Calendar of lunar days for September of the year. The Magic of Numbers

We recommend to read and use moon calendar for September 2017, with which you can determine the phase of the moon, find out the lunar day and its effect on life - favorable or negative. The lunar calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac - the time of its entry into the sign and the time of the beginning of the lunar day for the entire month. Location selection for calendar calculation: latitude: 55.75, longitude: 37.62. Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00). Consider your time zone if you live in another area.

Moon phases in September 2017

According to the lunar calendar for September 2017, there will be a cyclical change in the phases of the moon in the following sequence.

  • New moon September 20th at 8:28 am.
  • Full moon September 6th at 10:01 a.m.
  • Waxing Crescent from 1 to 5, from 21 to 30 September 2017.
  • Waning moon from 7 to 19 September 2017.
  • Moon eclipse - no.
  • Solar eclipse - no.

Lunar calendar for September 2017

// 02:01 Moon in Aquarius

// 03:06 Moon in Aquarius

Lunar calendar: full moon

According to the calendar lunar days 06.09. - Full Moon in Pisces. Today you will want sensitivity, delicacy, a deep understanding of your inner world. On this day, many overreact to rudeness, even the most harmless jokes seem like an insult. The full moon in Pisces is especially difficult for people who do not know how to really look at things, the world seems hostile to them on this day. What to do today indicates the moon?

1. Pay attention to the "signs". In the next couple of days, the boundaries between our world and the subtle may be blurred. You can see prophetic dreams or receive important signs from the other world.

2. Use compassion, not judgment. Compassion is the theme of the Moon in Pisces and is one of the most healing forces on the planet. Try not to judge other people today, but instead try to put yourself in their place.

3. Dance. This full moon of the calendar can bring stormy emotions. For many, the sense of reality is dulled at this time. A healthy outlet for the release of emotions is dancing, trance, dance meditations. Exhaust yourself with music until your state of mind becomes adequate.

4. Secret passions, secret rendezvous: The moon in Pisces will illuminate you with romance. Write an ode to your true love - your message will be received more favorably than ever! If you are single, dream about the love you would like in your life - your wish will come true!

5. This day is ruled by Neptune - the god of the seas of the zodiac. Find a body of water - whether it's a bathtub full of scented salt, a hot spring, an ocean, or a pool - and dip your arms, legs, or whole body into it. This ritual will improve your health and wash away the tears of your soul.

Lunar calendar: waning moon

// 10:42 Moon in Taurus

// 17:46 Moon in Leo

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

*In the lunar calendar, time indicates the rising and setting of the moon.

**It is important to consider that the most important thing in determining the influence of the moon is the sign of the zodiac, then the lunar day, and only then the phase of the moon and the day of the week. Do not forget that the lunar calendar is advisory in nature.

***To find out information about the Moon in the Zodiac, click on the corresponding sign.

Favorable lunar days in September 2017 for undertakings

In the lunar calendar of the current autumn month - 30 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good period for undertakings, analysis of the past, learning from lessons, forgiveness of old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on the new moon or soon after it.

During such periods, we quarrel less, we understand others better, we endure illnesses more easily. There is energy, strength, everything conceived can be fulfilled. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - during this period of time you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits. Favorable lunar days are also days when an aspect of 60 or 120 degrees is created in the sky between the Sun and the Moon.

Lunar calendar for surgical operations - auspicious days September 2017: 7-10, 12, 14-17. Operations can end badly on the 6th, 12th, 19th and 28th, so there is no need to plan them for these dates.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - favorable days of September 2017: 1, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 26, 27, 29.

Lunar calendar for diet and weight loss - favorable days of September: 7, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 17-28

Lunar calendar for beauty treatments:

Cleansing, removal of age spots, acne, warts: 3,4,13,14,15 numbers.

Nourishing and moisturizing masks: 1-5, 20-30.

A good period for epilation and depilation: 6,7,14,15.

Lunar calendar for home repair and cleaning - favorable days in September 2017: It is best to carry out these affairs on the following days of the month: 3, 8-9, 17, 23-24, 28.

Lunar calendar for shopping - favorable days of September:: 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 22, 28, 30

Lunar calendar for a vacation trip - favorable days for September 2017:: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30.

Lunar calendar for banquets and celebrations - auspicious days:: 9,10,11,12,13,26,27.

Energetically favorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 20.09. - 1 lunar day / new moon /
  • 21.09. - 2 lunar days
  • 22.09. - 3 lunar days
  • 24.09. - 5 lunar days
  • 25.09. - 6 lunar days
  • 26.09. - 7 lunar days
  • 29.30.09. - 10 lunar days
  • 1-2.09. - 12 lunar day
  • 3.4.09. - 14 lunar day
  • 9.10.09. - 20 lunar days
  • 10-11.09. - 21 lunar days
  • 14.09. - 24 lunar days
  • 18.09. - 28 lunar days

Unfavorable lunar days in August for undertakings

During this period, the moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately, do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling apart. 9, 15, 29 lunar periods of the month, you must refrain from moving. This does not mean that you can not leave the house, just that you should be as careful as possible.

On satanic days, one should not start new business, sign agreements, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters for a better time. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise from scratch.

Lunar calendar for health - unfavorable period: 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 25, 28

Calendar of magnetic storms for weather-sensitive people: 1, 2, 13-16, 22

Energy unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 23.09.- 4 lunar days
  • 28-29.09. - 9 lunar days
  • 4-5.09. - 15 lunar day
  • 6.09.- 16 lunar day /full moon/
  • 7-8.09. - 18 lunar days
  • 12-13.09. - 23 lunar days
  • 16.09. - 26 lunar days
  • 19.09. - 29 lunar days
  • 02.09. 19:30 - 23:06
  • 05.09. 8:15 - 8:28
  • 06.09. 23:29 - 15:01
  • 09.09. 18:52 - 19:22
  • 11.09. 3:54 - 22:29
  • 13.09. 21:35 - 14.09. 1:12
  • 16.09. 0:23 - 4:09
  • 18.09. 3:55 - 7:52
  • 20.09. 8:30 - 13:06
  • 22.09. 16:04 - 20:40
  • 24.09. 10:33 - 7:01
  • 27.09. 14:08 - 19:24
  • 30.09. 3:13 - 7:40

Lunar calendars by months for 2017

01 September 2017 Friday
The moon is in the sign of Capricorn.
Second Lunar Phase (Growing Moon).
At 17:49 the 12th lunar day begins.

until 17:49 the 11th Lunar day continues

The symbol is a fiery sword.
The most energetically powerful day.
With this energy you need to be careful.
Powerful forces wake up in the human body, and if you do not know how to manage them, you can inadvertently cause trouble.

Everything you do on this day must be done consciously.
It is necessary to take action only if you are aware of the whole process to the end.
Required condition- to bring the started business to a logical result.

You can pray, take care of loved ones, give them gifts - and in general, pour out your love on other people as much as possible.
And, most importantly, do not plan very large intellectual or physical activities for this day.
Danger sign - falling knives and forks.

The answer to any question.

On these lunar days dreams of great importance if they don't, you can ignore them.

Medically the spine and the Kundalini chakra (in the coccyx region) are associated with the 11th day.
Ill-considered use of the energies of the day causes pain in the spine.
On this day it is good to start fasting.

More successful for conceiving a boy than for a girl.
The child will have unusual natural powers.
Active wrestler.
Mage's power.
Wandering. Just do not scandal on this day of Love.

Those born on this lunar day will be endowed with good mental abilities, live a happy, fruitful life and live to a ripe old age.
They are very strong, talented, witty, almost unpredictable.
at 17:49 the 12th lunar day begins

Symbols - bowl, heart.
The day of inclusion of the cosmic energy of love, divine revelations, purification of thoughts, fulfillment of prayers, calm, victory of wisdom over the mind and feelings.
On this day it is necessary to show mercy and compassion.
The energy of the day disposes to do good to others.
It is good to give gifts, give alms, do charity work, fulfill requests, show compassion to those who need it, you can also make a request yourself.

It is favorable to enter into a marriage that will be based on higher love.
This is a day of prayers, solitude, indulgence, altruism.
This is one of the days when people's prayers reach their goal almost without hindrance.
Showing negativity is contraindicated.

You can’t quarrel - it will be extremely difficult to make peace later.
You can’t complain, cry, and feel sorry for yourself: you can get stuck in this state for a long time.

A bad sign on this day is broken dishes, spilled liquid: this is a sign of suffering and loneliness.

Better not guess. Or very clearly formulate the question.
You can guess spiritually.

On these lunar days, prophetic dreams are dreamed.
They can and should be trusted.
The forces of evil cannot penetrate your dream, therefore everything that you see in a dream is dictated by the forces of light and benevolence towards you.

Medically day of cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs, it is useful to take an expectorant.
We must try to eat less coarse food, water - a lot.
Juices are recommended, except for apple juice - a symbol of enrichment.
Loads on the heart are absolutely contraindicated.

The child "drinks the cup of suffering to the bottom", will be very unhappy or, having gone through suffering, will be cleansed. Will have a strong intuition, a healing gift. Monasticism awaits him. Avoid tears on the day of conception.

On this lunar day, merciful, often very kind people are born. A lot of suffering can fall on their lot. But they are also given the strength to pass through them. Subsequently, they may limp either due to a congenital physical defect, or as a result of an accident, or due to an illness.

The lunar calendar for September 2017 shows the position of the moon for the day. If you want to know what the lunar day is today in September, as well as favorable lunar days for September 2017 and unfavorable lunar days, then the lunar calendar for September will open all the phases of the moon. The position of the moon for the day will help you plan your affairs correctly, which, with positive lunar energies, can move both easily and with obstacles. Therefore, in order to eliminate unnecessary problems, it is best to use the information on the position of the moon, which is provided by lunar days for September 2017. for September 2017.

September 1. 12th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

September 2. 13th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

September 3rd. 14th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

4 September. 15th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

September 5th. 16th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

6 September. 17th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Full moon. On the full moon, it is good to define your desires, goals and objectives, both mentally and out loud. Also, full moon days are often marked by the fact that important matters and situations take a new direction. Women are especially sensitive to the full moon. On the full moon, all rituals aimed at increasing financial wealth are shown.

September 7th. 18th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

8 September. 19th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

9th of September. 20th lunar day. Moon in Taurus Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

10 September. 21st lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

11 September. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

12-th of September. 23rd lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

September 13th. 24th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

September 14th. 25th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

September 15th. 25th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

16 of September. 26th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

September 17th. 27th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

September 18th. 28th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

September 19th. 29th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

September 20th. 30th and 1st lunar day. Moon in Libra. New moon. The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to give up heavy loads, not to make important decisions, it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices.

September 21. 2nd lunar day. Moon in Libra. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 22nd. 3rd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

23 September. 4th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 24th. 5th lunar day Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 25th. 6th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 26th. 7th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 27. 8th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

September 28th. 9th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Waxing moon, first quarter. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

September 29th. 10th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Growing moon, second quarter. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

September 30th. 11th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Growing moon, second quarter. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

Auspicious days in September 2017:

from September 1 to September 5, 2017 - the growing moon, 2nd quarter;
from September 7 to 13, 2017 - the waning moon, 3rd quarter;
from September 14 to 19, 2017 - the waning moon, 4th quarter.
from September 21 to September 26, 2017 - the growing moon, 1 quarter.
from September 27, 2017 - the growing moon, 2 quarter

In the days of the new growing moon comes good time to start new business. You can make plans for the future and make important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss procedures, dieting, and also starting to fight bad habits.

Bad days in September 2017:
September 6, 2017 - Full Moon;
from September 15, 2017 - Last quarter.
September 20 - New Moon.

These are conflicting, stressful days, it is important to exercise caution, balance and attentiveness. It is not recommended to start important or new business. Also these days you need to carefully monitor your health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Welcome to the calendar of lunar days for September 2017. We hope that it will be convenient and easy to use. The lunar calendar data is calculated by special astrological scripts, which were written with the help of professional astrologers. The maximum error of a lunar day is 25 minutes. The error in calculating the sign of the zodiac of the moon can be about 40 minutes. We are trying to improve our lunar calendar for September 2017, so with each update of our site, it gets more and more accurate and less calculation error. Living on the moon is great! We sincerely wish you successful implementation of your tasks with the help of our lunar calendar.

1 Sep. 2017 16:53 - 12 lunar day

A very pleasant moonlit day. It is good to pray on this day, to become open to everything that comes into your life. Do not allow fuss and dissatisfaction with life.

Moon September 1, 2017

Sep 2 2017 17:34 - 13 lunar day

Internal reserves are activated, a second wind appears. Passivity is not allowed - all efforts must be made to implement current tasks.

Moon September 2, 2017

3 Sep. 2017 18:09 - 14 lunar day

A very powerful lunar day in which passivity is not allowed. Our thoughts and actions are now being rapidly implemented, so we need to direct them in the right direction.

Moon September 3, 2017

4 Sep. 2017 18:39 - 15 lunar day

From 2 Sep. 2017 23:10 to 5 Sep. 2017 8:58

Usually on the 15th lunar day there is a full moon. Avoid conflicts, keep inner peace. The moon today gives a chance to show your talents, but only if you direct your energy to them, and not to base desires.

Moon September 4, 2017

Sep 5 2017 19:04 - 16 lunar day

A well-deserved rest day for those who lived in harmony with the Moon and were not lazy during the period of activity (the first half of the lunar month). Now your affairs are in the direction given from 1 to 15 lunar days. Do something that makes you feel happy.

Moon September 5, 2017

Sep 6 2017 19:27 - 17 lunar day

From 5 Sept. 2017 8:58 to 7 Sep. 2017 15:22

A day with great energy, which is intended for relaxation, and more active than passive. Go ice skating, go to the swimming pool, sauna, springs... Arrange a holiday, rejoice with your family or friends. Avoid alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Moon September 6, 2017

7 Sep. 2017 19:49 - 18 lunar day

The symbol of the 18 lunar day is a mirror, so it is not difficult to guess what effect this day has. Everything that happens in your life today is a reflection of yourself. If you have been rude, most likely, you yourself tend to abuse it. Look at yourself from the outside and analyze your actions.

Moon September 7, 2017

Sep 8 2017 20:10 - 19 lunar day

From 7 Sept. 2017 15:22 to 9 Sep. 2017 19:30

An unusual lunar day, on which all your strength must be spent in order to maintain balance. The moon today tests us for strength and loyalty to our ideals. Do not waste energy on conflicts, mind your own business. Do not change the direction of your affairs.

Moon September 8, 2017

Sep 9 2017 20:33 - 20 lunar day

Today you need to complete your business to its logical end. Perhaps this will be just part of one big plan. Look at what is happening to you from the point of view of an observer. The moon can reveal to you the true state of affairs and show you the way forward if you follow this advice.

Moon September 9, 2017

10 Sep. 2017 20:58 - 21 lunar days

From 9 Sep. 2017 19:30 to 11 Sep. 2017 22:30

Great day for creativity. The day is good for any activities related to creativity and art. The energy given today must be spent wisely. Spend the day the way you would like to spend your whole life: - do only what you would do, even if you would not be paid for it.

Moon September 10, 2017

11 Sep. 2017 21:28 - 22 lunar day

From 9 Sep. 2017 19:30 to 11 Sep. 2017 22:30

The symbol of the 22nd lunar day is Ganesha - a deity that brings harmony and prosperity. A great day for the implementation of any complex tasks, including business and financial ones. The main condition is not to be lazy. Improve, get rid of the unnecessary and get closer to the divine!

Moon September 11, 2017

Sep 12 2017 22:04 - 23 lunar day

Today you need to be very careful with your energy. The fact is that the moon today puts a lot of pressure on our shell, and for those who are not used to properly distributing energy, it will seem that everyone around is extremely unfriendly. The main thing is not to let the energy stagnate - then it will be possible to safely avoid all the negative outcomes of the lunar day.

Moon September 12, 2017

Sep 13 2017 22:50 - 24 lunar day

From 11 Sept. 2017 22:30 to 14 Sep. 2017 1:30

A pleasant lunar day, designed for active business. Keep moving towards the finish line, don't be lazy and get creative! The moon today is very generous with energy, and if you do not spend it, your energy shell will feel uncomfortable. Do what brings you pleasure. Avoid routine, rush.

Moon September 13, 2017

14 Sep. 2017 23:46 - 25 lunar day

Very interesting lunar day. Today spiritual revelation, wisdom comes to us. Spend the day however you see fit. Try not to get involved in active events, it is better to focus on the internal. Any spiritual practices and study of holy scriptures today will be of great benefit.

Moon September 14, 2017

Sep 16 2017 0:52 - 26 lunar day

From 14 Sept. 2017 1:30 to 16 Sep. 2017 4:30

Today, there is a possibility that you will be undeservedly proud of what you have achieved. Try not to let this happen, and remember that you are no better than other people. All people have a different fate and degree of delusion about what to do in life. Treat people with compassion and understanding.

Moon September 16, 2017

Sep 17 2017 2:06 - 27 lunar day

A magnificent day in which reason and intuition are best combined. If you have problems, it will be easy to deal with them and find the source of their occurrence. Any crazy ideas are welcome. Feel like a child and boldly step towards fate!

Moon September 17, 2017

Sep 18 2017 3:24 - 28 lunar day

From 16 Sept. 2017 4:30 to 18 Sep. 2017 08:04

A pleasant day, which opens a look at the current state of affairs. A deep inner understanding of the situation comes. The moon today gives us back what we deserved during the lunar month.

Moon September 18, 2017

Sep 19 2017 4:42 - 29 lunar day

Today you need to gather all your strength in order to stay in a balanced state. The moon today is very powerful with its energy and for those who are not ready to accept it, it can be somewhat difficult. If you have lived the lunar month in harmony with the rhythms of the moon, do not worry - you will not be affected.

Moon September 19, 2017

Sep 20 2017 5:59 - 30 lunar day

From 18 Sept. 2017 8:04 to 20 Sep. 2017 13:20

A very bright lunar day, like a flash, penetrating the world with rays of goodness. This day does not always happen, and often lasts only one hour. Despite this, you have a well-deserved chance to enjoy it.

Moon September 20, 2017

Sep 20 2017 8:30 - 1 lunar day

From 18 Sept. 2017 8:04 to 20 Sep. 2017 13:20

Day of laying the foundation for the whole month. It is not necessary to start work and take active actions. All you need now is to think about what you want and how you can achieve what you want. If you are planning a global goal, try to break it down into stages and highlight the first one - the most important one. Don't worry if there is no such goal on the horizon, you still have time to think.

Moon September 20, 2017

21 Sep. 2017 7:15 - 2 lunar day

Pretty passive day. In general, if you already have a goal in mind, you can think about how to start implementing it. For example, if you are going on a trip, think about what things you need to pack for the trip, who to entrust with caring for your pet

Moon September 21, 2017

Sep 22 2017 8:28 - 3 lunar day

From 20 Sep. 2017 13:20 to 22 Sep. 2017 20:52

On the 3rd lunar day, everything conceived begins to be fully realized. Today, the energy of the moon is powerful, and even somewhat aggressive. If you spend it wisely, focusing all your efforts on creativity, the day will be very productive. Finally adjust the direction of your movement and implement your plan.

Moon September 22, 2017

Sep 23 2017 9:40 - 4 lunar day

4 lunar day is a continuation of the path chosen for movement for the whole lunar month. Follow your intuition and don't be afraid to do what it tells you to do. Today, the moon generously provides information that you will need in the implementation of your plans.

Moon September 23, 2017

Sep 24 2017 10:49 - 5 lunar day

From 22 Sept. 2017 20:52 to 25 Sep. 2017 7:14

5 lunar day is a day of global internal transformation. Try to channel your energy into becoming a little wiser. Useful meditation and walks in the fresh air, preferably in a calm environment. The main goal of the lunar day is to prevent external stimuli from drowning out your inner voice. More

In this lunar calendar, you can find out which days are favorable in September 2017 and which are not. Please don't be fanatical about data. This is only information that should not predetermine the course of your actions. If you see that some day there may be difficulties, just try to take the difficulties with more enthusiasm. No need to deliberately program yourself for bad results. Believe in yourself and trust the coming, everything will work out!

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The lunar calendar will help you make your future more favorable. In doing so, your life can become much more meaningful and productive. Astrologers will give you the most important advice for the next month.

The waning moon always has certain features, and each time its energy is different. It is necessary to conduct a more in-depth analysis of how to behave correctly in order to match the mood of the Moon. The lunar calendar will tell you how to become happier and correctly plan all your affairs for the period of the waning moon in September.

When the moon will wan

The waning phase will begin on September 7th and end on September 19th. In September there will be only one such period, because it falls in the middle of the month. This is good, as you will have a chance to prepare for it and see the fruits of your labors at the end of September. Of course, it is not worth making overly ambitious plans for these 13 days. The point is not that failures will await you, but that the period of the decreasing lunar disk itself speaks of the requirement to reduce energy consumption. This is a quiet time to rethink everything that has been and everything that you would like to see in the future.

This is a time of thought, planning, observation, searching, adapting to difficulties. On the waning moon, astrologers do not advise starting travel, repairs, love relationship and anything that requires planning ahead. On such days, you just need to relax and go with the flow, but not completely surrender yourself to the will of fate. If you are too lazy, then the Moon will take away your luck and load you with problems.

Negative aspects of the waning moon in September

Jealousy and envy will be anathema to these 13 relatively quiet days. These feelings will begin to awaken on the 8th and 9th, when the Moon will be in Aries. Another problem of this kind can arise on September 15 when the Moon is in the Sign of Cancer, as well as on the 16th when in the Sign of Leo. This will all be due to the sheer dissonance of the stars and the moon. It will be most distinct on Saturday, 16 of September. Leo will put your ego in the first place, and the Moon will not be able to oppose it. It will be a one-sided game, a dangerous game. 15th your experiences will come first, which will awaken the constellation of Cancer. September 8 and 9 you will receive a powerful surge of negativity from Aries, which the Moon will not be able to contain either.

Only 4 days will be unsuccessful from the point of view of astrology, but they will be more than enough to make us worry about trifles and take out of nowhere reasons for frustration. In business, too, it is better not to look around too closely. Yes, someone at work might be doing better than you. It can make you go astray, lose faith. To avoid all this, you will have to learn to be an optimist. If you do not look for the positive in everything that happens around you, you will quickly fade away. It will be a very painful fall down, but you can save yourself at the beginning of the journey.

On the waning moon, you may have a feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence. This is again the Moon and the stars will try to pull the blanket over each one. The stars will most likely win in this game, so when starting new things, make sure that they do not require a huge expenditure of energy. Everything must be in harmony. One day it may seem to you that you are kings, and the next you will simply fail. Do not take risks and do not get involved in adventures now. Leave all this for later, when the moon finishes waning.

Positive aspects of the waning moon

In September, the waning of the moon will favorably affect the luck of each person most of the time. Everything will start from September 7 when the night luminary will be in the Sign of Pisces. This is a great combination because Pisces doesn't provoke people into action. They only increase the desire to postpone everything until later and just relax. On Thursday, the 7th, do not overwork in any case.

10th and 11th You need to get out of your comfort zone a little. This is especially true in the area of ​​finance. The secret of abundance will be revealed to you if you look at the world not through rose-colored glasses, but in such a way that you can see all the problems at once. Devote these two days to planning things and finding new hobbies, new sources of income.

September 12 and 13 Gemini will take the stage. This will mean that you can get some rest and relaxation. For everyone around you, the illusion that you are working tirelessly should be maintained. Nobody needs to know what you are really doing. Let everyone at home and at work think that you are very busy. That will be better for everyone. Do not ask unnecessary questions and do not make loud statements on these two days, then they will become very successful for you.

September 14 Gemini will be replaced by Cancer, so the day will not be very simple, but very productive. Think more about yourself and your loved ones, solving family problems, and not your own. On this day, you will need to devote yourself entirely to loved ones.

September 17 will be a positive day, because Leo will lose some of his strength. Rest well on this day. It will be a great Sunday, a good day off and a great day for creativity. On the 18th and 19th, Tuesday and Monday, the Moon will move into Virgo. Virgo and the waning moon are a great combination. The last, final days of the waning period will be extremely successful for financial transactions, work and solving the most difficult tasks. In love, fortune will also overtake you, bestowing its help.

One way or another, but do not underestimate the power of the Moon, even if it is in the “rest” phase, that is, decreasing. Check out Pavel Globa's September horoscope if you want to know even more about what awaits you in the first month of autumn. Do not lose faith in yourself and follow the prompts of astrologers. So you can protect yourself and make your life more predictable. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and