When to plant black radish in open ground. Planting radishes in open ground: cultivation and care Planting radishes in July

Radish is one of the favorite garden crops in our country. The vegetable has a unique nutritional value and at the same time extreme unpretentiousness. Radish can be grown both in the south of the country and in its northernmost regions.

The root vegetable is used to prepare tasty and healthy salads, and is also widely used in folk medicine. Growing radishes is not difficult - we will tell you in detail about this process in the article. We will consider all stages of cultivating root crops in open ground - from planting to harvesting.


Radish is a vegetable with rare nutritional qualities. The rich content of vitamins and minerals in the fruits of this plant allows us to consider radish not only a food product, but also a real medicine. Let us note that today there are a lot of varieties of this cruciferous plant: you can choose either black radish, traditional for Russian culture, or try to grow a rare hybrid variety.

Interestingly, depending on the variety, the color of the root peel can be black, white, pink, green, purple and even yellow. In the vast majority of cases, the pulp is always white, only in Margelan radish it is sometimes pink.

But this will help you understand what round black winter radish looks like, and how to plant it correctly in the garden.

The plant is distinguished by its remarkable unpretentiousness and amazing cold-resistant qualities. These properties make it possible to cultivate radish throughout our country.

Landing dates

As already mentioned, radish can be grown even in the northern regions, so we can rightfully classify this crop as cold-resistant. Note that seeds can germinate already at a temperature of +3-5 degrees, and seedlings that have already appeared can easily survive a sudden drop in temperature to +3-4 degrees.

In addition, even night return frosts, which often occur in the northern regions, will be survived by young seedlings quite safely.

Therefore, you can plant radish seeds in open ground as soon as the soil warms up to a temperature of +3-5 degrees, and of course, you must wait until the snow melts.

Early varieties of the crop are usually planted in late April-early May. These varieties of radish are the most cold-resistant, so they are not afraid of return frosts. Mid-season varieties are placed in the ground in May.

Let us note that the most comfortable air temperature for the plant is +18-20 degrees: therefore, of course, you can plant the seeds early, but you must count on the fact that within a week and a half after planting the air temperature will reach the indicated mark.

It will also be useful to know how large the fruits of a given variety are.

Video shows when to plant radishes in open ground:

Requirements for soil and planting site

Note that this plant is unpretentious to the soil and can grow safely even in not very fertile soil. However, it is still necessary to create some conditions for radishes - if, of course, you are counting on a really good harvest.

It is desirable that the soil contains enough humus - the future harvest, as well as the taste of root crops, largely depends on this fact. The culture feels best in sandy and loamy soils.

Soil moisture should be moderate, without drying out. Neutral acidity is desirable, but a slightly acidic soil reaction is also acceptable. If the soil has a pronounced acidic reaction, it must first be limed.

As for predecessor crops, it is advisable not to plant radishes after cruciferous crops, as well as carrots and horseradish. Radish will grow well after lettuce, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and legumes. Peas and all representatives of the pumpkin family are suitable as neighbors for radishes. But is it possible to plant pumpkins and squash next to each other, and how to do this?

Preparing the bed

Radish seeds, as with, should be added to previously prepared soil. This preparation must begin in the fall. The bed intended for planting must be dug up (usually to a depth of 35 cm), and all debris and weeds must be removed along the way.

The soil must be made fertile. To do this, add a bucket of humus or compost per 1 m2, as well as a glass of wood ash. All applied fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with the soil, and in this form the bed should be left alone until spring.

If you plan to plant radishes in a bed where organic fertilizers were already applied a year or two ago, then you should no longer apply them during preparation. You can get by with minerals alone - this will improve the taste of root vegetables and make them juicier. As mineral fertilizers, take superphosphate (30-40 g) and ammonium nitrate (25-30 g). It will also be useful to learn how to prepare the soil for planting

Planting in open ground

Before seeds are placed in the ground, they must first be inspected and sorted. Choose the largest seeds for planting, discard deformed, weak, and small ones. A large radish seed is considered to be one that reaches 2 mm in diameter.

Selected seeds must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day. This procedure will harden and strengthen the seeds, and also remove fungal spores, diseases, and pest eggs from their surface. After disinfection, the seeds must be dried on paper or cloth, and then only planted.

Before planting, the bed is loosened, furrows 2-3 cm deep are made. The distance between the furrows is 25-30 cm. If the variety involves small fruits, then a smaller distance can be left between the rows - 15-20 cm. But how to treat the bed before planting, and how to do it correctly, you can find out by reading the contents

In the video, planting radishes in open ground:

The seeds are laid out in the furrows (or holes) 3-4 at a time: the distance between the piles is 8 cm. After this, the seeds are sprinkled with earth and watered. When the seedlings appear and have a pair of true leaves, the plants are thinned out, leaving the strongest and most robust specimens.

How to care

Let's look at the main points for caring for radishes growing in open ground.


Note that the plant needs regular soil moisture - radish is very sensitive to this nuance. It is extremely undesirable to allow the soil to dry out.

If an early ripening radish is planted in the garden bed, water it once a week. Mid-season and late varieties need much less frequent watering - three to four procedures per season. Note that with each watering, at least a bucket of water (10-12 liters) must be poured onto 1 m2 of beds.

Regular and sufficient soil moisture is the key to ensuring that the fruits grow juicy and tasty. From a lack of moisture, the radish becomes hard and hollow. It is recommended to mulch the soil in the garden bed after watering. This measure will help retain moisture at the roots longer and also protect the bed from weeds.


As mentioned above, radishes are planted with several seeds in one hole, so seedlings require mandatory thinning. This makes sense, since as a result of the procedure, only the most viable and strong plants remain in the garden bed.

Thinning is carried out three times: the first time after the sprouts have a pair of leaves, the second time after 3-4 weeks, and the third time when the diameter of the root crop reaches about half a centimeter


Typically, radishes are fed twice during the growing season. The first time this happens is when the first leaves unfold at the seedlings, and the second time - a week after the first. However, if during the process of ripening the root crops it turns out that the plant does not have enough minerals (usually the leaves wither), it is recommended to feed the radish additionally.

Early varieties are fed only with nitrogen compounds, while mid-season and late varieties are fed with complexes containing phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. It is recommended to use ammonium or sodium nitrate (0.2%) as nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

But how to prepare chicken manure for feeding and what results can be achieved by using the product is indicated

And for all other additives, fertilizers such as:

  • superphosphate – 60 g;
  • calcium chloride - 15 g;
  • urea - 20 gr.

These volumes are calculated for a bucket of water and 20 m2 of soil. Three weeks before harvesting, all fertilizing should be stopped.


It is important to harvest before frost hits. A frozen root vegetable loses its keeping quality, quickly rots, and in addition, its taste loses its piquancy and sharpness.

Before placing root vegetables in boxes for long-term storage, inspect them carefully. It is important that the radish fruits do not have damage, defects, or begin to rot. Otherwise, the entire crop in a particular box may quickly deteriorate.

Diseases and pests

In general, radish is a disease-resistant vegetable, however, it can also be affected by viruses and fungi. Let's consider what misfortunes most often threaten this culture.


This is a fungal disease that leads to the formation of growths on the radish roots that rot over time. Those plants that are affected by this disease are greatly behind in growth compared to their counterparts, and then disappear completely.

The disease cannot be treated; the affected plant must be dug up and burned.

Powdery mildew

This disease appears as a grayish coating on radish leaves. Over time, the coating becomes darker, and then the leaves completely dry out and wither. Plants affected by the disease lag behind in development. It is necessary to combat the disease immediately at its first symptoms, carefully removing the affected leaves and spraying the plants with appropriate preparations.

Powdery mildew

In addition to the above, felt disease, leaf mosaic and some other diseases are also dangerous for radish. As for insects, the greatest danger in this case is the cruciferous flea beetle. Also know that all pests of cruciferous crops can also threaten radishes. But you can see what powdery mildew looks like on gooseberries in this

We learned how to plant and grow radish in open ground. As you can see, this crop is not very picky, so it can be safely grown even in northern conditions. After reading the article, you will be able to care for the plant more professionally, and as a result, get a more abundant harvest of strong, tasty root vegetables.

The active season of work in vegetable gardens has begun. Those who grow radishes are probably wondering when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017? After all, this year is a leap year, and there is such a sign that the harvest in a leap year grows poorly and poorly. To believe the signs or not, of course, is a personal matter for everyone, but it is better to know when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, choosing the most favorable days for this process according to the lunar calendar.

Black radish

Black radish is the most popular, and, one might say, traditional variety of this crop, which has been planted since time immemorial. Its taste is very bitter and sharp, so many people prefer other varieties, especially those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Black radish is contraindicated for such people. But, along with its unpleasant taste, it is the black radish that contains the largest amount of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if there are no health-related contraindications to eating black radish, then it is better to plant this particular variety.

The juice of this variety was used by doctors in Ancient Greece and Rome to cure a lot of ailments. It can treat kidneys, diabetes, and viral diseases. And the juice of this culture promotes healing and disinfection of open wounds.

Margelan radish

This radish variety is a fast-ripening variety and has a green color. The fruit itself is very juicy and there are no contraindications for its use, since Margelan radish has a pleasant, not harsh taste. This radish can be used for salads; it goes well with tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is this radish that is most often used as an additional ingredient in various dishes.

Daikon radish

Daikon is a real favorite among those who do not accept the bitterness and harshness of the taste of black radish. Daikon radish is white in color, and its taste is very soft, delicate, the complete opposite of black radish.

Those varieties of radish that have a milder taste contain fewer beneficial elements, but if you consume them in large quantities, you can fully compensate for this deficiency.

Sowing dates

Having decided on the variety, it’s time to figure out when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017. It is better to plant fast-ripening varieties by the end of spring, before the summer season, and those varieties that are grown to be stored for the winter - at the end of the summer season.
Radish, although not a fancy crop, still has some of its own characteristics. For example, this culture prefers sunny places with moderately moist soil, but not dry.

Important! You cannot plant radishes in places where cabbage and radishes previously grew.

Having chosen a sunny place for the radish, it must be fertilized, but it is not recommended to use fresh manure, and also water the garden bed abundantly. You should make holes in the soil about 2 centimeters deep, throw the seeds in there and sprinkle them a little with soil, then water them again a little, so that the seeds do not splash to the surface. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; it must be constantly moistened, but not overwatered, until the first shoots appear.

If the soil is clayey, then it must be loosened and peat added. And if the soil is very poor, then you need to add at least a kilogram of compost per square meter of bed.

The most favorable days for planting according to the lunar calendar

To find out when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, you can use the lunar calendar. For example, in April, taking into account what phase and constellation the moon is in, you can select the numbers for when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017. Favorable dates include April 1, 4-5, and the period from April 25 to April 30.

When sowing in May, you need to pay attention to the following dates: May 9-11, May 14 and 15, as well as the 22nd and 25th.

In June, the lunar calendar says that it is better to plant radishes on the 10th, 15-17th, or a little later, on June 21, 28 and 30.

There are not many days in July when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, this is the 8th and the period from July 12 to 13.

In August, the last month when you can plant radish in open ground in 2017, since if you plant it later, then
the plants may be caught in frost and die. In August, favorable days for sowing are the 4th-5th, August 9th, 14th-15th and 28th. About how to do it right.

You need to choose from the abundance of favorable days based on the climate of the area in which the garden is located, as well as the type of seeds. The average number of days during which a root crop is fully formed is 90 days. Based on this figure, you can calculate when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017. To quickly get your tasty and healthy harvest.

However, choosing the best numbers for when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017 is not the key to success. Like any other crop, radish needs care, without which it will not be possible to grow a full-fledged ripe vegetable.

Basic principles of radish care

As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to sprinkle the beds with ash to protect the plant from attacks by pests and diseases. It is better to immediately remove those fruits that show that they are weak from the garden, because they will take nutrients from stronger fruits, which should be left for the winter. The best stored fruits are those that reach a size of 4 to 6 centimeters and do not have any black spots on them.

To prepare radishes for storage for the winter, you need to unscrew the tops, clear them of soil, then select the strongest, largest and healthiest root vegetables and put them in boxes that should be stored in the basement. You can use sand for storage instead of a box, but you must observe the temperature, which should not exceed two degrees with a plus sign.

Useful tips

In order for radishes to grow in the best conditions, you need to know not only when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, but also what to consider when sowing seeds:
*Seeds cannot be planted in unheated soil;
*Make sure that there are no drafts in the place where the radish grows;
*Radish must be fertilized three times per season;

You can grow radishes in your own beds without any problems if you follow all the advice and also fulfill the minimum requirements that the plant asks for. And, of course, when it comes to sowing, when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, it is better to choose the most favorable days for planting according to the lunar calendar, because it has long been proven that the mysterious moon has a power that can influence not only the ebb and flow of the tides, but also on plant growth!
Good luck in the garden!

Radish is one of my favorite vegetables. I like the root vegetable for its special taste in salads, as well as its medicinal properties for coughs. It is important for a summer resident to know how and when to plant radishes in the garden.

After all, sowing in my garden earlier or later than expected led to the formation of a trunk and flowering of the crop. It was so that not a single root crop was formed.

Analysis of errors and thorough study allowed me to develop a landing algorithm. Let my bitter but invaluable experience help you grow a decent harvest of black radish.

There are different types and varieties of radish. There are early varieties that are planted in the spring. After 40-45 days, small fruits ripen, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. But at this time, radishes are also pleased with the harvest, and early radishes fade into the background.

Summer varieties bear fruit 2 months after sowing. Plant seeds in open ground without fear of frost.

I prefer the winter variety. It is called “Winter Black Radish”. Breeders have also developed other varieties:

  • Round black radish of medium ripeness. The fruits are dug up 80 days after planting. The variety is famous for its high yield of 7.5 kilograms per square meter. Well kept. The root crop can reach a weight of up to 500 grams. It has a black velvety peel, white juicy pulp with a pronounced, pungent taste.
  • Winter long black radish is distinguished by its unique fruit shape. The sharp taste of the pulp will not disappoint. The fruit will remain juicy throughout storage for 3-4 months.
  • Radish lovers do not mind learning about an unusual green fruit - this is Margelan radish, or as it is popularly called Chinese radish. Its skin is more tender than the black one, but its taste is distinguished by the absence of bitterness. There are fewer useful substances in the green representative of Cruciferous vegetables, but they are still there.

Radish planting dates

Varieties differ not only in ripening time, but also in time. It is important to know how and when to sow them in open ground. I plant a popular variety of winter vegetable in mid-summer.

The optimal planting time in the Moscow region is the first days of July. I check the exact day with the lunar calendar. The root crop grows in conditions of decreasing daylight hours and ripens in September.

If we talk about the northern regions of our country, where there is severe cold in winter. then in Siberia and the Urals they sow in the second half of June. In short summer conditions, summer residents have to build a greenhouse to allow the root crops to ripen.

Important! Planting seeds in early June can cause the plant to form a trunk and flower. You won't wait for the harvest!

Planting black radish

Place and land for growing vegetables

I usually plant black radish in a lighted place. To improve soil fertility, 2 weeks before sowing, I dig up the soil and add humus, as well as mineral complex fertilizer.

Sowing seeds

I take humate or another growth stimulant, dissolve it in water and soak the seeds. After a day, the seed is ready for planting. Pre-sowing treatment improves the immunity of the future plant. Experts have noticed that the percentage of plants that have formed an arrow is decreasing.

In the garden bed I make two parallel furrows at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Then on each I plant the seeds in the ground every 7-8 centimeters. Such forethought and freedom will help the root crops to develop fully and not interfere with each other. And also there is no need to thin out the crops later.

I water the bed in advance with warm and settled water. The soil must be well moistened with water to give rise to new life.

Planting care

For the first two weeks in hot weather, I always water the garden bed. At the beginning of July there is usually no rain and it is up to the owner to create conditions for the emergence of seedlings.

This video will complement your knowledge of growing black radish:

Pest Control

The main enemy of representatives of the Cruciferous family is the flea beetle. Usually it does not cause significant damage to plantings. But with strong humidity and heat, harmful insects increase their population and significantly damage the green mass of the vegetable crop.

Cruciferous flea beetle larvae lay in root crops, but more often spoil the harvest of radishes and cabbage. Black radish is protected by a thick skin, but the yield of the crop can be significantly reduced if the leaves of the plants are damaged.

As a preventative measure, I water the plantings with a solution of green fertilizer, which has a specific odor and repels insects.

Another effective way is to pollinate plantings with wood ash. I take fresh powder and treat the plants in the evening.

Note! It is better not to do the procedure in the morning, as there is a danger of the plants getting their leaves burned in sunny weather, and the bush will not feel comfortable.

A necessary agrotechnical technique is loosening the soil between the rows. Radish grows well in fertile soil enriched with oxygen.

In the future, I follow the following growing rules:

  • When sowing frequently, I thin out the seedlings.
  • I water it often, because this is the key to the formation of juicy fruits.
  • I feed it with ash. Light pollination is the prevention of attack by the cruciferous flea beetle, and potassium in the composition of natural organic fertilizer is necessary for the full development of the vegetable.
  • To improve sugar content and taste, I pamper my green plants with mineral fertilizer with microelements.


Black radish roots are harvested as they ripen from August. The rest of the harvest is in September or October before frost sets in.

Radish in the human diet

The root vegetable is a unique vegetable due to the content of vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, proteins, and amino acids. It has earned recognition, first of all, for its set of phytoncides - compounds that suppress and kill harmful microorganisms. Black radish is a natural antibiotic.

Eating vegetable salads in humans helps to increase immunity, improves metabolism, and removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. All that remains is to “register” black winter radish in your garden. With a minimum of care, she will delight you with a good harvest.

It is not for nothing that the ordinary black radish is considered an amazing vegetable - planting it in open ground and caring for it is not difficult, and the benefits of the inconspicuous-looking root vegetable are enormous. Growing juicy, full-bodied root crops on your personal plot will not be difficult if you know how to do it correctly: centuries-old experience in cultivating crops contains many useful agrotechnical nuances.

Brief description and characteristics of culture

Radish is a member of the cabbage family. Of its several varieties - oilseed, daikon, Margelan, sweet - round black winter radish is considered the most healing, and therefore the most popular. Its beneficial properties and simplicity of cultivation technology determine the long-standing popularity of the vegetable, which has been cultivated in our country since the 12th century.

The plant has a two-year growing season: in the first year it produces roots that are used as food, in the second year it produces seeds. The vegetable is exceptionally cold-resistant; root crops are harvested just before frost. The only point that requires special attention when growing it is planting time.

Sowing dates

The peculiarity of growing radish, the condition for its proper development, is short daylight hours. The vegetable throws out the arrow when long, after which its root hardens and becomes unsuitable for consumption. This factor is the reason why the crop is sown either in early spring or at the end of summer, when there is less daylight.

Depending on the purpose of cultivation - for long-term storage, until the spring months, or for use during the winter - choose the variety and sowing time:

  • Early small-fruited varieties have a growing season of up to 45 days. They have the least pungency and provide a rich complex of early vitamins. Their planting date is March. Due to their high cold resistance, they can withstand frosts and germinate at +3-5ºC. Radish of early varieties is consumed in the first months after harvesting;
  • varieties of medium ripening, or summer, are ready for consumption after 55-60 days from emergence. Depending on the region, the optimal time for sowing them is from the end of April to the end of the first ten days of May;
  • early ripening winter ones should be planted in late July and early August. Mid-season varieties, which have a long shelf life and ripen in 100-115 days, are planted for the winter in Siberia in the third decade of June. Planting dates in the Moscow region and regions of central Russia are early July.

An error with the timing of planting leads to a decrease in yield, taste and keeping quality.

For those who take into account the influence of the Moon on plants and want to know what date to plant radishes, this information will be useful: all sowing of root crops is carried out during the growing night light. There is an opinion among gardeners that such planting dates have a positive effect on the growth, juiciness, preservation of beneficial properties and keeping quality of vegetables.

Sowing preparation and technology

There are few options for planting black radish in open ground; in fact, there is only one - with seeds. They germinate quickly and amicably, without fear of spring frosts, and seedlings sown in summer germinate even faster. In addition, according to experienced gardeners, the seedling method of growing black radish gives poor results due to damage to the root during transplantation - because of this, the vegetable blooms and becomes unsuitable for consumption.

The use of crop rotation rules increases the volume of the harvest and reduces the risk of vegetable diseases. Its best predecessors are the legume and onion families, zucchini and pumpkins, tomatoes and beets, carrots and potatoes. If the area allocated for crops is limited, radishes can be sown as a compacting crop with potatoes, onions and tomatoes.

Preparing the bed

Despite the fact that radish does not like long daylight hours, it prefers well-lit areas, reacting even to slight shading with a decrease in yield. The soil should be loose and fertile. On clay soils, root crops grow gnarled and crack.

Vegetable beds are prepared in the fall by removing plant debris from them, adding lime at the rate of 200 g per square meter and digging without destroying the clods. In the spring, they add peat or compost at 5-6 kg per square meter or mineral fertilizers - 2 cups of ash for the same area (can be replaced with 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska).

Preparation of planting material

Before planting black radish, standard procedures are carried out - calibrating and dressing the seed:

  • seeds are poured with saline solution (per liter of water - 50 g of coarse salt), those that float are removed;
  • calibrated by passing through 2 mm sieve openings. Use the remaining in the sieve for sowing;
  • washed with clean water and placed for pickling in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate or 1% iodine.

Treating seeds before sowing is an important factor in rapid and uniform germination, strengthening plant immunity and increasing productivity.

It is useful to treat the material intended for sowing immediately before planting with a growth stimulator or humate. This procedure is not mandatory, but recommended - after treatment, a smaller number of seedlings go into the arrow in the first year of vegetation, without producing an edible root crop.


Before planting radish seeds, dig up the soil as deep as possible, preferably 30-35 centimeters. You can add humus to the soil, but you cannot add fresh manure (it provokes cracks in the root crops). The vegetable will be “happy” with pre-planting fertilizing with a mixture of a bucket of water, 3 tablespoons of superphosphate plus urea and potassium chloride - a spoonful.

The furrows are made in the direction from west to east with a depth of 2-4 cm. A gap of 30-40 cm is maintained between the rows. Between plantings in a row of early ripening varieties - 8-10 cm, medium and late crops - 13-15 cm. The furrows are sprinkled with soil, slightly compacting. The seeding depth will thus be 2-3 cm, then watered.

How to grow black radish

Shoots appear quickly, in less than a week after sowing. There are few rules for growing black radish that allow you to get juicy and tasty root vegetables:

  • the vegetable does not like thickening. The first time it is thinned out when 2-3 leaves appear, the second time - after 2-3 weeks;
  • plants need constant soil moisture, weed removal and loosening.

To obtain a medium-sized but juicy fruit, gardeners with extensive experience in growing this crop advise periodically rocking the plant during the growing season to tear off shoots of the tap root in the soil. They use up the nutrients the vegetable needs.

It is optimal to harvest root crops in dry weather and before the onset of frost:

  • in the middle or end of September - in the north of Russia;
  • in the first half of October - in the middle zone;
  • at the end of October - in the south of our country.

Watering mode

Radish loves frequent irrigation, and keeping the soil moist has a positive effect on root crops gaining weight and juiciness. In addition, with sufficient watering, the plant blooms less often.

For sprouts planted in early spring, a weekly “shower” is sufficient. Late-ripening species need less moisture: if the weather is not dry, they are watered once every half month in late summer and early autumn. The time for the procedure is chosen in the morning or evening, using 10-13 liters of water per square meter.

Leaving vegetables in dry soil, even for a short time, reduces the quantity of the harvest and deteriorates its quality.


The radish responds to them with gratitude: in particular, there is never too much ash for it. It is applied in the fall, then immediately before planting and in the phase of 3-4 leaves. In addition, ashes are scattered directly on the beds and on green plants to prevent the appearance of cruciferous flea beetles.

Instead of ash, you can feed the vegetable with the following nutrient solution: 15 g of potassium chloride, 20 g of urea, 60 g of superphosphate per 10-liter bucket of water.

The quality of the fruit will improve by feeding it with table salt, magnesium and boron during the root formation phase. The growth of plantings will increase and the sugar content of fruits will increase.

Diseases and pests

There are many insects that want to harm radishes:

  • the larvae of cruciferous flea beetles and carrot flies can spoil the root crop;
  • Through the damaged peel, fungal spores and bacteria penetrate from the soil into the pulp, which significantly reduces the shelf life of the vegetable. Sprinkling radish ash on the beds and leaves of greenery helps;
  • cabbage and rapeseed leaf beetles, slugs, and aphids destroy the above-ground parts of plants.

Crowded beds increase the risk of pest damage. Therefore, if possible, radish is sown along the edges of plots with potatoes, cucumbers, onions, or placed rarely between these crops.

Enzymes and biological products, such as Fitoverm or Lipocid, help in pest control. Their advantage is their rapid decomposition in the soil and the absence of an effect on the quality of the fruit.

A good crop harvest, grown independently, will support and protect against many diseases throughout the year. Growing a healthy vegetable is not a difficult task in almost all regions of Russia. You just need to know how and when to plant radishes, as well as a few rules of agricultural technology that ensure the production of full-bodied and healthy root crops.

For this, early varieties are used. The radish harvest will be received by autumn.

  • At the end of summer.

In this case, the grown radish will be stored all winter.

Radish planting dates

As mentioned above, root crops can be planted in two stages. To find out the planting days, it is best to refer to the lunar calendar. After all, our ancestors used it. To get a good harvest in the garden beds, all crops must be planted on certain days. The main factor here is the phases of the moon, which have different effects on plants and their yield.

Let's answer the question: so, when should you plant radishes according to the lunar calendar?

The best time to harvest this root vegetable for the winter is at the end of July. In this case, a place in the area where the onion has already been dug is perfect. If you didn’t have time to plant at this time, you can do it a little later. The main thing here is to navigate according to the lunar calendar, namely, to sow at a time when the moon is in its waning phase. So be sure to check the days.

If you answer the question, until what date can you plant radishes, then it is best to do this no later than the first days of August. In general, here you need to focus on the climate zone in which you live. The ripening period for radish roots is 85-90 days. Therefore, in regions with a cold climate, it is best to plant in the first half of July, in warmer places - the end of July, the beginning of August.

How to plant radishes correctly?

To get a good harvest, any crops must be planted correctly, following the basic rules. The following factors are important here:

  • sowing date;
  • place for planting on the site;
  • soil fertility;
  • previous cultures;
  • and of course, proper care.

Planting radishes for the winter

So let's get started.

  • The sowing dates have already been sorted out. Now it’s worth talking about the landing site. Radish loves sun and rich soil. Therefore, choose an area where it will be warm and sunny.
  • If the soil is not fertile, then it is necessary to fertilize it. The simplest folk remedies can be used as fertilizer - manure and ash. The first one can only be used in its rotted form; it cannot be used fresh. Add ash at the rate of liter per square meter. You can also use peat or humus. The required quantity is 6 kg per square meter.
  • An important factor is predecessors. Before winter, it is best to plant radishes after onions, potatoes, legumes, carrots and melons. It is not recommended to sow after turnips and cabbage; they also do not like radishes.
  • The next question is what should I plant radishes next to? The root vegetable gets along well with tomatoes, parsnips, carrots, legumes, herbs, melons and cucumbers. Doesn't like strawberries, cabbage, peas.

How to plant seeds in the ground?

It is very easy to sow radishes. Furrows are made in the soil at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. The seeds are immersed 2-3 cm. Sprinkle peat or humus on top of the bed. After the seedlings have hatched, the row spacing needs to be loosened. With the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the radish is thinned out. The optimal distance between root crops is 15 cm. Planted denser, it can produce a peduncle rather than a fruit.

During the entire growing period, you need to apply 2-3 fertilizing. The first at an early stage of formation is 4-5 leaves. Mineral or organic fertilizers are suitable as fertilizing. For example, mullein or droppings. Apply the following fertilizing when the fruit is actively developing. At this stage, phosphorus and potassium are needed.

Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week.