Edible curly beans. Curly beans: planting and care

A variety of types of green beans and grain beans have long been used with pleasure by humans as food crops and green manure. But at the same time, one more role of the plant is not forgotten. Curly beans are decorative and have been taking pride of place among the garden, greenhouse and even a modest balcony for three and a half centuries.

The advantage of decorative curly beans is:

  • high growth rate, which allows greening large vertical surfaces during the spring-summer season;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • a variety of shapes and colors appearing on the shoots of inflorescences;
  • long-term preservation of attractiveness due to the presence of not only spectacular inflorescences, but also pods, sometimes striking with an unusual appearance;
  • the possibility of using the green mass of the plant for green fertilizers and composts;
  • soil enrichment with nitrogen accumulating on the roots of plants of this family.

The only thing to consider when planting beans is the thermophilicity of the plant and the culture's need for light and abundant nutrition.

Properly using the ability of the plant to climb to a height of 2 to 5 meters and combining different varieties of curly beans, you can equip unusual green arbors, create arches in the garden and ennoble the most unpresentable corners and hedges.

It is important that today several independent species are used for landscaping, belonging to the legume family, but having unique properties and appearance. Moreover, all these crops are valued both as ornamentals and as vegetable plants.

Common beans of curly varieties are well known and loved by Russian gardeners. An annual plant, originally from Latin America, perfectly combines the properties of a vegetable crop that supplies green pods and mature seeds to the table, and high decorativeness. Curly beans in height can reach from 1.5 to 3 meters, a month after sowing forms the first inflorescences, and with proper care, top dressing and flowering and the formation of pods continues until mid-autumn.

The components of the decorative effect are small, but numerous flowers of various colors, and dense foliage, and pods of varying degrees of maturity hanging from the stems. Regular harvesting of string beans on many varieties of climbing beans stimulates the formation of new buds, which prolongs the life of the living and fences.

If the flowers of ordinary beans, depending on the variety, can be white, lilac, pinkish or cream, then Turkish beans or, as this catchy plant is also called, fiery red beans strike with scarlet inflorescences. It is interesting that this species, which came to the territory of Russia two centuries before ordinary vegetable beans, did not find wide distribution as a garden plant, but firmly settled in greenhouses and gardens.

Turkish beans are very unpretentious and with minimal care grow up to 3-4.5 meters. When planted early, plants bloom from mid-June to late September. If until recently summer cottages were decorated with creepers that bloom only with bright red racemose inflorescences, today there are varieties of curly beans that give two-color, salmon, burgundy and completely white flowers.

Plants are distinguished by numerous large foliage, which, like most legumes, has three divided lobes. In the presence of a strong support, the whips willingly climb to great heights, easily braiding lattices, hedges and even tree crowns.

Young pods of this type of curly ornamental bean are inedible due to tough fibers and substances harmful to human digestion. The valves of such beans are densely pubescent. Inside the pod there can be from three to six seeds of a purple-pink color, a characteristic feature of which is contrasting dark strokes over the entire surface.

Mature seeds after soaking in taste and nutritional value are not inferior to hulled beans of cultivated varieties.

In the summer cottage, Turkish beans can be used both to create vertical gardening and to create green shelters from the wind for heat-loving crops, such as melons or grapes.

Another spectacular annual plant from the legume family is rightly called climbing lilac. With this ornamental shrub, dolichos, lablab or hyacinth beans are related by the shade of flowers and the appearance of large, uniting up to four dozen buds, inflorescences.

In Russia and other regions with a temperate climate, this ornamental climbing bean is sown in the spring, and by autumn the plants finish their growing season. But in Africa and Asia, where the climate is warmer, and the daylight hours are longer, dolichos is a large, constantly flowering perennial.

Under favorable weather conditions, varieties of curly beans of this species grow up to 1.5–3 meters and very quickly master the supports of various shapes and designs prepared for them. Thanks to abundant flowering and large three-lobed leaves, hyacinth beans create a dense decorative coating. Moreover, depending on the variety, the purple color can extend not only to the inflorescences and valves of the beans, but also to the stems and even leaf blades.

Today, gardeners have varieties at their disposal that traditionally delight with lilac and purple flowers, and reveal white, pink, purple and even two-tone buds. Inflorescences appear from the sinuses, flowers that remain attractive for up to three days open alternately, and the entire brush lives from 20 to 30 days.

Interestingly, dolichos is a rare ornamental curly bean that has a pleasant smell, so large inflorescences are sometimes included in bouquets. Flowers easily tolerate cutting and remain in water for up to 10–14 days. With the completion of flowering, the plants do not lose their decorative effect. Purple, purple or dark green curly beans are grouped in clusters of 5-15 and in late summer are no less showy than flowering beans. The length of the pod on average ranges from 8 to 12 cm.

Elliptical, laterally compressed seeds of black or brown color ripen in pods. On seeds not exceeding 1–1.5 cm in length, a white scar is clearly visible. The seeds are edible and have been used as food by the peoples of North Africa for many thousands of years, and today they are a type of climbing ornamental bean, suitable for both planting in the garden and growing in balcony boxes.

The name of the amazing climbing plant was given by the snail, which is so similar to the flowers of this variety of climbing beans. Vigna Caracalla or, according to an alternative classification, Cochliasanthus caracalla, is a perennial plant native to the tropics of South America. Vigna is one of the largest species among cultivated varieties of curly beans. The shoots of cowpea Caracalla are able to climb to a height of up to 7 meters.

In the homeland of the culture, it is a perennial, but in a temperate climate it is cultivated as an annual crop, and the species is quite thermophilic, therefore, wanting to save the plant for the winter, it is transferred to a room or to a heated greenhouse. Vignu, like other varieties of beans, is distinguished by a high rate of development and growth. Therefore, even with a short summer in the middle lane, curly decorative beans successfully braid hedges, terraces and arches. Vigna is attached to vertical surfaces with strong mustaches. The shape and appearance of the leaves of this crop differs little from other types of beans, but the flowers are truly unique.

The petals that make up the corolla are twisted like a dense spiral. The diameter of the flower can reach 3-5 cm. Depending on the variety and age of the flower, the color can vary from white, yellowish or cream to purple and violet. The cowpea inflorescence is a brush, in which there can be 5–12 gradually opening buds.

The flowers of this variety of curly beans are fragrant and quite long-lived. If the plant planted in the garden is not exposed to frost and cold wind, then its flowering lasts from July to the end of September.

As a balcony culture, it is better to pinch a large plant in order to control the length of the shoots and periodically provoke flowering. For the cowpea, they arrange supports from a rope net, onto which the growing stems are immediately directed. If you move an adult plant, you can easily break off rather fragile shoots.

The most unusual type of curly decorative beans first came to the territory of Russia quite recently, just a few years ago. But winged beans are well known in Goa, Thailand and New Guinea and other countries of this region.

Here, beans with pods of an unusual form for Russians have long been used for food. Moreover, for the preparation of culinary dishes, not only green juicy shoulder blades with four fancy lobes and mature seeds are used, but also inflorescences and powerful three-lobed foliage. In local folk medicine, the plant is recognized as healing, which is now confirmed by European experts.

As decorative curly beans, winged beans are grown, like cowpea, trying to protect from wind and cold. In Russian conditions, it is an annual, reaching a height of 5 meters in the spring-summer season.

Inflorescences of winged beans are racemose, large, up to 15 cm in length. In each such brush, you can count from 5 to 15 blue, cream or two-color corollas up to 3 cm in diameter. After flowering, this variety of curly beans forms amazing tetrahedral blades, which, depending on growing conditions and variety, grow up to 10-25 cm in length. On some plants there are truly giant beans up to 40 cm long.

Inside the pod, from 5 to 20 almost round smooth seeds ripen with a diameter of up to 10 mm. The color of edible grains can be varied. Different varieties of curly beans of this species have brown, brown, yellow and black seeds.

How to plant beans near a support - video

curly beans

curly beans refers to perennial plants. Numerous small nodules are formed on its roots (bacteria live in them, which assimilate the molecular nitrogen of the air). Beans are most often grown as an annual. In the middle lane and to the north, at the beginning and end of the growing season, plants can be damaged by frost. Curly beans are very decorative. Due to its high height and dense foliage, the plant can be used as a shade.

Agricultural technology

The cultivation of curly beans should be started after all possible frosts.

The culture loves light, well-drained soils with a high level of fertility at a pH of 6.0-7.0.

On waterlogged lands, seeds can rot.

In early spring, a trench is prepared about 60 cm wide and as deep as a spade bayonet. A large amount of rotted manure or compost is brought to the bottom and covered with excavated earth. Such preparation will ensure sufficient saturation of the soil with moisture, which is necessary for a friendly seed germination. Mineral fertilizers are applied 1–2 weeks before the upcoming sowing (70–100 g of nitrophoska per 1 m 2).

Curly beans love sunny areas protected from the wind. There are several ways to grow climbing beans on supports. But you can get small, compact plants from climbing beans. To do this, in a bean that has reached a height of 30 cm, pinch the growth point - the top of the plant. Pinched plants begin to bear fruit earlier than climbing forms, but the yield is lost.

Rods, poles, rope, wire are used to support climbing beans. Often a mesh is also used, stretching it over vertical supports. With a two-row landing, 2.5-meter poles are used as a V-shaped support, connected from above at the intersections. Rods or poles may be placed in the form of a tent. So you can collect 4-10 supports by tying them on top with a rope or wire. After the construction of such a tent, seeds are sown at the base of each support.

As the plants grow, they must be carefully wrapped around the supports. Experts advise doing this without fail counterclockwise.

Watering begins only during flowering. Excess water at the beginning of the growing season leads to increased leaf growth at the expense of flowering and fruiting. On the other hand, the plant should not experience a lack of moisture during the flowering period, as the flowers may fall off, and the ripening of the beans will stop. Weeds need to be controlled.

The first serious frosts kill all the leaves on the beans. If the plant is not infected, all the leaves are placed in the compost. Sick leaves are burned. Roots with numerous nodules are also excellent material for compost, as they accumulate nitrogen in large quantities. The supports are cleaned and stored in a barn until the next season.


Curly beans Winner. A high yielding fibrous variety. The pods are flat, up to 30 cm long, ready for harvest 90 days after sowing. Decorative hedge during flowering.

Green beans Gerda. Early maturing (50 days from germination to fruiting) curly, asparagus beans. The plant is medium leafy. The length of the shoots is 3 m, the height of attachment of the lower pods is 45–50 cm. The pods are straight, 20–30 cm long, rounded, 0.9–1.5 cm in diameter, yellow. There are no fibers and parchment layer. Sowing in open ground is carried out at a depth of 3 cm. It is recommended to grow using a vertical support. Productivity 3.5–5.0 kg / m 2.

Beans vegetable Sisal. Ideal product for canning and freezing. Medium early variety. The period from shoots to technical ripeness of beans is 60 days. Plant of bush type, high, spherical shape. The beans are green, straight, rounded in cross section, fleshy, without fiber, 11-12 cm long, up to 8 mm wide. Friendly ripening of beans. The variety is highly resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.

Alcove. An early ripe variety of curly beans (the period from germination to technical ripeness is 48–50 days). The plant is up to 1.5 m high. The beans are slightly curved, without a parchment layer and fiber, bright yellow, 12–13 cm long, smooth. The seeds are elliptical. The palatability of canned products is excellent. Valued for high and stable fruit yield, resistance to bacteriosis.

Great treat. High-yielding late-ripening variety (ripening time 125–135 days). Climbing plant (250–350 cm high). Pods 15 cm long, without parchment layer and fibers, green in technical ripeness. The seeds are white, very large, the weight of one seed is up to 2 g, excellent taste. The grade differs in excellent productivity in any zone.

Violet. An early ripe bean variety with high nutritional and healing properties. The plant is tall, climbing and very decorative. The beans are intensely colored, without a parchment layer and fiber. A very early, unpretentious variety of beans, characterized by excellent yields in any region. Unripe shoulder blades and grain are used. An excellent product for fresh consumption, in home cooking, for canning and freezing.

Bluechild. A new high-protein variety with high nutritional and healing properties. The plant is tall, climbing and very decorative. Bluechild is also interesting for its long, intensely colored shoulder blades, without a parchment layer and fiber. A very early, unpretentious variety of beans, characterized by excellent yields in any region. Unripe shoulder blades and grain are used. An excellent product for fresh consumption, in home cooking, for canning and freezing.

The Snow Queen. The variety is mid-season. The plant is tall, climbing (up to 145 cm high), requiring support. Pods 14 cm long, without parchment layer and fibers, green in technical ripeness. Seeds are white, excellent taste. Differs in plentiful fructification and stable crops, long time keeps economic suitability. An unpretentious variety of beans, characterized by excellent yields in any zone. Recommended for home cooking, canning and freezing.

Harvesting, storage

Already in July, they begin to harvest from plants that have been pinched or grown in greenhouses. In August, climbing plants begin to bear fruit. Harvesting lasts 3-4 weeks. Climbing plants bear fruit until frost. During the period of abundant fruiting, the collection is carried out every other day.

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- a fruit plant of the legume family, in which the edible seeds (beans) are located inside the pod that ripens on the stem. What types of beans can be eaten? And what varieties of beans does modern selection offer?

Signs classification

Beans can be long and short (from 6 to 20 cm and up to 1 m) and differ in the number of seeds (from 3 to 20 inside the box). The pods and the beans themselves may vary in color, coloring options are shades of yellow, purple, green, variegated,. To indicate the characteristics of the variety, various signs of classification are used: appearance, what is eaten, region of origin.

Bushy and climbing

According to the shape and type of plants, they are classified into bush and climbing.

  • bush plants- are considered more unpretentious, cold-resistant, capable of early fruiting and industrial cultivation in the fields. Plant height reaches 40, 50 and 60 cm.
  • curly- the height of the lashes can reach 5 m. Due to the greater number of fruits in climbing plant species, the ripening time is postponed and the duration of the ripening of peas is increased. However, the number of fruits that can be grown in a small area when planting climbing varieties is much larger. Only a few plants can provide a high yield. Also, climbing vines are decorators - they decorate and decorate the garden, backyard territory. Plants in which the length of the lashes is less than 2 m are called semi-curly.

Vigna and Common Beans

  • American species (Phaseolus) - distinguished by elongated oval beans. American varieties are more popular in cultivation than Asian varieties. This is a traditional bean that was grown in South America several thousand years ago and today has spread throughout the world, has become a traditional dish on the kitchen table in many countries.
  • Asian beans (Vigna or Vigna). Vigna's pods are noticeably longer and thinner. Seeds - small and soft, do not require pre-soaking during cooking. Here are examples of some types of Vigna:
  • Cow (serpentine) peas with pods up to 1 m long;
  • Mash or mung (small green oval fruits);
  • urd (black beans from South Asia);
  • adzuki (small red fruits).

Asparagus and shelling

According to the nature of the use in food, legume varieties are classified into those in which only peas are eaten, and those that can be eaten along with the wings. Those varieties that are eaten completely do not form a hard wax layer inside the valves or form it later, when ripe. Here is a description of the modern classification:

  • (vegetable, sugar) - the leaves remain soft, are not covered with hard fibers during the entire ripening period. Therefore, asparagus fruits are edible as a whole.
  • Shelling (non-sugar) - those in which only peas are used (regardless of the stage of ripening). The name "shelling" is due to the fact that these beans are necessarily shelled (separated from the wings) before use.
  • The middle version of the varieties is universal (semi-sugar), which in milky ripeness are used for culinary preparation completely, and after ripening - only beans.

Description of varieties

There are about 50 different varieties of beans. Let's get acquainted with the description of the most popular and interesting of them.


Asparagus plants do not form a hard parchment layer on the inner surface of the valves, even when ripe. Therefore, during the entire period of fruiting, beans with beans and sashes are completely used for food and preservation. Unripe beans inside the box are called "shoulders". Here is a description of those varieties that successfully grow in our territory:

Bush plants:

  • Saxa is an early ripe asparagus bush species with pink beans. It bears fruit 50 days after planting. Forms a bush up to 40 cm high. Forms pods up to 12 cm long.
  • The oil king is also characterized by early ripening (within 50 days after sowing). A yellow long pod up to 25 cm long is used for food and canning.
  • Caramel is an early bean with a ripening period of up to 60 days.
  • Crane - this variety is often used for harvesting for the winter (canning, freezing). A bush up to 50 cm high is unpretentious in care.
  • Purple Queen - also grown for canning. It has a beautiful purple color and is easy to care for. Gives a consistently good harvest on various soils. It has an average ripening time, the length of the pods is up to 15 cm.
  • The Deer King is a plant with bright yellow fruits.
  • Panther is a mid-season species, also with yellow fruits, for eating and canning.

Curly varieties:

  • Melody - early ripening early plants with a pod length up to 13 cm.
  • Fatima is mid-season, with a fruit length of up to 21 cm. The length of the lashes reaches 3 m.
  • Golden Nectar - bears fruit 70 days after sowing. Yellow pods up to 25 cm long grow on the stem.
  • The winner - combines fruit and decorative properties, forms red flowers when flowering, after - bears fruit with flat green pods. Ripening lines - up to 90 days. This variety is often confused with decorative fence decoration.
  • Hell Rem - different mushroom aroma. When cooked, it mimics a mushroom dish.
  • Blau Hilde is a giant bush, forms lashes up to 5 m long and grows fruits up to 25 cm.


In these varieties, the valves of the pods become stiff over time, therefore, in the young form, the fruits of the plant are used as food as a whole, in the mature - only beans. Here is a list of several varieties that have gained recognition in regions with a temperate climate. These are bush semi-sugar:

  • Second - the length of the yellow pods is up to 10 cm.
  • Indiana - bears fruit with white and red seeds.
  • Welt - green fruits up to 13 cm, for cooking and preparations.


These varieties already at a young age are distinguished by a hard pod. There is no "milky" ripeness in them; beans are eaten only when ripe. In contrast to the semi-sugar and sugar species, by autumn, the beans of the shelling plants form the maximum supply of nutrients and are stored all winter without additional heat treatment. Before cooking, they are soaked in water and boiled for a long time in boiling water (from 1 to 2 hours). Here is a description of some varieties.


  • Gribovskaya - average ripening time (90 days) and sufficient length of green pods (up to 15 cm).
  • Chocolate Girl - got her name from the color of the beans (brown). The variety is resistant to heat.
  • Swallow - White beans with small purple spots that resemble the outline of a swallow.
  • Ballad - light beige beans with purple splashes.
  • The dream of the hostess is large white beans.
  • Ruby - cherry (red-violet) color beans.
  • Golden - plain yellow beans.

Beans have a long root system. This annual plant penetrates 1 m deep into the ground. Its roots release nitrogen, which is a fertilizer for crops growing in the neighborhood. Planting beans not only does not impoverish the land. They enrich the soil with nitrogen and make it suitable for planting more demanding vegetable and garden plants.

Recently, the cultivation of ornamental beans has become a very popular activity. If you want to green your site with them, you should know what these climbing varieties are remarkable for and what kind of care they require.

Beans were brought to European countries only in the 15th century, and at first absolutely all types were considered decorative, not eaten.

The varieties used to plant to decorate the garden in modern times are distinguished by a dense flowering cover and special, beautiful flowering, they can be colored. They apply for creating green hedges or artistic elements.

Plants are grown as annuals. Seedlings grow rapidly, forming long branched vines. There are also bush specimens. In autumn, like other beans, pods ripen on the branches. Their colors are directly dependent on varietal characteristics.

The beans themselves also have an interesting color: pink, reddish, speckled purple and others are distinguished.

Is it possible to eat ornamental beans

Despite the name, this representative of legumes can be eaten. In Russia, the plant is most often grown for beauty, but in many other countries its fruits are eaten, as in ordinary, classic varieties.

Dishes made from such beans, no difference in taste. They are a source of vegetable protein, vitamins and trace elements. Having a high energy value, bean cuisine is considered dietary.

Easily digestible bean protein is close in its properties to the animal, as in meat or fish.

The most popular outdoor varieties

Among the variety of options, species with bright red and purple flowers are especially in demand among Russians.

This is one of the most valued varieties among summer residents. It reaches in length 2.5 meters. On dark green foliage, large pale purple flowers are clearly visible.

Harvest, ripening as early as 55 days after emergence, has the same color.

The variety is thermophilic. If properly planted and cared for, it responds with a high degree of yield.

The Draconic languages ​​were named so because interesting coloring of the pods. The violet tone of the delicate cover is combined with a rich yellow color, forming a clear contrast.

It is noteworthy that during heat treatment, the color changes and becomes uniformly green.

Little Red Riding Hood

The flowers of this early variety are pure red, while in seeds this shade covers only the barrel, and the rest is white. The fruits are especially well used in the preparation of borscht, because their dense texture does not boil soft.

fiery waterfall

Variety Fiery waterfall is able to reach 5 meters long.

blooms from June to September. Small pink buds, collected in a brush, bloom on dense vines of dark green color, reaching up to 3 meters in height.

Correct fit

You can plant beans in seedlings, but there is no particular need for this. Landing in open ground is carried out mid-May to early June.

Seeds are soaked for a day in water, and then placed in the soil at a depth of 1 centimeter. The method consists in digging holes at a distance of 40-45 cm, which must be carefully watered. They drop 2-3 seeds at once.

Harvesting of seedlings in greenhouse conditions takes place in the middle of April at temperatures from 18 to 22 degrees above zero. Each sprout needs a separate pot. If it is already too stretched out, and the transfer to the site has not yet been carried out, then the plant is provided with additional support.

This species does not tolerate transplanting well, therefore growing seedlings is not effective.


A heat-loving landing is needed protect from frost. At cold temperatures, crops are carefully insulated with a film or other material. They are also needed hill and set the direction of growth.

A favorable condition is the presence of light, fertile land, with sufficient moisture and light. Beans require good watering, especially in the heat. It is advisable to mulch the surface at the roots with sawdust or straw: this way moisture is retained longer.

All organic fertilizers are suitable for this crop, excluding fresh manure.

Application in landscape design

Decorative beans are a great tool for vertical gardening used in design. It is used to decorate hedges, fences, arbors. plant used in the creation of arches, colorful pergolas.

An interesting solution is the creation of garden compositions that add zest to the space and add coziness. Plantings decorate the beds with abundant flowering in summer, hanging bright pods add brightness in autumn days.

Forming an arched shape, the seeds are sown on the sides of the structure on both sides. The tops of the grown vines are fastened or rise even higher.

Diseases and pests

Harmful insects may already live in the seeds, therefore, before sowing, planting material should be inspected for the presence of a bean weevil.

Only healthy specimens are suitable for use, the rest are to be destroyed. This gray bug is determined by the holes formed, the larvae.

To protect the fruits from infection, after harvesting, the part intended for reproduction in the next season is processed metathion. They should be stored in tightly tied bags, at zero temperature.

If light brown spots with a yellowish green outline are present on the leaves in a chaotic manner, this indicates the presence of bacteriosis. Affected sprouts are immediately removed, and neighboring ones are processed. copper chloride. After 10 days, the spraying procedure is repeated. This disease is also noticeable on the seeds in the form of the same spots.

There are many ways to improve the land. Curly beans, charming and unpretentious, are perfect for this purpose.

Liana is suitable for decorating various vertical surfaces - for gardening summer verandas, fences, walls, arbors or forming delimiting flowering walls.

On the market there are varieties of curly beans with rich red, white or orange flowers that delight the gardener's eye with richness and liveliness of colors from June to September.

And you will also get a pleasant bonus in the form of 3-5 kilograms of delicious bean grain, which you will receive from just a couple of plants of this productive crop.

Consider the characteristics of popular varieties of curly beans.

Gerda. An early ripening variety that produces up to 4 kilograms of juicy shoulder blades per square meter of plantings. Light yellow beans reach a length of 20 centimeters and a width of 1.2 centimeters. Blooms with tiny white flowers.

Violet. This variety is mid-season and promises a yield of about 2.4 kg/sq.m. The beans are light purple in color, long, wide and curved. The plant is powerful and with good care grows up to 2.5 meters.

Golden neck. The plant of this sugar and early maturing variety has a relatively modest growth potential. Liana is able to grow up to a maximum of 1.6 meters. Long beans have a slightly curved shape and are colored light yellow. The yield of the Golden Neck is 2.8 kg. /sq.m.

Curly beans need strong and preferably high support.

RZ Festival. The green beans of this medium-early variety of curly beans grow to an impressive length of 35 centimeters. The plant itself is also striking in its size: its length easily steps over the mark of 2 meters. The grains of this variety are perfectly boiled soft, and the blades themselves are suitable for long-term fresh storage.

Mauritanian. Liana Mavritanki is able to reach a length of up to 3 meters. The beans of this mid-season variety are relatively small in size, narrow and straight. Black seeds are covered with barely noticeable veins. From a square meter of landings, you can collect up to 2.3 to 2.5 kilograms of green pods.

Turk. It is classified as a late-ripening variety of curly beans. The plant is characterized by dense foliage and grows up to 3 meters. Flat and slightly curved Turkish beans reach a length of 20 centimeters and a width of 1.5-2 centimeters. Under favorable conditions, up to 5 kilograms of light green shoulder blades with reddish veins can be obtained from a square meter of beds. The variety is not very susceptible to anthracnose and bacteriosis.

Fatima. The mid-season sugar variety has an excellent yield of 3.4 kg. /sq.m. Long, wide, light green beans are formed on the three-meter vine of Fatima. A feature of the variety is an extended fruiting period.

Melody. The variety is late-ripening, the vine grows up to two meters or more. The beans are green, medium in size, slightly curved. Productivity reaches 3 kg. /sq.m.

Lambada. It is a mid-late variety characterized by excellent drought and frost resistance. The liana of this variety of curly beans reaches a length of up to 3 meters. The beans are very long, wide, light green. Up to 3.2 kilograms of fleshy shoulder blades are harvested from a square meter of Lambada plantings.

The range of varieties of curly beans is far from being limited to the above list.

Thanks to this breadth of choice, you will pick up those types of beans that fit perfectly into the country design and will be a great addition to any type of vertical gardening.

Have not decided yet whether it is worth planting curly beans in the country? I'm sure this video will help you get rid of any doubts!