Potassium for strawberries during flowering. Feeding strawberries during flowering

A good harvest of strawberries is harvested thanks to the correct and timely feeding. The quality and quantity of sweet berries depend on the choice of fertilizer, its dosage. For this, plants are fertilized after planting, during the appearance of flowers, during the formation of ovaries and fruits. Extra nutrition helps strawberries recover from winter frosts and begin to bloom.

Even the most fertile soil is depleted after a couple of years, because of this, the harvest drops, the berries become smaller, not so juicy and sweet. Strawberry culture can grow in one place for several years. The acidity of the soil should not be higher than pH 5.5 - 6.

After the snow melts, when the earth dries out, they begin to prepare the beds. The protective layer of leaves is removed, the ground is loosened around the bushes. Old roots and all grass are removed. Dry, rotten leaves are also removed from plants. Check the neck of the strawberry, if the growing point is below the ground, then this can provoke rotting of the rhizome.

The first input of top dressing allows the strawberries to wake up and form new buds. Fertilizers are administered in proportion, excess nutrients cause the growth of shoots and foliage. Berries may appear later than the deadline, or not at all.

For the growth of strawberries in the spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen. Its application stimulates the development of the aerial parts of plants. In mid-April, until the leaves have blossomed, supplements are added:

  • for 9-10 liters of water 400 g of mullein, a spoonful of ammonium sulfate;
  • stir;
  • let stand for 3 hours;
  • pour 1 liter of the mixture under one plant.

Dilute a spoonful of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water. Water 1 bush with 0.5 l of solution.

If strawberry seedlings are planted for the first year, then the following fertilizers are used:

  • a bucket of humus is mixed with 20 g of potassium,
  • add 25 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate;
  • everything is mixed, pour 50 liters of water;
  • leave for 24 hours
  • pour 1 liter of the mixture into each hole before planting.

In the spring, urea should not be used, at this time the plants do not absorb it well.

Bushes are fed with a solution of nettle:

  1. The grass is crushed, poured with water (1:5), the dishes are covered with a lid and left for 3 days.
  2. The tincture is filtered, diluted with liquid (0.5 l per 9 l of water). Nettle contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, which is easily absorbed.
  3. 0.5 l of solution is poured under one plant.

mineral nutrition

Mineral highly mobile additives include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Low-mobility fertilizers include iron, copper, and boron. Basic additives for strawberries:

  • ammophoska;
  • liquid ammonium nitrate (per 15 ml square);
  • nitroammophoska;
  • complex fertilizers.

Without these additives, a decent harvest of berries will not work. Without nitrogen, the fruits will be small, not sweet. The lack of potassium will affect the juiciness of the berries, the bushes will begin to fade. Do not use these fertilizers 2 weeks before harvest.

Top dressing during budding and flowering

During the flowering period, strawberries need phosphorus and potassium. Use root and foliar top dressing for strawberries. It takes less time and effort to add additives under the root than to spraying each bush.

Root top dressing

Watering under the root allows you to deliver nutrients exactly to the address. Compositions used:

  1. A glass of ash per liter of hot water, stir, leave to cool, filter, pour 0.5 liters under a bush.
  2. Thoroughly stir a spoonful of urea in 9 liters of water. Water 400 ml of solution under one plant.
  3. Manure 2 cups diluted in 10 liters of liquid, mixed, allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Pour 0.5 l of fertilizer under the root.

foliar nutrition

Leaves are processed from the bottom of the leaf plate, it is she who is responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

Feed options:

  1. In 2 liters of water, dissolve 4 g of potassium sulfate (can be replaced with potassium permanganate), 2 g of boric acid.
  2. Zinc sulfate 2 g per 900 ml of water.
  3. After 3-4 days, the leaves are treated with a boron solution: 2 g per 2 liters of water.
  4. A teaspoon of potassium nitrate is diluted in 5 liters of water.
  5. Wood ash is scattered near the bushes on the surface of the earth, after loosening the soil. For 1 sq. m. a glass of substance.

Nutrition during the fruiting period

When the first fruits appear, when they are still green in color, strawberries are fertilized with organic matter - manure, urea or ash.

Recipe #1:

  • apply a solution of mullein 1:10, chicken manure 1:15;
  • insist means 3-4 days;
  • watered under the root of 1 liter per plant.

Recipe #2:

  • dilute 4 kg of compost in a bucket of water;
  • leave to ferment for 3 days;
  • pour 1 liter of liquid onto the bush.

Recipe #3:

  • a glass of ash is diluted in 1 liter of water;
  • a day later, a bucket of water is poured;
  • stir;
  • per 1 sq. m area requires 1 liter of solution.

Boric acid take a pinch per 9 liters of liquid, mix, spray the plants. Strawberries do not respond well to peat top dressing, so it is better not to use peat for berries.

Without organic additives, the berries are deformed. The bushes are watered and fertilized only under the root, if moisture gets on the fruits, this will affect the taste of the berries and cause gray rot.

Folk remedies

The yeast solution accelerates the formation of flowers, the bushes grow more actively. Use only fresh solution. Recipe:

  • 1 kg of fresh yeast is placed in a five-liter bucket with heated water;
  • stir;
  • leave for 4 hours in a warm room;
  • every hour the solution is stirred;
  • pour 0.6 l of yeast agent under each bush.

Dry yeast is also used: two tbsp. spoons of sugar, 10 g of powder per glass of water. Then poured into a ten-liter bucket of water and left for 4 days.

Serum contains the components necessary for strawberries: calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, amino acids. Dairy products are suitable for alkaline soil. Serum or kefir is diluted with water (1: 2), strawberry bushes are sprayed with a solution.

Bread tincture:

  • sliced ​​wheat or rye bread (300 g);
  • soaked in water 700 ml;
  • leave for 5-7 days;
  • filter;
  • diluted with water 1:10;
  • watered with a solution under the root of 0.5 l.

Watering strawberries

In strawberry culture, the roots are located close to the surface of the earth, they are not able to extract moisture from the depths of the soil. Loose soil passes water well, 12 liters of water is enough per square meter. For clay soil, watering is increased by 3 liters per square plot. Flowering bushes are watered in the morning, room temperature water is used, settled.

If it is hot for a long time, then watering is increased by 2-3 times, up to 3 times a week. When fruits appear, 2 buckets of liquid per square meter are consumed. The formation of fruits takes a lot of nutrients that come with moisture. It is better to water in the evening, to a depth of at least 20 cm.

It is desirable to cover plants with a film from direct rays and from rains. Drip irrigation is being used more and more. You can irrigate with a watering can, trying not to direct water to the flowers.

If the rhizome is exposed during watering, it is covered with earth.

Pollination of strawberries

Small deformed fruits indicate insufficient pollination during the flowering period. Heat, frequent rains, lack or shortage of insects, cold and low temperatures are the reasons that affect the quality of pollination.

Pollination methods:

  1. Pollinate flowers by hand - spend a soft brush on the flowers in the morning.
  2. To attract bees, the bushes are sprinkled with honey solution: dilute a spoonful of honey in 1 liter of water.
  3. Planted different varieties of strawberries, plants will exchange pollen. With cross-pollination, the characteristics of the variety are lost.

mustache trimming

Strawberry tendrils help the plant reproduce, while retaining all the maternal properties of strawberries. Mustaches on the bushes appear after flowering. Bare varieties of berries have also been bred.


You can’t cut off the mustache, you can damage the bush, use scissors or pruners.

Whiskers grow during the period of fruit formation, which means that the plant expends energy on whisker growth. If you remove them immediately after flowering, you can significantly improve the quality of the fruit. Also, the mustache is cut in the first half of September after harvesting on a dry day. The shoot should not be cut at the outlet itself, but put it 5-7 cm long.

Before harvesting, straw or non-woven fabric is laid under the berries. So the fruits will always be clean and will not overheat.

The question of how to feed strawberries during flowering is relevant for many gardeners, because it is during this period that the most active growth of the crop takes place. The quality and quantity of the future crop depends on whether the plant receives the proper amount of substances necessary for development!

Why do you need top dressing during flowering?

Some gardeners believe that it is necessary to feed strawberry or strawberry bushes only at the end of autumn and immediately before flowering begins. In fact, this opinion is wrong! The plant needs fertilizer throughout its life cycle.

This is primarily due to the fact that strawberries are a perennial crop and over time, it draws useful substances from the soil necessary for the further development of bushes. If top dressing is not applied in time, then the harvest will be small, and the berries will not please with their taste.

Timely applied top dressing for strawberries during flowering guarantees a quick recovery of the bushes after hibernation. In addition, it contributes to the formation of more ovaries and peduncles. Some types of top dressing not only contribute to the growth and development of the plant, but also help it fight pathogenic bacteria.

Top dressing technology

Most gardeners know that in the first year after planting, the bushes do not need to be fed. They lack the mineral and nutrients contained in the soil.

However, after a couple of years, the soil is depleted, the plant feels a lack of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Fertilization becomes a necessary factor ensuring the formation of new ovaries and leaves.

Spring feeding of strawberry bushes can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. When the first leaves appear
  2. During active flowering
  3. When forming ovaries

How to properly feed strawberries during flowering?

Strawberry flowering starts from the end of April and lasts until the beginning of May. At this time, the bushes require special attention and care. It is necessary not only to make various top dressings, but also to regularly weed the crop, loosen the ground, cut off dried leaves and mustaches.

Root dressing is applied directly under the bushes themselves. However, it should not fall on the foliage.

Foliar mixtures, on the contrary, are sprayed over the leaves of plants. Such types of top dressing are absorbed faster and contribute to intensive growth.

Types of strawberry dressings

Depending on the method of applying top dressing, there are:

  • root

Nutrient solutions are applied directly to the soil. The plant receives nutrients through the root system.

  • Foliar

In this case, strawberry bushes are sprayed with various nutrient formulations. Nutrients are absorbed through the leaves.

Did you know that the lower part of the leaves absorbs fertilizer better than the top? Be sure to consider this fact while spraying, and then the strawberries will delight you with incredibly tasty, juicy and sweet berries!

In addition, all types of fertilizers are also divided into:

  • Chemical;
  • natural;

Root top dressing during flowering

Root top dressing is, in fact, watering. The only difference is that during such feeding, the plant receives not only the necessary moisture, but also various useful substances.

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To feed flowering strawberries, you can use:

  1. Infusion of bird droppings
  2. wood ash
  3. "Ovary"
  4. potassium nitrate
  5. Yeast

When strawberry bushes begin to bloom, fertilization is carried out carefully. It is important that during root feeding, fertilizers do not fall on the leaves of plants!

Foliar treatment during flowering

In order for foliar treatment to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to spray the lower part of the leaves. For processing, you can use drugs such as:

  • "Ruby"
  • "Hera"
  • "Agros"

On the packaging of each of these products there is an instruction for use. It, as well as the dosage norms attached to it, must be strictly observed.

In addition to ready-made chemicals for spraying strawberries, you can also use:

  • potassium nitrate
    5 liters of water will require 1 tsp. saltpeter.
  • Potassium sulfate, potassium permanganate and boric acid
    For a liter of water, you need 1 g of acid and 2 g of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate.

Folk remedies for feeding

When the strawberry feeding period begins, many gardeners face a difficult choice: give preference to chemical preparations or prepare fertilizers according to folk recipes. Using chemistry is much easier, but not when we feed the plant during flowering. Strawberry bushes, like many other crops, accumulate chemicals in themselves, their overabundance can lead to negative consequences.

Organics, unlike chemicals, are absolutely harmless to the human body. Fertilizer prepared independently from natural materials will not cost a penny.

Ash top dressing

Ash is often used to fertilize strawberries after flowering, before flowering and during fruiting. A concentrate is prepared from it, which is then infused and diluted with water.

Per liter of boiling water requires 1 tbsp. ash. The composition is infused for a day and diluted with 9 liters of water.
After dilution, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured under the roots of strawberry bushes. There is about a liter of solution per 1 m².

Iodine top dressing

Blooming strawberries require not only additional nourishment, but also protection from various kinds of diseases. With the help of ordinary iodine, you can increase the immunity of the plant and protect it from bacteria.

To create iodine top dressing in 10 liters of water, you need to dissolve 10 drops of iodine. The resulting composition must be watered with pre-moistened soil near the strawberries.

Boric acid

Each top dressing has its own timing of application. Some formulations stimulate plant growth, others accelerate fruiting.

Boric acid contributes to the strength of the ovaries, as well as an increase in their number. Top dressing based on it is used at the very beginning of flowering during the budding period.

For 2 g of boric acid, there are 10 liters of water. Additionally, to enhance the effect, experienced gardeners add 2 g of potassium permanganate and 1 tbsp. ash.

bird droppings

Bird droppings are often used to create dressings. If we are talking about fresh chicken manure, it is simply dissolved in settled water.

Approximately 500 ml of chicken manure is required for 12 liters of water. Before using such a fertilizer, it must be insisted. This process usually takes 1 to 3 days.

When the composition is infused, it can be used to water strawberry bushes. Before you make such top dressing, be sure to water the strawberries.

If granular chicken manure is used to create top dressing, the cooking method changes slightly:

  1. First, a large bunch of freshly picked nettles is lowered into a ten-liter bucket.
  2. Then 1 kg of granulated mixture is poured on top.
  3. All this is filled with hot water.
  4. The composition is infused for at least 3 days.

To enhance the effectiveness of top dressing, you can additionally add a liter of ash solution to it.

Such feeding will enrich the soil with all the necessary elements and help create a favorable environment for the further growth and development of the plant.

Yeast feed for strawberries

Yeast-based fertilizers can be applied to the soil 2 times a season. From yeast, as well as from ash, a concentrate is first prepared. For 1 kg of yeast there are 5 liters of water.

1 liter of yeast concentrate is diluted with 20 liters of water. It takes about 5 liters of yeast top dressing for 10 bushes.
If dry yeast is used instead of fresh, then first they are dissolved in a small amount of sweetened liquid, and then 5 liters of water are already diluted. The resulting composition is infused for about 2 hours.

Yeast top dressing is applied to the soil during irrigation. Each watering can contains about 500 ml of solution.

Experienced summer residents know how to feed strawberries, they have their own proven recipes in stock that help gardeners get a juicy, sweet harvest of berries year after year. Beginners in this business have a hard time, because top dressing during flowering has a number of features:

When flowering, strawberry bushes are quite vulnerable. They have not yet had time to properly recover from the long winter, but they already need to prepare for fruiting. In order for the plant to have time to release a sufficient number of ovaries, it needs additional feeding. Reinforced "ration" is a guarantee of a large, sweet and tasty harvest!

Feeding strawberries during flowering

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Fertilizing strawberries in the spring is an important link on the way to a future harvest. It will support the plant after winter, help the bush recover faster and form new buds. But you need to feed the plant on time and competently. How and what to feed strawberries in spring?

Spring strawberry care activities begin immediately after the snow has melted and the soil has dried up a little. If work was carried out in the fall to cover the beds, then after the frost retreats, they must be removed.

Next, clean the beds from the debris left over from last year, and the plants from dried leaves. Then cut off the old antennae and flower stalks, remove the dead plants. In their place, plant new seedlings, but do it as early as possible so that the new bushes take root before the onset of hot days. Loosen the beds slightly without damaging the root system.

The mulch layer should also be updated. Sawdust, pine needles or wood ash are suitable for this. Mulching will help prevent some pests in the beds, such as slugs.

Note! It is better to burn dry grass, cut leaves to get rid of last year's pests and diseases.

What else is included in the spring care?

Care for strawberries in the spring requires the introduction of drugs from pests. Even if all plant debris is completely removed, diseases can come from spores surviving in the soil, and pests can come from infected plants that surround strawberry bushes.

Modern drugs allow you to destroy diseases without inhibiting the plant. Most diseases are caused by fungi. To combat them, it is recommended to use such biological products as Fitocid and Fitosporin. Bordeaux liquid has a good antifungal effect, it can be used in small areas.

Take care in advance about the availability of drugs that will fight against plant mites and harmful insects. Early spraying with insecticides such as Aktofit and Aktellik will save the crop.

How else to care for strawberries in the spring? Of course, provide her with competent watering. The first spring watering should be done over loosened soil. So you maintain soil moisture and eliminate the problem of dripping moisture in the soil.

Advice! Strawberries are a hardy crop and grow in a variety of soils, but they are also capable of retaining water. Don't water the plant. You can check the intensity of watering in the following way: squeeze a little soil in your fist. If it sticks to the palms a little, without crumbling, everything is in order. If it crumbles and falls apart, watering needs to be increased.

What and how to feed strawberries?

Feeding strawberries should be timely and in the right doses. With an excess of nutrients, the plant will begin to rapidly grow foliage, and the color and fruits will be late and weak.

Fertilizer of young and adult bushes

Top dressing of young bushes that were planted last year can be omitted in the spring. The maximum that can be done in this case is to feed with a weak solution of chicken manure or cow manure. To do this, in a bucket of water, dissolve half a liter of chicken manure or cow manure and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sodium sulfate.

Pour the mixture over each plant - 1 liter under each bush.

Adult strawberry bushes need to be fertilized: after 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes less fertile, and the plant lacks nutrients.

To harvest a rich strawberry crop, you need to feed it 3 times:

  1. Right after winter.
  2. Before flowering or during flowering.
  3. during fruit formation.

The first time fertilizer is applied in the second half of April (when exactly depends on the region). During this period, organic fertilizers will be the best way to feed strawberries: chicken manure or mullein.

Use a solution or scatter dry under the roots of the bushes, covering 2-3 cm from above with earth. Yeast and other organic fertilizers will be an excellent remedy (see recipes below). They include proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The second top dressing should be carried out before or during the flowering of strawberries. For this, mineral fertilizers are suitable, which will affect the taste and size of the berries. They will be large, beautiful and sweet. Specialized stores offer many types of mineral fertilizers. Next, we will talk about them in more detail.

Attention! Mineral fertilizers must be used strictly according to the instructions on the package. A large dosage will harm the plant.

An excellent remedy for the third dressing is an infusion of weeds, herbs, for example, an infusion of nettles. Such top dressing is harmless to plants and people, will not adversely affect the taste of berries, but will help increase their number, and also protect plants from some harmful insects.

How to feed strawberries immediately after winter?

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out in early spring, until flowers and buds have formed. Fertilize the bushes with good and rich mullein, which is made from fresh cow patties. To do this, dilute 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. For one bush, half a liter of solution will be enough.

The second feeding option is urea (urea). Dilute 2 tbsp. tablespoons of carbamide in 10 liters of water and pour 0.5 liters of the resulting solution under each bush.

Advice! Feed after rain when the ground is still damp. So the mullein is better absorbed into the soil. Otherwise, the crust will not allow the fertilizer to be absorbed.

Mullein is saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is needed for plant growth, and phosphorus is needed for the formation of ovaries.

How to feed strawberries before flowering?

Before flowering, use mineral fertilizers, for example, Horus (12 g per 10 liters of water), or Topaz (6 ml per 10 liters of water). Repeat after 2 weeks. These drugs will prevent all possible diseases and spotting.

You can also use the Plantafol, Brexil Mix, Megafol or Growth Concentrate foliar dressing in the same ratio (20 g per 10 l). Add Boroplus (10-15 ml) to the selected preparation, which will help the formation of the ovary, and treat the bushes.

Top dressing during flowering

During flowering, prepare this fertilizer:

Pour 1 glass of wood ash into a container and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir, let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, as well as 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine. Dissolve the mixture in 10 liters of water and water flowering strawberries with it (1 cup for each bush).

Attention! Use rain or settled water, but in no case chlorinated.

foliar top dressing

When fertilizing in spring, it is necessary to fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself. Strawberries are sprayed with organic matter or nitrogen-containing solutions, which contributes to the active growth of the bush and the increase in the ovary. Useful substances when spraying are absorbed immediately into the foliage.

Note! Foliar top dressing spend in the evening, in dry and calm weather.

You can spray plants and mineral fertilizers. They are of 2 types:

  • highly mobile;
  • low mobility.

The former include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen. They instantly fall into the roots, foliage, buds. Low-mobility fertilizers - iron, copper, boron, manganese - act more slowly. They must be sprayed very carefully so that droplets of the solution fall on the ovaries.


To process young strawberry bushes with iodine, you will need 2 components:

  • potassium iodide;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine and a few granules of potassium permanganate, mix with 10 liters of water.

This solution will help from the beetle, pests, gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves.

It is better to water bushes with iodine solution after preliminary shedding of bushes with wood ash. Such an integrated approach will give a more effective result.

Boric acid

Boric acid fertilizer requires preliminary care for strawberries. First you need to loosen the soil with a garden pitchfork by 10 cm. For a greater effect from the fertilizer, it is recommended to sprinkle the aisle with straw, then pour it with nettle infusion.

Only after that, treat the bushes with a mixture of boric acid in a ratio of 10 g per 30 liters of water. It will help form good ovaries, so it is suitable for feeding strawberries before flowering. After that, it is desirable to treat it from pests - ticks and weevils - with insecticidal preparations.

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring with folk remedies

One of the most popular folk remedies for feeding bush berries is nettle infusion. What does he give? Nettle contains a large number of trace elements, due to which enough chlorophyll is formed in strawberry leaves. Bushes after top dressing become more resistant and strong for fruiting.

To prepare the infusion, collect the nettles before the seeds form on it. Fill the container (plastic or enameled, not metal) with the grass stalks tightly packed. Fill a container filled with nettles with water and place in a sunny place for 7-15 days.

Every morning, stir the nettle infusion, which will be considered ready after the formation of foam and a characteristic unpleasant odor. Strain the infusion and dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water. Use as a root dressing, pouring 1 liter of solution under each strawberry bush.

Yeast nutrition

Gardeners began to introduce yeast fertilizing relatively recently and the result was impressive. In spring, such a fertilizer will enhance vegetative growth, in summer it will support fruiting activity. For 10 strawberry bushes, 5 liters of yeast solution is enough.

Any yeast is suitable for its preparation. It is convenient to dilute them in a plastic bottle, since the solution will need to be shaken well.

If using dry yeast, then take a 100-gram bag and dissolve the contents in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Close the lid tightly and shake the bottle well.

In the case of using regular yeast, stick to the following ratio: 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water. Next, pour the mixture into a bucket, add 10 liters of water and leave it to brew in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Then pour the yeast solution into a 200-liter barrel or add half a liter of prepared yeast solution to a 10-liter watering can each time. Water them with strawberry bushes under the root (0.5 l).

chicken manure

To prepare a solution of chicken manure, take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, place it in a bucket of warm water (1:15), mix thoroughly.

Important! The solution does not need to be insisted, apply it immediately so that all useful substances (for example, nitrogen) do not have time to evaporate. Water from a watering can around the bush, trying not to fall on the leaves.

After feeding with chicken manure, strawberries begin to bear fruit well, the berries become beautiful, sweet and juicy.


Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer. In addition to potassium, ash contains phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. As a fertilizer, it can be used both in dry form and in the form of a solution.

To prepare the solution, take a 10-liter bucket of water and 1 kg (about 2 liter jars) of ash. Dissolve and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. All the necessary elements from the ash will pass into the water, and the solution will be ready in 24 hours. For watering strawberries, dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water.

When used dry, sprinkle the ash under the bushes. During irrigation, all the necessary components will penetrate into the ground.

So, feeding strawberries in the spring is the key to an excellent harvest in the future. Spend it competently, following the recommendations given above in the article.

This article will focus on feeding strawberries. If you want to get a decent harvest, you need to feed the plants correctly and in a timely manner. There are several different ways to feed strawberries, and each of them is designed for a certain period of development of the bushes. During flowering, fruiting and after it, top dressing should be different.

Root and foliar feeding of strawberries

Strawberry nutrition is of two types.

  • strawberry root dressing
  • strawberry top dressing

Root top dressing is carried out by introducing nutrients directly into the root area, that is, into the soil. A solution with fertilizers is diluted and the earth around the bushes is watered. The root type of top dressing is the main one for strawberries.

In order not to burn the roots of plants with fertilizer, carry out root dressing on wet ground. If the soil is dry, water it before top dressing.

foliar top dressing is aimed at strengthening and growth of strawberry leaves and stems. In other words, this is the usual spraying of fertilizers from a spray bottle. Leaves and stems, as well as roots, are able to absorb substances with their surface. This method serves as an addition to root top dressing.

Foliar top dressing should be carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening, so as not to cause burns in plants.

You can spray strawberry leaves both from the outside and from the inside.

Feeding periods for strawberries

How many times should strawberries be fed per season? In total, four periods of strawberry feeding can be distinguished.

  • top dressing in spring
  • top dressing during flowering
  • feeding during fruiting
  • feeding after harvest
  • top dressing in autumn

During the fruiting period, top dressing can be carried out several times, in other periods - once. Specific feeding dates for different varieties are individual, since the flowering and ripening times for different varieties may differ, here you need to decide on the time and type of feeding depending on the phase of plant development.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring

The last snow came down, the birds sang, buds appeared on the trees. Spring came. This means that it is time to think about the first feeding of strawberries.

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out in mid-April at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.

Russia is a large country and spring comes at different times in different regions. Focus on a daytime ambient temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. If top dressing is carried out at a lower temperature, then fertilizers will not be able to be absorbed in full and the effectiveness of such top dressing will be lower.

First you need to prepare the strawberries for the new season. At this time, she had just woken up after the winter, flowers and buds had not yet had time to appear.

  • Cut off old leaves - large, dry, brown and diseased. Leave only healthy and completely green leaves.
  • Remove last year's sawdust from the garden and other debris.
  • Loosen the soil under each bush.
  • Rake the soil at the roots so that the base of the leaves is 5mm above the soil level. This will prevent rotting in the root zone.

This completes plant care. Immediately after this, you need to spend the first spring top dressing. There are several main ways.

  • Feeding with chicken manure
  • Top dressing with urea
  • Feeding with cow dung
  • Yeast nutrition

Chicken and cow manure are organic fertilizers, and urea is a mineral. Yeast itself is not a fertilizer, but actively processes organic matter in the soil itself. Choose one of the above methods that is most convenient for you.

Spring top dressing of strawberries is carried out on moist soil, after watering the plants.

Feeding strawberries during flowering

The next important stage in plant nutrition is feeding flowering strawberries. During flowering, plants need a lot of potassium, so top dressing is carried out with potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate is mixed with water in proportions of 1 teaspoon of nitrate per 10 liters of water. Apply a small volume of about 0.5 liters to the soil.

Also, if potassium nitrate is not available, as an alternative, you can use fertilizers for the first feeding, that is, a solution of chicken manure or mullein and a solution of urea with ash.

Top dressing of strawberries during flowering is done once during the next watering of plants.

Feeding strawberries during fruiting

From the beginning of the appearance of green berries, the third period begins - fruiting. This period lasts until harvest. The basis for feeding strawberries in the summer is the same chicken manure or mullein. The proportions are the same as for the first spring feeding.

During this period of berry ripening, it is important that the amount of organic matter in the soil is sufficient. Feeding strawberries during the fruiting period will help the berries develop properly and prevent them from deforming. During fruiting, it is recommended to apply fertilizer once or twice with a break of 10 days, this amount will be enough for good nutrition of the berries.

Feeding strawberries after harvest

The next important stage in plant nutrition is feeding strawberries after fruiting. After all, after harvesting, caring for strawberries does not end. After harvesting, care must be taken to ensure that the strawberries can stock up on nutrients before the onset of winter. Feeding strawberries in the fall allows you to stimulate the laying of flower buds for the next year, which will increase the yield, as well as more confidently winter.

For good feeding of strawberries after harvesting, chicken manure or mullein is used, as well as urea with wood ash, only, unlike the first period, the proportions are somewhat different. Chicken manure and mullein are also mixed 1:15 and 1:10, respectively, but the amount of ash and urea increases. It is necessary to stir 1 cup of ash and 2 tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water. Apply a solution of fermented manure and urea with ash to the soil in 0.5 liters for each bush. Plants need to be watered after fertilizing.

Top dressing remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberry varieties differ from the usual ones in that they can be harvested several times per season. Therefore, feeding remontant strawberries involves repeating feeding during flowering. This must be done, since remontant strawberry varieties are more demanding on moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Fertilizer for strawberries

Some gardeners are wondering if it is necessary to somehow feed the strawberries themselves during their development and ripening? This will be superfluous, since the berry receives all the nutrients from the stems and, if you properly and regularly carry out root and foliar feeding of strawberries, then the berry itself will grow excellent, juicy and tasty!

You just have to make sure that the berries grow clean. To do this, you need to cover the bed with strawberries with black covering material. This will keep the berries from touching the ground and also keep weeds from growing, allowing the strawberries to get the most nutrients and light.

Feeding strawberries with boric acid

During the flowering of strawberries, it will be very useful to feed the bushes with boric acid. Boron is an important and useful element for plant development. It promotes the formation of ovaries, strengthens the flowers - they crumble less. All this in the end has a good effect on the future harvest. According to the observations of gardeners, fertilizing with boric acid can increase strawberry yield by 30%. Agree, an impressive increase.

Top dressing of strawberries with boric acid can be carried out 2-3 times per season. Be sure to do this once during the flowering period. With remontant varieties, top dressing is repeated during each flowering.

To prepare a boric acid solution, you will need the following components.

  • 2 grams of boric acid (half a teaspoon).
  • 10 liters of water.

Boric acid is available in powder form, it can be purchased at a pharmacy or gardening store, packaged in sachets of 10 grams.

Boric acid does not dissolve well in cold water, dilute it first in a glass of hot water, the water temperature is not lower than 55 degrees, stir well. After complete dissolution, pour the solution into the prepared 10 liters of water. Boric acid solution is ready.

To fertilize strawberries with boric acid, you will need a spray bottle. You can use any - manual or pump action.

The inner surface of strawberry leaves absorbs much more fertilizer than the outer surface.

This is a foliar top dressing, so it does not make sense to water the soil with a solution. Spray the solution on leaves, stems and especially flowers. Spray the leaves both from the outside and from the inside.

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast is an effective way to increase yields. This method refers to root dressing.

First you need to prepare a solution according to the recipe, and then fertilize the ground around the bushes with it. You can study the recipe in more detail in the article. During the season, you can do three such dressings.

  1. Before flowering
  2. During flowering
  3. After harvest

During the fruiting period, fertilizing with yeast is not applied.

Yeast for the preparation of the solution can be used both live and dry. For fertilizing strawberries with yeast, you should choose a warm day. The solution and soil must be well warmed up, because it is in a warm environment that yeast brings maximum benefit to plants.

Fertilizing strawberries with ammonia

The main purpose of fertilizing strawberries with ammonia is to give the plants the ammonia necessary for the growth of green mass and the development of the root system. That is why top dressing is carried out in the very first period of growth - before flowering.

When fertilizing with ammonia, ammonia does not accumulate in plants.

The second important property of ammonia is protection against pests. Ammonia will scare away various insects, slugs, fungus from the bushes.

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Ammonium hydroxide is formed when ammonia reacts with water. Thus, ammonia is a substance whose main component is ammonia.

You can buy ammonia at any pharmacy, it is packaged in 40 ml vials. It costs mere pennies and plant nutrition based on it will cost much cheaper than specialized nitrogenous fertilizers from the store.

Preparing a solution of ammonia for feeding is very simple. You will need 2 ingredients for this.

  • 3 tablespoons ammonia
  • 10 liters of water

Mix 3 tablespoons of pharmacy ammonia with 10 liters of water.

Ammonia is a volatile substance, therefore it is not recommended to store the finished solution, it must be applied immediately after dilution.

Top dressing with ammonia is always carried out on wet ground and either in cloudy weather or in the evening. If the ground around the bushes is not moist enough, pre-irrigate with plain water, and then, when the water is well absorbed into the ground, fertilize with ammonia. You can water the entire plant and around it from an ordinary watering can.

Strawberries can be fertilized with ammonia a maximum of 3 times per season.

The first time is in the spring, when the plant wakes up after winter. At this time, the bushes are actively gaining green mass and need nitrogen.

The second dressing is permissible immediately after the end of flowering. The solution for it must be made less concentrated.

Strawberries should not be fertilized with ammonia during fruiting.

The third time you can feed strawberries in this way after harvesting. All the forces of the plant were given to the berries, and there is a harsh time ahead - winter. Autumn fertilizing with ammonia will better prepare the plants for next winter.

Feeding strawberries with iodine

The treatment of strawberry bushes with iodine cannot be called top dressing or fertilizer. Iodine is used as an antiseptic and helps in the earliest period of plant growth to fight diseases and pests.

Processing strawberries with iodine is carried out in the spring, as soon as new leaves begin to appear. Before processing, the bed must be cleaned of old leaves and debris, and after harvesting it is good to loosen.

If the soil in the garden is not moist enough, you first need to water it with plain water. Let the water soak into the soil. Now you can treat the bed with a solution of iodine.

Water the entire garden with iodine solution - both the bushes themselves and the ground around.

Iodine solution for strawberries is prepared in the following proportions.

  • 10 drops of iodine
  • 10 liters of water

Iodine is a volatile substance, so the resulting solution cannot be stored for a long time. Mix iodine with water and apply immediately. Watering is convenient with a regular garden watering can with a sprayer.

Do not exceed the dosage of iodine, this can harm the plants.

Such antiseptic treatment of strawberries with iodine can be carried out up to three times per season with an interval of 10 days. All of them must be completed before the formation of berries.

Feeding strawberries with ash

Wood ash contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus. These substances are most in demand during the period of fruit formation, so such top dressing is relevant during this period.

You can fertilize strawberries with ash both independently and in combination with other top dressings, for example, yeast. When self-fertilizing with ash, there are two options for introducing ash into the soil.

  • Dry. Scatter a handful of ashes around each strawberry bush, then water or wait for rain.
  • Wet. Prepare a solution according to the recipe from 1 cup of ash and 10 liters of water. Water the bushes and soil around the strawberries.

Ash solution recipe for strawberries.

  1. Pour 1 cup of ash with 1 liter of hot water, you can use boiling water
  2. insist day
  3. add another 9 liters of water
  4. stir

Water the ash solution and the soil around the bushes and the plants themselves.

Feeding strawberries with ashes gives good results.

  • Larger berries
  • Protection against diseases and pests
  • More peduncles

Feeding strawberries with chicken manure

The first feeding of strawberries with chicken manure is carried out in the spring, during the period of activation of leaf growth even before mass flowering. The second is after the harvest.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, chicken manure is not fed.

Chicken manure can be taken from your farm, if you keep birds on the farm, or you can buy a dried concentrate in the store. Concentrate is much easier to work with.

Choose a warm day, pre-prepare a change of clothes, rubber gloves, and you can start fertilizing strawberries with chicken manure.

If you are preparing fertilizer from fresh chicken manure, then you need to dilute it in a special way. First, prepare the concentrate, infuse it, and then dilute the resulting concentrate with water. Dilution of a solution of chicken manure is carried out in a ratio of 1:20. That is, for a 10-liter bucket of water, you need 0.5 liters of the concentrate prepared earlier.

If you purchased packaged chicken manure in a store, then follow the instructions on the package to breed it.

Chicken manure is very rich in nitrogen, which is necessary for plants during the period of rapid growth of green mass and the development of the root system. But its excess can kill plants, so stick to the indicated proportions when preparing the solution.

In no case do not bring chicken manure into the soil undiluted, it will destroy the plants!

It is not necessary to water the leaves or roots with such a solution, fertilize the beds only at the edges at a distance of 10-15 cm around the strawberry bushes. Consumption of finished top dressing is about 10 liters per 5-6 bushes or 1.5-2 liters per bush.

Pour the chicken manure solution not under the root, but around the strawberry bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm from the leaves.

Like all top dressing, strawberry fertilizer with chicken manure should be carried out on wet ground. If the soil is dry, water the beds first. So the effect of feeding will be maximum. Fertilize strawberries either in cloudy weather or in the morning and evening hours when the sun is not so active.