When is the best time to meet girls? How to meet a girl on the street if you are shy

Many men prefer to get acquainted with those girls with whom circumstances bring them together for a long time: at the institute, at work, or, for example, with those living in the neighborhood. This option, of course, has the right to exist, but often it is fraught with certain problems: office romances do not have the best effect on a career, and a friend’s girlfriend is far from perfect option to build strong relationships. Therefore, it will be useful for guys to learn how to properly meet a girl on the street.

Psychologists say that there are no places where it would be indecent to make new acquaintances. The second half can wait everywhere, including on the street. Any acquaintance includes elements of the game, so it must take place according to certain rules.

How to meet on the street?

Many young people do not know how to start dating a girl. The first sign that communication with a stranger on the street can be successful is eye-to-eye contact, as well as a friendly and welcoming facial expression. This suggests that the girl liked the guy, and she drew attention to him. But many men at this moment are lost and just pass by, reproaching themselves for indecision. Missing such a chance is stupid, you should definitely take advantage of it.

If a guy is thinking about where to meet girls, then you should just leave the house. Dating on the street is both a difficult and promising business, because girls here can be found completely different. The difficulty of such communication lies in the fact that you need to act quickly and confidently, without disappointing a beautiful stranger. Otherwise, she will simply turn away and continue on her way.

Appearance - business card

When meeting a girl, she evaluates not only the behavior, but also the appearance of the guy. It is he who characterizes him in the first place. It is important to look not only stylish, but also neat and well-groomed. Wrinkled clothes and dirty shoes are unlikely to cause admiring glances of the chosen one.

What to say?

If a guy doesn't know how to properly meet a girl, he needs to work on the first phrase. It is of no small importance, since the first words will be the beginning of communication. Or they won't if the guy says something stupid. On the street, girls often think about something of their own, feminine, so they may not immediately respond to an appeal to them.

Before turning to a stranger, it is advisable to make her smile and make eye contact. The first phrase should be as effective as possible and follow several rules:

  • It should consist of several words (1-5), you can just say "Hi!" or "Let's get to know each other...".
  • No need to contact the girl with a question, because she may not answer. And then the guy will be in a stupid position.
  • The phrase should correspond to the situation, for example, it could be some kind of comment: “Beware, a car is driving.”
  • If the guy is confident enough in himself, you can start with a compliment. But you need to say it in such a way that it looks like admiration, and not simple banality. The phrase should "hook" the girl.
  • You need to address a stranger in a positive and friendly way in order to immediately win her over.

What to talk about?

If a guy wants to understand how to learn how to get acquainted with girls, you need to learn the main thing: in order to trust you, on a subconscious level, the interlocutor must receive answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of person is this?
  • What does he want from me?
  • Can he be trusted?

If a girl is sure that communication will not bring her problems, she will certainly be interested in a handsome and witty guy. You can talk about the place of study or work so that the interlocutor learns a little more about you.

It is not so important where to get acquainted, in any case, you need to make sure that the reason for the interest is very clear. If the main goal is long-term communication, you do not need to ask the girl for a cigarette or ask what time it is.

How to interest a stranger?

The ideal option is when the girl is initially friendly and responds well to jokes. This means that she liked the man, and she will gladly talk to him. But in order to enjoy such success, you need to know how to get to know a girl correctly and constantly work on yourself.

What if there is no sympathy?

Often, guys are lost in a situation where a girl maintains communication, but there are no visible signs of sympathy that has appeared. If the stranger does not show emotions, you need to try to interest her.

You can use these options:

  • Make her smile by telling a funny joke or a prepared life story.
  • Be interested in your social status, if any. It does not have to be financial solvency, perhaps the guy participated in some competitions or did charity work.
  • Tell about your extreme interests and hobbies.

To feel confident, you need to know not only how to get to know a girl correctly, but also what to do in case of failure. If there is still no positive result, and the girl continues to communicate “on the machine”, it is better to end the conversation, citing employment or an urgent matter, and ask the stranger for a phone number. Rather, it should not be a question, but a statement. To a young man it should be noted that he would happily continue the acquaintance over a cup of coffee. Maybe next time the mood is better, and she will reciprocate the guy.

How to meet in social networks?

Today, young people spend a lot of time on the Internet and various in social networks. Given this fact, guys should not forget that you can also meet girls there. But if young people think that it is enough to send a message, and the girl will immediately continue to communicate, then they are very mistaken. The technique of how to get acquainted in VK is quite complicated, because you need to attract attention to yourself and stand out from hundreds of other accounts.

Working on the page

Having a good photo is important. Not every girl will want to answer if she has no idea about the owner of the account. There is no need to put pictures of movie characters, inscriptions or photographs of animals on the avatar, this approach will not bring success. The girl does not hear voices, does not feel the aura, so she will form the first impression precisely from the photo.

The “About Me” section must be filled out in detail and interestingly, boring lines will not attract attention. You can indicate the bright moments that happened in life, describe hobbies and hobbies. Do not forget about a sense of humor, but you should not go too far, so as not to give the impression of a jester.

first letter?

If the questionnaire is drawn up and the photo is selected, then you can proceed to business. First of all, you need to select the page of the girl who will become the “victim”. The first letter must be written in such a way as to captivate and interest, to arouse a desire to continue communication. If, reading the message, she smiles, success is practically achieved. Phrases such as "Hi, what are you doing?" and “Hi, how are you?” must be immediately removed from the arsenal. The maximum that they can bring is a monosyllabic answer, from which it will be very difficult to develop interesting and lively communication.

The message should consist of several sentences. If a guy has problems with grammar, it’s worth checking everything carefully at least the first time so that there are no mistakes. This not only makes girls laugh, but also annoys and repels them. To understand what is better to write about, you should study the page of the chosen one, read her profile and statuses. Often they can tell a lot about the views, mood and feelings of a girl. If your favorite films are indicated in the questionnaire, you can write something like this: “Hi, Nastya! In search of communication, I went to this site and found you. I really like to go to cinemas, I want to invite you to such and such a film, and then you can drink delicious tea in a cafe. The text, of course, will change depending on the girl's hobbies. It would be nice to back up your words with photographs so that the story looks believable. Then the girl will go to the page and see a self-confident guy having fun with friends and enjoying life.

It is not uncommon for young people to turn to a psychologist with the question: “I’m afraid to meet girls, what should I do?” If by nature this gift is not there, then you will have to constantly leave your comfort zone. At first, wadded legs, increased sweating and stuttering will cause a guy to become completely numb, but over time, you can learn to control these processes and not panic. Any overcoming of one's own fears and weaknesses is a step towards freedom and self-confidence.

Find motivation

To understand how to learn how to meet girls, it is best to start with yourself. Daily training and communication with different girls is the way to success. To be bolder in dealing with the opposite sex, you need to find a motivational rationale. It is not necessary to flirt with every familiar and unfamiliar young lady, you can just have a friendly conversation. Such communication will also give courage and self-confidence.

Active listening

If there is little to no knowledge about how guys meet girls, you can use the tactic of Asking more questions that the girl will be pleased to answer.

Getting to know a girl is quite a stressful situation, especially if you don't know how to behave. It doesn't really matter for what purpose you want to get to know a girl: for simple friendship, flirting or a serious relationship, in any case, there are a few things that you should pay attention to in order to increase the chances of starting a relationship with a girl. Luckily, dating a girl is a lot easier than most of us realize. If you know how to present yourself, if you know how to behave correctly in different situations, meeting a girl will be a common thing for you.


How to meet a girl online

    Register on a dating site. Dating sites usually have a lot of single women and girls who want to meet. Some sites are paid, there are sites where you need to pay a monthly fee. Decide which site is convenient for you to use and register on it.

    Write to the girls who are interested in you. Find girls who live in your area, look at their profiles. Start dating openly and simply, you should not follow popular pickup scenarios. It is better to start the conversation with a discussion of common interests.

    • Read the information in the girl's profile, look at her photos and find common interests.
    • For example, if the girl has a photo from some famous museum, say: “Hi, I'm Dima. I love this museum too! When were you there?
    • You can write something simple: "Hi, I'm Edik, how are you?"
  1. Chat with the girls who answered you. After you send the girl a message, you need to start a conversation. Start asking this girl different questions, try to build a relationship with her. Chat with her online, and after a while, when she becomes more comfortable with you, you can ask for her phone number. Do not write or say anything vulgar to the girl, do not touch on too intimate topics and do not try to delve into her past. Try to maintain an informal and light-hearted tone.

    • Good topics for conversation: music, movies, last news, books that you have recently read, some common interests.
    • If you feel that the conversation has stalled, say something like: “Listen, I recently watched the movie “Tusk” - it just hit me. Not in best sense. Do you like horror movies in general?
  2. Meet the girl in person. Once you've made contact with a girl, it's time to ask if she'd like to meet you in person. Set up a meeting in a quiet, public place, such as taking her to a coffee shop, for lunch, or for a walk in the park. Call the girl on the phone and agree on the time and place of the meeting.

    • For example, you can say something like, “Look, you just blew my mind. Would you like to meet?"

    Find places to meet girls in real life

    1. Meet girls through friends. One of the most simple ways meet a girl - chat with your friends and get to know your friends' friends. When you decide to gather somewhere, ask your friends to invite their girlfriends and girls they know.

      • You can ask a friend to introduce you to one of his girlfriends before the party if you're too nervous.
    2. Meet the girls in class. Chat with your classmates and try to take some project or joint assignment with them. If you do not go to school or university, you can enroll in some courses on a topic that interests you. Start the introduction and conversation by discussing activities, and then move on to more personal conversations.

      • For example, say something like, "God, this is homework was the most difficult. Do you understand how to do it?"
    3. Meet the girls at work. There is an advantage to communicating with colleagues: you will have a topic for discussion, and communication with a colleague will be less stressful than with a stranger. Meet and chat with girls from work that you like. Once you start a friendship, ask the girl if she would like to meet and chat with you outside of work.

      • Talk about work. Say, "Oh, seriously? Three double shifts this week! So why not make the schedule a little more organized?”
      • Invite a girl on a date, say: “Listen, you amaze me! Do you want to go somewhere after work?
      • You can elaborate a little and ask: “Do you have plans for this Friday? Do you want to go to the cafe with me?”
    4. To meet girls, you can go to a bookstore. The bookstore is a great place to meet girls. In addition, you will have a topic for conversation. If you see a girl looking at a book you like, introduce yourself and start the conversation by discussing that book.

      • You can say something like, “The second book in this series is one of my favorites. Are you a fan of Bukowski too?”
    5. Meet girls at a bar or club. If you're feeling insecure, take a friend with you. Try to get to know the girls at the bar and strike up a conversation with them, walk up and introduce yourself.

      • If you want to chat with a girl, choose in advance the bar where the music is not too loud.
      • For example, you could say something like, “Listen, I saw you at the other end of the bar recently. I'm Dima, what's your name?
      • You can say: “Your shoes are so cool, are these the new Air Max Goraths? I also wanted to buy similar ones for myself.

    How to introduce yourself

    1. Make eye contact . If you want to get to know a girl you don't know, you first need to make eye contact with her. Look at her, wait for her to look at you too. If a girl looks into your eyes and smiles, this is a sign - she wants to chat with you!

      • Single girls, as well as girls who sit and get bored, are likely to be much more willing to get to know you.
    2. Tell:"Hi, I'm ___ (your name)." The first phrase doesn't have to be complicated, you just need to get the answer. Just say "hello" and say your name. Then you can ask the name of the girl, how was her day.

      • If the girl turned to you, talking and smiling, then the conversation started successfully.
    3. If you have already corresponded with her on the Internet, go up to her and hug her. If, while chatting online, you have already started some kind of relationship with this girl, at the first meeting you can go up and hug her. Be sure to pay attention to the girl's body language. If the girl backs off, shows that she feels uncomfortable, it is better not to rush into hugs.


      Jessica Ingle is a relationship counselor and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009 after receiving her master's degree in counseling psychology. She is a licensed family and marriage psychotherapist and a registered drama therapist with over 10 years of experience.

      Dating and Relationship Specialist

      Consider cultural considerations when considering hugging a person. Dating and relationship expert Jessica Engle says, “It all depends on who you Where are you. Here on the West Coast, hugs are common when meeting people, even if you don't know the person very well. So hugging on the first date is completely normal for us. But on the East Coast, it’s not like that at all: people who are in close relationships are more likely to hug there. ”

As an expert in dating girls, I am often asked:

How to meet a beautiful girl on the street or in any other place?

To answer this question, you first need to understand what exactly is stopping you.

It usually goes like this: you see a beautiful girl on the street, you tune in for a long time, and finally, you decide to approach. As you walk, you feel a pounding heart, weakness in your knees, a hoarse voice, and a wild desire to hide from her eyes.

Eventually, when you get really close and it's time to say your signature "hello", your brain gives you an excuse why you shouldn't date her now. And then you ... just walk by, pretending to go about your business. 🙂 And this is just one of many.

I think yes!

So that this happens in your life as rarely as possible and you need to know how to meet a girl.

I have been dealing with this issue for a long time and a few years ago I realized that for a successful acquaintance it is important to know not only the technique itself.

First of all, you should…

moral preparation

But without it, nothing! After all, girls have a natural scanner that reads your inner state.

If they see that you are afraid or just unsure of yourself, then you will never get a phone.

Therefore, self-tuning before the approach is what is really important.

The first thing you should do is to put all your problems aside by saying to yourself, “For the time of dating, I leave all my problems behind.” I'm serious, my friend - it is very important to at least mentally pronounce this phrase in order to throw off the shackles of internal tension! As a result: you can easily meet a girl, forgetting about all the problems.

Why is this needed?

All for the same reason: if she sees problems on your face, she will refuse. And it will be right! Those who have many problems are of no use to anyone. So then don't say I didn't warn you. 🙂

Secondly, it is important not to fight your fear here and now, but to act in spite of it.

I want to suggest you use an interesting technique that will neutralize this fear for a while. It's called "tunnel vision".

When a girl enters your field of vision, you take a step towards her and start moving slowly. There is only you and her, and everything else begins to blur and darken, as if nothing exists around you except you. You go to her and think only about how you will talk to her now, and how positively she will begin to answer you.

This is where the technique ends. Despite its simplicity, it really works.

If you manage to perform this technique 100%, forgetting that there is anyone around at all, then this will allow you to show you in all your glory. However, this technique will work no matter how well you try to do it.

These two components, which I just talked about, will be enough for you to be mentally prepared.

Young Fighter School

Before we start talking about how to properly meet beautiful girls, you must go through the school of a young fighter.

What do I mean by this concept?

This is a set of exercises that will prepare you for real real dating and will seriously increase your chances of success..

Exercise number 1. Compliment to a very beautiful girl.

Your task is to find a very beautiful girl on the street, whom you have never met, and approaching which seems to you an impossible task, or at least very scary.

Found? Are you sure she is the most beautiful girl within 1 kilometer? No? Then look for another! Are you going to do this exercise with integrity!? And to seek compromises with one's conscience is a thankless task.

Now that you have finally found her, you need to approach and start communication. When you say your name and hold out your hand, try to hold it as long as possible, looking straight into her eyes. Do this longer than people usually shake hands with each other. And at that moment, give her some compliment of your choice.

When she looks at you, and you look at her, then a certain pop will occur in your head.

You will feel that ... in general, it is better to do this exercise yourself, and you yourself will feel the effect of it. 😉 This is better than a hundred tips on how to get to know a girl better.

Exercise number 2. Communication to the bitter end.

Your task is to communicate with the girl for 15 minutes. Tip: Before you start chatting, take a look at your watch. And when you're done, look at them again. And if the time elapsed since the beginning of communication is less than 15 minutes, then the attempt is not counted. Then you go and start talking to someone else.

What to communicate? Get it by youself. This is the point of the exercise. 😉

You need to do it with 10 girls for 3 hours (this time is just enough for full implementation).

Why did I give you these exercises? The first, as I said, is designed to give you real confidence. Confidence that truly beautiful girls are being led to you. You can get it only by seducing a real beauty, or at least by doing this exercise. Just by reading about this exercise and not doing it, you will never feel the state that I wanted to convey to you.

And secondly, you need to train the most important skill - the skill of communication. Again, only with the help of this exercise you will be able to develop it.

How to meet a girl

Finally, when you have completed all the exercises, I can tell you all about how you can learn to get to know girls better.

The fact is that stereotypes in a conversation (regardless of whether you yourself came up with a template or found it on the Internet) are always felt by girls. And when you start a conversation in a natural way, then the attitude towards you will be appropriate.

Contextual phrases - statements / questions that concern a girl(her appearance or behavior) or your environment.

« Did you see how at that (meaning the other) end of the park, a crowd of people were removing a kitten from a tree?' is an example of such a phrase. Those. you start communication as naturally (contextually) as possible and immediately inspire confidence in yourself.

And then you can continue: Do you have a cat at home? By the way, my name is Vova... and extend your hand to her in greeting.

Here are examples of how my students get to know each other:

(click on the picture to enlarge it)

Another example? Please! You saw that she had a bag, earrings and red nails. Then you can come up and start making fun of: " Hello! Did you match your earrings and bag to match the color of your nails? Or a bag and nails to match the color of the earrings? Or nails and earrings to match the color of the bag? 🙂". There is a high degree of probability that the girl will at least smile and appreciate your powers of observation and originality.

You can solve questions of further communication with the help of the article "".

Take a number or...?

The next important point in the question “how to get acquainted with beautiful girls?” is taking a number.

Here, many seducers are advised to take a number and immediately disappear from her field of vision.

This tip came about because a lot of guys start making mistakes along the way. Or they just don't know what to talk about with her next.

However, I do not advise you to immediately go somewhere. It is better to offer her to move to another place (for example, to drink coffee) and continue your communication. Unlike the “pick a number and leave” method, this strategy will work very well because:

  • You will stand out among the other guys.
  • You will look bold and determined.
  • Immediately indicate your intentions regarding her.

As a result, during this "mini-date" you will be able to observe the beauty interested in you.

Then the exchange of numbers will happen by itself and you won't even have to ask for it.

If she's really in a hurry, then offer to exchange contacts under the pretext that you both need to see each other again.

Why does simply taking a number often not work?

Because the girl does not understand what exactly you want from her. Maybe you're a little crazy and you'll just pester her with your calls and texts? 🙂

That is why you need to show the target / hint why you want to exchange numbers with her. What’s more, you’ll feel more confident as well!

Advice: draw beautiful pictures of your future pastime in the girl's head. For example, instead of “Let's have coffee,” say: “I want to invite you to ... (name of the institution). I like that there are soft red sofas and good music is always playing. Let's sit down, get to know each other and just have a good time."

The main thing is to “draw” only the truth, and not talk about red sofas if they are not there.

Now you know how to meet a girl, and you can go right now and put your knowledge into practice. And those the tips and exercises that I gave at the very beginning will definitely help you improve your dating skills. Believe in yourself and act without delay!

Before every man at least once in his life the question arose: "How to meet a girl?". But, even though in modern world there are 100 and 1 ways of dating, some guys with great difficulty manage to find an approach to the girl they like.

Today, acquaintances in libraries and the hackneyed phrase “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” have been replaced by new, more modern and effective techniques. In this article, you will finally learn how to get to know a girl beautifully in various situations and not scare her away with your ridiculous behavior. Read and absorb!

How to meet a girl on the street

Or a cafe, a restaurant, a cinema… In a word, in real life. How many times did you hide your head in the sand at the sight of a beautiful girl and pass by without trying to start a conversation? But a live acquaintance is much more pleasant and romantic than a virtual one, only it allows you to recognize a person as he really is. No photoshop or extra embellishments. At the same time, there is a chance to strike her with your charm, which, alas, is not transmitted through the monitor. We have prepared some tips that will help to reduce rejection from the weaker sex to zero!

Make a good impression

The phrase "meet by clothes" worked, works and will work. This does not mean that you have to be dressed in an expensive suit and look like Brad Pitt. It is enough to have a neat appearance, a neat haircut, well-groomed hands and clean shoes. The first 3-5 seconds are the most important. And after that, the girl already knows for sure whether she wants to continue the dialogue with you or not. Everything is simple.

Come up with a phrase to start with

And, please, without pretense: “Girl, your eyes have melted the ice in my heart”, “What kind of angel descended from heaven” and other “romantic” nonsense. Take it easy: ask for help to reach a building or offer to carry a large bag. Speak clearly and distinctly. And don't impose. No means no. Perhaps you had dirt under your nails.

More confidence

Confidence is an absolute attribute of any man. Ladies love decisive! Be open, don't invade her privacy, keep eye contact (not too close), and smile sweetly. Be yourself, look as natural as possible and at the same time feel like a winner already.

Call her by name more often

Psychologists say that his name caresses the ear. And, if you address the girl by name, it will certainly encourage further conversation.

Use humor

One of the main male traits of a girl is called a sense of humor! Dilute the dialogue with a witty joke, make her laugh. So you relieve tension and can move on to more informal communication.

Assess the situation

If the meeting with the object of your desire took place in a cafe, ask about her gastronomic preferences, at an art exhibition - talk about art, in the gym - discuss sports. Your interests coincide, and this is already a huge plus!

Don't skimp on compliments

And it is better if they are imbued with sincerity! Women feel false and easily recognize the untruth. Give up platitudes like "your smile drove me crazy" or "what bottomless eyes you have." Come up with something original and not beaten. Fantasy doesn't work, is there a stupor? Then just tell from the bottom of your heart how much you like her.

No sudden movements

A girl should feel safe, and not everyone agrees to meet on the street. After all, everything unknown, in her opinion, is fraught with danger. You have to show that she has nothing to be afraid of and she can trust you, at least at this stage of dating. Be tactful, delicate and extremely polite.

How to meet a girl on social networks

Perhaps the easiest and most popular way of dating. After all, you can communicate with her being in any convenient place where there is Internet. You do not need to be stylishly dressed or seduce with your timbre for this. And here there is one “but”: the image that she will add about you may not correspond to reality at all. And to prevent this from happening, follow simple rules.

No cats or other animals in the avatar. You want to meet? Please show your true face! Let the photo be related to your hobby, work or leisure. It does not hurt her to know that you are quite successful and versatile. No rude and negative comments under the photos, infantile posts and childish quotes. Just do not confuse adequate seriousness with tediousness!

Look for the second half in thematic groups

So you narrow down your search and you can find a passion to match your hobbies. And there is always something to talk about.

Make a first step

Don't overwhelm a girl with likes. To show your interest, just write about it directly in private messages!

Don't make mistakes

Neither grammatical nor stylistic. This is sometimes not just annoying, but infuriating! Seem literate an educated person, and if you do not know the spelling of a particular word, do not be lazy and look at Wikipedia.

Without extremes

Not everyone will understand if you instantly switch to “you”, in the same way, not everyone will like the persistent “vykavanie”. Yes, and with a capital letter (this is generally mauvais ton). Be courteous and modern, sticking to the golden mean. It is not appropriate to confess your love and compose poems in her honor. Hold your horses, you haven't even seen each other yet!

How to meet a girl on a dating site

It would seem that there is nothing easier! Indeed, on such sites and applications, potential brides themselves are looking for grooms. It is true that the competition here is strong. Many respectable men and businessmen, due to their employment, do not disdain this way of dating, and therefore the likelihood that the dream lady will give preference to you is reduced. How to make a girl pay attention to your person?

Competently fill out the profile

The photo on the main page is your pass key. It should not be too frank, so that you can modestly close your pile of muscles under your clothes. Unless, of course, you are looking for a girl for one night. It is much more correct to focus on your appearance! And be sure to fill in the "About yourself" section in detail. Describe your interests, occupation, any films, books, etc. This will increase the chance of finding a soul mate.

Don't be familiar

No matter how the girl reminds you of a cat, the sun or a flower, keep affectionate phrases and tenderness to yourself. This is completely inappropriate even for specialized services.

Be original

According to statistics, girls receive much more messages than guys. And this is not surprising. The hackneyed “hello, how are you” is unlikely to work. Therefore, in order not to get lost among the virtual applicants, you will have to stand out with something. Use information about the girl from her profile, ask an unusual question, and do not arrange an interrogation with an addiction.

Find an individual approach

Some men, in order to make their lives easier, come up with one big universal greeting in which they tell everything and even more about themselves. Any intelligent young lady will quickly realize that this soulless letter has already been sent to dozens of other candidates. And, therefore, the chance to meet a decent girl will fail! Still, for a quality search, you will have to spend time, as you already understood.

By putting into practice some simple tips, you will learn how to easily make acquaintances with the girls you like. In some situations, you can prepare for an acquaintance in advance, but it also happens that you have to act spontaneously. How to feel confident in any cases and not miss your chance to make an interesting acquaintance?

How to choose a place for effective dating with girls

1) Night club. Any frequenter of nightclubs knows perfectly well that you can often meet there interesting girls. It is important that a nightclub is the place where most single women hope to meet a guy for a relationship. In general, if you see a bored girl or a group of friends in a nightclub, then there is a very high probability that they will not mind meeting you. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that club visitors who easily make contact with strangers do not always count on serious relationship. However, perhaps you yourself are not yet striving to have a permanent girl in your life, and you are also not in a hurry to burden yourself with a long romance.

2) Work. It is possible that your potential partner has already met you more than once, you just either did not pay attention to her, or for some reason did not dare to get acquainted. Pay attention to the girls you have to deal with at work. Some men lament that they can't make time to start a relationship, because they are almost always at work. By the way, not all corporations encourage romantic relationships between their employees, but if your company does not have such strict restrictions, it makes sense to use this.

3) Park. A walk in the park can be not only useful for you, but also a very productive pastime for finding new acquaintances. Girls who walk through the park area, as a rule, are in no hurry, so you can easily approach one of the people you like and start a conversation. Usually the park has a very friendly "light" atmosphere that will set you in the right mood.

4) Sports, dance sections. It is also a very good place for dating, where you can most often meet active and purposeful girls. If you are dreaming of such a companion, then the sports section or dance lessons will be a wonderful choice. As you know, common hobbies bring people together, and besides, you don’t have to look for a topic for a conversation for a long time in such a situation.

5) Dating sites. If you set out to find a girl for a relationship, then you should not discount dating sites, which are now a great many. In the modern world, more and more couples find each other in the virtual space, and you may well follow this example. Try not to delay too much at the initial stage with correspondence, but also “do not rush right off the bat” - just a day or two of correspondence and subsequent phone exchange in order to make an appointment.

6) Internet. Perhaps, for some reason, you are distrustful of dating sites, but you do not have enough time to get acquainted with girls in in public places and so on. In this case, ordinary social networks, like VK, can help you. In the search, “drive in” the parameters by which you are looking for a girl - approximate age, marital status, city of residence. Try to write to the users of the Network you like - it is quite possible that they will easily make contact. However, to increase the chances of this, give preference to girls whose status indicates that they are "single" or are "actively searching."

7) At a concert. Going to a concert of some musical group, you have a high chance of meeting a girl. However, it is worth noting that it is quite rare for the fair sex to attend such events alone, preferring outings with friends. That is why, in order to feel more confident, you can also go to a concert with a friend or in a company - however, this is not necessary if you already feel free in any situations.

Where can you really meet a guy?

With a rich girl

If it is fundamentally important for you that a potential lover is certainly rich, then visit elite places. As a rule, girls with a very modest financial income do not dine in expensive coffee houses, do not visit sports complexes, the price of a subscription in which is close to the average salary in the country. In general, for sure, the essence is clear to you: wealthy people often live in places where you need to pay a substantial amount for staying.

With a young beautiful girl

young and beautiful girls, in fact, a lot and you can get to know them almost anywhere. If you are looking for a person no older than 20-22 years old, try to walk more often in parks adjacent to universities, as well as visit coffee shops in these areas - in such places you have a high chance of meeting a student. However, there are many young and beautiful girls in other places - gyms, nightclubs, various clubs of interest, and so on.

With a normal girl for a serious relationship

If you want to meet a girl for a serious relationship, then you can still take into account dating sites. Choose the profiles of those girls who have recently registered, and do not "sit" on these sites for months. Of course, you can meet interesting options in the second case, but there is also a risk, among the guests of the portal, to meet girls who are set up for short meetings or have such high demands on a partner that it will not be easy to get them not only relationships, but also elementary meetings. Well, in general, “normal” girls are still the majority and they are daily in public transport, cafes, shopping centers, ice rinks, theaters and other places.

With a girl for the night or for constant sex

Perhaps you are in no hurry to burden yourself with a serious relationship, or you already have a couple, but for some reason you decided to find a one-night stand or a permanent lover. In the first case, nightclubs can help you. Of course, not all nightclub goers are ready for one-night stands, but they are regularly found there. It is not difficult to identify a girl who is ready for such adventures: she is defiantly dressed, relaxed and easily makes contact. There you can also meet a girl for constant sex, but to simplify your task, it is better to turn to the already mentioned dating sites - some of its visitors are also looking for only intimate relationships with a man, and directly indicate this in their profile.

Dating on the Internet

How to choose the best free dating site

There are many free dating sites on the web. At the same time, it is worth noting that even they have some paid features for those who want to slightly or significantly “advance” their profile. Many sites have such a system: “On the first day of registration, your profile is on the first pages of the portal, however, the profile gradually “goes down”, and the most desperate or stubborn users will be able to find it. For some small amount (the price is different on different sites), you can secure a permanent place for your profile on the first pages. If you do not want to do this, then you simply should not rely on the fact that the girls themselves will find your profile and look for the chosen one among the proposed options. One of the most popular dating sites in the CIS is Mamba.

Dating on forums and social networks

If you definitely want to meet a girl on the Internet, then you can be understood. Usually you can prepare for such an acquaintance - there is no spontaneity, there is an opportunity to think over your answers, to show yourself in a more favorable light. For this purpose, it is not necessary to go to a dating site - ordinary social networks and forums are no worse, but in some ways better. With such communication, you will feel more at ease, however, like your virtual companion. Dating sites cause discomfort for many due to the fact that each participant in the conversation knows exactly the purpose of the correspondence, but it's just that everything is different on the social network - there is still room for some intrigue.

Where to meet a woman

If the man is 30 or older

If you think that it is no longer suitable for you by status or age to look for a girl in a noisy disco, then, of course, you should pay attention to quieter places. Some women in the evenings like to relax in sushi bars, visit the theater, art exhibitions. Many women try to keep themselves in good physical shape, and for this purpose regularly attend yoga classes or the gym. Taking this information into service, you can easily find a potential life partner. However, it is important to remember that you do not need to limit yourself to any specific framework when meeting you - the ideal woman for you can meet you almost anywhere.

If a man is married, but looking for a mistress

If you are already married, but need a relationship with another woman, then where you look for a potential lover depends on how much you fear that this relationship may be revealed to your wife. Perhaps you and your spouse are in an open relationship, you are sure that she will not leave you in any case, or you are simply ready for the marriage to break up - in this case it does not really matter where exactly the acquaintance with another woman will take place - in a hookah bar, sushi bar or on a city street. If you want to keep your connection on the side a secret, then, of course, it is important to take some precautions. An ideal option for you may be a person who is also married. Such women, tying up a relationship with another man, are well aware of how important conspiracy is. A married girl is perfect if you are looking for a permanent mistress.

Statistics: where people meet most often now and why

  • Statistics say that more than 25 percent of people find a mate in public places. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because what more people around, the more likely you are to meet someone. We can talk about a cafe, a club, a sanatorium, a gym and many other crowded places.
  • More than 20 percent of people have found a "soul mate" directly performing their professional duties. Perhaps you do not notice some charming employee! Dating at work is quite understandable - potential couples have the opportunity to "look closely" at each other, to see some significant nuances for themselves, to assess the financial capabilities of a partner (for many, this point is very significant).
  • About 17 percent of couples met during school or student days. Many lovers manage to save their relationship and subsequently marry.
  • Approximately 16 percent of people met not without the help of friends. As a rule, men and women have a positive attitude towards this method of searching for the “second half”, since they can find out from a friend some details about potential chosen ones in advance and be sure that no surprises await them later.
  • At least 15 percent of people get acquainted on the World Wide Web, and every year this figure is only increasing. Increasingly, men and women spend time on social networks, and, accordingly, make acquaintances there. There are many reasons why this is convenient. Firstly, there is time to “look closely” at the object of sympathy, think over your answers, learn well about the tastes and interests of the person you like even before meeting her, and so on.

Top 10 places to meet girls

1) Street. Most girls can be found on the street. It is enough just to approach the townswoman you like and ask for her phone number. It is possible that she does not want to meet you, but in a minute you have a chance to try your chances with another girl!

2) Night club. In the relaxed atmosphere of a nightclub, girls most often willingly make acquaintances, and even strive for it themselves. Another thing is that in nightlife it is not always possible to find a person who is set up for a serious relationship, but sometimes it still happens.

3) Theater. If you dream of meeting an intelligent and "sublime" girl, then hurry up to get a ticket for any theatrical premiere - so you have every chance not only to fulfill your dream, but to enrich yourself culturally.

4) Cafe. Visit any cafe in the city center. Choose a popular and crowded place - for sure, you can meet an interesting person there. Also, don't discount cozy coffee shops.

5) Gym. Is your goal an active and athletic girl? In this case, it is obvious that you should visit the gym - there you have every chance of meeting a girl who is passionate about sports. However, other sections are also suitable - tennis, swimming pool and so on.

6) Shopping center. Shopping centers usually have cafes, shops, beauty salons and many other places that are usually of interest to girls, so by going there, you increase your chances of making an interesting acquaintance.

7) Dating sites. Dating sites are created for this, so that people have the opportunity to meet there, make an appointment and, possibly, subsequently start a relationship. It is possible that you will be lucky, like millions of other Internet users, and on such a portal you will be able to find personal happiness.

8) Concerts. Often the atmosphere at concerts is very conducive to communication. If you get to the performance of some lyrical performer, then you will surely be able to meet a romantically inclined girl there.

9) Resorts. At the resort, many girls traveling alone or with friends are also quite set on an interesting acquaintance. The difficulty may lie in the fact that you can meet a girl not from your city, and subsequently a long-distance romance will await you. However, even from such relationships, an amazing love story often turns out.

10) Exhibitions. Many girls like to visit modern art exhibitions - both alone and in the company of a friend. Such a pastime is becoming more and more popular, and usually several such events take place in megacities at once.