What is lassi drink. Soft drinks

A wonderful drink Lassi is a traditional Indian delicacy that is excellently refreshing in the midday heat and incredible heat. There are a great many interpretations of this recipe: the drink is prepared with chocolate, bananas, mangoes, citruses, ginger. And that's not all! To list all the interpretations of Lassie, most likely, is simply impossible. After all, the drink is made spicy, spicy, sweet, salty. But no less popular are versions with a neutral taste, but an unsurpassed aroma. At the same time, Lassi can be safely attributed not only to pleasant drinks, but also incredibly useful. After all, you can easily vary the ingredients at your own discretion, adding paprika, herbs, berries, syrup, or even ... cucumbers. But the main thing is to take basic products for the foundation. In Lassi it's ice, water and yogurt. Experiment! Surely you will be able to find exactly the version of Lassie that will become the most beloved in your family.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

The number of servings is 4.


To make an Indian Lassi drink according to the proposed recipe, you do not need any extremely rare ingredients. Everything you need to prepare an original refreshing drink, you can always buy in the nearest store. So here are the products:

  • ice - 4 cubes;
  • cardamom - 1 tsp;
  • yogurt - 100 ml;
  • ginger - a root 2 cm long;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp

On a note! If you wish, you can always refuse granulated sugar in the composition of the drink or replace it with honey.

How to cook Lassi Indian Recipe

If you have never cooked Lassi before, or if you are hearing about such an oriental drink for the first time, do not despair. It will not be difficult for you to cook it yourself at home. The essence of preparing a drink is extremely simple. To all other, step by step recipe with a photo will help you avoid various culinary mistakes, which in this situation simply seem difficult. Also, several video clips are proposed below, in which the entire sequence of creating such an appetizing drink with a refreshing and invigorating taste is described in the most detailed and understandable way. Well, shall we get started?

  1. So, first of all, it is recommended to prepare all the ingredients that will be required during the preparation of Lassi according to a recipe from India. It is worth noting right away: approach the choice of yogurt as scrupulously as possible. Give preference natural compounds without unnecessary dyes, preservatives and additives. Let the base be "clean". Otherwise, flavor enhancers and flavorings will simply destroy all the beauty of natural spices.

  1. Then separately evaluate the state of the spices. Cardamom can be used in powder form. But if you want to really bring out the full flavor of this spice, then grind it yourself in a coffee grinder. A few pods will suffice.

Note! But do not forget to sift the spice afterwards.

  1. Next up is the ginger. It will need to be cleaned and grated. Use the device with the smallest or "sharp" cells. Such a grater allows you to get just such a ginger gruel, which will be ideal for making Indian Lassi drink.

  1. What will need to be done next? Here everything is elementary simple! It remains to combine the components that make up this original oriental drink with refreshing and tonic notes. It is necessary to prepare suitable dishes. It pours 200 ml of pure drinking water(let it be slightly cool). Chopped ginger is sent to her. 100 ml of natural yogurt is poured there without all kinds of additives and dyes. Don't forget to add ice. The composition should be diluted with cardamom. The resulting mixture is mashed using any immersion blender or food processor.

  1. In fact, this completes the preparation of Lassi with ginger. Optionally, you can dilute the drink with honey or granulated sugar.

Indians serve drink to the table immediately. After all, it is then that he will allow you to get rid of not only thirst, but also heat.

Video recipes

If you have never been to India and do not know how to make a real Lassi drink, use the suggested video recipes. They will allow you to diversify your drink menu and make it more useful:

Based on yogurt, we have already prepared, and today we offer you a more unusual, no less tasty, and interestingly - incredibly healthy drink lassi! This is a traditional Indian cocktail based on a combination of whipped yogurt with ice water. It is recommended to drink this drink in the morning; it is believed to aid digestion, have a tonic effect, and help endure heat.

There are a huge number of recipes for lassi. Spices, vegetables, berries and fruits are common additions to this cocktail; the most traditional of them are mango, sugar and rose water; respectively, sweet and savory lassi are distinguished.

How to make lassi

Lassi is always prepared in the same way: ice water is added to yogurt, they are whipped and supplemented with fruit puree and ground spices. As a rule, all the ingredients are added to the blender bowl and whipped at the same time.

Ice chips can be used instead of water.

Sweet lassi

banana lassi

250 ml of yogurt;

2 tbsp lemon juice;

0.5 st. ice crumb;

honey optional and to taste.

Blend all ingredients except ice with a blender. add ice and stir with the same blender so that the ice turns into small crumbs, but does not dissolve.

This lassi can be topped with lemon zest, nutmeg or cinnamon.

Rose water lassi

1 liter of yogurt;

750 ml ice water;

250 ml of crushed ice;

6 tbsp sugar (can be replaced with honey);

a quarter teaspoon of ground cardamom;

a few drops of rose water (to taste)

First, beat all the ingredients except ice; then mix the almost ready lassi with ice with a blender.

Savory Lassi Recipes

Traditional Salted Lassi

1 liter of yogurt;

750 ml of ice water;

250 ml of ice chips;

1 green fresh chili pepper (pre-cut)

1 tsp cumin (seeds roast and grind);

3 tbsp lemon juice;

2 tsp salt.

Put all the ingredients, except ice, in a blender bowl and beat until smooth. Then add crushed ice and shake until foamy.

soft lassi

For some reason, this cocktail is called soft - probably due to its especially mild taste. The fact is that instead of cold water, milk is used here.

250 ml of yogurt;

250 ml of cold milk;

1 tsp cumin;

2 tsp lemon juice;

0.5 tsp salt;

half a glass of crushed ice;

0.5 tsp mint (optional)

a pinch of cayenne pepper (also optional)

Roast and grind cumin; In a blender, mix all the components of the lassi until smooth.

This unusual, nutritious and refreshing drink is sure to please both you and your family. Especially for children! Add berries and fruits, grated chocolate and nuts, be surprised and enjoy the culinary result! Bon appetit with lassi!

Eva Casio specially for the site

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Calories: 574.2
Cooking time: 10
Proteins/100g: 3.1
Carbs/100g: 16.63

Lassi - a refreshing drink that is prepared on the basis of natural yogurt, can be used. The simplest lassi recipe is yogurt whipped with lemon juice and ice cubes or ice water, but this is usually not the case. Various fruits, spices and spices, fruit juices, dried fruits are added to the lassi drink. Bananas give the perfect taste and texture to lassi - banana lassi is thick, rich, fragrant and very tasty. Compared to others, lassi can be considered a low-calorie drink - it does not contain fatty and heavy foods, honey or chopped dried fruits, natural sweet juices are added instead of sugar. Introducing delicious recipe banana cocktail.

- ripe soft bananas - 2 pcs.;
- lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- ground cardamom (in powder) - 0.5 tsp;
- freshly ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
- natural yogurt - 400 ml;
- honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- ice water or ice cubes - optional.

How to cook at home

For lassi, use soft, ripe bananas. Cut them into small pieces and briefly put them in the freezer.

Pour chilled bananas with lemon juice. This must be done so that the bananas do not darken after chopping (they quickly become earthy in color and the finished drink will look unappetizing). Blend bananas with an immersion blender until smooth. At this stage of cooking, add ice water, a little, 2-3 tbsp. spoons to give the banana puree a more uniform and smooth consistency. Instead of water, you can add apple juice.

Pour natural yogurt into the banana pulp.

Add thick honey to taste. Again, beat everything until a homogeneous thick mass.

Season banana lassi with ground cardamom (you can add other spices to your taste).

Grate some nutmeg on a fine grater (to make about half a teaspoon) or add powdered nutmeg. Whisk the lassi again. If you need a well-chilled cocktail, then put ice cubes in it or pour in some ice water. No less delicious.

Pour the prepared lassi into glasses immediately and serve chilled.

On a note. Instead of honey, chopped dried fruits can be added to banana lassi - raisins, dried apricots, figs. Dried fruits pour boiling water, hold for 1-2 minutes. Then cool under cold water, dry, grind in a blender. Add dried fruits at the end of cooking along with spices.

How to make lassi, a popular milk drink in India

From yogurt you can make namkin lassi and mithi lassi - salty and sweet lassi, the most popular soft milk drinks in India. In fact, this is yogurt diluted with water with additives.

According to the consistency of lassi recalls milk shake but much less calories. The simplest lassi is made with yogurt, sugar and crushed ice.

Pictured is a banana lassi. You can do it at any time of the year, but it is especially good in warm weather. It is better to beat the bananas first to grind them as much as possible, and then add water, yogurt and honey, and beat again. Can be made with ripe mango, strawberries, raspberries. Very tasty! It is recommended to first dissolve sugar or honey in a small amount of warm water.

Mithi lassi
(sweet yogurt drink)

4 cups of yogurt
3 cups cold water
6 art. spoons of sugar or 5 tbsp. l. honey,
2 teaspoons rose water
ΒΌ teaspoon ground cardamom
Crushed ice (optional)
You can add a pinch of nutmeg.

Beat everything until foamy, serve chilled. Instead of rose water, you can add 3 tbsp. lemon juice 3 tbsp flavored syrup 1/2 cup mashed cherries, ripe bananas or ripe mangoes.

Namkin lassi
(salty yogurt drink)

1 teaspoon cumin seeds, toasted and ground.
4 cups of yogurt
3 cups of water
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons of salt (it is worth reducing, in our opinion, this is a lot)
Crushed ice (optional)
You can add mint.

All components except cumin, mix in a mixer. Pour the mixture into glasses, sprinkle with a pinch of crushed cumin on top. Serve chilled or at room temperature. If making with mint, mix in a mixer until the mint leaves turn into a paste (about 30 seconds). A glass of mint yogurt can be garnished with a mint leaf.

Lassi is good to use for breakfast or in the morning, not recommended in the evening. Yogurt can be made at home (see detailed recipe). You can also use store-bought products that are sold under the names of matsoni or katyk (they are produced by Chistaya Liniya) or Bulgarian yogurt. You can also buy matsoni in some cities in the markets, for example, in St. Petersburg - on Kuznechny.

By the way, yogurt half diluted with water is airan or tan in the Caucasian tradition. It is possible that lassi will also turn out from store-bought ayran or tan, but we have not tried it.

Recipe for Pineapple Lassi

- pineapple (chopped) - 1 cup
- natural yogurt - 1/2 cup
- water - 1/2 cup
- sugar - 2 tbsp.
- ice cubes - 1 glass.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a glass and serve immediately.

Banana lassi recipe

For the recipe you will need:
- bananas (ripe, peeled and chopped) - 2 pcs.
- lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
- grape juice (white) or water (ice) - 1/2 cup
- honey (clear) - 3 tbsp.
- natural yogurt - 1 cup
- ice (crushed) - 6-8 cubes
- cardamom (ground) - 1/4 tsp
- nutmeg (grated) - 1 pinch
- lemon zest (grated) - for decoration.
Place the bananas, lemon juice, honey (if you like), and yogurt or buttermilk in an electric mixer or food processor with the metal attachment attached. Process for about 2 minutes, then add ice and cardamom and turn back on for a minute. Ice should not be crushed completely. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with a pinch of nutmeg and lemon zest and serve.

Dakhi (yogurt) recipe

For the recipe you will need:
- milk - 2.3 l
- yogurt (natural, without additives) - 50 ml
Bring the milk to a boil and remove from heat (if you want to make thick yogurt, you can reduce the milk by one quarter). Cool milk to 45 degrees. Add yogurt to a bowl with a little warm milk, stir, and then pour this mixture into a saucepan with milk and mix well. In cold weather, sourdough needs a little more yogurt. For fermentation, milk should stand warm for several hours (from 4 to 8 hours). The temperature of the milk must be kept constant by wrapping covered with a lid pan in a thick cloth and placing it near a heat source. Try not to move the pan until the yogurt has completely thickened.

Recipe for Strawberry Lassi

For the recipe you will need:
- strawberries - 150g
- natural yoghurt - 250g
- honey - 1 tsp
- ice - 8 cubes.
Blend strawberries, yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey and 8 ice cubes in a blender. Shake and pour into glasses.

Recipe for "Lassi with cumin"

For the recipe you will need:
- zira seeds - 1/2 tsp.
- natural yogurt - 300 ml
- salt - 1 pinch
- water - 75 ml.
Roast the cumin seeds in a dry frying pan until they become fragrant. Put the seeds in a blender with yogurt, a pinch of salt and 75 ml of water, beat. Serve cold.

Mango Cardamom Lassi Recipe

For the recipe you will need:
- cardamom (pods) - 3 pcs.
- mango (pulp) - 600g
- natural yogurt - 400 ml
- milk - 200 ml
- nutmeg (ground) - to taste.
Divide the cardamom pods in half, take out the seeds and crush them with a pestle in a mortar. Set aside.
Put the mango in a blender, add yogurt, milk and ground cardamom. Whisk. Taste, and if necessary, add a little honey or sugar. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with fresh nutmeg. Serve immediately.

Recipe for Lassi with Mango and Bananas (amm kela lassi)

For the recipe you will need:
- banana - 3 pcs.
- mango - 1 pc.
- yogurt (cold) - 2 cups
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes.

Recipe for Chocolate Lassi

For the recipe you will need:
- milk chocolate - 50g
- yogurt - 1 glass
- ice cubes
for decoration: - ground almonds
Cool the chocolate and chop into crumbs. In a blender, combine yogurt, chocolate, ice cubes and beat at high speed until foam appears. Pour the lassi into glasses and garnish with ground almonds. Serve chilled.

Lassi with pear

2 ripe pears
100 ml natural yoghurt
100 gr creamy ice cream
200 ml milk grated chocolate or sweets
Wash the pears, remove the core, peel
put in blender
add yogurt, ice cream and beat
pour milk into the mixture, mix
pour lassi into glasses,
sprinkle with grated chocolate

Lassi Masala dudh (milk with saffron and pistachios)


5 cups (1.2 l) milk
10 saffron veins or 1/4 tsp. ground saffron
4 cloves
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
3 art. l. honey or 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 st. l. crushed pistachios
Add cloves and cinnamon to milk and bring to a boil. Adjust the heat so that the milk simmers gently for 5 minutes, then remove it from the heat. Immediately add the saffron and stir well. Continuing to stir, add honey. Take out the clove. Add chopped pistachios. Serve hot.