When to plant peppers according to the lunar calendar. Planting pepper according to the lunar calendar

The start of the gardening season is just around the corner. Most summer residents are preparing for it already in February. It is at this time that you can start.

Of course, those who purchase ready-made seedlings may not worry until March-April. And in this article we will talk about how to properly and when to sow such a common vegetable among all gardeners as pepper.

Like all other garden crops, pepper requires a special approach. All main terms of work are connected, first of all, with dates. It is according to him that many are guided by when and how best to plant seeds, when and how to plant seedlings themselves and how to care for them.

Pepper varieties

There are many different varieties of pepper. But, it is fashionable to arrange ratings and the so-called ten most popular varieties of this vegetable are selected here. All of these varieties are sweet peppers.

An early ripe variety with a fairly high yield. Basically, this variety is grown in a greenhouse, but it can also be planted in open ground. Bush up to 50 cm high. The fruits are cone-shaped, smooth and shiny. In the period of technical ripeness, the fruits have a light green color, and biological - bright orange.


Early maturing variety, also high-yielding. Bush up to 80 cm high. Fruits are large, smooth, prismatic. In the period of technical ripeness, they are dark green in color, and biological - bright red.

Atlant F1

Mid-season variety. Bush no more than 80 cm high. The fruit is elongated, cone-shaped. In the period of technical ripeness it has a green color, ripening - bright red.

Belladonna F1

Early maturing variety. Ideal for greenhouse cultivation. However, it grows well in open field. A bush up to 80 cm high. During the stage of technical ripeness, the fruit is greenish-white, and biological - light yellow. The fruits are cube-shaped, glossy, smooth.

Mid-season variety. The bush is quite powerful, sprawling, 50-70 cm high. At the stage of technical ripeness, the color of the fruit is light green, and the biological color is red. The shape of the fruit is conical. The variety has a constant and high yield.

Star of the East chocolate F1

Early maturing variety. The bush is also powerful and branched, 70 cm high. The fruits are large, glossy, cylindrical. During the period of technical ripeness, the color of the fruit is dark green, and biological - dark brown.

Isabella F1

Mid-season, high-yielding variety. It is grown both indoors and outdoors. The bush is very powerful, compact, 60 cm high. The fruits are prismatic. During the period of technical ripeness, the color of the fruit is green, and in biological - bright red.

Ultra-early variety. Therefore, it is grown exclusively in greenhouses. A bush up to 1 meter high, and therefore requires high greenhouses. The fruits are cuboid, large, weighing up to 250 g. During the period of technical ripeness they are green, while ripening they become dark purple.

Medium early variety. The bush is low, about 70 cm. The fruits are cuboid, smooth and glossy. During the period of technical ripeness, the color is green, and biological - red. Very popular due to its pleasant aroma.


Early maturing variety. It is grown up in film greenhouses and in an open ground. Bush up to 60 cm high. Fruits are oval cone-shaped, smooth. In the phase of technical ripeness, they are light green in color, and in the biological phase they are red.

Favorable days for planting seeds for seedlings

So, when is the best time to plant seeds for seedlings? For this, we turn to lunar calendar.

When planting seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the timing of the vegetative development of the plant. Usually, seeds are planted somewhere 60-75 days before transplanting already seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse. At the same time, we also take into account the variety of pepper. If you are planting late-ripening varieties, the gap between planting seeds and planting seedlings should be as long as possible.

Guided by the lunar calendar, we determine that in order to obtain low seedlings, but strong enough and resistant to diseases, we plant seeds 21 and 22.02.18. At this time, the Moon will be in the constellation Taurus. In astrology, this is a fairly prolific sign. Acceptable days for landing will be 25 and 26.02.18. Here the Moon is already in Cancer. The unfavorable day will be 03/02/18.

But in March there is the same auspicious days for sowing seeds for seedlings. This is the period from 03.03.18 on 07.03.18. Until March 5, the Moon will be in the constellation Libra, and until March 7 - in the constellation Scorpio. At this time, it has the greatest impact on all life on Earth.

How to sow pepper seedlings

The first step is to prepare the seeds for planting. This preparation should be carried out the day before sowing. At the beginning, we soak the seeds: fill them with warm water and put them by the battery for 20 hours. After that, drain the water and fill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary for disinfection. The seeds lie in the solution for 30 minutes.

Now we are preparing a landing site. Since the seedlings are very tender, it is difficult to replant it, you can damage the roots. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately plant in separate pots.

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall. If this is not possible, then you can look in the store.

Before planting, moisten the soil - water it well. If you use a common container, then the seeds must be laid out at a distance of two centimeters from each other. In individual pots, it is enough to put two pieces of seeds. Next, cover with soil and water. After that, cover with foil and put in a warm place.

Now it remains only to wait for the first sprouts to appear.

Pepper seedling care

After about 8 days, the seeds will begin to germinate and the seedling box should be placed in a well-lit place. The temperature should be around 20 degrees. We periodically remove the film for 15 minutes, accustoming the seedlings to the open air. And in four days we remove the film completely.

As for watering, just as the soil should not be allowed to dry out, it should also not be watered too abundantly. We water as the earth dries up, but do not overfill.

If you planted seeds for seedlings in March, then the shoots that appear will need to be highlighted. At first, they are illuminated around the clock. A week later - only three times a day.

We water the emerging shoots every three days. Moreover, we do one watering with plain water, and the next - with water with ash dissolved in it.

If you planted a shift in separate pots, then you don’t have to dive them. If they have grown in the total capacity, then you will have to go through this procedure.

This is usually done 30 days after most of the shoots have appeared. We water the seedlings a day before picking. We also water the soil in transplant pots. Carefully dig up the seedling with a spatula and plant it in the prepared hole in the transplant pot. We fall asleep, and keep in a well-lit place at a temperature of 18 degrees.

Now we are waiting for stable warm weather to transplant the pepper into the greenhouse or immediately into the ground.

How to plant pepper seedlings in the ground

With the onset of the end of May and the beginning of June, you can start planting seedlings in the ground. We dig the site in advance. We arrange seedling holes at a distance of 40-50 cm.

A week before planting, seedlings must be hardened off. To do this, it is taken out into the open air, first for 30 minutes, then gradually increasing the time.

The day before planting seedlings in the ground, it is watered.

During transplantation, the seedlings are carefully removed from the pot and planted at the same depth as they were in the pot. Then fall asleep and water abundantly.

It is best to plant seedlings in the ground on a warm day in the evening.

Tall varieties are best planted at a distance of 45-50 cm, medium-sized ones - at a distance of 35 cm, and early-ripening low-growing varieties after 25 cm. The row spacing will be 50-60 cm.

The first 10 days you should not water the seedlings, just slightly moisten the soil when it dries.

If done right, your peppers will delight you with a good harvest.

And at the end of the topic - a short video on caring for pepper seedlings.

Good luck with your gardening business!

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2019 can be carried out taking into account favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar planting calendar, compiled specifically for gardeners and gardeners. Of course, it is also important to take into account the climatic and weather conditions of different regions of the country. Peppers are a rather heat-loving crop, therefore they require close care and attention, especially in Siberia.

However, in any case, first of all, it is necessary to choose the optimal time for sowing seedlings, and then planting them in greenhouses or open ground.

Of course, correctly determining the timing of sowing is only half the work. You should know how to do it correctly, when to transplant pepper, what to grow seedlings in and other rules.

When to sow pepper seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

It is necessary to start growing seedlings in the last days of February or the first of March. According to the moon calendar and based on personal observations, experienced gardeners concluded that seedlings would appear either at the end of May or at the beginning of June. Residents of the middle lane and northerners need to grow seedlings at the end of February.

It is desirable to sow pepper from February 15 to March 10 inclusive. The lunar calendar indicates that the most favorable days will be February 17, 18, 21, 22, 25 and 26, March 1, 8, 9, 12. For sowing, it is better to choose containers. It is immediately worth noting that pepper reacts negatively to picking, so you should plant it in separate pots.

As a soil, it is better to take the earth and mix it with sand and humus. Soak before planting hot water seeds for 5 hours, then wrap them for 2-3 days in a wet cloth. 1 grain is planted in 1 pot, but if there are a lot of them, then 2-3 can be. Sprouted seedlings are watered with warm water.

In the Moscow region, the climate allows planting seedlings in a greenhouse from mid-April, which is facilitated by weather conditions typical for the Moscow region. In the Leningrad region, the weather is more changeable, which requires constant monitoring and attention to the state of seedlings.

In Siberia, heat is established much later than in the European part of Russia, which also corrects the time for sowing seeds for seedlings and their further planting in greenhouses and open ground.

Traditionally, the time of sowing seedlings is determined by the expected date of planting it in the ground. Here it is important to consider the characteristics of pepper varieties:

  • sowing of early ripening varieties last numbers February to the last days of March;
  • sowing of mid-season varieties - from the second half of February to the second half of March;
  • sowing late-ripening varieties - from the end of January to the second decade of March.

According to the lunar calendar, favorable days for sowing pepper seedlings in 2019:

  • in January - 10, 11, 18, 31 numbers;
  • in February - 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 24;
  • in March - 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 26;
  • in April - 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 16, 25 numbers.

Bad days:

  • in February - 3, 4, 20 numbers;
  • in March - 5, 31 numbers;
  • in April - the 5th.

When to plant pepper seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground?

Pepper seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse 50-70 days after sowing. Pepper transplantation into open ground is possible only when the earth warms up and day and night temperatures return to normal. In the southern regions of the country, planting in open ground is possible from early April to mid-May. In the central and northern - from mid-May to early July.

Seedlings can be transplanted if:

  • seedlings have formed up to a height of 20-25 cm;
  • the thickness of the trunk reached the size of a pencil;
  • the presence of three pairs of leaves;
  • dark green leaves;
  • presence of buds.

It is also important to consider that different varieties of peppers reach ripeness at different times:

  • super-early varieties - 90-100 days;
  • early varieties - 100-120 days;
  • mid-season - 125-135 days;
  • late-ripening - 140-150 days.

Table of agricultural work with seedlings of peppers by months

Month Featured Works
January Planting seeds of late varieties. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the seedlings: check the air temperature, soil moisture, etc.
February Favorable month for planting pepper seedlings. Good days for a pick - 25, 27, 28 numbers. It is possible to transplant seedlings into a heated greenhouse
March Favorable month for planting pepper seedlings. Care of seedlings planted in February. Good days for picking seedlings - 7, 10, 12. Unfavorable days - 8 and 9 numbers. From the 10th to the 15th - feeding seedlings, pest and disease control.
April It is possible to transplant seedlings into open ground, provided that the soil has warmed up. The most favorable days for watering, processing, feeding and transplanting are the 7th and 11th.
May Top dressing with urea seedlings transplanted in April. Transplanting seedlings planted in March. Auspicious days for all types of work with seedlings of peppers - 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 28
June Transplanting in open ground or greenhouse of the last seedlings. The most favorable days for this: 5th, 6th, 13th

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Although there is still time until spring, many gardeners are actively preparing for the meeting. holiday season. Because for many it starts already in February. Soil preparation, the purchase of seeds, the processing of planting containers - this is a small list of activities necessary for growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers.

Bulgarian pepper also belongs to those crops that are grown through seedlings.

What pepper to plant for seedlings - the choice of seeds

The choice of varieties is huge - you need to look at the regionalization of the variety

Deciding to grow sweet on your plot bell pepper, the gardener goes for seeds to a specialized store. What should I pay attention to when buying? First of all, it is a manufacturer. Its reliability will provide the gardener with high-quality seed.

Shelf life is another criterion that must be taken into account. Pepper seeds can remain viable for 3-4 years, but do not wait until the deadline. With each year of storage, the percentage of germination decreases. Fresh seeds will provide friendly seedlings.

If, among the many bags of seeds, one or several are found in the summer resident's stocks, with an overdue date, they can be

When to plant bell pepper seedlings in 2019

Pepper planting

Peppers have a long growing season. For some varieties, it can be about five months. And, it is quite obvious that sowing seeds in open ground may simply not produce a crop. The seedling method will provide an opportunity to enjoy a tasty and healthy vegetable at an earlier date.

Like most vegetables, peppers are divided into several categories according to the ripening time:

  • early varieties (they include super early and medium early)
  • mid-season varieties
  • late-ripening

When choosing the timing of sowing seeds, you can use the general recommendations that are indicated on the packaging of the purchased seeds. These are average sowing times. Therefore, it is better to determine them yourself, based on the climatic conditions of your region or region.

After counting down from the date when frosts usually occur in a particular region.

Stepping back two and a half months (this is average age planted seedlings), you get the approximate date of sowing seeds.

To it should also be added the time to prepare the seeds for sowing and the time of their germination. This option is suitable for planting seedlings in open ground. For greenhouse cultivation, the sowing time is shifted by another two weeks towards the “side of winter”.

Experimenting with the timing, the harvest of an early ripe variety of pepper can be obtained in August. When sowing seeds in the first decade of April, fruiting will occur at the end of summer. This option is often used when, for some reason, the optimal time for sowing has been missed.

Temperature conditions for growing peppers

Heat for pepper is a determining condition for obtaining good harvest. It is necessary for him at all stages of development, starting with sowing seeds.

If the soil in the seedling box is warmed up to 26-28 ° C, and the seeds are properly processed, germination will occur after a week or 10 days.

  • At 20°C it will happen in two weeks
  • An indicator of 18 ° C will delay the emergence of seedlings for a long three weeks
  • A mark of 14 ° C will make the sprouts wait a month

At lower temperatures, the seeds "freeze", their development stops.

During the period when the pepper sprouts have made their way into the light, it is recommended to reduce the temperature for them to 16 ° C, this will allow the seedlings to direct their forces to strengthen the root system.

After the formation of two true leaves, the temperature is brought to 22 ° C and maintained at this level until the moment when it will be necessary to pick the seedlings. Further (after dive) required temperature should be at least 25°C.

There is such a concept as physiological zero" is the temperature
mode in which the plant does not develop. So here it is for peppers it is 14°C.

It follows from this that planting pepper in open ground, with such a temperature indicator, is ineffective. Warmer weather should be expected. In areas where the implementation of this work falls on the end of May, or the beginning of June, the determination of the sowing time will look like this.

Let's count in reverse side seedling age - 2 or 2.5 months, germination period - 2-3 weeks. It turns out mid-March - the time for sowing pepper seeds for open ground, and mid-February - for greenhouses.

Terms of sowing bell pepper for seedlings

When to plant sweet pepper depends on the place of further cultivation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the exact dates. Nature is capricious and often unpredictable. Therefore, each gardener relies on his own gardening experience, because for different regions the timing of sowing peppers is different.

Assuming the cultivation of pepper seedlings on their own, the gardener must know exactly where it will grow in the future. There are several options.

  1. Unheated polycarbonate greenhouse
  2. Greenhouse, using polyethylene film or non-woven covering material
  3. open ground

The timing of fruit ripening is also taken into account.

  • Early varieties begin to bear fruit in 100-120 days
  • In mid-season peppers, the fruiting period begins in four months.
  • Late varieties will please the harvest after five months

February crops are relevant for growing both mid-season and late varieties. This allows you to get the earliest possible harvest and extend the fruiting period of peppers.

It is not scary if the seedlings contain not only flowers, but also fruit ovaries. With a careful transplant, the root system will not cause much harm.

It is better if it is a transshipment of a plant. It should be noted that for a strong pepper bush grown at home, a sufficiently large amount of fertile soil is required in the planting tank.

Sowing peppers for seedlings in March is more common. They deliver less household chores to the gardener to care for plants. Seedlings do not have time to outgrow much, stretch out. Although there are many options for solving these problems.

If the finished seedlings cannot yet be planted in the ground, then it should create cooler conditions for growth. Peppers will slow down development.

For reference: in horticultural centers, drugs are sold that inhibit the development of plants. Use of retardants ( scientific name substances) makes it possible to control the growth of plants.

"Athlete" is one of them, it contributes to the formation of a strong stem, does not allow it to stretch. Promotes the formation of a strong root system and healthy foliage. Its use is most effective in shaded and thickened plantings of seedlings.

When to plant pepper seedlings: video

When to plant sweet peppers in the suburbs

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the best period for sowing seeds in central Russia, there will be a period from the beginning of the second decade of February to mid-March. These dates fit for the Moscow region.

When to plant pepper in the Urals and Siberia

My Ural peppers this (already last ;-)) year (summer 2016)

For gardeners Siberia and the Urals, where the climate is cooler, the time of sowing should be calculated in such a way that fruiting occurs in July and August. This is the warmest time in the region. To get a crop of mid-season peppers in early August, you need to start sowing 135 days before. Plus two weeks for germination. It turns out that the execution of this work falls on the third decade of February.

When to plant pepper in Ukraine

The schedule of spring (rather winter) sowing works looks different in Ukraine. In some areas, already in late April and early May, it is possible to plant mature seedlings in the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to start sowing seeds in January.

Sowing dates for pepper seeds according to the lunar calendar in 2019

Almost all gardeners have heard, and many put into practice, recommendations for growing plants according to the lunar calendar. Someone is skeptical about this, but for someone it is a guide to action. But no one will deny

It has long been known: vegetables that give root crops are sown and planted on a waning moon.

Planting garden crops with fruits on the aerial part, it is desirable to produce with the growing moon.

On the new moon and full moon, it is better to refrain from work related to plants.

  • January - 6.21;
  • February - 5.19;
  • March - 6, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;

In addition to agreeing on landing dates by region, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of the Lunar calendar. Planting is considered completed from the moment the seeds are soaked, since their placement in a humid environment activates growth processes.

For a culture like pepper, this is important, because the plant is considered quite capricious. So that the seedlings do not get sick, the seeds must first be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Auspicious days for sowing pepper in 2019 will be the following dates:

  • in January - 10, 11, 18, 31;
  • in February - 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 24;
  • in March - 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 26;
  • in April - 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 16, 25.

Seedlings will be ready for relocation to the greenhouse in 50-70 days, depending on the variety. At this point, the seedlings should have a height of 20-25 cm and formed buds.

Aries, Taurus, Leo are considered favorable signs of the Zodiac for pepper. Less suitable - Gemini, Sagittarius.

In practice, each gardener decides for himself what to rely on.

Judging by my personal practice, a constant look at the moon does not give a special positive effect, and in extremely fanatical cases it can even do harm. Much more important than the moon, for summer residents, weather conditions and clues from nature.

My wonderful peppers - summer 2016

When preparing the soil, be sure to take into account that pepper is a demanding and capricious plant. It needs fertile, loose soil. To obtain the desired composition, humus, sand, peat and soddy soil can be mixed in equal proportions. Instead of sand, you can add 0.5 liters of ash, 2 matchboxes of fertilizer. Suitable superphosphate.

All components are thoroughly mixed, and already in the landing boxes, the soil is disinfected. Tanks should have drainage holes to avoid stagnant water. After a day, you can start sowing.

Spread on the surface of the soil, observing an interval of 1 cm between the grains. Place the rows after 2-3 cm. If sowing is done in individual pots, then put 2 seeds in them. After germination, a weak sprout should be pinched.

Seeds can be deepened with a match if the sowing area is small, or sprinkled with the same moist soil. Only more sand should be added to it so that it is easier for the sprouts to break through to the light. Cover the boxes with foil or glass to retain heat and moisture. Remove to the warmest place in the apartment.

Crops need daily airing to prevent mold growth.
All recommendations for growing sweet peppers fully apply to hot peppers. However, it should be remembered that it must be sown in a separate container at home, and in the garden - choose a site away from the sweet fellow.

How to plant pepper seedlings in February: video

Good luck with your crops!

In 2014, in February, according to the lunar calendar, it is recommended to sow pepper February 6-7 and February 10-12 on the growing moon under the signs of Taurus and Cancer. If you did not have time to plant plants on these dates, then you can plant them on other dates, there will be nothing terrible, the only thing is that this will not be planting according to the lunar calendar.

For 2015, favorable periods for sowing pepper: 23-25 ​​February and 27 (from 17 pm) - 28 February inclusive.

How to plant pepper seedlings:

Pepper seeds can be sown in separate pots, including peat pots, because peppers do not need picking, like tomatoes. But it is possible to sow in a common box, evenly distributing the seeds over the surface and sprinkling with a layer of earth of 1 centimeter. After this, it is necessary to water the earth abundantly (but do not fill it, otherwise mold will appear). And only then, when shoots appear, seedlings can dive into separate pots.

In the case of planting in a common box, after the seeds have been sprinkled with earth and watered, you can cover the box with polyethylene, leaving an air gap for ventilation, and put it in a warm place, not even necessarily bright. While the pepper is covered with a film, it almost does not need watering, due to the greenhouse effect. When shoots appear from the ground, the film must be removed and the seedling box should be transferred to the light.

By the way - there is no difference when planting from what kind of pepper you sow - sweet, Bulgarian or bitter.

How long to wait for pepper shoots:

It should be borne in mind that the pepper sprouts for a very long time. No need to wait for seedlings earlier than through 10-15 days after landing. And seedlings should be planted in the soil only after all frosts have passed and the night temperature will not be lower than 13-15 degrees. At first, it is better to plant bushes under a film or in a greenhouse.

Although winter has not yet thought of leaving, the garden season will begin very soon. First of all, it will affect those who independently grow seedlings. Guided by the planting calendar, you can choose suitable days for planting seeds for seedlings. On average, such work begins in February.

In general, seeds for seedlings, depending on the region, can be planted from January to April.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

It is known that the phases of the moon affect the development of plants. Therefore, it recommends that certain works be carried out on certain days of the state of the moon.

Nothing can be done on the new moon. But the day before and after it, as well as on the full moon, it is necessary to devote it to cleaning from weeds.

On the waning moon, you need to do pruning, top dressing and watering. And on the growing moon, work on loosening, pruning and planting is suitable. During this period, it is good to plant ampelous and tall-growing plants for seedlings.

Which days will become favorable and, accordingly, unfavorable for planting seedlings can be seen from the table.

Monthauspicious daysbad days
January1, 10, 15, 16, 19, 20, 29 5, 6, 12, 21
It is recommended to plant seeds of such crops: tomatoes, sweet peppers, black onions, petunias, begonias.
February1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17 3, 4, 20
It is recommended to plant seeds of such crops: eggplants, peppers (sweet, bitter), tomatoes, chrysanthemums, petunias, cloves.
March7, 14, 16, 19 and 213, 5, 31
This month is favorable to pick seedlings
April7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18

February is the time when the seeds of those vegetables that are planned to be grown in the greenhouse begin to be sown for seedlings.

March and April - grown seedlings are transferred to closed ground. Seedlings of ornamental crops, herbs and vegetables are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses.

In May, seedlings of those plants that are planted directly in open ground are prepared. By the end of May, all seedling work is already over and the gardening period begins directly.

What other days and what crops can be planted for seedlings and beds in 2019 are shown in this table.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019 auspicious days

The days of sowing tomato seeds depend primarily on the climatic zone. The ripening time of the tomato also affects. If the seeds are planted too early, then the seedlings may overgrow, if later, the seedlings will be underdeveloped, which can lead to disease and poor harvest. Normal, ready-to-plant seedlings have a thick, strong stem and 6-8 true leaves.

The table below shows the ripening time for different varieties of tomatoes and at what time the grown seedlings are planted in the ground.

To determine the exact date of planting seeds, it is necessary to make simple calculations. For example, we want to plant seedlings in the garden on June 1st. We subtract from this date the days for the development of plants and 5-7 days for their shoots. As a result, we get that it will be necessary to sow seeds for seedlings from March 24 to April 2.

Generally, auspicious days for sowing tomatoes in 2019 are:

Accordingly, unfavorable days will be:

Sowing seedlings of pepper and eggplant seeds in 2019

Sowing pepper seeds for seedlings usually begins on February 16 and ends in mid-March. When choosing the time of planting, it is necessary to take into account the timing of growing the seedlings themselves until they are planted in the ground. So for early varieties, such terms are 65 days, for mid-season varieties - 65-70 days, and for late ones - 75 days.

If we add another 6 days to these terms, which are for seed germination and seedlings, we will get the date when seeds can be sown for seedlings.

According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for planting seeds for seedlings will be as follows:

January - 10, 11, 18, 31; February - 1, 2, 8-12, 15, 24; March - 3, 4, 10-14, 17, 26; April - 2-4, 9, 13, 16, 25; May - 7-10, 14, 15; June - 4, 5, 12-14, 18.

The unfavorable days will be such days:

As for eggplants, they also have their own favorable and unfavorable terms.

The technical ripeness of the fruits of early varieties of eggplant occurs on the 85-90th day from germination, in the middle 90-120 and in the late 120-150 days.

There are not many favorable days for planting seeds, so do not miss them:

But there are also not so many unfavorable days:

Planting finished seedlings in open ground is also recommended to be done on favorable days. In 2019, such days fall on April 20, 22, 24, 25;

Favorable periods for sowing cabbage for seedlings

Cabbage is perhaps the most popular garden crop. Each gardener grows at least three varieties. But all of them are both early and late.

When planting seeds for seedlings, it is also necessary to take into account such parameters as the timing of seed germination, the age of seedlings.

The most favorable days for planting cabbage for seedlings are in February - 5-8, 19-22; in March - 7-8, 18, 20-21; in April - 4-6, 8-10, 20-23 and in May - 8-12, 19-24.

Unfavorable days: in February - 14-16; in March - 1-3, 16 and 30; in April - 15-17, 29.30 and in May -14-16, 28-30.

The age of seedlings for planting it in open ground should be:

  • white and red early varieties - 50-55 days, medium varieties - 40-45 days, late varieties - 30-35 days
  • broccoli - 45-50 days
  • cauliflower - 45-55 days
  • Brussels sprouts - 50-60 days
  • kohlrabi and savoy cabbage - 35-45 days.

Cucumbers for seedlings are best sown in the following periods

It is recommended to sow cucumbers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar during the growing moon. The most favorable days for planting seeds will be: in January 1-3, 28-30, in February 25-27

After planting seedlings, it must be looked after. For this, their own days are also set aside, in which certain works are performed.

It is best to plant seedlings in open ground in March: 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 24 and in May: 8-9, 14-18. Unfavorable days are in March: 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, and in May: 5, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20.

Landing in the greenhouse is carried out in March: 8-10, 14-16, in May: 6, 7, 11, 13-18 and in June 4, 8, 9, 11-14. But on such days as in March: 5, 11, 12, 13, 19, in May: 5, 8, 9, 10, 19 and in June 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18 it is better not to do any work.

How to choose seeds for planting

An important component of obtaining a good harvest is the choice of seeds. A lot depends on where you get the planting material. Quality seeds can only be purchased in specialized stores. This also applies to the manufacturer. If the name of an unknown company is written on the package, then it is better to consult first, and then take it.

It is better to buy seeds of different varieties, and different manufacturers. In addition, when choosing seeds, it is necessary to take into account their sowing and varietal qualities. According to sowing qualities, such characteristics as purity, humidity, which should be no more than 8%, germination energy, i.e., the number of seeds that will germinate after a while, germination is the number of seeds that germinate after a maximum period allocated for germination and the degree of infection with diseases and pests.

When purchasing seeds in a store, you need to study what is written on the package. This is especially true for those seeds that you purchase for the first time. In the description, it is necessary to pay attention to such indicators as the name of the crop, the name of the variety or hybrid, including their brief description and cultivation features, batch number, weight or number of seeds, GOST, seed expiration dates.

If you grow only crops, then it is better to purchase hybrids - F1 and F2, and if you need seed material in the future, then you need to choose varietal plants.

After you have chosen the seeds, you can start planting them.

Hardening and planting seedlings

Before planting seeds, they must be hardened. This procedure is necessary for those plants that are heat-loving (for example, tomato, pepper, eggplant and gourds). Hardening of seeds is carried out both at 0 and at minus 2-4 degrees. To do this, take already swollen seeds, those that have already sprouts are not subjected to such a procedure. This is due to the fact that low temperatures can destroy the seeds.

But seeds purchased from well-known, well-established manufacturers do not need to be hardened, since they have already gone through all the necessary processing.

See the video below for how to harden off tomato seeds.

As for sowing seeds, there are a lot of ways. You can plant in cups, you can first in special containers, and then transplant - dive into separate containers. All the same glasses. Especially popular now are peat cups and peat tablets.

Seedling care and planting in the ground

While the seedlings are growing, they need very careful care. This is loosening the soil, regular watering. Tap water is not suitable for irrigation. It must be allowed to stand at room temperature.

Sufficient lighting is important. In sunny regions, it is enough to periodically put seedlings on the windowsill. In the same place where there is little sun or you do not have a sunny side, use additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps. If the seedlings began to stretch strongly, then it does not have enough light.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, it must be hardened off. For this day, 15-20 days before transplanting, seedlings must be placed in a cool place, on the balcony. If there is no balcony, you can open the window. Initially, the hardening time is 2-3 hours. Then every day we increase the time by an hour. At the end it should be 5-6 hours.

After all these procedures, you can start planting seedlings in open ground. Transplanting depends on how you originally grew the seedlings. If she grew immediately in peat pots or tablets, then everything is simple here. In these same pots and planted.

If the plants were grown in plastic cups, then you must first cut the cup lengthwise and, holding the plant by the stem, carefully remove it without disturbing the earthen ball with the roots. After that, we lower the seedling into the hole prepared in advance.

The right approach to growing and caring for seedlings will subsequently give a good harvest.

Good luck with your gardening business!