You can eat halva during fasting. Is it possible to eat halvah, honey, sugar, vegetable oil and bread during Lent?

For all Orthodox believers, the observance of Great Lent began on March 11. Those believers who have begun fasting for the first time in their lives are asking very logical questions related to the foods that are allowed to be consumed during this time period.

Great Lent 2019 is rightfully considered the main post within the framework of the Church Orthodox calendar. This fast is held to prepare for the start of the most important holiday for religious people - Easter. This year, fasting began on March 11 and will end on April 27. During fasting, Orthodox people perform a special service, repent of all their sins and remember life path and the death of Jesus Christ. The establishment of this fast is canonical for the repetition of the feat of our Savior, who observed it for 40 days while in the desert.

Is it possible to eat halva, honey, bread and pasta during fasting

In order to undergo spiritual and physical cleansing, Orthodox people must eat varied, but simple food. During fasting, it is strongly recommended not to include various spices, salty foods, as well as sugar and fried foods in your diet. During this time period, many Orthodox priests recommend eating food that is steamed or grilled.

Consumption of bread products

The appearance of such a question is extremely logical among the Orthodox population of our state, and many are also interested in the possibility of eating vegetable oil. Under the ban are those products, the preparation of which occurs using animal fats and proteins.

Many Orthodox recommend eating only black bread, and there is also the possibility of making crackers using vegetable oil. However, it is not recommended to eat white bread, since during its manufacture the manufacturer often resorts to the use of prohibited ingredients.

The same rule applies to pasta. It is worth making a careful study of the composition of this product, in the event that it does not contain products of animal origin, then such pasta can be served on the table.

As for honey, even in ancient times, when our ancestors carefully followed all the canons of Orthodoxy, they used honey as one of the main products as part of the Great Lent. Nowadays, there are many delicious meals with the addition of honey. This product contains many very useful trace elements that are essential for our body during fasting. This product It has a complex effect on all human organs and is an excellent substitute for sugar, since it contains a high content of glucose and fructose.

Sweet tooth in fasting is not sweet. It is more difficult for them to give up their favorite delicacies than any meat and dairy pleasures. That's when lean sweets come to the rescue, the recipes of which we will discuss.

oat benefits

What sweets can you eat in fasting? Oatmeal cookies, because they are so tasty and healthy! Mix 50 ml of vegetable oil, 80 g of sugar, ½ tsp each. cloves, ginger, cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and salt. Enter 1 tsp. soda, quenched 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 180 g ground oatmeal, 100 g flour and 5 tbsp. l. water. We knead the dough, make cookies and bake for 25 minutes at 200 ° C. Add pineapple chunks to the batter for a tropical flavor.

honey dreams

Traditional sweetness in post - honey . We heat a mixture of 250 g of sugar, 250 ml of water, 100 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. l. honey. When the sugar dissolves, put 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tsp baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla to taste. We introduce 320 g of flour, 80 g of crushed nuts, 80 g of steamed raisins and knead a thick dough. We fill them with a baking dish and put in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. Lubricate the gingerbread with jam, and the sweet tooth will be delighted.

apples in feather bed

Craving sweets while fasting? Make apple pie without eggs. We combine 200 g of applesauce, 150 ml of orange juice, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla and salt. Pour 200 g of flour and semolina, 100 g of sugar and beat the dough with a mixer. We put half in a baking dish, generously sprinkle with slices of apples and cover with the second half of the dough. Bake the charlotte for 30 minutes at 180°C. This ruddy pie will bring immense joy to everyone.

poppy miracle

Poppy seed roll was created for the Lenten menu. Dilute 50 g of yeast in 400 ml of warm water, stir in 400 g of flour and let the dough rise. We introduce another 600 g of flour, 180 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, knead the dough and keep warm for 2 hours. Cook 200 g of poppy with 6 tbsp. l. honey 15 minutes. We roll out a rectangle 1 cm thick from the dough, spread the poppy seeds, 2 bananas and an orange into cubes, roll up the roll. Lubricate it with strong black tea and bake for 30 minutes at 200 ° C. You can decorate the roll with fudge made from water and powdered sugar.

funny muffins

Carrot muffins with dates - a delicious lean sweetness. Puree 150 g of pitted dates with 50 ml of carrot juice. Add 200 ml of olive oil, 300 ml of carrot juice, 400 g of flour and 1 tsp. baking powder. Pour 100 g of nuts, knead the dough and fill the muffin molds. Lubricate them with icing from 70 g of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. boiling water and 1 tsp. lemon juice and bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. These muffins are convenient to take with you to work or a walk with children.

ruddy sun

Pancakes are quite acceptable in the Lenten menu. In a deep bowl, mix 200 g flour, 400 ml orange juice, orange zest, 30 ml vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and ¼ tsp. ground ginger. Beat the dough with a mixer, pour in 130 ml of boiling water with ½ tsp. soda and mix again. And then fry pancakes in a heated pan with vegetable oil. Drizzle them with honey or maple syrup- a great lean dessert is ready.

Tales of the East

Perfect for sweet post halva, made by hand. We take 400 g of different nuts, 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds and fry in a dry frying pan. We grind them with a blender into crumbs, put 200 g of raisins and continue to grind. Pour in 300 g of liquid honey, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix. We fill the baking sheet with this mass and let it harden. With such a beautiful and tasty halva, no other can be compared.

Crispy citruses

Do not rush to throw out orange peels - they will turn out excellent. Cut the peel of 2 oranges into strips, soak in water for a day to remove the bitterness. Ideally, you need to change it 5-6 times. We heat 200 ml of water, dissolve 200 g of sugar in it and pour out the crusts. We cook them for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, put them on parchment paper and wait until the sweet crust hardens. This delicacy will charge you with good mood and vitamins.

Candies for health

Candy is easy to turn into healthy sweetness during the post. Brown 100 g cashews in a dry frying pan and grind into flour. Soak for 10 minutes in boiling water 70 g of raisins, 200 g of dried apricots and pitted dates. We pass dried fruits through a meat grinder, combine with cashews and sculpt small balls. Roll them in sesame seeds and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Such sweets are good in their purest form.

fruit harmony

Perhaps the easiest lean dessert is a fruit smoothie. Peel and cut into cubes large ripe banana, pear and kiwi. We combine them with 150 g of thawed blueberries and beat them with a blender into a puree. Pour in 150 ml of coconut or almond milk, put 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds, 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix. Instead of lean milk, you can take fruit juice - the taste of the smoothie will become even more interesting.

We hope these sweets will replenish your piggy bank. delicious recipes during the post. Lenten menu, whatever you say, should be varied and interesting. What kind of desserts do you make yourself? Share your good finds in the comments. It is also very easy to prepare fasting with frozen vegetable and fruit mixtures. With them you can cook a wide variety of dishes: stews, baked vegetables, soups, vegetable casseroles, as well as light and delicious desserts with berries and fruits. Delicious post!

Russians are slowly being exterminated with a surrogate dangerous for the body, adding it to almost all products.
Russia is one of the largest producers and exporters of sunflower oil: this valuable product, rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, can be provided throughout the country. But they prefer to sell it abroad. And in return, cheap palm oil is brought to us from Tanzania and Malaysia - a surrogate dangerous for the body, banned for use in the food industry in all developed countries.
Palm oil as a substitute for vegetable fats entered the Russian food industry in the early 2000s in the form of technical raw materials. This is how it is done today - according to the Federal Customs Service, more than 300 thousand tons of overseas semi-finished products are brought to us per year. This is enough to include palm oil in almost all food products. And also in the composition of soaps, shampoos, creams.

Thanks to several signatures of officials, vegetable tropical fat quickly turned into a product of strategic importance for the country. So important that in 2003 a dizzying scheme was drawn up to exchange Malaysian palm oil for modern Russian Su-30MKM fighter jets. Negative consequences the use of palm oil was then treacherously hidden, and our citizens began to get used to the unappetizing, plasticine-like Malaysian fat. But suddenly, in January of this year, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Gennady Onishchenko, blocked the supply of cheese from Ukraine: palm oil was found in it. For some reason, the chief medical officer was not embarrassed that at that time 60 percent of Russian food products no longer contained either cream or milk fat - instead of them, they used the same tropical substitute. On the packaging there is either no word about this, or a neutral "vegetable fat". Which of the manufacturers wants to reduce the price of their product, calling sour cream a "sour cream product", butter"spread", as required by law? But know that if it says "vegetable fat", then 99 percent is palm oil.
- Rospotrebnadzor is limited in its capabilities for inspections, - explains the chairman of the board National Union producers of agricultural products, Doctor of Economics Andrey Danilenko. - Shops are inspected once every three years, and then after prior notice. Sanctions for falsification do not exceed 10 thousand rubles, while in Europe fines reach up to the annual turnover of production.

Everyone's favorite ice cream is now stuffed with palm oil, which is why it practically does not melt

Cancer provocateur
Experiments conducted at the St. Petersburg University of Low Temperature Technologies showed that the melting point of palm oil is higher than the temperature of the human body, so it is not absorbed and excreted from the body.
- Accumulating, palm oil leads to heart disease and obesity, - Nona Hovsepyan, consultant doctor of the Independent Laboratory "INVITRO", explains the consequence of such "behavior" of the oil. - In addition, it has a lot of saturated fatty acids, which increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
The Moscow Institute of Food Production expresses concerns of a different kind.
- There is neither benefit nor harm in purified refined palm oil - empty calories, - explains Yuri Tyrsin, head of the Department of Organic and Food and Biochemistry. - Another thing is cheap industrial palm oil, which enters our market without any purification in a roundabout way. What in Europe would not even be added to soap, we can put in cookies, waffles, cakes and sweets. If fats are not purified, they are susceptible to oxidation. Oxidized fats contribute to the accumulation in the body free radicals, which often leads to cell mutations and the development of cancer. In addition, the so-called oxidative stress occurs in the human body, which disrupts the digestive processes.

In Taman, the "valuable" raw materials are delivered to the transshipment and production complex for the processing of palm oil by giant tankers.

Delicious snag
The main task of a marketer is to identify the vulnerabilities of a gullible buyer. Naturally, we are unhappy with the fact that we eat foods stuffed with "chemistry" - we buy sausage without meat, bread without flour, cheese and sour cream - without milk and other rubbish. Well, get it: the manufacturers have come up with a cunning trick - they promise the consumer a "taste of childhood", a time-tested quality. For example, Soviet ice cream is an extraordinary delicacy that melts gently in a glass or briquette. Today, ice cream does not melt, and all because it is not made on the basis of milk - it includes a mixture of vegetable fats and palm oil.
- Since childhood, I love "Lakomka" - and somehow I could not resist, I bought it. I tried it - disgusting, - Andrei Danilenko is indignant. - He put the briquette on a plate and left it on the table. The ice cream stood all night and hardly melted. The same story with yoghurts with a shelf life of six months, milk, which is stored for six months at room temperature. They added palm oil everywhere - and there is no need for refrigerators.

On the plantations of North Sumatra in Indonesia, the processing of oil palm fruits is carried out in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions. Factories smoke and pollute the air...

Today, retail chains benefit from products that do not deteriorate for a long time and retain their presentation. If in the USSR 117 GOSTs were provided for food products, today following the standards is a voluntary matter. It is enough for the manufacturer to develop his own technical conditions - and you can legally produce cheese without cream and condensed "non-milk": no one will say a word.

At cost, palm oil is 30-40 percent cheaper than milk fat, - Andrei Danilenko cites eloquent statistics. - Tempting superprofit, right? And they hang noodles on our ears about the benefits of this wonderful product. I am surprised by the greed of the deputies - is money really more important for them than people's health? Despite the prohibitions of doctors and the experience of the West, "servants of the people" stubbornly convince us that palm oil is healthy.

...containers are not regularly cleaned...

Rolled into asphalt
Any attempts to prevent the "tropical lobby" end in failure. In 2010, Efko opened its own transshipment and production complex for processing palm oil in the port of Taman. The inhabitants of the village are by no means happy with such a neighborhood. After the palm oil is refined, the hazardous waste ends up in a landfill, where it ignites spontaneously. Black poisonous smoke covers Taman. In the summer, in the heat, people suffocate from the caustic smog, getting chemical burns of the larynx. And nearby is Anapa, numerous Russian sanatoriums and health resorts. Igor Golubenkov, co-chairman of the public environmental organization "Council of Public Safety and Consent of the village of Taman", tried to oppose the management of the Efko plant, for which he paid dearly:
- I was beaten in the yard of my own house. Healthy guys attacked, they said: "Cut down your activities, you damn ecologist, otherwise we'll kill you!" - Golubenkov recalls the terrible episode. - One of the leaders of the plant said so: "If you interfere, I'll roll it into asphalt."

...and the pipes through which the product flows are similar to sewers..

Do we bet on red?
Vendors separate red palm oil in a special way. They say that it is produced using a special technology that allows to preserve more bioactive components, and the palm trees from which it is obtained grow in special ecological zones. Know-how: owls fly over the plantations, which catch rodents, so as not to poison them with "chemistry". Bottled red oil is taken to Russia and sold to gullible fighters for a healthy lifestyle for 1.8 thousand rubles. for 1 liter Without telling, however, that the shelf life of direct-pressed palm oil is short: after two weeks it oxidizes, and it becomes dangerous to eat it.

Keep in mind
By enhancing the palatability of familiar foods, palm oil has an addictive effect.

Asks vacilio
Answered by Natalia Amosenkova, 03/23/2014

Hello Vacilio!

answering your question: "when can I eat halva during fasting? With respect to the Brothers and Sisters, I myself
non-walking disabled person of the 2nd group, a computer for communication, no telephone
answer, in the name of our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST amen"

Fasting, according to the Bible, is not a ritual that must be performed on certain days. Fasting is when a person personally feels the need for a closer union with the Lord. Such a fast is aimed at cleansing the soul, at the desire to know the will of God in one’s life, to draw closer to the Lord, to humble oneself and, perhaps, “induce” the Lord to answer prayer... This fast encourages a person to reconsider his life and leads to its change, so that it is more directed towards serving our neighbors, in particular the most vulnerable segments of the population near us: the poor, offended, lonely, sick, limited in some way...
Is this the post that I have chosen,
the day on which a man torments his soul,
when he bends his head like a reed,
and spreads sackcloth and ashes under him?
Can you call this a fast and a day pleasing to the Lord?
Here is the post I chose:
loose the shackles of iniquity, untie the yoke,
and set the oppressed free,
and loose every yoke;
share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the wandering poor into your house;
when you see a naked man, dress him,
and do not hide from your half-blood.
Then your light will open like the dawn,
and your healing will soon increase,
and your truth will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will follow you.
Then you will call, and the Lord will hear;
You will cry out and He will say, “Here I am!”
When you remove the yoke from your midst,
stop raising your finger and saying insulting things,
and give your soul to the hungry
and nourish the soul of the sufferer:
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your darkness will be like noon;
and the Lord will always be your guide,
and in times of drought he will satisfy your soul
and fatten your bones,
and you will be like a watered garden
and as a fountain whose waters never dry up.
And build up descendants your deserts are age-old:
you will restore the foundations of many generations,
and they will call you the restorer of ruins,
re-establishment of paths for the population.
If you hold your foot for the sake of the Sabbath
from fulfilling your desires on my holy day,
and you will call the Sabbath joy,
holy day of the Lord, honored,
and you will honor her by not going about your usual business,
cater to your whim and idle talk, -
then you will have joy in the Lord,
and I will raise you to the heights of the earth
And I will give you a taste of the inheritance of Jacob your father:
the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

And just the fiction of performing some kind of ritual is useless and does not lead to salvation. If you do not eat meat for a week or two and at the same time, for example, quarrel with your neighbors almost every day, then such a fast is not pleasing to the Lord. And besides, there are many people who, based on their material income, do not eat meat most of their lives or all their lives ...

The examples of fasting that we find in the Bible are described as total abstinence from food or water for a certain amount of time. For example, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights and ate absolutely nothing at that time. Few people can withstand such a fast.

God is love. And if a person, for medical reasons, cannot fast, then he does not need to do this or establish a fast for a day or half a day (maybe such).

Regarding the rulings of a certain church on this issue, we are not specialists and cannot always advise a person, but this is not important for salvation as a human establishment and can often be regarded by God as hypocrisy.
but in vain they worship Me,
teaching doctrines, the commandments of men. For you
leaving the commandment of God, hold fast to the tradition of man
Dear brother, you may be holding many of the principles described in your life. Then thank God! But we wrote to you in case you did not know something, as it is very important for your salvation.
May the Lord Jesus bless you and may your prayers please Him (). Sincerely, sister in Christ Natasha

Read more on the topic "Post":

07 Jul

Many people, thinking about their peace of mind, try to fast. However, the body still requires some variety in nutrition. We propose to investigate for suitability for use in fasting such a fairly common sweet as halva.

Halva composition

Halva appeared in our country relatively recently. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did this oriental sweet become one of the favorite delicacies of Russians. It first appeared in the fifth century BC in Iran. It was from the masters of this country that the Russians adopted the technology for the production of such a wonderful confectionery. Today we have the opportunity to try all kinds of halva (sesame, sunflower, peanut, nut and combined), but all this is made using machines. Real handmade halva can only be tasted in Iran.

The composition of this product is quite simple: caramel mass (sugar, molasses or honey), seeds or nuts and a foaming agent (licorice root, soap root or egg yolk).

In production, sugar with molasses is most often used as caramel mass, while honey is used in home-made. A foaming agent is added to give the halva its classic look, so that it is layered. Sometimes in this pastry add various dyes and flavors.

Useful and harmful properties of halva

In addition to excellent taste properties, halva has a number of useful properties, rejuvenates the body, heals it, improves digestion and blood circulation, strengthens the nervous system. The composition of this sweetness includes many substances valuable for the body: sodium, potassium, magnesium, proteins, food acids, calcium. This is a far from complete list of the benefits contained in the product. For example, sesame, which is used to prepare one of the types of halva, is a storehouse of vitamins. Here is vitamin A, which is necessary for a person for growth, development and good vision, vitamin E, which protects against cancer and infertility, and also helps to reduce the risk cardiovascular disease; B vitamins that help improve the state of the nervous system, memory and reduce the risk colds the onset of asthma.

In stores, halva can be bought by weight or in the form of bars, which is very convenient. In addition, halvich bars are often coated with chocolate, which allows you to mix two completely different flavors, giving the product a certain piquancy.

However, halva is not for everyone. Do not use this product for people who are overweight (calorie content of the product is 500-570 kcal per 100 grams). In addition, it is contraindicated in people with diabetes and metabolic disorders. And of course, if you have allergic reactions to any of the components of halva, do not abuse this delicacy.

It must also be remembered that non-compliance with storage rules can lead to the formation of harmful mold on halva.

Is it possible to eat halva in fasting?

As for fasting, then halva will help you if you get hungry! It does not contain any prohibited ingredients except for the case when egg yolk is present in its composition. So read the label or