How can you feed strawberries during the flowering period? We feed strawberries in the summer during fruiting

Juicy and aromatic strawberries (garden strawberries) are harvested in the southern regions in late May - early summer, and in regions with colder climates - in mid-summer. Garden strawberries are used to make jams and fruit drinks; they are eaten fresh or frozen for the winter. To obtain a good harvest in the spring, during flowering and fruiting, strawberries are fed with special or folk fertilizers, which will be discussed in our article.

Young plants planted last year feed in the spring only with mineral fertilizers:

  1. Mix nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions.
  2. 100 grams of mixed granules are scattered over one square meter of area.
  3. Fertilizers are distributed among the strawberry bushes and incorporated into the soil using a small shovel or rake.
  4. The bushes are watered so that the granules begin to dissolve and nourish the plants.

Such fertilizers are applied in the spring, when flower stalks begin to form on garden strawberries.

For feeding adult strawberry bushes In the spring, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used, since over time the soil under plants growing in one place for several years is depleted.

Attention! Fresh bird droppings and cow manure should not be applied to strawberries. Litter and manure can only be used when fermented. From natural organic fertilizers, garden strawberries are fed with humus, compost, and infusion of green herbs.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with folk remedies

In early spring, as soon as the first strawberry leaves appear, the bed is cleared of old grass and fallen leaves, after which fertilizer is applied using folk remedies:

  1. Fermented chicken manure. The dung diluted in water (20:1) is infused for several days, after which the fermented solution is poured under the bushes so that it does not get on the leaves. For each plant you will need half a liter of this infusion.
  2. Humus. The best organic fertilizer for strawberries, which is applied dry between the rows. The soil is first loosened, then droppings are laid out between the rows and covered with a layer of soil. It turns out that you not only applied fertilizer, but also mulched the bed. The soil covered with mulch will not dry out and become crusty, and when watering, nutrients will flow into it.
  3. Infusion of nettle or other herbs. An infusion of green herbs contains nitrogen, potassium and many other substances beneficial to plants. The most popular infusion is made from nettle, which grows independently in almost every garden. It takes 7-10 days to prepare, after first pouring water over the stems and leaves of the nettle, which fill 2/3 of the bucket. The infused solution is filtered, diluted 1:10 with water and watered the soil around the bushes.
  4. Ash solution. At the end of May - beginning of June, it is recommended to feed strawberries with ash, which contains a lot of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All these elements are necessary for the development of plants and strengthening their immunity. You can simply scatter the ash around the bushes and water the garden bed, or prepare an ash solution: pour a glass of wood ash with a liter of hot water, and when the solution has cooled, dilute it with 9 liters of water. Each square meter of strawberry plot is watered with a liter of ash solution.

Use of mineral fertilizers

To increase a good harvest, additional mineral fertilizers are added to the depleted soil under strawberries in the spring. Can be used:

  1. Complex fertilizers Ryazanochka, Kemira Lux and others, which contain phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.
  2. Nitroammofoska– It is recommended to apply to clay soil.
  3. Ammonium nitrate applied in the spring of the second year of growing strawberries in the beds (10 grams per square meter).
  4. A mixture of mineral fertilizers Garden strawberries are fed in the third year of life. Mix 150 grams of ammonium nitrate, 100 grams of potassium chloride, 100 grams of superphosphate and distribute over 1 square. meter of beds.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

Before flowering, garden strawberry leaves are sprayed with a nutrient solution prepared according to a folk recipe:

  • iodine – 1 tbsp. l;
  • potassium permanganate – 2 g;
  • ash – 1 glass;
  • boric acid – 2 g.

The infused mixture is sprayed on the foliage in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Fertilizing strawberries during budding and flowering

During this period, plants spend a lot of energy on the formation and formation of peduncles and fruits, so they definitely need additional feeding. How can you feed strawberries during flowering?? During the formation of flower stalks, garden strawberries need large amounts of potassium and other trace elements.

Root feeding - recipes

You can water the soil in the strawberry bed with ready-made fertilizers, which are diluted and used according to the instructions included with them. The most popular is fertilizer Ovary.

You can feed the bushes with potassium using potassium nitrate, dissolving a teaspoon of the drug in 10 liters of water. Half a liter of solution is poured under each plant.

From folk fertilizers they use:

  1. Fermented mullein infusion with humate Baikal. Mullein infusion is prepared from 2.5 kg of manure and a bucket of water; when it has fermented, Baikal humate is added, everything is thoroughly mixed and diluted with water (1:20). Only water the soil with this infusion, making sure that it does not get on the leaves and flowers.
  2. Ash infusion(see recipe above).
  3. Yeast infusion for strawberries. During the day, an infusion of yeast is prepared, one kilogram of which is poured with 5 liters of water (the yeast must dissolve to make the mixture homogeneous). The finished infusion is dissolved with water 1:20 and ½ liter is poured under each plant.

Foliar feeding of strawberries during flowering

Nutrients are absorbed faster and better if they are sprayed on the foliage. However, during flowering and budding, spraying must be carried out so that the solution does not get on the flowers and buds. Therefore, the leaves are carefully sprayed from below.

For foliar feeding during flowering of garden strawberries, you can use:

  1. Nettle tincture: Pour a full bucket of chopped nettle leaves and stems with hot water, let it brew for a day, strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Potassium nitrate: dilute a teaspoon of fertilizer in 5 liters of water.
  3. A solution of boric acid mixture(1 g), potassium sulfate(2 g) and potassium permanganate(2 g). Fertilizers are dissolved in one liter of water.
  4. Ready-made fertilizers: Rubin, Hera, Agros. They should be dissolved and used strictly according to the instructions.

How can you feed strawberries during fruiting?

When fertilizing strawberries with minerals during fruiting, harmful chemical compounds will accumulate in the fruits.

When garden strawberry fruits are formed, only root fertilizers are used.

Applying fertilizers during this period will allow you to get a bountiful harvest of large and tasty berries. Traditional recipes for feeding:

  1. Mullein infusion: 3 kg of manure is diluted in a bucket of water and left for 3 or 4 days. The finished infusion is diluted with water (4:10) and each plant is fertilized with half a liter of solution.
  2. Chicken droppings: Infuse a solution of 2 kg of manure and a bucket of water for three days. Use a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and one liter of infusion.
  3. Compost: plants are watered with a solution of a bucket of water and 1 kg of compost.
  4. Fertilizing strawberries with yeast: dilute 5 grams of dry yeast in 500 ml of water, add a tablespoon of sugar and let it brew for 3 hours. The resulting infusion is diluted with water (25 liters) and one liter is poured under each bush. This yeast mixture is very nutritious and promotes good fruiting of strawberries.

Root and foliar feeding of strawberries should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to water and spray the bushes after lunch, when the sun goes down. If, during feeding in the morning and afternoon, fertilizer gets on the foliage, the leaves may burn under the influence of the sun's rays.
  2. Root fertilizers are applied after rain or watering. so that the roots do not burn.
  3. Appropriate fertilizing should be applied strictly according to the instructions and in certain periods(for example, during flowering and then during fruiting). An excess of certain fertilizers will negatively affect plant development and yields.

Now you know - Do I need to feed strawberries? when it is better to apply fertilizers, what fertilizers and folk remedies to use. By observing the norms for applying fertilizers and strictly separating foliar and root fertilizing, you will get a good harvest of delicious garden strawberries (strawberries).

Strawberries were developed in the 18th century. as a result of crossing Chilean and Virginia wild strawberries.
Strawberry fruits, multi-nuts, have a bright taste and amazing aroma. How to get a good harvest? How to feed this crop during the flowering period? In what proportions should fertilizers be used? The article provides recommendations on this topic.

About strawberries

  • Strawberries are an unpretentious crop. Light super-sandy or medium loamy soil types are best suited for its cultivation.
  • The roots of strawberries are not high, so the crop needs a sufficient amount of moisture, but waterlogging is also unacceptable for it.
  • To plant strawberry bushes, choose sunny places (with the exception of the remontant varieties “Yellow Miracle” and “Ali Baba”).
  • The bushes are rejuvenated every 3-4 years. Further, the number and size of the fruits decreases.
  • Strawberries bloom in the second half of May - June. During this period, future fruits develop intensively, so the plant needs additional nutrition.


The flowering period is the time for scheduled feeding of strawberries. For this purpose, we use various solutions, infusions, and spray the bushes.


During flowering, strawberries need a lot of potassium. If a plant is deficient in this element, the tips of the leaves turn brown. The bushes are fed with chicken droppings, wood ash or potassium nitrate. For this they make infusions.

  • For 10 liters of water take tsp. potassium nitrate, stir and water the plants.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of solution under each bush.
  • This composition can also be sprayed on strawberries.

Boric acid

  • At the initial stage of flowering, it is good to spray strawberries with a solution of boric acid, which contains a large amount of useful microelements for good growth.
  • After such spraying, the plants become stronger and the berries become larger.
  • The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 pinch of boric acid per 1 bucket of water.
  • At the beginning of flowering, you can also use a solution of manure.

Ready-made fertilizers

Also, fertilizing strawberries with industrial preparations provides excellent results. The harvest of juicy and healthy fruits increases by 30%.
We prepare a mixture of the following fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate – 2 g each
  • boric acid – 1 g
  • complex fertilizer

Mix all the ingredients and dissolve in water (volume - 10 l). We process plants. We water the leaves especially carefully from the reverse side. This way, the plants will be able to absorb as many nutrients as possible.

Zinc sulfate

At the height of flowering, strawberry bushes are sprayed with a solution of zinc sulfate. For such feeding, a 0.2% solution of the substance is prepared.


Recently, this type of feeding has become very popular. It is carried out 2 times a season.
To prepare the composition we take:

  • fresh pressed yeast – 1 kg
  • water – 5 l

Dissolve the yeast in water, then infuse the fertilizer.
Before starting feeding, dilute the mixture again: scoop up 0.5 liters of solution and stir in 10 liters of water. The amount of fertilizer for each bush is 0.5 liters. We water the plant at the root.
You can also use dry yeast. To prepare the infusion we take:

  • dry yeast – 1 sachet
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.

Pour the mixture of yeast and sugar with warm water, the solution begins to prepare. Next, dissolve the sugar-yeast mixture in 10 liters of water and leave for 2 hours, then proceed to watering. (1 strawberry bush/0.5 liters of fertilizer).

Nutrient feeding of strawberries during the flowering phase will fill the plants with important substances and strengthen them. The future harvest will be more abundant, and the berries will be large and sweet.

Strawberry is the queen among garden berries. It is beautiful in every way - juicy tasty pulp, unique aroma, bright color. This is an undemanding culture; you just need to know the basic rules of care. Fertilizing during flowering and fruiting is the basis for obtaining an abundant and high-quality strawberry harvest.

Strawberries are planted in late summer in August or early September. When planted at this time, the rosettes have a chance to take root in the ground, adapt and overwinter well. Fertilizers are added to the ground before planting - rotted manure, mullein, wood ash.

Mineral fertilizer is added directly to the strawberry holes. The composition must contain phosphorus (2 parts), potassium (1 part), urea (1 part). This feeding will stimulate the growth of the root system and enable the seedling to lay flower buds for the next year. After laying the fertilizer, spill the soil, and the next day you can plant strawberries.

At this stage the care is complete.

Rules for caring for blooming strawberries

In the spring after planting, you should evaluate how well the strawberries overwintered. Strawberries take root well and usually a small portion of seedlings fall out.

At the moment when new leaves begin to grow at the rosette, the bed is cleared of last year’s debris, the tendrils are torn off and mulched. The mustache must be plucked off during the entire growing season, otherwise, instead of the abundant formation of flower stalks and berries, a new rosette will grow.

During the formation of flower stalks and the flowering itself, the plant consumes a huge amount of nutrients. The fertilizer that was added during planting was used to form a powerful root system and now the strawberries need regular feeding. When choosing what to fertilize strawberries with, give preference to proven products.

Fertilizers for strawberries during flowering

Flowering is the most important stage for a gardener. It is worth feeding the strawberries correctly and on time during flowering, and they will reward you with a bountiful harvest.

When applying fertilizer, the yield increases on average from 40% to 70%.

The first fertilizing of strawberries is carried out when they have buds or bloomed. Top dressings are divided into two categories: root and foliar.

Organic fertilizers

Fertilizer is applied at the root. Methods for preparing fertilizers that will stimulate budding, abundant flowering and abundant harvest during fruiting:

  1. Mullein infusion is an organic, completely ecological supplement that contains all useful microelements. Infuse two glasses of mullein in a bucket of water, add two tablespoons of urea, feed at the rate of 0.5 liters of infusion per bush;
  2. Chicken droppings. Bird droppings are one of the best fertilizers that stimulate flowering, budding and fruiting. One liter of chicken manure is poured into a bucket of water and allowed to brew for 6 days. Then dilute this infusion again immediately before feeding (1 liter of infusion per bucket of water). This solution is used to feed strawberries at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush. Applying dry chicken manure under bushes is strictly contraindicated due to its high urea content; it can burn the root system;
  3. Wood ash contains large amounts of potassium and other trace elements and is a good fertilizer. To add wood ash, you can use two methods - simply pour it under the bush, lightly embedding it in the ground, or dilute an infusion with which to water the bushes. For one 10 liter bucket of water you need to take 1 cup of wood ash. Water at the rate of 0.5-1 liter per bush;
  4. Yeast fertilizing has recently gained popularity among gardeners as a fertilizer for strawberries. I would like to immediately say that it does not replace fertilizing with organo-mineral complexes, but is rather a stimulator of the immune system, the development of the root system and the above-ground part of the rosette. Any yeast (fresh or dry) is diluted at the rate of 10 grams per liter;
  5. At the stage of bud formation, you can carry out additional foliar feeding with the Baikal EM preparation. This is a preparation containing a culture of living bacteria that promote regeneration, improve immunity, restore soil and fix nitrogen. During foliar treatment, “Baikal” actively stimulates budding and flowering. The sockets are treated with a solution diluted 1 to 1000, which should stand for several days.

When choosing fertilizer for strawberries during flowering, gardeners and gardeners give priority to organic fertilizers. They are better absorbed by the plant, do not accumulate in various parts, and are the best choice for environmentally friendly gardening.

Inorganic fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers include a complex of mineral fertilizers that are applied at the root or along the leaf to cause rosette growth and bud growth.

  1. Potassium nitrate - improves the process of fruit formation and their quality. About two teaspoons of fertilizer are diluted per bucket of water. Water at the root or along the leaf.
  2. Foliar feeding of strawberries with zinc sulfate in a proportion of 2 grams per 10 liters of water also stimulates the active growth of buds;
  3. Foliar spraying with boric acid will increase the number of buds several times. For 10 liters of water you need only 1/3 teaspoon of boric acid;
  4. Urea - improves the process of formation of green mass, which is necessary for good growth and flowering. A matchbox of urea is diluted in one bucket of water and watered at the rate of 0.5-1 liter per bush.
  5. Specialized complex formulations that can be bought in the store. They are released separately for the flowering period. Diluted according to instructions. They can be used for both foliar and root feeding.

I would like to remind you that from the moment the bud blooms until the berries ripen, an average of four weeks pass. When fertilizing with mineral inorganic fertilizers during the flowering period, it is better to give preference to foliar feeding. They are better absorbed, used by the plant in full, and are not stored as reserves in berries.

How to fertilize strawberries during fruiting

Most gardeners and gardeners try to plant several varieties of strawberries in order to extend fruiting for as long as possible. Therefore, the first massive harvest wave is usually followed by a second and third harvest. During fruiting, you can feed the strawberries again, this will give the plant the opportunity to form the same large berries as during the first harvest.

It must be remembered that during fruiting, strawberries are fed exclusively with organic fertilizers, which will not enter the berries in the form of nitrates. This can be an infusion of mullein, ash, chicken droppings, or an infusion of humus (a bucket of humus on a barrel of water).

General rules for applying fertilizers

  1. Before fertilizing and even planting strawberries, you should at least roughly study the soil on the site. What is she like? Dense clay or loose sandy? Determine the acidity of the soil. Perhaps the soil reaction in the area is acidic, and by applying nitrogen fertilizers you will aggravate the problem;
  2. All fertilizers, especially inorganic ones, must be applied to moist soil, otherwise burns of the root system are possible, even at low concentrations of the substance;
  3. It is better to apply fertilizers in warm, but not hot weather; In such weather, fertilizer is better absorbed. It is best to apply foliar feeding on a cloudy, quiet day, or after 5 pm. At this time, the likelihood of sunburn of leaves decreases;
  4. If you mulch your strawberries with humus, then the need for fertilizer is significantly reduced;
  5. Organic fertilizers are a priority form for growing an environmentally friendly product. Use organic matter during flowering and fruiting, and inorganic matter during planting and preparation for wintering.
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Last year, my favorite strawberries produced very few berries; I couldn’t even make jam from them. And my neighbor’s strawberries turned out to be so fruitful that she made several three-liter jars of jam from them! I asked my neighbor what magical methods she uses.

It turns out that it’s not enough just to plant strawberries, they also need to be fed periodically in order to bear fruit better. This year I did everything as my neighbor advised, now I don’t have time to pick the fruits, so many of them have grown!

In this article I will tell you how to feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting in order to reap a huge harvest.

To make the result more effective, it is important to know how many years have passed since the strawberries were planted: in the first year they are not given any fertilizer, since during planting the soil is fertilized with minerals.

In the second year they give mineral and organic fertilizer, in the third year - only mineral fertilizer. After another year they give again mineral and organic. They alternate this way every year until the time comes to change the old culture to a new one.

The first fertilizer containing nitrogen is applied immediately after the snow has completely melted, but the first leaves have not yet blossomed. Before this, you need to trim last year’s bushes from the garden.

Folk nitrogen-containing recipes:

  • Take a bucket of fresh nettles and fill with warm liquid to the very edge. Wait 4 days. Then dilute with 10 liters of water and pour to the very root.
  • Dilute one part of chicken manure with 10 liters of plain liquid and leave for 4 days. For one bush, 500 ml of solution is enough.
  • In a ten-liter bucket of liquid, dilute 2 tablespoons of mullein and 1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate. Apply one liter for each crop.

It will be more effective if, simultaneously with root feeding, there is also foliar feeding.

Spring feeding

To prevent beneficial substances from quickly evaporating, they are added either early in the morning or late in the evening. If the weather is cloudy, then the procedure can be carried out during the day. First, the plant is watered abundantly, then fertilizer is added. Foliar fertilization always begins with spraying.

In spring, the plant needs boric acid, so 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 30 drops of iodine are mixed in 10 liters of liquid, then 1 cup of wood ash is poured in. Mix all this thoroughly and water the bushes once. This must be done even before the first flowers appear.

Feeding during flowering

The fruit plant absorbs fertilizer best during the flowering period, which occurs around June. During this period, the crop lacks potassium, so it must be included in the fertilizer. It has been proven that berries that receive potassium in a timely manner grow very beautiful, large, sweet and juicy in taste, and can be stored longer.

Brown tips of the leaves indicate a lack of potassium. Therefore, in order to save the future harvest, you need to immediately apply potassium-based fertilizer made according to any recipe:

  • Mullein solution.
  • Zinc sulfate solution (0.02%).
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate into a 10 liter bucket of water.

Folk recipes

Not all gardeners trust chemicals, as some of them are far from harmless. Fortunately, many folk recipes can completely replace chemical ones.


The main thing to remember is that you should never burn household waste to make future fertilizer. They burn only wood, unnecessary grapevines, last year's potato tops, and pine branches. Then this ash is sprinkled around each bush or in the hole when planting a young crop.

Or you can make a solution by diluting one liter of ash in a ten-liter bucket of liquid. If the leaves are sick, then just sprinkle them with ash on top, which will help the plant recover.


Such a cheap product as iodine disinfects not only wounds, but also plants, simultaneously fertilizing the soil. You just need to make sure that the dosage is not too high, otherwise, instead of treatment, the plants get burned. And this solution is usually sprayed on berry crops.

Dissolve 10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water, then spray the crop before the first flowers bloom. Then this procedure is performed three times throughout the summer with an interval of ten days.

Bread crusts

Few people like the bread crusts of day-old rye bread. Therefore, they can be put aside in a separate bag, so that later they can be used to make excellent fertilizer. The crusts collected from one bread are soaked in one liter of warm water for a week.

Then additionally dilute 10 liters of liquid and water each bush. And it doesn’t matter whether the crop is blooming or bearing fruit at the moment.

Boric acid

During flowering, strawberries require not only potassium, but also boric acid, which improves bud setting. Pour 2 grams of potassium permanganate and boric acid into 10 liters of water, then 1 liter of ash.

This solution is used to water the entire bed once after it has been watered in the usual way.


Yeast helps plants get sick less often and grow better. Soak 200 grams of fresh yeast in 500 ml of warm water. After 20 minutes, pour 9 liters of liquid into this mixture and water each bush generously.

If fresh yeast is not available for sale, you can replace it with dry yeast. In this case, the recipe is slightly different: dissolve a packet of yeast in 10 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and leave at room temperature for two hours. After which the beds are watered with it.

Spoiled milk

If you find forgotten sour milk or fermented kefir in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away; they can be used as an excellent fertilizer, as they contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and improve the acidity of the earth.

To do this, the dairy product is diluted with water twice as much. Then it is poured no closer than 10 centimeters from the bush. You can spray the leaves with it.

Cow dung

Pour 2.5 kg of cow dung into a standard bucket, fill it to the brim with plain liquid and leave it for a day. Then mix thoroughly with a stick. Then the beds are watered with it, being careful not to get it on the root neck of the plant.

Chicken droppings

They are fertilized only once every one or two years, no more. And only in early spring. Chicken droppings supply the earth with an incredible amount of beneficial microelements. First, make a stronger solution in a 1:2 ratio with water, then 1 liter of this solution is diluted with a bucket of water. And they water the beds around the berry bushes.


You need to remember that strawberries can die from chlorine, so it is important to read the composition of any fertilizer.

In the northern or Ural parts of Russia, where the weather is unstable, experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing the soil with urea in April, which will help the crop receive nitrogen during frosts.

One tablespoon of urea is poured into a ten-liter bucket of water, after which the plants are watered with it.

Feeding during fruiting

The most ideal fertilizer during this period is considered to be a solution of mullein with water (1:14). It is infused for three days in a tightly closed container, then one liter of solution is poured under one bush.

Removing unnecessary mustaches

To increase productivity, you need to cut off excess whiskers, since there are those varieties of strawberries in which they grow very quickly and take away almost all the beneficial minerals.

From the first growing whiskers you can get planting material. To help them take root better, they are simply lightly sprinkled with soil. And at the end of August they are cut off from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place, or left where they took root.

You need to remember that the mustache is cut off with sharp scissors, and not torn off with your hands, as this can damage the roots. First, they wait until the mustache grows at least 10 centimeters.

This treatment is carried out in cool and dry weather; in the heat and under the sun’s rays, it is better to forget about this procedure. If you trim your mustache in wet weather, you increase the risk of contracting any fungal disease.

Watering during flowering

During flowering, strawberries need not only more feeding, but also regular watering so that the fruits can form and fill in time. The main thing is not to overwater, as the fruits may rot. If the weather is cloudy, then it is enough to water once a week, but if it is rainy, then it is better to forget about watering.

But in hot weather it is recommended to water every three days. The irrigation liquid should be approximately the same temperature as the soil in the garden bed. It is not advisable to water with liquid that is too warm or too cold, as the greens may become sick. The most ideal way to water is at the root.


It does not always happen that pollinating insects visit a bed with fruit plants. Sometimes, due to bad weather, they do not visit the flowers at all, which means the fruits will not be able to grow. Therefore, in this case we resort to hand pollination. Take any clean brush or sponge and touch each flower with it one by one.

In this way we help the pollen spread. If the beds are large, then you can use a hand fan, which will simply spread the pollen throughout the bed.

To help attract pollinating insects that for some reason fly by, one tablespoon of honey is dissolved in one liter of warm liquid. Then the leaves of the crop are sprayed with this solution. After this, insects will definitely come to the smell.

If you correctly follow all the above rules, then in the middle of summer you will reap a huge harvest of sweet and juicy strawberries.

A good strawberry harvest is achieved thanks to proper and timely fertilizing. The quality and quantity of sweet berries depends on the choice of fertilizer and its dosage. To do this, plants are fertilized after planting, during the appearance of flowers, and during the formation of ovaries and fruits. Additional nutrition helps strawberries regain strength after winter frosts and begin to bloom.

Even the most fertile soil is depleted after a couple of years, because of this the harvest drops, the berries become smaller, not so juicy and sweet. Strawberry crops can grow in one place for several years. The acidity of the soil should not be higher than pH 5.5 – 6.

After the snow melts, when the ground dries out, they begin to prepare the beds. The protective layer of leaves is removed, and the soil around the bushes is loosened. Old roots and all grass are removed. Dry, rotten leaves are also removed from plants. Check the neck of the strawberry; if the growing point is below the ground, this can cause rotting of the rhizome.

The first application of fertilizing allows the strawberries to awaken and form new buds. Fertilizers are introduced in accordance with the proportions; excess nutrients cause the growth of shoots and foliage. Berries may appear later than expected, or may not form at all.

To grow strawberries in the spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen. Its application stimulates the development of the above-ground parts of plants. In mid-April, before the leaves bloom, add the following additives:

  • for 9-10 liters of water 400 g mullein, a spoonful of ammonium sulfate;
  • stir;
  • let stand for 3 hours;
  • pour 1 liter of the mixture under one plant.

Dilute a spoonful of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water. Water 1 bush with 0.5 liters of solution.

If strawberry seedlings are planted for the first year, then the following fertilizers are used:

  • a bucket of humus is mixed with 20 g of potassium,
  • add 25 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate;
  • mix everything, add 50 liters of water;
  • leave for 24 hours,
  • pour 1 liter of mixture into each hole before planting.

In spring, urea should not be used; at this time, plants do not absorb it well.

Feed the bushes with nettle solution:

  1. The grass is crushed, poured with water (1:5), the dish is covered with a lid and left for 3 days.
  2. The tincture is filtered and diluted with liquid (0.5 l per 9 l of water). Nettle contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, which is easily absorbed.
  3. 0.5 liters of solution is poured under one plant.

Mineral nutrition

Highly mobile mineral additives include potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Low mobility fertilizers include iron, copper, and boron. Basic additives for strawberries:

  • ammophoska;
  • liquid ammonium nitrate (15 ml per square);
  • nitroammophoska;
  • complex fertilizers.

Without these additives you will not get a decent harvest of berries. Without nitrogen, the fruits will be small and not sweet. A lack of potassium will affect the juiciness of the berries, and the bushes will begin to wither. These fertilizers should not be used 2 weeks before harvest.

Feeding during budding and flowering

During the flowering period, strawberries need phosphorus and potassium. Use root and foliar fertilizer for strawberries. Applying additives at the root takes less effort and time than spraying each bush.

Root feeding

Watering at the root allows you to deliver nutrients exactly to the address. Compositions used:

  1. A glass of ash per liter of hot water, stir, leave to cool, filter, pour 0.5 liters per bush.
  2. Thoroughly stir a spoonful of urea into 9 liters of water. Water 400 ml of solution per plant.
  3. 2 cups of manure are diluted in 10 liters of liquid, mixed, and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Pour 0.5 liters of fertilizer under the root.

Foliar nutrition

Leaves are processed from the bottom of the leaf blade, which is responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

Feeding options:

  1. Dissolve 4 g of potassium sulfate (can be replaced with potassium permanganate) and 2 g of boric acid in 2 liters of water.
  2. Zinc sulfate 2 g per 900 ml of water.
  3. After 3-4 days, treat the leaves with boron solution: 2 g per 2 liters of water.
  4. A teaspoon of potassium nitrate is diluted in 5 liters of water.
  5. Wood ash is scattered near the bushes on the surface of the ground, after loosening the soil. For 1 sq. m. glass of the substance.

Nutrition during fruiting period

When the first fruits appear, when they are still green, strawberries are fertilized with organic matter - manure, urea or ash.

Recipe No. 1:

  • use a solution of mullein 1:10, chicken manure 1:15;
  • infuse the product for 3-4 days;
  • water at the root 1 liter per plant.

Recipe No. 2:

  • dilute 4 kg of compost in a bucket of water;
  • leave to ferment for 3 days;
  • pour 1 liter of liquid onto the bush.

Recipe No. 3:

  • a glass of ash is diluted in 1 liter of water;
  • a day later, pour a bucket of water;
  • stir;
  • per 1 sq. m area requires 1 liter of solution.

Boric acid is taken a pinch per 9 liters of liquid, mixed, and sprayed on the plants. Strawberries do not respond well to peat fertilizing, so it is better not to use peat for berries.

Without organic additives, the berries become deformed. Water and fertilize the bushes only at the roots; if moisture gets on the fruits, it will affect the taste of the berries and cause gray rot.

Folk remedies

The yeast solution accelerates the formation of flowers, the bushes grow more actively. Only use fresh solution. Recipe:

  • 1 kg of fresh yeast is placed in a five-liter bucket of heated water;
  • stir;
  • leave for 4 hours in a warm room;
  • stir the solution every hour;
  • pour 0.6 liters of yeast solution under each bush.

Dry yeast is also used: two tbsp. spoons of sugar, 10 g of powder per glass of water. Then pour it into a ten-liter bucket of water and leave for 4 days.

The whey contains the components necessary for strawberries: calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, amino acids. Fermented milk products are suitable for alkaline soil. Whey or kefir is diluted with water (1:2), and strawberry bushes are sprayed with the solution.

Bread tincture:

  • wheat or rye bread, sliced ​​(300 g);
  • soak in 700 ml water;
  • leave for 5-7 days;
  • filter;
  • diluted with water 1:10;
  • pour 0.5 l of solution under the root.

Watering strawberries

The roots of the strawberry crop are located close to the surface of the earth; they are not able to extract moisture from the depths of the soil. Loose soil allows water to pass through well; 12 liters of water per square meter is sufficient. For clay soil, watering is increased by 3 liters per square meter of land. Flowering bushes are watered in the morning, using settled water at room temperature.

If it’s hot for a long time, then watering is increased 2-3 times, up to 3 times a week. When fruits appear, consume 2 buckets of liquid per square meter. The formation of fruits requires a lot of nutrients, which come with moisture. It is better to water in the evening, to a depth of at least 20 cm.

It is advisable to cover plants with film from direct rays and from rain. Drip irrigation is increasingly being used. You can irrigate with a watering can, being careful not to direct the water onto the flowers.

If the rhizome is exposed during watering, it is covered with earth.

Strawberry pollination

Small deformed fruits indicate insufficient pollination during the flowering period. Heat, frequent rains, absence or shortage of insects, cold and low temperatures are reasons that affect the quality of pollination.

Pollination methods:

  1. Flowers are pollinated by hand - brushed over the flowers with a soft brush in the first half of the day.
  2. To attract bees, the bushes are sprinkled with honey solution: dilute a spoonful of honey in 1 liter of water.
  3. Different varieties of strawberries are planted, the plants will exchange pollen. When cross-pollinated, the characteristics of the variety are lost.

Mustache trimming

Strawberry tendrils help the plant reproduce, while retaining all the maternal properties of the strawberry. Whiskers appear on the bushes after flowering. Beardless varieties of berries have also been bred.


You cannot cut off the mustache, as you can damage the bush; use scissors or pruners.

The mustache grows during the period of fruit formation, which means the plant spends energy on the growth of the mustache. If you remove them immediately after flowering, you can significantly improve the quality of the fruit. The mustache is also trimmed in the first half of September after harvesting on a dry day. The shoot should not be cut off at the outlet itself, but placed 5-7 cm long.

Before harvesting, straw or non-woven fabric is laid under the berries. This way the fruits will always be clean and will not overheat.