What vitamins are lacking appear. How to determine which vitamins the body lacks - signs and symptoms of beriberi in women

How to determine the lack of vitamins

How do you know which vitamins you are missing? Weakness, fatigue, poor condition of the skin, hair, nails, decreased vision, problems with teeth - all this is due to a lack of vitamins. It remains to figure out which vitamins are needed if certain signs are present.

Vitamin Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Vitamin A Peeling of the skin, especially on the elbows, dry skin, dandruff, deterioration of the teeth It is necessary to introduce fat-containing foods into the diet - butter and vegetable oil and consume carrots, apples, apricots, grapes, broccoli, parsley, eggs, dairy products, fish oil, beef liver
B vitamins Sleep disturbance, frequent constipation, dandruff, dullness, brittleness, hair loss, acne You need to eat meat, oatmeal, buckwheat, liver, wholemeal bread, raisins, asparagus, rice bran, fish oil
Vitamin C Drowsiness, bleeding gums, fatigue, gum problems, sometimes fullness Eat citrus fruits, spinach, berries, all kinds of cabbage, kiwi, lettuce, rose hips
Vitamin E Dry skin, cracks in the skin, including on the heels Include oil, nuts, seeds, almonds and fish in your diet
Vitamin K Irritability, sleep problems Eat prunes, beets, dried apricots, bananas, zucchini, spinach
Vitamin D Loss of appetite, sleep problems, burning sensation in the mouth, blurred vision, weight loss. You can also talk about vitamin deficiency if children are restless, shy, sleep poorly Include in the diet fish oil, milk, cereals, eggs, mushrooms, salmon, beef liver

Micronutrient deficiency

In addition to vitamins, a person needs trace elements. They are involved in almost all processes occurring in the body and help protect it from the negative effects of the external environment. To find out which microelements the body lacks, one should analyze its condition.

How to determine which micronutrients are missing

trace element Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Calcium Loss, dullness and fragility of hair, stratification of nails, caries, defects in tooth enamel. With calcium and fiber deficiency, children eat paper or chalk Include in the diet broccoli, beans, spinach, dairy products, oatmeal, eggs, fish, shrimp, buckwheat
Zinc Fragility and hair loss, increased fatigue, dry skin, nails streaked with white stripes Eat pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, beef liver, nuts, wheat bran
Glucose You can talk about a lack of glucose if you want sweets Drink tea with honey, eat fruits, yogurt, chocolate, marshmallows
Chromium Increased blood cholesterol, alcohol intolerance, desire to eat sweets Include turkey, radish, lentils, radishes, beef, potatoes, beans in the menu
Iodine Constant feeling of fatigue, weight gain, enlarged thyroid gland, brittle nails, dry hair, constipation Eat seaweed, shrimp, cod liver, fish oil, cranberries, tuna, prunes
Iron A state of apathy, hair loss, lack of energy and stamina, the inner side of the lower eyelid becomes pale, there are pains during menstruation Include in the diet red meat, shrimp, legumes, potatoes, offal, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, mussels, oysters
Magnesium Poor appetite, irritability, restlessness, tooth sensitivity, sleep problems, high pressure Eat beans, asparagus, spinach, wheat bran, nuts, green apples, green bell peppers
Potassium high blood pressure, dry skin, feeling thirsty, swelling of the hands or ankles, elevated level blood sugar, muscle pain after exercise Include more vegetables and fruits in the menu (tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, apples, bananas, melon, apricots), as well as meat, legumes, nuts, dried fruits

What other signs of vitamin deficiency can be

To understand what vitamins and microelements the body lacks, one should not only study all the signs of a deficiency of nutrients, but first of all consult a doctor. He can accurately determine which vitamins are lacking and, if necessary, prescribe a dose. pharmaceutical preparations.

To determine which vitamin is lacking, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • severe fatigue;
  • high susceptibility to infections;
  • memory impairment;
  • the child does not eat and sleep well;
  • decrease in emotional activity.
  • When you take care of your health, you are faced with the question of how to find out which vitamins the body lacks. By a number of signs, you can understand which useful substance is in short supply. To determine which vitamin is lacking in the body, you need to analyze your appearance and general health. Proper nutrition necessary for the body to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. If necessary, you can additionally take vitamin preparations. The video below will tell you more about how to understand which vitamins the body lacks.

    20 Signs Your Body Is Lacking Vitamins

    Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein is essential for a healthy lifestyle. If the body lacks any essential vitamin, the body will immediately report this with a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms. Identifying the telltale signs of a vitamin deficiency is the first step to addressing the problem.

    1. Weak nails and hair

    There are a number of different factors that contribute to brittle hair and nails. One of the most common causes is a lack of biotin, also known as vitamin B7, which helps the body turn food into energy. Long-term use of certain medications can lead to vitamin B7 deficiency.

    2. Cracks in the corner of the mouth

    Lesions in the mouth or the area around it can be an indicator of a vitamin deficiency. People who suffer from sores in the corners of the mouth are twice as likely to be deficient in iron and vitamins B1 and B2. If you have these symptoms or if you have strange "cracks" in your mouth, you should try adding more green vegetables and poultry to your diet.

    3. Bleeding gums

    People whose diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits are unlikely to experience vitamin C deficiency, which causes weakened gums and the immune system. If you start the problem strongly, it is even fraught with scurvy and loss of teeth.

    4. Poor vision at night

    A lack of vitamin A will lead to a decrease in the body's production of enough melanin, which will make night vision difficult. This problem can be solved by including more vitamin A-rich foods such as fish oil and liver in your diet.

    5. Dandruff

    A lack of vitamins B2, B3, and B6 can lead to dry, scaly patches on the head, eyebrows, eyelids, chest, and ears. The relationship between a lack of the aforementioned vitamins and these symptoms is currently unknown, but adding more of these vitamins to your daily diet may help treat dandruff.

    6. Hair loss

    Vitamins B3 and B7 are essential for the development of scalp hair. A deficiency in any of these vitamins can cause brittle hair and hair loss. However, it is worth noting that supplements are prescribed only in extreme cases of deficiency.

    7. Red and/or white bumps all over the skin

    Keratosis pilaris is a condition in which red or white bumps appear on the skin (similar to goose bumps). Insufficient amounts of vitamins A and C can aggravate the condition. Therefore, to prevent this, you need to add more eggs, fish and yellow-colored fruits and vegetables to your diet.

    8. Willis-Ekbom disease

    Willis-Ekbom disease is a condition in which the patient experiences discomfort in the legs, causing an overwhelming urge to move them. It is mainly caused by a lack of iron in the body, but insufficient intake of vitamin C can also contribute to the disease.

    9. High blood pressure

    High blood pressure can be caused by a lack of vitamin D. Adults need about 600 international units of the vitamin per day. The best sources of vitamin D are salmon, tuna, beef liver and egg yolks.

    10. Low blood pressure

    A lack of vitamin D causes high blood pressure, but a lack of vitamin B12 has the opposite effect. A lack of vitamin B12 can cause muscle weakness and lack of bladder control. If a person suffers from low blood pressure due to vitamin B12 deficiency, it is necessary to increase the consumption of beef, milk and eggs.

    11. Excessive sweating

    Excessive sweating can be a sign that the body needs vitamin D. Even the most mundane, non-physical activity, such as sitting at a computer, can result in small beads of sweat on the forehead.

    12. Fatigue

    Extreme sleepiness during the day, despite getting more than 8 hours of sleep each night, may indicate that the body is deficient in normal levels of vitamin B12. This causes the blood cells to not carry enough oxygen to the body, resulting in drowsiness.

    13. Brittle bones

    Muscle mass stops developing around the age of 30, so it's important to maintain a healthy intake of both calcium and essential vitamins to keep bones strong well into the later years of life. A vitamin deficiency can compromise bone strength, and even a light blow to something hard can lead to a fracture.

    14. Depression

    Vitamin D plays a pretty important role in providing the brain with the feel-good hormones it needs to perform even the toughest tasks. With an insufficient level of vitamin D, a feeling of hopelessness will roll over even with the simplest problem.

    15. Muscle reduction

    Not only do barbells and weights help build muscle, vitamin D also plays a huge role in muscle growth. And when vitamin D levels drop, the muscles will slowly “shrink”, leaving the person confused as to why even climbing stairs is so exhausting.

    16. Tingling sensation

    Vitamin deficiency reduces the amount of oxygen that blood cells can carry. This impedes circulation and leads to strange tingling sensations in random parts of the body.

    17. Strange behavior

    If someone happens to leave their keys in the fridge, or suddenly forgets the name of their nephew or niece, a vitamin B12 deficiency may be the cause. A lack of vitamin B12 can easily be mistaken for Alzheimer's disease in older patients, but vitamin B12 supplementation can help relieve these symptoms.

    18. Dizziness

    Dizziness is also a common vitamin deficiency symptom. In the most "neglected" cases, people with a deficiency of any vitamin can experience a complete loss of a sense of balance at the most unexpected moments.

    19. Paleness

    Vitamin B12 deficiency also "drains" skin color. If the body is severely deficient in this vitamin, then red blood cells can easily break down, giving the skin an unhealthy yellowish tint.

    20. Smooth, red tongue

    If the small tubercles (papillae) around the edges have disappeared on the tongue, then this is one of the signs that a person is suffering from a lack of vitamin B12. Soreness at the back of the tongue is also a common symptom of a vitamin deficiency. The food will definitely lose its flavor, but you should try to eat more beef, tuna, and fortified cereals.

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    The body itself signals a lack of certain vitamins. Want to know what vitamins your body lacks? How to find out what vitamins are missing if hair falls out, dry skin, cracks appear on the heels, nails exfoliate, jams appear on the lips, with frequent fatigue, apathy, memory impairment, etc.? You know that the lack of vitamins can be made up not only by drinking a course of vitamins, but also by including food products containing the vitamins you need in the diet.

    Vitamins are divided into two types according to their ability to dissolve: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, E, D and K. They are stored in the body in fat cells and in the liver, so the lack of these vitamins is less common compared to water-soluble vitamins, the excess of which is simply excreted from the blood.

    A (retinol):

    • peeling skin,
    • worried about dandruff
    • more acne, pimples,
    • hair became brittle
    • worries about dry eyes, watery eyes in the cold,
    • you often catch a cold, pain and temperature sensitivity is increased.

    Foods containing vitamin A (retinol): milk, yolks, beef liver, sea fish liver, Can be synthesized from carotenes, which are abundant in plant fruits. The brighter the fruit is colored in the colors of the red-yellow spectrum, the higher the content of carotene.

    B1 (thiamine):
    Often a lack of this vitamin is signaled by:

    • increased irritability, feeling of inner restlessness, tearfulness,
    • chilliness at room temperature
    • frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea,
    • shortness of breath, appearing even with little physical exertion, tachycardia,
    • decreased appetite,
    • frequent headaches and insomnia.

    B2 (riboflavin):

    • body weight decreases
    • loss of appetite
    • weakness appears.
    • cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry mouth,
    • inflamed eyelids,
    • blurred vision at dusk
    • it becomes difficult to tolerate bright light.

    B5 (pantothenic acid):

    • fatigue,
    • depression,
    • fast fatiguability,
    • occasional nausea,
    • muscle pain,
    • burning, tingling, numbness of the toes.

    B6 (pyridoxine):

    • convulsions,
    • depression,
    • irritability,
    • lethargy,
    • constant feeling of anxiety
    • insomnia,
    • dermatitis on the face, above the eyebrows, near the eyes, on the neck or under the hair,
    • dry dermatitis in the nasolabial folds,
    • seborrhea,
    • stomatitis (it also happens when there is a violation of the intestines),
    • conjunctivitis.

    B9 (folic acid):

    • fatigue,
    • anemia,
    • apathy,
    • insomnia,
    • anxiety,
    • indigestion,
    • gray hair increase,
    • labored breathing,
    • memory problems.

    B12 (cobalamin):

    • fatigue,
    • nervousness,
    • depression,
    • limb numbness,
    • difficulty walking
    • stuttering,
    • mouth inflammation,
    • painful menstruation.

    C (ascorbic acid):

    • lethargy, weakness,
    • bruising quickly,
    • bleeding gums,
    • wounds heal poorly
    • you smoke, you are nervous a lot and you live in a poor ecological area.

    D (calciferol, ergosterol and others):

    • violation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, loss of appetite, weight loss,
    • burning sensation in the mouth and throat,
    • insomnia,
    • deterioration of vision.

    The main source of vitamin D is not food, but the sun's rays! Our body is able to produce this necessary substance under the influence of the Sun. And the production of vitamin D is best done outside the city, in fresh and clean air.
    High in Vitamin D different sea fish, offal. But in plant foods there is a very small amount. A small amount of the vitamin is present in eggs, milk and butter.

    E(tocopherol, tocotrienol):

    • menstrual irregularities,
    • intestinal dysbiosis,
    • cardiopalmus,
    • skin rashes appear more often.

    There is a lot of vitamin E in cold-pressed vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, peanut, sea buckthorn. High content in legumes, tomatoes, parsley, rose hips, cereals, spinach. A small amount is also present in meat, animal fat, liver, eggs and milk.

    K (from Koagulationsvitamin - coagulation vitamin):

    • bruises,
    • gum bleeding,
    • nosebleeds.

    Getting enough vitamin K is easy - you just need to eat greens and vegetables every day. Moreover, fresh, since this vitamin is destroyed during heat treatment and freezing, seasoned a little with butter or vegetable oil. So well absorbed.

    Vitamin PP:

    • depression,
    • loose stool,
    • dizziness,
    • headache,
    • fast fatiguability,
    • indigestion,
    • insomnia,
    • limb pain,
    • decreased appetite,
    • low blood sugar,
    • muscle weakness,
    • cracks and inflammation on the skin.

    Vitamin H:

    • anemia,
    • depression,
    • hair loss,
    • high blood sugar levels,
    • inflammation or pallor of the skin and mucous membranes,
    • insomnia,
    • loss of appetite,
    • muscle pain,
    • nausea,
    • dry skin,
    • high blood cholesterol.

    Vitamin F:

    • eczema,
    • fragility of hair and nails,
    • acne.

    Vitamin P:

    • bleeding gums,
    • bruises quickly appear on the skin.

    Well, that's probably all.
    Be healthy, be sure to consult your doctor.

    Before taking vitamins uncontrollably, you need to check whether your body really needs this particular vitamin. And for this you need to pass honey. tests, consult a doctor who will rule out other more serious diseases with similar symptoms.

    Well, more often walk in the fresh air and do not worry about anything. Before you start worrying, think about whether this situation will also bother you a lot in 5 years? Or do you not even remember it?

    It is necessary to live in Japanese: not toropissa, not wave and smile ... :bully: