How stars take care of themselves. Cheap and beautiful

Constant camera flashes, makeup and frequent flights - the skin of show business stars is constantly exposed to stress, but at the same time many of them can boast of an impeccable appearance. How do famous beauties manage to maintain beauty and youth, despite being very busy and frequently changing their image? In their interviews, celebrities willingly share the secrets of ideal glowing skin, which, by the way, depends not only on the efforts of cosmetologists, but also on self-discipline and the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle every day. The best stellar tips for self-care are in our article.

Jennifer Lopez.
At 47, JLo can easily give a head start to young starlets rushing to the heights of fame. And all thanks to iron willpower and regular work on oneself. Active sports, complete abstinence from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, proper nutrition, rich in green vegetables, and good sleep - these are the main components of Jennifer Lopez's ideal shape. In addition, the star admits that she tries to avoid exposure to the sun and always uses products that protect her.

Adele is one of the few stars who is not afraid to appear in front of cameras without makeup. For the cover of the legendary Rolling Stone magazine, the singer posed without an ounce of makeup, demonstrating to the world her even complexion and the absence of wrinkles. Adele's recipe for beautiful skin is quite simple: avoid sweet and salty foods, lots of water and a positive outlook on life.

Miranda Kerr.
The path to glowing skin, according to Miranda Kerr, lies through taking care of your health in general. The model has been practicing yoga and Pilates for many years, and when it comes to nutrition, she prefers healthy foods. Favorite cosmetic product Kerr is rosehip oil, rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. Miranda recommends applying this magical elixir to your skin before bed to ensure your skin looks hydrated and toned in the morning.

Chrissy Teigen.
Facial skin care takes time. Chrissy Teigen admits that she doesn't always find precious minutes for beauty treatments, and willingly shares advice on how to make up for the missing care. The airplane is the place where a model most often has the opportunity to pay attention to her own appearance. The fact is that Chrissy is often forced to make long flights, which she uses for relaxation and beauty rituals. Teigen's favorite beauty products are moisturizing masks and retinol cream.

The promising actress, singer and dancer is only 20 years old, but she knows for sure that you need to take care of your face from a young age. Perfectly clean skin is the best decoration of any woman. Zendaya believes that the main thing here is to know when to stop and not try to use everything at once. In the young star's makeup bag you can always find three main care products: makeup remover wipes, light moisturizer and lip balm.

Cindy Crawford.
Having reached my sixth decade, I am sure that beautiful skin in adulthood is the result of thoughtful and regular care. The star does not hide the fact that she often uses the services of professional cosmetologists and knows a lot about salon procedures. But it was not only through the efforts of specialists that Cindy managed to maintain her youth. Active sports, a strict approach to nutrition, which involves giving up fast food and processed foods in favor of light and nutritious foods, helps you stay in supermodel shape. correct mode day.

Bella Hadid.
While 20-year-old Bella Hadid owes her beauty and grace solely to Mother Nature. The model does not watch her diet, allowing herself high-calorie pizza, hamburgers and french fries, and only plays sports from time to time. When it comes to facial care, Bella is not fanatical here either. All a girl needs to maintain healthy skin is a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

Leighton Meester.
The "Gossip Girl" star tries to avoid makeup on holiday. Everyday life, because the skin, tired from makeup on the set, needs rest. Layton considers hydration to be the key to beauty. That is why she never parts with thermal water and tries to drink enough liquid per day.

Lucy Hail.
In the past, Lucy Hale had to deal with such an unpleasant problem as acne. The correct skin care system, including two-step deep cleansing, exfoliation and moisturizing, helped. It is especially important to carefully remove makeup at the end of a working day: clogged pores are the first cause of acne.

Jada Pinkett Smith.
An exemplary wife, mother and businesswoman, Jada Pinkett Smith believes that her husband’s love and professional demand motivate her to always be in shape. Cardio training and yoga help the star maintain physical activity, which is a necessary part of a beauty program. Jada also has a special ritual for preserving youthful skin: in order for care products to be better absorbed, you need to apply them to a steamed face. Will Smith's wife regularly uses hyaluronic acid, the effect of which is enhanced by a regular steam bath.

The desire of stars to preserve youth and beauty with the help of plastic surgeons has long become commonplace. But in Hollywood there are still people who, instead of such an extreme measure, use their proven means. Let's find out what crazy methods help celebrities stay beautiful and young. Some recipes are quite exotic, while others you can safely try yourself at home.

Demi Moore's secret to youthful skin

The magic remedy involves the use of live leeches.

Lady Gaga's Makeup Removal Secret

Eva Longoria's skin care secret

Placenta-based creams are among the craziest beauty products in Hollywood. These are exactly what Eva Longoria regularly uses to maintain the beauty of her skin. The key ingredient in such products is sheep placenta, rich in protein and amino acids that help the skin maintain its natural elasticity and radiance.

The secret to Kate Hudson's fresh face

According to Kate, the longer you can keep your face in the water, the better your skin will look.

Kate adopted this strange technique from her makeup artist. The technique involves immersing your face in ice water. The star pours ice into the bowl and adds a little water, and then begins the procedure. According to Kate, the longer you can keep your face in the water, the better your skin will look.

The Secret to Angelina Jolie's Luxurious Skin

Caviar-based creams have been known for many years, but they are also expensive. Angelina Jolie uses the cream, which costs $710 per 100 ml. And it contains Siberian sturgeon caviar, which has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect.

Cate Blanchett's Secret Scrub

The scrub Cate Blanchett uses is more like a salad dressing than a cosmetic product. She uses macadamia and olive oils as a base for it. “I mix the oils with grapefruit juice and sea ​​salt“,” the actress told the British edition of InStyle magazine.

The owner of buttocks insured for a very large amount Jennifer Lopez Of course, she also takes care of other components of her beauty. She regularly applies several masks to her face. One of mashed potatoes with the addition of one egg yolk and a teaspoon of heavy cream. The singer claims that, thanks to starch, which moisturizes the epidermis, such a mask returns a healthy color to the face, and the fat contained in the cream whitens and nourishes the skin. Another mask also helps maintain the beauty of the star - this is a mixture of yogurt, two teaspoons of honey and a few drops of green tea. For exfoliation, she sometimes adds either a little white clay or oatmeal. This composition is good for maintaining a fresh look for oily skin. Honey, in turn, due to its rich content of B vitamins, improves complexion and softens the skin. It is important to remember that allergies often occur to beekeeping products, so if you do not want to get swelling or hives instead of a blooming face, take into account this feature of honey. Jennifer Lopez also revealed another stellar beauty secret and said that she constantly uses beer to rinse her hair - it nourishes it and returns a healthy shine. And for the beauty of her lips, she chose sugar moistened with water - the singer applies it to a toothbrush, massages her lips and achieves their softness and brightness.

U Mariah Carey her star recipe: she rubs a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil into her lips, which enhances microcirculation and thus makes them brighter.

ABOUT Britney Spears It is known that sometimes the singer, let’s say, did not lead a very healthy lifestyle. That is, apparently, why the first stellar beauty secret that she discovered was a way to get rid of puffiness around the eyes. So. Add three ice cubes to half a glass of full-fat milk (6%). Wet it cotton pads with the resulting ice solution and place them on the eyes for 10 minutes. Lactic acid softens and whitens the skin, and cold is really effective in combating swelling. However, you should be careful with such beauty secrets of stars! If there are signs of rosacea in the area around the eyes, this method is in no way suitable - it is strictly contraindicated for fragile blood vessels.

Loves milk and is unfading Cindy Crawford. But instead of drinking it, the model sprays milk onto her skin from a spray bottle. According to Crawford, this is the best way to hydrate she knows.

The star of modern cinema also trusts his beauty to life-giving ice cubes. Jennifer Aniston. To prepare them, the actress uses herbal infusions rich in vitamins. Every morning the actress wipes her face with ice from a decoction of parsley Elena Zakharova. This perfectly tones the skin and relieves swelling.

But, speaking about the secrets of the beauty of stars, let us again remind you that rosacea is a direct contraindication for such procedures. The actress inherited the recipe from her mother. True, Zakharova says that in addition to ice cubes, seven hours of sleep every day helps her look good and complete absence nicotine in her life. In general, one can only envy the health of the capillaries of those who can afford to wash their faces with ice!

Gwyneth Paltrow- an adherent of the macrobiotic diet and ideal of slimness uses a homemade scrub made from cane sugar, ground coffee and olive oil for the face and body. Another beauty recipe from the star: a mixture of honey, oatmeal and freshly squeezed aloe juice to moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin.

Personally prepared coffee scrub is loved by Cameron Diaz. But Diaz mixes the ground coffee beans with salt. Another stellar recipe is olive/grape seed oil/coconut oil with salt. These recipes may be effective, but they are not suitable for owners of sensitive skin. The actress also has more delicate procedures in her arsenal - she separates cornmeal water at room temperature, apply to the skin, rub with a washcloth and rinse. Like Sophie Marceau and many other stars, Diaz believes that all efforts to maintain beauty are meaningless if you do not get enough sleep. By the way, Cameron, unfortunately, characterizes her skin as problematic, and therefore she washes her face exclusively mineral water. Takes care of the beauty of the Evian star.

Star of "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Natalya Varley I am convinced that nothing can compete with sour cream if you need to soften the skin and make it tender. Therefore, for many years she has been practicing sour cream masks after washing her face. hot water. True, the mask is unlikely to be suitable for those with oily skin. This stellar beauty secret is suitable for dry to normal skin. We also remind you that you should not wash your face with rosacea with hot water.

As a relaxing treatment Anna Semenovich chooses baths with essential oils - she likes the aroma of lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil. But the singer and actress admits that in addition to baths, cosmetologists, massage therapists and daily fitness help her stay in good shape.

Living legend of the national stage Edita Piekha Promotes homemade masks and daily workouts for facial muscles as stellar recipes. She grates berries and fruits on a fine grater, applies this mass to her face daily and claims that in combination with regular facial exercises, she gets the desired effect.

Katy Perry simplified everything to the limit - the singer says that nothing but a few liters of clean filtered water a day and thirty minutes of exercise with a skipping rope is all that maintains the beauty of the star.

French movie star of the first tier Sophie Marceau It is not without reason that he believes that the main enemies of youthful skin are insufficient sleep and sun exposure. To prevent stretch marks, she uses almond oil, which she says has helped her prevent stretch marks even during pregnancy. To soften the skin, Marceau also adds some dried mint leaves or a little milk to the bath. Having revealed another stellar beauty secret, she admitted that to fully saturate her body with water, she needs 7 cups of water daily.

One of the first divas of world cinema Sophia Loren rarely shares star beauty secrets. In almost every interview dedicated to her dazzling appearance, she reports that from a young age she uses only olive oil for both her face and body. After brushing her teeth, Lauren puts the same olive oil in her mouth and slowly dissolves it over the course of half an hour. According to the actress, this is extremely beneficial for dental and periodontal health. And to keep her hands youthful, she constantly rubs nail creams into her feet and cuticle area.

Pays special attention to the beauty of hands Nicole Kidman– olive baths have long become an integral part of her self-care ritual, as well as Beyoncé– the singer opens a capsule with vitamin E and rubs it into her nails and cuticles. This procedure perfectly moisturizes the nails and returns them to a healthy appearance. ABOUT Nicole Kidman It is also known that after washing her hair, the actress rinses it with fresh cranberry juice. It neutralizes alkali, which is found in almost all detergents, so the hair remains soft.

Cher, known for constant experiments with her appearance, sometimes uses very simple techniques. Her stellar beauty secret was regular tape. In order to tighten the skin, the singer sticks pieces of adhesive tape behind her ears. Of course, it would never have occurred to her to share such juicy details. This secret of the star’s beauty became public thanks to the paparazzi, who managed to film the manipulation and make it public.

No small amount of charm Julia Roberts lies in her dazzling smile. The star helps maintain her beauty with strawberries and lemons from her garden, which she uses to brush her teeth along with regular toothpastes. The same strawberries and lemons, according to the star, do an excellent job with age spots. But for the beauty of her hair, Roberts makes masks from her own mayonnaise. Interestingly, Julia Roberts is sure that frequent washing does not contribute to healthy hair. She takes breaks of up to two weeks, looking at her; you will never guess this beauty secret of the star.

Strawberries as a teeth whitening agent are honored and Catherine Zeta-Jones. True, she often adds a share of soda to the strawberry pulp. And to moisturize and beauty her hair, the actress, in the old fashioned way, chooses castor oil.

U Kim Basinger has its own stellar beauty secret. To maintain her figure, she uses only her own miniature utensils in restaurants - a tiny spoon, fork and knife. This helps the actress eat whatever her heart desires, but in very limited portions, because absorbing food with doll equipment is a slow and labor-intensive process.

Jennifer Love Hewitt– I found the best way to deal with acne. Her star recipe is using toothpaste. Love Hewitt assures that if in the evening you precisely apply a drop of toothpaste to the source of inflammation at its very beginning, by the morning there will be no trace left of it. True, cosmetologists do not approve of this method of dealing with acne - so think about the consequences several times if you decide to repeat this experiment.

Agent 007's fragile girlfriend and part-time desperate housewife Teri Hatcher follows the precepts of ancient times and believes that in vino veritas. Hatcher takes wine not only internally - 2 glasses before bed - and externally. Namely, she adds red wine to the bath, and this is the key to the beauty of the star. Well, the cardioprotective effects of dry red wine have long been proven. The main thing is to stop in time.

Jessica Bill, the beloved of the illusionist, always adds a spoonful of sugar, salt, soda or oatmeal to the washing gel. Thus, it not only washes the face, but also exfoliates the epidermis.

And here Ekaterina Strizhenova, although openly confesses his love for the Swiss system of spa care, also has its own star beauty secret - namely, baths with rose petals. True, Ekaterina says that you can relax as much as possible with the help of pink baths only in complete silence and away from stress.

Oksana Fedorova calls his recipes secret. But it still tells something. To get herself into proper shape before an important event, she practices an old, but no less effective manipulation - contrasting procedures. First, the TV presenter takes a shower, and then alternately presses either a very hot or a very cold towel to her face. Happy owners of healthy blood vessels will appreciate the effect of this star beauty secret.

Madonna, which becomes more and more beautiful over the years, assures that considerable credit for this turn back of time belongs to Japanese cuisine. She eats one of the traditional Japanese dishes every day. They, according to Madonna, help maintain slimness, thanks to the bacteria and vitamins contained in soy products, algae and other Japanese specialties.

Mila Kunis By the way, I am Ukrainian by origin, and I am sure that effective self-care cannot be low-budget. The main secret of the star’s beauty was diamond peeling, the price of which starts from 7 thousand dollars for one procedure.

Penelope Cruz She found her own recipe for staying slim - she washes down all meals with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Although a placebo effect is very likely here... The actress approaches hair care more carefully - she personally prepares a mask from mango pulp, cinnamon, coffee, quail eggs And maple syrup. Cruz spends at least an hour with this mixture on her hair.

Charlize Theron complains about the hypersensitivity of her skin and cleanses her face only with baby lotion, and for dry lips she uses creams with vitamin A rather than hygienic lipsticks. This is a fairly common celebrity beauty secret.

Contrary to popular belief that you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily, Demmy Moor for some reason I am convinced that it is the liquid that leads to excess weight. So instead of water and other drinks, she eats popsicles. How it differs from liquid is difficult to understand. And if we talk about which liquids really have a bad effect on your figure, then these are, first of all, alcohol, juices from packages and sweet carbonated drinks.

Lady Gaga says that the best way to moisturize her skin is a mask of ripe kiwi and yogurt.

Ashwarya Ray complains that Indians often have oily and problematic skin and offers several products that she uses herself. Her star beauty secret was masks made from egg whites or lemon juice with cottage cheese. Also, according to Ray, a mask made from a mixture of fresh yeast, yogurt and soda can be effective for oily skin, and in order to stop local inflammation, the actress mixes 3 tablespoons of honey, 10 drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon of carrots.

Chet Beckhams And Tom Cruise united by the belief in the miraculous properties of exfoliating masks from. To prepare the composition, the manure is first exposed to ultraviolet light to clean it from harmful bacteria, and then mixed with water, bran and crushed brown rice. Prices in the New York salon start at $150. Not a cheap star recipe!

Kate Middleton I also turned out to be a fan of naturopathic remedies, namely bee venom. The Duchess does not expose herself to direct, but simply uses extracts from bee products, which improve microcirculation in the skin and increase its elasticity.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the most sybarite secret of the beauty of the stars, which belongs to Mick Jagger. Without further ado, the rock star spreads a thick layer of black caviar on his face.

Flipping through ELLE issues for last years, we have selected the most interesting, unusual and effective beauty recommendations of celebrities and their faithful assistants - make-up, styling and nutrition gurus.

5. “There are many amazing beauty recipes that you can follow from the comfort of your kitchen. Salt, coconut and olive oils, cinnamon, lemon are suitable for home beauty products. Aromatic salts can be used for baths and white clay for cleansing masks.” Angela Lindvall, model

6. “To tame unruly hairs without weighing down your hair, apply a little hairspray to a blush brush and sweep it across the top of your head.” Leighton Meester, actress

7. “Pale, pastel shades of lipstick should never be applied in several layers. Otherwise you will have lips like a dead man. Don't be afraid to experiment with bright shadows. As a last resort, you can shade white or beige shadows over the main shade and thus mute the color.” Tom Pecheux, makeup artist

8. “The main makeup secret is quite simple: you need to master primer and concealer. The primer will cope with the gray complexion and shadows that give the face a tired look. And concealer will make your skin glow. The hardest part is finding the right combination of shades. If you have pale skin, use pink or porcelain concealer. If your tone is a little darker, a peach shade will suit you. Apply it not only under your eyes, but also on the tip of your nose.” Bobby Brown, makeup artist

9. “I don’t go to fitness, I don’t have time, and I don’t understand why you have to pay for suffering. I’d rather walk 10 km in Paris.” Ines de la Fressange, model

10. “I apply organic coconut oil to my hair at night. It perfectly restores strands after exposure to the sun. In general, coconut oil is an indispensable thing on vacation. It can be distributed over the body, and then gently scrub the skin with regular sand. I recommend washing this mixture directly into the sea. The skin becomes soft and smooth like silk.” , model

11. “I love the casual, I-just-from-the-beach hairstyle.” To achieve this effect, at night I apply a leave-in cream treatment to my hair and put on a shower cap (this, of course, is not very sexy, but what can you do?). In the morning I let the strands dry on their own and they stay great all day.” Eva Mendes, actress

12. “I advise everyone to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Even in winter I sleep with the window slightly open. Air conditioners and heaters cause your skin to become dry. I also recommend organic sweet almond oil to everyone. I used it during pregnancy, and I didn’t get a single stretch mark. It smells wonderful and can also be added to your bath.” Elizabeth Hurley, actress

13. “For facial care, I use either special pharmaceutical products that my dermatologist prescribes to me or organic prickly pear seed oil, a cactus that grows only in Mediterranean countries. My friend from Corsica sends it to me.” Laetitia Casta, model and actress

14. “After using foundation and blush, I apply translucent powder to my face, then spray with rose water and blot with a tissue. The skin looks flawless and very natural.” , actress

15. “The most important beauty rule is to be happy. It’s also important to drink a lot of water and get enough sleep.” Alicia Keys, singer

16. “When applying the cream, do not smear it all over your face, but rub it in thoroughly with strong massage movements for a couple of minutes. Don't be afraid to damage your skin." Anastasia Achilleos, celebrity cosmetologist

17. “I can’t live without mattifying wipes. Instead of drying out the skin with several layers of powder, it is better to remove excess oil using a blotter. I always buy inexpensive napkins - what’s the point of paying a lot of money for ordinary rice paper?” , model and TV presenter

18. “I apply Potion Primer under the eyebrows, on the moving eyelid and even on the lower eyelid to fix the pencil. And also for inflammation, so that they don’t turn red during the day.” Wendy Zomnir, creator of Urban Decay

19. “To keep your skin looking youthful for as long as possible, limit your fat intake. After all, they promote oxidative processes in the body. Look at Japanese women: the secret of their eternal youth is that their diet contains a lot of raw food and almost no fried foods.” Seta Koichi, President of Wamiles

20. “I love oils for the ends of my hair. After all, if the ends are dry, the hair, although it continues to grow, is instantly damaged.” Olga Kurylenko, actress and model

21. “A woman looks irresistible when she smiles. Apart from a smile, the most important factor in beauty is skin hydration.” Beoince, singer

22. “To ensure your lashes curl all the way up to your eyebrows, warm them up with a hairdryer for a couple of seconds before using the curler.” Isla Fisher, actress

23. “You will laugh, but I apply colorless balm not only to my lips, but also to my eyelids. The look becomes almost angelic.” Freida Pinto, actress

24. “I achieve a natural pink tint to my lips using red lipstick: I paint my lips, then wipe off the color with a dry cloth and apply transparent gloss.” Halle Berry, actress

25. “Instead of hair conditioner, I use a mixture of avocado and olive oils. But under no circumstances apply this mixture to your scalp, otherwise your hair will appear dirty.” Denise Richards, actress

26. “I remove stage eye makeup with fabric tape - it works best with glitter.” Lady Gaga, singer

27. “A couple drops of cinnamon oil added to your favorite gloss or balm will add volume and make your lips feel more sensual.” Lisa Rinna, TV host

28. “I’m going to the bath and taking a glass of wine with me. But not for drinking. I pour it into the water. The acid contained in wine perfectly exfoliates the skin.” Teri Hatcher, actress

29. “Tip for those with oily skin: if you don’t have foundation primer on hand, apply a little cornstarch to your face.” Nicki Metz, makeup artist for Naomi Watts

30. “To remove traces of fatigue from my face, I fill the sink ice water, I cut a cucumber into it, close my eyes and immerse my face in this composition. A real salvation if the night turns out to be stormy.” Kate Moss, model

31. “Not a day goes by that I don’t take my vitamins. I approach the choice of dietary supplements seriously - using the results of blood tests, together with the doctor, I identify what my body lacks. “As a rule, I am prescribed a lot of fish oil.” 33. “There are many diets based on the consumption of one product - meat, cheese or chocolate. This is very harmful to health. You need to eat varied. And keep sweets and flour to a minimum.” Henri Chenot, nutritionist

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If you think that today's stars go to great lengths for the sake of beauty, then today you will see that this is nothing compared to what the on-screen seductresses of the past agreed to. The Golden Age of Hollywood in all its vain glory is brought to you by 15 actresses whose beauty secrets are impossible to believe.

To make her lips fuller and more sensual, Monroe and her makeup artist applied five different shades of lipstick and lip gloss. Darker shades of red were placed on the outer corners, while lighter shades filled the space in the middle of the sex symbol's lips.

Elizabeth Taylor, inspired by the book about Cleopatra, took up the habit of shaving her face. It may sound funny, but shaving removes light fuzz and the surface layer of skin cells, giving your skin an extra glow.

The secret of Audrey Hepburn's long eyelashes and Bambi-like look lies in the fact that after applying mascara, the actress separated each eyelash. Every one, absolutely every one!

Early in her career, Carole Lombard was involved in a car accident, which resulted in her nose being damaged. This part of her face remained slightly curved and, in order to offset this defect, the actress drew a thin white line on her nose. Lombard believed that this made her nose look smoother.

Contrary to popular belief, contouring is not a new technique invented by Kim Kardashian. It was also used by Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly, who knew exactly where and how to apply this or that shade of blush.

Full lips have always been a desirable beauty feature for many women, but Vivien Leigh, best known for her role as Scarlett O'Hara, had thin lips and was unwilling to put up with it. To somehow compensate for the volume of her lower lip, Lee used lip liner outside the natural line, creating the illusion of a larger mouth.

German-American actress Marlene Dietrich had many tricks up her sleeve, but the most famous was the one that highlighted her cheekbones. It is known that Dietrich used surgical adhesive tape to create the effect of a temporary face lift.

Rita Hayworth's Hollywood wave was her signature look, so she kept her hair in tip-top shape at all times by applying different hair oils after each wash. The actress left the oil on her hair for about 15-20 minutes, after which she washed off the residue with hot water and lemon juice.

To make her eyes look more theatrical, Greta Garbo applied a thin layer of Vaseline to her eyelids before applying dark eyeshadow.

One of the most controversial stars of the 1930s, Mae West, used coconut oil daily throughout her life. Nowadays we think coconut oil is a craze, May has used it all her life and would be offended to know that we only use it occasionally. West used oil instead of moisturizer to give her skin a youthful glow.

Gloria Swanson considered raw vegetables her beauty secret. She made masks from them and ate them regularly.

Ingrid Bergman tried to use cosmetics only when absolutely necessary. In life, the actress advocated naturalness, but for the sake of roles she was ready to endure a significant layer of makeup on her face.

Sophia Loren always kept a bottle of olive oil at arm's length. She kept her skin soft and radiant with hot baths with ten drops of oil.

Gloria Grahame's complex consisted of a thin upper lip. The actress was very embarrassed about this and even inserted a piece of cotton wool between her lips and teeth to visually enlarge it. We think there is no need to tell what it was like to her partners during the kisses...

To this day, we sing praises to the eyes of Bette Davis, who, by the way, used absolutely banal methods - cucumber circles on the eyes and Vaseline under the eyes to combat dark circles.