screw cap and filled with cold boiled water so that the water exceeds the level of polyphepan by about two fingers. Top up with water as needed to keep the product from drying out. For cleansing, you will need to take one teaspoon of the drug from the jar and take it with about half a glass of water. Purification is carried out according to the following scheme: four times a day, an hour before meals, take a teaspoon of polyphepan with water. On the days of cleansing, you need to eat only vegetarian food with a small addition of dairy products, the basis of the menu is salads from fresh vegetables, vegetable soups, stewed vegetables with the addition of oil, cereals on the water from whole grains with the addition of bran, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese. Food is taken four times a day, preferably at strictly defined hours, the last meal is at 18 hours. Every evening you need to do a cleansing enema, and every morning wipe the skin with a solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, take a warm shower in the morning and evening - toxins are also removed through the skin.

How to plan the beginning of a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar? The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, so astrologers advise you to check the Lunar health calendar even before you go to the doctor.

Choosing a good date is quite simple, because there are many days in the lunar cycle that are suitable for starting a course of taking medications, vitamin preparations and conducting medical procedures. It is enough to know the basic rules that are based on the change in the phases of the moon, as well as to exclude unfavorable lunar days.

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle for starting treatment

You have probably heard about the unfavorable, so-called "satanic" days in the lunar calendar. For the most part, these days are at the junction of the changing phases of the moon and are considered emotionally difficult due to the unusually powerful flow of energy from the Earth's satellite. Not all people can cope with it, hence the conflict situations, moments in which “everything falls out of hand”. Astrologers recommend not to forget that doctors are people too, and they advise to postpone the start of the course of treatment to another date.

So, unfavorable days for treatment: 9, 19, 29 lunar days.

The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable days

Having excluded the unfavorable lunar days, let's move on to choosing the most successful date. And here the main rule of the lunar phases works. All undertakings are best planned for growing moon, which, in the course of its own growth, contributes to the growth and development of all life on Earth. The most positive period of the lunar cycle to start taking medications and vitamin preparations, as well as a course of medical procedures, is second lunar quarter. Namely: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 lunar days.

Moon Influence:

Rule 1: How the Moon influences health and disease treatment. Treatment of diseases taking into account biorhythms. When can surgery be performed? The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of diseases. General Moon calendar.

It is undesirable to carry out operations on days when the Moon occupies the sign of the zodiac corresponding to the organ.
Even the founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates (approx. 460-370 BC) wrote: "Do not touch with iron a part of the body controlled by the sign that the Moon is now passing through." The influence of the Moon on health and the treatment of diseases is enormous.
He warned that no doctor should operate on that part of the body, which is controlled by the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon will be at the time of the proposed operation.

The influence of the moon on health, the treatment of diseases, and operations can be determined by the lunar calendar. At the same time, operations are an exception to the basic rule, which says:
"Everything that is done for the benefit of the region of the body and organs ruled by the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located is doubly beneficial."

That is, it is possible to treat (therapeutically) one or another organ on the right day, but it is impossible to operate.
For this, there is a lunar calendar for the treatment of diseases. Regarding the rules of surgical intervention in certain parts of the body, the following can be said: the transition from the influence of one sign of the Zodiac to the influence of another is carried out gently, the change of forces does not occur in one minute or even an hour.

For example, if in the lunar calendar two days in a row are marked with the sign of Taurus, then on the first day the influence of Aries is still felt, and in the evening of the second day the sign of Gemini begins to influence. Therefore, when choosing the day of the operation, see if the neighboring sign can have a negative impact.

Rule 2:

It is better to do operations on the waning moon.
Experience shows: complications and infections are more common with a young moon, the healing process is delayed. During the full moon, heavy bleeding is not ruled out. Scarring of wounds with a young moon is more problematic, the danger of ugly scars increases.

General lunar calendar and health. Therefore, the main rule remains: if possible, the operation should be carried out with a defective Moon.

The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases. Moon calendar. Rule 3:

It is advisable to avoid operations when the transiting Moon is in mutable signs.

Mutable signs include: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

You can find out what sign of the zodiac the Moon will be in in almost any tear-off calendar (there is usually a lunar calendar there), as well as on the Internet (there are a lot of services of this kind - you just need to enter the phrase "lunar calendar" in a search engine)

Lunar calendar and health. The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases Rule 4:

It is advisable to avoid operations when the Moon is off course. You will not find this data in tear-off calendars. They meet online.

Treatment of diseases when the moon is without a course according to the lunar calendar.

The moon without a course (other terms: "idle moon", "idle moon") is such a state of the moon when it does not form any aspect to the planets until it leaves the zodiac sign and moves into the next.
This happens approximately every 2 to 3 days.
The period of the Moon "without a course" can last from a few seconds to 2 days.

During periods when the Moon is off course, people's attention decreases, mistakes become more frequent. Therefore, among other things, during such periods, it is better to refrain from serious matters, and in particular from surgical ones, if possible.

Try not to fall under the surgeon's knife on the days of lunar and solar eclipses. Also, do not have surgery on your birthday, the day before and after it.

Perhaps this is all that you can take into account on your own. Without knowing the basics of astrology and not having astrological programs, you cannot do more yourself.

Often this data is enough to avoid falling into extremely unfavorable periods for operations and not to harm yourself. It is clear that it is not always possible to choose a day for the operation (there are also urgent cases), but if such an opportunity does appear, use it.

On the influence of the moon on human health
when in the signs of the zodiac

Moon in Aries
affects the head
It is good to carry out medical procedures.
Treatment of diseases according to the lunar calendar Head surgery is not recommended. It is not recommended to visit the dentist.
Moon in Taurus
Affects the neck and throat
The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases and the health of the neck and throat.
Surgery in the neck and throat is not recommended.
Moon in Gemini
Affects arms, shoulder girdle, lungs
Treatment of diseases according to the lunar calendar.
Surgical operations in the area are not recommended.
Moon in Cancer
Affects the stomach and digestive system in general
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgical operations on the digestive organs are not recommended.
Moon in Leo
Affects the cardiovascular system
The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgery of the cardiovascular system is not recommended.
Moon in Virgo
Affects the hips
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Hip surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Libra
Affects the spine and kidneys
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgical operations and hard manual therapy are not recommended.
Moon in Scorpio
Affects the excretory system and reproductive organs
The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases of the excretory system. It is good to carry out medical procedures in these areas.
Moon in Sagittarius
Affects the liver and gallbladder
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Capricorn
Affects the skeletal system, legs
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Aquarius
Affects metabolism, lymphatic system
The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of metabolic diseases. Treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system according to the lunar calendar. It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Pisces
Affects the lower leg (lower leg, foot)
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Source akviloncenter.ru

Daily-seasonal biorhythm of activity

Energy meridians and their organs

All systems and internal organs of the human body have their own biorhythms, therefore, it is necessary to treat diseases depending on the time of day and night, at the moments of maximum activity of the diseased organ.

From 1 am to 3 am, the medicines will give the greatest effect in the treatment of the liver.

From 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock you should take medicine for asthmatics, for diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock the period of activity of the colon, it's time to cleanse and heal it.

Between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning, not only is it best to treat stomach diseases, but also to diagnose and prevent stomach diseases, such as stomach ulcers. At this time, ailments especially strongly signal themselves with intense pain.

From 9 to 11 am is the time to raise the immune system, treat the spleen.

Between 13 and 15 hours, after dinner, the duodenum and small intestine should be treated.

Between 15:00 and 17:00, the time of bladder activity comes, this best time for the treatment of cystitis and bladder anomalies.

From 17:00 to 19:00, treatment of back and kidney diseases.

In the period between 19 and 21 hours, it is most effective to be treated for impotence and frigidity.

The period from 21:00 to 23:00 is exceptionally good for dealing with

It has long been noticed that plans conceived after the new moon are carried out quickly, and those adopted closer to the full moon are not implemented so soon, but are more effective. Things started on the waning moon run the risk of dragging on. But any treatment is better to start on the waning moon.

The cycle of the lunar month is 29 or 30 lunar days. During this time, the moon goes through four phases. The countdown is from the new moon.

First phase. Begins with a new moon. The first two days the moon is almost invisible. These are the so-called days of Hekate - the goddess of witchcraft and fears. The body is weakened, immunity is lowered. There is a great danger of getting sick, irritability and aggression increase.

In the first phase of the moon, you can quickly gain weight, so you need to slightly limit yourself in food. On the young moon, it is good to cut hair: it will grow faster. It is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium and iron preparations work much better.
With an increase in the crescent of the moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operations decreases, wounds and injuries heal worse. Rough scars remain. Any poisoning (was stings, chemicals, poor-quality food, etc.) is very difficult.

Second phase. The energy of the body continues to grow. Things started at this time are going well, self-confidence appears. This is a time of great emotional receptivity.

Third phase. The full moon begins and lasts four days. There is great mental anxiety and physical discomfort. During the full moon, the number of traffic accidents and crimes increases sharply.
An increased risk of problems with gastrointestinal tract. Medicines taken on the full moon are stronger, but they also show their side effects more actively. Women are especially sensitive to the influence of the full moon. After the completion of the third phase, the body's strength begins to decrease.

Fourth phase. This is the time of "old age" of the body. It is recommended to work on chronic and karmic diseases.
But it is on the waning moon that the removal of toxins and the cleansing of the body are successful, active tissue regeneration takes place, wounds and postoperative scars heal faster.
In the last two days of the lunar month, the dark and ominous days of Hecate come again - a time of fears, depressions and mental disorders.
Knowing these features, you can properly plan the stages of your treatment. This will help Lunar calendar for 2011
The new moon and the first quarter are the waxing moon, and the full moon and the last quarter are the waning or debilitating moon.

January. Waning Moon, last quarter - 01.01-03.01. Growing Moon, new moon -04.01-11.01, first quarter - 12.01-18.01.

February. Waning moon, full moon - 19.01-25.01, last quarter - 01.26-02.02. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.02-10.02, first quarter - 11.02-17.02.

March. Waning Moon, full moon-18.02-24.02, last quarter
- 25.02-03.03. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-12.03, first quarter - 03.13-18.03.

April. Waning moon, full moon - 18.03-25.03, last quarter - 03.26-02.04. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-10.04, first quarter-11.04-17.04.

May. Waning Moon, full moon - 18.04-24.04, last quarter - 25.04-02.05. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.05-09.05, first quarter - 10.05-16.05.

June. Waning Moon, full moon - 17.05-23.05, last quarter
- 24.05-01.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 02.06-08.06, first quarter - 09.06-14.06.

July. Waning moon, full moon - 15.06-22.06, last quarter - 23.06-30.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 01.07-07.07, first quarter - 08.07-14.07. Waning moon, full moon - 15.07-22.07, last quarter - 23.07-29.07.

August. Growing Moon, new moon - 30.07-05.08, first quarter - 08.06-12.08. Waning moon, full moon - 13.08-21.08, last quarter - 22.08-28.08.

September. Growing Moon, new moon - 29.08-03.09, first quarter
- 04.09-11.09. Waning Moon, full moon - 12.09-19.09, last quarter - 20.09-26.09.

October. Growing Moon, new moon - 27.09-03.10, first quarter - 04.10-11.10. Waning Moon, full moon -12.10-19.10, last quarter - 20.10-25.10.