Hemlock poison from what how to take. Hemlock tincture: cancer cure or death? Side effects from use

Modern scientific research and many years of practice have proven that hemlock has the ability to anesthetize, relieve spasms, reduce convulsions, stop inflammation and dissolve tumors. This is a unique plant.

Spotted hemlock, also known as Conium maculatum, popularly known as gorigola, headworm, poisonous stem, mutnik, is a dangerous poisonous plant from flowers to root, at the same time it is an effective remedy for curing the most serious diseases. The healers of the Middle Ages prepared a tincture from the spotted hemlock to reduce pain. But even earlier, hemlock was used as the strongest poison with a paralyzing effect. The similarity of its leaves with parsley is often the cause of accidental poisoning in our time.

Application of hemlock tincture

Modern scientific research and many years of practice have proven that hemlock has the ability to anesthetize, relieve spasms, reduce convulsions, stop inflammation and dissolve tumors. This unique plant is able to calm the nervous system and stimulate the immune system. But, perhaps, the main thing that hemlock is known for is its anti-cancer properties. Hemlock contains several strong poisons, including coniine, pseudoconiine, propylpiperidine, which prevent the division of tumor cells, thereby slowing down their growth. In response to the action of the poison coniin, which poisons the body, the immune system is activated, antibodies begin to be produced that can have a detrimental effect on cancer cells. It has been established that the tincture prepared from the hemlock herb is successfully used as an adjuvant in the last stages of cancer, as it stops the development of metastases.

Hemlock tincture in oncology gives good results in cases of tumors of the brain, larynx, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas, lungs, breast, female genital organs, as well as leukemia.

Traditional medicine uses the antitumor properties of hemlock in the fight against benign formations. Most of all, hemlock tincture has found application in gynecology. It is used to treat endometriosis, uterine fibroids and fibroids, mastopathy and breast fibrosis, various cystic and polypous formations, lipomas. For men, taking hemlock tincture will be useful for prostate adenoma.

Due to the powerful analgesic properties of hemlock, it helps with various pains, from headache and toothache to cancer.

It has long been observed that hemlock can reduce arterial pressure therefore recommended for hypertension, associated headaches and migraines. In addition, its relaxing, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect is useful in diseases such as neuralgia, epilepsy, and nervous disorders.

The use of tincture of hemlock spotted, as a vascular remedy, in a short time will relieve hemorrhoids and help in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

The use of hemlock herb tincture in diseases of the lymphatic system is shown.

The anti-inflammatory qualities of hemlock allow it to be used in cases of arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, gout, erysipelas and gangrene.

Treatable with hemlock and systemic lupus erythematosus.

How to make hemlock tincture

Hemlock is unpretentious and grows like weeds anywhere. The plant is biennial and blooms in the second year with complex inflorescences - umbrellas. The medicinal properties of the spotted hemlock are most pronounced during the flowering period, but you can use its young shoots, leaves, seeds and at other times to prepare the hemlock tincture. Hemlock is distinguished by a mouse smell, which increases dramatically when the grass is dried. Hemlock should be dried in a well-ventilated place, since indoors a strong smell causes headache attacks, which, in principle, owes the plant its name.

AT medicinal purposes prepared from hemlock tincture for alcohol. It is not difficult to purchase a ready-made drug in pharmacies, but it is not always possible to be sure of its high-quality preparation and proper storage. Folk recipes they will tell you how to make hemlock tincture at home. The alcohol tincture from freshly cut fresh hemlock grass has the greatest power, since after 30 minutes the healing properties of the plant are significantly reduced. Before preparing the hemlock tincture, it is recommended to prepare a three-liter jar, pour 2 cups of vodka into it and immediately throw the cut raw materials into it, shaking occasionally. When filling the jar, one feature should be taken into account: hemlock flowers impose a full capacity (not strongly compacting), and leaves, stems or seeds - a third. Then add vodka to a full jar and insist in a cold place for 18 days. The finished preparation should have a mousey smell and may foam slightly. You can store the tincture in a dark, cool place in a tightly closed container for up to three years, paying attention to the color of the hemlock tincture and whether it has lost its specific smell. The brown color of the hemlock tincture indicates its good quality.

To prepare a tincture of hemlock for cancer, a more concentrated solution is prepared in 96% alcohol, where 1 part of young leaves, stems or immature seeds is taken for two parts of alcohol.

In some cases, a 10% alcohol tincture of hemlock is useful. To prepare it, 50 grams of dried hemlock herb is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 21 days, shaking the jar daily.

Hemlock tincture treatment

The most famous are the antitumor properties of hemlock. Therefore, cancer is most often treated with hemlock tincture, as well as various benign tumors. It is important to understand that hemlock is still a poison and taking it haphazardly is life-threatening. There are a number of methods for drinking hemlock tincture, including the method of Dr. V.V. Tishchenko, A.M. Yermolchik, T.V. Makeenko and many others.

For example, oncologist and phytotherapist V.V. Tishchenko has developed more than one scheme for taking hemlock tincture:

Technique No. 1, called the royal method, is recommended for all types of tumors with normal health and for the prevention of cancer. Start treatment with 1 drop of hemlock tincture, adding 1 drop daily, and reaching 40 drops, start the countdown also 1 drop per day. Tincture must be drunk at 8 o'clock in the morning. The first 13 drops are taken with 100 ml of water, and for every next 13 drops, 50 ml of water should be added. In case of overdose and deterioration of the condition, the drug should be stopped for three days, during which it is necessary to cleanse the body with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk. Then you can continue to drink the tincture, but gradually reducing the dose every day to 1 drop. The main thing is not to forget that you can not take more than 40 drops. But two or three courses can be carried out in a row and after six months, repeat the treatment.

Technique No. 2 is intended for patients who have undergone radiation, chemotherapy and requires prolonged use. Start taking the drug with 1 drop of tincture and, increasing the dose every day by 1 drop, stop at 15 drops. The course of treatment lasts 3 months. Such a scheme is considered optimal for the normal functioning of healthy cells and the body as a whole. For patients of this group, the doctor advises that before taking hemlock tincture, you need to cleanse the body with a decoction of flax seed. To prepare the infusion, a glass of seeds should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and infused in a water bath for 2 hours. Drink a warm decoction should be at least one liter per day for 3 weeks. In addition, along with hemlock tincture, it is desirable to take a decoction of oregano, which has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis. You need to take three tablespoons of oregano herb in half a liter of water, bring to a boil, wrap and leave for 6-8 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day, you can add honey.

Special techniques have been developed for debilitated patients and children.

Hemlock is such a strong pain reliever that in some cases it can replace medicines. For pain, it is recommended to drink 2 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water before meals. During a severe attack, you can increase the dose to 10 drops.

In the last stages of cancer, you can use the technique of Yu.V. Nikiforov, who advises starting treatment with a loading dose of hemlock tincture - immediately with 5 drops. Adding 1 drop per day, you need to bring the amount of tincture to 30 drops, and then, also reducing drop by drop, reach 5 drops. Drink the drug should be three times a day, stirring in 50 ml of water. The course must be repeated 3 times, interrupted for 5 days for rest.

In severe forms of hypertension, hemlock tincture should be taken 2 drops 3-4 times a day for 3 months. In this case, constant monitoring of blood pressure is necessary, since its sharp decrease is possible.

For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, systemic lupus erythematosus, erysipelas, Dr. Tishchenko's method No. 1 is used in combination with external use of alcohol tincture 3 times a day.

By the same method, 10% hemlock tincture is used for mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine myoma, fibromyoma, infertility and other gynecological diseases. The remedy will also help men in the fight against impotence, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

We must not forget that hemlock tincture also has contraindications, like any other drug. Pregnant, lactating women should not take it. In addition, individual intolerance to the hemlock must be taken into account.

However sad it may be, modern world There are a huge number of diseases that negatively affect the human body. Some can even lead to death. I am glad that medicine does not stand still and every year new medicines appear to combat ailments.

Hemlock has long been considered a real panacea for various diseases. This drug has been known to our ancestors since ancient times. It is the strongest and most valuable immunostimulant that increases resistance to various infections and diseases. It is known that in oncological diseases, hemlock tincture can have a sedative, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effect. The drug is widely used in traditional medicine to combat various types of cancer. It is also worth remembering that hemlock is a terrible poison. It should be handled with extreme care. Previously, drugs were widely used in medicine, the main active ingredient of which was hemlock extract. They treated oncology, however, due to the increasing cases of poisoning, this component was no longer used as a medicine.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a patent was received for several treatments for sarcoma and other tumors using a medicine such as hemlock tincture. The use of this drug allows you to achieve a positive effect even in severe cases.


Hemlock is also known by the following names: mace, omeg, puzzler, poisonous umbrella, speckled hemlock. The plant belongs to In height it can reach two meters. It has tall tubular branched stems with brownish spots and a bluish bloom. The leaves are quite large, bare and pinnate. In appearance, the fruits of the hemlock are similar to dill seeds. They are greenish and have an elliptical shape. This plant has a large number of flowers. white color grouped in small umbrellas. A characteristic feature of the culture is an unpleasant odor when rubbed in the hands. Spotted hemlock usually blooms from June to August. For the preparation of medicines, herbs collected in the first two months of summer are best suited.


Tincture is able to have a positive effect due to the action of the following substances:

  1. Alkonoids: coniine, conhydrin. Conicein, methylconiine, pseudoconhydrin.
  2. Essential oils.
  3. Caffeic and nettroseledic acid.

The tincture also contains a large amount of carotene, provitamin A and ascorbic acid. In hemlock inflorescences, quertecin and kaempferol are present. The fruits of the plant are also distinguished by a high content of coniine, alkonoids, conhydrin, methylconiine and other important compounds. Hemlock juice in high concentration contains tannins. Properly prepared tincture is characterized by a high immunobiostimulating effect.

Oncologists have recently been actively calling for the use of medicines natural origin for the prevention of cancer development. However, doctors warn that these poisonous plants should be used with extreme caution. The chemical components that make up the hemlock can cause a secondary immune response. This can lead to sad consequences. In the case of prolonged exposure to hemlock, immunity and resistance to stimulation with antitumor antibiotics and cytotoxic drugs may appear.

If we consider in more detail the processes that occur in the human body when using tincture, then we can single out the effectiveness of such a component as coniine. In fact, this substance is an antigen that is foreign to the body. It, penetrating into the bloodstream, contributes to the activation of immune reactions. As a result, special proteins are formed that are present in immunoglobulins. When trying to destroy the antigen, these antibodies provoke the death of cancer cells. They effectively act on free biological bodies, which are formed in metastases and in leukemia. It is for this reason that doctors today recommend undergoing treatment with hemlock tincture in the presence of advanced stages of cancer.

Side effects

Doctors warn that the culture is poisonous. Many cancer patients today are interested in the question: how to drink hemlock tincture? Despite the fact that its use is recommended for cancer, all parts of this plant are not safe for the body. This fact is due to the high content of alkaloids. Koniin is characterized by the greatest toxicity. This substance is a poison that can paralyze the nervous system. Coniine in small and medium doses can increase blood pressure, speed up the rhythm and increase heart rate. Hemlock tincture should be used with great care. In case of an overdose, nervous excitement may first be observed, and then respiratory arrest. In cancer, you can combine the use of hemlock with other plants that are effective against tumors. These are plants such as cinquefoil, catchment, hellebore and marin root.

What are the symptoms of poisoning

Taking a hemlock tincture is almost always associated with such a complex issue as calculating the dosage. After all, with an incorrectly calculated amount, you can get poisoned. The grass and rhizomes of a young plant are somewhat reminiscent of parsley and carrots. Poisoning with hemlock may cause ascending paralysis. Some patients complain of a coldness of the whole body and a feeling of "goosebumps" in the arms and legs. Difficulty breathing and pallor are also often observed.

There are other symptoms as well:

  • pupil dilation;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • excessive salivation;
  • in mild stages of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders often occur.

In the most severe cases, ascending paralysis occurs. In rare cases, everything can end in death.

Help with poisoning

Treatment with hemlock tincture should be done with extreme caution. It is necessary to take the drug in accordance with the recommended prescriptions.

If you overdose and characteristic symptoms appear, then you must act as follows:

  1. Take 30 charcoal tablets.
  2. Drink a solution of 3% hydrochloric acid.
  3. Take a saline laxative.
  4. Drink caffeine, camphor, or other heart remedies.
  5. Provide the patient with access to fresh air.
  6. Make a wrap.
  7. If necessary, carry out IVL.

There is one verified effective method, using which you can easily remove toxic substances from the body. To do this, take warm water and olive oil. You can also use hemp. Such a remedy must be poured into the patient's stomach using a funnel and tube. This action should be performed until vomiting begins. This method is suitable even when a person is unconscious. It helps to quickly bring the victim to his senses and cleanse the body of poisons. After such procedures, it is necessary to give the poisoned person warm water with honey. See to it that the patient feels better.

Treatment of cancer with poisons

Today, even professional doctors recommend drinking hemlock to get rid of cancer, but only if traditional medicine is ineffective. The substances contained in this plant are able to have a mild effect on living cells of the body. After a short period of time, they "get used" to the components contained in the plant. Hemlock acts on atypical cells that form a tumor. It is for this reason that folk remedies based on this plant will be useful in critical situations. It is not for nothing that this healing culture has long been used to treat oncology. Even with cancer of the breast, stomach, intestines, liver, recipes for decoctions and tinctures were used. In order to achieve good results with therapy, you need to know how to properly use hemlock. This will avoid side effects and overdose.

Tincture in the treatment of breast and stomach cancer

In folk medicine there is even such a recipe. However, according to oncologists, their treatment is unacceptable. You can simply apply alcohol tincture of hemlock. To prepare it, you can take the flowers of the plant in crushed fresh form. It is enough just to fill them with a suitable vessel. After that, the container is filled to the top with vodka and closed. This is how hemlock tincture is made. The preparation instruction involves keeping the composition for 18 days in a cool place.

Apply when malignant tumor such a drug is necessary in strict accordance with the recommended doses. If all the rules of preparation are followed, hemlock tincture helps to cure even the advanced stage of stomach cancer. On the first day, immediately after waking up, you need to drink 1 drop diluted in a glass of water on an empty stomach. The next day, the dosage of the tincture can be doubled. Increase daily by one drop. Tincture is recommended to drink strictly at the same time. When the dose reaches 40 drops per 100 ml of water, you can repeat the process, gradually reducing the dosage. To obtain a positive result, the full period of treatment must be repeated from increase to decrease two to three times. The break between courses is 1-2 months.

How else can hemlock tincture be taken? Application for breast cancer is carried out in a similar way. The dosage is increased to 20 drops, and then reduced to 1. It is recommended to take this course at least three times with a break of a couple of months.

Use in lung and liver cancer

At various stages of oncological diseases, hemlock tincture is effective. How to take this folk remedy? To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the patient. The fact is that taking a solution for cancer is not always safe. It is important to follow the dosage.

If the body is too weak, then it is enough to take an aqueous tincture inside. For its preparation, 350 ml of boiling water and 0.6 g of crushed dried hemlock are used. Grass is brewed in the evening and drunk in the morning, divided into two times. It is recommended to use the tincture on an empty stomach and after meals before going to bed. If the patient's condition allows, then alcohol tincture of hemlock can also be used. Instructions for use in this case will be about the same as for stomach cancer. Drink the remedy according to the slide method, bringing the concentration to 40 drops per 150 ml of water. If the patient's condition worsens while taking it, then the dosage will need to be reduced by 3-5 drops, and then try to increase it again.

Thus, hemlock tincture is used in oncology. In a similar way, this remedy is used for lung cancer. The main thing is to take into account the state of the body and monitor the appearance of overdose symptoms. In this case, you can avoid harm.

How to treat the intestines with a hemlock?

Young hemlock is best suited for this process. The tincture, reviews of which are mostly only positive, is prepared for enough simple recipe. It is necessary to collect hemlock shoots and keep them on vodka or alcohol, filling a third of the container with crushed raw materials. In this state, the tincture should be kept for 18 days in a dark and cool place. In the treatment of cancer, the shoots of a young hemlock do not have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This tool has an instant analgesic effect, which helps to significantly improve the condition of the patient's body. In the treatment of bowel cancer, the tincture is used according to the slide method, increasing the dosage to 15 drops. You can continue until the tumor decreases in size. Such an optimal scheme is characterized by a gentle effect. At the same time, the regular functions of healthy cells remain in a normal, undepressed state.

Today officially confirmed that enough effective tool for the treatment of cancer is a tincture of hemlock. Use in cancer, reviews and side effects are the questions that patients most often worry about. In any case, before using this tool, it is recommended to consult a specialist. This is the only way to prevent backlash body or severe side effects. Doctors recommend that when treating a hemlock, follow a certain diet. The diet must include foods containing complete protein. These are meat, lean fish, vegetable fats, baked goods, cereals and milk.

It is also important to provide the body with foods high in pectin. These are fresh fruits and vegetables. Smoked, fatty and fried foods and alcohol should be excluded from the daily diet. A complete protein helps to stimulate the synthesis of antibodies. Pectins absorb decay products of atypical cells and poisons. At the same time, they are excreted from the body naturally. Thanks to the tincture of hemlock today, many patients have managed to stop the growth of atypical cells in the body. Patient reviews indicate the high effectiveness of this folk remedy. Hemlock tincture is really able to prolong the life of cancer patients. However, like any medicine, it should be used with caution. Quite often there are cases of overdose of the poisons of this plant. Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor. He will help you choose the dosage and draw up a treatment regimen.

Methods of use

How is hemlock tincture prepared correctly? The application and reviews of specialists - that's what patients are usually interested in. However, importance It also has a method of use. There are several simple, but quite effective methods.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Tishchenko method. This method allows you to get rid of malignant tumors in the body. Treatment should begin with one drop of tincture in a glass of water. Gradually, the concentration of the solution is adjusted to 40 drops. After that, the amount of funds should be lowered again. If the body is severely weakened, then the maximum dosage of the tincture will be only 20 drops per day. The remedy for cancer is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. The liquid is not recommended to be swallowed in one gulp. This approach allows you to achieve the maximum effect from the use of hemlock. The full course of treatment includes 2-3 such cycles. Breaks between them should be approximately 8 days. Repeat after 6 months full course treatment to improve results.
  2. Yermolchik's method. Hemlock tincture is used along with other healing decoctions - oregano, licorice, oats. A decoction of oats is prepared from 200 grams of dry grains. They need to be filled with a small amount of water overnight. The oats should swell. In the morning, it is worth adding enough water so that the grain is completely covered. The resulting mixture is boiled for 1.5 hours. After that, you can remove the pan from the heat and strain the resulting liquid. A decoction of herbs is prepared from one tablespoon of crushed ingredients and 240 ml of boiling water. Infuse the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. In this case, the medication regimen will be as follows: 4 days, one drop 6 times a day. The dose of tincture increases every four days. This technique can be used only in severe stages of the disease. It cannot be used for prevention.

Gentle cleansing before starting treatment with hemlock tincture:

  • collection of herbs Cleansing the digestive tract;
  • collection of herbs "Cleansing the blood"
  • pumpkin oil;
  • Ovesol (in a pharmacy)

Take in combination as directed. Can be used both before treatment with hemlock tincture, and in conjunction with it (if necessary).

The use of hemlock tincture for cancer

Cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation are recommended to take flax seed, infusion of oregano, wild rose and pine needles for 2 weeks. This is necessary to remove chemicals from the body, cleanse the blood and lymph, and neutralize the harmful effects of radiation therapy.

1) A glass of flax seeds pour 3 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool to 40 degrees and take plentifully, without restriction for 2-3 weeks, approximately 1 liter per day, starting to drink from 12 noon until night. Flaxseed removes toxins and other waste from the body.

2) 1 tablespoon herb oregano brew 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink instead of tea in unlimited quantities throughout the day. Oregano restores the blood formula, cleanses it.

3) 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried chopped pine needles pour a glass of 1 boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. Drink in unlimited quantities throughout the day. Pine needles cleanse the entire body - the circulatory and lymphatic systems, liver, bronchopulmonary system.

4) 2 tablespoons of wild rose pour 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 6 hours. Take instead of tea during the day. Rosehip restores the vascular system, removes poisons and radionuclides.

After a two-week cleansing from chemistry, you can start taking hemlock tincture (according to one of the first three schemes), you can additionally connect fees and herbs:

  • For the liver;
  • For the kidneys
  • To cleanse the blood, or a decoction of cinquefoil;
  • Tibetan collection;
  • anti-cancer collection
  • stone oil (universal anticancer agent);
  • elderberry syrup (purifies the blood and lymph, stimulates the immune system, has antitumor activity, helps the intestines);
  • cocoa-phytocandles "Anti-oncological" (for oncology of the liver, intestines, kidneys, uterus, ovaries and other organs).

Hemlock treatment according to the tishchenko method

  • The scheme of taking hemlock tincture for very debilitated patients and children:





(time of receipt)

1 drop

three days

1 to

1 to

three days

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1 to

three days

1 to

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2 k

2 k

2 k

1 to

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2 k

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until recovery

  • The scheme of taking hemlock tincture for debilitated patients:





(time of receipt)

1 drop

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three days

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1 to

three days

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2 k

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2 k

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3 k

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4 k

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4 k

3 k

a week

4 k

4 k

4 k

4 k

until recovery

  • "Working Method":

For non-debilitated patients and those who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation.

It is the most practical, it can be used as an alternative to the "Royal Method", in most cases it is easily tolerated and has no less efficiency.

Application: 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach (an hour before meals) to 50-100 ml of water drip tincture, starting with 1 drop. Increase by 1 drop daily to reach 15 drops. And keep on this dosage all the subsequent time of treatment (minimum course 3 months). This technique gives the highest percentage of recovery, since 15 drops is a well-functioning sparing dose, at which the protective function of healthy cells is not inhibited. Using this dosage, we successfully suppress the tumor without harming our body. This is the most optimal load on the body.

  • "Royal" method of treatment with hemlock

Hemlock regimen for patients with high immune potential.

Application: drink tincture 1 time per day an hour before meals on an empty stomach from 1 drop to 40, increasing daily by 1 drop, then, gradually reducing, return to 1 drop. Drip the tincture into water (50-100 ml, increasing by 50 ml every 13 drops). At the first signs of poisoning (nausea, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc.), take a break for two days and begin to decrease to 1 drop. The number of drops that showed signs of poisoning is your maximum dose!

Overdoses are unacceptable - inflammatory processes begin, the condition worsens sharply. In this case, stop taking the hemlock and take a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk for 3 days, and then begin to decrease to 1 drop. Conduct 2-3 such courses in a row. When a positive result is achieved, repeat 1-2 cycles of treatment after 6-8 months.

Important! 40 drops is the maximum allowable dose for the human body, at which the activity of a cancer cell is suppressed and the activity of healthy cells is inhibited to some extent, which forces the body to concentrate all its forces to fight this plant poison, where, after decreasing dosages, concentrated defensive forces organisms begin to actively suppress cancer cells. However, this technique is not safe, since not every organism is able to endure this load. The risk zone starts from 25 drops and above.

  • In small doses with long-term use (2 drops 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months), hemlock tincture significantly reduces blood pressure and can be recommended for patients with severe forms of hypertension.
  • For chronic constipation, hemlock tincture should be taken 10 drops per glass of water 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. The stool usually returns to normal within a few weeks.
  • When delaying and stopping menstruation (not related to pregnancy), it is recommended to treat in small doses: 2 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water 3 times a day for one month, on the days of the expected monthly dose, increase to 5 drops 3 times a day.
  • With articular rheumatism, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, bruises, erysipelas, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, the best effect is observed when taking hemlock tincture inside with local treatment: hemlock leaves (preferably fresh, if not dried), wrap in gauze, scald with boiling water and apply to sore inflamed areas 3-4 times a day. Alternative to poultices: hemlock ointment with silver ions. You can also use hemlock tincture in the form of compresses. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  • A simple recipe for hemorrhoids: moisten a cotton ball with hemlock tincture, squeeze lightly. Attach for 2-3 minutes (no more!) To the anus. The pain disappears almost instantly, the next morning - not the slightest sign of external hemorrhoids. Tested by many, there are practically no relapses.

Hemlock pain relief

Without pursuing other purposes, solely for pain relief, hemlock tincture is taken as follows: two drops per tablespoon of water five times a day before meals. If the pain is unbearable, you can take ten drops up to two times a day.

You can anesthetize with a hemlock for various problems - tumor processes, gynecological (menstruation), colic, ischemic pain.

A sick person, tired of fighting a deadly disease and resolutely rejecting the recommendations of official medicine, directs the remaining forces in search of folk remedies, which, according to "experts", managed to help when a malignant tumor spread throughout the body and practically "ate" it. It is not surprising that and hemlock for cancer, many patients begin to take when faith in recovery has almost left, but there is still a glimmer of hope to prolong his life. In this state, people often go to any lengths and, at times, reach such substances that are scary to take inside.

Hemlock has been known since ancient times both as a medicine and as a poison that can kill a person on its own. Without doubting its healing properties, one should still find out whether it can replace anticancer drugs and whether it is worth completely rejecting the recommendations of oncologists.

A bit of history

Hemlock or puzzler, omega, poisonous umbrella, tar and much more than a biennial umbrella plant is called, causing severe headache and dizziness when consumed in small quantities, or death in severe poisoning. Even Hippocrates knew the unique properties of hemlock, but the ancient Greeks used it not only as a medicine. They say that the great Socrates died from the hemlock, deliberately poisoned by the poison of this plant.

Many poisonous substances plant origin in the Middle Ages, in the Renaissance and in modern times, they continued to be used both as medicines and as a murder weapon. Such were the times ... However, gradually many countries began to abandon the use of hemlock because of its toxicity. For example, in the United States of America, the headache was prescribed as the main pain medicine in the early 19th century, and in Russia it was excluded from the official pharmacopeia only on the eve of the 20th century. Meanwhile, at present, the traditional medicine of some countries still recognizes this "umbrella", which is on a par with other medicinal raw materials. But, as they say, the new is the well-forgotten old, so the properties of this plant were not forgotten and were remembered again in connection with the development of homeopathy and the growth in the number of oncological diseases.

Russian scientists, in search of an effective cure for cancer, constantly continue to explore new antitumor drugs, where hemlock also did not go unnoticed. Many sources refer to the developments of Professor Arkhangelskaya medical academy Aleutsky Nikolai Nikolaevich, who, in fact, was engaged in this plant, studied its properties and effect on the body affected by cancer. However, it should be noted that both the professor and his other like-minded people (candidate of medical sciences S. V. Korepanov, working in Altai, pharmacist L. N. Dyakonova from St. Petersburg), based their conclusions on scientific research, that is, the study of the influence plant alkaloids on cancer cells were handled by experts, not amateurs. Aleutsky N. N. and co-authors patented methods of treating cancer with hemlock(plant preparations for the treatment of sarcoma and other tumors). Perhaps, in the near future, the accumulated materials on hemlock will form the basis of a new antitumor drug, which will be released by the pharmaceutical industry to be prescribed in specially selected doses, taking into account other circumstances.

Now, many sources are taken to assert that hemlock helps in all cases, with advanced forms, with metastases, when official medicine "refused the patient." True, some distributors of ready-made drops still warn that hemlock does not affect all people in the same way, explaining this by individual immunity. Probably the reader guessed that the point here is precisely in those forms of cancer that are no longer subject to treatment(in such cases, hemlock can be used to relieve pain). But what is interesting: these same distributors recommend drinking hemlock to prevent the development of a malignant tumor. That is, a completely healthy person starts cancer prevention with hemlock and takes it constantly? In any case, the author met with similar advice.

Hemlock, its properties and harvesting

Spotted hemlock is one of the species of the family of wild-growing umbellate biennial plants, which is considered in folk medicine as the first means of combating malignant neoplasms due to its poisonous alkaloids:

  • Koniin (the most important);
  • Methylconiine;
  • Conhydrin;
  • Pseudoconhydrin;
  • Konicein.

In addition to the listed components, chemical composition hemlock includes fatty (glycerides) and essential oils, some organic acids and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

It grows in all parts of the world. In Russia, it covers the entire European territory, extends to Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Meanwhile, the best raw material for the preparation of hemlock tincture against cancer is recognized as a plant collected in Ukraine, however, hemlock growing, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, will not be inferior to its healing properties Ukrainian counterpart. By the way, it is noted that plants of southern latitudes are significantly superior in their toxicity to their northern relatives, and the greatest danger from hemlock comes before flowering. Subsequently, the poison is mainly concentrated in the fruits and seeds, while the remaining parts become less poisonous. A large number of dangerous alkaloids are lost during drying, and after cooking, they say, omega becomes absolutely harmless. Of course, all these nuances are taken into account when harvesting a plant for the treatment of hemlock cancer, but the loss of some of the toxicity does not mean that it can be perceived as an ordinary herb:

  1. Hemlock cannot be tasted, it is “none”, although it is poisonous. Distinctive feature omega - a mousey smell that appears when rubbing parts of the plant in the hand.
  2. Do not involve children in the collection of raw materials, and, in addition, also explain why you need to stay away from it and how to distinguish poisonous omega leaves from ordinary parsley, which is widely eaten.
  3. Harvested parts of the plant should not be placed or stored next to other medicinal representatives of the flora.

It blooms closer to the "crown of summer" (June-July), which means that at this time herbalists usually prepare for the harvest. In order to use hemlock for cancer, various parts of the grass (flowers, leaves, stems) are used. During the flowering period, leaves and unripe seeds are harvested (along with an umbrella).

Preparation of medicinal herbs is a whole science.For the preparation of hemlock tincture, the most popular method is to collect the plant immediately in a pre-prepared jar, into which a bottle of vodka is poured. The jar is filled with plucked leaves and umbrellas by a third, while periodically shaking so that the parts of the plant are well wetted. If you harvest only umbrellas, then the jar can be filled to the brim, but they must also be moistened. Upon arrival home, the future medicine must be placed in the refrigerator and left for 2 - 2.5 weeks to infuse.

A tincture of unripe seeds and leaves of the root zone can be prepared in pure alcohol (medical, of course). To do this, parts of the plant are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2 (seeds with leaves: alcohol) and infused in the refrigerator for 2.5 weeks (18 days).

Folk medicine, homeopathy, official pharmacology

As a home-made medicine, hemlock has always been used for various, dissimilar conditions:

factory hemlock tincture

  • Fear, anxiety, insomnia (as a sedative).
  • Pain of any localization and origin (oncological too).
  • Spasms and convulsions (epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough, migraine).
  • Indigestion (heartburn, constipation, colic);
  • Violation of urination.
  • Diseases of the female genital area (violation menstrual cycle uterine fibromyoma, endometriosis).
  • Rheumatism, gout (topical application).
  • Anemia.
  • Exudative diathesis.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Usually in such cases, a 10% tincture of hemlock is used (half a liter of vodka + 50 grams of dried and chopped grass), which stands for 3 weeks in a dark place. It is used like other folk remedies: dripped into a tablespoon of water (10 drops) and drunk before meals 2 times a day. With severe pain, the dose can be increased to 20 drops.

During the period of temporary oblivion by the people of the hemlock, it continued to be used by homeopaths who prepared medicines from specially selected small doses of plant alkaloids. homeopathic remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies based on this plant and now continue to be popular among patients who reject "any synthetics." Proponents of herbal medicine have never ignored the use of hemlock for cancer of any localization, however, given the growth of oncological pathology, special attention has been directed to the treatment of lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast tumors with hemlock.

Hemlock against cancer: treatment regimens

Treatment with hemlock for lung cancer is no different from that for stomach cancer or other tumors.

There are several schemes for the treatment of cancer with tincture of this plant:

  • According to the most gentle method No. 1(method Tishchenko V.V. or "royal") you need to drink hemlock 1 time a day before meals (at the same time!), Dilute the tincture in half a glass of water. The dose increases daily by 1 drop and corresponds to the day of admission: day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops ... Day 40 - 40 drops and countdown. Hemlock should be taken 2-3 courses in a row (I finished and immediately started the next one), but a break of up to a week is still acceptable if the patient is tired or other circumstances prevented him from immediately starting a new course. The treatment regimen (1-40-1) is recommended to be renewed 2 times a year or 3 times in 2 years until a complete cure (at least, traditional healers say so).
  • Take hemlock according to method No. 2 somewhat more difficult, since the dose increases more dramatically: treatment begins with one drop, but three times a day. A single dose increases daily by 1 drop, that is, on the first day the patient drinks 3 drops (1x3), on the second day - 6 drops (2x3), on the third - 9 drops (3x3) and so on, bringing the single dose to 40 drops. Then the dosage is reduced in the opposite direction: 40x3, 39x3, 38x3 ... Treatment should be calculated for 2-3 courses in a row, which should be renewed 3-4 times in 2 years.
  • An even tougher technique #3 It is also recommended for the fight against oncological diseases of all localizations, which provides for an increase in a single dose during the day: in the morning on the first day - 1 drop, in the afternoon - 2 drops, in the evening - 3 drops. The second day, start with four drops and continue to increase the dose to 40 drops, then the dosage is reduced according to the already familiar pattern. It should be borne in mind that at some stage the patient may feel the effect of hemlock (nausea, dizziness, headache), in such a case, the tincture should be stopped until the undesirable effects disappear, in order to then resume it again.
  • In severe forms of cancer, it is recommended to take hemlock according to method No. 4, which involves increasing the dose according to one of the above schemes and bringing it to the onset of symptoms of poisoning, while continuing to drink hemlock, reducing the dose by only a few drops. It should be noted that the author does not share this approach to the treatment of malignant processes. Without an oncologist, doing such amateur activities can be very dangerous.

Hemlock is diluted in water, and its amount increases in proportion to the increase in dose (10 drops - 50 ml, therefore, 40 drops - about a glass).

About the most important

The main thing can be considered that hemlock is very poisonous and, if the patient decides to try a folk remedy, then this should be done only after consulting with an oncologist. Some people drink hemlock after surgery to prevent recurrence, which perhaps makes some sense, but the prevention of hemlock cancer in healthy people is impossible: prolonged use of the alkaloids of this plant will lead to chronic intoxication, which, as you know, is fraught with other troubles.

You should not especially rely only on hemlock for cancer of all stages and localizations. Replacing conventional cancer treatment folk remedy, you can simply miss precious time, which cannot be turned back by any hemlock. The reader himself may wonder: if omega is so omnipotent, then why do cancers continue to claim thousands of lives every year? Maybe the dead people simply had an individual immunity to home-made drugs, or did the cancer that spread throughout the body turn out to be stronger?

Video: hemlock - collection, preparation of tincture

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the OncoLib.ru resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not currently provided.

The popularity of phytotherapy is growing. Why is this happening? First, herbal treatments do less harm than medicines because plants do not contain chemicals. Secondly, pharmacological drugs often have a long list of side effects, while herbs have almost none. Thirdly, it is accessible and effective. Sometimes herbal medicine can be the only way out, for example, in the treatment of cancer. Today we will talk about hemlock and its properties in cancer. You will also learn recipes for decoctions, infusions based on this plant.

Grass hemlock spotted or speckled (omega, tar) - medicinal plant from the umbrella family. Has an upright stem in green, with brown or brown dots and a whitish coating. Approximately 1 cm thick, empty inside. The leaves are pinnate, broadly triangular, pointed, similar to parsley, they are larger below, and smaller towards the top. Umbrellas of complex shape with small white flowers. The seeds are egg-shaped, dark green, also similar to parsley. The smell of omega is unpleasant, mousey.

It grows throughout Europe, including Ukraine and Russia. You can find this weed anywhere: near houses, in wastelands, forests, meadows, gardens, etc. Lives for 2 years and reaches a height of 1-2 m. Blooms during the summer.

Hemlock as an alternative to chemotherapy

Hemlock spotted has been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of ailments: gout, anemia, acute cough, amenorrhea, rheumatism, migraines, eye diseases, gastrointestinal tract, paresis of the upper eyelids. It is a powerful analgesic herb, on top of that - a panacea for cancer, indicated for tumors different kind and stages.

Except useful properties, the plant can become very dangerous, as it contains a deadly poison. Hemlock poisoning often occurs due to its similarity with other plants (parsley, carrots, parsnips). People mistakenly take a dangerous plant for edible and eat it.

Also, poisoning can be the result of improper preparation.

Because of this, some doctors are skeptical about the use of omega speckled as a medicine. Although in the hands of an experienced specialist, it can be a salvation for cancer patients, especially those for whom surgery is contraindicated. The main thing is to follow a certain technique, avoiding high concentrations of hemlock. It should be noted that there are very few cases of poisoning, but there are many positive results of treatment.

Composition and medicinal properties

Seeds, grass and flowers of hemlock contain the following substances:

  • alkaloids (their highest concentration is in the leaves);
  • flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol - found in flowers). These substances. Flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory, antitumor, calming effect, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • coumarins. Lower blood cholesterol levels, relieve spasms;
  • flavone glycosides. Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamin A and C;
  • essential oils;
  • caffeic acid. Shows immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. Prevents the development of tumors.

Healing properties of hemlock:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antispasmodic, analgesic;
  • antimicrobial, antioxidant;
  • antipyretic, wound healing;
  • diuretic and choleretic.

Flavonoids fight against free radicals, which are one of the causes of cancer and other diseases.

In addition, tar helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems, capillary permeability and blood counts.

Hemlock in oncology

Omega, as a remedy for malignant and benign neoplasms, began to be used a long time ago.

What is the rationale for the use of hemlock in oncology?

  1. The most poisonous of the alkaloids that make up its composition is coniine. When it enters the body in small doses, it causes an immune system reaction, resulting in the production of antibodies. Antibodies begin to fight the antigen koniin, and at the same time destroy the cells of the neoplasms. This action is especially effective on metastatic tumors.
  2. Coumarins, which are part of the hemlock, affect cell division in the body and stop it, and only cancer cells affect this process, since their division mechanism is more active. Coumarins enhance the effect of chemotherapy.
  3. The healing properties of hemlock can relieve spasms and pain, and this is very important for cancer patients.
  4. The tumor suppresses the immune system, and tar has a powerful immunostimulating effect. This helps to increase the body's resistance to cancer, that is, it will begin to destroy the affected cells with its own efforts.
  5. Flavonoids, alkaloids and caffeic acid relieve inflammation. This property is useful in precancerous conditions, as well as when the neoplasm has already developed and has begun to metastasize.
  6. The components of the hemlock have a calming effect on the nervous system, it is used for depression and stress. Cancer patients also need it.

In patients in the first stages, when using the medicine from omega, there was a slowdown in tumor growth, an improvement in the general condition and quality of life. Recovery is not uncommon. Hemlock treatment of stage 4 cancer also showed good results: the life of such people lasted, the pain receded.
Due to its beneficial properties, this poisonous plant can help with various neoplasms:,.

The use in cancer in combination with chemotherapy enhances the effect of drugs by 7 times! Despite many positive results, this method of therapy has not been officially confirmed by medicine in Russia.

Procurement and collection

For cancer therapy, leaves, seeds (fresh and dry), hemlock flowers are used. Since this weed grows in many places, it will not be difficult to find it. I collect the plant during the flowering period (June-August), and the seeds - from August to September.

When collecting it, it is important to follow the safety rules:

  • put on rubber gloves on your hands, do not touch it with bare hands;
  • do not inhale its vapors (wear a mask). It is advised to collect omegas in windy weather;
  • when collection is complete, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

Pluck hemlock with your hands or cut with a knife. I put it in the bank. If you need grass to prepare an alcohol infusion, then you can immediately take a jar of alcohol solution or vodka. A dilution is made by adding 96% alcohol to purified water (in that order!) to end up with 50% alcohol. Grind the leaves together with the flowers and spirit them in place.

At the same time, the following procedure is followed:

  • take 2 cans: 0.5 l and 3 l. If you need a little medicine in the end, then collect it in a liter container, taking into account that there should be a third of herbs in it. Pour about half a liter of diluted alcohol or vodka into a large one. Then you may have to add it to the top;
  • collect poisonous tar in a small jar up to half, then pour it into a jar of vodka until it is full. Each time, throwing raw materials into a jar, it is necessary to shake it;
  • when you come home, the bottle should be closed with an airtight lid and put in a cool place for 2 weeks.

When collecting raw materials for drying, be careful: do not leave it indoors. Lay it out on a piece of cloth or newspaper in a thin layer. Grass should be dried in a ventilated, dark place (preferably outside). To keep it from rotting, stir it occasionally. When the hemlock is dry enough, it will easily crumble in the hands, and the seeds will spill out. Then it must be closed in a sealed package and placed in a dark place inaccessible to children. Omega is stored in this way for 2 years. Do not store near food or other herbs!

In the treatment of oncology with hemlock, alcohol tincture is more often used. There are other forms: decoction, extract, ointment.

Informative video

Infusion and decoction of hemlock

Hemlock tincture for cancer is made on alcohol and water. The first method is the most effective, since coniin dissolves better in alcohol, and when using water, it is lost. large quantity useful properties. It is preferable to make medicines from the fresh plant.

As mentioned above, if you want to make an infusion on vodka, then you need to fill in the omega immediately upon collection (or within half an hour). Then insist it for 2 weeks. Periodically recommend shaking the jar of tincture.

Attention! You can not start taking the medicine in less than 2 weeks, as it contains poison.

The infusion is made from the following calculation:

  • 1 part of raw materials to 3 parts of alcohol (for fresh herbs);
  • for 30 g of dried grass, half a liter of alcohol;
  • if flowers are harvested, then a half-liter jar filled to the top must be filled with vodka to the end;
  • when using hemlock seeds, they are taken at the rate of 1 to 2. For seeds, 70% alcohol is needed. Insist 15-20 days, then decant.

What should the tincture look like? Its color is dark, blue-violet, the smell is unpleasant, mousey.

The prepared hemlock tincture is stored for 14 days in a closed container in the refrigerator.

In case of contraindications to the use of alcohol, a decoction is made. Crushed dry leaves are poured with water (about 70 °) at the rate of 1 tsp. for 200 ml. This infusion should stand in a thermos all night, strain it and drink it in the morning. It is usable within 5 days.

Informative video

Hemlock ointment

The ointment is used for external (for example, (,), breasts, etc.). It must be used simultaneously with ingestion. Apply it in a thin layer to the place where the damaged organ is located. Do this 2 times a day for a month.

Ointment (or oil) is sold in pharmacies, but they also make it at home. This way you can be sure that the remedy is natural.

Before preparing the ointment, make oil:

  1. You will need seeds and omega grass (half a half-liter jar or 2 cups).
  2. Pour them with olive or sunflower oil (it will take about 0.5 l), close the lid.
  3. Put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Shake once a day.
  4. At the end, strain and store in the refrigerator.

In addition to lubrication with this oil, it is used for tampons or compresses. In this case, they must be moistened in this agent and glued with a plaster (wrap with a bandage). Change them every 3-6 hours.

With a disease of the female genital organs (, etc.), put tampons with oil at night for 2-3 months.

The ointment is made on the basis of oil:

  • Need 100 g. vegetable oil put on a small fire.
  • When the oil is hot, drop in the wax pieces and stir to dissolve. Add wax until the oil turns white. Get the base for the ointment.
  • When this paste has cooled, add the hemlock oil from the previous recipe to it. It can also be made more concentrated. Especially for the use of seriously ill people.

This oil is well absorbed into the skin, thereby providing a positive effect in the right places. This way you won't get poisoned and there won't be any other side effects.

Hemlock Cancer Treatment Methods

Firstly, before starting treatment, consult a phytotherapeutist who will tell you the rules for preparing the tincture (or sell it ready-made), as well as the most suitable scheme for taking hemlock for cancer.

Secondly, for the greatest efficiency, it is necessary to cleanse the body (liver, intestines). To do this, use diets, enemas or drink special decoctions.

Before treatment and during it, it is useful to include vegetables and fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish, milk, bread with bran in the diet. It is strongly not recommended to eat fatty, too salty and spicy foods, smoked meats and canned food. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited.

To improve the quality of hemlock treatment, it is combined with other herbs that exhibit antitumor activity, relieve inflammation, increase immunity, and remove toxins. These include: wild rose, oregano, yarrow, burdock, pine needles, etc.

How to take hemlock for oncology? They do it in a certain way. The most common of them is the Tishchenko technique. This is the name of a famous pharmacologist who helped many patients cope with tumors.

Treatment of cancer with hemlock according to Tishchenko

The most popular of his methods is called "royal". On it, the tincture is drunk in a slide: starting from 1 drop to 40, and then back to 1. It is prescribed to take omeg in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Drink water, but in small quantities (about 100 ml.), As it weakens the effect of the poison. When the dose is increased, the amount of water increases to 200 ml.

Course: drink tincture for 40 days, adding 1 drop per day, then 40 - subtracting. Then we start adding and subtracting again. So do 3 times. It will take almost a year in total. During this time, the patient's condition should improve, in some cases a complete recovery is possible.

Monitor your condition: if you feel bad at the level of 30 drops, stop there and reduce the dose to 1 drop. Then start adding again.

For a weakened organism (for example, with a recurrence of cancer), the upper limit reaches 15-20 drops. In this case, you need to look at how you feel: if signs of poisoning appear, then reduce the number of drops by 1.

People with various malignant tumors and chronic diseases are treated by the royal method. To prevent cancer, you can drink hemlock tincture in 1 stage, that is, from 1 to 40 drops and again to 1. Do this once a year.

Danikov's technique

This method involves the following scheme: on the first day, drink 1 drop of infusion diluted in 100 ml. water. In the following days, increase the dose by 1 drop. On the 25th day, when the dose is 25 drops, switch to a four-time use (drink the infusion every 4 hours, 15 drops each). This regimen should be maintained until recovery. If signs of poisoning appear, skip 1 day, then continue further.

Hemlock contraindications and symptoms of poisoning

There are practically no contraindications for this herb. Exceptions are people with individual intolerance and allergies. Also, hypertensive patients should be careful, as hemlock affects pressure. Children are also treated with this plant, but the doses should be smaller.
Remember that this plant is poisonous, so the main thing is to avoid overdose and poisoning.

Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • dizziness, migraine;
  • chills, swelling of the extremities;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • dilated pupils;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;

In severe cases, paralysis occurs, leading to death.

What can be done in case of poisoning:

  • wash out the stomach. To do this, use a solution of hydrochloric acid (3%) or potassium permanganate;
  • drink 30 activated charcoal tablets;
  • drink laxatives (for example, magnesium sulfate);
  • get out into the fresh air.

If symptoms are mild, then reduce the dose, but do not stop treatment. There are many good reviews about hemlock, even from people in stage 4 cancer. A complete cure is not guaranteed, but the physical and emotional state of patients improves significantly and life expectancy increases.

There were also cases when the use of hemlock for cancer did not help. The result depends on individual characteristics and the body's response to therapy. Perhaps this remedy is not suitable for some, so you should choose another herb.