How to upgrade the crew faster. How to choose perks (skills) in World of Tanks? Mandatory conditions for crew leveling

The official website of World of Tanks, although it contains comprehensive information about the skills that each of the crew members of the combat vehicle can acquire, but, firstly, few people will smile at re-reading several pages of technical text, and secondly, the official information is dry and streamlined . There they will never tell you in plain text that this skill is nonsense, but this one is not bad. Therefore, tankers will have to go to forums, where they will have to shovel through a lot of topics of several dozens, even hundreds of pages, in order to find out the necessary information for themselves. The purpose of this material is to describe in detail and at the same time briefly, intelligibly and in a simple way each of the skills for each of the crew members, without hiding absolutely anything.

Skills in World of Tanks are not an empty phrase, but an excellent prospect for many times improving the characteristics of your combat vehicle. Often the value of skills is underestimated, but in vain. So let's go.


In the humble opinion of the author, as well as many experienced tankers, this is the least useful skill, which is easier to replace with an ordinary fire extinguisher. And to statements, they say, what will happen if you are set on fire a second time, you can answer that such a probability is extremely small. In general, Firefighting is a skill with frankly weak utility. Alternatively, you can take the “Clean and Tidy” skill, which reduces the likelihood of an engine fire.


This skill is being studied en masse, especially by beginners who believe that now their tank will be inconspicuous and they can play plenty of sniper mode. This is wrong. The fact is that not all tanks in the game are able to disguise themselves. Some do it better, some do it worse, and some are huge, possessing high profile Cars don't even know how to camouflage themselves. For example, a T-62 with camouflage upgraded to 100% can remain invisible when stationary up to almost 300 meters, while the same E-100 can hide under similar conditions only at a distance of a little more than 400 meters. As an alternative, it is better for the tank to acquire camouflage, as well as hide in the bushes more often. In general, camouflage is a more or less useful skill, but not for all tanks.


The most versatile skill in its usefulness. Repairs can and should be done. As an alternative or as an add-on, a tool box is great, as well as a large or small repair kit. Each tank must have a tanker trained in repair.

The Brotherhood of War.

Another universal, team skill that gives 5% to increase points of all skills for the entire crew. As an alternative, you can purchase ventilation, however, the effect of these two terms is summed up, so it is better to study the brotherhood of arms and install ventilation. If you add cola, chocolate or coffee to everything else, then skills can increase up to 120%. Not a bad skill, which is especially good for gunners.

Now let's move on to the personal skills of each of the crew members.


The mentor skill allows the commander to train his charges faster. It gives the greatest effect when studying at the very beginning of development. However, this skill only provides accelerated pumping of other skills, and, in fact, does not bring any benefit. In general, for the most impatient, this skill will do.

The skill is good. It allows you to see removed or damaged nodes in enemy vehicles on tanks, but Expert works only with 100% pumping, and also if enemy vehicles can be kept in sight for about 5 seconds, which is not always acceptable in random battles. Bottom line: this skill is more suitable for duels. It carries more informational assistance, which may not always be useful in combat, where you often shoot where you can, or even at random. A skill with debatable utility.

One of the most important skills in the game, if not the most important. The famous "bulb" is vital in every battle. A skill that signals the fact that your technique is illuminated. If the light comes on, it means the tank has been found. It is essential to study, and the sooner the better.

This skill allows the commander to replace a disabled crew member. Most often, instead of this skill, players prefer to purchase first-aid kits to treat the injured. Not the most useful option.

A fully upgraded Eagle Eye allows you to increase the maximum view of the tank by 2%. The use of this skill is the lot of experienced players. For beginners, this skill is unlikely to be useful, however, if you are fighting with Bat Chat, Patton or other vehicles with a good vision function, then you can and even need to take Eagle Eye. Bottom line: this skill will be useful if you know how and like to use disguise and know how to calculate the detection range. As an alternative, as well as additions, you can take radio interception, coated optics, a stereo tube or an additional ration with ventilation.

The sniper skill will increase the chance of dealing critical damage. Quite a rewarding profession. This will be especially evident after comparing the results of battles on vehicles, where the gunner is trained in sniper shooting, and where he is not trained. The difference will be noticeable. A tank with this skill will inflict much more crits, including useful ones such as a fire or an ammo explosion. Does not work with HEAT shells. A very worthy choice, practically obligatory for studying.

This skill allows you to see the disappearing enemy in the scope for two additional seconds. It works only if you personally spotted this enemy. In other words, gunners who have accelerated to download this skill should know that it will not be useful, because for artillery, the enemy is illuminated by other tanks, and not by the artillery itself. Bottom line: an almost useless skill that is better not to download.

Everything is clear here: in sniper mode, it will be easier to aim when turning the tower, if there is one. Do not download the skill if your tower does not rotate. An alternative is to install a stabilizer. However, the benefits add up. In short, this skill is one of the most useless. You can not study, you will lose a little.

Everything is said in the title. After 100% pumping, the gunner can predict with a high degree of probability what type of projectile will be needed in the future. The skill is interesting and even funny, but almost useless. Instead, study better repair or the same disguise.

A very important skill, since damaging the ammo rack immediately turns your tank into a pile of scrap metal, and learning this skill allows you to reduce the chance of an ammo explosion by 13%. Quite a useful specialty, although many prefer to study something else. Bottom line: be sure to learn if you plan to fight on tanks with traditionally poorly protected ammo racks.

Pretty original stuff. Its essence boils down to the fact that as soon as the equipment has less than 10% health, the loader starts to shoot faster by 10%. As an addition or alternative, a rammer is great. It is better to pump this skill on a tank with big amount health. Bottom line: a useful, albeit specific, skill for the loader.

Radio operator.

This skill increases the range of radio communication. Practically useless skill. In general, it is worth noting that the special skills of the radio operator are famous for the greatest uselessness among the rest of the team. It is better to teach a radio operator general rather than specialized skills.

Another useless skill that increases the communication distance with all allied vehicles. You can try to learn, but only if you play artillery.

This skill increases visibility. With a full 100% study, it adds +3% to the range. Conclusion: more or less useful, although not a vital skill. You can learn if you really want to.

A specific skill responsible for sending information about the location of enemies a few seconds after the destruction of equipment. A vengeful skill that makes sense to learn only on fireflies - reconnaissance tanks.

Driver mechanic.

This skill will be most useful for driving a tank with poor dynamics. When fully trained, grants a 5% increase in turning speed. Not the most useful skill, which can only prove useful when your combat tactics require frequent turns and similar maneuvers.

Due to this skill, the driver will be able to add a little more maneuverability to your tank on heavy surfaces such as swamps and other off-road conditions. An almost useless skill that few people learn.

This skill allows you to reduce the spread when firing on the move. Removed 4 modest percent of the diameter of the sight. It makes sense to study only on light or medium tanks. The slower the tank, the less sense in learning this skill. Not a very useful acquisition, which can be replaced with a smooth running stabilizer.

An excellent skill that allows you to increase up to 15% damage when performing a ramming technique. It is an excellent addition for heavy and fast technology. Armed with the ramming skill, ordinary medium or even light tanks can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy. Highly recommended for study.

This skill reduces the chance of fire by 25%. Not a bad skill, especially if you do not plan to use fire extinguishers. If there is always a fire extinguisher in stock, then there is no point in downloading Cleanliness and Order. In addition, it can be perfectly replaced by the same general skill of firefighting, although this is not at all the same thing. As an alternative or addition, the Cyclone filter is also suitable.

As we know, when mastering the main specialty up to 100%, our crew opens a menu of skills

As we know, when mastering the main specialty up to 100%, our crew opens a menu of skills and abilities (click on +), however, many inexperienced players do not quite understand what to choose and therefore, this article will help you in choosing the right skills and abilities, so Let's consider the most optimal assembly options for various kinds technology.

Let's start with general description what each skill and ability represents and its need for learning.

● Commander. The commander has some of the most useful sets of perks and skills to choose from.

1. The sixth sense, or in the common people “light bulb”.

Allows the commander to detect if our tank is illuminated, however, it is worth remembering that the light comes on after 3 seconds of enemy exposure to us. One of the most useful perks, we definitely download the commander first.

2. Jack of all trades.

This skill allows the commander to master the specialty of a disabled crew member. At 100% learning - 50% of the skill of a shell-shocked crew member. Useless perk, download at the very end.

3. Mentor

Gives additional experience to all crew members, except for the commander.
At 100% study, it gives 10% to experience. Also not a very useful skill, we leave it for the end.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Eagle eye

An extremely useful perk for big-eyed CTs and LTs to make their vision even better. At 100% study, it gives 2% to our review, + 20% with damaged observation devices. It also gives an additional effect in the presence of optics, a stereo tube and the ability to radio intercept.
Skill. Works as you learn.


Allows you to see when aiming a sight (even artillery) which modules are damaged by the enemy and see the shell-shocked crew. It is worth remembering that it starts working when holding the enemy in the scope for 4 seconds. A very ambiguous perk, for an amateur, definitely if you pump it, then at the end.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

● Gunner. A set of stupid perks, except for the smooth rotation of the tower.

1. Resentful

Allows us to additionally see the enemy for 2 seconds in a sector of 10 degrees. Not a very useful perk, only suitable for passive light to get your team to hit more enemies in extra time.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

2. Master gunsmith

Allows you to reduce the spread of a damaged weapon. At 100% research, it gives -20% to the dispersion of damaged weapons. Enhanced in the presence of a vertical stabilizer. Almost stupid perk, save for last.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3.Smooth turret rotation

Reduces dispersion when traversing the turret by 7.5%. Extremely useful for ST, LT and TT. With the vertical stabilizer installed, the effect is enhanced.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Sniper.

Increases the chance to deal damage to a crew or module by 3% at 100% research. Doesn't work for HE shells Useless perk
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

● Driver. A set of perks, as a rule, to improve the driving performance of the tank and improve shooting on the move. Extremely useful for LT and ST.

1. Virtuoso

Useful perk for tanks with slow turn rates. At 100% research, it gives +5% to the tank's turn speed. It is enhanced with additional lugs, Lend-Lease oil, 100 and 105 octane gasoline and a twisted speed controller.
Skill. Works as you learn.

2.King off-road

Reduces soil resistance during movement. A useful skill for ST and LT, as well as for tanks with very poor maneuverability. Enhances a little the dynamics of the tank as a whole. Enhanced with additional lugs. Gives us +10% to passability on soft ground and +2.5% on average ground at 100% study.

3. Ram master

A wonderful perk for tanks such as E50M, KV-4.5, etc., which allows you to reduce damage to your tank and increase damage to the enemy tank when ramming. With 100% study, it gives + 15% damage to the enemy tank by ramming and reduces damage to our tank by -15%
Skill. Works as you learn

4. Smooth running

This perk reduces spread when firing on the move. Enhanced in the presence of a vertical stabilizer. Good for all types of technology. At 100% research, it gives -4% movement spread.
Skill. Works as you learn

5. Cleanliness and order

Reduces the chance of engine fire (does not affect tanks!) by 25%. Useful for tanks with a high percentage of engine fire. (Probability of fire can be seen in a detailed examination of the engine in the hangar). Increased by the presence of an automatic fire extinguisher.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

● Radio operator. One of the most meager skills in terms of usefulness, it is extremely easy to make a choice.

1. From the last forces

Allows our radio operator, who was not disabled during the destruction of the tank, to report the location of enemy tanks for another 2 seconds. Useless perk.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

2. Inventor

Increases communication range. At 100% research, it gives +20% radio range. Extremely stupid perk. Into the furnace.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3. Radio interception

A useful perk that increases the view of our tank by 3% at 100% study. Enhanced by the “eagle eye” perk and in the presence of optics, a stereo tube. For sharp-sighted ST and LT, we highly recommend.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Repeater

Increases the communication range of allies within the radius. At 100% study, it gives +10% to the communication range of allies. Again, a very useless perk.
Skill. Works as you learn.

● Charging. The loader has the smallest set of perks, you don’t even have to choose much.

1. Non-contact ammo rack.

Increases ammo rack durability by 12.5%. A necessary skill for tanks with a weak ammo rack (for example, the Soviet ST T-44 and T-54). Enhanced by wet ammo pack
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

2. Intuition

Gives a 17% chance to instantly change a projectile (for example, from AP to HE) from the moment the projectile starts reloading. Useful for tanks where we often change the type of shells, such as E100, ob.261, etc.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

3. Desperate

Reduces gun reloading by 9.1% if our tank's durability is less than 10%. A controversial skill, for an amateur. Enhanced in the presence of a gun rammer.
Skill. Effective at 100% study.

P.s. All these perks do NOT stack with multiple crew members! (for example, desperate pumped for 2 loaders does not add up, so do not forget this and take more useful perks).

And now let's look at the skills and abilities available to all crew members. It is worth knowing that the effectiveness of these skills is taken into account from the average of the crew that owns this skill (for example, if you have repaired 2 out of 4 crew members, then the increase in repair speed will be 50% and not 100%).

1. Repair

Probably the most useful perk for any type of vehicle, with the exception of art. Increases the repair speed of damaged tank modules. Enhanced with a large repair kit or tool box. At 100% study, it gives +100% repair speed. First of all, pump for almost any technique.
Skill. Works as you learn.

2. Disguise.

Reduces the visibility of our tank. Enhanced by the presence of a camouflage net. An extremely useful perk for stealthy ATs, LTs, arts. At 100% study, it gives +100% to the stealth of the tank.
Skill. Works as you learn.

3. Fire fighting

Increases the speed of extinguishing a fire when ignited by 100% with 100% pumping for the entire crew. It will be necessary for fire hazardous tanks or if you are a fan of not carrying a fire extinguisher with you. We pump only on tanks burning like a Christmas tree, or last.
Skill. Works as you learn.

4. Combat Brotherhood

This perk is often confused by beginners. UP TO 100% STUDY OF ALL CREW MEMBERS IS REQUIRED FOR ITS WORK. Increases with improved ventilation, chocolate, tea pudding, extra rations, crate of cola, strong tea, improved diet, and onigiri (for each nation, respectively). When fully studied, it gives +5% to all to the main skill, additional skills and abilities.

Heavy tanks (TT)

Commander: Sixth sense, bb, repairs, eagle eye.
Gunner: Repair, bb, smooth traverse of the turret, camouflage.
Loader: Repair, bb, disguise, desperate.
Driver: Repair, bb, off-road king, ram master.

(bb-combat brotherhood, at the personal discretion of everyone).

Medium tanks (ST)

Commander: Sixth sense, bb, eagle eye, disguise
Gunner: repair, bb, camouflage, smooth turret traverse
Loader: repair, bb, disguise, desperate
Driver mechanic: repair, bb, off-road king, smooth ride or disguise
Radio operator: repair, bb, radio interception, camouflage.

(For the last perks, it's strictly up to you, depending on your technique).

Light tanks (LT)

Commander: Sixth sense, disguise, eagle eye, repair, bb.
Gunner: Camouflage, repairs, smooth turret rotation, bb.
Loader: Disguise, repair, desperate, bb.
Driver: Camouflage, repair, off-road king, bb.
Radio operator: Camouflage, repair, radio interception, bb.

(Combat brotherhood at the personal discretion of everyone).
(For the last perks, it's strictly up to you, depending on your technique).

tank destroyer

Commander: Sixth sense, disguise, bb, repairs.
Gunner: Camouflage, repairs, BB, firefighting.
Loader: Disguise, repair, bb, desperate.
Driver: Camouflage, repair, bb virtuoso.
Radio operator: Camouflage, repair, bb, radio interception.

(If the PT is huge, the first perk instead of masking is downloading repairs).
(For the last perks, it's strictly up to you, depending on your technique).


Commander: Sixth sense, bb, disguise, repairs.
Gunner: Camouflage, bb, vindictive, repair.
Loader: Camouflage, bb, intuition, repair.
Driver: Camouflage, bb, virtuoso, off-road king.
Radio operator: Camouflage, bb, repair, radio interception.

(For the last perks, it's strictly up to you, depending on your technique).

All skills and abilities go sequentially for leveling, however, you can change their places if you see fit, or they fit your specific technique, because. it is impossible to choose the same perks for all tanks. It is also worth remembering that each next skill requires 2 times more experience than the previous one, we treat this wisely.

Crew leveling in World of Tanks affects many parameters, such as the rotation of the tank and its turret, the speed of movement and repair of the combat vehicle, the range of vision and communication, and the speed of reloading. All technical indicators of the tank improve in parallel with the acquired skills and abilities of the crew members.

There are several ways to level up a crew in Worlds of Tanks:

Pumping for game gold

The most expensive, but very fast option for crew training up to 100%. The advantages of this method:

  • It takes a minimum of time to pump.
  • Easy learning process. The user enters the personal file of each crew member and selects training at the tank academy, which will cost 200 gold per character.

The method is suitable for those users who want to quickly upgrade their crew without taking part in numerous battles.

Leveling up for silver

Crew members are trained at the regimental school. No real investment required. For 20,000 in-game silver, each crew member will be upgraded from 50% to 75%.

Upgrading your account in battles

Education without investment. The process is labor intensive and time consuming. The crew will have to weak tank to fight a lot of stubborn battles until he is pumped up to the coveted 100%.

Premium account

With such an account, the player gets 1.5 times more important skills and experience for each battle. Crew leveling from 75% to 100% will be much faster than with previous methods.

We swing on elite equipment

After receiving the "Elite vehicle" status, the player marks a special checkbox (located above the crew list) and turns on accelerated leveling. All experience earned is transferred to crew training. Team members with the lowest skill level receive double experience per battle.

Leveling on premium vehicles

Premium vehicles are a great simulator for crew training. Pumping does not require funds and retraining, it takes place in an accelerated mode.

Crew training in wot - leveling process

  1. Log into the game. Select technique. Play until the development branch opens and it becomes possible to purchase another combat vehicle.
  2. Buy new equipment (without crew).
  3. Disembark the upgraded crew from the old vehicle to the barracks.
  4. Transfer the crew to new equipment. Retrain (free - 80% leveling, for silver - 90%).
  5. Learn models and subsequent techniques. Enable accelerated crew training mode.
  6. Buy a tank from the next branch. Transfer the crew to it.

Acting in this order, at level 10, the player receives a crew pumped to 100%. Plus, 2-3 additional skills will be added to this.

Important moments of crew leveling in Worlds of Tanks:

  • Each tanker has his own nationality and can only drive equipment of the corresponding country.
  • When a crew member is retrained for another tank, the knowledge and skills gained on the previous one are canceled.
  • To pump the crew, tanks from the fifth level are required.
  • When training team members, it is necessary to comply with general rules pumping.

Hello my dear tankers!

Today I will talk about the most valuable thing in Worldoftanks, namely about carriages your war machines.

Why is the crew the most valuable thing in the game? Very simple. If your account is hijacked and the attacker sells all the tanks and spends all the money, the community department can reimburse the cost of your equipment, but no one will return the crews, they will all be entry-level. Taking into account the fact that the maximum level of crew development can be achieved as a result of at least 10,000 battles on one tank, the loss of a well-pumped crew can be considered irreparable.

IN "antediluvian" at times, the crews did not have any additional skills, but the basic skills upon purchase could, as now, be obtained in three ways:

  • 50% (the crew gets free when buying a tank, but has significant drawbacks to accuracy, maneuverability, and so on);
  • 75% (the crew can be purchased for 20,000 silver - each tanker, there are disadvantages, but they are already less than with 50% of the crew);
  • 100% (the crew is purchased only for gold, has no minuses and fines).

This does not mean that the 50% crew did not become 100%. He did, but only after a certain number of battles in which he earned experience along with his tank.

A general view of the personal file of a tanker with perks researched and not fully researched.

The level of development of the crew from 0 to 100% is possibilities crew, which allows the tank to fight better. Acceleration dynamics, aiming speed, reloading and many other parameters directly depend on the crew level. At the same time, armor, damage, theoretical maximum speed and other hard-coded parameters do not depend on pumping.

Pumping will not add armor to BatChat, but it will become faster and turn faster, and this is critical for him.


Now, after reaching 100% of the main specialty, tankers can receive additional skills and abilities , which seriously improve the combat characteristics of the tank and add some special abilities, in fact, bordering on "combat magic".

The first skills (or "perks") that Wargaming introduced into game World of Tanks were:

  • Repair(with the development of this perk, the tank that received damage repaired the damaged module faster).
  • Firefighting(with the development of this perk, the probability of a fire decreased and the speed of extinguishing it increased).
  • Disguise(this perk increased the camouflage of vehicles and worked even on the move, unlike the module "camouflage net").

There are now 8-9 perks for each crew member, and if someone combines two or more positions (like the commander of this T2, who is also responsible for the gunner), the number of perks can reach 16 pieces.

To date, a large number of skills And skills - both general (for all crew members) and individual, which are available only to tankers of certain specialties.

ATTENTION: Skills start acting straightaway, A skills- only upon reaching 100% development in this skill.

General perks

So, let's look at the general perks first.

It is already known to us "Repair", "Firefighting", "Disguise", and "The Brotherhood of War".

  • if this skill is developed by all tankers by 100%, then tankers get the maximum bonus to repair, firefighting and camouflage time.

"Repair"+100% repair time.

"Firefighting"+80% fire extinguishing speed.

"Disguise"+100% to the original indicator "camouflage".

  • If this skill is not pumped for everyone and / or not up to 100%, then the arithmetic mean value is taken.

For example, by 40% for all tankers, then the bonus is still valid, but its usefulness is reduced by 60% of the maximum, respectively. This algorithm also works if, for example, you have two tankers in your crew who have 100% skill, and two do not have it at all - in this case, the “average temperature in the hospital” is taken and the total perk bonus will be 50%. When three tankers have learned 100%, and there is only one ignoramus per crew, it turns out (100+100+100+0)/4=75% from the maximum bonus.

To speed up the pumping, I would like to take the Mentor commander, but then you won’t have to wait for the second perk to get the maximum disguise.

"The Brotherhood of War" is a very specific skill. It gives a 5% bonus to all professional crew abilities - turning speed, reload speed, and so on (the action is similar to the module "Ventilation"), but starts working only when ALL crew members reach 100% pumping. And since many tankers have much more important skills and abilities, and reaching 100% of each next perk requires much more experience, "combat brotherhood" has a very limited use - usually for artillery.

Personal perks

Now, let's look at the individual skills of each crew member.

  1. Commander.

The commander is the central member of the crew, his brain. The game has a so-called command bonus »: every 10 percent of the development of the commander (from 0 to 100%) gives an increase in the crew of 1%. That is, if your commander has 50% development, then the crew gets + 5% to their capabilities, and if 100%, then + 10% to their capabilities.

However, in addition to such a bonus, the commander has a set, perhaps, the most useful skills.

"Sixth Sense" skill, which allows you to determine whether the enemy has “lit up” you. Starts working 3 seconds after light - a light comes on at the top of the screen. This skill is incredibly useful, as it allows you not to take "excessive" damage from enemy tanks, artillery or tank destroyers. If the “light bulb came on”, you must urgently seek cover or change your position so as not to get a splash. Starts working at 100% learning. Important on all tanks.

The work of the "Sixth Sense" perk.

"Mentor" - skill, gives a bonus in the form of additional experience when pumping the crew. For every 10% of the developed skill, all tankers (except the commander) are given + 1% of the experience earned in battle. At 100% pumping, it gives 10% of experience in battle for one tanker. A very useful skill if you are "rocking" the crew for a top tank. Important on all tanks, but keep in mind that it is useless in combat. Here, see for yourself what is more important to you - accelerated pumping or increased efficiency.

"Eagle Eye" - skill, gives a bonus to the maximum view of the tank. Upon reaching 100% of the skill, the bonus is 2% with working optical devices and 20% with broken ones. Bonus stacks with radio operator skill "Radio Intercept" and bonuses from modules "Stereoscopic telescope" or "Enlightened Optics". The perk is useful on all tanks (especially on light ones), but is not a priority. Its effect is too modest.

"Expert" is a skill allows the commander to "see" critical damage enemy equipment, which is currently targeted. Unfortunately, it works with a time delay (2-3 seconds after aiming at an enemy tank). An interesting perk, but again not a priority, because if you are in a clinch with an enemy tank, it will be more important for you to remember the zones of penetration of this vehicle in the forehead than to know that the enemy’s radio operator died (this is useless) or the turret jammed (this is so visible). By the way, self-propelled guns can use this skill only if they themselves "see" the enemy in close combat, and not through an artillery sight in someone else's light.

"Jack of all trades" - skill, allows you to replace a failed tanker by 50% (if skill = 100%). That is, when the gunner is wounded, the commander stands in his place and fires from the cannon himself, thereby reducing the dispersion of the circle of information by half, when the radio operator is wounded, he himself begins to twist the transmitter knobs, and so on. This is not the most necessary skill if you have killed a tanker, that is, a first aid kit. If your tanker was killed for the second time, then you are doing something wrong and you don’t have long to live. Partly useful on French tanks, there are small crews and every specialist is worth gold.

  1. Gunner.

The gunner is responsible for the accuracy of firing from the gun. Accordingly, all his skills are focused on improving this particular parameter. ATTENTION! There can be two gunners in the game, so it makes no sense to upgrade the same skill / skill for both gunners, since only one of them will work according to the mechanics of the game. Namely, the one whose pumping of this skill is higher.

"Sniper" - Skill, which adds 3% to the chance of inflicting critical damage on armor-piercing, HEAT and sub-caliber shells (on reaching 100% of the perk). A useful skill, since landing a crit, killing a crew member, or setting fire to an enemy tank is much better than just dealing a few damage. Not very useful on most self-propelled guns, since they mainly fire high-explosive fragmentation shells.

Turret Swing - Skill, which reduces the circle of information when aiming at a target. Maximum - 7.5% less than usual (at 100% skill). The effect stacks with the vertical stabilizer module. A rather useful skill, as it reduces the aiming time by a fraction of a second and allows you to make an aimed shot faster. It even works on self-propelled guns, since turning the gun in a fixed wheelhouse is equivalent to turning the turret.

"Master Gunsmith" - skill, which allows you to shoot from a damaged gun with a smaller spread. Upon reaching 100%, it gives -20% to gun spread. Not the most important skill, because if your cannon is knocked out, it can be repaired with a consumable. If your gun was knocked out for the second time, you are obviously doing something wrong. The exception is American TTs, who like to tank with their impenetrable masks, because of which they often get barrel crits.

"Resentful" Skill, which allows the tank to "see" the enemy for two additional seconds. The downside is that it only works if you yourself see an enemy tank, and also only in a sector of 10 degrees from where the sight is directed. Useful for light tanks working as a "stationary light".

For a CT, a full set of spread-reducing skills is never a bad choice.

  1. Driver mechanic.

The mechanic driver in the tank is responsible for the maneuverability and controllability of the tank. We can say that his perks are the second most useful in the game after the commander ones, since movement is life in a tank battle.

"Virtuoso" - skill, which allows you to quickly deploy a tank in battle. Adds a maximum of 5% turn rate (at 100% research). The effect of the perk stacks with the Additional Grousers equipment, the Lend-Lease Oil equipment, the Twisted Engine Speed ​​Controller and 100-,105-Octane Gasoline equipment. Quite a useful perk, as quickly substituting strong frontal armor for an enemy guaranteed shot can be priceless. Important for TT, ST, PT.

"King of the Road" - skill, which allows you not to lose speed so much on bad soils (and there are many of them in the game). Maximum +10% speed for soft and +2.5% for medium ground (at 100% study). The effect of the perk is summed up with the equipment "additional lugs". It is important for LT and ST, for whom it is important to shine the enemy on the move for a long time, to quickly take the dominant height or the necessary point on the map.

"Smooth Move" - ​​Skill, which reduces the dispersion in shooting on the move. The maximum value is -4% to the dispersion of the circle of information when firing on the move (at 100% study). The effect stacks with the vertical stabilizer module. Important for ST and LT, which often shoot on the move.

Ram Master - Skill, which reduces the damage of your own and increases the damage of another tank when ramming. The maximum value is +15% to enemy damage and -15% to own damage (at 100% study). Important for LTs and STs who often need to catch their siblings that break through to your artillery. In a mirror image, the same skill is also useful for artillery, which is often rammed.

"Cleanliness and Order" - Skill, which reduces the chance of a fire when an enemy projectile hits the engine compartment. The maximum value is -25% to the probability of a fire. The effect stacks with the "automatic fire extinguisher" consumable. Most important for German tanks, in which the flammable transmission is often located at the front of the tank.

German LT and ST are recognized ram kings. Therefore, for them, pumping the "Master of the Ram" is always useful.

  1. Radio operator.

Responsible for radio communication and improves the visibility and radio communication parameters of his own and allied tanks.

ATTENTION! There can be two radio operators in the game (for example, in pzB2), respectively, it makes no sense to pump the same skill / skill on both radio operators, since according to the mechanics of the game, only one of them will work, with the largest bonus.

"Radio Interception" - skill, increasing the view range of your tank. Maximum +3% to vision (at 100% study). The effect of the perk is cumulative with the Commander's Eagle Eye skill, the Coated Optics equipment, and the Stereo Tube. Very important for ST and LT. Fri and TT - in the second. For self-propelled guns, it is practically useless.

"Relay" - skill, which increases the radio range of allied tanks. Maximum 10% to radio range (at 100% learning). In fact, the necessary skill is only for self-propelled guns, and even then not always. When more important skills are learned, you can upgrade the "Relay" to the LT, so as not to be left without support in long-range raids behind enemy lines.

"Inventor" - skill, which increases the communication range of your tank's radio. The maximum increase is 20% to the communication range (at 100% study). It seems to be a useful skill, but by the time you reach high levels, you will be guaranteed to have powerful radio stations that cover the entire map. The meaning of this perk is only on self-propelled guns, which may not “reach out” to enemy self-propelled guns when their LT is illuminated (for example, on the Redshire map from corner to corner of the map). Well, for the LTs themselves with weak walkie-talkies (for example, on the ELC AMX with a walkie-talkie it’s quite a disaster, although it drives no worse than the T-50-2).

"From the last strength" - skill, which allows the radio operator (if he was alive at the time of the destruction of the tank) for 2 additional seconds to transmit data on the enemy's light. Useful only for LT (mostly), and even then after "Radio Intercept" and "Inventor" (if the radio is weak).

If they fail, then for a couple of seconds I will transmit the coordinates of the enemies from the last forces. But it's better, of course, not to be noticed. Therefore, the disguise is pumped in much earlier.

  1. Charging.

Responsible for the reload time of projectiles.

ATTENTION! There can be two loaders in the game (mainly on American tanks, top Germans and Soviets), so it makes no sense to pump the same skill on both loaders, since according to the game mechanics, one of them will work, with the largest bonus.

"Non-contact ammo rack" - a skill, reducing the likelihood of an ammo rack being detonated when an enemy projectile hits it. The maximum value is +12.5% ​​ammo rack durability. The effect of the perk stacks with the Wet Ammo Pack equipment. Quite a useful skill, as it often allows you to save on the installation of "Wet ammo rack" in tanks, where it is critical ( T-44, IS-3, Type 59 and other explosive models)

Intuition is a skill which gives the possibility of instantly loading a projectile of a different type when changing. The maximum probability is 17%. This skill SUMMATES with the skill of the second loader. In fact, if you often shoot different types shells, it makes sense to pump this skill. If you switch to high explosives/sabots only once or twice per battle, then there will not be much sense.

"Desperate" - skill, which gives you faster loading of your gun if you have less than 10% of the tank's HP left. Reduces reload time by 9.1%. Oddly enough, a useful skill for heavy tanks, which helps at the decisive moment in 1v1 duels. It will also come in handy for self-propelled guns - often when shooting blindly at enemy self-propelled guns, you are covered, leaving less than 10% of hit points. Some wise men, however, asked the squad “fireflies” to bring their health down to 10%, but this is stupid, since the very first splash from the tracer hunter will simply kill the “cunning one”.

The Desperate perk doesn't work.

The Desperate perk works - the difference in cooldown time is as much as 3 seconds.

Examples of perk sets for different crews

Naturally, you won't be able to select all perks at once. Naturally, all people have own style games. And, of course, each type of tank has its own set of perks.

I will show my options for different classes of cars, but you can trust my experience, or modify these sets at your discretion.

  1. Light tanks.

For LT at high levels, there are 4 most important indicators - camouflage, visibility, maneuverability and speed.

Commander- sixth sense, training, eagle eye, disguise, repair - further on the residual principle.

gunner- disguise, vindictive, repair.

Driver mechanic- off-road king, master of ramming, disguise.

radio operator- radio interception, camouflage, with the last effort, repair.

Charging- disguise, repair, desperate, wet.

What does this give us?

At the first level of perks, we have the ability to shine from the bushes - + 40% to camouflage (2 tankers), to know that we are detected - "Sixth Sense", not to lose speed over rough terrain and thanks to the radio operator to see further.

At the second level of perks, we are already laying down for further training, we turn on the “Resentful” skill, since we often have to rush to the enemy base. You can intercept enemy fireflies with a ram, we improve our disguise.

At the third level of perks, we increase visibility, camouflage and add repair, as the most useful skill of the remaining ones.

General view of the upgraded crew for a light tank.

In total, at the third level of perks, the firefly receives bonuses:

Vision: +2% (Eagle Eye), +3% (Radio Interception) + 10%/25% (bonus from equipment "Optics" or "Stereo Tube") + bonuses from ventilation and commander skill.

Camouflage: + 80% (skills for 4 tankers), + 5% from camouflage on the tank, + 25% (bonus from camouflage net).

In this form, we get a very inconspicuous and far-seeing firefly.

  1. Medium tanks.

There can be VERY many options for the development of medium tanks, since the style of play for each of them is specific.

For example, the German MT is very useful "Master of Ram", as they have an impressive combination of "mass + speed".

For American CTs and British CTs, it is more important to increase vision, accuracy and give additional bonuses to maneuverability and vision.

Soviet and Chinese CTs are required to increase visibility, camouflage (which is already one of the best in the game) and shooting accuracy.

For French STs, speed, maneuverability, repairs and insurance of the crew with each other are more important, since they have weak armor and suffer greatly from high-explosive damage.

Chinese ST is already very invisible. Why not increase this characteristic to achieve perfection?

  1. Heavy tanks.

For all bands, the speed of repair and the ability to maneuver are important in order to expose the thickest part of the armor to the blows of enemy guns.

It makes sense for German TTs to pump fire extinguishing, although it’s better not to skimp on automatic fire extinguishers, and spend the perks on something more interesting. However, be sure to download "Cleanliness and Order" among the first skills of the driver.

TT caterpillars are a full-fledged and perhaps the most important part of the armor. It is the caterpillars that are exposed to attack when leaving the corner. But at the same time, it is extremely unpleasant to remain motionless. After all, they will come in from the side and push into the sides ...

The most important stats for them are camouflage, vision, repairs, and virtuosity so that you can turn the car around faster if the enemy is clinching towards your AT.

Oddly enough, not all TDs need camouflage, some feel better in the forefront of assault forces. For the hard-nosed French, this is already a personal choice of the player, they are good in any role.

  1. ACS.

Perhaps the only class of vehicles on which you can first upgrade the "Combat Brotherhood", since the first or second perks for self-propelled guns are not particularly critical.

General view of the upgraded crew for self-propelled guns.

Standard set:

1 perk: "Sixth Sense" for the commander, the rest - "Disguise".

2 perk: "Combat Brotherhood".

3 perks: "Training", "Smooth turn of the tower", "Virtuoso", "Desperate", "Relay".

“Combat Brotherhood” seems to have been specially created for art self-propelled guns. Other classes always have much more important perks, but here you can start with the “brotherhood”, which, in combination with a fan, gives noticeable bonuses.

Some tricks when working with perks

Crew leveling is a long process. Let's say 50% of the tankers don't even have time to level up at the first four levels. And already at level 6 it is quite possible to earn the first perk.


  • First of all, be patient. Crew leveling is a VERY long business.
  • See what crews will be on the tanks that go further along the upgrade branch (some specialties very often turn out to be unnecessary on top tanks) - and in your hangar you will find a trained tanker that can be used on other vehicles.
  • When the skill becomes available, you will have a “+” icon in the tanker’s personal file. Don't rush to use it. Much easier, wait a bit (40,000 experience) and retrain the tanker to the next researched tank for silver with a small penalty - this way you will get a tanker with 100% pumping and a small amount of experience on the perk.
  • Resetting crew skills for silver/gold also turns all perks into "+" and makes it possible to retrain to new tank using silver with a small penalty.

The personal file of a tanker with an unexplored perk, so that later he can be retrained for the next tank without a penalty.

Crew with unexplored perks for further retraining.


Remember that the most important thing in World of Tanks is tankers. Take care of them! Good luck on the battlefields!

World of Tanks is a very popular, exciting, massive online game, but it is based on the same principle that is laid down in any gameplay. We are talking about the initial free opportunity to accumulate points, items and everything else, which disappears at a certain stage. Everything is slowing down, and an investment of real funds is required for fast pumping.

Do you want to immediately sit down for the "top" tank? There is no such possibility directly, but there are ways to speed up the movement towards the cherished goal - to upgrade the tank and crew in World of Tanks.

Paid and fast pumping of a tank in World of Tanks

All fans of WOT strive to quickly get to the coveted 10th level of tanks. The task is not easy, and not everyone succeeds in devoting a lot of time to the game. What to do? From the start, a basic account is available, which does not give privileges. A premium account is purchased for real money. At the same time, experience and credits per battle are immediately doubled.

A subscription to a premium account is issued for a month, six months, a year. It is possible to purchase it for a week or 3 days - for testing. A month of premium costs 250, and a year costs 2500 gold. You can profitably purchase it during holidays and periods of promotions. If the game is interesting, why not become the owner of a premium account and a premium tank? He will help pull on the fight more money, saves a lot of time. Example.

Buy a T-34 tank. It provides fast pumping due to good performance characteristics, a lethal gun that does not require charging with "gold" (penetrating) shells due to its own penetrative power. The faster the enemy dies in battle, the faster the pumping will go. A tank is purchased for gold. Gradually, the accumulated experience on this tank is replaced, again, for gold with free experience. Further investments are combined.

So you can explore any tank. Use all the paid features of the game for pumping. In addition to a premium account and a premium tank, take a large amount of gold.

Before the battle, do not skimp on the purchase of excess equipment and consumables. They will save your life. If the selected tank has a weak penetrating ability, it is worth spending money on "gold" shells.

Free and combined pumping

Experienced gamers who have been in the subject for a long time, with practice, begin to understand that it is possible to bypass the paid method. The profit at the same time depends on the skills of the game: the more professional the gamer is, the more silver he gets, the faster the pumping goes.

Requires as many as possible in one battle:

Illuminate the enemy;

- "kill" his tanks;

Deal maximum damage;

Capture bases and much more.

This option of pumping over time depends on a number of parameters and has many nuances. Its basis is “smooth hands”. The first step to success is knowing how to play well. Nothing will slow down the process of free pumping like a “crooked” played game.

Free is a long way. Few people choose it today, but there is a combined, moderate leveling option. This method is somewhat cheaper, but slower than the paid one. You buy a premium account - you can't get away from it, only the premium tank is canceled. To replace him, a cheap car of level 5-6 is taken.

Decide how and for whom to play. It is impossible to waste here on trifles. For starters, it's better to buy a full hangar of cheap tanks and pump them up to level 4-6. You should stay at this level until you reach the required amount and experience.

Tier 4-6 tanks are a good replacement for a premium vehicle. They provide a higher silver farm compared to other machines. The tank is pumped to the fullest. The more pumped "buns", the more obedient and faster the behavior of the car in battle. Light tanks are first upgraded with a radio station and engines, heavy tanks are upgraded with guns.

Feel more comfortable in the game? Start storming the next levels. It is recommended to study well all the characteristics of the tank. In combat, this is strategically important. A skilled player will never expose the weak sides of a tank to open fire.

You should decide in advance on the goal. It is worth downloading branches one at a time: without being distracted by other branches and nations.

Crew upgrade

When buying a tank, there are three options for providing it with a crew:

Free, only half trained;

Hired (20 thousand credits for each member), two-thirds trained in the profession;

Fully trained (200 gold per member).

The characteristics of the tank directly depend on the skill of the crew, so the choice is up to the player. A well-pumped crew is:

Increased tank movement speed and power;

Increased maneuverability, rotation of the tank itself and its turret;

Reducing the time to recharge;

Increased communication range;

Review improvement.

One upgraded crew transfers to other tanks without any problems, so there is no need to buy it for each next vehicle. By level 10, any crew member will already be pumped with a certain skill or ability (for experienced gamers - more than one), as well as general skills (camouflage, car repair, fire fighting, and so on).

When selling a tank, it is important not to forget to send a team to the barracks in order to then put it on a new tank. By following the rules, you can significantly increase the growth of experience and credits, both in paid and free ways of pumping, and speed up the process.