Spraying currants against pests with folk remedies. Blackcurrant: pest control in spring, summer and autumn

processed for protection from pest infestation and from the hidden development of various infections, such as fungal ones.
  • Proper processing and proper care in the fall, will allow the currant plantation to wake up faster in the spring and produce a rich harvest.
  • Implementation of all preventive measures to combat diseases will extend the life of the bush and improve the quality of the harvest.
  • And treatment for parasites in the fall will provide the opportunity for high-quality fruiting.
  • Thus, it is possible to avoid many problems.

    The plantation is treated for pests to avoid the appearance of the following insects:

    1. Kidney mites.
    2. Fires.
    3. Spider mite.
    4. Glassware.
    5. Willow scale insect.

    All these pests cause great harm to the currant plantation. In particular, glass beetle and willow scale lead to the death of shoots and plants as a whole, and bud mites, moths or aphids will deprive the harvest because they interfere with the vegetative development of the plant.

    For diseases, treatment is needed both as a preventive measure and as a fight against numerous damages that occur when a plant is affected by various types of fungal infections:

    1. Terryness.
    2. Anthracnose.
    3. Powdery mildew.
    4. Septoria.
    5. Rust.

    All these diseases are caused by fungi and, despite affecting various segments of the plant, ultimately lead to the death of the plant. It is also dangerous that if one plant becomes sick, there is a possibility of infecting others. This will lead to the loss of the entire plantation.

    For example, in the absence of prevention and treatment when terry appears, one bush will first suffer, and after a couple of seasons the plantation will lose most of the bushes.

    What to process

    To begin with, you should immediately decide. Treatment with pesticides is allowed only as a last resort. The basis of the treatment is spraying, it occurs using any available sprayer, in the absence of which it is possible to use a watering can with a millimeter nozzle.

    There are two methods of treatment with infusions and carcinogens with chemicals. composition. Complex chemical compounds can be purchased at an agricultural or garden store. Their price will be quite low, due to their frequent use in large volumes.

    The recipes for use are different for each solution:

    1. Burgundy liquid. A one percent solution is required. Bordeaux mixture is used in the same way. 40 grams of the substance are diluted per bucket of water.
    2. or copper oxychloride is used at the rate of 20 grams per ten liters of water.
    3. Preparations Topaz, Vectra, Karbofos used according to the instructions, but in all cases a 10% emulsion will be needed.
    4. Application of iodine is still a priority. In a 10 liter bucket, dilute 10 ml of iodine and treat the desired plant.
    5. Fitosporin, is not a chemical drug and acts in the same way as iodine.

    It is possible to use traditional methods: an infusion of tobacco, onion or garlic works well to repel various pests due to its specific pungent odor. This infusion is quite easy to obtain. In the case of tobacco, we grind it, in others we chop it finely. 100-150 grams per ten liters of hot water. Infusion should occur within 3-4 days.

    Autumn processing

    The autumn stage of treatment against various pests is not limited to treating the affected areas of branches and spraying them.

    Work with a currant plantation begins in early spring, before the buds wake up and the sap flows:

    The peculiarity of spring processing is a step-by-step mode for all types of currants:

    1. The first stage is thermal treatment.
    2. Trimming every other day.
    3. Feed if necessary.
    4. Preventative spraying before flowering with Burgundy liquid.

    Treatment of currants against diseases

    1. In the spring, after the usual prevention, it is necessary to spray the currant bushes and the soil under them with a solution of karbofos or nitrophen, both solutions should be 2 percent. This procedure protects the plant from almost all diseases.
    2. After 10 days treatment is carried out Bordeaux mixture.
    3. And when kidneys appear, prevention is carried out spraying the bushes with fundozol.

    If you follow the basic rules of plant prevention and care, it is possible to avoid almost all known currant diseases.

    Spraying for pest control is also carried out with karbofos and nitrophen, which perfectly protect currant bushes from both diseases and any pest:

    1. It is important to remember that the fight against kidney mites is carried out at a temperature of at least 20 degrees If the temperature is lower, then after treatment the bush is wrapped in polyethylene, which is then removed after a few days. Treated with Karbofos or colloidal sulfur.
    2. To combat the moth, ordinary roofing material is perfect. It spreads around each bush, its edges are covered with earth. After flowering ends and the berries begin to ripen, the roofing material can be removed.
    3. Spider mites are plagued by simple processing with infusion of garlic or onion
    4. The large currant aphid also really does not like infusions of garlic or onions., need to be treated a couple of weeks before flowering
    5. Narrow-bodied borer is removed with a solution of karbofos. Moreover, the treatment occurs 20 days after flowering, the leaf gall midge is destroyed by spraying with chlorophos or karbofos.

    The amount of fertilizer primarily depends on the quality of the soil itself and the age of the bush. There is no great need to fertilize soils with a high salt content with organic fertilizers, black soil or mineral salts.

    Before the first frost, the currant plantation is watered abundantly. One bush should require about 70 liters of water. After watering, the soil is fertilized with compost or sawdust.

    It is necessary to replant currants after the end of the growing season, when the leaves have dropped:

    1. When replanting, the bush is pruned; cuttings can be made from the trimmings and buried there. If the cuttings are planted correctly, new bushes can grow.
    2. You need to dig the planting hole in advance to add fertilizer to it., as is done when planting a new plant.
    3. The bush is dug out along with the soil located in the roots, it is important to try not to damage the root system, and transfer it to the right place.
    4. After transplanting is completed, abundant watering is required., regardless of weather and soil moisture.
    5. Next comes processing and fertilizing the soil around the bush.

    Subject to agrotechnical laws and regular proper care, currants become virtually invulnerable to pests and diseases. Strengthening the immune system is also done with the help of applied fertilizers, but it is important that this is always done on time and in the right proportions.

    When planting or replanting a currant bush, the required amount of fertilizer is applied. Therefore, the bush does not need to be fed for 2 years. In the 3rd year, feeding currants occurs at the beginning of the growing season and at its end.

    To make preventive treatment of currants in the fall more effective, a bedding made of crushed oak bark or simple sawdust is made under the bushes. This will allow the root system to be protected from drying out and low temperatures.

    A short list of what you can feed:

    1. When the fruits ripen, Uniflor-micro is used. The dosage is 50 grams per bucket of water. After the end of the growing season, a mixture of potassium and phosphate is added.
    2. In spring, currants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate. The calculation is 70 grams for each bush.
    3. Manure or possible replacement with slurry or bird droppings. But in this case, fertilizing is applied directly at the rate of one bucket per bush, having previously dissolved potassium salt and superphosphate in a mixture of water and manure.
    4. The application of a mixture of mineral and organic fertilizers occurs when digging between the rows. About 10 kilograms of humus or rotted manure and potassium salt in combination with phosphates are applied directly under each bush.

    All necessary chemical mineral fertilizers can be purchased at an agricultural or garden store.

    When carrying out processing you need to know that:

    1. When transplanting or replanting bushes, preference is given to a new location in low areas on the western or northern slopes. In addition, if possible, heavy loamy or medium soils are recommended for black currants, and loamy soils for red currants.
    2. Before planting or transplanting, holes are made a couple of weeks before the possible planting time– this allows the soil to settle sufficiently and be saturated with fertilizers.
    3. The size of the hole for a currant bush reaches 40 centimeters diametrically, while the depth does not exceed 30-40 centimeters.
    4. Complete disposal of aphids will occur only after complete disposal of. Ants are almost impossible to remove using traditional methods. Most chemicals also have little effect on them. The only way to get rid of it is to use modern highly effective baits and gels. They act after some time so that the ants have time to deliver it to the anthill and feed the larvae and the queen itself.
    5. When pruning, it is easy to distinguish young shoots from old ones by their dark brown color and small cracks in the bark. They are also distinguished by underdeveloped and short growths. And, of course, berry shrinkage is noticeable in the summer on old branches compared to other shoots.
    6. A dangerous pest is the bud mite, whose presence is indicated by overgrown buds. If there are only a few affected buds, they must be removed. If the lesions are quite significant, then the bush must be cut off and immediately burned. To repel bud mites, garlic and onions are planted among currant bushes.

    Currant culture occupies one of the leading places among consumers. This plant from the gooseberry family is a powerful source of vitamins and nutrients. Shrub care includes a number of activities, the purpose of which is to obtain aromatic, healthy, high-quality berries.

    Spraying time

    Unfortunately, currants, like many other plants in the garden, are exposed to the harmful effects of insects and various types of diseases. One of the main effective methods of control is timely and periodic treatment by spraying. This method is based on abundant surface irrigation of both the upper part of the leaf and its reverse side. The classic method of applying special solutions is using a garden sprayer. Spraying technology includes fine pollination of the plant. This agrotechnical approach is integral to growing crops. The composition of solutions is prepared based on the need to achieve goals. Both natural mixtures made according to folk recipes (tincture of wormwood, garlic, etc.) and chemical means of combating insects and diseases (insecticides, fungicides) can be used. The effect of treating a bush depends on the correct selection of products and, no less important, the timely detection of a plant disease or damage to it by harmful insects. When processing, do not forget about observing the timing and frequency of application. The result of all currant care should be a high-quality, ecological harvest. In the process of cultivating a crop, processing can be divided into several stages:

    1. Primary spraying is applied until the buds open in early spring;
    2. The second treatment can be carried out during the active flowering stage;
    3. Apply solutions after flowering is completed;
    4. The final stage of spraying currants is carried out after harvesting.

    To achieve crop quality, the use of chemical-based products is carried out before the flowering stage. During the period of berry growth, biological preparations are used, as well as solutions made according to folk recipes.

    Spring and autumn treatments

    Spraying currants in the fall is also necessary to maintain a healthy bush. Prevents the development of fungal infection with the arrival of spring, allows you to destroy pests. In the autumn, after harvesting and falling leaves, apply Burgundy liquid (40 g of active substance per 10 liters of water), Copper sulfate (20 g per 10 liters), Karbofos, Topaz, Vectra, Fitosporin or Iodine solution (10 ml of iodine per 10 liters water). Spraying is carried out using a spray bottle. The compositions are applied to the entire bush and the soil around it. Fallen leaves and branch cuttings should be destroyed by burning.

    Traditional methods

    Spraying currants after flowering is carried out with solutions of biological origin or prepared using folk remedies. This approach will allow you to harvest an environmentally friendly harvest, eliminating the presence of toxins in it. Garlic-based infusion is used as a treatment. The head is crushed, poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 5 - 7 days. Next, the solution is brought to the required concentration at the rate of 50 - 60 ml per 10 liters of warm water. Effective against whiteflies, scale insects, mite species and scale insects. Onion infusion is used against aphids, thrips, fungal and bacterial diseases, and various types of sucking pests. For preparation, a volume of onion equal to one liter is crushed to a pulp. Fill with a liter of warm water and infuse for 24 hours. Next, at the rate of 20 - 25 ml of tincture, dilute in 10 liters of water. Treatment is performed when signs of damage appear. Soda solution has proven itself well. To prepare, dissolve 20 g of baking soda in 5 liters of warm water. Immediately before applying to the bush, crushed laundry soap is added to the solution. Fights against powdery mildew and fungal infections of leaves.

    A large number of drugs are available on the modern market to prevent or destroy diseases and pests. But taking into account the high toxicity of chemical solutions, dosing and use must be strictly observed in accordance with the regulations. The berry producer must be clearly guided by the need to obtain, first of all, an environmentally friendly, healthy product.

    For the prevention and treatment of currant diseases, both chemical compounds and natural ingredients are used.

    Source: Depositphotos

    Knowing how to spray currants against diseases and pests, you will save the harvest

      • The currant sawfly attacks the plant when berries have already appeared on the bushes, so it is impossible to use aggressive chemical compounds to combat it. In this case, the bushes are sprayed with Agrovertin or Fitoverm. The same drugs will help defeat the glass moth and gooseberry moth.
      • Spraying with a solution of karbofos or the drug "Fufanon" will help against the galitza mosquito.
      • Shoot aphids can be removed by spraying the bushes with an infusion of pine needles or a 3% solution of potassium permanganate. In difficult cases, special drugs are used, for example, Iskra-bio.
      • You can get rid of fungal infections of any type by treating the bushes with a solution of copper or iron sulfate or Nitrafen.
      • Solutions of karbofos and chlorophos are used against moths and aphids.
      • Spraying with solutions of colloidal sulfur, keltan and karbofos helps get rid of tick-borne infections.
      • Treatment with Fitosporin solution will help prevent the appearance of powdery mildew.

    If you do not want to spray chemicals on your site, use less aggressive, but at the same time less effective solutions, for example, infusions of onion peels, wormwood, and tobacco.

    How to spray currants

    Any treatment of a currant bush begins with preparing a solution. To prevent the plant from getting chemical burns, solutions must be prepared strictly according to recipes and not exceed the recommended dosages. This is not a case of “more is better.”

    Bushes should be sprayed in dry, windless weather, at a temperature not lower than +22...+24 ⁰С.

    If the air temperature is lower, after treatment the bushes should be wrapped in polyethylene.

    In order for the treatment to bring the desired effect, each plant should be inspected before spraying, the most affected leaves and branches should be removed and burned. A video about how to spray currants will help you understand all the intricacies of the process.

    Today it is difficult to find a personal plot in which a crop such as currants would not grow. This berry is valued not only for its delicious taste, this fruit is also very healthy. Due to these excellent qualities, this culture has become so widely used.

    Why is spring treatment needed?

    Treating currants against pests is the key to harvesting and preserving the fruit-bearing bush. As a rule, gardeners begin caring for this crop as soon as the last snow has disappeared from the front garden. If you carry out spring processing correctly, you can count on a good harvest. Moreover, it is believed that treatment performed in the spring is the most effective.

    What to do before processing

    Before you find out how currants are processed in the spring, you should remember what measures are taken immediately before spraying. The fact is that protecting this crop is not only about timely spraying. In the overwhelming majority, the simplest manipulations cope no worse with such a task as protecting the currant front garden.

    When is the treatment carried out?

    The above deadlines for carrying out such procedures are optimal. It is important to understand that it is completely wrong to process shrubs at the moment you want. And you shouldn’t expect any good from such a procedure.

    It is worth noting one very important point: there are certain periods when spraying this crop is strictly prohibited. These periods include the height of flowering.

    The fact is that any drug, even if it is natural, can damage the opened buds, as a result you can forget about the harvest. But as for the question of whether it is possible to spray currants when the berries have appeared, most gardeners say it is possible.

    After currants bloom, experienced gardeners recommend carrying out a treatment and preventive course, which consists of three stages. In this case, you need to maintain an interval of 10 days. This procedure is performed to completely saturate the soil and prevent the attack of various defects.

    Insect pest treatment

    Currant aphid

    Golden butterfly

    This individual is also not averse to eating the tops of young shoots. If the borer has settled on your currants, then you can identify it by the following sign: first the tops of the branches begin to dry, and then the affected branches dry out completely.

    The main thing is that regardless of whether you use boiling water or soda, the kidney mite literally dies after the first procedure. Which is what is necessary to protect the bushes. The only thing to consider is that the treatment is carried out at a time when the weather outside is warm and fine.

    Defect Treatment

    Overcoming any disease on a currant bush is a rather complex and painstaking task. Therefore, try to initially organize proper care for this crop. Especially if you are a supporter of natural products and do not accept processing with chemicals.

    It is worth emphasizing that in the case when a mistake was made in care and illnesses began to gradually destroy the currants, the fight should be started immediately.

    But first, it’s worth studying the enemy in detail, namely:

    1. Terry: the first symptoms of the attack are practically invisible, noticeably manifested already during the ripening period of the berries. If you do not start the fight in time, you may be left without a harvest. You can identify it by the web with which it envelops the berries.
    2. A defect of fungal origin called anthracnose. This disease can be detected by a changed leaf blade, which becomes longer and slightly deformed. Anthracnose must be combated immediately as soon as its presence is noticed, otherwise the harvest will decrease several times.
    3. And the last, no less dangerous defect is powdery mildew. Not only currants suffer from this disease, but also other fruit crops and even cucumbers. If you do not want to lose your currant bed, you should act with lightning speed.

    All the diseases described above can be overcome only with the help of potent chemicals. Moreover, it is possible to cope with defects only if they were identified at the beginning of development.

    It is for this reason that you do not wait until one of the defects described above appears, because you already know what to spray the currants with. Carry out spring preventative treatment and let your bushes delight you with only tasty fruits.